building a CAFETERIA for my NEW BLOXBURG CAMPSITE... it's a mess hall

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once upon a time there was oh what's that hey everyone welcome back to the channel today we are back here in a pita burke i said peter burke yes yes it's me i'm here so for today's episode we are gonna be going back to my newest project which is camp bread well it's not really the name yet we're still kind of figuring it out i think we're getting closer but right now we're just going to call it camp bread which is my newest summer campsite project i have done a couple of things off camera just so i can uh you know show you something while for the next couple episodes i will work on stuff off camera just so we can speed this up as you can see i finally added some more things to my entrance i think my entrance looks a little bit better now look at this i added two waterfalls on both sides right now the waterfall doesn't make sense because there's nothing it's coming out of nowhere so i'm gonna have to like i just realized that at the end so i might have to fix that add some like fake water or something there and then i added one over here as well and it goes into this nice little pond does it have to make sense i don't know so yeah that is what we have going on for insurance we just have a lot of greenery now there's a lot of trees adding these little mountain things help it a lot too and i just kind of just you know added a bunch of trees along the side there um grass plants bushes and stuff all that goodness so the entrance looks a lot better now i would say this whole stargazing camping area is uh it's all right i don't know how i feel about this still so for today's episode i thought we would work on the mess hall which is right next to where we started here and this is going to be the cafeteria if you don't know what a mess hall is it's the hall where messes happen we have to feed you apparently we have to feed you i might as well provide a place to eat and it's going to be like a nice cabiny it's it's great it's going to be great because it's gonna be like brown and it's a good excuse for me to use brown so yeah it's gonna be like a nice cabiny cafeteria and then um i was reading you guys comments on what else i should add some people say add a rock climbing i think that's a really good idea so we should make like a nice rock climbing mountain thing so we might do that eventually and then i realized we also have this event tent thingy so maybe we could use this somehow i forgot that this existed here um i've also just been experimenting more with how the cabins are gonna look once again these are like the uh the cabins the kids will stay in there's currently four i did say was gonna make at least four to six we're gonna work on the mess hall today where we can eat some food but yeah i'm actually kind of happy with how my entrance looks now all right so the mess hall is obviously to be right here i outlined it um but it's not going to be exactly just a square i'm going to try to add some shapes to it we should do something like this make maybe like a modern oh a modern modern mess hall cabin thingy oh that'd be fun okay that's not exactly how i want it to look this mess hall is not going to be the greatest huh okay wait it needs to be bigger i need to move it back more okay here's more space what if we just use more space like bring it all the way back here i just don't want it to be too boxy like i don't even know if i want the cabins to be here should the cabins be here let me know if you think this is a good place for the cabins i'm still like like we haven't done anything yet so this could change any moment but um if you think the cabins are okay here let me know because i i'm still unsure so this will be a two-story building not really two stories it's gonna look like a two-story building but it's not gonna be it's just gonna be very tall ceilings and we could go ahead and put a roof on top of all of this it's gonna be gable it's the only roof that will look i think the most decent out of this okay the shape of this isn't too bad actually that's not the worst should the chimney go here and then there should be a fireplace for sure like right here i'm thinking of making this not only a cafeteria with a kitchen but with a nice cozy place to sit and i want the mess hall to feel cozy as well like a nice place to sit and chill let me put some windows we need to start adding i'm gonna just go and start putting windows on the walls like everywhere like add these to the sides and stuff and then we add like two giant ones let's see that's a good window up there one window up there what if i added a slanted on the very edge like this like this raise it up and then no overhang okay just strictly like this it's like my cabin's wearing a wig like i'm wearing it's like it's wearing a wig my mess haul is wearing a wig i'm telling you when i put this slanted roof here it looks like my mess hall has a wig it's got hair it's starting to look like dora i think i need different textures i think we need some like stones and like bricks and stuff that should be the two main textures wood and like some stone somewhere in places it is just all one texture that's the only thing i'm good at is just one texture everywhere it's so tricky i hate coloring stuff okay let's work on the interior while i'm struggling on the exterior all right here is our mess hall so we gotta make a kitchen um i've never been camping i've never been to a campsite i've never done those things so i i'd say we moved the kitchen to the back here there's our kitchen this is the main mess hall that's really all we need and then this area can be like a lobby not a lobby but like a living cozy space so let's add a fireplace the stone fireplace that would probably make the most sense wait how do i extend this can i oh i can extend this right ah yes so good okay that is awesome we can rescale it all the way up now it actually makes sense and it reaches this sort of so maybe let's move this right there there you go oh it's okay if you need to use a bathroom if you work here and you need to use the bathroom well too bad you're gonna need to uh go to the porta potty okay i'm thinking what kind of table should we use i'm thinking the transitional the log or the pro not the primal maybe the log tables this looks very mess hall like and maybe like one outside i'm thinking of maybe adding outside what's that folding chairs this is more mess hall like actually i don't know i feel about it yet but uh this is so far the mess hall we have four tables four eight 12 16 for 16 16 kids we're gonna have to like serve lunch in groups or something because 16 and then we have a bit of space for like the cozy lounging area now i don't think you would normally see this in a mess