IF bloxburg had a NEW TOWN UPDATE would this be it... they got bread

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and i really like i like this if blockburg really changed it to this oh my gosh it'll be amazing i would love that oh they have bread they have bread oh my god there's bread i do like bread is this for me i hope this is for me do you like my fabric car it's a one and only kind fabric car i'm not weird i'm not weird everyone welcome back to the channel today we are back here in a blackboard so you guys know how in blackboard the town is pretty um it's you know it's all right the town in this game is just not the greatest it's kinda it gets a little boring after a while and there's not really a whole lot to do around the city a couple of developers have put together a little concept uh game showing what blockburg could be like if the town was updated and we're gonna take a look at that today because i'm really interested to see what differences what things that they changed with the blackberry town because we've all i'm pretty sure all of us really want like a town update um that's probably the number one thing in 2021 hopefully we get that's a concept game so it's not like actual blockburg um but it's an idea of what blockburg could be like if it did get up okie dokie so here's the game it's called blockburg map revamp by blockburn concepts i'll be putting the link of this game in the description so you guys can check it out for yourselves as well because it is free and um yeah it is built by these amazing developers by matt you guys probably know match for his very informational leak videos and all that on blackberry i am aiden i think i am aiden there's float roblox oh my god i know float roadblock mega if since regain riots uh louis louie i'm sorry i'm bad at pronouncing names and lil vin x lil vin so yeah these were the developers that helped make this concept game once again it is only for fun and won't be added to welcome to blockburg it is just a showcase uh monetization isn't present and this is just a community project it's just a fun little thing that they all put together oh my gosh look at that there's co-op this with his baby oh wow look at this do i get admin do i get admin commands i'm just kidding all right so here is what the game looks like you spawn here at bloxburg city hall and as you can see i'm a guest um so this is what the city hall looks like like a revamped more updated blockburg city hall so you got like a little office area up here you can recognize some of the uh blockburg furniture objects um but yeah i really like this version of the city hall a lot better too because there's places to sit um what's back here ooh okay nothing's back here but i like this a lot more than what we have currently in the actual city hall very nice wow that's just pretty here's what it looks like i'm not sure if there's much changed to the exterior of the building but the insides definitely changed and as you guys can see it's the actual blackberry map so if we go over here i can run oh my gosh thank goodness i can run i was like do i have to walk everywhere so let's go to the gym first we have this gym here oh wow so this is an updated version of the blackberry gym so you have all your training equipment out here you're gonna have some like water water jug dispensers that's nice if you're a little parched your treadmills everything every workout equipment in the game is here and they also have your locker room as well also as well as a changing room hopefully they do add like shower room or something in the gym because a lot of gyms do have like you know their own showers and stuff so i'm really glad they added like a little locker room here but it'll be cool to see like a little shower room too this is really nice i like this a lot and it's just a lot more like clean a lot more it's very modern very modern feeling you got your like your skylights too it just makes it feel a lot more open everything about this is really nice exterior is a bit updated look at the roof too that is really cool so over here right across from that we know bff supermarket here's an update on that as well oh my goodness so we got a lot of really cool colorful posters around the store to make it more vibrant more welcoming more like a store you know of course you got your checkout areas here you got your nice foods and stuff they have more foods they got like donuts cookies and cakes um your sodas and stuff and your fruits and whatnots and i really like i like this if blockburg really changed it to this oh my gosh it'll be amazing i would love that oh they have bread they have bread oh my god there's bread i do like bread is this for me i hope this is for me they have loaves of breads for me ah amazing whoever added this scent you're so good all right and then back here this is the stocking room not the stalking room but like the stocking room you know but this is the stock room of course where you get your like bags and stuff i love the changes to the supermarket i don't know i just i hope they do something like this in the real blackberry but i really love the concept of it it is nice you got your like the best food in town you've got a top-rated market in blockburg it's probably because they'll be the only market really right okay so usually there's nothing i don't think there's anything here but in particular when it comes to the real blackberry like it's only just the supermarket and the gym there's really nothing here but they added a blockburg high school a blockburg high school now this is something that's been been wanted for like ages like an actual school they added that in this concept showcase oh this is what the school looks like you got your benches your lockers and there's a bit of graffiti on here too terrible who did this you're going to detention you got your classroom here uh oh my gosh wow wow look at this tv is this the blockburg tv but like huge i don't know wait is it i don't know just a little classroom but there's a classroom there oh if we go over here we've got the i think this is the attendance office i think this is the attendance office maybe the principal's office i'm not sure um there's that it might be attendance office because it definitely looks like an attendance office here is just a bathroom an open bathroom an open bathroom uh over here we have the cafeteria oh my gosh wow then back here you've got the cafeteria kitchen i really like this kitchen i love this cafeteria kitchen um we've got ourselves if we keep continuing on this is the black bricks high school gym oh my goodness imagine if they added like actual basketball hoops and basketball courts oh cool and once again the skylight gives all these windows and the skylight make this room feel more open and feel more bigger so yeah they even have like a scoreboard here as well and then here is another classroom which is probably one of the biggest classrooms right so yeah it's a really big class right to you further we've got another classroom right here as well but yeah we have like three classrooms right there's like three total classrooms and then of course you have the outdoor there's