BUC Stony Hill - 1st Sunday Virtual Service - Sept 5, 2021 - Bishop Devon C. Brown

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unity to come together praise god for another divine worship god has been good to us and we thank god for those of you who have amen enter the room early to be a part of our consecration always good to pray always good to present ourselves before the lord as we enter into his presence for worship and the word so i thank you for coming in early uh to be in our prayer meeting our consecration hallelujah as we present ourselves before the lord and ask him to consecrate us and sanctify us as we worship him amen the worship will be acceptable as glory will come down in our respective homes please join me when your mics are muted as we pray and present ourselves for the lord and ask him to bless the service and be in our midst and to move by spirit hallelujah glory to god let us pray in jesus name our god and our loving savior our lord jesus christ lord we honor you this morning we thank you for all your goodness your mercies and your benefits to us lord you have kept us and we are so glad oh god because we realize that we are not the keepers of ourselves we depend on you lord god for oh god for preserving us for keeping us so we thank you this morning you've brought us for another week hallelujah week with its own trials and testings but god you have simply pelleted us to another week and we thank you on this great god the first sunday of a new month lord we present ourselves before you now and ask your god to empty us ask your god to wash us ask your god to cleanse us hallelujah empty us lord god from all impurities glory to god creating us so got a clean heart and when your right spirit within us father in the name of jesus christ oh god we ask your god to help us to be focused help us oh god to worship you today father i pray that you will be in our homes lord touch us individually touch oh god our families collectively hallelujah oh glory as we worship you this morning lord let o god our worship ascend oh god to your throne and into your presence hallelujah pray god for you inhabits our praises oh god almighty so as we worship you today dear father oh god we invite you oh god to come into our homes lord grace us with your presence lord jesus christ as we have transformed our homes in the centuries today oh god almighty reacts you know god to touch oh god deliver hallelujah and set free let o god your glory your glory come down and rest upon us lord father we ask you god to move in a mighty way by your spirit today oh god let that no flesh will glory in your presence glory to god oh god because you need you should be worshiped oh god in spirit that in truth the lord and spirit and truth help us becoming truthful god this morning help us oh god to put away the pretense hallelujah my god and approaching truth bear god in the name of jesus christ lord oh god i pray for those who are lonely this morning those who are weak this morning those were sick this morning oh god you are the barman guillotine oh god i pray you touch them this morning from the crown of their heads lord reverse souls of your feet lord hallelujah oh god bless the service bless the moderator oh great god bless oh god everything to be said and done today oh god help that your neighbor be glorified hallelujah you're gonna be glorified oh god and your people bless save somebody feel somebody lord save souls and fill many with the holy ghost lord god and bring back the backsliders to you lord those who are weak strengthened your faith this morning oh but as we come to you all by diverse platforms from across the globe help us a comedy unity come in oneness come with one purpose look at one desire lord and that is to worship you oh god to hear what you'd have us to oh god here today oh god bless us today be with us oh god we commit ourselves into your hands bless oh god are all good internet feed their father there be no interruption today god almighty hallelujah let over the wi-fi hold up lord god almighty hold up today in the name of jesus christ father you'll be glorified now oh god in our midst father because we are your people the sheep of your pasture we know you are with us god almighty we give you a praise and give you glory now oh god almighty in jesus name in jesus name and for jesus sake hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let all the people of god open your minds and say hallelujah hallelujah foreign mighty god we glorify your name this morning yes even transform your homes into sanctuaries this morning even let the high priest of god ring out in your homes yes shout out hallelujah shout your thank you jesus amen shout even worship the name of our god amen so god bless you welcome to bethel again bethel episode church in stone hill saint andrew jamaica west indies we are delighted to be back online praise god for another divine service on this the first sunday of september oh my god the time is really going we're already in september god has been good to us he has kept us and we are so delighted to have you this morning it's my delight to present you into the hands of a moderator for the service today receive praise lord hallelujah praise god let me go back to the mission statement and pledge thank you jesus praise god let us do the mission statement in our pledge together while your mic is muted praise god let's begin we endeavor to love obey and serve our lord and the savior jesus christ striving always to fulfill our purpose in making disciples of all men for the advancing kingdom of god on earth on the direction of the holy ghost with an empowered people will foster unity love and fellowship within the apostolic community in carrying out our mission we pledge to build god's kingdom through the ministries of apostle prophet evangelist pastor and teacher as we seek to rescue our fellow men from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light teach believers where necessary for maturity growth and mission and prepare believers for the glorious hallelujah the pure believers for the glorious appearing of jesus christ hallelujah clap your hands in your homes clap your hands and praise the name of her god it is my privilege and delight to present to you the moderator for our first sunday service for for september to receive associate pastor elder mark brown as we continue worship in jesus name god bless you god bless you shall we bless the name of the lord this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm muted can you hear me that's the name of the lord hallelujah we're here never lamar go ahead right here bless the name of the lord jesus this morning hallelujah if you're glad to be alive and well this morning clean up your hands and give god a praise this morning hallelujah hallelujah and if you can open your minds so let's give god a crazy praise this morning beloved he has been good to us he has been