Buddy Meets His Grandparents! | Dinosaur Train

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i don't see any fish but i see two pteranodons and they're coming this way really can you tell who they are i've never seen them before they look kind of familiar though hello son long time no see hey mom and dad it's grandma and grandpa pteranodon how are you grandma and grandpa pteranodon oh you probably don't remember us we haven't seen you since you were hatched hello i'm time and this is shining don and buddy hello tiny did you get that name because you're the [Music] tiny smallest hello shiny i see how you got that name you're very shiny yes i am let me guess are you done don he's got your beak doesn't he grandpa so he does well lolly lou and buddy you're the t-rex i've heard so much about aren't you uh-huh oh you're going to grow to be 40 feet long and as tall as a tree i understand and stomp around and roar and eat pretty much anything you want yep okay team pteranodon that's enough rest let's go out and get some fish for our lunch all right it's fish catching time who's our spotter uh buddy's our spot right buddy right grandpa what are your t-rex eyes see buddy well i think i see some fish way over there oh oh well bust my beak if that isn't some amazing spotting hey a bunny says they're over there [Music] okay team on three one two [Music] no we'll finish our tour by taking the dinosaur train back we're pooped out from flying across the sea this morning i don't know whose cocker maybe i did was to fly here in the first place why didn't we just take the train yeah why didn't you just take the train grandma and grandpa oh guess we just love flying but i'm looking forward to riding the train this evening maybe our old friend mrs conductor will be on board running things like she always does well mrs conductor is retired her son is the conductor now why little sunny boy is the conductor now well loady lou okay grandma can we go fishing or explore the cave or get a tree that's my very own wait did you say get your own tree don i think you read my mind i didn't know i was beating anything kids we can all fish explore caves and collect shells after our special nature trackers activity all right so what's the nature tracker's activity i'm trying to read what you're thinking i think it has something to do with trees i was just gonna say that buddy you read my mind well maybe he did don okay team pteranodon let's stroll oh the sycamore tree this tree has an interesting life cycle it grows from seed balls that fall to the ground as they fall little hairs on the seeds act like parachutes helping to spread them over a wide area then the seeds get covered with soil are watered by rain warmed by sunshine and they grow and grow after years a baby tree becomes large strong and leafy and even grows flowers really yes really sycamore trees belong to the group called flowering plants and look how tall they can grow oh sycamores can grow up to 150 feet tall can any of you guess who the kid was that planted this tree that kid visited it many times to see if it grew did you plant it grandma or mr the conductor your dad planted it dad the one we know but where did he get a tree to plant well we gave it to him he dug the hole and he put the little sycamore sapling in it and then pat soil all around it wow that's so lucky to have his own tree would you like your own tree don oh yes but that wouldn't happen till i'm much bigger and older or now [Music] am i late you're right on time mr conductor your own treasure plant grand kitties this is my tree i planted way back when i was a little kid it was a baby tree then and look at it now [Music] so dad do you remember our race to the top game of course i do and no i'm not too old to race to the top of your tree son can we race too sure the more the merrier on your marks get set go [Music] i say it's a tie i love your tree dad your mom and i were thinking that you should take a trip and visit your grandma and grandpa [Music] and grandma surprise it's gonna be so fun and fun oh buddy already said that we're going to ground grandpa's nest in appalachia yes today and double surprise your mom and i also think you kids can travel on the dinosaur train by yourselves you'll be traveling without us for the very first time next stop on trail station to rent it on trails on the suncoast of appalachia yep it's your stop kids let's go see if grandma and grandpa are waiting for us [Music] hi kids you made it feathers this one is from atrodon this one's a microraptors that's a great funny shape rock oh your dad loved funny-shaped rocks if you like rocks get a load of this it's amber just like i have at home that must be your favorite thing in the whole collection no my favorite thing in the collection is this little fish skeleton it's from the first fish that your dad ever caught we keep it in here with the other fish bones right and teeth go here rocks go here and feathers go here do you know that grouping things together like that has a special name classification right oh that's a very big word you kids are so smart your dad used to love playing with this when he was a baby daddy playing with his baby toy hey grandpa what else do you keep here in the cave oh we keep all kinds of things in here big leaves uh sticks what do you use those sticks for well they're for a game your dad really loved to play as a kid you see you throw the sticks up in the air do you mean toss and catch here it comes yeah great catch tiny oh nice one don oh looking good charney great tossing buddy okay now here's a trick buddy you watch me toss and catch three sticks before they hit the water [Music] okay and now i'm a little pooped done so once upon a time there was a mom her name was mrs pteranodon sitting on her nest she heard a scratching and said oh boy my eggs are hatching
Channel: Jim Henson's Family Hub
Views: 378,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dinosaur train, dinosaur, train, jim henson, the dinosaur train, cartoons, dinosaurs, cartoons for kids, tv shows, shows for kids, learning shows for kindergarteners, learn about dinosaurs, dinosaur cartoon, dinosaur song, buddy, tv for kids, buddy the dinosaur, t rex
Id: Xfd1Dg-0PLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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