Build Tabs in Power Apps πŸ”΄ LIVE (July 24, 2021)

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[Music] hello everyone and uh welcome again to another live session with me reza durrani and uh as always i am joined with my very very good friend daniel christian hi dan how are you hey morning it is good it's a good day to be on the show and i'm excited so thanks thank you thank you as always for for for joining and uh hey dan what are we doing today man i forgot oh you forgot well today is actually a good day it's going to be our focus is on on the powerapps canvas apps but uh it's basically going to be focusing on building tabs in powerapps because if you know that's one of the key things is the functionality for people to navigate across the app is easy i mean it it it's there but you want to make it a lot more easy and make it a lot more intuitive so when people see it they kind of understand that oh here's a tab for so on and so forth so that's going to be the big focus over here and uh whereas i was going to do an awesome job kind of explaining you some tips and tricks and you could walk you through that and i'll also share a few demos on it um things that you're already familiar with but um yeah it's all about building tabs and powerapps and i'm looking forward to your demo dan and uh i like what you said about tabs and and what they bring to the table uh i would like to add on to that as well like i i build tabs when i want to split my forms out if i have large forms i want to break it up into tabs into sections i think there are a lot of use cases for tabs and uh let's not waste any time and get straight into building tabs so dan's gonna be on the chat live while i go through the process of building tabs and we'll stop and take questions along the way and uh once i finish my finish my part i will have dan come in and then i will be live on chat so uh let's get started i will go ahead and first share my screen okay share my entire screen and let's switch over to my screen content and then you will have to give me a confirmation that you can see my screen i can see your screen you are all right perfect we are good to go okay so the goal for today is to build tabs in power apps now before i start building tabs and and going through the process from scratch i wanted to show you a few examples of tabs that i have built uh the two examples that i'm going to showcase right now are actually a sneak peeks into my next two videos so a little bit of a shameless promotion here but uh i have used tabs in in two places and uh one of them is actually exactly what what dan mentioned and the second one is the scenario that we want to break out large forms so i wanted to show you how we could use tabs first and then we can get into breaking it down into parts so the first example that i wanted to showcase here is a simple form uh it's it's it's using the powerapps form control connected to a data source in this case it's a sharepoint list and uh inside the form control all i did was i broke it up into different tabs and right here on the top are those tabs so for example basic information about an asset that i'm trying to create so here's my first tab and the tab is highlighted giving the user the visual indicator that they are on the first tab now if i was to change the tab and let's say if i was to hit details this will swap to the second part of the form in which i only showcase certain fields that are related to the details section or the details tab that i wanted to showcase and so and so forth so here is one use of of tabs in which i am breaking my form into multiple parts the other use of tabs is uh in a use case here that i have a fully responsive power app and my goal was to bake a responsive tabs object inside my power app here and in this app right here on the top is that same tabs interface it's just designed differently so right now i am looking at the all tickets tab so it's showcasing all the tickets in my help desk application that's my use case here if i was to select my tickets it now filters the data and only shows the data associated with the tickets that i have created in this application so tabs when i clicked on my tickets the gallery was aware that i made that selection so it highlighted that tab which is the my tickets tab and the interface changed now not just that if i select assign to me this time the screen completely changes it doesn't have the same interface as before and now i'm on a tab called assigned to me that is showcasing all the tickets that are currently pending my action i can even go to overdue tickets and look at tickets that are overdue and then i even have an information tab that gives the user more information about about about this application so here's an example of tabs that i'm use using to basically showcase different pieces of information on the form basically moving the user between screens kind of and then the previous example was to break it up inside long complex forms and these tabs that i've designed here are responsive so if i was to change the width of my browser let's try it out live observe the tabs just keep your focus on the tabs many other things are responsive the video will cover that but for now just focus on the tabs so i'm going to start reducing the width observe how the elements of the controls of the tabs are automatically repositioning themselves based on the real estate that is available on the screen so as the real estate decreases the width of those tabs also decreases and even the font size starts to change when it understands that there is not enough real estate in fact when it comes to a particular point wherein it becomes too small for example like a tablet experience if you observe what happened right here the tabs completely changed its behavior it went from the icon and the name of the tab to just showcasing the icon and if you would have observed really closely even the height of that tabs container has kind of shrunk that's because we are in the mobile experience there's left less real estate but the experience for the user is the same they can select the tabs look at all the content within the tabs and as the real estate increases suddenly the behavior of the tabs changes along the way so here is an example of a fully responsive tabs interface that you can build in powerapps and associated to your screens your forms and so on and so forth so now let's go ahead and try and design tabs from scratch uh i have these ones already covered in videos that are coming i don't like to repeat things so i'll try and do something totally different something new and uh we'll see how that goes okay so those were the two demos i hope you like that so with that setting the context let's try and take a very simple use case uh i love to take use cases purely because i feel we all relate to a use case more than a specific uh subject or functionality so use case here is asset management my organization manages assets and uh here is all the details of the assets in my organization i have the asset tag i have a status for the asset who the maker is manufacturer is who is who this asset is currently assigned to and so and so forth now let's see how we can build a tabs interface to showcase this data in powerapps and and switch screens switch context based on tabs make the tabs dynamic so depending upon the logged in users role we will show and hide tabs as well so let's see how we can do all those things so to get started i head over to the maker portal in power apps which is make dot and right here i will head over to create and create a canvas app from black i will start with the tablet application purely because it gives me more real estate to play with and all my email addresses are here for you guys so i'll give this app a name i'll call this tabs live i will click create so this goes ahead and creates a power app for me which is uh completely empty with an empty canvas to start with now first step i want to start designing my tabs but before that i want to connect to my data source which is my asset manager list which is in this specific sharepoint site i'll head over to data sources go to add data go to connectors search for sharepoint i already have a couple of connections so i'll just reuse them i will search for my site connect to it and my list i believe is asset manager so i'll pick that i'll click connect and this now connects to my data source and should bring all the information over for me okay now let's see how we can build tabs okay and showcase this data in different forms so here on my home screen uh just to keep it very simple for now i will first add a very simple theme let's pick uh the dark forest theme for now and here i will go and add a label control on the top right here uh just to give this uh piece a header text i'm just going to center align this and let's say i call this tabs live all right so i've just built a very very simple thing extravagant here just a header associated with my screen now i want to showcase the data from my sharepoint list so i'll go to insert go to gallery and let's say i pick a vertical gallery for now i'll change the layout to show title subtitle and body maybe and the items property for this gallery will come from my data source which is asset manager and this now should showcase all the data coming in from that sharepoint list right here and because i want to add more records on a row i'll change my wrap count to three so it shows me three records i can see one two three four five six and in my back end data source i only have six records it's a very very simple list that i'm leveraging okay so this is my first uh gallery that i added to the screen now you want to build tabs i want to build tabs like all assets so that will show all the assets in my system i want a second tab called um available assets so it will only show the assets that