Build & Manage Your Own Medieval Tavern - Tavern Master - #01 - Full Version Gameplay

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[Music] hello everyone pin and welcome to tavern master in which we build and manage our own medieval tavern uh we checked out the demo last week in the steam next fest this is now the full version of the game um the developers kindly sent me a key along so thank you very much for that as always i have a link in the description down below if you want to go and check this one out for yourself wish list it all that good stuff this comes out in the 16th of november so that's just over a month's time but this essentially is the full version i think there's going to be a few tweaks and balances and stuff like that but for the most part this is the full game as i say we did check it out last week i've really enjoyed that you guys seem to enjoy it too so i figured let's jump in and we'll start a new series off uh so let's go new game i think everything's pretty well much the sort of the start bit is going to be basically the same as the demo uh welcome to uh your tavern you're in charge of managing growing your business uh look around with other side keys that's fine uh rotate with the right mouse button there we go uh it doesn't look like much of a tavern at all one of the door walls is missing yeah there's no doors and windows yeah well that doesn't look good does it let's go and we'll put a wall in there i'll do it that way and then we'll get a door in next because we're not gonna be able to serve anybody if they can't get in and they'll put a window in there okay let's buy some tables and benches let's go with that so we go to the furniture section just drop that in there for now and then it's gonna want the seats so put that there that's gonna need some lights because there's no light and getting those little orange circles indicating there's no light let's put that there and then we're gonna go to the lights next yeah and then that's it you know that circles indicates the light uh great job now you have enough seats next step would be to buy beer to serve well yes it would i guess it would be not a huge beer fan myself but um i could drink it but you know first side of myself but uh there we go uh can we actually surf slider oh wow okay right it's right down there damn that costs a lot okay that's cool uh great job and place to sit and now in the final thing missing is to hire staff so let's go to the highest staff we're going to need a bartender and a waitress so let's go there every day you'll get new candidates for home pick one of the four by clicking on the high button oh they've got skills interesting they've got these like little um skill bars they didn't have that last time in a demo nice okay so they're traits gains two experience faster four drinks four drinks uh attracts more customers i think they attract more customers to be honest all the experience drinks pouring one one is anybody different at 0.9 so you don't drink poor drinks that fast do you portrait one drink a second oh actually yeah you do it in 0.9 seconds so you're faster i guess i kind of like the attract more people because uh that was uh based on the research wasn't it uh the more customers we served i think the more research we got so yeah i'm gonna go with that i'm gonna go with that it's like that of the experience guy i don't i really like these carry drinks one so i'm gonna go with that let's go waitress now i wonder if these are all random as well at the start uh so you should hire a waitress ooh they can carry four drinks though that is probably the trait you want the most isn't it although i guess speed is going to be a good thing as well uh climbing stairs oh boy well yeah we'll be able to put stairs upstairs and maybe put like an in or something in right what's those traits is experience mood clearing uh cleaning mood is an effect by cleaning and then the experience experience and then plus one tip over you already get plus one tip anyway oh you get a tip for every drink served hmm is that different to your just tip hmm i like the fact they can carry four drinks as well uh so carrying 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.5 so they're all about the same speed but they can carry an extra drink they're not great going upstairs obviously this stuff's just going to level up so i guess it's immaterial and then the tips are going to go up as well so everyone's going to get that so does that mean you just get plus one tip every time i think we're going to go with rosalind let's go rosalind let's go rosalind we're going to go with that i've put everything you need the guests to start coming in but before we even pause the time let's uh unlock the research let's go there so yeah the more guests i think that's like 25 guests and we unlock the kitchen research so let's go the kitchen research next that's great so a number of guests per day tells you how many people will come in your tavern in an average day buy decorations and upgrade your tavern to increase that number okay right let's um pause it and let's go that's rosalind's coming in for a day of work final tip is to watch out if there is enough space to sit all the speed scenes taken by more tables and benches good luck thank you let's crank it on times two and we'll wait for our first thirsty customer there's one there we go wow you look exactly like rosalind don't you okay fair enough that's cool yeah so she just got plus one for that for every drink so i think she is worth it yeah she gets one gold no matter what yeah so we're getting four and then we're getting five yeah i think that's worth it i think she's whoa she just served two drinks yeah definitely i think that's the best one i'm gonna go