good and for that we are grateful to be alive this morning the psalmist david said oh that man will praise the lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works unto the children of man all magnify the lord with me this morning hallelujah hallelujah magnify the lord with me this morning and let us exalt his name together this morning if you're happy to be in church this morning just go ahead and clap your hands this morning hallelujah greetings y'all in jesus name we're going to continue this morning's worship service back with him in the new jerusalem which i might remain muted i will sing in jesus name just clap your hands in your home if you can't stomp your feet go ahead if you have a timber in your home but do something as i sing in jesus name when the toys of life are over and we lay your armor down and we build farewell to earth and all his cares we shall meet and greet our loved ones and our christ we then shall crowd in the new jerusalem [Music] baby singing there will be shouting when the sins go marching home in jerusalem in jerusalem waving plans with london as the king shall take his throne in the new jerusalem over the way sometimes slowly he will hold me with his hands through the testings and the trials i must go but i shall say gladly follow for sometimes i'll understand even you jerusalem [Music] yes beloved there be singing there be shouting when the saints go marching home in jerusalem in jerusalem waving palms with loudoun as the king shall take its role [Music] [Music] away and her eyes shall catch a glimpse of glory fair then we bound in hearts we'll meet him who has washed our sins away even who jerusalem clap your hands and sing baby singing there be shouting when the sins go marching home in jerusalem in jerusalem waving as the king shall take his throne in the new jerusalem when we join the ransom harmony in the summerland above and the face of order savior will be old we will sing and shout forever and we'll grow imperfect love in them you hate glory jeru jerusalem would there be sin if they'll be shouted when the sins come marching home in jerusalem in jerusalem or waving palms with lot of silence as the king shall take his role in the new jerusalem and together they'll be singing there be shouting when the saints go marching home in jerusalem o jerusalem hallelujah [Music] [Music] as the king shall take his throne in the new year jerusalem won't ever be singing they'll be shouting when the saints go marching home in jerusalem in jerusalem or waving palms without those sadness as the king shall take his role in the new jerusalem shall we praise the lord in the house this morning hallelujah hallelujah the writer says there will be sin there will be shouting i don't know what you will be doing with the singing or shouting hallelujah but if you can see yourself hallelujah martyring to jerusalem open up your minds and give god a praise this morning beloved give god a praise this morning they'll be singing there will be shouted and i guess there will be nothing left oh what a great anticipation can you see yourself this morning moving into jerusalem hallelujah wearing palms but loud hosannas hallelujah as a king shall take his throne hallelujah we bless the lord this morning for that hope which we cherish not in vain this morning our scripture really come to us from psalm chapter 121 and this will be done by sister come here camila foster in jesus name bless the lord our scripture lesson is taken from psalm 121 from verse 1 to 8 and i read in your hearing i will lift up mine eyes onto the hills from whence commits my help my help cometh from the lord which made heaven and earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber he that keepeth israel neither slumber nor sleep the lord is thy keeper the lord is thy shade upon thy right hand the sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy soul the lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forevermore here ended a portion of god's will worthy promise to have his riches blessings their hearts thanks be to you amen he blessed the name of jesus hallelujah we'll be going down in prayer with minister ricardo idioms but before which we'll be doing to him i must tell jesus i must tell jesus i'm sure we all have something to tell jesus this morning hallelujah so as i sing you will remain muted and in your homes hallelujah hallelujah i want to sing along this morning i want to be active participants of worship this morning hallelujah hallelujah i must tell jesus [Music] all of my us i cannot bear these burdens alone in my distress he kindly will help me he never loves [Music] i must tell jesus i must tell jesus i cannot bear my burdens alone i must tell jesus [Music] i must tell jesus jesus cannot be jesus alone oh i must tell jesus all of my troubles [Music] be his kind come passion and friends if i but ask him he will deliver [Music] is i must tell jesus [Music] i cannot bear my burdens alone i must tell jesus i must tell jesus jesus can help me jesus alone o tempted and tried i neither great savior hallelujah one who can have my burdens to bear i must tell jesus i must tell jesus he or [Applause] [Music] i must tell jesus [Music] i cannot bear my burdens alone i must tell jesus i must tell jesus [Music] jesus can tempted to see i must tell jesus hallelujah he will enable over the world church i must tell jesus i must tell jesus [Music] i cannot bear my burdens hello i must tell jesus i must tell jesus [Music] jesus can hear me jesus alone lift your hands and sing with me i must tell jesus [Applause] i must tell jesus hallelujah i cannot bear holy ghost my burdens alone oh i must tell jesus i must tell jesus oh jesus can ever be oh yes jesus i must tell jesus hallelujah i must i muster jesus i cannot bear my fake curtains alone i must tell jesus [Music] i must tell jesus jesus can end me jesus we bless the lord this morning we have prayer requests for hallelujah sister son of tyrion hallelujah sister donald clark hallelujah one miscarriage and family miss marie pinock and family will remember this morning or see the members of the church hallelujah remember the government this morning our health care workers our nation the security forces hallelujah it's back to school again i want to put forth um before the lord otherwise our teachers and students this morning as i invite to come and pray this morning hallelujah minister ricardo again as you pray hallelujah just intercede wherever you are in your arms this morning the effect 12 firm and perfect righteous man i very much have to ask anything this morning in his name hallelujah he's going to bless this morning so as he prayed when i agree with him and intercede in jesus name come on and minister against in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah shall we bless the lord can you open your mics and just give the lord that praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah just bow your head with me as i pray our father god king of kings and the lord of lords father god there is none like you in all this earth hallelujah you could not find someone to swear by lord jesus in this earth so you swore by yourself that simply means lord that there is none like you that there is none beside you you are king you are god and you are god alone hallelujah you sit on the circle of this earth lord and the earth is your footstool hallelujah and we the inhabitants are as grasshoppers hallelujah we are nothing before you hallelujah we cannot stand before you hallelujah your word says that all righteousness oh god is like filthy rags hallelujah so it is you o god who is left to god to wash us to wash these rags lord god and so lord jesus we come to you and present ourselves before you for our worship we present ourselves before your lord jesus for a cleansing lord for a purging god wash us thoroughly so that we can be clean purge us lord god so that we can be whiter than snow hallelujah father god it is all about you today it is all about you oh god all the times lord jesus and as such oh god we lift our voices to you lord jesus father god we let our petitions be made known unto you because oh god you answer you hear and you answer pers you are the answering god hallelujah hallelujah so lord jesus we make we lift our voices to you this morning wash us lord god purge us lord jesus empty us god of all our unrighteousness our unrighteous thoughts on our unrighteous ways oh god help us lord jesus to be more like you hallelujah because if we follow after you lord jesus and we will be in the right direction we will be in the right path lord god hallelujah jesus we put lord god or schools before you jesus our students hallelujah back to school time lord jesus and uh whole nobody knows what to do lord jesus persons are worrying about the vaccine persons oh god are protesting lord jesus or what about something that will be good for our gods our people and so lord jesus we pray oh god that you will not allow this confusion to enter our minds lord jesus help us oh god to look oh god to our leadership lord jesus who made the right decisions with regards to the vaccines oh god help us lord jesus the look oh god to the head hallelujah who made their decisions oh god to be fully vaccinated and oh god i pray that you will help us lord jesus to walk oh god after you hallelujah to walk after oh god your words oh god your truth jesus father god we pray jesus for the the teachers the nurses oh god the health sector who's currently overwhelmed lord jesus oh god father god every day we hear the the horror stories jesus father god we don't know what's happening oh god but they know because they have first-hand experiences with it oh god i pray that you'll cover the nurses oh god cover the nurses under your blood to cover the doctors father god gives them strength lord jesus strengthen them so god they can work they can do this oh god this this task of taking care of persons who who disregards allah who disobey lord jesus the rules and then end up oh god on deathbeds strengthen the nurses and the doctors lord jesus remember your people oh god whoever requested purr father god those in the pearl is the mothers of our church lord jesus father god the sister sonny lord god the other members who are who have requested prayer we pray lord jesus that you will touch we know god that you are the answering god hallelujah and when we let our petitions be made known unto you lord jesus your word says the peace of god that passes all understanding keeps our hearts and our minds oh god in christ jesus and i pray lord jesus that this will be done father god glorify yourself in our lives glorify yourself oh god in this body help us lord jesus to continue to spread your words give us the wisdom give us all god and knowledge to continue oh god to spread your words glorify yourself and us sword as we give you glory honor and praise in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we praise the lord in the house this morning hallelujah open the prayer mice and give the clap offering this morning clap off and hallelujah come on clap your hands in the house this morning hallelujah go ahead and give him a praise this morning beloved and if you can turn on your cameras this morning beloved hallelujah it will be so nice of you to turn on your cameras we need to see the faces this morning praise the lord hallelujah together hallelujah with minister andre admin hallelujah i live in the church praise the lord let the church praise the lord let the people of god praise the lord this morning hallelujah hallelujah i came lord jesus for the king hallelujah are you on the king's business this morning you're gonna pray come on in praise the lord jesus let's just bless the lord everyone the lord has been tremendously good to us praise god we are here on another day to give the lord glory and honor for his tremendous blessings i don't know about you but jesus has been offense around me praise god hallelujah and as children of god praise god we need to comfort in the fact that god praise god is our shield and he's our defender and even in this troubled time praise god we really don't have anything to worry about because god is your keeper amen praise god i agree to our bishop today and all the ministers and missionaries who are here all the saints and wonderful friends and all those who join us online via youtube and facebook praise god accept greetings in jesus name [Music] lord i know you come lord i know you will [Music] be still on me every day oh lord i know you can't learn i know you will find me back for refine me still be a fans all around me every day i want that one more time i said jesus be your friends all around me every [Applause] day jesus i want you to protect me as i travel a long night's way lord i know you can lord i know you will by the battle i said jesus be offense all around me every day jesus i want you to protect me as i travel a long life lord i know you can lord i know you will fight the battle if i be still be your friends all around me every day oh i said jesus be your fans [Applause] jesus i want you to protect me as i travel a long long way lord i know you can lord i know you will fight the battle if i be still be offense all around me every day come on put your hands together and sing this morning unto jesus be offense [Music] [Applause] jesus i want you to protect me as i travel a long life's way lord i know you can lord i know you will find the vessel if i distill be your fans all around me every day [Music] i am under the rock the rock is iron and i hallelujah behind me i'm on another rock yes yes oh tell my enemy i'm on [Music] the rock is [Music] go tell my enemy i'm under the rock [Music] and i will say of the lord he is my refuge i will say of the lord he is my portion i say he's a mighty god he's a strong tower indeed [Music] [Music] put my