hall the tables look so plain right now i want to add the table runners to it i think it will look better and then we can have some start adding some plants plants would be really nice for this place it is very cozy right it was cozy let's just have a tv if they want to like pay attention to the news or something keep themselves updated while they're away at the campsite this is so random it's like there's a living room inside the cafeteria basically but it's like yeah it's that chill lounging area so yeah i don't know what to do with this area actually this is gonna be maybe this could be like the supply area no there's thing one thing for sure this mess hall is a mess like i don't know if it looks good like it's a mess with a bad mess so for the lighting for this place we're definitely gonna use the chandeliers and then we're gonna have to drag them all the way down oh god this is weird this is weird i don't know if i like this do i like this what is this mess hall there's only a little bit oh my gosh if we want to make like pizza s'mores or something in there is that those uh definitely a grill i love how these things they don't attach at all has anyone did this before where they like put the fridges like like that i'm sure i'm sure someone is this is our kitchen there's just too many windows maybe if i get rid of like two of these or we do this i think that looks better i think we should just do this there's so many bro there's so much brown i just said there's so many bro okay i think i like the outside a lot better now i think that looks mess holly that looks it looks like a mess the world on this channel we don't call things cramped we just call it cozy what do i do up there what do we even do up there what should i just add windows up there what's the point oh my god what am i doing now hello kids welcome to miss hall maybe some posters to like promoting like certain clubs and stuff oh join join the axe throwing club today you will not regret it you will have perfect aim and you will be really good at defending yourself from a house robbery join the axe club today join it join us it's not a cult it's not a cult it's fine and i just want to say this um this is a rough draft right now of my mess hall maybe in the next episode it'll look way better than this or i'll do something crazy chances are i won't but i'm just saying this is a very much um rough draft it is a rough draft all right okay well we did a lot of decorating so far but i'm just going to finish it up and i'll be back when it's completely done we can just uh tour it and maybe i'll like finish the exterior but i'll be back when it's done okay guys our mess hall is finally complete i just finished decorating the exterior and interior and i think it's good enough for now so let's go ahead and tour it uh if we walk through here oh my gosh guys it started i don't know why i'm really excited about this already so when we go to the entrance we have this hill that goes up there maybe i should i don't know if i can add stuff on the stairs but i really want to add like rocks or stepping stones there somehow i will find a way look it is our mess hall it is the mess hall cabiny wooden looking building there's really nothing too special about it i will make maybe some a couple changes with it eventually but um that's just what it looks like i'm gonna go show you guys in build mode real quick all right oh this is what it looks like here's a better look at it i think the front of it looks kind of nice look at this this is kind of cute very natural you got a place to sit here got some trash cans of course another seating area and you got more seating and dining and stuff i actually kind of want to add these tables over here as well so you can like sit over and eat let's do a full 360. okay the back is a little okay um and i did try to go for like a modern cab so now we're just gonna go walk inside so this is what the indoors looks like um it is a mess hall so you got like three tables on this side you've got two more tables right here and you got your windows where you will get your food and stuff i got some dispensers on the side so maybe we'll fill it up with water or maybe some tea or lemonade whatever and then it also doubles as like a nice little lounging area so if you're done eating or you just don't want to eat at all this could be a place where you could just chill like watch some tv or read a book or something so i thought this was cool and then instead of this being a storage area i just added more seating here so to make it for like the lack of seating well there's a lot of seating here but just some more seating by the windows if you want to eat here like at like a bar type setting so you can sit here and then there's a lot more trash cans here so once you're done eating you go here and throw away your food and all that stuff so that is the main mess hall area and then if we go through here this is where the kitchen is and it's really spacious as well very tall ceiling once again i actually am struggling a bit with texturing and coloring the walls some more appliances you also have your ice cream and your popcorn just for like those fun activities and this is like the table where the foods kind of like get ready to get served and stuff i don't know i'm not too great with kitchens and then of course you got your fridge your wooden fridge and i think that's pretty much it for this mess haul i actually kind of like the way how this turned out like look at this what wow i'm i'm getting i'm proud of myself i'm surprised of myself but anyway guys that's basically it for this episode if you enjoyed it you found a dumb silly inspiring in a way make sure to give it a big old thumbs up and make sure you hit the subscribe button too because it is completely free you can always unsubscribe whenever so yeah once again always leave your suggestions on what else i should add next um i do have a rock climbing place to in mind i might make a maze but thank you guys for taking the time everybody to watch this i will talk to you in the next video stay healthy stay safe have a wonderful day pita bread signing out goodbye everybody [Music] you
Channel: PeetahBread
Views: 97,825
Rating: 4.9759088 out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Friendly, Kid Friendly, Funny, Silly, Comedy, Happy, PG, Roleplay, Family Friendly, Kids, Fun, ROBLOX, Roblox Roleplay, Welcome to Bloxburg, Welcome, To, Bloxburg, Roblox PG, Roblox Family Friendly, build, bloxburg build, campsite, camp, site, bloxburg campsite, summer campsite, bloxburg summer campsite, new update, bloxburg update, new bloxburg update, peetahbread bloxburg campsite, peetahbread summer camp, Life Simulation
Id: bG1bnt0T1vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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