with that yeah um yeah i'd say water i'm not sure don't want to drink the water in the medieval time but there we go let's keep on going anyway right the research is coming along we will put some more tables and chairs in eventually but i think right now we're looking good um yeah we're kind of filling up now we might want to do that i would kind of hang on to the next day i guess we've got 36.1 guests per day so that's pretty good uh another waitress would be good but we're nowhere near that yet so that's fine we've got to research that i think anyway that was in there yeah that was in the research tree so that's probably the next thing to go for i would say is the waitresses more people that we can serve and the more rubbish the more sort of uh mugs we can clear away essentially the better i think so it's way to go i think yeah hang on hang on whoa whoa whoa let's get a another table and chair in got a full house and it just gonna kind of stick with this for the moment i think we could probably put them close together um but i think for now we'll just stick that i kind of like the look of it ooh and we can just rotate with the right interesting okay that's so cool so unpause there we go brilliant so now we can get more people in yeah because people are walking away because the tables are full so yeah that's good plate space pauses it that's even better you might want to think about getting another table in as well because this one's filling up fast damn these people are thirsty yeah maybe not i think the plate yeah it's closed that's great okay so purchases refills and bonuses so we got 35 is that in her bonuses so yeah i mean the fact we got 35 i think that's just from her bonuses so an extra 35 gold that we wouldn't have so i think that is a good one to go for right let's crack on and we'll get to the next day now and then yeah we should be able to uh research everything and uh yeah recent make this i think we can turn it into an actual in and everything as well so that's awesome yeah i love this game this looks awesome this is such a great game it's gonna be a good one all right just see how much land we've got not got a huge amount of land but you know that's fine we can go upstairs as well so ooh like a monk or something maybe yeah um yeah i'm not worried about the table and chairs just yet but we might want that soon oh there's more more people that oh you've just leveled up oh okay so do i okay i just level you up oh i get to put points on oh boy well climbing stairs is not is just you know that's not gonna be very good at all oh can i tell you hang on hang on whoa whoa whoa hang on the game's yeah the game's cracking on uh without me um no i need you to pause okay right i will do the kitchen in a minute sorry about that i wanted to pause it whoa hang on did what did i oh i think i got money for doing the research didn't i holy molly yeah okay um do you want to do seven guests i mean we kind of need the waitress for the guests i think really poor rosalind's gonna be rushed off her feet but she can handle it she'll be fine she'll be fine and then let's go there we want to kind of level you up let's level you up we got two points remaining so pouring i think pouring is going to be a good one [Music] and the speed uh whilst carrying i think just pouring let's go pouring with you and then if we can actually level you up because i never did that a tip an extra tip i think is going to be a good one and then um probably just uh maybe more drinks carried carrying speed let's let's up that a bit so she goes a bit faster and then we can actually not too sure what that is i'm guessing that's priorities of what you want to do like cleaning uh food room service drinks so i guess that um when we get more people we can have someone doing drinks someone that doesn't mind the cleaning could do the cleaning yeah okay i'm getting you that's cool that is awesome right so let's now build a uh i've got to remember how to do this but let's build nope that's not the one we need to build the rooms first i'm just gonna do like i did last time i think just stick a little although yeah let's build let's build a decent sized one why not because uh i'm sure we're gonna expand this at some point floor textures let's go with the wood floor for now although no actually it's a kitchen let's go with the kitchen there we go that's a bit more kitcheny isn't it there we are wall texture do we want to change that in any way shape or form hmm yeah let's let's change that up a little bit there we go that's good looks a bit more kitcheny uh build let's have like a window there so we can kind of see out so he's not trapped put a door in there that's okay and then i've got to remember how we did this because i just skipped past it kitchen we need the serving counter don't we so that's the chef if i remember rightly that's the chef and then that's the servers right yeah i think that's the way that worked so if we have that there like so the chefs will come up there put the stuff on and then the servers can come in although do we actually might just want to move that right up against the door is there any reason not to hm plate shelf i think that was the next thing we want uh just going to put that there for now and then i think we wanted a crate didn't we i think that was the other thing that we wanted uh do we want to just let's put that there i think that'll be okay we'll put that there and i think that was it oh the fire girl's locked okay so we've built everything so i think that's everything right so we've got everything on the menu this stuff leveled up didn't it last time so we've got cherry cake bread apple pie cream rolls and a fruit bowl interesting can we actually do anything with that oh oh boy well we'll