are available maybe i need an i need a tab that says show me all the assets that are overdue the ones that are passed the due date the ones in red in sharepoint here so i want to build something on those lines and typically what we do is we just go and start creating our tabs on the form of buttons this is a very common use case i see we start adding buttons for each and every tab right we say okay this is all assets uh this one is you know my assets and so and so forth i tend to avoid that i am a big fan of calories because i feel galleries is a is a very underused control uh one of the biggest benefits you get is it is dynamic in nature it's like a repeating control so i can supply data to it and as my data changes the controls in the gallery accordingly will also change the number of records in it can be dynamic in nature and that's exactly what i want when i'm designing and building dynamic tabs so instead of using buttons which is very common process what i tend to do is i tend to use galleries now in the example here just keeping it very basic for today so i'm just adding a gallery ideally i would make it even more dynamic and put it in a component so i can go to components and build a component here that ways when i build that tab as a component i can share it across not only my app but i can share it across all the apps components is a preview feature uh it's i believe it's in preview today it should go to ga by october based on the release plan so hold on to before you start using it in production scenarios so for today i'm going to stick to a simple gallery experience so i need a gallery to create my tabs and how do i start building my gallery well just go to gallery again and start designing now if you need vertical tabs could be a use case then pick the vertical gallery if you want horizontal tabs and pick the horizontal gallery like i picked right now and this gallery right now i'm just going to position it on the top because this is where i want the tabs to line up now i'm a big fan of responsive designing i have not used responsive containers here uh my video will cover that in depth so i don't want to repeat it but even without using responsive containers you can still make your your controls responsive so for example what's the width of my gallery right now it's hardcoded to 640 i will make it responsive by changing it to parent dot width what's the parent of this gallery i will rename this to gal tabs so what's the parent of this gallery it's the screen so whatever is the width of the screen that will be the width of my gallery and as i select this gallery you can see how the width has gone full width now in this gallery is where i want to create my tabs and gallery has a property called items and in here i can provide information about my tabs that i would like to create now this information is something that i want to provide as a dynamic data and the way i can do that is by creating something called as a collection and powerapps so i can create a collection like an array of information about my tabs in a collection and provide that information to the gallery in this items property so to build that collection because the tabs are something that is not going to change over the course of when the user starts the app so on the left hand side on the app object there is a property called onstart and this function runs once when the user loads the app so every time the user loads the app this function is guaranteed to start the first function that gets called and this is perfect for me to build my tabs to create my tab so that during that user session they have that information that they can leverage so here i'll start building my tabs and i'll start creating a collection so clear collect clears a collection and then starts creating a collection so create a collection give my collection a name i'll call this collection of cabs in this i can create my records or my items basically my tabs and for each of these tabs i want to give certain pieces of information so for example let's say i want to give the id i want each tab to have a unique id so i create an id property and let's say for the first tab i set the id to one i'll put a comma and define additional properties next one could be the name of my tab so i will select name and for this one i will give the name all assets now i'll keep it simple only two properties i close my tab or my record i close my collection function i click format text so it formats the formula so right now this collection when it gets created will have one tab i need more very easy just add a comma paste comma paste and add additional tab so second one will be my assets third one will be overdue assets right and so and so forth and i'm going to ensure that each tag has a unique id i'll tell you why it's important now once i have this in place and the order can change right i can make this 3 i can make this too it doesn't matter as long as you keep the ids unique for each tab i have this collection in place now i am building the app so if i was to double click on this collection you will note that this collection is empty it doesn't has any data in it to load this collection while i'm creating the app it's important that you right click on the app object and click run on start so it runs this function right now and once it runs this time if i look at this collection of tabs it's tabular data which has id and name now think about this this tabular data can come from anywhere it can come from an excel file it can come from from a data source it could be sharepoint sql you can even load your tabs dynamically from a data source every time the user signs in if you have a use case that requires that in my case i've kind of hard coded or built the tabs within the power app itself but you could even make this process dynamic now that i have this collection of tabs created and ready to go i will head over to my gallery of tabs and provide that collection to this you can go to the items property and change this to the collection of tabs now the moment i do this my gallery is an empty gallery it doesn't have anything in it so if i edit the gallery by clicking on the small pencil icon this is where i can add the controls within a gallery template remember a gallery is a repeating control so depending on the number of items are provided it keeps repeating it so in this i will insert a button now and it quickly if you observe it added three buttons the reason is because i have three tabs that's what i provided in that collection and for this button if i head over to the text property it's hardcoded to button so i'm going to change this to this item dot and here i get the context of the item based upon the collection that i provided to the tabs gallery and then i created these two properties id and name so i'm getting those two properties right here if i need to use them all i have to do is just select them so i need the name of my tab this item dot name and just like that it's gone ahead and placed all the text so you see i have all assets my assets and overdue assets right here these are my three buttons that got created dynamically based on the collection or as i prove it that it's dynamic okay we'll go back to the collection and let's say i create another one right and this time let's say i want to say you know available available assets i have to run onstart again because i'm in the edit experience of the app once i do that if i play the app now notice how it added a fourth tab imagine i'm reusing this across multiple screens in the app right how many times i have to add those buttons those singular buttons that we typically the process that we follow this is such a simple experience here because i am just controlling the collection and the tabs will automatically change its behavior so now that i have this in place my tabs are definitely dynamically being loaded based on the collection of data now in my gallery template which is my first item and i can make sure i have that first item selected the first step is that these buttons that i have right i need to ensure that they're spanning the width of the template now i can of course manually do this so kind of you know spans the width of the template but when you're designing responsive apps you you're building things that are responsive you want the width to be fluid so instead of manually setting the width i can go to the width property and set it to parent dot template width so whatever is the width of the template use that to set the width of my tab and the width of my template is this first item so observe as i increase and decrease how the tabs are just following it that's because i set the width of my button to the width of my template template of what the gallery okay now in my case let's say i have four tabs so yeah i can position it like this i'm kind of defining the template with manually here right and for that if i go to the gallery advanced and look at a property called template size observe as i move this how the template size changes see this it's moving and it's technically i'm setting this manually as well well how can we make the template size dynamic as well so i want the width of my tabs to be the width of my screen divided by the number of tabs so it always equally places them little bit of maths how do i do that simple parent dot width so what's the parent of the gallery is the screen so it's taking the full width so it's only showing me one tab divided by what divided by the number of tabs and that is the number of items in my collection so i can do something like hound rows of collection of tabs now if i was to preview this app you see how it places them now i do get a scroll bar and the reason for that is my gallery has some template padding here which i can just go and turn off and now i don't even get that scroll bar experience so depending on the number