Build: Simple CNC Box with Fusion 360

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what's up everybody I'm back in the shop and I'm so happy to have that CNC set up and ready to go and now I just want to start building some projects I have a few goals in mind one of which is to get back to my roots building small boxes like I did when I was first learning woodworking this little box is one of the very first ones that I ever built and it's got all kinds of problems including this lid that ended up shaped like a potato chip and doesn't close all the way it leaves a huge gap here but I leave this on the top shelf in my garage just as a reminder of a kind of where I started and B that I always have something to learn on every project for these first couple boxes I want to build with a new CNC machine I plan on keeping the design really simple for one thing I'm still getting to know that machine but in terms of software I really want to force myself how to use fusion 360 I've played around with fusion 360 a little bit over the last few weeks but I have yet to actually use it for a real project so I know it's gonna slow me down but I just want to rip that band-aid off and jump right into it so that I can keep learning and then down the road it'll be a more powerful tool for me so I'm planning on using this pretty ugly chunk of walnut nothing fancy for this first one but I just want to make a square box with some rounded edges to it but this should be big enough for two boxes because if you're setting up something for the CNC you may as well duplicate it so the first thing I need to do is get this all milled up nice and square so that I know the exact dimensions and then I can start designing my box [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so I've been playing around with the fusion 360 software for a couple months now but I feel like this last week I finally had a chance to dig in and I actually feel like I'm getting comfortable enough to build something in that program and then export it for the CNC machine as far as I can tell everything looks pretty good but fingers crossed here we go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] okay so that went amazingly well I'm so stoked right now so I'm just gonna move the access over to the other side of the same piece of wood run the program again and cut my second box [Music] all right so I've got the stock for the lid pieces clamped down now and all of the tool paths for this are almost identical to the ones for the actual box pieces so hopefully this goes just as smoothly [Music] all right so this is the moment of truth let's see if this thing fits [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I'm really happy with these for the first project that I designed in fusion I had a little bit of an issue with the tolerance and I wasn't sure if that was from my toolpaths in the software side of things or if it was with the actual machine I don't know if you can see this let me zoom in on us for you but it's just not a real tight fit like I designed it to be so what that means is that the lid just Falls right off of it so I looked a little closer and it turns out that there's probably five or six thousandths of an inch of run out on this router bit but it's not the bit itself it's actually the Kullen so I contacted carbide 3d on their customer service line and I got a real human right away on the phone they said this is a known issue for the first generation of carbide 3d router motors that they're sending out with the new shape Foucault's and they were gonna actually overnight me a brand new high precision collet so that I can get back in business right away so thanks again carbide 3d you guys Rock so for now I'm gonna call this a win because I'm still working out some of the bugs of the machine learn more about that learn a ton about fusion 360 designed and exported by first project in that program and sent it to my new friend blender and he built me this box so I'm gonna keep it simple just stand and finish it and call this thing done [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I know that I said I was just gonna sand and finish these and be done with them but after I did that I just figured they were too pretty to call him an experiment and leave it at that so I got an idea that I think will not only take these little boxes to the next level but it'll be perfect for a project that was built almost entirely on a CNC machine [Music] a huge thank you to my top supporters on patreon Swedish nuts Ted Doherty Antonio mag Toto Robert Bunn outski Woodbine II Felix and mark Yates hopefully I pronounced your name right [Music] if you want to support me and get a shout out at the end of one of these videos just find me on patreon see you later [Music] you
Channel: Blake Weber
Views: 179,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, woodshop, cnc, router, digital fabrication, box, build, how to, make, maker, makerfair, walnut, claro, shapeoko, xl, xxl, garage, man cave, x carve, bits & bits, incra, carbide 3d, inventables, carbide create, carbide motion, endmill, bender, cnc machine, vs, setup, clamps, hold down, oops clamps, suckit dust boot, dust collection, t-track, custom, signs, carving, cutting, shaping, 3d, workbench con
Id: uFBbNe4cbg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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