Build Your Own Screened in Porch | A to Z

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hey guys jeff from home renovation today i'm in my three season room and used to be just a covered porch on the back deck i'm gonna show you all the steps and all the products and all of the techniques needed to be able to build something like this and it only takes a few days and you're gonna absolutely love having an outdoor living space so this used to be my screened in porch it was rather rustic done it was pretty done on this simple and cheap just because it was out in the country and it's nice to have a place to sit outside without the bugs at dinner time we're gonna be upgrading here dramatically making a three season room and here are the elements that we're going to be incorporating into that build i'll just run through them real quick and then we'll explain them and demonstrate how to do every part as we go so one element of course is we're changing the floor we used to have um two by six as a flooring and had gaps in a transitional deck situation and that worked fine as long as the screened in porch because you know it rained it would snow it needed to drain but as a three season room we're actually completely encapsulating this area in a water diversion system with new vinyl windows and an exterior door so we don't need the gap anymore and to be honest with you you don't want it getting rid of that gap eliminates the ability for mosquitoes to crawl up through the gap and bite you while you're having your dinner so we're going with a one and a half inch cedar plank that's been cut with a tongue and groove on it with a v-groove notch it gives us the same stability on a 24 inch center which is going to be amazing and it goes nice and tight and installs a lot like hardwood floor so this is going to give us one finished surface out here and we're not going to have any issues with bugs but because there's no air movement it also acts as a thermal layer to a certain degree the reason we're calling it a three season room is because here in canada spring and fall can get a little bit on the chilly side and we're going to be putting in an electric fireplace it'll be cute and snazzy but it's not going to be enough heat to keep this sucker warm in the winter because in the winter time we drop down to minus 30. yeah you heard me and i don't care what scale you're on it's all about the same so bloody cold you're not going to be outside hanging around having dinner so it's a three season room but it's awesome because it extends the life that we can enjoy the outdoors some years up here in canada it is chilly enough that only two or three weeks are really enjoyable so this is going to make the whole outdoor living center really functional so one of my favorite rooms in the entire house is right here it's the outside porch it's awesome you know it's country it's wind it's birds chirping and it's cars driving by this is the biggest problem so one of the reasons we're gonna make this a three season porch is so i don't hear the road noise anymore i want to see my neighbors drive by and not hear them so we're going to be putting in vinyl windows now in order to do that i just got to change up my framing a little bit because the vinyl window companies are very particular they want you to give them measurements at the bottom the middle and the top and they want to have everything uh drawn out in a little little sketch number the windows give them the measurements so that they get it exactly the way you want it so it goes in flawlessly because those vinyl windows actually screw from the face so what you have to do is you have to build something that you can attach it to and that's the key so what we're doing is we're just going to take off these old boards that we had before and we're going to picture frame all of the rest of this in 2 by 6 cedar alright we're going to cut miter joints screw it all together slide the boxes in shim them screw them try to get them perfectly square as we can and then we'll take all of those measurements write it all down send in the order and we'll have those windows in a few weeks [Music] so the good news this was all brad nailed together that makes my life easy now all of this framing here is done in pressure treated lumber so we want to make sure that when we're done all you're going to see is cedar so make the boxes we'll do some fillers on the post the bottom is already a cedar tongue and groove so that's perfect and then it's just a matter of putting in the cedar line tongue and groove roof i think we'll be in business so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to take all my measurements and i'm going to intentionally make them shorter than they are and then we'll take the shortest two sides and then we'll make my box out of that nice that's not bad the only thing i want to do now because the measurements are all the same i want to make sure that it's square so i'm going to go get my framing square and double check there goes everything not even close okay yeah that's dramatic i wonder if maybe the corner of this deck needs to be lifted let me get my level and double check okay oh yeah and we're way off level here i'm looking i'm looking at a good solid inch inch and a half i got to raise this corner this is part of the problem the old retaining wall outside is falling apart and so we're actually building a new retaining wall i think in the meantime to get this project moving forward i'm going to jack up that corner shore it up temporarily we got to get that retaining wall in right away so when you're building frames like this just consider one thing always keep the surface flush that you're attaching your window to two by