Build Nahida The RIGHT Way | Updated Build guide

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Nita can blow up your enemy's minds and today I'll be telling you how to build her best let's get into it so what artifacts does the radish Sho none other than four piece deepwood memories this is essentially 4piece iridescent for dendro characters Nita's main job is to apply dendro but it always makes the most sense for her to wear it within dendro team otherwise four-piece guilded dreams takes the stand an ideal choice if another character in the team is using four piece deepwood it'll make Nita's personal damage fly her second best in slot on the whole 4pce golden troop is also a new viable option guilded dreams will be better but if you're already farming this domain it'll be a viable option mix and match tests include D dundr percent em attack percent and skill percent as for main stats Nikita has two main routes em em em and EM damage percent crit percent the E wow s sounds like y's gameplay build is good for teams where nobody else goes on full em such as a h- spread teams or n Bloom teams you want to aim for as much em as possible for Nita's A1 buff 1,000 em should be your cap vegetables A4 also gives her crit rate based on her em so it's also viable to swap her Circle to a crit one for an eec build the EDC build is good for aggravate and spread teams you can get away with a bit less crit rate than usual thanks to Nita's a 4 so instead of me recommending the usual 70 to 140 for a non crit weapon I'll recommend 60 to 150 60 plus to 200 plus if you're on a weapon niita sub stats aren't too difficult you should take care of building Nita's ER this also won't be too difficult Nikita is going to be fine on deepwood but have a look yourself if you're using other options now what weapons does the vegetable use let's look at Nikita's weapons a 1,000 floating dreams is currently her best in slot lots of em and team wide buffing is great in djo teams definitely her best choice otherwise R1 cag's Varity is excellent for her personal damage the DPS of it is actually close to floating dreams nice for aggro and spread comps R Sac frags isn't her wonderful Choice lovely Em Stick which she loves refinements don't matter much here Nikita doesn't need the extra skill cast as that's not how she Regens particles R5 wood Z is solid and will provide your niita with good Buffs all the crit is also quite good solar Pearl and sacrificial Jade will perform similarly r five wondering even star is fantastic and one paired of characters who like the buff even Stars buffing Rivals floating dreams lovely Nita option R5 magic guide is a wonderful cheap Choice which is surprisingly powerful the main issue Nita's Dental application can overtake the hydro or Electro on the enemy nearly all the time so the passive can be a bit inconsistent at times craftable choice mamare is the same performance- wise as magic guide for an onfield Nikita R5 hakushin ring also works for aggravate teams it's nice since fishal drives aggravate very hard and fishal snapshots the buff from hakushin ring R5 prototype Amber is a free-to-play friendly craftable it'll let Nita heal the whole team consolidating defensive utility she regen her own Arvest way too only downside very low personal DPS R5 tdds is never good Nita choice but your damage will be very low on her this is purely a choice used for buffing the team even further if you ask me which different sack frags will cover all your niita ever needs so go for those if you can these rankings are on Nita's damage be aware of that since maybe a more supportive Choice like R5 tdds will help your team do more DPS on the whole by the way where does Nita work best seriously anywhere dendo is involved so I'll cover Nita's main cores here first typer Bloom this core consists of nitaa an electro built on em and two hydros the electros can be Ryden who is amazing ranker for skill or cookie who heals the team and appreciates the ilds the hydros can be lady finina Yulan chencho and Ayo noet is fine too it's good to onfield Nikita so you can get as much AOE damage as possible here this won't work if you're playing noet hyper Bloom though it's more centered around the usage of shincho and yolan if you add a second dendro or Electro you can get a quick Bloom team hyper Bloom focuses on generating em based cores quick Bloom focuses on taking advantage of spread and aggravate more while having a few hyper blooms on the side one of the strongest teams in the game right now was a quick Bloom comp ayam finina cookie and Nita is something special you can also play aam yolan em Ryden and Nita these are very strong teams you can also play Sino quick Bloom consisting of Sino finina or yolan Nita and baiju you can get away with replacing baju for Fishel cookie too but baju has excellent Synergy with Soo in particular this is his best and Slot team and is incredibly powerful and for Bloom teams and of insanely powerful archetype for there's only one rule over the niita to play a good Bloom team and that's nuu so two team cores nuu hydro hydro Nita and Neu Hydro dendro Nita example teams include nuu kokam yolan and Nita and nuu yolan Buu Nita don't use finina In Bloom teams her damage bonus gets wasted here as she does not buff transformative reactions also that amount of HP loss is tricky to save at least I will save at a personal damage is strong enough to justify buffing yourself but on the whole you get SIM results to just using kooky and you still lack a Healer really is not worth all the effort Bloom is a really strong AOE comp the sleep on it would be a grave error Now we move on to aggravate one main core Electro ficial Nikita Flex fishal is a must because they A4 procs on Electro related reactions aggravate is an electro related reaction your best bet for an aggravate DPS will be kaching or Y King's main quality isn't just her damage it's mostly how much Electro she applies she shoots off ficial A4 is like it's nobody else's business fishal covers y's weaknesses lots of energy to Jen to cover that insane burst Cost Plus y's in Electro Catalyst kazua or sucrose is your best bet for the flex but Lynette and jle are also competent then there spread main core is dendro Electro then either a dendro or an Electro and the flex slot FAL is not ads needed here since Sprite is a d related reaction so her A4 doesn't prop but still a great Contender for the electro