of tabs it will automatically place them right here and change the width of the tabs dynamically and we'll see that in action okay so i have my button control here now result this button control has rounded edges uh i want to make this look like tabs it doesn't look like does not look like tabs it looks more like buttons right now so select the button it has a property called border radius first step set it to zero when you do that the rounded edges go away so right now it is you know fully squared buttons and yeah they somewhat do look like tabs uh however normally tabs have those curved edges on the top so how do i create that well select the button and search for these properties radius top left top left the top left corner define your radius so let's say i want to define 50. the moment i do this observe the top left has got this little curve to it right it's beginning to look more like tabs now and there's another property called radius top right i'll do the same here now if i preview this it looks more like tabs and all i have literally done here is i have buttons i have a button and i'm just styling the button so the user has that visual indication of tabs whereas in reality it's just a button which which is styled and this is completely dynamic because my collection changes the buttons automatically come in it all looks like tabs great now comes the next part i have my tabs here that are sitting uh inside my button control another one more thing i'll add before i go ahead in this if i want to add let's say i would like to add images or maybe i would like to add icons so for example these here what you what you see these are images uh these are are the icons inside the powerapps suite so you can leverage both i'm going to show those in videos later uh here i'll quickly show you how you could add it to your tab experience so what i can do here is this button first i can increase the height of my buttons right so i'm just increasing the height uh the text is sitting somewhere in the middle maybe i add a little bit off to this button i add a little bit of padding on the top so let's say 25 so the text comes at the bottom i have some real estate here to to add my uh what do you call it to add an image or an icon whatever i need and the way i can add it here is of course i can manually add it inside the gallery but i want to make that dynamic as well and for dynamicity we go back to the collection here i can add my icons or my images or svgs your choice so let's say here i want to add an image i'm going to call it logo that's the name of my property and in powerapps we have a strong icon suite that we can access by just doing icon dot and this will restart all the icons that are available now just for fun i'm just gonna randomly pick some icons here to save time but you can pick any icons of your choice right here for now i'm just picking some random icons that make no sense but i'm just picking all right let me quickly pick a few icons uh let's say for this one i picked the bell icon and here i will click another icon property let's say i pick whatever bookmark okay so i've picked four icons and i've added it to a property called logo once again right click run onstart so the collection loads in my tab in my first item where i added this button now i will go and add an icon you can add any one it doesn't matter right now so i just added this icon i i'm going to manually place it here for now which is wrong to do i'll tell you why later but here's my icon that i'm positioning right here and if i head over to the icon property it's obviously hard coded to icon dot add that's because that's the icon i selected to make this dynamic once again this item dot i get the logo property and let's change the color to you know gray right so if i preview the app now so i see the tabs and now i even see the icons associated with them which is pretty neat and this is all dynamic right um the icons itself that i've placed inside the tabs once again if you look at the x property that is the position on the x-axis it is hardcoded as i move this right as i as i move this around you see it's all hard coding and and no one wants to do hard coding so how do i make this sit right in the center of this button once again a little bit of maths and the math is parent dot template width that's the width of the template minus self dot width so whatever is the width of the template take that subtract the width of this control and the whole thing the whole thing just divide it by two guaranteed it will sit in the center now because i'm dividing it by two exactly half in the center if i preview this see it's right in the center and if you build a responsive app if you make your app responsive and ob change the screen size as i did before these tabs will also be responsive remember i'm not using the containers here i'm trying to show you a different angle to building tabs i have a video coming on containers as well that you can that you can see how i made it both experiences are kind of similar in terms of the formulas okay so i have my tabs i have the information coming in dynamically i can add as many properties as i want to that collection and and change the behavior here now i have a gallery here that is showcasing data and i want to change the behavior of this gallery based on the selection that the user makes in these tabs right now in powerapps inside a gallery control so let's say the button control in my case if i go to the fill property it has this color associated with it and this is nothing but the green color coming from the theme now when the user selects a tab i want to go ahead and ensure that that tab highlights right and if it is not selected let's say i want to give it a gray background let's say that's my use case and how i can do that is by adding a very simple formula again if this item dot this item is your friend in galleries remember this so if this item dot is selected so it tells me if the item is selected or not if it is in that case put the color green else put the color dark gray i don't know how it's going to look but you can add any color of your choice here and i will close this now if i preview the app observe how the selected tab is being highlighted right if i select this this this so based on the selection that i make that tab is getting highlighted which is perfect so the user has a visual indicator as to which specific tab they have selected okay now i want to change the behavior of the gallery at the bottom based upon the selection that the user makes here in the tab and the way i can do that is actually there are multiple ways to do it i'll show you one easy way is for this gallery right i can directly check which item is selected and accordingly make the formula change or what i can also do is i can create a variable every time the user selects this button okay every time this button is clicked i will set a variable now inside the gallery if i look at the icon if i even select the bottom if i look at the on select property of this there is already a function in place which says select parent so it is when i click on these um controls it tries to select its parent and what is the parent of these controls it's the gallery so it selects the gallery that means the gallery also has an on select property right now nothing is happening when i click on these tabs nothing happens yes the selected tab is being highlighted thanks to that property but there's no action that's happening when these tabs are selected if i want to take some action i can set a variable so i'll set a variable here called where tab selected at the moment the user clicks on this i'm going to set a value in this and let's say i set the id of the tab under the selected tab okay and just so that we look at this in action for my header label here just so that we see what value is there in the variable no other reason i will append that variable right here on the top if i preview the app you see that variable is empty that's because i have not yet selected a tab and when i made the tabs video on sharepoint customized forms the number one question i had was when i log into a standalone app i don't see the default tab selected i want the first app to be selected every time the user logs into the screen or signs into the app how do i do that very simple in the onstart function which runs once before the uploads right here at the bottom i can set that same variable again and i can hard code it here to the first tab so where tab selected is one so when this function runs i'm going to manually run it now if i preview the app observe how the first tab is already selected and i can see the value right here which is one if i select this this is tab number three remember i gave it different ids this is tab number two this is step number four i even had questions on sorting tabs right how do i sort my tabs in order well it's a gallery the items are coming from my collection collection is more like a table i have ids in there why can't i just use the sort function to sort my tabs on the id column and once i do that if i preview my app now this is one this is two this is three this is four it's sitting in the exact order because i'm sorting it based on the id that i have specified so you can sort tabs you can build tabs you can click on tabs you can set a variable so you know which tab has been selected all of this information now is available to me inside the app and now things become very easy very very easy because i know which tab the user has selected now all i have to do is start playing with formulas so i have a gallery here gallery let's call this my gallery of assets okay items property is asset manager that means it's showcasing all the data from my data source which it is it's showing me six results here is where i want to make a change i'm going to change this to switch i'm going to