Build a knife making Forge Out of a Propane Cylinder

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hey you get a um Toby and this is my channel ask Toby it's a channel where hopefully people will ask me things they want to see done and tools they want to see restored and maybe bits about stabilizing timbers and that sort of thing I've been in the building industry 15 nearly 20 years so quite a little experience I'm not a fabricator by any means but do have a lot of experience with building repairing things was never good at school but definitely know my way around a workshop and tools so I started this video a year ago actually last Christmas I got the I got the gamma coke it from my wife to build a forge last Christmas now see it was a I bought it and paid for it and everything but technically for my wife now this is a video I think I could have done with maybe beforehand I watched a lot of videos and I found some of them were pretty useful had some good stuff in it some of them really didn't make sense for why people would have chosen to do things the way they did and like I say with the experience I have in the building industry I thought you know what I'm gonna put a video together that I think actually puts together minute by minute essentially how to build a Forge so I think this is for someone who has done very little fabrication maybe just bought himself a welder decided they want to get this Forge together and actually doesn't even really know where to start maybe very little sort of experience or the tools so it is a long video it's an hour in 20 minutes I believe please feel free to fast forward through any sections that you've already got sort of down pat and I've gone into detail real heavy detail on some things that I found more difficult to find out information on like the angle of the burner and so on and so forth now this is all my opinion this is all stuff that I've just sort of worked out from my own research and figured out and learned before having ever forged anything so I really had no idea what I was doing I have now been forging for over a year and I do it quite frequently and I'm getting reasonable at it and there's things on this video that potentially might have done slightly differently but having finally finished this editing a year later over sort of eight or ten hours of filming down to an hour and something I'm watching it back thinking no this is still a really good video that I I could have watched beforehand and I probably could have built a video off of it so I really believe this is going to make some difference to people during this project so thank you so much for your time and energy watching it this is a very long intro as well but I really appreciate your subscriptions if there's anything else you'd like to see done please just to ask me and please share this video and like this video and click on your bell button so you see any new subscriptions that come through I'd love to hear your comments and if there's anything you think that I could have done differently I'd love to hear that as well thank you very much and have an awesome day what I will add to that is actually that like I say this is a gamma coke it I would say a lot of people spend time engine making burners and that sort of stuff I think for the sake of about 300 bucks you can't go better than the gamma coke it's really so easy to put together the kits so well designed and engineered I've got I've got history in the in the gas industry so it makes some sense to me that if someone's already produced it then use it so if you're in Australia I wouldn't bother sort of messing around making your own just by gamma K kit burner and put it together thanks very much gamma K and in no way have I sponsors like them okay so it's been quite a bit of time trying to work out how to mark this seeing a lot of people do some odd peculiar setups it beats aboard and all that trying to mark them we know around about how high we want to cut it so let's describe this where a sharpie simple clamp put a clinic on should be as easy as spinning on the flat surface now I've done all this before I cut any of the ends off because they're the thing that keep this thing level and squares is all built in the factory you know this is going to be exactly perfect so why try to recreate the wheel when you've already got a exactly square setup so now no wave you jiggly lines all over the place you've got yourself perfect straight line forgive me when I stop for at least you can square place to start from so one that we list is its query nice nice straight lines in there and cut this off me now we've got a good marking point now again I've seen all sorts of weird ass ways of trying to get the gas valve out people just seem to fight with it and do all sorts of crazy our stuff seems to be a much more simple way but we'll see in a second River it's going to work Steve in device the bench I'm the biggest guy in the world top that went out after all wheel instead of a cutting wheel the other thing I noticed online was there isn't a great information about sizes of the hole and that's sort of things I was thinking about the sort of things and want to put in there no I was maybe a small ax something like that hammerheads yeah pens on which way you put in your stocking and that sort of stuff but I mean hammerhead is that one's pretty average small sort of Club hammerhead 140 mm or five and quarter-inch so 40 45 mil sort of one and three-quarter inch something like that generally anything's gonna be going in sort of that way so doesn't actually be that big I'm thinking you wanna be able to get tongs in there and move it so I'm thinking