Building a Cafe in BLOXBURG But We Swap Every 5 Minutes

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so I recently built a house with a subscriber except every 5 minutes we swapped houses and because so many of you guys like that video I thought in today's video we're going to be building a cafe except every 5 minutes we're going to be swapping builds so I invited one of my subscribers here Cece and not only that I also invited a few other subscribers to come watch me um I don't know why you dressed up as me though so if you guys would like to be in a future video like this make sure to subscribe to the channel and with that being said let's get started okay CeCe are you ready yes yes okay I don't know why a demon just came out of me but okay now before you start would you like to be pink or blue okay it looks like CC wants to be pink that kind of makes sense as you can see me and Cece's build are each going to be 10 blocks by 10 blocks personally I think that is enough room for a cafe the 5 minutes starts now okay CeCe already has something down okay don't focus on CCE Alaska focus on yourself um wait what am I doing wait what am I doing oh my God okay wait I'm scared why is this so stressful I think I want to go for a Vint Jazz Cafe you like jazz and hopefully this will turn out good I also want it to be two stories cuz I want this second floor to be extra seating hopefully if this looks good if it doesn't then guess what I dropped my phone okay quick quick quick quick quick I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing oh my God okay um stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs where are the stairs oh why do I do this to myself this is genuinely like the most stressful challenge ever okay I don't really know how much time we have left I'm just just learning not to care I feel like the more I look at the time the more I'm going to stress out so guess what I'm just not going to look at the time stay out of mind now all up here I want this to be a garden okay nice little garden oh actually no I changed my mind up here I want this to be a patio oh God we have 3 minutes left all right I'm not stressed out I promise I really hope CeCe gets the whole Jazz Cafe look that I'm trying to achieve to help her out a little bit I'm going to put an umbrella up here so she gets the idea oh God we got 2 minutes left we got 2 minutes left okay um fence fence we need a fence so this should be like a workout whatever we're doing I have never been more stressed out in my life okay door we need a door she already has a door okay don't focus on her focus on you EXO okay Windows did I really want to add those windows though they're kind of ugly oh well it's fine you know why it's fine because it's too late we're running out of time we don't have time to be fussy we also have 1 minute left guys I'm scared okay that's do I like that yes I do I do I do 30 seconds okay awnings up the top here maybe if I color it first she will understand like the vibe that I want to go for a little Jazz Cafe so nice neutral greens for the awnings up here oh gosh 5 Seconds 4 3 2 1 okay swap okay 5 minutes is up um let's have a look at what she's working with so far okay interesting layout you know what I think she wants to go for maybe like a Loft Cafe no I can definitely make this work all right see one thing I hate about this challenge is you don't know if you're doing the idea that they want or you're doing something completely different I also hope CC continues by JZ Cafe theme it would be very sad if she does not what's this huh what's this I'm telling you it's my dream to own a jazz cafe it's it's just the dream I feel like I'm less stressed out than last time okay quick quick quick quick quick I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing oh my God okay um stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs where are the stairs also my neck hurts I'm like hunched over my computer all stressed out considering this is a cafe I feel like she needs a sign at the front this is Cafe okay I have an idea for um her Cafe maybe what if we do like a New York brick Cafe I'm just making up my own themes at this point have I ever been to New York no I love how we both have two stories going on for um our cafes I find that kind of cute okay painting up here because uh because I am stressing out m I'm having my p h right now I need to I feel like I really did not do much to her Cafe we've literally got 1 minute left and what have I done paint walls a CCE we've got 40 seconds left girl oh 20 seconds left Salem this is not the time to be crying at my door right now no no this is not the time I will let you out in a minute why do they do this to me okay 10 seconds okay I think that's all I'm going to do okay 5 minutes is up so we are going to be swapping again added some chairs to my Cafe all right then you know what I'm going to do the same thing you guys were complaining last time that I didn't add much Furniture so guess what this time I'm going to add Furniture jaz's cafes are typically very cozy I want to feel very cozy in here