Building a BUDGET Streaming Setup For $100

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so building a streaming setup for a hundred dollars that's gonna be a challenge i would say that a really important part when streaming is a second monitor but there is no way we can fit a second monitor in today's budget let's buy some stuff on amazon to fit our streaming setup the first thing i would like to add is the razer siren mini because this is a phenomenal microphone for the price but being 50 dollars i'm not sure if it's gonna fit the budget i think it won't but let's add it to the card and then see afterwards if we need to cut some ghosts now the next big things we need is a webcam and a light let's buy the light first so these are very popular ones that show up all the time but i don't really have a good experience with these type of lights i've had this light for a while it looks very harsh like there's a spot on your face so i would really like to find a budget version of the key light you see right there the elgato key light but i think it won't be very hard because there we go this is already a budget elgato key light now this isn't available so let's keep looking let's keep scrolling there we go really no okay that's 60 that's still too expensive but maybe there's a smaller oh here okay so the smaller one will be available too there we go all right 36 and it's in stock by the way don't pay attention to the shipping or the arrive date on my part because i live in europe i'm just looking on the website because there are way more options there so let's add this to the card because that's a great light we are at 87 already what we definitely need is a light stand right now because if i'm not wrong these type of lights come without the stand it was the same with this one now something like this might actually work but i'm not really sure if it's gonna be strong enough okay i think this one is great you can extend it too it's in stock 20 let's add it to the card great 106 dollars we crossed our budget already let's look for the webcam first and then cut some costs 18 i'm not really sure if i can trust that wow there is so much choice i think i'm gonna watch a few videos on webcam tests and then go of that so i'll be back in a minute okay i watched some videos and it looks like the emit c960 is a great budget option 6500 reviews 27 dollars and you can save 10 percent let's add this to the card and before we look at the cost i want to add one more thing a numpad which i want to use as a budget stream back now this will definitely keep us over the budget of 100 so you can cut this if you don't want this but i really want to add this one because it's great to manage your stream especially if you're a laptop user okay quick pause i looked on nearby amazon stores and i can only find the wired version for me okay that's everything 144 dollars how are we gonna fix this so let's say ten dollars less because of the coupons now you could completely drop this it's definitely not necessary for a budget setup but i'm gonna buy it because it's cool to show you so let's not count this into the price now we could cut on the lighting part but i think this is a great basic setup and if you go cheaper than this you're gonna have to build a light yourself and then use a towel as a softbox and stuff like that you can do it if you want to go really really really budget but i want to build a solid basic setup i think the place where we can cut something is right here as the microphone so instead of the razer siren mini we're gonna go with the fifein k669b i just published a video on budget microphone so that's why i know the name but this mic was extremely good in the tests for the price so let's add this to the cart and then proceed so we can delete the razer siren mini we are at 104 so i think that's gonna be good so i'm gonna buy all of this stuff and while we're waiting for this to arrive let's pay the bill by thanking the sponsor of today's video are you looking for new emotes then the new emo maker from onto tv is perfect for you after choosing your starting character you can customize it further to create a character that looks very similar to you when you're done customizing simply click on generate emote and then you will be able to select the emotes you want to buy the more you select the cheaper it gets per emote if you're interested then go to or click the first link in my description to start creating your own emotes today all right it's time to unbox the light here it's basically the size of a hand which is much smaller than i would have expected now even though it's pretty small i think it's definitely decent on the back of the light there are two knobs and i guess this is just to store the light on and oh it's battery powered i didn't even know that if you press it one time you will see that the lights turn on and i guess this is to tell you how full the battery is now if you keep pressing the button right here on the back then you see that it turns on so this one is to add yellow light and then this one this is to add white light so we will have to turn this to the maximum and now we've got the perfect white light to light our face there is one more thing inside of this box and i think this will be the cable okay it's two things one of them is this little ball head that's probably used to attach the light on top of something like a desk arm which is something we are going to use today so that will come in very handy and the other one a simple usb charging cable now let's get rid of these boxes here i think this one was around 15 or 20 dollars it comes with a few things this will be the desk clamp you can just extend it like this and when you tighten this it will probably be very sturdy i think you can just screw this in yeah this works perfectly fine let's attach this to the desk so we can connect our light to it so let's connect this first and then connect it on top of it so now you see because of this ball head we can just loosen this a bit and then play around with the position of the light and then just tighten this again i'm really happy we were able to add a budget light like this to our setup because lighting is extremely important and to be honest it looks pretty clean we just need to lower it a bit and don't forget to turn the yellow light knob completely to the left and turn the white line