maybe a hundred and forty ml wide the hole maybe 140 ml wide by hundred mil high something like that so taught me I'll go ahead and mark it and see if I'm happy with that so we know this line at the bottom is Square to the bottle currently or at least it's Square to any something we can start with I want to get a central line so we know that this was the center so we could do that probably just by eye it's not a bad imperative middle of the gas outlet and then we can measure readings outside of that so we said about so we're going to want to 70mm either side of that line just something get an awesome way at home these these rounds it's going to be a little bit hotter but you can use a square looks pretty good doesn't like it back so it's all for Forge so next thing I'm gonna do save myself a bit of faffing around like I see people do before I start cutting all this I'm open to cutting it off a maximum of Wellwood something to support it so well two little feet out of the way of obviously all my carts and they may not even be my permanent feet but they're gonna give me a perfect level structure to work with so I'm literally just going to weld even if it's just tack weld sort of foot across there and foot across there might say they may get moved later does it sit there just tack welds it's just supporting it so I'm gonna clean this up a little bit go on this paint off get it all level set on some feet just tack weld it and then we can work out cut no these because we double check our levels then we'll level across it and measure up from the bench top back and forth all right whatever these pieces I'll probably reuse them has the actual legs I'm gonna cut to pieces at 500 long which is just basically 19 and a half inches anywhere around there I figure it gives me a good length but cutting off afterwards I can well down with feet on them if I want anything like that yeah so they might get cut off from repositioned but I'm gonna start with 250ml breathe at 500 okay okay so edges cleaned up pieces at 500 long we're gonna mark the center of these I'm just gonna scribe them a little bit but I could tack order to that chairs are a couple good strong ugly worlds it's never going to go anywhere but why not create a bit more surface area easiest way to stop something like this is to get the bottle on these on a flat surface eventually and it actually doesn't matter where the bottle is you're just looking for the correct arc so we're gonna scribe this under here you can see I actually don't but best way is to use a bit of a spacer put it under there like that because it follows it or to have a space on the pen and just basically draw a horizontal line keeping your pen really horizontal along and you have a nice shape that fits the other side of the cylinder perfectly let me cut it out okay the other side done that I end up doing was molding this little wire so it's the same shape and it's really simple you can actually get it right so you just keep checking against the original and just mimic that on all four sides and then that way I've been added just actually cut line either side down the middle so I'm double mark illegal so it goes center line and then me you just shake it all up in the first eleven tests redo this yet let's see how this goes well it's not awesome but it's pretty good clean up with a wheel quite well [Music] and then just checking yep beautiful pizza [Music] find out place we want to put them who's asked essentially tack him on then maybe slip movin get one good you know make the outside edges at 160ml apart give us a bit of a wide stance which can't be helpful obviously and then so basically we can just transpose that onto these so that we never in about the right place we should start this right to the edge because then we know we're square square with something at least into one ends 160 hold that one down until you see as well quite square so what I'll do now is you know we're going to have these welds sitting on them now I could just measure from here to here just check that's right at the same on the other side get it first tack on okay now at this point we want to check that where our lines and everything a level before we roll it on otherwise we're just going to redraw them so we want it pretty good it doesn't have to be the world's most perfectly level line it was a level point - it is going to adjust it until we're happy with the okay it's pretty good like that I mean creeps these sizes to 117 Miller Park 825 me park outside to the outside just to give you a little bit wider stance that's all solid there's no reason why I can't just get the world on and just put a tack on here and attack me and then flip over and water properly back on probably a little bit harder because I gotta get round to it but we're only taking it for a moment little tax and well defeat on probably now we can get a good scene mode across you know across the back and be much more neater in where are we okay yeah we can get a nice little scene boat here and here and we're learning something ugly is welding uh cleanup it's all gonna be underneath like sit on their world up but I can stick two bits of metal together so I'm going to just clean this up with a gonner just had a little thought trying to do that just realized one thing I would do differently if I thought about again now is grind this whole section away first clean the whole section back to middle because now and happy she's sort of getting under here trying to clean it which I'll be able to do it'll just be slightly more frustrating than it could have been so I would just do that whole section and you guys do it must be doing something right nice and solid