add a switch function so switch based on b variable which is the tab selected so i know what tab is being selected based on the value in this variable and this variable will have those four values one two three four or whatever the number is based on your use case now i know that if it is one i want to show all the data right so if it is one in that case get me all the information if it is two which is my assets i believe that is a second no it's three which is my assets so i can say okay if it is three in that case i wanna only show the assets that are currently owned by me now i have nothing owned by me so let me just take one ownership so we at least see one one data in there uh current owner where are you all right i'm gonna add myself in here wrong raza wrestler ronnie save and i should have an asset under my name okay back to my power app here i'll add a very simple filter condition filter my data source where where the current owner it's a people pick a column so dot email is equal to user dot email that's it and let's say that this function that i've just completed right now let's say my use case is such that this gallery needs to only show up when the tab selected is one or three that's it the functionality of this gallery is only related to the first and the third tab so for this gallery if i head over to the visible property i can set it as follows where tab selected is equal to one or where tab selected oops where tab selected is equal to three now let's try this out firstly we don't see the gallery why tab selector is four i won't see it in two i'll see it in one and it shows me all the data because that's my filter condition if i select my assets observe this it's only showing me my data that's because when i selected that specific tab my query was to only get the assets that have been where i am the owner of and that's exactly what it did which is perfect okay now for other use cases like for example overdue assets in this case maybe i want to show something completely different a different gallery maybe i have a form here maybe i have a different use case well i can add that control and write the same logic for showing and hiding and in this use case here i'm doing exactly that when i select the first two tabs it has that same gallery logic when i select assign to me i'm hiding that gallery and this time i'm swapping it out and changing it with other controls on my screen same concept is being applied here so you can build things like that now let me show you another aspect here what if i want to only show the my assets tab i want to make even the tabs dynamic okay so the tab will only show up when there is an asset that has been assigned to a user so for example right now there is an asset under reza's name so reza sees this tab but let's say this asset i am no longer the owner of so maybe you know i'm no longer the owner of this asset when i go to my assets i don't see any information well why even show me the tab right role-based tabs show a tab when user is a member of a sharepoint group show a tab if the user is part of an ad group or as a member of a team you can think of so many use cases in which you can dynamically load this tab so this is one use case i'm taking here show this tab only if in the database there's at least one asset that is assigned to the logged in user in this case i see all the tabs that's because we've not added that logic let's try and see how we can add that logic now where should that logic go well where am i creating the collection on the on start of the app so let's go right here and add that very very simple logic right here okay what are we trying to add my assets when should we add this item based on a condition so for now i'm going to copy this and remove it from the collection of tabs let the collection load let this variable be set now here is where i will add a condition if if lookup i'm going to try and look up my database so look up my asset manager list where the current owner dot email is equal to user dot email okay so look up goes and checks to see if there is even one record that exists if it does it will return that record now here if this if this is not blank right is blank i think is the function yeah so if this is not blank that's my formula if this query does not return a blank that means the user has a record where the user is where the where the asset is assigned to that user in that case i want to add it to the collection so i'm going to put a comma here and now i'm going to add data to this same collection and the way i'll do that here is use collect not clear collect because you don't want to clear the collection that's already loaded so collect into my collection of tabs and i'm going to just paste what i had before i'm going to close this close this semicolon format text so we can see the formula in action check to see if in the asset manager list is there any asset where the current owner is the logged in user if that is not if this returns a not blank that means there is something in it then go and add this to the collection of tabs otherwise this function won't be executed and the collection of tabs will remain as three let's test this out and observe the main screen here right click run notice what happened the tabs just changed and look at the dynamicity of the tabs it automatically adjusted the width placed everything in the center because in this case there are only three tabs now to show so i don't even see that tab basically i've hidden that tab because the current user does not have an asset let's go to the back end and let's assign an asset to reza let's go right here and say you know what reza you have a tab let's save this let's go back right click run okay may take a while there you go preview this now i see my assets right so that's how this this concept works you can make this dynamic you can make this role based you can make this responsive and you can use it to break screens you can even use it to break forms i'm going to stop here i'm going to take any questions that you all have live so i'm sure there would be i'm hoping there are any questions for me so i'm going to switch over back to the live stream and uh dan and i are right here all right there was one which came from carson so i left that for you and his question is how many attributes would you recommend putting in a single tab experience and he goes on saying for and he says attributes it's let's define them as a data source control to be more independent in terms of what is being used so there are so my attributes is like how much pieces of how much metadata how many tabs you want to pass well it's up to you uh you got to think about real estate on the screen it's real estate is king in in power apps right uh yes you can build responsive apps but a wide screen even even a wide screen has a limit right now if i add 500 tabs what's going to happen it's either going to try to squeeze it in or i can have a scroll bar experience it's up to you uh how you want to design it for your users um from a from a ux standpoint i wouldn't build too many tabs but uh how many properties or attributes you can pass uh there are no limits gotcha yeah that actually answered even gerard's question because his question was you know is there any issue or rule of thumb rule of thumb in terms of using tabs and how to ensure uh it's not accessible number of controls on the screens are not so so again that that aspect depends upon the app maker it's the app maker's responsibility to ensure that they are taking the design into consideration the the responsive app that i built you saw how when the when i shrinked my screen for a mobile experience how i changed the behavior of the tabs i knew there was not enough real estate so i removed the text i just showed the logo that's good enough for the user and if they hover over it the tooltip will show them the value okay i'm trying to i'm trying to look at the questions as well and i'll try and pop them up on the screen ask the question okay here's a question from sorry i can't pronounce that name uh thank you so much one more question using excel as a data source does change anything right so it does not change anything uh in terms of tabs it does not uh you can load data from a table the key is that if you're connecting to excel you need a table in there so you can have a table of tabs but honestly if you're importing excel into powerapps it's as good as you manually adding it in the app so might as well use a collection oh trying to see if there are additional questions uh huston says you mentioned containers thank you carson for joining again what benefits or disadvantages would you think of when designing tap control experiences so if you are building a responsive app you have to use responsive containers period period they are generally available you have to start using them if you are thinking of responsive design the demo that i showed today is actually i'm not a responsive app i never went and set it up for responsiveness i never added the any of the containers that's because my goal was just to build an app that's focused for a tablet experience the examples that i showcased earlier those were responsive apps and i used responsive containers benefits of responsive designers your app is automatically responsive based upon based upon the device that they're accessing the application from and the controls will automatically reposition realign themselves building a responsive app though is more work is more work even though you're using the responsive containers and that that video that i made i think is like a 40 minute video that's because i had to show you all the aspects from scratch it's a lot of work that's gone into it and uh it's purely focused for beginners so if you want to know how that piece works you can check it out benefits is you get a responsive design drawback is you