Onefinity Woodworker vs X carve 1000mm // Best CNC machine to buy?

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what is up everybody i am jeff with two moose design and in today's video we are gonna compare and contrast the onefinity woodworker versus the one thousand millimeter x-carve to hopefully make your decision on which one you're gonna purchase a little bit easier all right full disclaimer onefinity did send me this machine free of charge did not pay for it i was one of the lucky few that got to beta test the machine and kind of part of the deal was i better test the machine give them feedback and in return i will get a production model machine when that machine came out the machine came out i now have the production model machine set up so we're going to put that up against our x-carve i've had this x-car for probably three four years now i haven't had a ton of troubles with it like other people it's treated as well i've made tens of thousands of dollars with that machine over the past three years or whatever it's really brought our business to the next level owning a machine in the shop i'm gonna keep this video as neutral as possible i'm not gonna tell you which machine to buy or not buy simply show you all the facts the pros and the cons of each machine and hopefully make your decision a little bit easier i'm also going to compose this video in chapter format so you can go over to the side or down in the description and kind of just skip around and hear the things you want to hear versus just listening to me ramble for 20 30 minutes so when looking at these machines is price a factor and i'm not sure i'd say no both these machines are gonna run you about twenty five hundred dollars i'll add cards from each website here and i tried to balance them evenly with them with the max amount of accessories so i would say these are both fully loaded machines with the probe and the dust boot and all that stuff so the onefinity does not offer a router so you have to buy your own makita router which is eighty two hundred dollars the x-carve twenty-five hundred dollar bundle does come with the dewalt spindle onefinity also does not include a waste board the wasteboard is included with the onefinity so give or take a hundred dollars each way and they're still roughly around 2500 to 2600 fully loaded shipped to your door so expanding more on the wasteboard situation the onefinity does not come with the board so you're you are 100 responsible for making your own waste board in any way you want you could go with the t-track route which will cost you 60 to 80 or you can just do the basic threaded insert router which will cost you about 30 including mdf the x-carve does come with the waste board it has a nice grid pattern on it but to replace that wasteboard it's about a hundred dollars so personally i would put a quarter inch piece of mdf down instead of cutting into it and that would be like my sacrificial piece versus the onefinity i really don't have to worry about it but i'm sure you could rig up something similar on the x-carve so around to overall sizing the machine the overall footprint of the 150 is 45 by 45 if you include the controller on the side it's 45 by 52 the overall cut area is just over 32 inches squared and then going over to the 1000 millimeter x carve the overall footprint is about 40 by 50 and then the overall cut area is about 29 inches so you're getting a little bit more cut area with the onefinity and now on to like structural integrity of the machines or like how they're kind of composed the infinity consists of ball screws and ball bearings to kind of maneuver around the machine and the x-carve consists of v wheels aluminum rails and belts to operate the machine the onefinity has a huge edge here because just maintenance and everything with the v wheels and belts is just kind of a pain and you got to constantly keep up with it versus the onefinity you kind of set it and forget it eventually you're probably gonna have to replace the bearings or some something like that but that's a quick easy fix and it probably won't cost you very much or take very long to do i've heard of a lot of people having issues with wheels and belts on the x-carve i personally haven't had that issue with them braking but you still have to constantly maintain them and keep them all tightened to the proper tensions otherwise you'll you'll notice it if you let it get out of hand so taking a closer look you can see just lightly pushing on these they actually have a lot of flex versus the infiniti has much thicker heavy duty rails and i'm pushing way harder on these than i was with the x-carve another thing to point out was limit switch is the x-carve actually has physical limit switches so it's essentially a button that it pushes to know where it's at when it goes all the way or when it homes versus the 150 all that is built in there's no actual physical switches those are built into the machine another frequently asked question i get is what accessories should you buy with your cnc i don't really care which one you buy even if it's not one of these the top two things i recommend is a dust boot huge definitely get a dust boot contains the dust keeps your shop a lot cleaner especially if you're kind of like mdf that stuff is awful so for sure get a dust boot and two a pro i don't believe the x-carve comes with a three-axis pro but it does come with the z-pro which is super nice especially when you're starting out and just learning the onefinity does come with the 3xs probe it doesn't come with it it's an extra feature but that would be included in the 2500 