up completely to the right because that's the perfect color for a natural looking light so the webcams you heard me right i bought two of them the budget webcam we chose together but then also the logitech c920 this is one of the most popular webcams out there and it used to be cheaper but right now it costs around 70 to 80 dollars so that definitely didn't fit into our budget but i want you to see if it's even worth getting one of these this one looks like a massive thing holy look at this look at how big it is on top of your screen okay let's take a look at the logitech alright to be honest i thought this was gonna be smaller now the right is the logitech c920 and the left is the emit c960 i am pretty sure it's just a knockoff version of the c920 but i could definitely be wrong it's just that they are so very similar in most aspects let's see if they are as similar in terms of quality too so these are the two webcams these are the qualities the budget one is more wide but the quality is also notably worse now this was expected as a 30 webcam compared to a 60 70 80 dollar one but i think part of the reason why it looks as bad as this is that it's much too sharp if you right click it and then go to properties you can go to configure video here now by doing this you can change a bunch of settings to make it look better and this one has way too much contrast so i'm gonna pull the contrast a bit down like this which will be better already and i would kind of like to reduce the blacks but i don't think it's possible we're gonna add a bit of sharpness till it looks good but not too much so something like this and to be honest it looks better already right it looks way better than it did before so let's click on ok right now click on ok here and this is way better than before no it still looks a bit pixelated right but that's just because it's a budget webcam but it doesn't look as harsh anymore on stream you will probably be like this in a corner and here i am sitting in front of my pc i think this looks perfectly fine so i guess we can just remove the logitech webcam the budget one is actually pretty good for the price i want you to pay attention to the position of the light there i did position it on the side as a result one side of your face will be very bright but the other side will have some shadows which makes it look more cinematic and more professional so we got our webcam we got our light let's quickly add the budget street widget stream neck i don't really know if it's worthy of being called a budget stream deck but at least it's a budget macro device so basically the plan with this is following a video by another creator called nothing he made a video about turning something like this into a macro device that can control obs studio there are a lot of things you can do with it and i'm not gonna do everything in this video because it's way too much to check out right now but i am convinced that using one of these numpads as a macro device will definitely give you some extra feeling of control over your stream and one of the questions many people will probably ask me in the description if i don't address it right now why buy something like this if you can just use your numpad and there are actually a few reasons first of all not everyone has one of these laptop users only have these right here but second of all if you start using keys on your main keyboard to control things in obs studio etc it will eventually give conflicts with certain keybinds in games or in programs so it's definitely beneficial to have a separate device like the numpad right there because you can set up these keys as separate macro keys that won't interfere with your numbers on your keyboard or any other keybinds it's really handy and finally the most important part of our streaming setup the microphone i recently did a video where i compared seven microphones and i'd say the winner of that video was clearly the razer siren mini however this costs fifty dollars and we didn't have a budget for that so i had to look for a thirty dollar mic and the fi fine one was a really good microphone for 30 dollars in that video now this is a really popular microphone let me get it out of the box this is what it looks like it's very well known and it's really good for 30 dollars if you have the budget to buy this 50 microphone over this 30 dollar one i would definitely go for it because this one is better but nevertheless this is a great mic so in this video we are going to use this one i will quickly let you hear the sound tests this is a test of the fife fine microphone standing on my desk in front of me this is the razer siren mini standing on my desk in front of me now since we only have one monitor we need a way to read our stream chat when we are gaming and obs studio isn't opened on the monitor i recently made a video about showing your streams chat and your recent events on top of your game while you are streaming and that too combined with the macro pad we are using is the perfect combination to never have to leave your game now that being said we can finish the setup for this first episode of streaming on a budget i really enjoyed making this first episode and i'm definitely looking forward to making more of them in the description you will find a link to the playlist it will be pretty empty since this is the first episode but the second is coming pretty soon and in that episode we will have a bigger budget if you enjoyed this video definitely give it a like and comment something useful about the video it definitely helps more than you can ever imagine and besides that thank you so much for watching i really enjoyed this and i will see you in the next episode have a nice day
Channel: The Video Nerd
Views: 335,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: building a streaming setup, building a budget streaming setup, budget streaming setup, budget streaming, cheap streaming setup, streaming setup, streaming desk setup, $100 streaming setup, livestreaming setup, livestreaming gear, streaming gear, best streaming microphone, best streaming setup, best streaming webcam, budget webcam, budget mic, budget microphone, budget light, budget led lights, budget led light panel, streaming on a budget, episode 1
Id: p7LQ8nI6tow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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