PREFAB HOMES - The Journey From Tree To House | Full Documentary

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[Music] a pre-fabricated house put together in only two days incredible how fast the first floor of the house has been put up amazing despite their experience minor mishaps occur problems with the roof it's a design fault i can't get the roof section over any further the agony of choice choosing the interior design a real marathon task after a whole day your head spinning three buildings a day prefab houses on the assembly line using wood from local forests special equipment in action this harvester cuts down more than a hundred trees a day in all weather conditions cold is the sawmill's worst enemy the machines grind to a halt what's wrong axles are clogged with sawdust yeah we'll have to blow it out okay and the premiere on the building site the first tour around the new house with the whole family [Music] a construction site in the swabian town of sigmaringendorf but it's no ordinary site in only two days time a prefab home will be standing here the truck-mounted crane lifts the first external wall over the scaffolding luckily there's no wind so the two-ton element doesn't start swinging but it's freezing cold the construction team has to take care not to slip on the icy floor slab foil the men guide the first prefab wall to its designated position and attach supports so it doesn't fall over the problem however conditions are extremely cold this morning minus 14 or 15 degrees celsius the mist is gradually falling and it's very slippy that makes it more difficult to set up the first wall because it can slip away in any direction the second wall is carried in after that nothing should be able to slip anymore a fitter pulls the top corners together using a ratchet prefabricated assembly openings make it easy to bolt the walls together crowbars are then used to align the walls precisely unfortunately it doesn't work properly on the icy foil the momentum the problem at the moment is that because the foil is so slippery the crowbars can hardly get any leverage on the walls so now we have to attach a bracket and use bolts to get the walls into the right position rebecca and klaus are the proud owners of this prefab house they've come along today so they can watch everything as it happens we've taken the day off to be here because it's just so amazing we hardly slept all night after a short time all four external walls are in place but things move on right away the crane now lifts the first inside wall over the scaffolding we've measured where it's going to go this time we've marked it with tape and now we're going to put the bolts in then we'll lower the wall that's hanging up there down into position the component is lowered carefully [Music] okay release it carefully fitted over the bolts washers placed beneath the bolt heads bolts tightened up and finished the first inside wall is in place the team followed the same procedure to install the rest of the interior walls five hours later the ground floor is completed time for a break house owner klaus bisinga provides a little refreshment for the construction team while the sausages are warming up the physiotherapist and his wife step into the ground floor of their new home for the first time it was impressive how fast they managed to put up the ground floor in a single morning unbelievable it looks so much bigger now than on the bare floor slab there it looked as if there was only a living room and nothing else but now you can see the separate rooms like the kitchen back here the dining room with all the stuff in it and then the living room here all we need now is the wood burner that's quite urgent the men from the construction team are hungry but the owner is so enthralled by his new prefab house that he's forgotten about their lunch so the team will now just have to make do with burst sausages but as long as they can warm themselves up a bit and have a bite to eat it doesn't really matter a brief look back this housing estate in nearby mengan is where rebecca and klaus bizinga live with their two daughters for the family of four the rented apartment has gradually become too small the bisingas have been thinking about having their own house built for a number of years in the end their decision was clear a prefab home right in line with the current trend one in five single-family homes built in germany is now a pre-fabricated construction the house builders are spoiled for choice over 100 companies are competing for customers with thousands of different variants for example gable roofs hip roofs pen roofs cube shaped with flat roofs facades with plaster with wood or with stone finishes or with lots of glass there are also very different designs for example prefab houses with ready-made brick walls wooden houses in block design half-timber designs or in timber frame style the interior design ranges from generously modern right up to cozily rustic one of the largest prefab home manufacturers in germany is based in the swabian town of hornstein oberstadten the gigantic site measures 490 000 square meters that's roughly the equivalent of 70 soccer fields in these enormous halls around 900 prefab houses are produced every year one of these will soon be the business new home they've chosen a turnkey solution that means they have to select every single detail of their future home before production can even begin interior design consultant ellen rausche takes them through the giant furnishing center [Music] let's start right at the top of the house with the roof tiles the one you can see on the far right is a natural red slate which doesn't have any glazing you can tell because it's not as shiny as the one next to it in copper red and these towers here that are even shinier are coated with a much better high quality glazing that means there'll be much less moss formation on the tiles copper red one but with the glazing yes yes the glazed one the choice of color for the exterior plaster and for the front door is also made quickly next it's the patio doors there are two different systems to choose from the difference between the two versions is that this one has a very high