i showed you earlier i personally don't use one just because i've been doing this a little while and i don't do anything crazy advanced i don't do any 3d cards i just simply touch it on the surface and that is good enough for me it just saves me a little bit of time and that is the only reason i don't use a probe so another cool thing to point out is this controller this is part of the 2500 bundle for the onefinity but this makes moving the machine around so much easier you can also use the little display on the bottom left that comes with the machine but using the controller is a game changer as you'll see in the next clip i'll show you how to move around the x-carve another downfall of the x-carve is you have to have it plugged in when using easel i've bumped this before mid carve and it's stopped the carve which can be super frustrating and you have to go in here and use this little display and click these small buttons it it does the job but it just kind of gets frustrating and old after a while and here's a close-up view of the software you cannot move onefinity with these you have to use the post processor so you finally got the machine you wanted you get the boxes and how long does this thing take to put together what goes into getting this thing up and running so we'll start with the x-carve because that's the first machine i got when i got the x-carve i knew nothing about cnc's it came with a bunch of little baggies and hundreds of little pieces and it probably took me 12 plus hours to put it together i thought the instructions were okay i messed up a few things so i had to backtrack a few hours and kind of put things back together because i put a plate on backwards or something so with the x-carve plan on spending a full weekend putting that thing together just assume 12 to 15 hours to assemble it especially if you don't know anything about cnc's you could also look at this from another perspective putting that thing together taught me so much about the cnc and all the little parts and kind of just how it worked a little better so if you're into that experience maybe you want to put the machine together but for most people they probably don't want to deal with it they just want to set it up and get that thing running so on to the one finity i knew a little bit about cnc's at this point but we put the machine together and had everything set up in probably 20 minutes and then by the time you get the wasteboard and all that set up say say it takes you probably an hour to get the 150 up and running to do something simple just there the 150 has a huge edge if you're not looking to put a machine together and deal with all that just assume an hour if you don't know anything about cnc's it's literally like 12 volts and it's pretty much up and running so now that you have your machine set up what software comes with your machines so the inventables easel is the x-carve software it comes with the machine it's free they do have a subscription i pay for this subscription otherwise you can't use the v-bits and whatnot but overall i really like that software it's super easy to use with the x-carve you do your carves you pretty much push play and it goes the onefinity on the other hand comes with no software it has a post-processor which you take the code upload it to the processor and then push play after a few times it's quite easy and mindless it's like four more clicks than running in the easel on the x-carve i personally run easel to run my onefinity you simply go to a drop-down export code and then you import it into the post processor another advantage of this is you don't need wi-fi i personally have wi-fi in my shop so it's not that big a deal to me but for some people it could be a huge issue if you don't have wi-fi in the garage so i run easel on the onefinity and i run easel on the x-carve you do not need wi-fi for the onefinity if you're running easel on the x-carve you must have wi-fi and then another software you could use is vetric vcarve pro or vetric aspire software both these softwares are very expensive but there are professional grade software that are amazing unfortunately it doesn't run on mac you can run it through parallels and other stuff like that but overall it doesn't run on mac it only runs in windows so i actually bought a cheap laptop to run metric vcarve pro i'm currently learning that still not proficient in it but overall it seems a good great software and another option you can look into all right now that we got to that let's do some cutting we're going to start out with a stress test and then we're going to cut two trays side by side to see which machine cuts it faster or more accurately for the stress test we're going to use white ash which is a nice dense wood and we're going to cut out a cavity with this large surface area three quarter inch dish bit so if you listen closely you can actually hear the machine starting to work really hard i don't know the technical term but i call it chatter the machines actually as it's trying to cut there's so much flex in the rails that it's actually skipping [Music] along [Music] in order to combat this you either need to lower the depth of cut or slow down your speed until you get a nice smooth cut and in this next clip i made some adjustments it's actually cutting faster and i just raise the depth of cut and with the onefinity i only actually ran one test just because i knew how fast it could cut so i just pushed it a little bit further than i normally would just to kind of see how it would react and it reacted just fine and it was already way faster than the x-carve so i just