Build a Fallout Nuka-Cola PC with Bob Ross! Halloween Build!

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[Music] where am I well hello everybody I hope everybody's doing well today today welcome in this live broadcast and today I'm going to put down my palette in my brush and we're going to do something a little bit different today so welcome back for everybody who's been here before and to those of you that are new you're all very welcome here welcome in welcome in so today I'm going to show you how to build a computer and then maybe later we'll give it a good old paint job huh it's a beautiful day today and it's a wonderful wonderful time to be building a PC this is a great family event that everybody can enjoy from Fathers and Sons the daughters and mothers and grandparents and everybody in between so come on in and let's show you just how easy and fun it can be to build your very own computer now now I'm going to Simply set these items aside here and we're going to start by prepping something that's called the motherboard now the motherboard is what everything connects to it's where it's the Peacekeeper it's sort of the Bob Ross of the whole system now for this instance here we're going to be utilizing this motherboard now this is this is made by a company called gigabyte and you may not know that name if you're just a regular old individual who's not into computers but trust me they're a big name for those who know and this isn't their highest end motherboard but it's up there it's a real good one and I'm going to show you just how easy it is to get this ready to install into a case these are computer cases is here behind me and I have an extra one of these so we're going to build basically what you see right here except there's going to be a fourth one right over here when we're done it's going to be wonderful it's going to be a great time and I I sure hope you're following along with me the only tool we're really going to need for most of this is a number two Phillips screwdriver magnetized always helps keep things nice and sticky you don't want to drop a screw down inside of something make a big mess or scratch anything so magnets and computers go along just fine no need to worry about that now let me just take a minute and let's say hello to some of the friendly folks we have in our chat room today let's see who was in here oh we see uh Dave Murray and Rich Robbins Steven Bernstein and xum Colin Hilton geoy Tech Paul Baxter Nick poverman Matthew Barnes and Jesse Kirk Bill ainger Patrick Russa hi guys come on in everybody come on in let's all get a little closer come on we don't have to be afraid of one and another you can hold each other's hands virtually we'll save the kumbai Y for later though okay so for right now though just know that you're all you're all friends of mine and that makes you all friends of each other and let's share in this enjoyment of building the computer and we're going to prep this we get everything started we call it a prep it's short for Preparation and we're going to prepare the motherboard to be installed into the case and we the reason we do that is it can be very very challenging to try and install the parts on the motherboard after the motherboard's been installed in the case so let's get started here now and for those of you whose names I I haven't mentioned of course don't feel neglected or alienated I I see you and I appreciate you're being here now let's take a look in the box so here's what the inside of the Box looks like if you've never done this before it's got the motherboard it's put into this bag not sure where Carrie would want me to to put this but Carrie where would you like the gar the the the leftover garbage placed oh like that it hoot all right let's come down over here now there's obviously not a whole lot of technicality going on here it's just stickers we're not going to use the stickers today so we're going to set those off camera and in the Box there's another sticker I know you might be thinking you just bought a box of stickers that's kind of true but we're going to ignore the stickers for right now this is our instruction manual which you can refer to for any details that we won't cover in the video today just just drop it okay that guy s Mouse is he a great guy in the motherboard box we're going to find something that's called an IO shield and IO is short for input and output and it's it's where all your little connectors and USB and keyboard and plugins they all all your plugins they all plug in and and this this right here goes on the back of the case we're going to get to this just a little bit later so we're going to set it aside for now and everything else we've got in the Box for right now we can just leave in here we've got SATA cables RGB cables looks like some kind of temperature sensors and a quick connect now don't let any of this overwhelm you I'm just showing you the parts that are that are in the box here today and we're not going to be utilizing all of them and that's okay it's all right to have Parts left over it's totally normal now some people are saying they have a hard time hearing me let me just adjust let me adjust my microphone a little bit here for you guys we'll see if that works any better I'm not the loudest person in the world everything's very calm and you know in my day uh things were were stressful and they're not as stressful as you guys have it today but I am the original chill pill it's true long before that word existed Bob Ross existed so we're just going to relax and enjoy our build today and we're going to look at our happy little motherboard right here we're going to take this out of the box sorry I took it out of the box I'm going to going to remove the tape that FS the bag clothes we're going to gently remove the motherboard which is being hugged so lovingly by the bag in here you'll see we've got some some protection placed here this plastic to keep things from being damaged in shipping and if we just bring this around you'll see that's that IO I was telling you about that input and output where all your plugs go it's all right there and I'm just going to find an end to this plastic and we're just going to peel this plastic off now if we don't peel the plastic off these areas can get pretty warm when the computer is turned on and it could emit an odor an unpleasant odor and that's because the plastic that's intended here just for protection and shipping wasn't removed and it starts to get hot and melt so let's take this time now to very easily remove this plastic because once we've installed the the motherboard into the case doing this would be much more difficult sometimes it can be a little difficult to find a a little piece of that plastic to pull up but but don't give up once you get it started you'll see the rest of it'll just come right on off there we go look at that isn't that just gorgeous now here with our motherboard you can see let me just bring it up to the camera and I'll show you it looks almost like a little city doesn't it like a like a big satellite photograph of a city going on down there and it's not unlike a little city there's little roads that are the electrical circuits and all roads are basically just a circuit so it's not too far-fetched when your first reaction may be wow that looks like a little city it is kind of like a little city oh looks like we missed a piece of plastic right here let's go ahead and take that off right now oh and another one always good to just double check make sure you get it all now we only have to install three things on this motherboard just to prepare it and that's going to be our CPU which is going to go right there our Ram which goes in these sockets here and then an m.2 Drive which is what we're going to boot from and put Windows on that's going to be our storage drive that's going to go underneath this metal plate right here that's a a heat shield and it helps dissipate the heat so that everything runs nice and cool and fast so let's go ahead and place this down now I know many of you would like to see some close-ups of my work so I've arranged for that to happen for you today now let me just bring out my camera that's going to give you a nice view of all the detail work of what we're doing today so bear with me here folks because my regular crew isn't here so let's see if we can get this set up here for you as you can see I got this camera and I'm just going to raise it up a bit that looks good to me and we'll have to turn this camera on there we go now let's check and make sure this this camera here is working and it's focused oh that looks pretty good folks let's just take a look right there oh yes look at this isn't that just gorgeous absolutely absolutely now here we've got our Ram we can install this Ram very easily these two packages represent 8 GB of memory each so that's 8 16 25 for 32 total gigs of RAM these chips will fit into these sockets very easily the first thing we need to do is to open these connectors up just like that and let's see if we can get you another camera view here here we go so you can see me doing it both ways from both angles we could probably make that just a little bigger let's see if we can just grab a little edge here oh look at that look at that okay now with the motherboard out we're going to focus in on this little area right here so let's see if we can get you zoomed in a little closer and we're going to turn like this so you guys can get a really good look there at what's going on now we're going to take one of our packages of ram now all the parts and all the details for the build today they're all in the video notes below