threshold and with a lift and slide version the threshold is relatively low and that's easier for walking in and out personally i like that one better so do i it runs a lot easier but it's also a bit more expensive than the other one ultimately of course you have to make sure that you don't end up going over your budget depending on what fixtures and fittings you choose it can often mean over ten thousand euros or more of additional costs because the business have been thinking intensively about building their new home for five years they already have clear ideas for many of the details for the doors for instance the door handles for sockets and switches the floor coverings for the various rooms for the stairs to the upper floor and for the wall tiles in the bathroom however with the enormous range available the couple find choosing their bathroom furnishings a real challenge some bathroom designs can be ruled out immediately simply because of their size we need an extension we just don't have that much space it wouldn't look as good with a washing machine up there as well while other designs are not really their taste no that's not really us is it i can't tell you this one no what a shame eventually they find a bathroom that's also at the right price the only question is whether the tub is big enough good it's good not too small no it's just right don't go in with high heels on at home we chose that one because it's a more angular shape and the wash basins are rectangular and don't have the deep rounded shape at the bottom but are just flat and straight so we'll be able to fit matching base units underneath them the bizzinga's bathroom won't have any radiators and neither will the other rooms the radiator takes the air it needs from the room gives off heat to the heat exchanger fresh air flows in from outside and is heated up by the warm used air from the rooms and this gives you a basic temperature in the house and this is the small heat pump right here yes that's the small heat pump and that gives you additional heating performance if you want it warmer than the basic temperature setting [Music] after eight hours it's all over countless choices and decisions have been made that was pretty intense because normally two days are scheduled but because of my physio practice we just don't have the time to spread it over two days and after a whole day your head's just spinning the most important building material for the house is spruce wood the plant here processes a gigantic eighty thousand solid square meters a year around twelve thousand of them are sourced locally in the forests around sigmaringen at the southern end of the swabian album today the forestry workers will be thinning out this section of forest stefan fischer from the forestry department marks the trees which are to be felled those standing too close to others for example you can see here that the crowns of these two trees are already touching so we'll take this tree out to allow the crowns of the remaining trees to spread out better the trees are filled by this monster on wheels an all-wheel drive harvester eight meters long three meters wide weighing 22 tons each of the rear tires are 71 centimeters wide to prevent the harvester sinking too deeply into the forest floor and destroying the fine roots in the soil for harvester driver las koch frozen ground makes ideal conditions just like today a tree is cut down more or less every minute on muddy or marshy land however it takes a little longer the forest ground conditions play a very important role if it rains for days on end you sink in by up to 40 50 centimeters and our guidelines say we shouldn't carry on driving if we sink in by more than 40 centimeters for that we have aids on the front tires the so-called caterpillar tracks with them the pressure on the ground is more evenly distributed and you're allowed to drive much longer in bad weather the trees here are about 40 meters high the harvester first secures the trunk with its harvester head and then saws through it at the bottom with a hydraulic chainsaw then pushes it over with feed rollers the harvester head pulls the trunks through five blades that remove the branches every five meters the feed rollers stop and the trunk is sawn off depending on the kind of wood this 500 000 euro harvester can process about 12 trees an hour [Music] now the next monster goes into action this four axle all-wheel drive vehicle is a so-called forwarder it collects all the logs takes them to the collection point and stacks them in piles take the saw hammer wedge everything we need on this slope however the big machines can't operate here the forestry workers have to cut down the trees the traditional way by hand the challenge is that the marked spruces they cut down must not damage any other trees this one's going down there right right and if you can't get through it if it gets stuck we'll pull it down with the caterpillar okay yeah it might get stuck because of all the frost and snow the man saws a notch into the tree that's coming down this determines the direction of the fall he then saws all around the trunk but not all the way through the wedge is used to stop the tree falling towards the men watch out one final cut and down comes the tree it lands perfectly rather less than perfect is the quality of the trunk the trees rotten in the lower section so we'll cut a two meter piece off the end the dreaded red rot means this wood can't be used for prefab houses so now it's good nice and white perfect now the special caterpillar comes into play it pulls the freshly sawn wood off the slope costing 100 000 euros this machine has a 55 horsepower diesel engine and can negotiate slopes of up to 45 degrees and its special feature is that it's remote controlled at the collection point the municipal forestry workers are measuring the quantity of timber timber intake is the technical term first jurgen kola counts the tree trunks we draw a long line after every 50 logs so we can count them better and when we finish marking them we count up the long lines plus what's left over that makes 158 altogether now stefan fischer measures the diameter of the top logs the digital caliper stores the data