trust i will say come on [Music] my refuge i will say [Applause] all the law on jesus i say he's a mighty god and he's a strong tower in him will i put my trust [Music] [Applause] will i put my trust [Music] jesus i wanted to protect me as i travel a long last way [Music] [Music] all around me every day hallelujah [Music] all around me every day [Music] being with your friends all around me every day hallelujah raise the lift the name of jesus hallelujah it's that the prayer of your heart this morning jesus be offense all around me every day come on beloved open up your mics and give god a praise this morning i can see you but i need to hear you as well i need to hear you as well go ahead and give god a praise this morning hallelujah the future mike's again hallelujah this morning hallelujah i must greet this morning the presence of the lord which is evident to your mates right in your homes i know you can feel him if you have felt him since you came online just leave up your hands wave your hands in your arms if you if you can feel him in your arms wave your hands very well because our guardian on is everywhere he's at us at church hallelujah is everywhere so if you can feel them in your home just wave your hands and give god the praise hallelujah agreed or bishop or president bishop [Music] bishop brown and first lady brown this morning hallelujah to all my fellow associate pastors and their families to all the other officers from the another district or with us this morning to all the membership all those who are online this morning accept greetings in the mighty name of jesus all the visitors with this one those on youtube on our various social media platform we are glad to have you this morning and we just died holly before the day and you will receive a blessing and that someone may come to know christ and someone will receive the holy ghost this morning someone will be made whole this morning hallelujah however god bless you that is time our greeting song will be done by brother brought at this time in jesus name bless the lord everybody bless the lord everybody bless the lord all the persons who are viewing this morning welcome to bethel hallelujah it's so good to see your face and we're really glad you came this is the house of god come let us praise his name welcome to bethel you will never be the same oh it's so good to see your face and we're really glad you came this is the house of god come let us praise his name welcome to bethel you will never be the same one more time it's so good to see your face and we're really glad you came this is the house of god come let us praise his name welcome to bethel you will never be the same welcome to bethel praise the lord this morning welcome to bextel welcome to better it's so good to see your faces some of your faces that is because some videos are still uh but those whose face i can see it's so good to see your face hallelujah glad to have you in your hallelujah at this time it's offering time in the house hallelujah and the last time the screen will be projected just remind our brethren as the scream comes up hallelujah hallelujah yes as i repeat the giver screen we affirm that the fight belongs to god we will not drop god of his tent we shall stand on the promised blessings we affirm that he was so experienced shall also read spiritually and he will swear bountifully shall also read bountifully every man according as he prophesied in his heart so let us give not gradually nor of necessity for god to love it and share for the giver hallelujah we went to the tamil just remind you of the different activities this week as it as relates to your giving so you may place your offering or thighs in a sealed envelope and take you to the church office between the weekdays wednesdays to friday between hours of 9 00 a.m to 3 00 p.m hallelujah the general membership the next slide okay also options in giving you know you can transfer we do online transfer the information is provided right there hallelujah the branch um [Music] bank of nova scotia in pennsylvania springs the code numbers are given there also for the global audience here we are the global giving options zell paypal cash up and venmo so you can just do your online transfer as your soul into the kingdom of god hallelujah god bless you hallelujah hallelujah there's a light in the window the table spreading splendor someone's standing by an open door [Applause] i could see the priesthood river it must be made forever i've never been this home sit before [Music] i can see the families gather faces all familiar no one owns god people anymore lord my heart is crying i'm gonna spread my wings for flying i've never been this old and i can see my father standing at the door this world has been a wilderness and i'm waiting for the livered lord i've never been this old say it before put your hands together and see the bright light shine these just about own time oh and i can see my father standing up at the door [Music] say before oh all the time are everywhere and there's a grand new feeling in the air keep your eyes upon the eastern sky link to plural redemption night [Applause] signs all the time are everywhere and there's a brand new feeling in the air keep your eyes upon he said sky mean top laurens redemption joy ignite [Applause] have brought confidence god is gonna see me through no matter what the case may be i know he's gonna fix it for me i've got confidence god is gonna see me through no matter what the case may be i know he's gonna fix it for me going forward jesus with confidence this one feel crazy hey hallelujah is a hallelujah in the house this morning ah jesus jesus jesus whoa he said hallelujah come on help me praise the lord i need somebody to help me praise jesus this oh jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah before our sermon is there hallelujah in the house this morning is there a hallelujah [Music] we're taking greetings from thank you jesus awesome god you are thank you jesus i said there is one less stone jesus let me be myself hallelujah one more voice to praise the mighty name the name of the lord there is one less tone one more voice to praise him blessed is the king that comes in the name of the lord god said if you don't praise him the sword i'm gonna praise him but does tony gonna take my place no stone ain't gonna tell my place hallelujah god bless you this morning hey whoa whoa shama hey glory jesus we're going to take greetings from first lady brown johnny brown this morning missionary paulie and ill hallelujah michelle winston francis and pastor murray scott from the danceville she'll be representing those overseas in jesus name hallelujah first let it run come on in the room with the power hallelujah go ahead is there a holiday in the house this morning over the night hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus to that praise god because he has been good i've got confidence god