Build ANY Fruit in Minecraft you get it in Blox Fruits!

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we each have five minutes to build whatever fruit we want from blocks fruits in Minecraft after we build the fruit we get it to use in a fight the winner gets one point and the first to three points wins and let the building commence I can't believe you've brought me back to my own game it's over for you honestly I'm in danger already because I don't know how I'm gonna build this start with the outline and then we just go for Speed 10 by 10 is way larger than I would like every time we forget how big 10 by 10 is I swear yeah and considering we don't have long to build these we gotta be on demon time speaking of demon time my first fruit you're in danger nah there's no way you beat this fruit actually I'm actually so confident that I'm not gonna do anything apart from say I'm confident all I'm saying they're saying you better do a good job building because I'm bringing back the rule of if the build is bad you lose step you should really worry about yourself because every time it's your build to look terrible I really gotta go crazy this time I can't be doing any same mistakes as last time honestly bro this is actually way harder this time because this fruit is impossible to build forgetting how I even built it the first time that that's not like ideal what do you mean how you built it the first time no no I mean like how I built it on the uh like I'm building something symmetrical and it's just not symmetrical ah I gotcha like what happens if I surround that it looks so bad I'll just put these here and maybe call it a day I'm doing something we've not even got time to think really we just gotta just gotta build okay wait kind of looks like cool shades but I've somewhat brought that back if we did this maybe it kind of makes it feel like there's more power coming from it you see what I'm saying you're talking to me I'm talking to the viewers I think the viewers get me no they're just definitely baffled at what that whatever you're doing same honestly all right I haven't actually looked to see what I've built and whether it like looks right but I'm just going I'm committing I've got a place blocks is that like fine okay not bad we have got one minutes remaining actually actually I think this is making a difference I don't know why but it kind of is it's not long left now then I've got a speed run this side oh no we have really not gone long left how did I do this again that is probably as good as I'm gonna get and that wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is time oh okay let me check yours first because I don't want to talk about mine behold oh no that's obviously dragon that actually looks sick what the heck it took me so long to get the eyes right that's so good go around to your side and show me what you built okay oh that's a funky looking ice fruit no I'm kidding that's obviously the Quake you can tell yeah you can tell Dragon vs quake and I've gotta eat mine let's go I'm sorry for what I'm about to do it's wave beam all right that's right I should do Dodge those take this yeah I'm too quick Dragon claw oh I grabbed you all right oh I'm in danger why am I in so much danger what the heck transformation oh no goodbye no I dozed that Sam how fire shower please no yes I didn't stand a chance easy one nil Victory round two building begin I am gonna build something incredibly simple this round because I can't be doing with the stress of building an entire Dragon yeah that's true I need something good so that I don't lose my fruit I'm looking at it right now it's kind of wide right it's not actually a cube it squidges out a little bit so although I said I'm gonna have to like you know I'm picking something easier so it's less annoying this is gonna be more annoying that seems like a you problem let me ask you a question sent about the fruit that you're building yeah does it happen to be an element no definitely not an element so it's not a low gear right we live in life yeah 100 not an element what gave you that idea are you over on my side or something I'm placing blocks right now how did you know I was building an element making a guess ah something's fishy all right now we're gonna try and make this small bus that's how I describe it all this hey yo I don't know what you're into but no you'll see what I mean this is an awfully thick fruit hey yo how does the stem look because you know we're already on stem building really oh wait you're not wrong we've only got like two minutes left I spent way too long making this fruit bigger than it had to be I'm gonna try something devious does it work wait a minute oh this is good I just found the perfect block and now you've lost that's literally the perfect stems basically Mirror Image you know what you're actually gonna get minus points because my throat's gonna look so good really yep I'm saying that with confidence whatever you say this is a really nice relaxing fruit to build you know I'm not under any stress we've got a minute left you know what this is for brownie points right here this makes sense in blocks fruits lore yo here we go make some viewing areas that'll do that's so good all right that's time okay I will come and see when you've built over on your side first oh what'd you think the ice fruit that's really nice and then you've got the little Frosty pass on the floor okay okay right let me get mine ready for you to uh witness like I said I went incredibly basic I'm ready there we go oh it's obviously the smoke fruit there's the smoke fruit but look peek inside it's full of smoke whoa it's dangerous in there that's my bonus poisoning is full of smoke that's good that's good smoke versus ice time to become a jet