leave that for the moment so we've got fruit meat yep that's okay and then we want to hire a chef so we've got let's have a look so everyone's got the same skill with soups skill with soups plus four oh that's pretty good uh against two times two experience faster prepare two soups at the same time well that sounds good but we don't actually do any soup yet so i'm not sure whether that's an issue that we really want to worry about just yet uh doesn't decrease when carrying something that sounds pretty good actually to me skill with soups as well sounds really good skill with dessert oh okay so we can have like my suit man like this dude produces a load of soup and like a main course person and then someone that does the desserts as well i think this guy that just carries less and he gets like a big bonus of those desserts hang on hang on so i would guess that these are probably all desert certainly the pie the cake and maybe the cream rolls the desserts and there's all the ingredients as well interesting ah yeah i don't think it really matters let's just go with somebody i'm gonna go with this guy i think his desserts is pretty good it's a five salary and he doesn't decrease uh when he's carrying something let's go with warton or do we go with henry hmm we're not making soups let's go with let's go with you there we go right brilliant yeah i kind of wish it wouldn't carry on um when i was uh you know doing something because that was kind of annoying but there we go so i'll have to wait for uh somebody to drop in so we're doing that so that's good yes the game doesn't pause i wonder if there's a option for that i don't know no i've just thought a look there isn't an option so oh the tables and chairs are a little full aren't they so let's turn the yeah let's turn the speed down and we'll put another table in we could probably we could probably jam them together but i'm going to kind of keep that look for the moment we can always pick them up and move them later so we're too worried about that and let's just kind of get there there we go excellent that's cool quite like the look to be honest but yeah if you want to jam more people into there we could do that eventually um because there's only one seat free so yeah look we've got two more people coming in so we definitely need more seats so that's good and we also have a 38.9 guests per day so we really need another waitress to be perfectly honest have we had a dessert yet to keep an eye on that as well yeah it's like an apple pie so i think personally the money that we get from that whoa that was a lot of money yeah because he's getting a bonus as well for the desserts because the pies and stuff are going to be the desserts i think that's largely what we're making at the moment so it's good okay it's getting to the end of the day we've got 400 gold yes we're getting a little bonus plus she gets that bonus i think that's brilliant i think that's what i want from an extra waitress is a bonus uh but we desperately need another one right that's research done let's put hang on let's pause yeah let's pause while we do that i think the waitress is the next one to go for really could do lemonade but i got to go with the waitress because she's uh for rosalind starting to get rushed off her feet so yeah she really needs to get going okay yeah we got money if i remember rightly in the demo i got money for um doing that research to start with uh should we just leave everything the way it is yeah i think we will we'll perhaps pause i'd say we we could put some extra let's put some extra tables and chairs together there we go i had to actually be on the furniture tab so if we put that there we could put them together and cram in another table maybe i think someone in the comments suggested that actually on the demo if i remember rightly i think that's where i'm getting it from uh so yeah i think we'll leave it like that and we'll maybe put some more seats in i guess we could put some in there couldn't we although having a gap would probably utilize rosalind's space a little more wouldn't it so she can maneuver in between them because otherwise she has to come she has to come down to here to service this one whereas if there's a gap in between them she can kind of zip between them and service them a bit easier hmm yeah i'm thinking maybe we want to do that yeah let's do that maybe i think i'm going to do that put that there put that there and if we move that one over to there like so there's a gap between them so she can move around and service all of these ones where she has to kind of walk down one side and down the other i don't know maybe we'll put them together and see how it goes but i think for now that's kind of good yeah let's go with that right let's go to the next day and start the next day yeah this game is awesome man i love it this is good i like it and we've got a nice kitchen area that we can expand out into as well got 47.3 uh on the uh guests as well so we should get that to waitress today which would be great that's what we really need now oh he's having some of those like milk rolls or something let's have a look at what your uh stuff is like socially [Music] i'm going to hold off for now and not buy everything but we may end up buying some more stuff but let's be honest we haven't used any meat and vegetables do we actually have any things that do meat and vegetables okay so we don't have anything that does meat and vegetables yet so never mind we don't really need to order everything then do we um yeah we desperately know the waitress though because rosalind has really rushed off her feet and she needs to level up at least she's getting there though we can get us some more speed i think but when she's like carrying her trays