Building a Cabin From Our Own Trees // Spring 2023

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh really [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so what I've done here is I've just used this board to trace the angle of the beam that I need to go that I need to put into position so instead of trying to get the whole beam up there and tracing that angle I've used this board now I'm going to transfer this angle onto my beam so I've got an exact reference of the angles in which it needs to go it's about uh a 40 degree and a 50 degree but just so I have the exact measurement okay perfect bang on foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one two three yes got it you want the other one no not yet okay A little finesse in here oh actually not bad yeah I was gonna say like this looks bang on [Music] plenty yeah [Music] all right I guess there's no harm in check on that I'm going to be installing the chimney on this back side of the cabin and these trees are of a slight concern just with the the chimney stack the smoke and any Sparks that might possibly come out of the chimney so just for the sake of safety I'm going to get them out of the way this is a big heavy Tamarack tree it's full of moisture and the Tamarack wood itself is also very heavy so if it were to fall down the cabin it would be a problem I got that serious tension it's really biting into that tree you can tell there's a lot of tension this Chain's looking nice and tight you can see how it's even indented into that bark a bit I've been able to get that tree that was leaning towards the cabin to start to pretty much straighten up no it's not this one it's that one and it was leaning towards cabin now it's almost vertical uh I think we're gonna move forward with the cup wow 23 inches so 50 60 75 75 feet 75 feet that tree was so everything went according to plan there the trees fell where they're supposed to and I've got this nice opening now and I don't have to worry about my chimney Sparks getting into any of this resinous resonance resonance needle so I'm going to start uh cleaning this all up and then I'm gonna start framing in the loft foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign but if you look here this rafter is centered to that beam there that wall when it runs up here it's off a little bit I don't exactly know why this happened but in order to true it up so my walls are flat I got to make myself a spacer that gets uh from four inches thick down to two inches thick and builds up that rafter on the inside so that I could build my wall fortunately I've got a Mill and I can cut myself the exact piece [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign boots they are kind of the dream sponsor for me they make an incredibly high quality all leather work boot and I've been wearing these overlanders in a 1964 Brown for about four four or five months and people just say that Nick's boots feel like slippers over time and I didn't know that I really believed that but these have officially hit slipper status your feet just mold to that leather sole inside and it takes a couple months before they really start to feel like they're your boots and feel more comfortable than anything you can imagine but it's worth breaking in a pair of good boots because now these are gonna last me for a really long time and I'm really happy to be telling you guys about NYX now they've got me trying out these new shrunken bison leather boots and the first impression on on these is that the the leather is incredibly soft runs up my leg like a moccasin not the stiffness you would expect from a heavy duty leather boot and they really just want me to beat them up and see how this shrunken bison leather holds up so I guess time will tell how these hold up over time but honestly I can't recommend the 1964 leather enough it's just incredibly durable and I I walk through a lot of bush a lot of sticks and uh and it's it's holding up great so thank you so much NYX for sponsoring this episode let's get back to the show so when I got out here this morning uh the mosquitoes are so bad that the only thought in my head was get some smoke in the air mosquitoes and black flies don't like smoke and certainly helps eliminate some of them reduce them down people often ask about how we deal with mosquitoes and black flies and so that's number one get some smoke in the air just rotten wood wet wood anything that'll kill a lot of smoke get that blowing through the atmosphere and then the other thing you can do is just learn how to mentally block it out once you do that you'll be fine foreign [Music] so for the most part building this cabin I've been using a fairly minimal tool set a lot of hand tools and some basic power tools but today I've got a lot of repetitive cuts and I got to put a lot of boards up while I'm on a ladder so I've brought out some heavier Duty tools today and just helped me do a better job and get the job done a little quicker [Music] feels so good to be back out here now that our little one is in daycare I will be out here a lot more so you'll be seeing a lot more of me on this channel and probably a lot more trusted because I'll be here filming him more okay so I've already cut my angle of the roof line which is 35 degrees so I've took a measurement of that got that angle worked out and I cut my angle first then I put my board up in place and I just make a little pencil Mark to indicate where I want to cut to and now I'm just making my flat cut so that it fits perfectly foreign [Music] I don't like this overhanging so I'm starting to chop these down with the ax a little bit so I'll just put a mark there on the top and now I'm just going to ax down to there just to give it a bevel this all kind of rounds up a little bit Yeah otherwise it sticks out looks weird in little click dust and yeah crud good up 42 and a half [Music] great oh it works follow along this beam trying to keep as level as possible it's fitting really good it's gonna shave a little bit down right there with my knife and it should be good there we go we're done this sideways got this part of the Loft closed in and that is going to be a window and a window and a window it's gonna be pretty awesome and then back there also a window I gave in I could not do that it's gonna look too good with a window [Music] right here [Music] so Kayla have to go pick up our daughter from daycare but she asked that I not finished this quarter because she was actually enjoying herself so much that she wants to be here and help me finish this off so I thought that was quite cute oh I'm so excited you're here are you excited to be back oh you remember what this is don't you are you excited oh you want to help Daddy set it up okay look at that you know what that means you can eat the leaf have a bite of that leaf you have a big bite um you like it yeah don't step on them yeah that should be plenty [Applause] wow good job yeah throw it in the fire wow what are you making sweetie improvising cheesy leak roll okay we'll see ya okay thank you [Music] [Music] ah wash your hands nice nice and clean we're all excited for those cheesy leak croissants you want to do more quacking yeah more Ducks okay okay put your hand up here there it is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign interior design that's right interior design yeah then we're done it's getting there good work to YouTube good to have you back yeah this would be a nice window I want to have them so they can swing maybe swing out this way so you can actually so even if it's rain
Channel: Trustin Timber
Views: 229,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cabin build, cabin life, log cabin, trustin timber
Id: d0-d0_xz3hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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