plane take this I'm so anti-climactic smoke slime oh okay that wasn't no was it okay right we're going jet plane mode I have not built the right fruit here I'm going all in from next round I'm hitting you you were smoke nothing I'm just vibing here Liberation wow that actually hit me baited I'm so bad at this game honestly get over here send There's No Escape there's always an escape I have to go Retreat tactical Retreat There's No Escape Frozone smoke blast that move fires so slowly please yes oh man easy Victory next round I know exactly what I'm gonna build in fact I'm building the strongest fruit in all of Blox roots oh my God I'm doomed to them it's the best mythical in the entire game we've got a cube and now we need to take away from the cube it'll make sense I think oh this is already looking so bad what am I doing okay that does not look it Chief okay we can make some adjustments I hope got to replace every single block visible what is it that bad yeah because of like if I want to make it a smooth angle then it's gonna need to is this gonna work it's gonna be so annoying to replace but I gotta do it for the mythical fruit I'm interested what your mythical fruit is but at the same time knowing you it's something dumb no this is a gutier fruit this is the best fruit in all of luxury it's kind of confirmed see I don't like the way you said that but at the moment I think I just need to I need to do this I'm having a change of plans I've come to the like an epiphany that if I keep going the way that I'm doing this it's not gonna look right so instead I'm making the biggest staircase known for mankind every time you talk I get more and more confused all right drastic measures I'm getting rid of everything do you have time for that yes I do because I've got a brand new idea it might be stupid but I think I can do this no done for I destroyed my entire build does it look good yeah yeah it looks fantastic how do I fix this I'm hoping you don't yes Perfection I don't actually don't even want to show you this you have to it's in the rules I think I'm just gonna tank the snap Point loss because literally I can't get the shape right no matter what I try sounds like a you problem honestly 15 seconds this is as good as I'm gonna get I'm 100 losing start points and that is time I'm gonna come and look at yours first so TP me because I mine is abomination it's an absolute Abomination honestly mine's not much better I think but hopefully ah the sun through yeah it is and you've got yeah the bonus points for using actual sand as well okay show me yours behold what did you do you don't understand the more I make it look like a pyramid the more it just looks like a pyramid and not like the kilo for it I see your problem here you use stairs yeah that was the problem it was doomed either way that's the flattest kilo block I've ever seen all right so how many stat points am I losing I reckon a half I think that's fair take being reset to zero with this Abomination kilo or deformed kilo versus I'm not messing around oh oh I tried to predict Sandstorm go take him I'm that GG I'm never building a fruit with a whack shape ever again the next round starts right now and honestly I don't really know what I'm gonna do Boom Cube built I'm doing your cheeky strats to get the cube built as well honestly it's goated there we go we got a queue this saves so much time it's actually crazy oh bro this is perfect oh I'm so good at Minecraft honestly they should give me a Nobel Prize for how good I am at Minecraft okay all of that I'm saying is the stem of this fruit I don't think I've seen a weirder stem all I'm saying is you're going down okay I gotta make it interesting this is where the fun begins yep you can definitely make that shape in Minecraft I think that's the best I can do my best rendition of it you know what I don't think it's bad though you've already like made a rendition of what you're trying to make that fast kind of we got some some things going on now like we're actually making progress for once that feels good tell me about it mine's looking good already I've even got the lighting right for mine that's how crazy I'm going insane I'm basically doing Tetris I'm making Tetris shapes and it's actually looking kind of good that's not a Tetris shape but you know whatever works as long as it looks good that's all that matters okay and then here we whack it with another rotate 90. and boom I'm done you've got so much time to spell what what do you mean you're done yeah well my fruit kind of easy now that I'm looking at I have now got to do some weird things number one is like over here kind of like this a bit of that and then boom hey Presto you know what it's actually kind of more like this but that's fine honestly I actually don't think there's anything else I can do to this fruit okay it's actually convenient that you finished fast because we've got 30 seconds and I've got to build more of these things okay it was speed building now this was the speed build round and now on the speed build round in Disguise that'll have to do I don't really have much choice there's like a couple more this way we got 10 seconds oh I broke the thing and that is time okay teleport to me teleport to me what'd you think the cheeky Rumble for it that's actually pretty sick I've been noticing a theme right all of yours they're also all perfect cubes you yeah there's nothing much going on that's really cool let me get uh yeah get me over there Chief I'm ready to see here we go oh imagine the pink is like glowing Oh So This Is The Love fruit you have the blindness effect or something no no I'm joking it's obviously gravity yup so Gravity versus Rumble I win these Gravity versus Rumble I'm feeling confident there's no way you beat me