a soccer field or football field we call it football or soccer that is it for the school look at that so if we go over here i'm noticing this right away the nightclub has a whole different look look at this it's not a whole different but it looks extremely different it looks very much like a nightclub now look at that this is a really cool design so if we go into the actual nightclub so you got your neon lights everywhere i do have to say the upstairs was a bit unnecessary was that upstairs unnecessary i'm not sure but they completely got rid of the upstairs area and then they just put all the seating around the dance floor i feel like maybe the upstairs was maybe a bit unnecessary who knows all right so right next to the nightclub we have our fancy furniture oh my gosh this looks so much better like this looks really good right here most people don't really use the fancy furniture store to actually shop for furniture but it's just kind of like there because you know town but this looks a lot more clean a lot more improved than what we have right now i love this setup a lot better as well has everything you need once again more improved and cleaned up you know more improved more like refreshing to look at i love the exterior look as well like this little thing here they even added like some plants here as well it's just overall very refreshing to look at and then of course we cannot forget pizza planet oh my gosh this took a completely different like turn so um pizza planet in blackberry right now is based off like it's kind of like the one from toy story but this is like a more modern different approach to pizza planet so of course you've got your people here that will serve you some pizza tables as well tables and chairs so you can eat inside this is where you would make the pizzas and then of course the delivery people would have to go right here to pick up the pizzas oh that's actually really cool wow i like this a lot better because i find myself getting stuck in here a lot that is the update on pizza planet this took a lot of changes i should i should probably go over here huh let's go over here let's finish what's over here real quick okay so we got the hair salon the hair salon was not the best place to like to look at but here is what the updated uh concept hair salon looks like i actually love this flooring whoa ours is a bit plain and very simple it definitely looks like a hair studio now oh do you like the revamp project yes i do it actually looks like a hair salon amazing let's continue on let's go to over here i think this is the uh oh look at this oh my god the green clean janitorial services okay even the janitor place got an update as well oh look at it you got like a seating area here you got all your cleaning equipment glenn is still you know he doesn't like his job and then we move over here to blocky burgers i want to see what they did with this place blocky burgers oh my gosh is that you and it definitely looks like a fast food um burger joint now it looks like a fast food burger place so yeah you got all your cds here and then this is the updated cashier place i love the little burger designs on the walls as well like instead of just leaving it plain there they added burger decals and stuff on the wall amazing amazing job on that all right what else do we got what else do we got okay now we can go over here to like mike's motors the gas station benzygreen all that good stuff let's go here mike motors they even updated it with the golf cart um the minivan the roto minivan it looks a lot better it looks it looks really nice oh they even have a car on display out here as well like this car and then the motorcycle and of course you got your gas blocks they completely removed the um oh this is what the oh my god this is the repair place is this the repair job it's the mechanical the engineer the mechanical job i think i forgot what it's called i don't work here very often change people's tires spray paint stuff and fix things so i like how this changed as well they've taken out the parking garage completely so i think you can kind of see that here i don't know people barely use the parking garage so i don't blame them for actually just removing it completely because no one really uses it there's a lot of things that aren't used in this game so of course they have the blackberry sign right there it's kind of like hollywood on that mountain over there because you know the mound's just like a mountain so it's really cool that they added something to it and it looks like that okay let me go over here first i don't know if they made any changes over here but oh they added the sign here at blockburg park okay so nothing really changed here i don't think in the ice cream place uh they didn't really change the ferris wheel no changes were made i think it's fine over here as well i think this area is fine what's that over there who is that do i want to know do i want to take a look is that froggy hops oh my gosh i think that's froggy hops i knew right away i i knew his frame i know his frame look it's froggy hops wow froggy hops hi froggy okay this area so this is the block brick park so yeah it's just an updated like park area so if you oh they got like two benches here that's crazy wow look at that they even have a hot cocoa all right so yeah i believe i don't know if there's anything else really changed but uh let's go over here to lovely lumber and take a look at this block brick side wow okay nothing much changed here but it's nice to see that hopefully they do something like this too i want them to do something like this it'd be kind of nice get a photo look i'm in hollywood i believe that is pretty much it uh i believe it's mostly just the town update like a town renovation but anyway guys that is basically it for this episode uh if you guys enjoyed it you found it silly dumb interesting or inspiring in some sort of way make sure to give it a big thumbs up and if you guys want to continue you know watching other things on this channel make sure to hit the subscribe button it is completely free let me know what you guys think of this concept of the blockburg town being updated once again it's just a concept it's not the real thing it's a community project once again shout out to the developers of this for creating this it was really well done thank you guys for taking the time already to watch this i will talk to you all in the next upcoming video so stay healthy stay safe have a wonderful day later bread signing out goodbye everybody [Music] you
Channel: PeetahBread
Views: 519,219
Rating: 4.9593673 out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Friendly, Kid Friendly, Funny, Silly, Comedy, Happy, PG, Roleplay, Family Friendly, Kids, Fun, ROBLOX, Roblox Roleplay, Welcome to Bloxburg, Welcome, To, Bloxburg, Roblox PG, Roblox Family Friendly, build, bloxburg build, new map, bloxburg new map, new bloxburg map, concept, revamp, bloxburg map revamp, bloxburg new concept map, bloxburg town update concept, Peetahbread bloxburg, Life Simulation
Id: -hmZGGkLdcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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