no rock at all here's what we can do now though we can make sure our rear line is all correct right one because we're totally on here solid so what we can do is we can double check and we are the same when we want to cut this off so we know they're there somewhere but we can double check that [Applause] now I meant to say we can actually confirm our center line by doing this cuz we know this is solid so it's 210 mil so basically you're gonna be looking for 105 mil down there mica line put a level on it you get a straight line which is confirm we have let you sell the base we've got something to work with and cut this bit off [Music] swap back over to a flat wheel you just grind the gets off get rid of them and then we are all ready to start shopping this is taking like 30 minutes farlis thing seems to be with all the jiggery-pokery necessary and collapsible these straps and silly things so this is the same as the back put you're submitting the bottom you want to all the same level now check with your bottom line is me that is now one hundred and thirty minutes before so check that straight this is why my dad always said measure thrice or major throw I see Kutty 1c correct with the other side but it's perfectly level to the base what's important all right so I want this little hole at the back and I actually have to do this see this done without a holder but my reasoning mainly for it is maybe controllability but more ever want to do anything long like and I was sword something a bit longer I want to be able to put it all the way through so part of its poking out the back excuse me enough so I think I'm gonna make mine maybe 55 meal 5 new boy and maybe 110 water just under four a half inches that is wrong and just obviously so a mile aperitif it's not all that imperative that these are exactly level and square and was it was tough it's just going to look a bit more professional at the end okay I'm gonna start with the front side [Music] [Music] so we can give this a clean up obviously the edges with a fire or flap wheel whatever you want I'm gonna go and do the back one as well and then you clean it all up at the same time cool all right [Music] so now I can go ahead and give the whole thing a cleanup get it all back to bare metal because obviously this isn't gonna withstand any heat this kind of police stuff so we're gonna get it all off so we can paint it with secret paint and take it all off and whatever it is I'm just going to leave this line so I'm just going to leave a little gap here I'll be able to see where I'm going to cut and then I can cut it off and grind that little bit off afterwards so this is the beauty of all being on the stand solid there's no holding it and rolling around and messing around with it I'm just going back over my line before a cart just so that it's easy to see but before we chop it i'ma go over anything where you might have actually sort of knit line and take any you want to just make sure you know where it comes on and goes back off so if you destroy yourself a couple of lines and the reason we do lines is because always the rule is because if you just do that they don't line up your stuff so what my dad always used to say was do one straight and then one at an angle and then you can do one right here it's straight and then just in case anything gets knocked off with a grinder and then you can't see it you'll always know which one was which so now to chop this easy-peasy [Music] [Music] pretty much now I can go ahead and just the flat wheel on and clean all this up clean these properly so the next thing we're gonna be doing is thinking about putting our burner in now I got my burner my refractory kit on my insulation from it you don't think you'll find a better kit and it really sort of speeds up the process rather than trying to perfect the burner burners are pretty easy to make but actually making one burn really well he's a little bit more difficult and if you want to just get that insulation the refractory everything together makes a much better job now this is how they do this system they have quite a large some jet here which is all machined out really heavy-duty like I say father I think one of them just a bit of steel pipe now that axial sea gets welded in now here is a debate that issue see a lot of them they straighten the top one of the square ones but a rounded one sort of come anywhere in the side people just sort of seemed to really nearly guess out there is probably a bit of an art to it so if you imagine this is a clock face twelve o'clock one o'clock two o'clock summer between two one and then two so about there and here's the other thing if you're jetting straight down you don't really want to be heating the actual piece of steel that you're working on directly because you just get a hot spot you want to get actually the ambient temperature inside the whole chamber up to the same temperature which gives you a really even temperature for forging so between one and two o'clock mark now being a few degrees out is going to make a big difference it's not the end of the world you just really don't want to be pointing straight down thank you piece of work or even like that straight anyplace works a little tiny bits you got to remember that yet circle of you inside your liner is actually slightly smaller so we're not trying to work to this first to be square this surface we want to really be working to the inside surface so first stage is we want to mark it but this is a this is sixty seven mil hole saw two by middle hole saw so it will do the job we are going to mark it first so try to form on between sort of 64 and 67 mm because it's so small you can always