sixes that i'm framing with no matter where you get your seeder it's all going to be different sizes because they cut it before it's kiln dried so every little piece of lumber is going to be a little different dimension so always make sure that the side that you want to be waterproof or water resistant is at least on the outside is flush with each other because we took the measurements and then we mitered the joints all the outside corner measurements here should be similar to what's there and i took a hair off so make the installation easy okay so i'm trying to get a bit of an overhang over here and flush with the skirting on the inside that way there's room for me to put some flat stock trimming all around i am loving this never resist the urge to use a square double checking everything is square when you put it in is key so now i know it's sitting on the whole square i'm going to set the plate down here flush and then i'll worry about leveling everything else off [Music] one of the things we did when we we started this project we pulled the old siding off this wall and this is the original cedar siding and you know on camera it probably looks a lot sexier than it is now and i also spent about five to six hours patching and sanding all the holes and all the imperfections to get it back to this rustic mess i think it adds a little bit of texture and rustic charm it'll be kind of cool we're just going to give it a nice little paint job and that'll work in the ceiling we've just got your basic 2x8 so we're going to be putting an insulation in there we're going to use fiberglass pink to save money we're going to strap it we're going to run a few pot lights nice and simple and then we're going to close that up with cedar as well so we have another cedar board that's a little thinner but it's also a tongue and groove five inch board so it's going to complement the floor really awesome woodwood woodwood wood we also reframed all of the areas where we had the screen so that's solid cedar as well and we ordered our vinyl windows based on that framing so it's just going to be plug and play screw the frame from the outside and we'll be good to go the last consideration of course is the side walls here we are putting in a roxul insulation you can see that the cedar on the outside here has got gaps all right by using roxul insulation in this area we're going to have a thermal break and then when it does rain water gets in there that insulation is able to dry out without losing its r value so we can use roxul here it's a perfect place for it it's a little more expensive but it does serve a purpose every once in a while the last element we're gonna do is we're gonna run some power up here so that we can have our tv in this wall and we're gonna put some outdoor furniture and then we'll be done three season room se la vie oh i almost forgot and on the floor of course we're going to be using a really good oil finish i've got a great new product on the market here that we're making available for you so stick around and check the description below for that this stuff is amazing and it's like bulletproof and sexy as you want to be now let's jump into this because the room is relatively square the boards have to be installed nice and tight to get that kind of feeling that we're looking for and right now we're dealing with an 1880 outside wall that is not straight so i'm going to put my first board in place and scribe it and cut it to fit and make that perfect and then we'll build from there as you can see i'm making contact with wall at each end and the middle is a little bit curvy and i've also got this door issue to deal with the most recent neighbor we had over for dinner was this little mouse hole right here when the floor was here the bugger found a way to eat right through whatever's going on so what we're going to do is we're going to scribe the wood so that it goes right up to the sill plate and then we're going to pick up an extension for this as well so that we can eliminate that problem in the future so we're going to take a block that's constant and because wood's not straight i'm going to make a mark i'm going to try to keep my pencil on that mark and i'm just going to pull it along and that will create a cut line for me and out here okay i can just mark that i'm going back to the house trace that in [Music] all right you can use this technique for scribing just about anything around rocks if you're installing a deck window jam extensions that are all wonky because they installed the window on a crooked line it's just a great little technique also a great way to mark tile when you're installing flooring there we go all right now that that's done we'll be able to cut that away and i'll be able to install that snug as a buck and rug now when you're cutting a scribe saw like this remember your blade's round it's not going to cut clean through all the way so only finish where you want the contact to be made you can use a knife later to trim up the other part because it's soft wood lumber after all is and just a little tip when you're using a circular saw look through the window here where your blade starts and make sure that's on the right side of the line and once you've started then keep your eye on the tip right here this is what you're looking at not the blade once you get started that's already a straight line you want to make sure that you keep on the right side of the pencil here and your rest of your cut will be perfect every time [Music] okay so now if you have to plunge cut what you do set that tip on the right side of the line pull back your guard and put your blade right where you want it [Music] watching right over here making sure you're not cutting into