need to learn about it so it's a learning curve and i feel it takes more time to design a responsive app as against a app that is very tailored or focused to a particular form factor well that's that's a that's a great question carson all right trying to see if there are any any other questions uh that are coming in uh hey asked about the question is the table in one of your be responsive basically it's easy yes oh yes it is it's completely responsive the the example uh in my upcoming uh video has that covered so yeah it's fully responsive in fact i've made it so responsive that if you were to tilt your device also like from horizontal to vertical the whole interface changes so i put a gif of that in the community tab so if you want you can check it out on my channel but it's coming next week so you have that uh there's a question from by bayardo montez hello uh wow he has that uh that spanish show's logo there i i love that show i forgot the name see i love it so much i forgot uh money money heist right money he's to heist uh how can i apply the same concept to forms so yeah i have done a full video on this on how to apply it to forms uh i wanted to repeat that i wanted to show something different uh in my upcoming video i show you how to put it in forms and make the form responsive as well so you have that coming i have an existing video on how to do that so i will recommend you to check that out the concept is very similar instead of showing and hiding controls on my screen i show and hide data cards so form control has data cards you can pick them and say show this card if the tab selected is one or two or three or four that's how i i designed it great question okay awesome session thank you reza and dan thank you for attending sir thank you so much uh all right trying to see if there are additional questions here there's a long question uh best way to filter records to filter records my team assets similar to your example today for a large number of teams with people that vary some sort of look up to another sharepoint list that is updating from 80 so i'm assuming this is some question related to some other questions i'm sorry for i have not understood that so if you want to re phrase your question i'll be happy to take it again um um okay here's a question from akil how to face the use case where there are 50 fields in a form and work around the 500 controls concept this question is a great question one of my customers actually asked me this that hey reza we have this form uh data cards are very expensive just to say this every data card is five controls five how the card itself the text uh that little star symbol whether it's required or not and uh the control itself so i think four of five is each data card so if i have 50 fields on a form that's 50 into four that's 200 controls just gone straight away and i had that same question how do i how do i reduce controls and power apps now shows a message on the it shows you a warning in the app checker that you know your controls are exceeding you got to be within limits uh it's just is it's trying to tell you that you need to ensure your app is light on controls uh the way i actually went around that with that customer is i took certain fields that were that were not mandatory for example i was like are these fields mandatory in the form and the answer was no so out of 50 40 were not mandatory now here's the question do i really need that star symbol do i need the star symbol for fields that are not even mandatory those controls are just there not doing anything so i deleted them i saved 40 controls uh do i need the error message for those probably not i can generate my own error message if there is an exception i remove those so you can remove certain controls from a data card but you got to be extremely careful and you got to be very proficient with data cards in order to start playing with those but that's an option okay uh i'll take one more question here there's a question here from from location and an amazing question because i spent a couple of hours yesterday trying to figure that part out how to move the cards dynamically in one of the examples that i showed when i had my form control initially and i select a tab and the cards just position themselves i'll i'll show you how i did that in the video so turn snap to here's the trick don't snap two columns off don't keep it on if you put that on it just keeps jumping and moving and turn that off that's that's the number one thing you've got to do and then you start positioning it based on your tabs go to each tab see the controls you have manually place them set the width set the heights ensure that is clean it should work and i'll show that in the demo as well great question okay so i think uh my part is up or you can keep the questions coming i'll keep answering them i'll be in chat live now and uh i want to head over to the next section which is dan showing us uh some examples some more advanced examples of tabs that that he has built so dan uh the floor is is all yours so if you want to share your screen i can all right then see i am going to share my screen pop your screen up and i'll make it content only so everybody focuses on the content go for it then sounds good all right so what i'm actually showing to you is a video as i put up on my channel three years ago but um i just felt like this was perfect um you know after what reza did in fact he kind of uh went ahead and set the foundation because he even talked about the buttons and i did the exact same thing on these buttons i added those curves over there you know by uh messing around with the padding piece so what i had what i've shown over here is using the similar concepts as reza but then you can go ahead and use the timers and with the combination of the timers and each of the buttons on select you can do some funky things like this where this the each of them are actually menus but now if you click on them they actually have their own drop downs and in addition these are galleries inside it and they've got their own buttons so now if i go ahead and do the other one okay the other one over here that one works if i go and select on the other one that one works so you can actually create you know the example of the gallery and and the top menus which up which i showed and how we can make it responsive with buttons over there but you can take it to the next level that you've got a top navigation but on on that you can go and put a drop down and you can even take it to the next level it's based on this one and making it even responsive uh responsive um or dynamic rather where the width of this menu changes is add the third tier so you already have the first one click on it that's the second one you can add a third here as well all of this is using the combinations of all of the um you know the drop down which is the variable and then the buttons the variables and then using this type of timer so just take let's take a quick look at you know what this is work and then the reason i'm not explaining the whole thing is because i've got copies of this up in the power user community and in fact um the next one that i wanted to show was was this one this one is actually right there you can go ahead and download that msapp app and it walks you through the exact same scenario so if you go to the user committee and liza will be posting the link if you haven't already where you can go ahead and get a copy of that there's also my youtube and in the youtube descriptions got the link to that so as i'll be posting those links but let's go back over here so the whole concept i mean obviously there's some work involved but a lot of this is just you know the aesthetics and the look and the p look at the feel of it but let's actually just focus on one of them one of them is first of all the button and the button is what it does you go and click on it but it's on select is where all the magic is happening because i'm controlling all of this using variables and then also going and making sure that the variables are being you know populated at the certain time so right now for example in the on select i'm going ahead and populating the menus right in in a very certain way to make sure that at that person's on select i'm going ahead and populating the menu and i'm also populating the the uh i mean kicking off the timer um for that sake now about the timer that's that's completely up to you for me when i was doing this menu effect um the number 300 uh was actually the you know what worked for me so right here if you see 300 now interesting thing about these menus um is when you're going ahead and you're putting this number over here which is the value i put that value down because in this clock or timer itself usually you will only get the one after 1000 but i want up to 1 000 over here but i wanted to actually see what that number is again if it was if it was the duration was 300 i wanted to see that 300. so i went there and put the text to here because this one was actually not showing that duration but anyway the point being is i'm going ahead and using these buttons but the magic is all happening because of these timers to show that nice movement effect over here the other thing i've done is for all of them i've gone ahead and grouped it so you know each of them are basically their own buttons and each of the buttons has its own behavior and then on its on select it can go to different places so you know this is just basically an example of how for each of the screen if you want to make a a menu granted each of this buttons could be inside the gallery but take it to a next level and you can go ahead and now add the drop down which will be a second tier and you can also make it a third tier so let me kind of you know switch gears and talk about it because this i call it more of the vertical one but this