is gonna see me through no matter what the case may be i know he gonna fix it for me and this one i'm rejoicing the god of my salvation because he is my refuge and he is my strength and he's a very present help in trouble and i want to greet our president bishop this morning hallelujah and all the officers all the saints of god in christ this morning it's a wonderful thing to be free from sin and to have christ within praise god i'm just pressing on the upright way this morning because new heights i'm gaining every day hallelujah i know that the coming of the lord is near and today i just want to be ready to be in the number and the saints go marching in praise the name of jesus and today i'm not worried because i serve a risen savior who is in the world today he is my mighty god he is my everlasting father and he is my prince of peace and this morning my desire is just to keep holding on to god's unchanging hand because i don't want nothing here to hinder me because i know soon and very soon christ jesus is coming and today i'm saying to all our saints in christ let us hold fast and change in hand let's not give up because in a moment when you think not he shall come and those who are ready will be going in with him you stay oh god committed step keep your hearts and mind state and god because i know he's a way maker he's a deliverer and whatever the case may be we have confidence this morning that god he's going to seal us through god bless you this morning in jesus name hallelujah pastor marine scott over there hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah is she there hallelujah go ahead mr francis until she comes in hallelujah mr francis go ahead hallelujah to praise the lord everybody praise the name of jesus it's too nice it's very nice to be on the lord's side this morning i greet you all in the mighty holy exalted name of jesus christ was soon coming king because there is no other name but the name of jesus that bringeth forth salvation that bringeth forth peace that bringeth for love and contentment in such a time as this and so this morning i just want to encourage everyone just look up to the eldest morning for whence commit our help our help come from god which make heaven and which make earth and i know we serve a god that does nothing possible for him to do this morning he's our redeemer he's our friend and he's our lord and this morning i want to give god thanks that i'm alive and wellness morning even during this pandemic i'm alive i've got a testimony that my god is going to see me through no matter what the code it is going to cause some matter what the problem or the situation will be i know it's going to fix it for me because he's a conquering lion of the tribe of judah is the mighty god his everlasting father he's the prince of peace he's the light of the world he's my savior he's my friend he's my lord he's my redeemer his everything is all together hallelujah wonderful so i'm saying to somebody this morning stand fast in this liberty where christ has made us free and let us be not entangled again in the yoke of one day because that dog work that he has beginning you is able to carry you through and do that unto the end bless the name of jesus continue to lift up the mighty name of jesus continue to exalt him continue to walk in the beauty of his holiness god bless you all in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah sister rosemary water and brown over there in england a quick note a quick shout out for the quick shout out hallelujah praise jesus praise jesus praise jesus jesus a pleasure to be honest you doll god bless you bishop and lady brown and elder mark and everyone in the mighty exalted name of jesus hallelujah oh jesus can you feel him can you feel him hallelujah he's in the house he's in the house he's in my house he's in my house hallelujah hallelujah pastor marian hallelujah hallelujah she's not it's your name but i guess she i guess you'd be at his time okay hallelujah hallelujah sit down a shout sit down sit down go ahead we serve an awesome god and this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad and embrace the lord my sisters our brother glory to god bless the lord and the devil williams were in the house hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus pastor ill go ahead go ahead pastor him hallelujah go ahead praise the lord praise the lord everyone this morning i greet my bishop and i greet my brethren in the most exalted name jesus there's no other name i could greet you in this morning because there was a time on earth when in the book of heaven an old account was standing for sins yet unforgiven my name was at the top and many things below i went on to the keeper and i've settled it long ago this morning i am happy and i am glad that i went unto my keeper and had my old account settled long ago i am saying to somebody today that god is always ready to forgive our sins and i am saying to my unsaved friends out there seek him seek a friend before you need a friend because us who are standing sure that we are living with a hope can say to you this morning that even if we should go in this pandemic we are going with a hope and we know that our god is able to keep us we are know that we know that our god is able to protect us and i am saying to you this morning out there in the hearing of our voices don't wait until it's too late i have seen too many too many saying that they are sorry that they did not answer the master's call i am saying to you this morning see god find him and when you find him hold on to him as we are holding on to him because nothing nothing nothing shall separate us from our god god bless you this morning keep strong keep your faith in jesus name god bless you god bless you god bless you i'll take a representative from aleppo is there anyone from aleppo in the house this morning go ahead go ahead i saw this name hallelujah online go ahead aleppo say something aleppo okay beloved give a shout in the house another time give the lord a shout in ours open your minds and give god a shout out hallelujah [Music] [Applause] this morning don't sit and think about that thing place it at the feet of jesus and just worship this morning just worship this morning let it go let it out don't let that problem or situation have you bound and feel restricted coming before the preacher hallelujah minister andre admin with a ceremony correlation in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord jesus hallelujah praise god just before the preacher comes praise god we're going to sing this song together praise god as i sing as we sing rather let's just do so in worship in jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my help coming from the lord [Music] he said he will not suffer thy foot thy foot to be moved the lord he will not struggle is thy keeper the lord is [Applause] [Music] [Music] by night he shall preserve thy soul even forevermore