determines the average log volume and multiplies the result by the total number of logs in this case 158 41 cubic meters four four six cubic meters so now they're getting our seal of approval that shows that our wood's been sourced from sustainable forestry it basically means that we never use more wood than we can grow back in a certain period of time the round wood timber purchaser from the prefab house company arrives gail tigaman carries out quality spot checks even as the trees are being filled how old is the wood it's over 90 years old over 90. that's good and how much can we expect to get from this harvest from this one you'll probably get over 400 cubic meters when wood comes from an 80 to 100 year old tree population like this and has reached this size for me it's a sign that it's grown slowly has a narrow ring structure and a certain wood density that's very good for what we needed for if these logs had a much larger diameter we'd see very wide annual rings very hard knots and consequently a kind of wood that in terms of strength and hardness wouldn't be suitable for our products haulage contractor bent golden now loads the wood onto his 40-ton all-wheel drive truck is allowed to carry 22.5 tons he has no scales here in the forest it's experience that counts theoretically i've still got some space at the top but the wood's quite heavy so i haven't used the full loading height fortunately the forest tracks are frozen solid today longer frost-free periods in winter can lead to problems for transporting the wood it can sometimes happen that you get stuck and need help someone to pull you out with a winch or another truck it's quite rare but it does happen today everything goes smoothly it's around 35 kilometers to the prefab house company in hornstein obersteten after just under an hour's drive ben gulda arrives with his cargo [Music] he unloads it at the roundwood timber loading bay where the logs undergo another quality inspection a quality is strong timber that only comes from long tree trunks and is used for veneers the ideal wood for prefabricated houses is b quality it has grown straight has the court exactly in the center and has very few knots if a log is much thicker on one side than on the other perhaps because the root base is still attached the thicker part is milled off because wood of even thickness is much easier to process the color of the wood is also important on this log here you can see from the difference in color that it's rotten red rot that's why we'll go down to d quality for this one in other words unsuitable for house building the log is rejected the next stop for the spruce wood is the debarking machine a tube containing six rotating blades known as finishing knives michael ama the sawmill production manager inspects the machine regularly to do so he stops the conveyor and takes a very close look inside the machine perfect the blades are perfect as good as new normally we change them every six months but we also carry out regular inspections we'll have a look inside every week and any broken ones are replaced the next inspection point determines the precise volume of wood the supplier has delivered to the plant the 3d laser measures the logs fully automatically length and thickness give you the volume for each log volume and quality are the factors that determine how much the supplier gets for his wood based on this laser determined data the logs are then sorted into huge stacking containers the company premises hold a permanent stock of around sixty thousand solid cubic meters of timber all of its spruce the entire annual demand is about 200 000 solid cubic meters after processing around 120 000 go to timber wholesalers and 80 000 to the prefab housing industry a gantry crane lifts the logs onto the sawmills infeed conveyor the mill has two sawing lines the heavy timberline processes logs of 20 to 68 centimeters in diameter and has a daily capacity of around 700 solid cubic meters the saw first removes the rounded slab edges on the right and left of the log it's then turned onto the flat side and runs back through the machine once again the two remaining slab edges are removed and the now rectangular log is sawn into boards the slab edges however are certainly not wasted they are put through this so-called trimming machine it scans each slab edge individually to enable it to cut out the optimum board with a minimum of waste this shows it quite well this here is the board and at the sides is the bar the machine itself decides automatically what product it makes from this some of these boards will be used for the prefab house the rest will be sold and processed further into packaging materials like boxes or pallets for example [Music] suddenly there's a malfunction the machine stops michael amma hurries to the saw what's wrong the axles are clogged up with sawdust yeah okay this is much more of a problem in winter of course because of the temperature at -15 the sawdust can sometimes freeze right onto one of these feeder axles and build up until it clogs it up so then we have to knock it off or blow it away with an air hose it takes about five minutes to blow out the entire chamber with its enormous saw blades then the machine can be started up again the processed boards run along a conveyor belt to a visual inspection here they are separated into three quality categories quality one is not marked quality two is marked with a line and quality three gets two lines here we can see the rod that's quality three and quality three can't be used for a house quality two is what we use as solid wood material in timber frame construction for walls interior walls or other things [Applause] wood residues sawdust and chippings are used to make chipboard wood pellets paper and cardboard not even the waste wood gets thrown away it's burned as fuel in the company's own co-generation power plant which feeds twice as much energy into the grid as the entire factory uses the boards from the sawmill have meanwhile been stacked but they still can't be used to make elements for prefab homes because they're too moist so they're now put into one of 27 computer-controlled drying kilns that hold between 50 and 2000 cubic