and I don't know if we have time we've only got 3 minutes that went by so fast looks like she's added some cabinets here um I might move these don't kill me I'm not going to delete them I am going to move them though don't kill me Stacey I'm going to move them this way so then we have more room at the back here for our our kitchen cabinets cabinets cabinets pick anything I don't care I'm stressing myself out because I'm so slow I feel like when I'm building with you guys I am so slow I don't know why okay oven these ovens are ugly wait no I don't want an ugly oven I want a stove I want two expensive stoves because counters okay what do I how do I want this kitchen colored that's kind of nice right yes yes I don't know I love the fact that I'm not actually done with the outside but I'm already starting to work on the inside yeah that makes sense that makes sense okay we've got 1 minute left but I have an idea I'm going to quickly move these chairs over here and to split the kitchen up with the seating I'm going to add some pillars we've got 30 seconds wait wait wait wait wait I want to put an LED light so she knows what I'm doing yes like that and then we copy this CeCe left me okay update CeCe left me she had to leave it's fine because I got my friend Ella to come in and build with me I don't really know what theme they wanted for this Cafe but considering in they're gone now I just realized I can do whatever theme I want to do it's free real estate okay before anything we need to finish the outside because I just realized the outside's not even done yeah I'm going to go quickly finish up the outside kind of looking like a townhouse More Than A Cafe I feel like this Cafe needs a garden at the front definitely it's not giving Lush you know it's a cafe we need it to look nice and presentable at the front oh you know how some cafes have um signs at the front we have a sign says the menu we've got 2 minutes left I'm going to quickly knock down this wall and I'm going to do something a little bit different to the wall so what if we have an open concept instead oh I don't know if we're going to be able to have time we got 1 minute 40 seconds but let me let me just do what I have to do plain high arch a beam bada boom see like that and then for the rest of the windows up here we can keep going with that curved look and even add some curved windows up here and with the sign maybe lift that up in the middle and some promotional posters as well okay 46 seconds left do you have time to add a tree make it nice and cute out here I don't really know what theme I'm doing do in for this I'm quickly just going to outline the sign where's the where's the light this one and swap okay let's see what Ella's done with my Cafe interesting choice of colors I actually like it if we're going with a jazz cafe for the inside I want to do a brick feature wall add some record players bunch of storage as well 3 minutes 50 I'm scared okay all the way up here I want a window there we go that looks better how's the umbrella looking oh my God Alaska who cares about an umbrella focus on the outside okay floor floor floor floor I swear guys whenever I do these challenges I'm just like in my own little fairy worlds okay I like this full half for the front here we have 2 minutes left I reckon we even have some time to add few outdoor chairs and tables a little candle 1 minute okay I'm going to send Ella a subliminal message okay hopefully she will understand the Vibes of this Cafe if I put a guitar a microphone okay we've got 20 seconds hopefully Ella will understand the vibe I want for this Cafe by these three items Ella you better understand that's this is the vibe that I want to go okay so the five minutes is up swap okay let's see what Ella has done so far she's working on the kitchen which looks nice however the outside is still not done so I'm just going to quickly finish up the outside a little bit I think my problem is I'm too much of a perfectionist when I build I will then forget to actually build okay I think that's it for the outside I don't want to focus too heavily on the outside but for this inside bit Ella babes I don't know what you're trying to do with this kitchen like why is the cabinet facing this way when it should be facing this way I like where she put the cash register did though very smart how's it 2 minutes 50 seconds literally calm down okay you know what I reckon we could fit here comfy chair right in the corner we probably need a carpet as well so you can wipe your dirty feet before you come into the cafe 1 minute 40 seconds right here we're having a sign do we have time I'll make time follows I make them necessary I break them woo painting right there I'm just going to start it Ella will understand and then she will finish it okay if she doesn't understand then guess what Ella you're a flop just kidding love you okay I'm having a basic shape right here when you walk into the cafe you'll have all the menu items displayed okay end time swap you flop oh wait hold on I got to go to the toilet pause okay and I'm back start let's see what