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I'll have a job and one of the main reasons is we get to two things for people that are really deserving absolutely so when we got asked to help you out this guy we're about to make it was straight on to it now his name's David the best thing about it he's got no idea we're coming yep because it's actually David's dead who's called us in to tackle his son's backyard Jason yeah and we're gonna do a makeover on your backyard nice happy yeah mate saw the backyard need some work yeah got some plans yeah oh we can use your plans now know-how and yeah it's change your backyard for you cool nice-size backyard right yeah beautiful Nathan your lawn down yeah three months old and us no matter gotta ask you're a young bloke yeah you've lost your arm yeah do you mind me asking you how happen workplace accident six years ago going on now so pretty much straight out of school yeah one since I finished pretty daunting to be a young black in the workplace and then buying your first house yeah and then you've got a you know contend with these yeah when you try and do stuff around the house are you like you know leaning on your parents and your mates and your brothers bullets or stuff they're willing to lend a hand yeah yeah they've always been great help if I need it they'd come help me now this is the space we got to work on all right what's your impressions of it well I need barbecue really there's a bit daily into the outdated yeah papers every day or we go nice new deck you raised up a little bit not as big a step here yeah sort of connect the two yeah so maybe a shape up over the top some new furniture yeah obviously a garden bed here or there yeah that'd be nice yes all right let's get started haha right oh yeah I think the bobbies seen a better day now that's not dangerous brother though they Bickley might have solid yeah but they didn't get it design school today not at all meet your makers now mate we are going to paint a few things all right even the stuff we paint needs a good clean but yeah it's PVC boarding it's so hard to place it just seize it close so before the accident he left the right here I was right-handed yeah they've had to learn to sign your name again everything and when you're doing something like this it's repetitive and I can swap over yeah yeah RSI but still do it yeah stronger stronger good attitude oh hello your dad the man that dog Jian hey Goku good Johnson good good I mind but I hate to bring it up but six years ago Dover's had an accident you know what was that like as a father well it was devastating for the whole family actually for me I got the phone call to say being taken to Liverpool hospital and just to not know what was really or what happened I went over there and when I got told I was just beside myself just everything fell apart just for that moment and David what happened I was working in a recycling factory basically jump asleep got caught between conveyor belt roll dragged me in and there you go so you could have been a couple inches away from not being here at all yeah got the back of my head as well so in a way you're lucky yeah I'd have you found the supportive parents honestly there's just been great free rent before here yeah I'd just like to thank my parents for free rent for those years as well but here I've just realized there's only two scrubbers and I need to do some shopping and burning set yeah you guys get busy and I'll get shopping Maxine yeah Oh boys enough with a cleaning Horrigan that looks good but tourists out doing some heavy lifting okay we'll get the pavers up on all right that guy won't either beat there you go straight around the side well look I'll tell you you can't have all of them so I'm putting that index system here and these papers will come in handy for me too good oh so we got hop hops like whatever you know Oh boys that's the cleanup done no that's great it's a good job there for the exhorting part the bill while the boys are getting stuck into the house army heating air for a spot of shopping I wish I was there to help them with all that hard Yakka but someone's got to do this cut about there you going good thanks hello thanks can I please have a small latte with one sugar it's very important when you're shopping you have a clear mind you're not distracted best way to do that we start with a coffee he says more Latin once again thank you so we're getting David the entertaining area what's more important than anything a barbecue to write a passage for Aussie bloke and rather than getting a standalone wine I'm gonna use the skills of a man out of me as a chippy and we're gonna build one in that means for less money I can get a better barbecue it's gotta be the right one these screens are great they're maintenance-free some tough they really dress up an eyesore like a water heater or an old fence and IRA can detect me some form of shade the shade cell is the quickest easiest way to do it and if he's getting new Barbie he's gonna have to learn how to cook so best seem to do you gotta burn it smell her up with herbes it always tastes good and in the garden they smell great too now for the fuzzy wuzzy was a bear this will make it perfectly well Jill ice call it was there but fuzzy wuzzy was a bear sounds fun yeah well if I've timed it right all the pavers should be up but the reality is after all a hacker samosa Ward open space and he'll look good with a deck Oh fantastic good job sorry I haven't had time to stop up in sharpie traffic was atrocious well as your punishment you can help me paint that fence there what else man kid will get onto the deck oh let's go now you know how when you look at all the paint names when you're choosing fantastic got long and complicated names that sound beautiful like sea breeze and yeah sky mist well we're paint this fence black and now I haven't forgotten there was a bear that's gone somewhere else for our deck we're using good times to him which is basically a prefab frame that's been cut to size so all that's left to do is to screw it together and put the legs on then you're ready to put it in place that's real hard I think we're just gone through the hairs here and he's loving the good times he's loving it come on this system is so easy the only thing you want to remember if you're working on soft ground like sand