over here is also vertical but it's called a navigation section this app by the way is available in the powerapps user community you can go and download it and get a copy of it and it's fully you know independent i don't have any data source connected to this so it'll work but here's basically what it works is right now right off the bat when the app actually starts like right now you know i'm in the canvas it hasn't actually kicked off yet but right now if i'm playing i've made it completely not just um dynamic but also it's very independent so watch what happens okay right now there are these three option buttons over here all right which is basically a menu so i can go and click on this but then now if i click on the next one it'll go and populate right below here because i'm making it into independent on you know it's y coordinate this guy's y coordinate is dependent on this one this one's y coordinate is depend on that one so if i were to go and collapse the top one that shows up over there if i go ahead and do this it's completely very dynamic it goes and just works really well in this way now one question which comes up over here when i you know do videos and i show people at my workshops it's like you know some people um like me or think it a little bit and i said well daniel how do you plan this relevant um you know dynamicness such as if this you know the sample control for option three um you know you wanna make sure that does this one it's it's positioning of the x or the y coordinate is it dependent on this one or is it dependent on that one or is it a combination because you went and expanded that but this thing became big however this thing still has to be you know dynamic to that so how are you planning this dynamic you know what is it that you've got a formula to you know factor in all of this is collapsed and dropped the the simple way actually to do it is this thing this section over here it doesn't care about any of these other ones it's bi-coordinate always and only cares about the one on top and the same thing happens for this controller which is a button it's y coordinate only cares about the one on the above it and so on and so forth so don't overthink it and you try to come up with the responsiveness or dynamicness design just like reza was talking about it too like once you went ahead and put in that big control you know you put the parent width and the parent height and then anything inside it go ahead and just match it to the one level higher and this is basically what it is right here this component or this again this control over here it really doesn't care about what option one is doing option two is doing it just cares about the one right on top because that's how i want to make it completely responsive um dynamics so i keep saying that responsive other thing i like is that again i went ahead and put this so that when you download it if you want to you know do some reverse engineering and learn it you can go ahead and actually see how this is working so right now what i've done is i've gone and change the button color so based on it's on select the button clicks over there but you can also see that oh that one was selected so it's variable which is controlling that right now its value is true and if i go into the other one its value is true and so on and so forth but if i go and select it again it goes ahead and now becomes false so i had to put in a fairly smart on select over here so we go take a look at it basically it just needs to know is what is its current value if it is false then go and set it as true and if it is true go and set it as false and i could have you know this app was actually almost three years old you know i have improved so much in that three years what i would have done right now is i would have just put it as you know uh if whatever it is said i wouldn't even actually have to do this over here in the function i would just say set value expand var three comma the you know uh um the exclamation for whatever is the opposite and i would just save it over here i wouldn't even have to go through all of this see and this is what happens like you improve as you go on because i have this average is three years old i've seen i could have improved this so much ways so let's just assume i did that intentionally okay um but here's the whole concept is let your variables in this case global variables control how this thing works and you can literally make this type of you know really powerful dynamic one um and that's basically how it works so this one is available for you to download and play with it and then you can go ahead and do that you know reverse engineering and then the final thing was about there were so many questions that came up about making responses actually uh showed one of these um i've done a four part series on the video of containers so um you know when reza puts in my youtube channel go and take a look at it making it responsive at means that you have to use containers as i said that twice that you make a response you want to make it responsive you make it you know the using containers and the beauty of it is if you really play with the you know making it responsive and using containers and leveraging it you could do something like this right here if i go ahead and now start moving it around everything is changing i mean you know the text formats and the size not the format but the text size is actually changing if you notice that some of my icon sizes are also changing over here and i made it responsive enough to an extent that if i go and start putting it smaller really small the scrolling comes up over here now also be you know don't overdo it to a point it's like how small can it go i mean there are breaks when it comes to the the sizes you know you want to make sure that it only stays on a certain pixel size or width and height so don't don't go too crazy and you know spend a lot of time in responsiveness because you can you can make it as responsive as you want but just set some expectations and by expectations means what are the average devices that are used in your company okay you guys use tablets well what are the average sizes of the tablets what are the average sizes of the um the phones over here the smartphones that you use and then also decide about your app because on your app you can um make a decision that you know like like reza's is taken to the next level but if you move from portrait to landscape the app automatically becomes responsive but those all work great for forms those all work great for things such as you know using the containers uh you will have to do some math to see if the width of the app is greater than the height then switch it over but just start simple like start by making a decision that this app is mostly for a portrait type of a device so lock it down and then focus on making it responsive only for a portrait or you can make that other decision that this app is going to be primarily landscape so lock that down and then after that make it responsible for the landscape and once you get comfortable with doing that then make it completely dynamic by saying okay regardless of how the device changes i can go ahead and you know make make it completely responsive over there so just as a quick recap the basic things over here was the ability to now start using timer functions um timer controls and you can really make your controls over here your tabs uh you know not just one tier but then the second tier and then you can take it to the next level by adding it to a third tier and then take it to the next level like one of the next things i would do over here is that keep tabs on which was the keep tabs on which tab that's funny keep tabs on which tab is being selected because moment i select menu two this one should collapse so keep track of that and then so on and so forth this one's get selected do that now when i click on the button it goes to that screen and so on and so forth but you now have a good idea you can download my app see it and then take that to the next level and then share that with the community any questions on that rosa because i'm done with the demo i'm just trying to come into the stream no uh i think i think what you should what you said and what you showed all make sense uh i love that uh you mentioned the fact that you got to start simple um i think that's the key takeaway for me so like here what you're showing us the vertical drop down menu the key here is yeah i showed tabs but in reality you can use it in so many different ways drive navigation drive you know drive i you can even drive filters off for your data sets inside power apps so it could be a selection of buttons that they click on and that could also be your your same concept of gallery and button and there were a lot of questions around performance number of controls one thing it's very important to understand is when you use a gallery control the number of controls that get counted reduce significantly what dan is showcasing right here on this vertical drop down menu uh assume he had just one level here menu one and he has one two three four options there if he had to use that on five screens in the app and if i build this with five buttons in every screen do the math that's that's 25 25 controls gone uh if i replace that with one gallery and one button that's two two into five is ten so ten controls versus twenty five controls you significantly reduce the number of controls and thereby you increase your performance if you start doing that and what dan has shown here today and again he's he's kind of taken it to the next level with timers and sliders and you know sections opening and closing you can do all that cool stuff but as dan said start simple start small and and first pick your form factor that you know maximum users are going to utilize i think it's important to