choice yeahi as well alyam is the best spread DPS we have right now a complete must for sure tinari is also a strong standard DPS who's great in spread he likes to play in tinari Yi Nikita and Jong Le teams really high value for a standard unit the flex can even be another Electro Kaza sucros or jangi spread is a pretty solid team I also like to spread butter on my bread Buran teams while on the weaker side do exist Hydro pyro Nikita Hydro you always want to play double Hydro since buron needs more Hydro than hyper Bloom the Pyro should be Toma as he applies pyro and shields from burgeon's self damage burning has only two teams G burn melt and Rio burn melt you can either play G Bennett Nik and kazua or G Dia Nita and kazua yes an actual use case for Dia in a g melt team which allows you to utilize her burst and Nita provides lots of em Buffs to the team burning is also kept very consistent on enemies you can replace G with Rio for of her very strong burn melt team great your radish is on a full plate now but how does she work what are Nita's talents first her normals Nita does four hits of dendro damage to an enemy you can actually play Nita on field to apply for dentro to enemies decent normals simply just by being a dentro catalyst unit her skill is wonderful it can mark up to eight enemies dealing and applying dentro damage and it has both a press and a hold pressing the skill sends out a Tiny Seed which marks nearby enemies in a small radius when you hold you can aim Nita's skill for up to 5 Seconds Nita's Interruption res also increases while she's in this position to quickly apply seeds on enemies with your hold shake the camera violently around the abyss Arena I'm being serious now on her own Nita deals no damage she isn't a solo unit her skills damage magic happens when you trigger reactions on marked enemies once every 2.5 seconds when a dental reaction is triggered on marked or connected enemies the will unleash an instance of damage scaling f for em and attack and that's where all the damage comes from these blasts deal dentro damage so the application on her skill is insane now for Nikita's burst she creates a very big dome wowza it's Buffs depend on what elements you have in your team for pyro Nita's skill damage gets increased for Electro niita can proc instances of skill damage more often the 2.5 second intervals being lowered for hydro Nita's burst duration increases if you have two of these elements in one te team then the effects get strengthened even further the two Electro means that you'll proc even more skill damage instances as an example the only condition to receive these Buffs stay within the giant freaking house niita makes within her burst not at all ask if you ask me now for Nita's Ascension passives Nita has a gamechanging A1 the onfield character in your team will get a 25% em buff based on the team member with the most em when her burst is up this cast at 250 em so he'd want 1K em on one teammate to max out buffing capabilities which in most cases would be Nita herself as for her A4 each point of em Nita has above 200 gives her 0.1% more damage bonus and 0.3% more crit rate to your Elemental skills damage instances this caps out a 24% crit rate and 80% damage bonus amazing A4 which improves Nita's personal damage also makes her easier to build as for her Talent priorities simple this first priority lineup is if you want to play off field Nita focusing on her Main damage and D application Source when her burst buff and normals last but if you want to play Nikita on field her normals become more worth considering even so don't skip out on leveling that burst of hers Nita's own damage is nothing too insane so leveling her talents is not a huge deal she'll work out the box for you as long as she's leveled the only time the heat is damage comes into question is with spread and even then spread doesn't scale off Talent levels yippy for resources great but what if you want your niita to grow to the next level let's take a look at as cons her burst buff is enhanced by plus one so if you have one pyro in the party her burst now treats it as two and if you have two pyres in the party her burst treats it to three not that big of a deal but it's an acceptable con Nita turns dendro into a nuclear reaction at this point enemies marked by her skill or in for treat since all core based D reactions can crit now with crit rate fixed at 20% and damage at 100% And with aggravated and spread as a 30% death decrease on enemies for 30 seconds wild very good con if if you're looking to hugely invest in tentro teams Nita's skill Talent improves by plus three extra damage is always delicious when 1 to four enemies are marked by her skill Nikita gets an em increase of 100 120 140 and 160 respectively not a huge C4 but it isn't bad either upgrades for burst by plus three nothing major but it's a nice bonus to have only pick it up on the way to C6 it's DPS Nita time after heita hits marked enemies with a normal or charge attack after using her burst she'll deal an especially huge blast on the enemy and all connected enemies this dentro damage skills on 200% of Nita's attack and 400% of your em and triggers once every 0.2 seconds this lasts for 10 seconds and ends after Nita has Unleashed this nuke six times this is obviously very good but it's a C6 what it has to be get to vertically invest into dendro C2 Nita is an amazing start you can consider floating dreams afterwards otherwise she's a fully complete unit at C 0 I wouldn't recommend going for C1 on its own C2 beat signature but signature beat C1 well Nikita brings power in Spades despite her small size easily a top five character in a unit I highly recommend to Old D Enthusiast out there she's aged well and will continue to age well I will say she hasn't done much in the fonte meta but she doesn't have to since nro teams are still some of the strongest teams around hopefully this guide was able to get your in heat of blowing the minds of your enemies well then this has been juice signing out and I wish you all a night of restful dreaming oh
Channel: Juice
Views: 87,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nahida guide, nahida build, nahida best builds, nahida best weapon, nahida best teams, nahida best artifacts, genshin, genshin impact, genshin juice
Id: EFdl2CHKogk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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