the video be sure and check those out if you would now this is how we're going to take our Ram out we're going to bend the package don't bend the RAM and as you can see when you build your own computer you basically start your own Sticker Collection and hey who doesn't already have a Sticker Collection now with one of the ram modules removed as you can see here I can place them in any of the four because we have four Ram modules we're going to use all four of these sockets there's a little Keyhole right here in the RAM and there's a notch you can see driving driven right through the center that makes sure that we can install the ram in Only One Direction and look at that it just fits so perfectly it's kind of hard to see when it's top down isn't it fits right into that Groove then I'm going to use my thumb and I'm going to push down real gently on the right side and then my left side now you don't have to do right or left first but you just want to do one side and then the other side don't try and do both sides at the same time let's get the other Ram module out of the container now because these were a a kit I'm going to skip one and this is not a necessary step but I'm going to skip one because this is one memory channel right here and then push down and push down and that locks our second memory module into position and that's what this really looks like from this angle very very simple so far see I told you you could do this I wasn't kidding people can really really enjoy building computers and to a point that some people believe it or not make a living doing this I'm going to just repeat the same process with the remaining Miram modules making sure that we keep everything oriented into the same direction and we just have one last one here and we're going to put that one in real quick nice and easy goes down in the groove Don't Force anything it should go in very easily once you're sure it's in correctly then you go ahead and apply your pressure down on one corner and then the other corner and that's installing 32 GB of RAM into a motherboard it's really really just that easy now the next thing we can do is put our m.2 solid state drive in now I realize you're probably going to hear some terminology today that's forign to you but that's okay you just keep listening and you'll understand in context and in time you don't have to know it all today in fact here on this channel Carrie's been doing builds now for many many years and some are more basic and some are more advanced so there's something here for everybody you're all very welcome to check out the entire library that Carrie has and there's different levels for people of different experience so you should never feel that the content here isn't for you it's it is for you it's for everybody now here this part right here this is where our CPU is going to go and it's got a little cover on it and we're going to get to that in a second but just below it this is where our m.2 drive is going to go our solid state drive let me just align that so you can see there's a screw right here I have to remove now for this I'm actually going to use a slightly different screwdriver that's a little smaller because that screw is different than all the other screws that we use when building a computer now when I remove this heat shield it's going to expose a socket below be careful not to lose that screw we're just going to slide this out there's a little Tab in a slot right there we're going to just gently slide that out and here we've got a thermal pad this is going to help pull the heat away from our solid state drive and it had some protective tape on it to keep it from getting dirty so we'll just take that tape off now what we're going to put in here is one of the best solid state drives available today it's the Samsung 970 Evo envme m.2 and it's one terab now what do I mean when I say best it's not the cheapest it has the best read and write performance of any solid state on the market and Samsung has been leading the way that other manufacturers in this Arena strive to just stay up with inside of the Box we've got our happy little envyme drive right there it kind of looks like a stick of gum doesn't it I've got some double Min right here as a matter of fact I mean if doubl Min doesn't warm your soul look at this you're all familiar with a stick of gum well who would have thought that computer technology would be so similar to an everyday item like that now don't install this no we're you can you can chew on this and enjoy this you don't want to chew on this I know it's got the word bites in it but that's not what that means okay let's go ahead and take this out of its package here it's just like a little baby coming out of its come com coming out of its womb right now look at that now this also has a little a little Groove in it so it can only go one way into this socket here we turn this around we give you another another kind of view what you can see when you look at it this way if you look into that socket right there you'll see the groove is on the right side and we're going to place the drivein on an angle first we want to line it up and then push it straight in but make sure you don't force anything it should go in nice and easy and there we go now it's lined up correctly and you'll see it kind of bounces up and down right there now I've just noticed that we need a little standoff and a screw to lock this down right there so I'm going to just gently set the motherboard aside for a moment just put it right over here and here in our box with all the parts is a little baggie and that contains our standoff and our screw and they're very very tiny so be careful you don't want to lose these certainly don't want to be working on any carpet you really wouldn't want to paint on over carpet either cuz if you drip the paint it drips on your carpet so building a computer actually is very similar to painting in a lot of ways now in the bag here we'll go ahead and just open this up and and take the the stand off in the screw out there we go hey guys you can breathe again huh good to be out of that bag I bet let me just take this out for just a moment we'll just set this down so I can put this right here this one is marked as 80 that means 80 mm because it's 80 mm in distance 80 mm this way 22 mm this way therefore this is referred to as the size 2280 as you can see they come in multiple sizes now I can put this back in and with a magnetized screwdriver make sure that that little tiny screw stays on the end and we don't lose it and very slowly and carefully we're going to bring these parts together and we're just going to turn that screw until it stops you don't have to go any further than that that has installed our M2 drive now we can put our little heat cover back on it which kind of makes it look a little better and helps it perform a little better and we start by sliding that tab into the groove first of all and then we just lower this down on top and tighten this one I screw here you don't want to overtighten anything everything is very easy to assemble in the when it comes to building a computer and if you're struggling or frustrated you're just doing something wrong and maybe you just need to step away for a moment take a breath perhaps have a sip of your favorite beverage and come back in a few minutes and try again when perhaps your mindset is more calm what you have to understand is this is mostly the most expensive part of building a computer these parts here see if I can zoom out a little bit here for you for the parts that we've installed this piece here is almost $400 for the part we just put in these four sticks of memory run about $80 a piece so we've got 8160 240 about $300 worth of memory approximately and now we've got our CPU to put in and the CPU is is kind of like the brain of the whole operation the CPU in this build that we're using here is an Intel Core i7 8086k the price on these CPUs is quickly heading towards the $500 range the prices have really started to go up on these and they're a limited addition now I'm going to go ahead and cut the tape on the box so we can remove the CPU and I can put away this other tool and I'm going to show you just how easy and fun this is a lot of people get really nervous about stuff like this because of how much money it costs but ladies and gentlemen you just can't buy fun at any price so we're going to open up the box and get a lot of paperwork which we'll set aside side and of course another sticker right here in the box is our CPU that's what a CPU looks like there's not a lot to it to the naked eye but under a microscope this would expose hundreds of millions of transistors hundreds of millions can you imagine my what a world we live in now we'll come back over to this camera right up here there we go now there's a little cover and that little cover is there because underneath if you look very carefully very closely you'll see those little tiny gold dots and what those are if I can zoom in here I'll show you those are little tiny delicate pins and there's 1,00 over 1100 of those little pins in there and they're very easily damage so they put a little plastic cover right here to protect the motherboard anytime that there's nothing in there there's anything even a light brushing against against that socket can damage the internals of the socket and then the whole motherboard is bad and that won't be a warranty issue that would be something you did but if you follow these steps it's so so simple I'm going to remove the CPU from its little container here and if you look real carefully let's go back here to this other camera if you look real carefully