the good wood before you plunge through once you've got that established you're good to go i kind of love soft wood lumber no fancy chisels or anything needed just a good old-fashioned knife nice now these are the camo screws this is freaking brilliant so once you get this started guys tongue and groove is just like hardwood or engineered or any other tongue groove flooring i'll just show people how easy is the slider then okay there you go now you might want to use a rubber mallet or take a cut off and set up against it hit with a hammer close all the gaps throw a screw into the joist right there in the tongue and groove area on an angle okay do it like 300 times it's done what who's this daryl guy so we got some advanced sketchy saw techniques today uh yes you could use a jigsaw for this but that takes so long on such a long piece one of the benefits of building when you're going to be trimming everything out is you don't have to worry about perfection it's all about close enough in production in this case [Music] when we get to the trim boards that's when we worry about doing everything proper we'll just take it off the guard and the idea here is if you look down through the hole that you cut you can see the saw blade and so you want to line that up where you want to cut try to make your wood somewhat square to everything all right there we are [Music] [Music] ta-da let's get this in here gotta love tongue and groove eh okay sweet nailed it time for a recap we have a ceiling we got insulation we've got strapping we're putting in our tongue and groove wood we've got our windows framed our windows have arrived they're getting installed very much like the new window construction there's a flange on the outside so we'll be able to pop them in place in no time at all we have our walls insulated we're putting our tongue and groove cedar on them walls and then when we're all done with that we're going to trim out the windows and ceiling and baseboard all in clear cedar just to give it that extra touch of class and that means that everything we're doing up until that point is just rough carpentry we don't have to be perfect with our cuts we don't have to sand any boards as we go makes this a very much a production oriented environment so if you're doing this kind of work at home think about your finish going if i picture frame and just trim out all of my cuts i don't have to spend all day long making sure i'm cutting the wood the right side and the angles and trimming and sanding makes things a lot faster now uh we are going with just brad nails here because well let's face it it's just a three season room right there's not going to be any weather going in here anymore so we don't have to go overkill we just got to get it installed so it looks pretty use a level when you start every corner in case something isn't working right this corner actually was a little out of level so we pulled the bottom out and then just close everything tight as you go [Music] if you're going to be buying product like this make sure that you buy a higher quality product this stuff isn't warped or cupped or it's just in great shape it's really clean doesn't have a ton of knots and it's nice and thick this is a uh it's a five-eighths or three-quarter i think it's five-eighths yeah it's five well it's almost three-quarter that's really close which means it holds a nail well if you go to the building supply store and you buy that cheap stuff that they're selling at home depot it's so thin you can't use brad nails you'd actually have to use a like a cleat staple or something like that with glue this really drags out the process and here we are what a lousy place to finish right i wasn't sure how to handle this you can take a look over here max over here i started in the middle because i wasn't sure how i wanted to trim up my windows i have an option right because i'm going to have clear cedar and i could do just picture frame and that would look really good but the way this is all designed i'm going to end in the middle here might be in the middle over here i wasn't sure so i had this cut i was kind of thinking but it's tongue and groove so last thing you want to do is cut it and put two butt joints together so instead what i think i'm going to do is i'm going to just trim the entire room like this with one rail okay and then just bring up the sides off of that rail that allows me to have a joint right here and i'll just keep on going all the way across and not have to worry about how it finishes keep it simple well that's better all right when i put these windows up i just uh tacked them in place now that i got cedar i'm just going to line it all up nice and flush all right here we go [Music] ah yeah so we built all of our windows relatively the same height so i'm just going to keep ripping wood and sending it over there and have them cut it all at the same height so that as long as i put my bottom board on the same spot everything else will finish together we don't have to reinvent the wheel window at a time we're just going to go for simplicity and production [Music] all right now i'm going to leave this furry end here from the cut exposed when we're all finished i'll run around with the palm sander and give everything a little lip little nick little love we're looking about a half an inch gap there beautiful now when you're short on supplies like we are during covid you just cut everything in half and you get twice as much [Music] it seems to work yeah i can live with that what do you think yeah really eh well you can go back to where you came from then good no it looks good all right we're gonna go back to that wall now this is where planning on on site leaves room for creativity so i