kind of left it at that so you can hear me kind of adjusting the dial that's why it kind of sounds weird but it would be a lot cleaner cut if i didn't have to mess with it the issue i have with the pikita router is the rpm dial always floats after using it for about a month it it just floats and moves you can actually hear it in this next clip of me trying to adjust it while it's moving it just started happening so eventually i came in and just put tape over it but that's why it kind of sounds weird not really onefinity's fault i'm assuming the reason they went with the makita router is because it has a wider rpm range than the dewalt 611 router you can get a different water cooled spindle that's i think it's a couple hundred dollars though so as of now they only offer the router mount for the makita which i'm 98 sure they're actually working on new mounts for different routers and bigger routers if that's what you're [Music] [Applause] into [Applause] on to the catch-all tray rays so i'm cutting two identical files here these are both out of the same exact piece of white ash i'm cutting down 0.40 and then the trays are 0.81 thick [Music] as you can see the onefinity cut its tray way faster than the x-carve the x-carve cut its tray in nine minutes and 52 seconds and then 1finity cut its tray in 3 minutes and 34 seconds i actually don't run the onefinity quite that fast when i'm cutting stuff myself actually dial it back about 20 inches per minute just because you can cut super fast doesn't mean you have to i prefer a better cut than saving 30 40 seconds on a carve if you guys are interested i can go on a full video on the onefinity on how fast you can actually run it and the feeds and speeds i run it at so if you're interested let me know that down in the comments but for now let's look at these trays so i know i'm going to get asked how i hold this stuff down i just use type on ca glue the viscosity doesn't really matter and then i just use regular scotch masking tape i'll add the links to this stuff down below so now to pry this thing off so you can just see all the chatter from it chopping around you can see here also all the chatter left behind on this but overall the trail is pretty good some light sanding and you won't see any of that to cut down it left a little bit on here so i don't know if you can pick this up but yes there's a little bit of chatter on the onefinity bowl too but i was also running this a lot harder so people are also asking me about accuracy i couldn't think of a good way to actually test the accuracy without doing any sort of like crazy 3d carve or some repeatable task just with the structural integrity of the onefinity it's going to be more accurate than the x-carve the x-carve has the belts and wheels and if you don't adjust them for a while and you run it a lot you're going to lose accuracy no matter what and the 150 doesn't have them issues so from an accuracy standpoint i would give it to the onefinity just because i don't have a great way to test it now i'll quickly run through finishing these trays just using a half inch round over bit on the bottom here then i'll quickly sand them i sand each tray for less than two minutes it doesn't really take much and then pretty much anything i take off the cnc i use this furniture finish from wallace oil this stuff works great and it's just simply rub it on and that's about it this step is also food safe once dry so i mean that's always a plus so as you can see in the end these two trays look essentially exactly the same the average person would never be able to tell the difference between these two trays and which machine cut it after they were cut the onefinity can cut over twice as fast as the x-carve personally if i was gonna drop twenty five hundred dollars i would go with the onefinity just because the setup time's way easier it cuts faster there's less maintenance and the list goes on but the x-carve will definitely hold the zone there's nothing wrong with the x-carve i just feel it's a little lacking and they haven't made any improvements to the smaller machine they did come with a new x-carve pro but that thing's like five thousand dollars plus so from a hobbyist standpoint i just think the x-carve is lacking it will definitely get the job done i've had it for about three four years and i've made tens of thousands of dollars literally with that machine it's paid for itself over and over again just in the last eight months i've owned the 150 i've made probably upwards of over eight thousand dollars just selling catch-all trades so from a money standpoint they're going to hold their own i mean you're gonna save a few minutes running the onefinity over the x-carve but overall it's completely up to you so i'm actually gonna end up selling this x card within the next month i may do one more video just on speeds and fees because people are asking so if you want any specific 150 videos comment them down below make sure you check us out on instagram subscribe like this video if you liked it i appreciate you all watching the video i hope you all have a wonderful day
Channel: Two Moose Design
Views: 132,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, diy, CNC, wood cnc, x-carve, onefinity, inventables, onefinity vs x carve, cnc review, onefinity woodworker, best cnc router for the money, best cnc router, what cnc to buy, hobbyist cnc machine, cnc router, cnc speeds and feeds, cnc basics, inventables easel, woodworking tools, woodworking cnc, top cnc, buying a cnc machine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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