just go around it with a file a little bit I don't have to follow this one anyway because we're not going straight in we're going to go ever since that the elongated the hole will elongate a tiny bit so we said we want to start so this is our center line around here somewhere we want to go a sort of one then two maybe somewhere in between so the scene down the middle of the tank once it's together is actually the middle and so we want to actually work right in the middle of the middle if that makes sense we're gonna know we're on that center line and then we want to look at and go okay well there's our one there's our two we want to sort of be somewhere between them so that's about there so this is like a it's a bit sort of guesstimate so we're gonna put a line there a line there and then we know that's what we're going to put our burner so eventually it's gonna look a bit like that although this will be partially sunken and welded to it so drill that okay so we're gonna start by drawing this out stop skating around we're gonna do a little pilot drill in the middle you know either do this or put a hole punch in it actually fine because this is a scene wielders actually going through multiple layers of steel so for the world and then probably at least two later steel they might have even folded it's okay why don't we stretched over top the other so these two layers and then weld all the way around so then we can go up to the next size and we should just stop it skating around I said that's it that sort of perpendicular just straight with the body of the forge we want to go over a slight angle like that like I said so I'm gonna start by drilling this in get it to bite and then I'll start tilting it out like this so it's now or in there so now I can but it's been a steal 100 ml d so it's gonna come out so here somewhere which is perfect we know our gap he owes 140 ml so with the Shelf T minute 140 mm the thing I'm thinking about is having a fiber that I don't have to take off I could just maybe slide it to one side [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's pretty good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're gonna cut our insulation back on with the mast and back outside again because we're cutting so thing to start with is something like this the hex obey that's been cut they're not sharp a bit up my society ps3 so using these for a long time used to build Rayburn's and Argos I don't know if you know what it is just push that through hole and then just essentially we're following the line all the way around now the top line I like the bottom line sorry and I tend to cut on the way out so that it's not pushing it in one actually going at a slight angle like that so just a little bit although I am going to build a shield on this one you probably don't need to but if you want to live like this I think it's just in it out a little bit that front bit just to give you a slightly wider opening so just take the same continuous angle and the same as before just cut as you're pulling out nice and straight finish and you can compress a little bit with your fingers when you're doing it just when you do it like that could you get a good square finish a little bit of fluff here in the corners we'll just chop them out now I need to give credit to somebody for this one actually makes a lot of sense to me something the same is the external diameter so that when we cut the hole out yours actually have a second one it's got yeah it's how these are the same internal diameter of this maybe a slightly larger bring that out burners gonna go too so just by hand so gently gonna go through now we don't want to go too far three because we don't want to punch it all the way out so what we could actually do with you something right this thickness oh my god oh yeah maybe about halfway through so it's approximately so we get all the way through this time we gotta get this bit off because we want to get there so we win one of these you can you can just take these up and bed them but they tend to snap if you don't so you hate that bed you can get a good sort of cutting angle on it so you gonna sideways shut up well you know we're going [Applause] okay lots of established yeah I'm pretty happy with that it's not not protruding out too much just check that and I go II then fit nice really I don't realize it because before we put the burn area we're going to spray our rigid eyes on which makes all this go rock so it because you put me assume and then do it you will never get to this section will just keep falling upon yeah what I'd like to do is just to sort of cover for myself so I actually take a little bit of this again and I cut it we'll split it down let me think twice so it's actually great that way so you can actually make a couple of it today at the bottom it works so basically you're taking up some of that space it would be taken up by that with this just helps to doesn't want a good layer of cement there too you're not trying to fill it up with this cuz you'll find that you actually [Music] the bottom again if you feel like everybody my friend you notice at the bottom is less important because it's going to be covering some end of course try to cover everything and this entrance and all that okay so this also comes in the gasket from our design product this is the rigid Iser so this stuff just spray all over it nobody go hard so I'm gonna put that on now because I'm gonna be calling it a day in a minute so go go out so I want this to go off so before I put my cement in so literally you just turn your nozzle up and just start spraying it it'll come out so basically makes everything blue now start