around yeah i think a gap in between might be a little bit more efficient but we'll have to play with it maybe we'll put this side together and put that side apart and we'll kind of see certainly ground more you could cram more um grab another table and share and couldn't if you shove those down too all right let's pause it before we go here because rosalind has leveled up so let's let her level but i guess can i oh i can up her salary i can actually down her salary but i think we'll just leave it for now um so i think we just want to up her speed while she's carrying because at the moment we have no stairs i think later on we could probably just you know specialize someone that climbs upstairs couldn't we really and then we could easily do that so i'm just going to up the speed when you're carrying when you're not carrying let's do that next so plus one from the tip for every drink service awesome i'm gonna have to get somebody else that does that that's just too good in my opinion and there we go so how you doing on the food right let's buy at that let's buy that because we're not serving we're not serving that so we might as well hang on to our money for the moment and then we will do perhaps do some decorating at the end of the day or maybe just expand this place a little bit i think actually we could probably get another table and chair in there but i think we're probably okay on the capacity yeah i kind of like the look as well with a bit of space so she's got a bit more a bit more maneuverability maybe because she if she went there she'd have to go round that way if you blocked it off so i think having a gap in between is probably better okay we're almost full i think we probably want to think about another table and chair now [Music] we probably want to do that the research is slowly going up but um maybe the uh extra guest wasn't a good idea and probably the probably the waitress is the way to go first i think the money's doing great though oh hello oh yeah we've leveled up hang on let's pause again uh so we've leveled up the cream rolls so those are going to be better so yeah this then ups the chance of the various different uh you know aristocrats or whatever that are going to come in so yeah definitely the cream rolls are definitely the hit the others are not so much but that's good and then we'll level up our walton has leveled up okay so dessert speed i think we'll probably just go oh i think we'll specialize him in the desserts but i think speed is probably the way to go to start with get some extra speed and then uh we'll kind of specialize them in desserts and then we'll start working perhaps on the soups or something else after that okay right cool oh somebody else leveled up oh we gotta say oh hello hang on hang on research so we need to do that so we're gonna do the lemonade next and then yeah this was because i think we got to here and we couldn't research anymore so that's great and then we've got a new waitress so let's go the new waitress so we've got alyssa i've got shea and whoa can carry eight drinks at a time whoa oh that is pretty good isn't it damn man she can carry eight drinks at a time wow yeah they have different okay so they have random stats it's like you've got three you've got five and you're maxed out and max you can do is five but you could do eight what what are you lacking in then i guess it's your speed although that's not too bad either tips climbing the stairs is not great but nobody's up before oh i really want that plus one tip though but they're carrying eight drinks just sounds really good i think i'm gonna go with that it's just too good to pass something she's awesome going up the stairs as well the plus one on the tip though is just too good to pass up i think um those are two really good ones [Music] she's really slow though she carry load of drinks she's really so i'm gonna go with a tip again i think it's just too good to pass up we're gonna go with shay this time i think it's just too good to pass up isn't it yeah it's a load of like wasted booze as well isn't that at the end of the day so you just tip it down the sink or something i guess um like decorations do you want to really worry about that yet i don't think we do i think what we do do though is we put hang on let's put another seat in i think for now i'm going to pull i'm going to mimic that on the other side so i quite like it the design i've got going on i think i'm going to go with that or should we yeah screw it let's put the two tables together let's get the seats together i think the other way is better but i'm going to try it uh i'll do that do that do that i think the other way is going to be better although actually let's go that way go that way and then we've got a little bit of room around the bottom to maneuver as well so we're not just totally stuck up against the wall there we go i i sort of aesthetically i prefer that look to be honest but obviously you can cram more tables and chairs and although don't put hmm let's let's test it let's test it we'll see what it does i think that's going to be better one but you know we'll go with it and we'll see what happens right let's go the next day let's unpause it and we're going to go and we're going to get lemonade right i think yeah and then we're going for these special events next yeah this is great i love this game i love it already yeah i would say we're not doing any vegetables or ooh someone's just leveled up hang on let's go there the bartender is leveled up randall so we're gonna go there i guess we could give you uh i'm just gonna keep it standard for now um two drinks uh carrying speed pouring speed hmm i think probably just max out the drinks and then we'll get you so you pour a bit faster there we go