grass or dirt make sure you put a paper underneath the feet before you level it up and get it ready otherwise if you've got concrete you can just put it down level it up and you're ready to deck told you it was an easy deck to build the deck in we've chosen a codec this is gonna be easy for David to maintain you don't have to oil it it's weather resistant and it won't rot the color we've chosen is gray stone which is gonna match him perfectly with everything else we do the down pipes for one color they look like baby pea bread these frames were bronze that was silver the back door was teal was a mismatch but with the was a bear it's come up very nice we even call it contemporary fuzzy wuzzy was it'd be the best thing about this deck the rain doesn't affect it unlike normal timber decks you have to oil them once a year to protect it from the weather the deck is really given David's backyard a lift but we've got a bunch of cool ideas still to show you now there's absolutely nothing wrong with this fence but we're trying to modernize this backyard for David he's young and vibrant for these screens are gonna do exactly that and the contrast between the light color behind it and the black of the front well looks like it's lit up on the deck there's gonna be a barbecue area so you definitely need somewhere to sit down so I'm making a bench which is just square frames and it's tied together by long lengths of treated pine which is great cuz it means you can make it as long or as short as you want look right hey it's great I'm walking backwards they told me wrong guys bus happy what's going on here hey it's got a safe boy am i right we're putting the Barbie you know want to make it look like it's fighting this is the seating it's got a rest on the corner and to tie it all in we're using the same decking board they look good they will mate all right so we're gonna plate it in place tools of choice good times see that's why this is gonna be the new sleek look and Barbie and if you remember back to what was here look as they just knock it down but this is gonna be modern and sleek best thing about it's gonna look like it's cantilevered we do have these two black possi but they fade away into the fence so it looks like it's fighting we got a beefed it up and put another layer on it and the barbule go here with these three joists up all right less talking more doing now we've box this out for a couple of reasons it makes it look more substantial and it gets us a nice serving high for when you're cooking Jase we're ready to clamp my swing for the cladding I'm going with the spotted Garmin it's gonna be a nice contrast to the decking once this is oiled up it's gonna look like a big chopping board made it was fun it was real but I'm gonna leave you to it cuz I got a tackle gap thanks fine so mate we gotta concentrate on two Gardens just right across the back of the house cuz there's still a little bit stock down the bottom and then that one you can see under and behind where the Barbies go alright what we've got here are plants that are all gonna set sides things that are only gonna get to sort of 1.2 to eight hundred mill when they're fully grown yeah which means we can fill this up the other thing you need to do is grab a pair of sick tees and go for take off the dead flower occasionally it's good low maintenance now laying our plants is a bit of an art form yeah do you want ever crack it and see if you've got the flare or do you want to follow the later up I hate product let's start with the pitocin oh good of these ones these are in a case here so there are waddle and they call it a limelight they look like you've been pruning them all the time but you ever have a print it's good you like that Mike I love it alright let's stop planning for the Barbie I'm using 50ml compressed cement shading which is gonna act as a heat shield you want to make sure that you don't have any of the timber touching the Barbie because that will be a fire hazard you gotta throw another hand come to give Dave the other hand yes good luck very good what do you like your painting a lot to think I'm okay yeah oh well we're gonna be putting a clear coat on this to finish it off okay I just want to make sure that you do one board at a time long strokes should I better get any overlapping marks or I care too easy beautiful I'll do this little woman you can do this yeah and last but not least the floating Barbie yeah how good this Matador Barbie I might have to take you to my place I'm clearing out of poverty to him like a little garden bed behind the barbie is a separate microclimate so the rest of the garden because we're built this we've created an extra bit of shade it's got the shade of the fence and the shade from the tree above it so we need shade loving plants the ones that you get to see when you walk out the door are called silver lady they're ferns it'll clump up they'll grow out that way but they won't get much taller and they're the back we got potassium you've got the beautiful dark stems the light foliage and that's a great contrast to that screen we put up you made this nice and strong without a fool for replaces a jigsaw right you reckon or these Bobby far enough not getting Danny the Barbie or happy that's fantastic right you've got all the family here to Christmas yeah I'll be sure somebody what do you think the thing is out here that's probably the game changer you know that you'll use more than anything barbeque mess definitely most certainly the stack it's opened up the whole area it's great honestly a lot of us you can do more place next well chase trades mate will become chefs overnight I can't believe you whole family of vegetarian
Channel: Great Home Ideas
Views: 2,083,958
Rating: 4.8337326 out of 5
Keywords: dr harry, outdoor, DIY Hacks, backyard, pet care, decking, Channel 7, how to, food, how2, Australia, Better Homes, better homes & gardens, makeover, GHI, home and living, How-to (Website Category), Better Homes and Gardens, pets, Amazing, DIY, howto, fast ed, Great Home Ideas, craft, garden, entertaining, making, cooking, BBQ, outdoors, living, Home Makeover, Homes, tips, Gardens, network7, recipes, advice, Outdoor DIY, Build Outdoor Entertaining Area
Id: dzfDJQmdXxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2015
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