right here you'll see there's little indentations on the sides and and that's so you can get your fingers in there and grab the CPU that's what those little indentations are there for you see all the way I hold these parts I always hold these parts by their edges that's the way they like to be held and so we're going to keep them happy and hold them the way they like to be held now we'll come back over here over to this camera and this little chip this can only go in One Direction now if you look there's a little gold triangle right on this corner and there's a gold triangle on that corner and if we line those gold triangles up rest the CPU edges into the socket and then just lightly J it let it sit down with gravity you can see it's very loose but it doesn't move left or right or up and down cuz there's a little Ridge that's holding it in place and now When I close the socket down on top of it this little Groove is going to go underneath that screw and it's going to put pressure down and it's going to push that CPU down and that little plastic lid then is going to pop up watch let's bring down the lever it's going to have a lot of tension on it takes a little more muscle to push this down when it's got a CPU in it then when it doesn't watch real careful here we go well there it is it just lightly popped off now we're going to put this in our motherboard box because if we ever have to send the motherboard back to the manufacturer for any warranty work we have to take our CPU and RAM out of it we have to take everything back out the way it was and that means we have to cover those pins up so they won't be damaged if you don't cover those pins back up more than likely the manufact simply isn't going to honor the warranty so let's make sure that we put that away somewhere and ideally we'll never need it now that's all there was to prepping our motherboard we still have to deal with a a heat sink and fan for our CPU to keep it nice and cool it's just one of the parts of the computer that gets the hottest but we're going to do that a little bit later and we can start now by preparing our case so let me go ahead and put this camera away CU we're done with it for right now thank you guys so much for joining me today I'm so happy to have you here with me and I sure hope you're enjoying what we've done so far this is really the most expensive part of the computer everything we've done here and as long as you handle the parts the way I've shown you you shouldn't have to worry about any electrostatic discharge or really any surprises at all it's important you work in a well-lit area I like to work in my kitchen because it's very well lit and I have a large blank counter to work with well it started as a blank slate and as you can see somebody's been a very busy boy now let's go ahead and get this out of the way we're going to set the motherboard way over here and uh right here we' got our power supply we're using a a seic prime 880 Plus gold 750 W modular power supply those are some big words aren't they this just provides power so everything can turn on you don't really need to understand all the technical specifications what's important is you have more than enough power to deliver so your system has enough power to run if it doesn't it may crash or act oddly see Sonic is a well-respected name in the building community and well there are other manufacturers to consider if you research your own Parts you may find a lot of enthusiastic people speaking very positively about this particular brand it's also one of the most expensive Brands you can buy But it includes a great warranty and they have a great reputation for reliability let's go ahead and take the power supply out of its box here we've got our documentation and more document a we got a big power cord here in this bag will be all of the cables we've got and uh they've included a little device here that can power the power supply on without a power switch that's more for Diagnostic or technical reasons we should never need to use that and then finally in this beautiful velvet bag is our gorgeous power supply let's go ahead and introduce it to everybody come on out power supply come on and say hello got to come out of your mama's pouch oh yeah I see him squinting from the sunlight it's been dark in there come on into the light my friend there you go welcome welcome here's the back of the power supply with all of the features and connectors that we can use potentially doesn't mean we we're going to use them all this is we're going to use some of these and the rest we're just going to leave empty for ideas in the future might want to add something to the computer or change something to the computer months or years from now and that's all there for you to grow into all the specifications and details for people that are interested or printed here right on the power supply and there's a fan on the bottom of this power supply and this fan it sucks air in and then it blows that air right out the back goes in and out none of the air actually goes into the case and so it's important when we place this power supply into our case that our case can breathe from underneath otherwise we're going to suffocate our power supply and well that's just not very nice [Music] now before I move on to the case let me just take a few moments to say another quick hello and acknowledge our our friends here in the chat room Hello friends Tomy Ellis is has contributed 10 pounds says way to go Bob thank you Tommy Ellis and let's just see if we've missed any other contribution looks like Tommy is the only one very good thank you Tomy well I hope all of you said hello where do we have people watching us from why don't you give us a little shout and tell us where you're watching from I know we have people watching all over the world and this is the one true place on the planet where everybody is truly welcome you're all beautiful people and I consider you all my friends thank you so much for being a part of today's build tell me where are you watching from and what time is it where you are I realize some people have to stay up pretty late to watch me and that's very kind of you wow look at all the people coming in here from Florida and Britain Texas and Belgium and Kentucky and Holland and Chicago and Milwaukee and Louisiana and California there's Austria San Francisco Indiana Minnesota South Africa swasiland Africa welcome in welcome in London and Michigan and eluna Pennsylvania and Ontario Canada I see Kazo Tech joins us from Tucson Arizona isn't that where JoJo was from get back JoJo your mama's waiting for you North Carolina Cape Cod New York Denmark it's uh 10:30 at night in Denmark right now Georgia Slovakia and Boston more in England and Netherlands it's amazing Sweden Estonia you guys are just absolutely amazing here we are from all over the world and we all share this passion and we're all kind and likeminded someone here is joining us from Greece and someone else from Spain and someone El else is in Atlanta in Romania wow the world is truly represented here thank you thank you friend thank you for joining me today and I really hope you enjoy your stay let me go grab the case it's going to be similar to what you see on the counter now except I I put it over here because as you can see we've now got four of these computers and each one of them is a little different internally and that's the beauty of building your own computer is you get to make it your own you get to express yourself just like with painting you get to decide where you want your happy little trees to go if you want a blue sky or clouds and waterfalls or rainbows it's all up to you we're going to start here by simply removing this glass side panel and it's there so everybody can see the quality of the work you did inside so it's important that we take our time and really enjoy our build because that's really going to show through the glass just how much you enjoyed your build you can tell just by looking through the glass if somebody did not enjoy the process of building a computer it does show in the quality of the work now how anybody could not find this to be fun and enjoyable I don't know but I encourage you to try we're going to go ahead and remove this glass this is tempered glass so it's pretty difficult to break but it is pretty easy to scratch so we're going to set that safely off to the side now this exposes all of our internal components inside the case and here on the other side we've got this gorgeous if I don't say so myself painting from a video game called nuca Cola oh I I just see something here hold on let me let me just take a minute and fix fix this real quick yeah I'm sorry guys this is this is what I do and and I just have make a slight little there we go there we go all right yeah make sure she she has a has a happy little gun right there want to make sure that your laser pistol is happy that just bit a little more shine gorgeous oh it's perfect now perfect so we're going to push a button right here and we're going to set this off to dry and we're going to keep it somewhere safe where it won't be scratched we're going to come back to that a bit later now here on the back in this area here this is where our power supply is going to go this is where it's going to go on most modern cases down here on the bottom and we can remove this little frame that's going to make installing our power supply so much easier we'll take that out and just set it down and we've got a piece of Styrofoam in here that has to come out so we'll just turn this this way I do need a little bit more counter space here but let's just see what we can do there it is