Buckshot's NEW Items Explained | Buckshot Roulette Steam Version

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now let's double or nothing let's find the new items oh and there's one of them oh he's got two of them hold on a second that's no he's got that's not fair okay what do we have here adrenaline steal an item and use it immediately all right I like that now what's nice about this uh strategy wise is for one thing if he happens to have an ADR okay never mind I was kind of hoping it would let me steal his adrenaline and just what the hell there's a time limit hey hey give me that what the anyways um so you can't steal his adrenaline and that would have been cool if you could cuz then you just get rid of all of his adrenaline but I guess I see why that's not allowed um but what is nice about that item is not only are you getting another item pool to choose from but also you can get rid of a dangerous item in his possession like a handsaw for example all right your move buddy oh he's going to okay maybe I should have used the handcuffs so that he couldn't do that that would have been smart okay that's interesting if he has adrenaline on the other hand you kind of have to use your items so that he doesn't steal them then again he might just do that so maybe it's not that big of a deal so I like that the adrenaline item already adds uh quite a bit more depth to it kind of forcing you to use your item items when the dealer has it and uh pretty useful when you have it all right let's see what else we have here those other two new items no idea well here's one of them another adrenaline cool oh prescription only medicine Keep Out Of Reach of children he has adrenaline it looks like um inverter swaps the polarity of the current shell in the chamber interesting but I don't know what the current shell is in the chamber so um if I'm not mistaken he just loaded uh one live and one blank so if I use this it's going to change it to become either two blanks or two lives the only thing is I won't know which now of course you could combo that with a magnifying glass uh maybe I can steal his magnifying glass and uh then use the inverter if need be I can also handcuff him so it if it does change a blank into alive I can shoot him twice with that combo and then we have exp expired medicine 40% chance to regain two charges if not lose one charge okay let's steal his magnifying glass all right now I get to actually use this can't take this we got to go fast because it does have an expiration oh it's a blank perfect perfect in that case this should change it to a live let's see if it worked now it should be two lives in there yep we just changed a blank to Alive um interesting you know I might want to keep here's a strategy since this has a better chance of making him lose a charge if this is the only item we have and he uses that adrenaline he might steal this and then there's a good chance he just hurts himself could be a strat I'm already seeing that there's a lot more strategy and depth added to it with these new items so I'm very excited ah there's our other new item all right two blanks and one live burner phone a mysterious voice gives you Insight from the Future Let's see what it tells us third shell blank interesting now if the second shell is blank and we know that the other two shells in here is uh one live in one blank that means either the first or second shell is the only live in there so if I handcuff him and we shoot him twice he will get hit with that live shell so let's do it lot of cool items combos now oh my goodness this is awesome okay not a problem because that means we know for sure now that this is a live round yep now he gets a turn but all he has is a uh blank R in there maybe I should have taken the uh expired why are you punching that sir oh he just ch changed it on me wait now it's a live round oh yeah it's totally different too how he uses the items yeah okay he's going to steal this hopefully it hurts him rip boo BL M okay this is going to hurt one in one I don't know if I want to invert that but we could oh Beer's a bit better now let's get rid of whatever the first round is okay so now it's just a blank in there but I can change it to alive and that means you're done Mr dealer I don't know about this expired medicine dude um in the rounds where there's only like two charges isn't that kind of useless um might as well use it right we'll see what happens [Music] [Laughter] oh whatever whatever smoke it off it's fine oh he's using the phone yes hello okay that's going to okay that's going to change his behavior a bit then no givee giveme [Music] giveme third shell live round well let's hope the second one's a blank then wait third shell from now or from the start that's a good question I guess we'll see right now if this next Shell is alive he doesn't know that though right he doesn't know what this phone told me oh clearly not no okay so it's from when you use the phone interesting oh interesting yeah there's definitely more blanks in there than lives right now so he's trying to get a live round okay so he went for the cigarettes instead of the expired medicine interesting I mean that makes sense cuz he was only down one Health so this should probably hurt yeah and now we can use the expired medicine hope to uh uh hope it works hope it's not too expired oh another chance at the medicine nice okay so if there's only two shells in the gun then the phone is going to have to tell us what the second shell is Right unless it can tell you what the first one is okay so yeah I'm guessing it's never going to tell you what the first or I should say next Shell is because that's kind of what magnifying glass does I wonder what happens if there's only one shell left maybe it just won't let you use the phone I don't know but anyways the second round is live which means we want to do this and now I can use the saw cuz we know that the only thing left is a live round but first let's see if uh this works this time okay oh oh it did work whoa nice okay that was cool oh he's getting a call okay oh perfect so I'll do this now there's nothing but a blank round in here I'm guessing it's just not going to let us use the phone oh it'll let us use it interesting inter thing never mind well okay then it lets you use it but it doesn't actually even tell you what it is so you better pay attention it's not going to save you if you forget what the last round is uh we'll see if he uses the expired [Music] meds he also has smokes though so he went for the sigs interesting wait he's using those two what are you doing what are you doing dealer he's crazy rip Bozo I guess it makes sense that he went for the sigs first because in the case that the expired doesn't work that would have just ended him so makes sense let's see if the dealer is feeling lucky oh he's going for it oh perfect and it does not go over the charge cool all right I think we know everything we need to that's the new items um just to showcase for now I might make more of an indepth uh look at them and strategies and whatnot but for now that's the new stuff in Buckshot roulette and I'm very excited to play more of it let me know what you think in the comments and uh thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Exxo 😎
Views: 174,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buckshot, Roulette
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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