have a 1x4 i'm cutting into two and a half to trim my ceiling over here look at that that gives me a perfect one inch board so when you're thinking about what to do i always think about your cutoffs and where you might be able to use it because this makes a perfect ceiling trim right not too big not too pretentious perfect every time right right damn this is a perfect time to make sure that everything is flush mounted properly i'm loving it all right now [Applause] we still have this piece here matt right the 98 let's see if it might might work it's going to work nice can i get you up here matt get me him with his measurement just trim off the end there to fit from here to here because this piece is actually what one and three quarters yeah so it's not going to open up this viewing area until about here so that's perfect we got to get this angle perfect so if i'm cutting like this i'm going to have a an equal angle on this thing right what were we using on these three degrees well three or four whatever you want i think i like the three better okay okay so what we'll do is i'm going to give you the measurement from there to there and then to translate that i'm going to need to cut three and three degree angle there and a and a three degree angle off that measurement yep right so we we're gonna we're gonna want to put that three degree angle here and then measure and then another three degree angle yup so let's try this pull that into that top corner we're gonna get the actual measurement and then we'll cut it a little long so it sticks them behind okay give us some mercy let's go with uh 97 and a quarter 97 and a quarter let's go 97 and a half this is actually 98 yeah the eight foot boards usually come longer when you buy select it is which is brilliant okay and then we budding into this one across the top we're going to go in behind it let's get the lengthy angles first and then we'll we'll scribe this out so add the three degree angle on that first and then 97 and a half we'll go along on purpose we can tuck it in behind if we need to just take a quarter off quarter yeah eyeball it just take a quarter off we're gonna slide it in behind the other one we got a little bit of mercy working with us and you're three degrees off right i'm straight well now that you're supposed to be that's two that's three okay that's a little more than i wanted but that's fine [Music] hmm like a glove thank you sir that's close enough for me and the girls i go out with all right so we got our windows delivered here these are vinyl for track that's the window wow that's nice yeah it does look nice it does not come with instructions okay so it looks like it has a nailing flange on it except except uh yeah goes in like that we'll deal with the excess screen in just a second i won't need to leave that laying there that's going to look stupid i think for whatever reason they shipped it with the extra screen on that's quite nice it's optional it's quite nice boys if it's optional i find it ugly so i'll get rid of it all right hopefully i didn't screw myself we have two options here right we can these better not be phillips thank god i would lose my mind i hate phillips screws instead they're using some barbaric six-sided head thing without it no bit i want to put a screw where the crossbars are so it's not going to look stupid from the outside right oh gotta love these we're gonna do use the self tappers right in the little groove that comes [Music] that helps keep the screw from running around on you okay right right right right right right right all right so it's not perfect yet it's not finished but you start to see how it's gonna feel right this is an awesome little window by the way this is four track windows so right now what we're looking at is four sections of window on four different tracks all right it's a full screen on the outside and then each of these windows can be opened all the way up top or bottom so if you're sitting here and you want to breeze through the whole place you go ahead and open them up 75 percent of your window space is now screened in porch right brilliant the reason this is perfect for three season is because you have this locking four track system now you get rid of all the wind passing through and as soon as you eliminate the air a you make it nice and quiet so you can actually have a living space outside b if you have any source of heat in here at all even electric fireplace you're going to be able to keep this warm from the spring right into late fall of course depending on the time of year but hey it's a lot better than useless space when it's a screened in porch really the only time you can use it is just during the day but as soon as the evening starts to come in the mosquitoes are everywhere and it's a write-off so this way having everything sealed up in the floor insulated in the walls and ceiling four-track window system we're gonna put a door on tomorrow you're gonna get to see that it's going to be a full glass storm door we'll get that installed trim the rest of this out paint the wall hang our tv and our fireplace mwah this is going to be paradise the other thing about this is the glass section it's not glass it's vinyl okay it's almost impenetrable i was at a trade show a few years and i saw the guy put his hand through this right up to his wrist and after about a minute it all tightened back up and took its form again so it's virtually dog and kid proof but having said that yeah just check this out try that out tonight just put your put your hand in there and push it in about an inch cool huh no i don't we don't risk our luck here because i bought these myself [Laughter] but that's awesome eh so now we get a lot more a lot more air