with this for this is really quite important this bit make you sure you're happy with your opening everything is a good shape which it is nice flat surface in there this Garbett mad doesn't really account for too much don't you want to soak it thoroughly so it's nice a blue inside color all the way across so the coating entrance edges anyplace there isn't probably quite as much is inside on the base because like I said don't cover that refractory cement anyway but the reason I left this I didn't world this show on it is because next stage is we're gonna put the shells in the bone and everything in before we put the cement in reason for that is the cement is just essentially sitting there it does bind to the inside of the refractory quite well but you start rolling it over and turning around and all that sort of stuff to paint it and all that afterwards there's a good possibilities gonna come loose and actually move the insulation that around and it couldn't even sort of fall out of its position so we'll put steps the shelves and everything on wine the burner in cut the legs down where we want them get everything painted and get it pretty and then we'll put the cement base in so what I'm gonna do with this is I'm gonna put this shelf wonders you see a marked center of that now what I've done is I put a level inside just to double-check where level no a beautifully perfect level from the front to the back what I would like is to have because this is quite a thin gauge of Steel and I'm going to let my cement float right up to this even though it's thin it may crack but it'll protect this for longer I'm gonna put this on here now it sort of exposes this edge so what I'm actually going to do is just little space huh you know for that little space there which brings that higher which means when I put my level everyone still play on actually just brings it a little Nats like a couple of males same as that thickness above this piece so we'll be able to get a good to the feast of that now I'm gonna keep this here so that I know this is level so I want this shelf to be level with the inside of the cement so what I'm gonna do is I'm just kind of put a weight on the back of the level to stop it moving away and put this so I've marked the center line you can't see this in line so I also might send my and then mark either side check though right so you can see I can line them up now and then I put a clamp on here just to hold it all where I want it now we can ensure because it's pressed up against em so it's level that this is level with the inside knowing that this little steel plate is creating a good space for us keep yourself high little weight on the back of the level stuff it trying to get away or click or whatever you can use now the only one thing you want to double check is cuz it's this isn't square I mean we got essential that we'll probably get these back one for their space about underneath then what we want to just double check is you can actually feel it what if it's right or not cuz you'll feel that the discrepancy is the same from here to here that this isn't higher than this but we can just get a level just put on the check that's actually ever since like our level but I do know this bench level so everything should go through as level so I can see that I need to lift that tiny bit and that's still right in there so I'm actually going to mark that so that when I'm welding I could just kind of hold that in place and say that's right nothing I can do is probably put up a magnetic clamp on there triangular magnetic clamp before II weld it so when you're happy with that being level I'm actually gonna probably leave my lever longnecks it's magnetic okay do what I want with it so I'm happy that this is all solid now is hard up against here here's the model it's going to put a couple of tacks underneath and then I'll put a seam across if we're not happy with it all staying where it's supposed to be okay so i've decided to put some sides in the top on this same process as before to market describe the shape so i got two now and the only slight difference with this is because you're not gonna it's not the underside you going to see it you actually do it at a slight angle to mimic this so that when you put these pieces on they are straight like that you get a good flat world against the side but also there's not an ugly sort of gap there you try to fill up with the welder especially if you only end up doing a couple of tacks because it's gonna be worded to their bones there probably a spot here and a bit in the top it doesn't need to be heaps and heaps of welding just a few spots will hold this all together really well okay starting like a porter now so just weld it on this entrance point say give it a good sized solid finish that's a serious bit of steel there so you can see that basically big rectangle give it something really hard to sit on something heavy and this is never going to go anywhere either now the next job he's a bird I know we talked about how the critical angle of the burners I cleaned up the jet just round so that I can get a well done to it so we remembered that going into the hole and then it's not quite straight so it's actually it should sit at a slight angle if we if we set our inside insulation right it actually isn't our tipping at that angle so if you look at it it's not going to be jetting right onto the floor and and sort of heating up anything as there it's gonna go from that which means it's gonna start to create this vortex just what we want now just go ahead make sure it's straight this way and then swirl all the way around there okay so fully welded on ready to go can three