we just put that where Carrie likes to put it and here's our bobble head I think I think we've seen this bobble head before let's see which bubble head is included oh no this one's different now the bobble head is not normally something that comes with a computer case if you've never built a computer before that's just a little something extra that the case manufacturer threw in for fans of the game Fallout which one would presume you would be if you bought this case now also in here if I turn this around we're going to have a little box that's got all of the mounting hardware that we need looks like we got a little cable that came off we'll we'll address that here in a moment oh I got to turn it around this way don't I there we go now right down here you'll see there's a little white box down here and this box comes out with a little encouragement if you have difficulty with it like I am you can try just coaxing a little bit more or we can just take that tray out of there which will make life just a little bit easier just take our number two fill up screwdriver and unscrew these two thumb screws that you see and now the whole tray can come out now it's a lot easier for me to take that box out of here it's not supposed to be in this tightly maybe we can bring it out the other side maybe that'll be a little easier if we come out this way oh there we go and that's going to have all of our screws and mounting hardware for our case so we'll just set that there for now and I'm going to just put this right back in where it was we're going to get all these cables untangled and nice and neat and orderly there it is and we'll just tighten those back down again now those trays are there to install mechanical hard disc dries and we've got room there for two of them [Applause] one there and one there we have room for solid state drives here on the back there's one there one there and up front three more now we're going to turn this back around and with our power supply we should have some screws here in this bag with the cables we'll set the bag here yeah this is just cbles nothing but cables and power [Applause] cable maybe the screws are in this bag right here it could be in here we've got zip ties velcro zip uh velcro ties here we go there's our happy little power supply screws right there now we're going to grab the power supply here and we'll gently place it on the counter like so and we know we're going to install with that fan facing down so this piece can go on with this part here this is going to be the part that's the back of the power supply so we're going to face that part down this is the part we're going to be working on the part that's got the big hole in the switch I just noticed they've also got another little piece of plastic covering the the company's logo and that can come off right now and just peel that off and now that logo is nice and shiny setting this down we look at how we want the power supply to install so that's our fan facing down we're going to set this on the counter just like this with the fan to my right so when I install it it's going to go in just like that so we'll put the frame on it by lining up the mounting holes of the power supply and as you can see you may have to rotate the frame and using our bag of screws that came with the power supply we can secure that now now this is a Phillips number two magnetized driver handle and we're just going to gently start each screw and don't tighten them down yet because you want to be able to move this piece as needed to get all the other holes to line up now with them all started I can go ahead and tighten them down and you don't want to take this too far once the screw stops you can just give it a little bit more of a Twist and that's all it needs anything more than that is just too much there we go oh I think it's feeling pretty happy now it's getting back into its home where it was meant to be and this is what it looks like when the frame's been installed now not all cases use frames different case manufacturers have different power supply mounting techniques so this really only applies to this case here or other cases made by this manufacturer that have it this design now we can simply place this back in and just push it that's all you have to do gently push it in you may have to sort of lift up on the bottom of it to get it to a line and we'll just gently tighten these thumb screws just so it doesn't fall out on us while we're moving the case around while we're doing some more work we won't be using the power supply until everything's been installed and then we'll run our cables so for right now we're just going to keep the power supply locked in this position turning these thumb screws and you may have to sort of hunt around a little bit to get the screws to align with their holes so be patient be understanding and and don't get frustrated or angry if you start feeling that it's time to just walk away for a little bit sometimes when I'm frustrated and angry I like to come and build a computer it gets my mind off of my troubles and gives me a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment I I think uh most people are very much driven to feel this is having a little bit of difficulty that's not that critical at this juncture other than to just keep the power supply from sliding around or falling out while we're working on the case if things feel like you're struggling too much it may be that the frame isn't quite centered properly if we loosen all these screws that will enable us to move the frame slightly left and right and then it should line up see how much easier that went on without any struggle very simple and now we can tighten the frame back down now you don't normally have to do that but if you're finding things aren't fitting properly then simply backing off some screws to give yourself a little wiggle room can often make a a very difficult problem a very simple one with a a modicum of of effort now when I was painting I used to talk about painting happy little clouds but you guys today seems you you have your own happy little clouds like Amazon web services and Google Drive my how times have changed haven't they it's a beautiful place isn't it isn't the world a beautiful place and we're also so so lucky to be alive and see this beauty and experience this wonderful technology techology and there's absolutely such a fulfillment of enjoyment and pleasure of harnessing that technology and taking control of that technology and it's so simple and it's so easy and it's so rewarding I simply don't know why everybody doesn't take a day at least once a year to build their own computer so with our our supply installed we can go ahead and put our motherboard into the case so we're going to lay the case down to do this so we're working with gravity rather than against it I did not open this did I in this box is going to be the screws we need to mount the motherboard into the case because every case manufacturer is different they have to provide the screws so in the box is all the hardware all the screws documentation it's all inside it here and every case of any brand new computer case will come with the screws because different cases hold a different amount of components or different types of components that's why it's important when you're building your own computer that you pick the case that's right for you and your needs now we can put our IO shield in that's going to go right down here in this corner and we put that back in the motherboard box so let me just set the motherboard aside for just a moment here just hold this in one hand and in the Box here let's take the io Shield out now you see I'm always putting the motherboard on the motherboard box and I do that because it's a natural anti-static uh anti- conductor it does not induct electricity and it won't scratch my countertop cuz the bottom of this motherboard has all these little what they call soldering points and they're very sharp and not only do you not want to touch them for electrostatic discharge purposes but it can hurt there we go now our IO Shield here is in a little plastic bag obviously we have to take this out here we go that's what the io Shield looks like and it's going to go right back here and it's going to align see that see how that aligns so we first place it here in our case and people that do this for the first time they they always struggle they always struggle with it so you really need to take your time and you know if you want to get good at it once you finally get it in place take it back out and put it back in when it goes back in take it out put it back in until you get faster at it if that's something you want to get better at on the other hand if you're like most people you'll be so glad by the time it finally locked in you won't want to risk taking it back out but it does get easier with time now I'm going to grab the motherboard here and there's not going to be a lot I can show you on this point because of the angle we're on but I'm going to pick the board up by its edges and I'm going to place it here inside of the case and I'm going to line up those IO ports with that IO Shield I want to make sure that they all come through here straight and sometimes that requires to lift up the back of the board while pushing it forward and when it locks into place there's a post that sticks up underneath the motherboard it's going to hold the board into position for us you'll actually feel it when it locks in correctly when it's aligned and you can see all of these ports lined up with their holes right now and in this bag of screws it's labeled 6-32 flat is what it says this is what