my [Music] i will [Music] the lord who made heaven and earth he said he will not suffer thy foot thy foot to be moved the lord [Music] the lord is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he shall preserve thy soul [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] my hair [Music] from [Music] the lord [Music] we bless the name of jesus this morning can we put our hands together for the words of that song all of my help coming from the lord the psalmist david said i will lift my eyes onto the heels hallelujah hallelujah god bless you minister god bless you today's mission sunday and i overlooked hallelujah our missions president evan's symbol right where you way let's give a shout out in the house in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah okay so samantha want to show it for her represented from the mission team mission department okay no representative mission department they're online at it i'm using samantha's he's just trying to get in hallelujah okay let us all show for the missions department hallelujah open up your minds and show the lord for a moment but beloved this morning i'm feeling great in the lord i'm trusting you are feeling the same this morning we're blessed beyond measures this morning hallelujah what we're facing the lord knew it would have happened and he knows the process and he knows the endings but we're going forward with jesus incompetent is my delight and privilege as i decrease and i present to you our presiding bishop for jamaica and the west indies bishop different charles brown receiving with a shelter praise in the house this morning in jesus name all the reminds thank you for praise hallelujah you've got to pray for him in jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah praise god may god bless you elder mark brown thank you so very much for allowing the lord to lead you amen as you moderate at the service this morning god be praised i'm so happy we're delighted to be back in the house of god yes and backing us up god for another uh sunday morning worship god has been good to us and we just want to shut back him just want to glorify him i just want to honor him because he is in the source of our existence so i honor the lord today and worship his majesty worship is glorious i i don't need someone to push me to praise the lord i don't need to be in the center with 400 members to praise the lord amen wherever i am i praise him for when i think of the goodness of jesus just to think of the goodness of jesus and all he has done for me hallelujah can speak about me hallelujah oh yes my soul just cries out not from my lips but from my heart my soul cries out hallelujah praise god so i i am happy to be in god's house saying men would have preferred to be in the center with the saints amen to fellowship with the saints but it's what it is and we are just delighted to be in our virtual space this morning praise god to lift up and to magnify and to glorify our lord and savior jesus right where you are even just type jesus in the chat whether you're on facebook amen youtube or in this room this time jesus lift up jesus hallelujah it's all about jesus even don't amen be distracted now it's all about jesus from your living room from your bedroom from your kitchen illusion of the kitchen now praise god around the porch praise god it's about jesus just lift up jesus and join me and magnify the name of our lord jesus christ he is my savior he is my keeper he's my provider he is everything to me excuse me allow me today to just lift up and magnify the name of jesus because the truth is the more i praise him the more i praise him the better i feel hallelujah amen in the shake it off come on check it off today with the praise shake it off with that worship shake it off with the hallelujah shake off that dead feeling shake up that the person's feeling shake it off this morning hallelujah shake of the numbness amen shake off shake it off depression shake it off with a worship come on come on man shake it off with our worship hallelujah lift your hands and praise the lord even shake off loneliness amen come on shake it off in the fire praise god almighty because we're here today to worship and to magnify our lord and our savior jesus christ so i greet you in the holy in the much less in the saving name of jesus our lord and the savior jesus christ praise god even to my wife mr janet brown i greet you well amen in jesus name praise god we thank god for you and for your contribution even to the ministry over many many years for standing with me to execute the function of senior pastors to your parents to bethel and that of the organization amen god bless you brown praise god we appreciate you and we love you dearly amen god bless you in jesus name praise god your associate pastors elder mark brown and his wife mr karen brown god bless both of you as a court we serve to elder agent hatman and his dear wife mr mr cathy hatman god bless you both we give our thanks to you also for the great wish you have forgiven yourselves to serve alongside me in the ministry of stone heaven god bless you to minister maurice heart amen we honor you and we bless god for you mr martin scott we thank god for your who afford the personal service to the ministry and that of your family you may make god bless you and strengthen your countries serve him amen even from the dinosaur until we're able to see you face to face amen god bless and we appreciate you to all our officers and to your families as well to all our members and your family as well to all our visitors especially our visitors who have joined us in this platform we acknowledge you and we thank god for you that you have taken time but we know you have choices because there are so many pop-ups around options around even from here to africa you remember you've stopped with better stonehill and we thank god for you amen that you are always with us in better story for our fine and all the activities we welcome you and we greet you in jesus name whether you are in this room yes with us or even facebook or youtube we acknowledge you know the lesson we thank god amen for his reflection to shout jesus shout jesus amen hallelujah the devil cannot stop a worshiper hallelujah even a worshiper is unstoppable a worshiper will cause the earth to quake the gentiles amen to to fly hope just doesn't fly open and worship us power even because there's power in worship hallelujah him until you feel him today amen god bless you all like we are mothers today even mother nukes mother brown even mother watson praise the mother gordon praise god and all the seniors of the church today i agree to be given thanks for you amen you thank god for the younger generation who were able to connect you with the social media platforms you can be a part of our service today we give god thanks for your may god bless you as a conscious servant even even from the confines of your homes i know