threaded in now we just do similar things we did before another bit of plate here the hole isn't there for anything species steelhead sitting here it was pretty much exactly the right size and have never hole in it so sure I'll work out some magical reason to the hole to be there so same as before scribed that in now I'll do the same as I did run the level through it clamp this up to the level tack it on then I can flip it over in weld it properly alright so it's got a back step shelf it's got a front shelf just gonna clean these little worlds up a bit and then go over and give the whole thing of sand and I cut the legs to shorter slightly so they fit on the stand that I built for it okay so I've also knocked up this is a forage base like a trolley to put it on so I'll be able moving in there as I want made up just scrap from scrap because literally often the scrap yard every bit of it [Music] and really done any welding before before I did this one so this is kind of how I learnt weld on this thing so listen it probably a day just messing around and just literally found all these bits it's crappy so yeah sort of taught myself the world on this so that I could do the next big project now that is 400 wide from there to there so I'm gonna bring my feet of my Forge in two maybe three twenty so that it's sort of it's not all the way to the edges there's no sort of sharp edges on it and then even put some slightly rubberized feet on it or screw up from underneath into it so if you want to see the video for how to make that and look on my channel so those wheels by the way are front wheels of a wheelchair which was awesome was able to sort of grind the edges of the circle a bit flat and just slide them straight up into their tin to them so one our centre line we can actually estimate this it's not all that crucial okay and then we decided to go 330 165 now go and do a lot on the top as well it means when you're combing through you'll be able to happier with the fact that your car follows this line so do a square cut as opposed to going off on an angle one piece it's sometimes hard to follow that [Music] it's pretty important to consider the make sure the paint disease and it's really only for the paint to adhere and not really for looks for me I'm not actually that bothered I wanted to look good but things like well here were I had trouble with it it sort of shows the story and it's quite imperative thing now is it something in a workshop does it really matter if we process over time probably not but why not start it out with there we good finish on it at least it's going to last longer if possible today a couple ways of going about this start on the top go to the bottom I tend to think that you get the bottom done first flip it over doesn't really matter if you kind of ruin the underside a little tiny bit things like this I tend to keep these are clean up first so there's not keeping this in the can but the bases are spraying it on using a nice pair of Underpants or something but generally even wash so many times there's not a lot [Music] see there's reason about dirt coming off all of this wax and grease remover first before you start painting you're not gonna be getting every little nook and cranny but try your hardest and then give it a few minutes to dry obviously before you start especially in the Sun it will work alright for me before you start hating every 15 seconds or something pretty pretty awesome so I'm going to start with the bottom because [Music] [Music] our next job is to fill up the inside so you can see we have a perfect level finish between the front and back we want to continue that level surface all the way through by filling up the inside of even concrete now remember when we put two extra pieces you need to fill it up a little bit hopefully we've got enough depth enough there to fill it and we've got given a bag with the cement concrete mix let's start mixing it up you want this to be wet enough that you can get it in there but not too wet you've got more to come under the surface relatively dry tricks easiest way I think to do this is that's the messing around you see people sort of jeering it in trying to get it in now to get something good sighs see I've I've wedged up the base of this said a bit of an angle now I'm gonna go think moved it a bit more raised even higher because we're not going for a total liquid or stuffing to run out the back so whilst we're putting it in there initially I'll have it up sort of little bit ring like this because it will find it far easier to get it in now to get it in there and then obviously once where once we've got a knife in we can bring it back down to level and maybe slumping it still holds the shape mainly now I do this a lot so I'm able to sort of estimated out the amount of water about the amount of mix so that's pretty much exactly pretty much proceed using whatever you can get in there I can use this gauging trail to get in there and just leveling it off the most important bit really is to get a level ripe fruit - front and back in theory the sides aren't quite so important it would be nice to sort of get it to go up at a slight angle either side but it's less important because they're actually going to fill out with scale and jump from there sort of leftover from metal anyway during the burning process see I actually almost could have put more war of that insulation in we put two pieces of insulation in maybe 10 mil thick I would say they could have put significantly more than that in because that would be nice to be more full than that but what can you do okay and then just a bit more messing around in there get there nice and flat but you