we're going to use to secure the board so we're going to need eight of these screws and using my mechanical screwdriver with a magnetic tip I can at least get one of these started here for you there we go now I can pick the case up and show you what this looks like it's starting to look like a computer now isn't it we've got three mounting holes on the bottom across the middle and across the top with that Center Post holding the board in place that consumes one of the mounting holes that leaves us with eight and we want to make sure we use all eight of those to lock the motherboard into position make sure that it's not going to move on us you don't use any washers or anything like that and when you do this yourself you should do it with the case laying flat I'm only showing you this way so you have a better view of what I'm doing but this is not the way I would recommend that you go about it especially if you've never built a computer before this is a lot more difficult I make it look easy but that's only because I've done it so many times so that's screw number five we have three more we got to do the whole whole top row up here there's one there and we're going to put one right up here we have our very final last screw and that's going to go in this top corner right up here now don't overtighten those you don't want to crush the motherboard it's just there to secure the motherboard to make sure that the motherboard doesn't uh Shake loose or make electrical contact with the metal on the case be sure that the number of standoffs behind the board match the number of mounting holes on the board in order to prevent a short from occurring we're going to just take all these extra parts here and we're going to put them all in our motherboard box that way we have them all together in one place excuse me folks give me just a minute for oh hello friends let me just take a look here in the chat room and see what friends we've got joining us now it's a lot of work maintaining a beard of this lusciousness okay with our motherboard installed and our power supplies installed most of the builds already done there's a a cooling solution we're going to put on here which is a little extreme so if you're a firsttime builder this may not be something you want to copy however you certainly can if you're ambitious enough but it's not entirely necessary to go with a cooler this extreme and the way we're going to put the cooler in is this case comes apart a little bit more here underneath on the bottom if we give it a good [Applause] pull it does require quite a bit of muscle there it goes and this whole front cover pulls off just like that and we'll just set that right over here for now now this top cover also comes off the same way way just going to pull up on it it does take a bit of strength I don't suggest that You Yank on it but rather just apply pressure until it starts to give and then gently raise it up and remove it now up here on top which you can't really see there's a removable frame and we're going to take that out there's four thumb screws that hold this frame in position I'm going to take out these [Music] two and those two right like that you'll see the little thumb scare there on the end of the screwdrive got to love the magnetism and now this Frame simply comes straight out and we'll set it down and that's going to make our next part so much easier to deal with let's move this back what we've got for a liquid cooler it's right here and this was something that was started for another computer build that Carrie was working on and he said we can go ahead and use this for this build here so this is our radiator this is the water pump and this runs the liquid through and it draws the heat off of our CPU and cools it just like a car radiator really no different than that and here is our frame and knowing that the frame is going to go [Music] in like this right this is where our frame goes then we can visualize how we would install our cooler and it appears for us to install this we're going to have to remove these fans they're in our way so we're going to really quickly remove all of these fans [Music] there we go just two more left now if we visualize the way these fans are going to sit and the way the radiator goes in the radiator is going to and line up into the frame see how much easier this is to do outside of the case imagine on most cases you have to have to work pretty hard to get to this point and we're going to turn it upside down so we can line up the mounting holes to the radiator there we go excuse me just a minute there folks now we can put our fans back on and this is always a a little bit of a challenge and that is we want to make sure our fans are installed in the right direction and I'm going to moving air going to be moving the air through our radiator so on this side of the fan here this is the side that sucks air in this pulls the air in and this side that has this Frame this is where the air is coming out of so we want to put these fans on so they're going to suck air from inside of our case and blow it through the radiator you out the top out into the happy wonderful universe so I'm going to just place the fan back on and when I put the screws back in it's going to sandwich the fan well it's sandwich the frame between the fan and the radiator using the same screws that was previously holding these fans into place now these are not the original fans that came with this radiator these are made by a company called naua and this may not be a company you've heard of before unless you're in the industry but they're very well known for making fans that are quiet and long masting now what I've done here is remember this this part here is the top so we want to make sure our cables are coming out of the top and right now I've placed it in there with the cables going out of the back and that's just a happy little mistake it's really not a problem we're just going to turn that back around there we go very easy to fix that nobody will ever know now we're going to line the screw up with the hole which is a little hard to do when the screw is already in there so first we line the radiator up properly that's better and now we can set this back down and we'll do the same thing we're going to make sure the fan faces the same direction the cable comes out in the same direction and we'll align those and we're just going to start each screw on the opposite corner very good there we go and now with those four screws started the other four will just go in very simply they won't put up much of a fuss at all there's our last one right here folks look that I'm going to just use my regular screwdriver here you don't want to overtighten these screws at all they've got to be secure but you don't want to squish everything down these all feel pretty good to me I think it looks good too now that is our CPU Cooler installed in this Frame and in the frame can be placed back into position we bring in this heavy part first and we can go ahead and rout our cables through this slot in the back that pushes those cables out behind the window where they're not going to be seen behind the motherboard and the whole frame drops right back in and it locks into position leaving us only to place the thumb screws back in that secure the frame so as I mentioned this can be a lot more difficult with other case manufacturers but they the folks over at NZXT really thought that much through and we just want to make sure that that is fully seated properly and it is and we can put these screws back in to lock that radiator into [Music] position this keeps it secure so if the computer gets moved around or shipped that things won't fall apart okay one last one here here we [Music] go you see how easy that was now we can put our covers back on that we just took off I'll start by placing placing this cover back on first you got to put the top on [Applause] first you just set it on there and push straight down then here we've got the the front of the computer right here and we will just simply place that on and it will snap back into position that is a happy nuc aola case right there and we can turn this around it's really starting to look like a really fancy computer now isn't it isn't that just gorgeous for we're just going to look here in the chat room and see what my friends are saying so to place our CPU Cooler now onto our CPU we have a little preparation to do here you see here this these are going to hold more 2 and 1/2 in solid state D I like to take these out because I don't like the way they look so I'm just going to put them here in the motherboard box and if at some point we have to add more storage we can do that but for now I want to keep it looking as clean as possible and with the cooler we've got our directions and screws and parts right [Applause] here and we should be able to just take this little frame and place it here on the back and this goes around the edges of the CPU and those little holes there it goes now what I've done is put this black frame here and there's little posts are sticking out here in these Corners I know it's hard for the camera to pick that up and we have to get some thermal compound now thermal compound is what keeps everything nice and cool you want to use just the right amount you can't use if you use too little or you use too much then you're not going to achieve the best cooling possible of course we want you to have that now this is something I'm naturally an expert at because this involves painting and our paint today is going to be Arctic Silver [Music] 5 and yes it's actually that color so we're going to do a little finger painting today