reduction as far as drops in here they're almost eliminated like that's pretty cool yeah nice it smells like a cedar closet so what we're going to do to finish this off is we're just going to use a couple coats of a simple polyurethane all right and then bob's your uncle i'm liking it what do you think i just need a couch yeah well you know now listen if you're doing a three season porch project kind of like this and you're interested in doing your own furniture then i'm going to suggest a couple other youtubers that i like i follow brad rodriguez from fix this build that i think he's out of nashville he's got some furniture making videos and also our friend mike montgomery down at uh modern builds he did a bunch of homemade furniture so if you want to see stuff like that check out their channels we'll put a link in the description why not listen they do great work and they do a lot of uh woodworking type videos so happy to send some traffic their way check them out okay i like their stuff you will too so the next element that we're gonna be covering here is the door now i'm not putting in a regular exterior door uh i'm just gonna use a storm door and traditionally storm doors just have an aluminum trim both sides across the top nothing on the bottom so in order to do this and have a very similar kind of feel i'm going to do a same 2x6 frame for the door as i did for the windows that gives all my interior and exterior depths all the same so when i go to do all my finishing work it'll work out right what i don't have is the perfect dimension so i'm going to do is i'm going to open up my door first i'm going to measure off how wide it is and then i'm going to cut everything according to what's in the package instead of me trying to figure out how to install that on something that i framed knowing then from the beginning is the key here right so forget about all your instructions because this door is designed you buy the same size storm door as the front door width which is confusing but there is a trim here yep this comes out at 33 and three quarters so we're going to make the header 34 plus our miter joints inch and a half inch halves three 37 we'll do 37 minutes of the joints and then our height so here's my length i'm at 79 and three quarters on the metal so i'm going to make my my cedar just a little bit longer than that so i have a little just an extra eight so i have a little bit of mercy there the sweep on the door if i back the screw off you can see the slide gap i can actually adjust that a full quarter inch so we'll install it like this for now and then after we're all done then we'll set the the sweeper okay so for now i'm going to go 80 and then the miter join so i'm going to go 81 and a half on my length and i'm going to go 37 on my width it all screwed together shove it in and then we'll get going so this is my c dar now i'm also going to save the other half of the cedar because right where this door goes i'm transitioning from inch and a half tongue and groove cedar for the floor inside the porch to the five quarter board which is actually one inch so i do have a half an inch difference so i'm going to take the other piece of cedar run it through the table saw make a piece of reducer out of it basically i'm going to install it where the door closes so that it doesn't become a true hazard boom [Applause] all right i really turn that there we go [Applause] cutting a 2x6 on a miter is never an easy project i got this in the way don't i that's right that's why it's not working well jeff's got to wake up that's all right there we go i'm like why isn't that working usually my saw would do that get in the groove flat it out okay there's a header that was painful now if you're if you're not sure you can always go measure again but 80 was the height of the door one and a half represents the thickness of the wood throw miter on that we should be fine one of those [Music] oh i love the smell of cut cedar all right [Music] okay we're just going to use a couple of these three inch screws tie all this together and then we'll stick it in the hole [Music] oh buddy okay i think i'm going to start with here i got to keep this from falling over and hitting the camera so i'm going to throw a screw up here and eyeball it for now that's just to anchor it okay bam [Music] so because i framed everything with two by six and i'm trying to keep the consistency i can just put this across all my window and door frames make sure they're all lined up oh bugger okay i'm not left-handed oh i'm also saying mean things about my tool right now maybe it's just not what it used to be max i have a plan let's switch drills here we go that drill i've been using for the last five years on everything that we've been shooting there we go the lights are dead it doesn't have the same power used to there we go look at that right out of the box yes you can buy replacement tools without any batteries a la carte and they're like on 99 dollars so you go onto the dewalt store on amazon follow our link in the video description you can buy anything from dewalt without batteries ready to roll oh wow so much power i have to get used to i didn't know it was gonna be so different okay that was uh quite an experience okay now the rest of the door should just screw to the surface relatively simple so i've got my frame roughly installed i like having flexibility because i can adjust things as i go the secret to installing a storm door in this scenario is you want to have the interior of the frame right up against your hinge side and the hinge side has to be nice and plump we have all those scenarios so we're going to install this oh look at that it opens up and becomes a screen nice let's get rid of that