and then we'll get some carrying next i think there we go yeah i'm loving this game man i love it well i said that enough probably not we'll we'll get to decorating later i think for now we'll just build it as is but i wonder if the balls do the walls change anything you know like the the texture and i think does that change it's kind of strange you don't pay for it though but never mind prestige as well that's slowly going up i guess we could take these tables out eventually couldn't we stop buying some slightly better tables rather than just benches tables and benches i think to start with just tables and benches is the way to go until we start attracting the uh sort of the aristocracy or something like that i think probably those are just where they go at the moment yeah the tip as well i think that is worth it so just that plus plus one plus two every time you serve a drink they're getting it and it just adds up at the end of the day i think it's just that extra bit of cash to play with um we may go with someone else that um probably want to start how do we know if we need cleaning or is that like a tavern thing that might be a tavern thing or is that ooh is that dirt on the floor might be dirt that could be dirt i'm not sure was that there or always how you doing with your stuff as well let's refill that yeah because most of our recipes are that oh hello got a level on the cherry cake so let's level that up so we get some more cash for it as well i'm gonna keep an eye on that and then the research yeah we've done the research so let's start the research for the special events that's the next one and then we're then into these more sort of you know upper class people or whatever they are don't know the orange the orangey colored ones so uh yeah that's good though so we're gonna need 30 of those 20 of those and 10 of those to get the drinks price oh that's probably the next one isn't it oh and then we got some gold ones to get an extra chef interesting okay cool right well we'll do special events next how are we doing seating-wise i think we're okay for seats we've got 48.7 and we've got what 4 8 12 we've got 24 seats so we're only expecting 48 for a day so i think we're probably okay on the seat and i don't think we need to worry too much um maybe um maybe we wanted to start doing some upgrades to the uh you know make it a bit posher or something but i think for the moment we're probably okay i don't think we need to worry too much about it but we'll see oh wow that guy looks like an executioner isn't he i could have yeah hard day's executing and he's uh yeah food sold bonuses yeah is that like the bone at the tips and stuff average action duration yo doing all right average occupancy 66.7 total seats 24 customers served 49 so we just hit over our um estimated time right do we want to do any building um got some money we should do something with it shouldn't we maybe we should buy some fancier tables or something small table i guess we could put another we might be able to get a small table in somewhere as well might we if we played it right we might just get a small table in somewhere that's a simple table strong table i guess we could replace that one couldn't we how do we get rid of that one [Music] so we could sell it what's that do it's impossible to rotate this but oh okay that's a rotate i was wondering if i was going to put it in storage or something so we've got strong table long table luxury tables and what about the seat small bench that's the prestige isn't it so small stall deluxe bench chairs oh wow oh wow yeah i think we're pro i think we're probably just gonna stick with what we got for the moment i think i'm just gonna rock another day to be honest and then when we get the uh when we get the um special events we could probably then spend some more cash i think yeah we'll do that we'll kind of hang on to what we've got at the moment uh was there any kitchen stuff uh i would assume yeah i've got to research that haven't we i think so that was in the research right i sure saw that didn't i yeah fireplace grill yeah that's fine okay yeah wait for this one to go so we've got 21 done so we should get that done by the end of the day and then someone should level up as well that's all good yeah we'll buy some more fruit and let's just fill those two up as well we're not researching any let's just stop that level up the bread as well and then i would assume that that's in the research the extra although that could be the fire pit couldn't it it could be the fire pit it's going to unlock yeah it's probably the fireplace grill that might unlock those recipes chopping tables upstairs hotel cool uh some food balls are empty in the bar on floor one what oh boy oh yeah i forgot about that water is empty oh wow it's free damn even in the uh middle ages it's free okay let's empty the beer oh did we unlock we don't like lemonade didn't we yeah of course duh [Music] refill let's get lemonade as well i totally forgot about that yep you probably shout at me in the comments i didn't put lemonade down but yeah there we go we got lemonade now so that should yeah that boost up the guess wouldn't it yeah my bad so even in the middle ages water is free i like it that's good and then oh another menu item the bowl of fruit is leveled up so we get a bit more cash it's great and then i would assume yeah these prestige foods attract more of these prestige clients so that's cool and then prestige is slowly going up as well i'll say i think once we've researched that we'll then maybe think about redesigning this and changing some of the the decor and the layout and stuff uh oh rosalind has leveled up let's get her leveled and then she's got two points remaining well we don't need to climb the