I Mowed a Lot

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all right good morning so yesterday i mowed hay uh it says for basically six hours but i mowed 50 acres uh 50.29 acres be exact and uh yeah so i'm back this morning to mow more so i'm going to mow at least 30 or 40 more acres today maybe more than that and then just hoping pray i can get it all up because i'll be pushing 100 acres so i just got done greasing the mower there's six grease fittings on it you're supposed to grease every um eight hours i think it is and there's all the pivots now the drive line and all the burns all the rest of the grease fittings are 50-hour intervals but the the swing on the tongue and then the where it lifts up and down back there at the wheels where the cylinders raise it up and down and then there's a pivot up here where at the tractor we're hooked in the draw bar and all those get greased every eight hours so i greased those this morning and uh we're gonna get started mowing again this morning we're here at the big farm got lots to mow here and unload this lower part steep part and uh rest of it lays fairly good it's kind of steep right here above us above the road but the steepest of us in this lower field down here below the house blow the driveway and then there's another steep part that i actually made not as steep with the dozer out there but it's still steep but anyway i'm gonna get going this morning [Music] so did i mention it came a monsoon on me last night while i was blowing here yeah well the good thing is it was cloudy most of the day yesterday so that hadn't had time to dry out very much so it shouldn't hurt it as far as quality much i mean it didn't help it man it should be all right but it just kind of stinks for that to happen after you got 50 acres on the ground they were calling for a chance of thunderstorm yesterday but then as the day went on i was watching and it kind of went away but then it came anyway there's a there's a big rock right there good thing for rock guards i'm still trying to learn this field and i learned it a lot by just working it with the eliminator just driving around cutting limbs and stuff and i was just taking note of where all the rocks were and holes and just everything that i could find i was just trying to be very observant so when i did mode that i would kind of know where things were and it's paid off so far i did hit one little rock yesterday that it kind of dug it out of the ground as i went over it it was a little rock and it wasn't where i fixed the hole or anything it was just it was on the back swarf i don't know i don't know it just popped up out of somewhere but it been it been a couple blades a little bit but not bad enough to stop me from mowing i do not have any blades right now so if i mess one up bad enough that i can't use it i'm screwed for today i need to get on the horn and get that guy that brought this mower down to me to bring us the blades down to cliffs and floyd the dealerships way over and save them he lives a lot closer to me so he can bring him closer anyways if he will do that i don't think it would be a problem he told me anytime i needed anything to let him know heck he might even bring him to me ain't no telling about him he's pretty good old dude it seems like [Music] anyway mowing around more trees that's one thing i don't like about this place there's lots of trees i'm not a fan of trees and hay fields or yards or i mean trees i like trees in the woods and that's about it all right i'm gonna mow the wild we'll check back the old way [Music] so i'm over 60 acres now [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] what is going on here this thing has not done any hay dragon since i've had it and all of a sudden i turn the drone on and it's grabbing hay on the other side dragging it some stick's crazy well i confused it [Applause] it's like hey where'd you go so we're in unchartered territory now i don't think i've ever had 60 acres down i've had up to 50 acres down at one time that was a whole lot to get up for now we're at 60 and climbing so it's kind of i mean it's a lot to do by yourself i mean i know other people do it all the time but this is the first time i've done this much at one time that gold battery's already dead on that stupid thing i didn't charge it last night this um oh [Music] i didn't leave myself enough room to turn around right there [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i rough right here i worked on a lot of holes but i didn't get them all i'm starting to get the hang and mowing off the left side i learned to use my mirror on that side and i'm trying to learn to use a mirror on the right side for some reason there it missed just a little bit for some reason i have had more trouble using the mirror on the right side than i'm doing left but that's cause i'm so used to looking over my right shoulder but i was trying i was just thinking it'd be a whole lot easier on me to use my mirror on the right side too so i ain't looking back so much when i use the mirror i can see um right at the corner of where the hay is going you know the corner of the disc binder where the hay needs to be in now i can't i wouldn't use the backup camera but i can't see that particular spot with the backing all right i got to get this grown out of here before it drives me nuts hmm [Music] all right so i'm done with this side and i'm at 78.69 acres and this field the other side of this field once you go i'm trying to turn over here was trying to blow a spot i missed here but it ain't worth turning the tractor over anyway what i'm trying to say is if you go over on the other side of the cornfield over there there's another 25 to 30 acres at least so that's going to put me over 100 acres and i'm thinking about mowing that tomorrow tomorrow morning yeah crazy a little bit nerve-wracking i'll get it all up one way or another hopefully lord willing oh oh oh oh let's try and do a little trimming here around the edge of the road i will show you what i'm talking about here a couple little spots about this propane truck here i need to try to stick it over the edge here next to the driveway right here because the hay was thin i won't back the rpms down he was standing over here on the edge of the road and it didn't mow it very well that's pretty common with a disc behind like this it'll just blow it over instead of mowing it it's got a light crop i actually mowed this part of it last night can't mow that little grassy spot there there's a culprit pipe in there well that's that much of it done i'm going to shut this down go each lunch it's uh 12 43. i didn't get started real early this morning well i think i was right at 50 acres um almost about 30 acres this morning and i think i started around nine that's so to 10 acres an hour that's not bad oh all right guys we'll go get some lunch and i want to get on the tether start teddy we'll mow the rest of this field tomorrow another 30 acres down there so that'll take me another three hours all right we'll talk to y'all later
Channel: DLH Farms
Views: 8,194
Rating: 4.9821229 out of 5
Keywords: John Deere, 6110R, New Holland, 313, Discbine, Mowing Hay, Farming
Id: gnJMPmBS1vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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