I know you don't see me do that very often you always see me use a brush and we'll start with a nice clean nit trial glove and we'll remove the cap and place some thermal compound right here yeah it's like a very dark silver and then I'm going to just put a nice coat of thermal compound on there doesn't quite enough doesn't quite cover the chips so we're going to give it a little bit more you want a nice thick coat of paint you shouldn't be able to see through it you shouldn't be able to read the CPU through thermal compound so just a nice happy thermal compound here it's really very very simple to apply you would just want a nice even layer all the way across the surface of that CPU you'll see we used very little of the thermal compound and we didn't have to get it everywhere normally you see me wearing my my blue button- down shirt because my paints will spill on my shirt this was what happened here a little accident with the Unicorn earlier today he's going to be okay so with our thermal compound apply we can now take some standoffs here oh that's those aren't the standoffs we need are it where's our standoffs here they [Applause] are we're going to take these standoffs and we've got four of them and they look like this and what we're going to do is witholding this we're going to hold the back frame back in and we're just going to tighten these standoffs just with our fingers we're not using any tools here you'll see I do opposite corners on this and that way when I put this one in I won't have to hold it anymore there we go and then we just have these last two to do isn't that lovely it's just so smooth and so easy and now I'm going to set the case back down so I can place this part on top and I'm going to use gravity to assist me on this so it makes installing just a lot less difficult this makes it much easier and so to do that now lay the case down then hold on to the the water pump head here because it's heavy and you don't want it hitting anything in here and causing any damage there's a plastic cover and that's to keep this whole bottom copper area nice and clean from any contamination or dust or fingerprints and now I can set it right on top of those standoffs we just placed in and grabbing a stand uh a thumb screw now we can secure it into [Music] position nothing requires any Force just be very gentle and be very patient if you find yourself struggling at any point you're doing something incorrectly Don't Force anything on a computer build just have those last two standoffs to put in I'm sorry not standoffs these are the thumb screws that screw onto the ends of the standof that secure the water pump onto the surface of our CPU that's going to be really good for pulling the heat off there we go now I can bring this back up and show you what that looks like and we'll use our screwdriver and we're going to tighten these down and we're going to do opposite corners and just tighten it until it doesn't turn anymore it will come to a stop then move to the next one wait for it to come to a stop then move to one of the last two remaining these pipes do move so you can if they get in your way you can gently shove them [Music] aside and then we're just going to double check everything and make sure that none of the others have become loose from tightening the ones around it and they're all locked in position really well now and that installs our Cooling solution I would say if there's one Improvement we can make is that surface is supposed to be a mirror like finish so we're going to grab a a microfiber cloth here and we're going to just polish that right up look at that gorgeous now we have some fans we can hook up if we want to we have this this rear case fan right here and that can plug into any of the fan headers on the motherboard we just happen to have one conveniently located right there that I'm going to use this case also has three fans up front so if we turn this around here so you can see it there's a little fan splitter that comes with this case and it looks like this and the idea here is that we take each of these three fans and plug each one into a connector on the fan splitter and it doesn't really matter which fan goes to which plug on the splitter that divides them all equally treats them all the same we should have one more there it is we'll place that one in there and for right now we can just run this cable right up through the bottom and bring it up through the front so if I turn this around now all you're going to see is that one cable right there and these are all fan headers on this motherboard right down here and we'll just use the first one available because it's convenient and it just installs that easy now speak speaking of the cabling we have our power switch power LED hard drive LED USB all of that can be all hooked up utilizing these cables here and what we can start with if we look at this one particular cable right here this says HD audio and if we can get this out of the way of all our other cables let's take a quick look here now's a good time to make make sure that you don't have any cables routed around each other we're going to run that all the way to the back just straightening out our our cables make it nice and clean and here on the front you'll see I brought that cable in right down here in this corner because the plug we need is right down here just like that we just gently push that on and always make sure you give it a little light pull make sure it doesn't just fall off that's how you know you've got it in there back around the next cable we can put on right here this is our USB 2 for the front of the case this case has two USB 3s and two USB 2s on top and so to plug in our USB 2s it's a connector that looks kind of similar on the end but it says USB 2 right on it we can bring that up and underneath here just like we did before and if I turn the case around so you can see this is going to plug in to either of these two connectors right here so we're going to use that connector because it just seemed to be right alternately we could if we want to make our cabling look a little better we could bring this cable just have to wiggle and pull lero as it comes off we can bring this cable back down and up on this side and if we so choose we can plug the Cable in on the connector next to it instead the computer doesn't mind you can use one or the other for any USB 2 device so you can have them both filled if you have devices to fill them and coming back around we've got our front Port IO I'm sorry sorry this is our um hard drive LED power LED and power switch this case does not have a reset switch so we'll bring that down same as before right up through the bottom here here we go now you can refer to your motherboard manual to figure out where each of these cables go it's fairly industry standard for the hard drive power LED for the hard drive led to go on the last two pins at the bottom with a positive cable facing the edge and the power LED goes directly above that oh Bob here needs is glasses these are pretty small connectors and of course the kids they can see this stuff just fine but us folks who've been around a little while well we might have to get a little assistance here so we're going to go ahead and put a power LED on oh my little hard drive LED cable came off let's put that back on there again so hard drive LED cable goes here the power LED cable goes on just above it positive above positive and negative above negative oh Bob here is going to need a flashlight too it seems oh that's a lot better okay there's some irony that I need an LED to see where to plug in my LEDs and then finally we have our power switch and that's going to go right beside the power LEDs that we just plugged in and then we're just going to take that slack and we're going to push it back out the back side cuz remember there's a big glass panel that's going to showcases all the internal components here okay now we have our USB 3.0 connector should be the last one remaining let's take a look and see I want to Route this a little differently plug this for just a moment and we're going to just run this cable back behind these other ones I think that's going to be a lot prettier there we go it was all hooked up correctly I just didn't like the way it was looking there's minor changes for aesthetic purposes okay and now where is our usb3 cable at ah here it is it was all tightly wound up along the side so this is a a different looking cable here and let's see if it's got enough space to reach where we need it to go on the [Music] inside yeah somebody this case um somebody had this case before me and just made some modifications to the cable management on their builds so we're going to just take it out of the cable management tracks for right now cuz we just want to get things hooked up we're not worried about making the cables look pretty just yet now this connector just fits on right here and it's going to just lock into place with the friction and that's it that installs everything but our power once we get power installed we'll be able to turn the machine on and test it and make sure that it works okay so so far everything looks fantastic this rear fan and these three front fans are hooked up and we will clean up this Cable Management once we've assured that everything's working as it should that's the very last step obviously if you were if you were painting a picture and you wanted to protect that painting then you would cover it with an acrylic a clear acrylic but you don't do that until you know you're done painting in a similar way we won't worry about our cable management until we know everything we've built functions