you are praying for us i know you amen well it is the third weekend of lockdown in jamaica today to choose another laptop no movements no movement day based unless you are an essential worker any man or you're going to take your vaccine or go to the airport we should be at home so it's another weekend of new movement starting today so we had to to to pivot and remain on online for our services praise god in mind because i think this platform is more effective at this time to have three men the members in this room on youtube and feels good to be a part of this worship experience so in spite of the restrictions no movement days we are still able to worship and to have fellowship one with the father amen may god bless you and strengthen you today amen as we continue to serve god beloved the end is near end this mirror and look up for our redemption jordan 9. and the signs are clearly clearly the key thing amen that praise god the church is about to leave earth about to leave earth the stage is set for the grand entrance of the antichrist a man of sin the son of perdition a man praise god a city set for his entrance but i believe in a pre-tribulation rapture the church so i'm not a mid-trib or a post-trib i believe the church will be taken out of this world before the entrance of the antichrist amen the prefix panty means against the ante against christ praise god so we are even guided lords when you see these things look up and the future begins to blossom even we see all these things happening around us beloved the signs have been fulfilled rapidly in just 12 13 months 14 months we see him in a fast forwarding of the fulfillment of prophecy of the world has changed and will never be the same so beloved don't be pursuing the world and all its pleasures and all these fantasies and all these elaborate he meant praise god of functions uh at the church as a body of christ we should just remain focused even praise god and just be closer drawn to jesus don't pursue amen the loss of the flesh in front of a lie of life and they don't pursue the things of this world because take the advice of solomon wiseman he said amen is vanity and fantasy and investigation of spirit it's just vanity amen praise god yes you work unless you go to the group to survive and to take care of your praise god obligations but you are focused should not just be not serving god and be ready for the rapture of the church amen don't be pulled away by vanity don't be pulled away by what the world is offering the world is deceiving many and we should not allow ourselves to be deceived so i encourage you today just to remain focused amen just to praise god in focus as we await the coming of jesus christ our savior for is bride the church praise the name of jesus so god bless you today i am delighted to be with you on this first sunday in september and i know we have a number of persons were born in september and i know they are kind of boasting you know their birth month but you all can't beat the month of june we are the best in the house praise god praise god god bless you all today today i would like to speak to you as the lord leads because we're not our home we're purchased by his brother i cannot just advise uh the peer the man doesn't come to talk with you my whole information i can't do that i have to present message before god our lord and ask him to guide me as i prepare to speak to you every time i stand or sit behind a sacred desk praise the lord so today having been praying considering the time you're living in him and we are in serious serious times and many hearts are feeling them for fear unfortunately even among believers believers are shaken so believers are terrified some believers are shaken uh we are to extend confused uh because we have never been where we are before so it's naturally a cause for concern so today i come to you again at the lord leads to to bring you uh assurances from the word of god assurance of god assurances from the word of god uh because we have to be said fast in this hour we can't love 30 years or 40 years or 10 years or 15 years or five years or or three months amen to go in vain we have denied a lot give up a lot able to serve jesus by serving his people we should not allow this this junction of our journey to be robbed of our eternal bliss to be robbed of eternal satisfaction we can't allow ourselves to pull this structure from the will of god having served faithfully for many years amen in the church we shall not allow ourselves to be pulled down from our steadfastness the bible predicts that before the rapture come on hallelujah there would be a falling away of falling away tight falling away he may amen falling away and uh we should not by the help of god be be a part of the falling away help us lord amen allow amen the enemy to deceive us to fool us at this stage of our christian journey praise god so today i would like to the lord leads me my heart up praise god to just comfort you to instruct you it's not about me it's about receiving from god and share with you amen and share it with you praise the name of jesus amen praise god so today uh our scripture uh for meditation is from the sound the 120 first sound praise god psalm 1 21. this sound has been a source of comfort a source of encouragement a source of motivation a source of hope for countless of believers through many centuries this sound lifted us amen strengthen us build our capacity to trust god some more even in times of challenge so i'd like to speak to you from the sound amen the song of david i lift up my eyes onto the hills from whence cometh my health my help cometh from the lord which made heaven and earth but this he will not suffer thy foot to be moved either keep it he will not slumber and just let me stop here because i want to redeem the time the time today praise the lord so today i'd like to speak to you the lord leads on the topic curse not away cast not away your confidence in jesus christ speak to yourself call yourself by your first name and said devon or whatever your first name is cast not to weigh your confidence in jesus christ definitely speak to your devil cast not away your confidence in jesus christ hallelujah speak to yourself you're not this insane to be talking to yourself because life and death is in the power of the tongue to speak over your life speak into your family amen cast not away your confidence my family cast away your confidence my brother or my sister cast not away your confidence in jesus christ don't toss it don't toss it don't toss it don't toss it away don't dump it don't turn your back on jesus hallelujah cast not away don't forget to cast it away in your moment of stress in your moment of challenge the moment of despair the moment of confusion in your moment of luck the moment of need don't toss away your confidence in christ jesus can i speak freely to you today can i speak freely to you today even without shouting can