can see where we're going with it just see you guys done all right as you can see I do I cover this up just pretty much to protect my um my paintwork a little bit like I said before it's probably not the end in the world if the plane work he's gonna take things it's gonna get pretty scratched and damaged in no time at all it's gonna get blacked up real fast but why not start off with a nice finish so I'm just gonna take this off now the only really thing you got to do after this is just pretty much leave alone let let you go off you need to quite keep it straight and level give it 36 to 48 hours and then I'll burner up just doing a couple of holes now mounted George to the stand the chocolate are made you can see it's all guess what I was under there it's almost ready to go put some those feet on I'm just about to start setting the burner up like this you could get some groups and really hang off but alright this is where the magic happens this is where their fuel and air mixture is I'm see gas is coming in here the Cooper LPG and then this essentially is what draws air in here through this venturi and your shutting or opening it with this in train air into it now these they're all done already all these are done ready to go but you can see it joint paste in there so same things before you so this is a 50 mil now just kind of tighten that up it is locked in place he's my darling wife okay matsutake this brass final thing is guess regulator that doesn't need any sort of joining compound it just does up tight not crazy tight because you're damaged it's red but it's okay with a little bit of my burner this way kind of gets it out of the way hopefully any Heat obviously most heating we go pretty much straight up so they're not gonna have any issues with the wine melting or getting too hot and of course obviously once I've started mess around without wanting to adjust it for that reason things sort of out of the way heat should come up and disappear without some interest you know I can bring around for everybody to now runs down through the hole in the boat down to the gas bottle through the regulator and you know what pretty much ladies ready to stick some fire in this thing I think we're almost ready for initial burn okay so pretty much ready for initial burn firstly to do is we haven't tested any of these gas lines so check all these nuts now the best way to check it is smelling these one thing but good take time you don't know about very small leaks start by turning it on get yourself yeah I'm going to spray bottle you get special stuff called LDF which is leak detection fluid you can make it yourself a little bit of water reasonable amount of washing up liquid so it's a soapy sort of liquid you can feel the so penis in it so it should be quite soapy and all you got to do is soak those joints now the ones that are designed for it like the ones that go into the from the regulator to gas should be fine so they got our under seal on it all the rest of these we don't know anything about this regularly ever just know we just bought it we don't know if it's been tested in the factory anything like that I've got my paperwork for it so we just put this on and if there is a leak you will see huge bubbles immediately bubbles are just for a tiny asleep will create a lot of bubbles so same thing with all this you will see lots of bubbles coming out so today is the day we're going to find the forge up for the very first time this is our first test fire as you can see been building this for a couple days it's a family occasion everyone's coming to look we're gonna see it clear blow anything up there gas is off at this point so I'll turn this on we'll be able to hear the gas come through and then we'll light it up it's gonna take a bit of settling to get the get the burner on I would think [Music] I guess it's not even on [Music] and this is obviously daytime so you should get a really good temperature really quickly enough running for maybe soon are three minutes that's never been burned before haven't let it actually warm up when it's true to be it's actually funny really well you can tell by the sound the minute now it's daytime so it's odd to tell when you can see that that's you can see that that's pretty great and it's going to obviously get motor really quickly we're not when I borrow being out of by the time all right I feel that was totally successful I can't really think of a great deal of change about this forge there's a possibility I would make these sections here a little shallower so they go in further and the reason for that is because they supply a heat brick and if I wanted it to sit on there as you can tell it clearly doesn't fit because the brick is wider than than that which is a bit of a paint above so I'll probably get smaller bricks for it this one can be used successfully on the back because obviously we put a shelf on for this specific reason [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what no hi
Channel: Toby, Fire and Steel
Views: 68,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameco\, \gameco artisan supplies\, \forge\, \propane forge\, \forge kit\, \gas forge\, \knifemaking\, \blacksmith\, \blacksmithing\, \homemade forge\, \gas bottle\, \gas bottle forge\, \blacksmith forge\, \knifemaking forge\, \forge burner\, \kaowool\, \castable refractory\, \refractory\, \rigidiser\, \duracast\, \Fire Brick\, \Gas Forge Burner\, \9kg gas bottle\, \Australian knifemaker\, \Australian blacksmith\, \lpg\, \welding\
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 6sec (4446 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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