Ella's done so far I love Ella so much look what she done I gave her a vision and she executed that Vision she added a stage in my Jazz Cafe see this is why we love Ella Ella just she gets me this girl this girl is a blessing to society I understood your assign she didn't delete the gamma phone which is perfect she did however delete my floor H excuse me I love how I was complimenting her 2 seconds ago now I'm just like how dare you she also deleted my um my chair outside I'm adding that back by the way okay for the furniture I'm going to use a lot of dark greens when I was doing my research of jazz cafes you know what we have to have on the table a lamp you know how in every d Cafe they have moody Lighting on the table yeah that's definitely one thing I do not want in here that's bright lighting okay I need to shut up and stop talking I feel like I talk too much and then I forget to build for the second floor upstairs I'm going to quickly fix this I just realized we don't have a floor upstairs we also have 2 minutes left nice cozy pendants 1 minute hold on I'm not ready okay with' my last minute I'm going to add shelving on the wall photo frame inside the shelving then once we get out of build mode all these can be record players we've got 30 seconds left um I'm going to outline the stage of an LED strip and then voila we can swap okie dokie what has Ella gotten up to here okay I'm not going to touch this cuz I don't know what I think I know what Ella's doing I think she's doing custom doors I'm going to let her do that cuz I don't want to mess it up for her I don't really know what theme we're doing for this Cafe I think I'm going to play it safe into a modern Cafe and we also have to remember there is a balcony out here we have to remember to add some outdoor seating and we have 3 minutes literally swear I started the timer like 2 seconds seconds ago but imagine how tired we are imagine how tired we are of it I don't know what I want for the tables out here though I think we'll keep it simple have an outdoor patio table oh my God wait I just came up with an idea what if we have a booth oh my God why is everyone yelling at me what's going on Alaska I need a Wii all right guys pause pause Ella has to we so we're pausing okay well Ella is going to the toilet you know what I'm going to do change all the decals album cover woo okay Ella's back she just go sorry I was busting so with Ella back the time has ran out and now we have to swap again which means I can work on my Jazz Cafe okay good news is I got to change a bit of the decals on this wall but before we keep decorating I need to make sure to color all the furniture I feel like I'm focused too much on the decorating I'm definitely less stressed than before though I think because I'm less rush now and I know the vibe that I want to go for for example this Cafe is coming along very nicely make the lighting even more cozy in here we're going to add a few pendants we also need the lighting here all fixed how is there a minute left you're joking mate slow down okay and swap swap or drop okay so coming back over to Ella's Cafe oh okay I'm glad I didn't mess with these doors this looks absolutely gorgeous I'm going to leave the doors to her I don't want to mess the doors up I'm just going to focus on the inside well this bit over here you know what I have an idea you know what would look better here a fireplace carpet and then the chair and table I just feel like that looks much Cozier than what it was before I the wall was very empty didn't really go with much okay so I'm going to move away from the seating and more focus on the cafe aspects what I wanted to do before I ran out of time last time was have a open window here so then this way if people would like to order a coffee through the window they can and if the chefs want some privacy then guess what I can add a roller curtain okay 2 minutes 40 left and with my last 2 minutes I'm going to fill up this storage unit with coffee cups speaking of coffee cups we don't even have a coffee machine and this is a cafe like hello coffee machine D hey does anybody want coffee who wants coffee coffee machine there what else are we missing oh we definitely need a sink 1 minute left okay the kitchen isn't too big I think I might just go around fix up the lighting a little bit I deleted the wall 9 seconds okay hold on move this fireplace up to the roof and time swap orop okay let's see what Ella has been working on okay she's added a juke box we definitely need a hood right here on the wall we can have a about pans sink can go at the end we don't really care about the sink we also do not have coffee machine no no no DIY Cafe we need coffee machine hey coffee who wants coffee coffee can go on the counter I was going to have plants on these shelves I feel like coffee mugs would make more sense I'm not sure if it's the colors but this Cafe is literally reminding me of an Italian restaurant Also let's go crazy let's make the roof black we even have some stools by the bar I said I'm going to quickly steal this from the other Cafe don't tell a lot I'm