before i wreck the screen now i'm using vinyl flooring as a shim here so my door will open i'm just gonna hold it in position and then put a screw in the middle at the top now the package came with some phillips screws god help us all you know how i feel about that so i grabbed my own screws [Applause] there we go now it's held in place just finish screwing this down on the hinge side and then we'll work with the outside and adjust the jamb until it fits perfectly [Music] this is too easy you know if every door and window in the world was installed like this it'd be a much better place dude this new drill's got so much power is that latch looks pretty good i'm gonna go get a door handle for it now okay let's talk about features and benefits missing damaged parts homeowner service before really this ought to be fun make sure for additional information regarding anderson storm doors visit our website at there you will find frequently asked questions here's an opportunity for some marketing plugs right online parts store frustration levels going up to help us serve you better answer the phones have your door serial number available right here on the door where you think i got the number told me look at the door we invite you to participate in a survey after your call it should only take a minute i invite you to answer the call thanks for calling solutions yeah hi i just uh over here trying to install my door open the box and there's no handle assembly for it oh i'm talking about that and i'll be more than happy to replace that do you have the serial number of the door my my code here zero zero two you have to purchase the handle separately so it doesn't come with the handle it's gonna be the door and other parts let me get this straight i just bought a 400 storm door and it doesn't come with a handle yeah it shows up here well you're right it says so on the box in the ever so fine print thanks bud here's one of these consumer advocate moments i just want to reach out and strangle somebody not the guy on the phone he was fine he's doing his job he's representing a company that sells you a black storm door without a bloody handle literally it's just a thumb depressor anyway um now i can't finish the installation today uh now i've got to find a way to secure this door so that doesn't get slapped around by the wind until i have a chance to go back to the store and buy a handle damn it really what do you think i'm gonna do buy a white handle it's a black door put the handle in the damn box you know i should have seen this coming the first thing they have in the product literature is stop don't return the door to the store trust me we know there's no handling you're extremely pissed off right now just give us a call and we'll mail you one hey matt you ever bought a car with no tires oh it's like underwear but only for one leg oh it's like an extension ladder but it's only one half of it the door itself has no value until there's a bloody handle that goes with it it's like buying a level but not having any liquid look at the size of the box max come here look at all the room they've got to say door handle sold separately it's just this little not even outlined in red or dots or no no no attempt to make sure that you know and now here i am reading the wrong side of the box remember to purchase your handle set sold separately easy so the phone number to call them when you're mad and pissed off is bigger than the instructions what didn't this get in a big box why didn't they put on both bloody sides god yeah it's all my fault i know it i'm mad at myself sorry anderson ah mad at myself because i should have been thinking like every other homeowner in the world you buy a freaking storm door the handle comes with it dear lord going back to the store this afternoon if i show up at home depot okay and they have a white one and a black one available then i'm not editing out all of my rage because that is just insanity all right it's like selling a pencil and the lead sold separately god frustrating all right so one of the details you want to take care of whenever you're enclosing or even adding an exterior doors you finish trimming it out but they sell something called a sill extension okay and what it does is it takes the basic here that comes in contact with my deck flooring and there is a gap and we actually had a mouse drill a hole down through there earlier what this does is it latches in okay and it extends this out to the face of this which is brilliant we're just going to take this measurement cut this on my chop saw 31 and three quarters i'll come back and stick it in [Applause] i'll even cut it straight how's that sound [Music] [Music] so here you see the profile here that ledge is actually going to go in the existing edge right here and the problem is the fact that this this sill has actually gotten a little bit abused over the years it's a little warped okay all right so when the sill is new it's nice and flat this door has been installed a couple years it had a bit of a bow to it because the structure was a little weak underneath we've since rectified that but bent metal needed a little bit of persuasion all right i'm actually really pleased with that now i've got this in i've got no more room for critters to be able to make access into the house which is awesome no more dirt trap either all right so now we're just going to put on our door closer this is a newer assembly it's the kind has a push button so it's all on the bottom here there is no chain at the top of the door uh those days are gone right so now they're all sleek and sexy the installation is actually pretty simple um it's all done by eye if you read the instructions in this case we're using this line