stairs i think maybe upping her drinks limit and then her carrying while she's got those drinks i think that's probably better yeah i love that level up system as well that's just yeah so good so damn good oh man 18 for that milk roll i think of us wow that is good we are rocking some extra cash as well now slowly we've got uh 590 on the prestige so i think we will uh do some tables or something uh so that's 20 so we probably do like the strong table next maybe we'll swap that out or even a long table [Music] yeah maybe do a strong table and leave the benches the way they are and then maybe we could do a stool yeah probably just change the tables i think to start with that's probably the next thing to do okay yeah we're doing all right we're making some making some decent cash uh those are saying those things uh vegetables and meats not really a worry at the moment it's going to keep an eye on the bar and make sure that's fine yep that's good and then the wine is probably the next thing to research isn't it we're almost there with research as well there we go oh hello let's go research now what's this screw that what's this thing special events oh no planned no play oh so we can plan a bit okay so what the hell is this oh wow pirate gathering ale mead for 10 viking party ah so i see so water and lemonade regular party 20 guests reward 200 so i see so the more prestige king and queen feast prince peace merlin the wizard viking theme party pirate gathering uh work anniversary wine tasting executioner's up and battle victory celebrations and we need various things obviously the prestige but we also need the various things to be able to do so let's go with that right oh that is cool so we've got an event planner as well and then ooh i mean the drinks price i think is probably a good one to go for but the wine also would be a really nice one so i wonder if we can only do one of those a week hmm [Music] that might be the case we can only do one a week i really thought about that um extra chef would be good extra 14 guests all i mean and be honest everything would be good there i think the drink price you just got to go with the drink price i mean really i mean that just makes sense to me we're almost at the end of the day so uh you know we should get that special event tomorrow i might change out some of the tables uh four inches get a bit of extra prestige though does that really matter [Music] i'm not sure to be honest let me know what do you think i kind of think you know maybe i'll just leave it and then we'll put the table in after we do the special event that might be the way to go everyone's upping it's like damn man people are not that cooperative in a boozer normally when you say it's a locking in time or sorry not lock in time when it's closing time people do not want to get up that quickly i say that much um in my experience anyway all right let's go and uh shea has leveled up as well we'll give her a bonus and then she is pretty decent uh well she's pretty fast at carrying i'll give her an extra carry slot so she can carry four drinks rather than three climbing stairs i'm not too worried about yet because that's a way off that was quite a way down the research tree so i don't think we really need to worry about that maybe upping her tips or maybe maybe upping the uh the carrying speed yeah the carry speed i think that's the way to go that's the way to go that's cool right those are good so i'll say we could we could build some more stuff but i'm kind of tempted to hold off and see what this special event actually does because i'm assuming i can't spend any more so 16th oh okay so i can't i can do an event and then i can't do one on friday and saturday but then i could plan another one on sunday but we we try and go for that thousand we probably want to go for that again don't we i think well i think we'll let this one go see what happens uh we're gonna get 20 guests so that's going to be good and then we need like 20 more for that okay well perhaps we should have gone with the wine rather than the drink price i think the drink price is the way to go just the money isn't it and then these two don't require the new uh the sort of gold uh prestige people so we could probably skip that one although we want that for the waitresses oh boy that's tough i think though we'll do some building in the next episode and we'll try and uh build out this uh these tables and chairs and everything i think i might change some of these up we've got 900 but i think i'm probably gonna leave it and we'll see uh what the what this special event does money wise and all that and then we'll perhaps up our prestige because if we take these out we'll get some more prestige for it and just remodel the the existing space that we've got that might be the way to go or maybe we'll stick an extension on we could stick an extension on can we they're going to leave the kitchen the way it is it's plenty big i built it extra big just because uh you know we're gonna put fire pits and stuff in there i think that's gonna be big enough to serve everything we may just move like the door maybe over to there the door there might be a bit better actually might now we could do that anyway i think for now though i think this is a good place to call it and i think i'm going in the episode here uh so if you like that one please give me a thumbs up comment your thoughts down below subscribe for more i really do appreciate it stay safe out there everyone and i'll catch you next time
Channel: Drawing _Pin
Views: 1,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tavern Master, Demo, Gameplay, Building, Simulation, Medieval
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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