tactical Boulder you sniped me out the sky oh I'm so good I'm actually kind of goated with this actually stop take this you're stopping all my moves big dodge oh you're lucky you dodged me otherwise it was over for you where are you oh I'm nowhere can't see me Gravity push that's right you're stuck in my domain now you're stuck in my domain meet y'all from the sky you're doing too much damage push I wasn't expecting anything I'm inbound I'm inbound no that is not good I'm away I'm not inbound anymore you know what are you sure you don't want to come inbound all the meteors they hurting that's all the tricks we hide and you never know where I am how do you have that off cooldown already right it's quite a quick pull down my bro where am I son you can't see me right here somewhere where am I right there you have to push the missed meteor rain please no that hit me all the damage now you're stuck Oh no you're stuck in here with me come on come on no no what a shot Speed Demon mode that still hit me yes oh I'm kind of cracked with this fruit I could never trap you under my gravity okay final round and this round is the speed round you better know what you're building because the time starts now okay oh oh five five one two three four five this last fruit you know I need a bit of help so I'm not the one that's gonna be fighting you why what does that mean that probably narrows it down to a couple of uh maybe just even one idea you're not the one that's gonna be fighting me does that mean that it might be your best defender ah what's giving you that idea I don't know kind of a cracked devil fruit guesser now I just need to do a heart which is probably my kryptonite I don't know how to do that bro just said he needs to do a heart let's not talk about it I think I'm winning this wait I've smashed that you can't see it behind the thing though that's not good oh no this is not ideal but I've got a idea I've got a really good idea on the speed round the speed round don't like ideas well the speed round's Gonna Get Wrecked once I show it my true potential okay that does not look good yep I like that that's good okay now now I need to just go this I'm wasting time working on a glow and then like up here somewhere wait this isn't gonna work no I've wasted time with an idea that's not even gonna work that color looks so bad but it's gonna have to do no okay right now we just need to add like the cracks there's some slight little cracks in this fruit and I need to try and get them right there's like a little bit going on over here oh man why did I do this on the speed round this is done we've still got enough time how much time do we have cheap we got a minute it's more than enough for me at least hyperventilating increases I've somehow done this like masterfully they should call me sen Master not send pirates that doesn't work oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no that is a pretty nice looking fruit honestly I think it's not even worth doing the glow I'm spending ending the last minute of my time removing the fake glow that I added yes that might be yes okay and then and then it's got like here like this and maybe here like that maybe a bit down the bottom here 15 seconds okay mine's basically done same I'm done perfect I will uh come around and see your speed round that is uh honestly you've done a really good job for the string on the speed round that was hard but let me tell you I like it I like it okay let me let me see your Abomination we got our best a friend though oh my God you know what it looks pretty good you can't see the heart unless you come from this direction but that's fine yeah it's fine but then if you come from this direction you see that in the background so let's not yeah true the final round were the builds worth it love fruit okay I'm off straight into Flamingo so you could just can't hit me oh no oh no my screen hurts your screen hurts get away Cupid Zone that's right you're in the pain Zone well that's just dumb go best friend take him down I don't know who this is but they will destroy you Spiderman Spider Spider-Man that's actually so annoying I gotta try and like snipe you off this guy oh that was so close like this I can't see you when I use that move it's not even getting close go Heavenly punishment oh okay that almost hurt bro I can't hit anything I'm so bad at this game all right then me and my best friend are inbound you're gonna look trying to hit us bro you're too quick go best friend though die ow how this guy oh what a shot I was standing still what do you mean what a shot okay okay that is that is not good you can't Dodge when you're being hit by that I know you're hurting get over here I missed get over here oh if you held that down I probably would have died oh okay right right let's talk about this where even where are you I'm just everywhere snipe yes no this stupid fool go best friend take him down I'll add him to my flamingo no yes [Applause] no way my best friend did nothing for me oh I'm so glad I'm a better Builder yeah better at building a better fruit than me
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 424,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, minecraft, minecraft builds, cheating in building competition, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits update, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits codes, blox fruit, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits update 17 part 3, blox fruits race awakening, blox fruits race v4, blox fruit live, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits live, blox fruits tier list, blox fruits race, dough fruit
Id: 3_GZSuyQHlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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