plan for responsive design but it's very important to know your user base if i'm designing something for users who are going to access it on the field and they only have tablets does it really make sense for me to spend the time and effort to design it for the mobile experience knowing that uh 99 out of 100 are not going to use it on the mobile experience so plan things out uh you got to be smart it's all about time money right these are the two key factors time to go live and the amount of budget you have for your for your project that you're trying to execute okay now thanks dan and i'm gonna pop me and dan on screen now and we're to open the floor up for 10 minutes of q a uh this could be any questions you have for dan and me it could be related to tabs it could be related to something you want to say go for it and i'm going to look at the questions now and try and start popping them up on the screen okay david is asking how do you create a power platform environment for individual account separate from my corporate account dan you want to take this one all right how so i told you mr how do you create power platform moment for an individual account and separate from my par for my car corporate account oh david are we uh moon lightning it's good in the evening that sounds like um making some money out of our platform which is hey i'm all in support of that um david just let's see so corporate account is one thing go ahead and you know keep that separate uh how do you create power platform for an individual account if you're just playing with it um go ahead and use the uh the developer one let me go and put that in the chat since we have links to that there is a developer program um you can play around with that good thing about that one is um you haven't invest any money in it so just you know play around with it um what i do is you know with my own personal tenant is i first bumped up my e3 to e5 um that way i got the power bi in it as well so at least i had the full uh you know the power apps power automate um yeah and power bi um and then i was focusing mostly on the standard connectors because that was enough for me um then the next thing i did was i went ahead and got uh for myself i went and got the one uh per user license um and i was able to play around with that so at least i got the full experience i i personally don't stick with the per app one because all you get is three two apps you know you can go and uh build a portal and you're done so my personal preference has always been the per user one um but start and that was for me to also go ahead and leverage those uh premier connectors big one for me was sql uh i wanted to you know leverage that one uh but before you start investing a lot of time use that dev program and start playing with that um and then then you can go and start investing it but if you want to make it serious like if you want to say no i want to invest in it then go all the way first get your own domain name you know there's actually been advice which and this advice has come for almost quite a long time though is that uh if you are seriously job hunting or if you're looking at that having your own domain name and having an email address type to your own domain name just putting that on your resume says a lot about you it's like hey i am a fully technology person i understand the logistics of it and here's my email address you know that that you know shows that at what level you you're showing interest in but i can talk you know for hours on that just go on that path if you're playing around use what's available microsoft's giving you a developer one otherwise you know take it to the next level but uh e3 if you can do it great after that bump it up to e5 so you get the power bi and then personally i would always recommend doing the per uh per user one because that poor app just fills up pretty fast perfect um okay i'm gonna try and pop the next question up on screen good question by by pano here oh i need suggestions on design ideas to implement for my upcoming uh applications i think both dan and i can take this uh i'll go first then so when i build apps uh i am not a designer i have heard i've got a lot of good comments on my apps i'm happy about that folks think i spend a lot of time in designing my app i actually don't uh i do take inspiration uh i read a lot i look at different aspects of apps that um so there's there's something called i think it's called uh you know there are many websites that give you uh some design ideas that you can go and leverage um so i look at those and uh again i i don't of course i don't try and mimic what they have but yeah i do kind of see what kind of apps they've built what kind of patterns they have used uh to show certain pieces of information and then i try and see what's possible in powerapps and and try and uh and try and build something compelling so um it's always good to look at what's out there uh there are a lot of templates that microsoft has made available they have some really good designs on them uh the templates and powerapps are outdated yes in terms of the tech behind it because powerapps has moved uh way forward from when these templates were built to three years ago but the ui patterns in those apps are really cool so i take a lot of inspirations from from them uh dan you want to add something to this yeah the only um you talked about a website uh which you said the 1991 um i go to dribble over there there is the mobile app design um i mean that's that's a whole different level um but at least i go to get some inspiration like personally the the idea of using dark colors like the black color with the lighter text i i got my idea from there you know and there's the template feature available in power apps but that's that's basically what i do over there is um you know play with it and and go ahead other thing that i've been doing a lot is i've been slowly switching over from using most you know some of the um out of the box containers and different controls um icons um and and i can't go and buy the adobe stuff i mean his subscription is getting a little bit more expensive so i use gi mp is literally giving photoshop a run for its money and it's free so if you want to really make your own designs use you can save that as a png and then export import that into powerapps as well but um you know there's tools out there uh inspiration and getting the idea you know go to those two places that i mentioned perfect okay uh here's another one any tips for staying organized with complex i'm assuming app builds so that they are easily understood if handed over great question or even if even for the maker of revisiting the app in a few months um i'll give you my take on this uh i've built a lot of apps and i think the timeline plays a very key role here ideally you want the maker to comment inside the app as to what are they doing there is if you look at some of the templates that microsoft has put out they always have a separate screen it's kind of a hidden screen like an admin screen that has information about the variables they've built the collections they've created what's their thought process behind why how they made this app what data sources is connecting to of course you can't document every every line every function but at least at a high level if you have that additional screen built into your app it takes probably an hour for the app maker to to set that up but i think it's something very useful for for potential future app makers or themselves to come back at a later date and uh and add more value to it so that's that's my take on this i'm keeping it short so i'll i'll uh ask the same question to dan what would you what kind of tips would you give then yeah the um having that temp screen is something that i do as well um putting comments over there uh put in some other formulas over there um also i i depending on if there's a lots of branding that has to be done um in addition to components i'll put in uh my colors i'll put in some shapes and then i just reference it for that so that way i can get it you know there i actually build um for companies they are branding templates ready and you know save it wherever you want if i save it in the power apps as you know put a text like copy this one um so it has the basic branding already there you know headers footers um themes what what over there commenting formulas is huge uh you got to comment your formula because i i do it for myself honestly i come back i built an app for whatever reason i put in a solid for all inside filter blah blah blah gonna collect um and then doing some crazy stuff and then i come back you know next week i said what was i thinking well put in comment over there and comment as much as you want one line or put in multiple lines you know uh to it so that it makes sense to you um and then see how we know how it works out but commenting for me is big um and then saving it as templates templates as a startup app for your company is great you're you know besides the fact that you're enforcing branding you're actually saving other makers a lot of time they don't have to think they have already got the branding template available and then just go and start building the actual main use case scenario for that app so hopefully that was helpful thank you okay so uh i see a lot more questions coming in some of them are around issues that you are facing with your app feel free to post your questions in the comments later on once this video uh goes on youtube we are almost out on time we want to cover one last part uh in fact we want to say we want to make an announcement before we go uh another uh i see a lot of questions around um you know third party icons and good ux patterns and i think dan kind of gave an overview on that but feel free to post your questions to dan and me we are available on twitter we