stealing it so then we can so then we can put it did you guys just see them crash into the tree believe I'm going to say this but that was actually a pretty long 5 minutes I feel like I got a lot done in those 5 minutes okay 30 seconds left for the walls back here you know what we're going green green Walls yes it does look a little bit shreky oh hello and then the lighting here I'm definitely going to run out of time but I want a chandelier on the stage and time all right what's Ella gotten up to okay she's working in the upstairs area not bad not bad I honestly think the downstairs area is done all I have to do really is fix up the lighting so we can even add some like fake coffee and sugar jars okay 2 minutes left this kitchen's very close to being done maybe some Post-it notes by the window make it more realistic I don't like the wallpaper that I've chosen so you know what so kitchen's done now I just need to fix up the seating I guess and then this Cafe is complete I'm going to have more paintings in here cuz this Cafe looks like it would have paintings that says e yourself live love love I don't know or something cringy like that okay the inside here is done and then as for the upstairs area area I might copy this booth and add one big seat up the top we've got 10 seconds 10 seconds hold on wait I want to add a laptop time okay back to my Cafe what's going on here honestly I think the downstairs area is done so I'm going to move on upstairs good thing is she's already plac down the table so we can have some lamps on the table I like the wallpaper she's chosen I'm I think I'm going to let Ella finish this bit I kind of want to focus on this patio outside I love how the CAF is changed dramatically in size I feel like this Cafe is so big compared to the other Cafe and then for the chairs use the most fanciest over dramatic chairs ever why because this is the Jazz Cafe darling Oh and lastly get a basic shape put this on the corner because I want a corner boo we have a minute left we are very close to being done though so that is a good sign last thing I'm going to do is maybe add basic rails and time swap you rat she just called me an idiot excuse me 5 minutes left what's going on up here oh Ella I love love this so much Ella you little genius like this is such a preppy Cafe so I feel like it's only fitting we add laptops up here we also don't really have that much seating downstairs so I'm going to add a booth section up the top that way we have enough seats oh we can even add a fancy bench very nice and there's only 1 minute left so maybe a nice chandelier up here the more I'm building this the more I'm realizing how are we going to get up Ella you absolute flop cake you put the rails near the stairs okay so even though the 5 minutes is up Ella said she is done with the cafe and I'm also done with her Cafe so that being said let's look at the finished Cafe so the total of these two cafes come to $163,000 and this is how my Cafe ended up turning out and this is how Ella's Cafe ended up turning out so starting off with mine okay it's calm down so originally I was going for a vintage Jaz Cafe type feel she goes I got that with the uh music so I added a stage I was so happy when Ella added a stage so when we come into the cafe I think this is adorable I love the stage right here we have a bunch of album covers on the wall it is honestly my favorite type of cafe there's no harsh bright lighting excuse me see [Music] sir do I look like a sir don't answer that what can I get for you today coffee black no sugar ew weirdo so yeah then over here we have some more seats record players and then Bon Appetit we have our kitchen this little kitchen is so cute out of my kitchen oh oh sorry I didn't realize it was your kitchen last time I checked this was my kitchen and then coming upstairs we have more seing options oh I love this so much Ella must have done a custom trash bin this is cute and then we have an outdoor patio I personally think we done an Exquisite job with this Cafe so now moving on to Ella's Cafe okay next up we have Ella's Cafe okay first off I have to know Ella what theme did you want for this Cafe modern cozy oh okay perfect that's actually the theme that I was going for when I was decorating this place I love the custom doors that she added as soon as you walk in we have the kitchen right here if you're sitting out here you want a coffee you can order one with our creepy looking chef and if people are annoying you you can close it and then not talk to them now coming upstairs I love the fact that this fireplace reaches the roof once we come upstairs everything is placed so nicely in here my personal favorite sister balcony with a few additional laptops so people can study at the cafe I think we've done a pretty good job with these cafes let me know if you guys want to see another video like this and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 295,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Os6yXYMvsAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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