meters before drying the staff drill sensors into the wood electricity is passed through one sensor the more moisture in the wood the easier the electricity is conducted from one sensor to the next the computer needs this data to control the drying process and to determine when the wood is dry enough to be used in some of our prefab houses if the wood were used while still moist it would gradually warp form cracks and may even become infested with insects now brings along a second measuring instrument using this we determine the humidity in the air when the air reaches its maximum saturation level due to the water coming out of the wood it's detected by this device the flaps in the kiln roof are open the saturated air is released and fresh air flows in from the back this process is repeated until the timber only has a moisture level of 13 that takes up to two weeks let's look back the business have already put their dream house together on the computer this is what it should look like two floors with a hip roof they had already drawn up the floor plan themselves and then the architect from the prefab company took over we worked on the floor plans with him and put the layout together just the way we have it now and then he gave us a three-dimensional picture of what it could look like when it's finished there will be a few color changes because that color scheme is not really our style the building plot is eight kilometers away in sigma right next door to klaus bisinga's parents house my grandfather's old work shed used to be here we knocked that down and the walls you see there are still the old interior walls but we've left them standing as retaining walls for the slope one benefit of wooden prefab houses is that you can put them up in winter as well the floor slab is already finished and all the connections are in place we wanted to build a cellar here but the problem is there's a huge rock underneath the ground here and we would have had to remove that either by blasting or chiseling it out the high costs meant that we couldn't do that so we went back to the idea of a floor blood slab this measures eight and a half by twelve and a half meters however at the moment the bear slab doesn't look that big to the clients like this it looks very small but perhaps later with a house well at first i thought it'll do for a big living room perhaps with a dining room as well but for an entire house it does look a bit small back at the prefab house company the wood for the business home is now dry and is taken for refinement to the so-called glue lamination hall it's enormous 16 000 square meters the size of two soccer fields here too the first job is sorting boards that have warped during drying are not suitable for constructing prefab house elements they don't make the cut so to speak [Music] the good quality boards are then planed on all four sides and passed onto the x-ray machine which detects knots in the wood as they represent weak points that could cause the wood to break they are cut out by a special computer-controlled miter saw [Music] the different sized boards are now joined together into uniform 26 meter lengths in the so-called finger jointing process a milling machine cuts interlocking tapered profiles the so-called fingers into both board ends glue is applied to one end and hardener to the other fully automatically the machine then presses the two ends together for two seconds after an hour the bonded section has hardened and after 24 hours it's weatherproof the next machine processes the finger jointed boards into so-called glue them beams glue and hardener are applied once more to the first board every second board remains dry a conveyor now stacks the boards up in a pressure chamber where several duo beams are produced simultaneously each consisting of two boards always one board without glue on top of one board with glue once the chamber is full the clamps at the top close steel blocks on hydraulic rams rise up and press the boards together at a pressure of one newton per square millimeter of wood [Music] this process takes an hour then the finished duo beams leave the press they are the basic material for timber frame prefabricated homes before being cut to size and milled for each individual house they're put through a planing machine in the design department the staff is now planning the bizinga's home down to the smallest detail this is done with the aid of cad which stands for computer-aided design once the design is completed we display a so-called data set at the control station we can then feed this directly into the machine so the drilling and milling is carried out automatically in the exact places we have specified in the design the computer-controlled production starts with the wood refinement process here the glulam beams are cut to size according to the plants for each individual house every single component is given a number allowing it to be assigned to a wall ceiling or roof element of each particular prefab home the house elements are produced on the so-called wall assembly line and in the roof production section in these gigantic halls around 100 employees work in two shifts as deputy production manager anton wilts's job is to make sure that the house elements are manufactured on time this begins about eight to ten days before the prefab homes delivery date so it's just in time production the first production stage is a semi-automatic machine making the wooden frames for the walls the next step is displayed automatically here on the screen so the machine operator knows which step comes next this machine places wooden frame sections between the beams moves them into the correct position and then nails them automatically into place some are positioned by hand they have assembly holes which other house walls will be docked into later once a wall is finished it goes to the next processing station along with the plans there a plastic foil is drawn across the internal side of the outer wall the rolling machine automatically staples it down immediately the foil serves as a vapor barrier to prevent inside moisture from penetrating the house walls the foil over the window openings is cut out by hand pre-milled