Building a 7ft tall Warhammer Model | IMPERATOR TITAN

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the biggest Titan project in YouTube history is back I'm building an imperator Titan at 40K scale a skyscraper-sized walking war machine will stand over seven feet tall when it's completed just tuning in for the first time let me get you caught up in previous episodes I took a deep dive into Warhammer lore to determine the correct size for this project and I made a rough plan the imperator Titan has never had a model before in Warhammer 40K but it did have one in the old tiny scale epic 40K game so I assembled one of those epic Titans and we'll be using that as a Rough Guide for this build since then I've made the two massive legs Each of which is a fortress Bastion in their own right capable of housing a huge amount of Imperial Guardsmen or skitari but there's tons left to do so let's jump in right where we left off [Music] with the basic shape of the two legs completed I needed to make a structural frame inside this Beast to support the weight of the whole finish Titan my original plan when I started this Titan in New Jersey was to use PVC piping but after moving to Canada where the building codes are different I decided to go for a mix of PVC and abs piping as a Layman as far as I can tell the difference is that PVC pipes are white and abs pipes are black there's probably more to it than that but whatever in the last video I made this quite large wooden base I screwed some half inch square sheets of plywood into the base to disperse the weight and also raise up the feet a little bit so I can cover the rest of the base in one inch foam make it have a little bit of relief when it's done I bolted in this metal flange that my PVC pipes screw into making a really solid connection after cutting a little clearance on the bottom of the leg pieces they slot right down over the flange and see it flush on the plywood hell yeah time for the hips for whatever reason Warhammer models always have really weird hips and the imperator Titan is no exception its hips have this huge axle-like piece that gives it a Bowlegged appearance I'm going to make the structural piece for this out of some PVC pipe fittings rather than using corner pieces I'd use these sanitary tees and you'll see why in just a moment so I had to learn a lot about pipes to make sure this whole thing didn't just fall apart so let's talk briefly about how plumbers join pieces together securely basically they use pipe cement if you're watching this video there's a good chance that you've built a plastic model kit before and the principle is basically the same as plastic cement the pipe cement melts the surface of the pipe and when you join the pieces together the cement melted surfaces cure up creating a solid bond between them the active ingredient in these pipe cements are industrial solvents I'm no chemist but I do know enough to know that I don't want to breed this stuff so I wore an approved respirator and did this in the garage so the inside of a pipe fitting has a bit of an angle to it so when you push the pieces together the square end of the pipe will push all the glue down to the end making a weaker Bond unless you chamfer the end of the pipe using a file or grinder I'm sure there are qualified plumbers laughing at my chamfering technique right now but just remember this is for a model and the good news is at least I won't flood my house with sewage if I screw this up so with my pieces chamfered and cleaned I'm ready to glue before applying the cement I add a generous coat of purple primer which softens and prepares the surfaces for the cement kind of nerve-wracking doing this for the first time on camera I'm sure it'll work out apply a nice bead of pipe cement on top of the purple primer while that's still wet I push the pieces together making a quarter turn As I push them down and then using quite a bit of force I hold the pieces together while the glue dries the chemical reaction creates a bit of heat and tries to force the pieces apart so doing this ensures The Joint stays solid and there it is a chamfer Prime and glue several more times and I get this nice hip axle piece here you'll see why I went with the sanitary Bend instead of the corner pieces on the edge the weight of the whole upper body will be pushing down on this one joint so leaving the ends open allows me to reinforce this part with a smaller gauge of pipe it's important to note here that I'm mixing ABS with PVC now and bonding these two different materials requires a different glue which I did use I framed up the Torso in sort of a boxy shape with some ABS piping all glued together the same way I just went over there's no point in going too far in depth into that but suffice to say this Frame shape will support the upper platform that the imperator has on its back when added to the hips you get this right here which my brother Kirk will now demonstrate [Laughter] so when all of that was dry and stopped smelling like chemicals I brought it back inside you can start to see now how massive this thing is going to be hell yeah so let's add some thickness to the skinny skeleton I'm going to start by making some templates on chipboard and using a compass to get some nice smoothing curves the Epic imperator Titan I have has some pieces with these sort of Curves and while I won't be directly copying the design of this thing I do want it to have the same general feeling sort of my own take on a tribute of this piece when I have two copies of a shape cut out on the chipboard I use push pins to attach them to some two inch insulation foam and then cut that out with a hot wire cutter which is very relaxing to do by the way when you remove the template you have the shape you're looking for and you can reuse the templates as many times as you want which is perfect for something that has symmetry for example and you want to make two copies so using those two pieces I start to build a rough structure for the hips a third piece adds a platform on the top that the body will be able to rest on by removing the pelvis and reinforcing it with a ton of cocktail sticks I make a surprisingly strong base that can stand up on its own on the table which will