here so my bracket will go on the wall the same height as this door trim piece here right let they all lock together boom boom boom we got a couple of drop pins and you're set up and good to go then all you got to do is adjust the tension on this pit with the door open and closing so you can make it stronger or weaker depending on the environment i'm in pretty solid winds out here usually so we're going to tighten it up a little bit but if you've got small kids running around sometimes it's nice to loosen it up for them so they don't get trapped in the door that's slamming back on them all right and of course i'm using my favorite we're using phillips god help us all god help us all with the phillips bit it's my favorite oh great screw screws got a piece of crap in it ah lord it doesn't appear that it was trying to break out of course they only gave you two unbelievably okay well that's going to make the door work a hell of a lot better in it put that screw where this one is because it's the most important one and then we'll figure the out later so they give me anything else here that's a backup nope nope they just gave me the one that i needed gotta help us that's just brilliant eh oh okay that was the good news eh [Music] hehe [Music] okay that part is done for the screen this has a lock mechanism on it as well these holes are pre-drilled let me guess i dropped one on the floor again right that's why i love phillips so much need three hands to do anything okay yeah i'm reaching into the hole here let's see if i can oh i do find it yes sir glad that hole isn't any bigger i'd never be able to get down there [Music] okay now it locks okay that makes sense hey of course the secret to installing hardware means reading the instructions look at the diagrams read it all through first and then start your installation because it'll make a lot more sense if you understand all the pictures i'm going to be a few minutes man is it ever windy eh why is the weather never agree with us i'm i think i got it all next maybe the other way hey all right yeah so this company sent us a electric pressure washer so i'm leaving my gas one downstairs today and i'm trying this bad boy out so [Music] i'm trying to be careful you know they've got different tips here i'm thinking i'm going to go for more more pressure very cool well that's not a bad little tool at all you know i mean uh if you're in the market for something to kind of wash around your house and do general maintenance that'll work it'll take the grey off the cedar a little slower but you can also buy a special cleaner that'll help make that process a lot easier so uh all in all not a bad tool probably a good investment for the price for a lot of homeowners all right guys it's not very often to do something like this but this company has been around for a little while and they make some pretty decent toys so if you're looking for a low-cost product this is the way to go it's 140 bucks that's regular retail united states if i liked it i was authorized to give you a 20 discount it's also free shipping so check out the video description you can find out how to take advantage of this opportunity all right um not bad all things considered it comes with a two year warranty too so it started up great it works great i love some of these features and benefits how they keep the nozzles here for you right really easy to assemble it was just click the top part on two screws nothing to it like pretty solid little machine anyway now i got to wait for this to dry so i can get on to finishing all of this work up a little bit more trim work to do and we're almost there so we're working on our three season porch here today i've got this brand new product from germany i've got a distributor who's making it available for all you guys but before i give all the details i wanted to try this thing out make sure i'm happy with it um i'm doing a couple of crazy things so let me just go through the products here we're doing three different applications here okay guys i'm using the new wagner stain sprayer machine that i picked up so that i can spray all of my vertical surfaces in the cedar and get in all the nooks and crannies and i'm also going to use a brush to do all the finished trim work around the windows and then i've got this awesome tool here from osmo and this is for doing the floor boards so it's one board at a time right into the grooves that ought to perform really well looking forward to trying that out and then ah once all of the walls and floor are stained up we're gonna leave the ceiling dry so that we get that constant cedar smell in here i think that's gonna be really cool but these things are gonna be subjected to different levels of moisture different times a year so we want to make sure that we're not going to have a lot of staining happening and be able to control that environment so let's start with the sprayer and see how this sucker works this thing's got a couple of different settings it's an airless sprayer just works on a pump so i've got it mid volume mid width this is an on there we go and then we got trigger i got the nozzle set so the spray will go wide and we're gonna give this a shot [Music] [Music] wow so you know the spray machine does a really decent job but you're going to want to use the brush to cut in to the windows right obviously wow that's a nice coat there too there we go cut into the windows fun thing about oil is you can forever in a day just keep pulling it around right just you just drag it and go until you until it's dried right out and that's how you avoid getting drips just keep pulling it and pulling it and pulling it until you see it drying out on you okay so i'm going to use the brush to finish