chipboard in technical terms the interior cladding is now placed over the foil a worker aligns them by hand and a machine staples them to the wood based on the cad data it knows exactly where to shoot the staples into the beams a layer of plasterboard is now attached to the interior cladding this is to provide the base for wallpaper or tiling [Music] at the same time the machine cuts holes in the wall for power sockets and switches in the exact positions specified by the designers a so-called butterfly table now turns the wall over so that the exterior side is facing upwards electricians now install the sockets for the light switches thermostats roller shutter switches and power points the wiring is also fitted into the wall for heat and sound insulation the workers now lay mats of mineral wool in between the frame supports an airtight membrane known as a synergy foil is now laid on top of the insulation this allows moisture to pass from the inside to the outside but not the other way around cement bonded particle boards are now put in place and nailed down they are completely waterproof at the top and bottom ends of the wall and around the windows aluminum edge trim is attached as edging for the polystyrene sheets that will carry the exterior plastering one employee sprays the adhesive onto the cement bonded particle boards while two others lay the polystyrene sheets on top a 50 kilo roller makes sure they stick together permanently and then just for good measure they're stapled down as well the wall is then raised up into a vertical position to enable the windows and the patio doors to be installed here you can see the windows just as we get them from our supplier in other words the roller shutter is mounted on the top the lateral guide rails are already fitted what we now have to do is to fit a sealing tape inside after five minutes this will expand and guarantee that the connection between the wood and the window is airtight with the help of suction pads on a crane the fitters lift the heavy patio door into the opening align it screw it tightly into place and seal it with silicone so that the interior walls can be wallpapered plastered or tiled after the house has been built a plasterer fills the joints between the boards he works a strip of fabric into the filler so that no cracks can form later at the next station two workers apply the base plaster to the exterior side of the wall one sprays the plaster on while his colleague puts fiberglass mesh on top of it again to prevent cracks from forming later cut off the excess fabric smooth it all out job done the company sanitary section is where installation walls for bathrooms and toilets are put together made of welded metal frames on chipboard in these walls the plumbers install the cisterns and waste water pipes as well as the water supply pipes which are also provided with insulation to make sure there are no leaks plumber gerkangu pressure tests the system with air in this case it's just under four bar and if this pressure doesn't drop for the next quarter of an hour the pipes are watertight the test is successful finally the plumber insulates the cavities in the meantime the base plaster is dry so it's time for the final rendering this work has to be very precise so that the house facade does not look uneven later the difficulty with plastering walls is getting it done evenly there are various ways to do it some do it in one spraying process others do it in two in this case the plasterer does it in one step now the exterior wall is ready to be transported to the construction site in another hall the company is manufacturing a special product a tiny house with a living space of fourteen and a half by four meters this prefab tiny home can accommodate one to two people and what's more it's delivered by truck in one piece hence the name flying space depending on the size and furnishings this type of mobile home will cost between fifty thousand and one hundred and thirty thousand euros here we have a module that was designed as an extension for an existing building it has the same linear expansion so we can quite easily combine such modules in width or in height to put up offices living accommodations or use them to design self-sufficient freestanding houses the callers from virginian about 70 kilometers south of stuttgart bought one of these houses until a few years ago the retired married couple had lived next door in their large detached house as we got older we began to think about where we wanted to spend the years we have left we originally thought about moving into a town but then our son happened to get a job here in the area and was very interested in settling down here so then our idea was okay why don't we just put a small house in our land here and not move away dogma and amin cooler's new home cost them around 120 000 euros turn key and ready for occupancy 49 square meters isn't exactly generous so clever solutions were required in the kitchen for instance we decided to put the module here in the middle on wheels so that we can put it on one side and occasionally have a dinner party with a large table in here and here we have another room that we use as a kind of study we wanted to bring our old bureau from the other house so we could sit in here and relax read use the pc or whatever for the tiny bathroom the prefab company has come up with something special the sliding door in front of the shelves doubles up as the door for the shower next to this is a utility room which is also used as a pantry this is our bedroom small but cozy you get a new sense of closeness when space is a bit tight under the bed we've got two storage boxes with our suitcases inside and behind this curtain there's a shelf unit that's our wardrobe and that's all we need the house has under floor heating but the coolers hardly use it usually preferring to use their wood burner instead we really feel at home here it's enough yes enough for our needs the tiny home was delivered by truck fully assembled a truck-mounted crane simply set it down on supports that had been setting concrete this is how it's coming when the house arrived the pipes that had all been prepared in advance were just docked on