of course pay dividends when I detail it later as you can see I didn't glue the waist piece or the tops of the hips this is what will allow me to take this thing apart for transport storage Etc in the future as necessary now with the hips blocked in I continue upwards making some curved pieces for the lower torso and supporting the PVC frame with carefully cut pieces of foam the idea here is that by using the foam I'll prevent the piece from being able to wiggle free from The Joint it also allows the whole torso to Pivot giving the piece its first point of articulation which is pretty cool removing the Torso and flipping it upside down add some giant curved pieces that visually support the platform that the cathedral-like top sits on add some more foam to hide the PVC frame and create a flat surface on the top I'm gonna add these pieces I started to really get excited the way that this thing sort of curve over gives the impression of being under like a giant Bridge or something like this isn't just a vehicle this is just architecture that's about to walk up on you nice so for the top of this thing I used a piece of three millimeter Masonite two feet by three feet which is incidentally bigger than the size of a regular kill team table I've talked before about my plans to play games on this bad boy and this is making it feel pretty doable I did trim down the size of the platform though giving it a more interesting shape rather than hauling this thing out to the garage to use some power tools I just cut through the Masonite with this Tamiya tool that's one of my new favorite things can gouge a really gnarly Furrow in pretty much anything with just a few passes thank you imperata has this weird little room where it's belly in so I cut some angled pieces of foam to make a half a decagon cut a half foam Dome and blocked out the little room and when this is done I'll put some more intricate windows in here maybe even some lights but for now I'll cut an arch into each piece using the same template method as before and it looks like this so I couldn't resist wanting to see what this thing looks like with a head and to make sure I was on the right track I mocked up a basic head and neck shape with a foam ball and some foam scraps it looks it looks pretty bogus but seeing it in place still really cool so I support the platform with a few pieces of pine select so it doesn't get all floppy and sloppy where it overhangs the supports but without adding too much weight now apart from the base this whole thing is still surprisingly light I added a bunch of foam strips and foam core to make the base level again giving it a one inch thickness at this point I was getting super eager to just see the whole silhouette of this thing so I blocked in some basic shapes for the buildings on top I made some stand-in arms out of PVC pipe and here's where it stands right now [Music] well guys here it is so far as you can see it's absolutely bananas I I'm like I'm at a loss for words it's so big and badass and really really cool and if you put a Space Marine on there he's like a little speck it's absolutely perfect it reminds me in all the right ways of the coolest illustrations I've seen where there's plenty of room up on the top to have your little guys running around pew pew pew pew you know what I'm saying overall the size feels right to me you know I've gone in depth about why this is the right size many different times I literally could not go any bigger because there's about a half inch of clearance between the top of these towers and the roof of my studio here and yeah as you can see it's just shy of seven feet tall I'm 411 and as you can see it just Towers over me um so yeah this is I'm I'm stoked to death man oh I'm like I'm kind of freaking out I'm kind of freaking out um not freaking out about all the work ahead but freaking out about how how Bloody cool this is and uh I wish you guys could see it here in person so maybe I don't know I'll wheel it out to uh some sort of show or something in the future I don't know we'll see we'll see cut that part Eric where I'm shaking my hips that's embarrassing um I'm My Own editor guys I uh so you'll never see this I think this head is approximately the right size I'm gonna go a little bit bigger than that and obviously it's going to be much more detailed uh in the final thing I really want the head to be able to be opened up so you can see inside the cockpit where I'll have the matarati the princess and room for some visiting characters kind of like in Hell's reach where grimaldis visits the cockpit of the imperator that was something that was always really important to me so we're going to do that look how tall this thing is it's just so cool it's just so cool it's been just over a year since I started this project and I mean you can't say that it's not happening now can you right it's uh the proof is in the pudding or in the um hundreds of dollars of XPS foam rather [Music] um yeah guys this project is actually kind of expensive so if you want to support me on patreon that'd be super cool and you can get your name on the final Titan as well when it's done there's going to be banners hanging from the guns hanging from sort of like the loincloth area there's going to be some engraved pieces on the interior if you want to have your name listed on this Titan then go sign up in my patreon page down below that'll be tight and uh yeah a huge thank you to all my existing patreons and everybody who's been so patient and invested in this project it's coming together guys it's gonna happen it's gonna happen if you guys are even half as excited as I am then you guys must be pretty damn excited and um yeah I can't wait to show you guys what comes next I hope you guys enjoyed this video we'll see you next time on Eric's hobby Workshop
Channel: Eric's Hobby Workshop
Views: 360,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Imperator titan, Titan, warhammer, warhammer 40k, horus heresy, black library, emperor titan, kill team, necromunda, scratch building, crafting, warhammer terrain, warlord titan, reaver titan, warhound titan, epic 40k
Id: -VgjqNmKPEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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