all the trimming around the windows and then we'll do the floor brush and try it on the deck boards so with oil you'd start from the top and you pull it down if you're painting with latex you start at the bottom and you pull it up there we go this will help make sure you don't put too much on and you won't get those big drips on the bottom when you're done really happy with this product such a nice coverage it doesn't add a foreign color to the material you know wow that's just brilliant people are gonna be comfortable with it oh it just got rained on look if it looks like it just got covered in peanut butter it's very confusing okay so that wall is finished now that was super quick and easy nice combination of using the sprayer and the brush i i'm really pleased so now we're gonna just do the application on the floor and we'll see how well that brush works there okay so we're gonna get a nice little pile of this goo in here make sure it's not dripping up that's the other thing it's so thick eh it's not dripping like i just loaded that up and it's not dripping out talk about control eh all right let's uh just start in the corner and we'll pull it nice and gentle oh wow it's supposed to do like 500 square feet i don't know how that's going to happen the way i'm putting it on but i might need to get another can of that stuff okay i feel if it looks too wet you just pull it over again and drag it out somewhere else get your coverage right you don't want to leave too much on there wow all right so while max is here we're going to go outside and we're going to start working on our brand new fire pit dinner table okay that video's coming soon so make sure you subscribe to the channel hit the bell for notifications now ah all right i'm gonna pack this up we're gonna see how this takes overnight and if we're happy with the look tomorrow if so then i'm going to finish the rest of this off oh yeah yeah i'm liking this product so far though right and if you've used other oil products that you think are superior than what's being sold at the convenience stores then then by all means hit the comment section let us know what you like and don't forget when you're working with oil products freezer bags throw them in the fridge so they don't dry out all right just a quick recap we're almost done but instead of pinion this wall we've got a brand new idea now there is a company down in florida and oddly enough the guy that owns his name is jeff as well and he manufactures these polystyrene panels and we were in touch with him about getting this product up here because we don't have it in canada but if you are in the united states it's available at your local home depot and this panel is like it's a faux stone but i wanted to show you the back because this is all designed with an overlapping locking system and the back of these panels are incredibly flat and so all you do if you want to cut the stuff is use your circular saw with a straight edge because the teeth come from the backside they give you a nice clean cut on the front you overlap and you install the stuff with pl premium like it's crazy that's just way too easy right tell me this ain't gorgeous okay and the panels overlap sorry yeah and they lock together there's no grout needed there's no nothing you just glue it and stick it on the wall all right they're light enough that the pl premium actually bonds it almost immediately now this stuff here we're going to put on this wall we're going to finish the whole wall this way all right now the only trick you really got to know when you're doing this is a how to finish the ends okay so you need something for the finished edge because when you cut this you're going to see the yellow so what i'm doing is i'm going to be installing a piece of 1x2 cedar all right floor to ceiling up against the edge of my door for this to come and butt into all right and that's it that'll be the finished look i'll cut a straight line and install it this is about the easiest project you can do because it's just measuring and cutting basic skills if you have a square wall and the panels come square it should be nice and easy to install piece of cake now we're going to jump into the time lapse get this done and then we'll do the before and after shots and the final reveal of this video [Music] thanks for joining us in the video today guys and if you like my outdoor three season room give us a thumbs up all right i'm curious to know and remember rooms like this is it's officially called an exterior renovation right and exterior renovations have the greatest return on investment this is the bottom line this is why we did this it's quality of life as the world changes having these kinds of spaces to retreat to and enjoy the outdoors is going to be super important make sure you click the link up here and don't forget to subscribe to the channel the link is a bunch of videos that we've done that'll teach you different outdoor projects so that you can increase the value of home and get a huge return investment too cheers
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 438,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, diy, home improvement, how to, screened-in porch, screened porch, do it yourself, screen porch, diy ideas, renovation ideas, how to build, screened in porch, screen room, porch, how to install, how to screen a porch, 3 season room window options, screened in porch ideas, screened in porch diy, screened in porch build, screened in porch makeover, screened in porch flooring, screened in porch with fireplace
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 56sec (3656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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