are available on our own channel so feel free to jump in there and and ask your questions there i see a lot of questions thank you uh for joining us today but before we go we have something to say so dan you want to you want to start yeah i do well you know like they say all good things must come to an end so um next week is actually going to be um serious i was so emotional that he couldn't even say he asked me to say it uh next week is actually going to be razer's last um like this meeting that he's doing um however however we are very community driven um so as of um next week anyone yeah next week be or there's a week after which is in august this is what it's going to be now we're going to actually switch over to and are you presenting it then boom yeah bring it up bring it up bring it up wow it's it's struggling to come yeah it is let me try that one more time try it once more all right man what is it this is a serious kill joy right here okay we're trying to make this out we'll come back while you while you fix that let me announce this so next week is going to be the last session for live with reza on weekends for this season uh i promise i'll come back in future i'll come back again do live sessions on weekends i will do that uh not now and if i need to have enough content i don't want to just run live sessions just because you know i want to run live sessions i want to do it but i want to give quality stuff i want to make sure that i give you guys value uh and next week's session by the ways i don't think anybody should miss that it's a session on licensing i have priya from microsoft she is the she's a she's a program manager she works in the power automated space and she specifically focuses on licensing so get all your questions questions on licensing for that session we are going to cover powerapps licensing power automated licensing take your questions live talk about api calls talk about a lot of important stuff and uh licensing is a very it's a very uh you know it's a very complex topic and a very sensitive topic so i wanted to ensure that i have i have someone from microsoft talking about it so you you hear that from the horse's mouth so we have that uh next week that's that'll be my last live session on the weekend uh is that the end of the weekend sessions no i'll come back next season and we'll do live with reza again but but dan and i have something for you and i think dan's fixed it right now so let me pop it up on screen boom there you go so reza and i are going to do our own r d that was our twist for research and development it's an r d show uh we're going to do it now on fridays because we want to be mindful of you know people their weekends and their weekend time with chores like i have to do chores family time so we thought we'll switch it over to fridays and we'll try that for a while depending on you know we'll also be uh definitely keeping an eye on the feedback um and we will just do it you know ad hoc uh we're gonna come up with ideas and uh we will you know build things on the fly we'll you know try something if it works great uh we'll take feedback from you um and uh we are going to work across the entire power platform um so the power bi side will do definitely a lot more power bi integration with powerapps power automate um so we are not going to build some fancy reports but we will do a lot of integration from those reports but we will do this from a very holistic approach because as you know reza and i we focus on all of the holistic approach style um and so we're gonna we're gonna we have got some plans for a really awesome first session uh it's gonna be heavy integration piece and we'll just you know start building that and then moving forward that's what we're gonna do we'll just pick a topic and we'll just you know do freestyle coding pick it up from scratch and just see what happens um that'll be a learning for all of us as well like so if you have ideas you know let us know um and uh it's it's just gonna be a fun r d show uh you know where dads uh you know so our jokes sometimes can be a little stale but hey there'll be a good joke also one of us will throw a pun every once in a while uh normal people won't get the puns but i'm pretty sure powerapps and power addicts will catch that puns over there hey send us funds you follow us on social media send us any any puns that you want us to you know go and do puns jokes riddles they're all the same um but that's that's our plan give us feedback on it um but i think we're going to try to make this as a holistic and learning for all of us including myself i think uh just to add to all what dan said uh i think the goal of of this show is not uh is not having something prepared i'll tell you why it's very easy for me to prepare something come and exactly we want to show it to you live right see how we do things now you'll come to know that when reza and dan do videos they look perfect right they are edited we spend hours editing it we make mistakes uh we go back uh trust me the video on responsive design i made three mistakes i went back i corrected it i edited it out you'll see what mistakes we make and those are common mistakes that others make and you also see what what things we think about when we are building things right i know we are going to build something in an hour it may it may be scalable it may be you know maintainable but it will give you ideas into different things and feel free to post your topic ideas to us uh we have a lot of ideas integration what's new uh we i think uh haven't told dan this but i'll say it now we'll even plan to invite some guests on our show uh who try and show certain things to us right how they do things how they build things uh you know i think we're gonna keep it extremely open-ended uh of course we'll have q a it's live dan and i will be there answering all the questions in the chat and uh i think moving it to fridays in the afternoon uh we want to try that time slot out i think uh we need to be my i want to be respectful of people's weekends you want to spend your weekends with families trust me i do too i know dan also does he's gracious enough to have been a part of almost all of the live shows so and he's not here next week because he's going to uh he's going to present at an event so uh you know it's difficult it's difficult to to keep uh delivering over and over again with quality content we won't compromise on quality i promise you on that there is no compromise uh but we'll give you something compelling to look forward to every friday so begins in august so be on the lookout for our promotional uh promotional activities around our upcoming show and do join us uh we've had tremendous i've had a tremendous response i'm going to say v from now because i think dan has played a very important role in my live session so we've had a tremendous response i think on an average for all the live sessions i've had 100 attendees so that's a lot uh that's that's and that over a weekend uh is is speaks volumes uh i don't promote a lot kind of a shy guy but i'm sure dan with me i think we're gonna have double the promotion double the push and uh honestly the the only promotion i care about is your promotion because you guys will tell us if the show is good or bad i don't have to promote it if it's good you will promote it if it's bad you want so i look forward to meeting you guys on lunchtime block the lunch time on friday for an hour it's an investment that you are making in yourself i promise you that so invest time in yourselves so you grow it's just an hour during lunch have your lunch just watch us just watch us build things uh watch us have fun and uh hopefully you will have fun along the way as well i see a lot of love in the in the chat thank you so much for all of you guys and uh next saturday don't forget the licensing session so uh spread the word uh if you know folks who want to discuss or talk about licensing uh please let them know and uh i'll call out the rnd session again next week when we'll have the exact friday date for the first week of august and we'll do it every friday cool all right thank you everyone once again for joining me and dan on a saturday i promise one more saturday and then we shift to to the the friday time slot and uh thank you we're getting comments like avengers and power platform and we can add the avengers again in our in our promotional activities uh yeah let's see how this goes uh we're gonna try our best uh we are not i just wanna i just wanna say something today uh last week i put some videos out some folks commented on my videos that you know this guy takes inspiration and he's kind of copying things and i don't care okay this is no attitude from me i'm a very honest humble guy i try and create my content with all honesty and i know dan christian does the same we are going to be honest this show is not a copy of any show i know folks are going to comment that's okay uh we try our best and we are doing it for you guys uh you guys love us we love you as well so i will see you in a week or two weeks time and uh thank you so much and god god bless all of you all right thank you everyone bye
Channel: Reza Dorrani
Views: 8,808
Rating: 4.9547172 out of 5
Keywords: powerapps tabbed form, powerapps, power apps, powerapps tabs, tabbed forms in powerapps, PowerApps Tabbed SharePoint Form, How to, Microsoft Power Apps, Power Apps, Tabbed Forms in Power Apps, Tabs, Tabbed, reza dorrani youtube, powerapps tabbed navigation, powerapps tabbed gallery, powerapps tabbed, tabs powerapps, power apps tabs, powerapps tab order, Power Apps Tabs, responsive tabs powerapps, power apps responsive tabs, build tabs in powerapps, microsoft powerapps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 12sec (5172 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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