properly because having to take something back apart and deal with UNCA it can be a little frustrating and so we want to make sure we keep this as happy and positive along the entire course of the journey to ensure you want to come back again and again now when it comes to hooking up our power cables we have to go to these bags here they contain a number of different cables for us to use and there's the largest Cable in the bag let me let me take out of here right [Applause] [Music] now that's our motherboard power cable it's very it's bigger than than any other cable it's very unique looking and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to plug in this large end of the cable a very big connector right here we're going to plug that right into the motherboard right now there's only one place on the motherboard where that's going to plug in it's a very unique looking connector and the clip almost always faces the edge of the board so if you're using the same Parts as me you'll follow right along we're going to just line that up and push it on and we should hear it click and that locks into position oh almost lost my microphone all right we're going to run that out right through the back just like this keep that cable management looking nice and pretty right out through the back there we go see that that lovely and now over here back in our bag of cables we'll have another other one it's going to say CPU on the edge of it if you see cables that say pcie that's for your graphics card so this cable right here says CPU on one side of it and there's actually two of them and on this board there's an 8 pin connector and each of these represents four pins so we push them together to make an eight once again we're going to start here on the board with the clips facing the outside edge and we reach up in that top corner and align it and this is a bit of a tight fit folks got to really focus and have good lighting and of course be patient I I need my flashlight again to see in there there we go [Music] when it finally does align you will feel the difference you'll know when it's in the slot properly and then you'll press it down until you hear it click into position and you give it a light tug to make sure that doesn't fall out that ensures that you've installed it correctly you take the rest of that cable we're going to run it out through the B there we go there we are okay finally we have to power all the the uh the pump and the NZXT logo here so we need a regular SATA power cable which is going to be in the other bag which I haven't opened yet so here we got the other bag [Applause] and this will have the SAT of cables that we need right here I'll turn the case around so you can see what's going on back here now one of the things the Sata cable needs to hook on to is our NZXT logo that's going to light up so we'll set that one up right here it doesn't matter which of these connectors you use just think about what your cable management is going to look like what's going to make it look the best that connects that one and we're going to need one here for not only our water pump but our two fans as well which should be part of our liquid [Applause] cooler so going back to the parts that came with our liquid cooler we have a USB to hook up and we have power and fans to hook up so you'll see there's a very narrow connector here it's very different than any of the other connectors and that's going to plug into the pump itself that's what's going to give the pump the power it needs and once again I'll get my flashlight out so I can see around the edges of the pump ah here we go let's just turn this around a little bit more [Applause] right up on the top center of the pump is the slot for this connector to plug in it only goes in one of two possible directions so if it doesn't go any easily turn it around and try it again when you have it aligned properly it should seat and lock into position this little fan connector here goes onto our CPU fan header on the motherboard which is a different color than all the other fan headers at least it is on this motherboard you'll see up here it's white and we simply Slide the connector over under the white uh fan header remember don't use any excessive force if it's lined up correctly it should slide on with ease there it is and now these are the plugs for our fans to plug into and then this is going to give it power so we're going to run both of these up through the back and out we're going to keep our cabling nice and clean inside of here and we'll do that with both of these I don't like the way that cables run so I'm going to correct it right now we'll run it behind these other ones so it looks a little bit better there it is and we can turn this back around here we go so there's our set of power cable that we've hooked into the NZXT light and then here is our power cable for our water pump which again we can plug anywhere on here so we'll just plug that in like this there we go and then we've got our fan plugs now there's four fan plugs here and that's so you can have four fans on that radiator two pulling air in and two on the other side of the radi radiator pulling air out so we got pushing air in from the bottom and pulling air out from the top now we're only using two of the fans and these connectors if you look inside of these connectors this one has three pins inside of it and this one has three pins inside of it this one has four pins inside of it and this one has three pins you must hook up one of your fans to the connector that has four pins that's the very first connector or last connector depending on how you look at it but if you just look inside the connector you'll see one has four pins and so we must let's take this extension off we must plug one of our fans that goes to the radiator on that four pin and then we'll just use the next one in line just for cable management cleanup purposes we'll plug the other fan right beside it now finally the last step is to plug the ends of all these cables into the back of our power supply unit we've got three of them this one this one and this one and it can be difficult to get in there with bare hands but I'm going to try it might have to take the power supply out let's just give this a go let's see what happens I apologize it's not going to be a very good camera view for you guys but to be honest I'm right in front of it and even I don't have a very good view of what's going on in there all right there's one connector oh no it just fell off so I didn't have it all the way in try that again that's better and now we can plug in the other large connector right beside it that one that one's going in much much easier you'll often hear them click when they're properly seated all the way into the socket sometimes you can get a connector in just enough that it provides power but then it ends up not being fully seated and create create uh unusual problems with a system such as random power offs or random blue screens now this one that says CPU or PSU on it it says PSU that's the end that goes to the back of the power supply unit PSU there's certain connectors on the back of the power supply that have different amounts of holes so you cannot plug this into the wrong place so you can have peace of mind knowing that if the connector is in the right place it fits if it's in the wrong place it simply won't go in there we go and then we have our final connector right here I think I want to put this one all the way into the back let's take a quick look here and see if I can reach back there they're all equal it doesn't really matter which of these bottom row connectors I use really just doing it for for looks well I'll tell you what we'll meet him in the middle there we go now we're ready to turn it on for the very first time and check to see if it's going to work it's kind of exciting isn't it so we're going to start with a power cable guess I can put my little flashlight away these are all our extra power cables we're not using those the rest of this build so we'll go ahead and put this back in this bag and we'll keep them for future upgrades or [Applause] repairs now I have to find my power cable which I had here somewhere but we'll just grab a different power cable here we go we'll make sure the switch on the power supply is in the off position and we're going to apply the power plug the plug in and we'll give it power in from the wall and we're going to need a keyboard and a mouse let me go grab a keyboard and [Music] mouse okay my hair is a little funky today folks do you like my funky hair so to test our build I've got a Logitech wireless combo it's a wireless mouse and a wireless keyboard that run together off the one little USB receiver that we can plug in any USB port at all and let's clear a little room here put my little thermal compound away so we'll get that clear from the counter and then we need to grab an HDMI cable so we can plug the video in we're using the video built into the CPU we'll be adding a graphics card a bit later when graphics card prices come down my guess is after the first of these here but if there's a good sale between now and then we'll pick one up so I'm going to go ahead and plug into HDMI here on the back of the motherboard okay folks we're ready to test our computer to see if it's happy are you excited I'm pretty excited before I hit the power switch I need to make sure the power power on the back of the power supply is in the on position and I'm going to turn this a little bit so you can see some of the lighting both on the case the motherboard and on the liquid cooler here we go so we're going to switch you over to the video