there was a box underneath the house which was connected up and within half a day everything was ready and we could turn the taps on and the water was running or switch the light on it all worked back to the prefab house factory in swabias ornstein obashdeten the elements for the business house are being loaded into several containers for transport a worker secures them to prevent them from slipping and falling over container number one usually has the ground floor inside in trunk two there are materials for the house interior such as stairs tiles dry street etc the next vehicle has the ceiling and the one after that usually has the attic but in this case it's the second floor of the house then there's another ceiling and last of all the roof meanwhile at the bizina family's construction site truck number three is just arriving it's carrying ceiling elements before they're installed udorena and his construction team have to put a double t girder into place between the dining and living rooms the ceiling elements coming in now shouldn't span such a great distance because if they did they might sag in the middle so that's why we need to put a girder in underneath them to support the load with upfront now the crane lifts the ceiling elements onto the ground floor structure that takes just under half an hour but the final element doesn't fit onto the exterior walls a minor problem the girders protruding over the wall edge we'll just have to shorten this board so it'll fit into the wall properly the minor problem is quickly solved with a jigsaw and everything fits into place the construction team fastened the ceiling elements onto the walls with plate head screws [Music] the outside insulation is still being fitted assemblyman kevin rennath pulls a sealing foil over it and tapes it down and in the meantime the busyness staircase arrives and has to be carefully threaded through the opening in the ceiling of course that has to be lowered carefully so we don't hit the walls anywhere and because such a staircase is quite an expensive piece of work we need to be a bit careful when we lower it down and just make sure it fits perfectly stop stop stop careful careful okay so after turning and pushing it a few times it goes in without any problems udorena screws down the top of the staircase his clients are delighted incredible how fast the first floor of the house has been put up amazing i'm overwhelmed and i'm freezing the end of a good day's work just after six o'clock the next morning once again freezing cold temperatures of around minus 15 degrees but today at least the floor they're working on isn't covered in ice the first of the upper story outside walls arrives it needs to be positioned perfectly so that the remaining three walls can be connected to it properly the walls are only sealed completely when the temperature is higher than 5 degrees this joint here is sealed with a sealant this here has to be filled with foam and after that a corner bracket will be plastered in once it's dry plaster goes over it then the facade will get two coats of paint and we're finished only two hours later the entire outer shell of the second floor is completed the team now moves on to the interior walls and to the installation wall with the cistern the mounting openings for the toilet and wash basin as well as all the water and wastewater connections another hour later and the ceiling is also finished the business now show their two daughters mia and julie their new home show me your room is it this one no yes what's over there when grandma looks out the window you can wave to her what do you think of your room nice nice while the children are already looking forward to their new home the team starts preparing to assemble the roof the hip roof chosen by the business needs a special ridge purl and support the roof consists of 20 individual components the roof overhangs are even already painted the construction team places the roof elements onto the ridge purlin at the top and the wall plates at the bottom kevin you'll have to lift it a bit and get further around the first element has to sit perfectly so that all the others after it are always in the right place so it's raised again briefly adjusted by a few centimeters screwed down and that's it but then the fourth element suddenly gets stuck even pushing it back and forth doesn't help kevin renna and father oodle it takes them a while to find the root of the problem [Music] there's a baton here and this beam goes up here diagonally and the baton up here goes straight across it so now it rests on this one here and i can't get the roof section any further over it's a design fault but only a very minor one that's much easier to remedy than it was to find for the construction team the rest of the roof is child's play by late afternoon on the second day of building the roof is finished [Music] it is of course very cold but in the circumstances everything went really well over the next few days we'll get the roof tiles fitted so the outer shell of the house is completely finished and then the craftsman will start with the interior work they'll need about four to five weeks to lay the floors panel the ceilings paper or tile the walls and install the bathroom after years of planning the business will finally be able to move from their rented apartment into their own home but now they'd like to inspect their prefab home from above site manager tobias list sends them up 17 meters high on the cherry picker awesome it's so great to see the house at last we've spent five years planning it and in two days they've built it up from nothing pure genius
Channel: WELT Documentary
Views: 281,209
Rating: 4.8462772 out of 5
Keywords: full documentary, full documentaries, hd documentary, hd documentaries, free documentary, welt documentary, welt documentaries, full length documentaries, documentary film, top documentaries, reports, factual film, prefab house, prefab homes, home, home build solution, home building, house building, prefabricated houses, prefabricated houses germany, house construction, company
Id: VQcQlxDE9gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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