input right here so this screen here shows there's no video signal being sent we're going to hit the power button now that sound is a is this little nylon here hitting the front fan get that out of the way now your first boot up may take a little longer than a normal boot up so be sure and be patient system has turned itself off be patient it may come on on its own and it did and something's happening now there's no windows or anything installed yet so we should get some kind of an error or we should go into the BIOS itself and we got the error reboot and select proper boot device which is perfect it's great the reason the NZXT logo is not lit up yet is we have not hooked up the USB cable that goes from the water pump down onto this other USB header and that's going to give us controls for the water water pump but we're not going to do that just yet I want to update the BIOS first if I uh I have a USB flash drive here I've already downloaded the latest bios from the manufacturer and I've placed it onto this flash drive before we started today and so what I'm going to do is plug this here in the back again any USB port will work fine hit the power button and I'm going to hit delete on the keyboard repeatedly until we go into the BIOS now here in the Bios we should be able to use the mouse we should get information about what version of BIOS we have which is right here it says F4 the latest version is F10 and the way we're going to flash the BIOS as we've already downloaded from the manufacturer's homepage back to where I was go to Q flash click update BIOS and it sees the BIOS I downloaded on the flash drive automatically we click on that and we just wait a moment it's important your computer does not get interrupted during this process we want to make sure that computer's left alone and given every opportunity to do this very critical step if you lose power or reset the computer during this process you may end up with a motherboard that no longer works and you'll have to contact your manufacturer to make arrangements to send it back to them for them to correct it for you so we're going to give that just a moment it's a little tough having this much hair in this day and age and it was easier to do in the in the 80s 88% 89 90% done and it's going to automatically restart our computer for us and we're going to let that do that hands off just be patient the system is physically shut off and it has physically turned itself right back on again once again it's important you're patient during this process it has turned itself off again and back on again this is all normal one more time and back on and we should see the bio screen this time there we go we're going to be back right where we stood from started from with no bootable device that's because we've not installed Windows yet we give it a minute well it processes and it determines there's nothing for it to boot from oh it's turned off one more time once again all completely normal and we're back in the Bios and here as you can see we're on version F10 so we're at the latest version of the BIOS we'll go ahead and turn the computer off and remove the flash drive we won't ever use this bios update file on this motherboard ever again now here I've got a Windows 10 bootable installation media which you can make yourself following uh car's got a video if you just type in Carri holsman Windows 10 USB you'll find his video and how you can make the media that I'm going to use right now we're plugging into any port here on the back of the system we're going to turn it on and the system should determine that that's the only Port we have to boot from it's the only bootable device is that flash drive and so therefore without touching anything it should just boot from it because it has nothing else to boot from other than that as you can see the little dots going around in a circle that tells us it's booting off of that flash drive and here begins our Windows 10 installation where we're going to click next click install now we're going to click I don't have a product key right down here we're going to go to Windows 10 Pro and click next we're going to accept the license agreement and click next we're going to do a custom install it sees our 1 tbte Samsung 970 Evo is the only available drive this is correct so we hit next and now Windows 10 will format it will partition format and install Windows and and we just have to wait and that completes our build I hope you guys enjoyed today's build if anybody has any questions for me before I return back to Heaven I would be more than happy to do my best to answer any questions my friends have here so friends do you have any questions for me for suppose while we're waiting I can I can do a little just a little touchup we've already done our first boot for the windows install what size of a flash drive do you do for the BIOS update I recommend you use something 16 GB or smaller in fat 32 format Bob if there was a video card in there would it need more fans or are the fans in front and oh the fans in front are plenty it's ready for a graphics card we have a power supply that can power two graphics cards and we have enough fans up front to cool down two graphics cards so no additional Parts would be needed thank you for your question does increasing from 16 GB of RAM to 32 GB of RAM make video editing faster in most cases it probably will however it depends on what video editing software you're using it also depends on the kind of video your rendering or editing if it's 4K or 360 or 3D or how many edits and transitions you have these things consume more resources so the more complex the video is the more you'll notice the benefits of more RAM a simple short video with view edits or transitions or titles that would be probably less noticeable from 16 gigs to 32 gigs but but one thing is for certain it won't make your computer any slower e e e e now we can finish our Windows install by clicking United States for yes here and we'll click us and Skip and we're going to skip our ethernet configuration for now and we're just going to put a user's name in here of user and click it doesn't look like it says user I suppose it does we click next and no password will be needed for this system we're going to decline Cartana and we're going to click no and we're going to turn off all of these settings here although you can adjust them as you see fit to meet your needs and your preferences there we are and accept and that completes our Windows 10 installation we'll go to Windows update and download some updates of course we've got drivers to install and windows to activate after we've confirmed everything works correctly ly and we can finally do our cable management and put our panels back on which should be good and dry by then kind of feel like my face is crooked have to adjust my face there it is very happy Donnie Seager has contributed $5 to today's live stream thank you Donnie he says what a coincidence I'm also working on my bill glad to see you are live I used to watch Bob Ross when I was a child very nice Donnie thank you for your contribution Bob the bomb is contributed 10 pounds he says thanks for the entertainment Bob buy a couple of happy little brushes on me well thank you bomb the Bob Bob the bomb and of course from earlier Tomy Ellis the 10 PBS way to go Bob thank you Tommy there's our build we can go and we can can confirm all the hardware is installed properly we go into our control panel I like to go to the large view and go to system we can see our 32 gigs of RAM is installed we can see our processor is properly properly recognized we can go to Advanced system settings and we can go to start up in recovery settings and turn off automatically restart on a blue screen that way we have time to read the blue screen or perhaps even take a picture of the blue screen with our cell phones to get help with that with that box checked the screen may go blue and the system will restart and you may not have enough time to read everything now how fast does the system boot you might ask well let's do a restart and let's try I'd say that's a pretty good fast boot time and we don't even have our drivers installed which we only improve that and make it better including the Samsung magician software which we'll use to update the firmware which were more than likely need to be updated on our M2 nvme drive thank you guys so much for joining me for this very special Bob Ross present a on building a PC I hope all of you have a happy Halloween and no matter where you're watching around the world you can have a little piece of candy and celebrate the American Halloween holiday with the rest of us thank you so much for joining thank you so much for being a part of the community I hope I will see you at some point again although eventually we'll all be together until I see you he wants me to say bye for now okay bye for now he wants me to do it again thank you all for joining me today I hope you have a lovely day until I see you bye for now [Music]
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 2,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout, fallout 4, fallout tv show, fallout movie, nuka cola, nuka cola bottle, fallout nuka cola bottle, nuka cola fridge, fallout death claw, nuka-cola, nuka-cola pc build, nuka cola pc, nuka cola pc build, nuka cola motherboard, nuka-cola motherboard, nuka cola motherboard cover, nuka-cola motherboard cover, careyholzman live, careyholzman build, careyholzman
Id: diH0boVdS5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 35sec (7955 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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