i just have a dollar with you today preach the name of jesus so today i say to you stay anchored stay anchored anchored the sea is rough the sea is rough the tide is high high tide rough seas was stay anchored in jesus name i know i'm talking to some but i feel this in my spirit i'm not coming through the survey today and i'm coming through to you whether you're on facebook youtube or twitter someone i'm talking to you god sent me today to talk to you amen to perk you up to encourage you stay anchored amen confidence is defined as a firm belief a firm belief unshakeable belief a firm and unshakeable belief having trust and being certain certain so you are not wobbling you are not even vacillating you are not up today and down today you have confidence my brother the minister of music mr andre hadman's song earlier earlier i have confidence i know the lord will see me through no matter what the case might be i know he's gonna fix it for me i have confidence it's time for the body of christ for you amen to display the confidence that built up in jesus over many here so a firm belief in god unshakeable belief praise god being certain of our belief and i i jump at you amen don't be afraid now that jumper to you from abaka chapter 3 and verse 17 you speak of unshakeable belief amen firm belief certain trust of baca 3 and verse 17 a man remains uh reminded us of a situation he said although the fig tree shall not blossom i don't know i'm talking about there are somebody today going through your outdoor moment your although moments although moments but you are saying like a bucket although the fig trees shall not blossom neither shall the fruit be the fine the label of the olive shall fail and the fields shall not heal nor meet glory to god the fears shall not heal no meat meat the flock shall be cut off from the fold and if there is no herd in the stall hallelujah above converse 18 said yet yet in the face of calamity in the face of all that's happened around me yet will i rejoice in the lord i will joy in the god of my salvation yet will i rejoice hallelujah yes we are going through our although moments are although experiences things are not the same hallelujah you are in the midst of your although moments although this although that things are not measuring up things are not what they ought to be hallelujah but of all these things are happening amen yet will i rejoice in the lord how about can you write where you are today just rejoice in the lord just rock yourself by your head clap your hands and rejoice amen command your auntie rejoice command even your monetary choice amen by shanda command and lift yourself from doldrum of depression amen of that defeatist attitude you shall not be defeated in the name of jesus yet i will rejoice in the lord hallelujah can we just now wait and say hallelujah glory to god yet i can't speak for you i wish i could hallelujah but this is personal even let every man work out his own salvation with fear and trembling i pray for you i love you i work with you i'm your pastor amen praise god but i cannot afford to preach in you preaching others and i be a castaway i've got to save myself also hallelujah i've got to save myself so i can't speak for you this morning but i know yet i will rejoice in the tell you right now amen go ahead and clap your hands up the face of those of all moments of those although experiences are generating a rejoice in the lord he can't tell him clap your hands today and rejoice in the lord i will joy come on here i will joy in the god of my salvation joy no for the christian the word joy is very important amen praise god for the christians amen the word joy is very important very important amen why bishop because the joy of the lord is our strength even the devil wanted to knock you from being a strong christian he and not he attack your joy amen he come at your joy he make you all just sad and and just so sour a man you are no expression of joy he come at you he becomes comes at your joy it may feed at your joy attack your joy chip away at your joy you feel that make you joyful happy amen but today i'm saying to bethel and all our visitors amen joy in the lord amen joy in the lord in the god of your salvation let nothing steal your joy let nothing seem your joy let nothing wrap you of your joy because you need your joy because the joy of love is your strength emily no co-worker come on robbie if you're trying let no employer let no ce hope come question today let no politician let no doctor let no educator let even let no pastor even let no neighbor let no lord let no mortgage company come on rob you off your joy because the joy of the lord is your strength you can't afford to lose your strength now because we lose your strength and you become vulnerable weak helpless you become a prey to the adversary you need strength to go home strength take care of the joy the lord is your strength so in your although moment in your although moment amen [Music] amen i challenge you today throughout today throughout this week even through this pandemic let no pandemic amen cause you to lose your joy let no delta variant amen cause you to lose your joy let another picture you see on television what has happened in the hospitals no ministry of health report daily because you lose your joy come on stay focused on jesus and joy in the lord let nothing aim that water right now to say nothing let nothing in caps in caps amen kept saying nothing nothing let nothing nothing whatsoever amen take you out of the joy of the lord because again emphasis aiming the joy of the lord is your strength not the joy of your husband or your wife or your children or your house or your bank account or investment or your job amen is not those that bring joy the joy of the of the lord your soul the source of your joy is the lord amen the source of your joy is the lord hallelujah the lord is the source of your joy not the car your drive not the community you live in no that's good praise god but the source of your strength amen is a joy in the lord hallelujah let me go home together i feel god i feel god today for two hours hallelujah hallelujah we bless the name of jesus come on in the house beloved open your mind and say something this morning hallelujah let nothing let nothing let us hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord amen so today i come to you with a few questions praise god from number 12 from our pentecostal it asks a few questions will your anchor hold in the storms of life storms of life when the clouds unfold their wings of strife when the strong tides lift higher shunder and the cables train with your anchor drift our firm remain these are some serious questions from the hearth of the sound will your anchor hole the anchor is a is a small object that keeps the ship anchored at port hallelujah amen praise god i have never been to sea but my father god bless god bless his his memory would often gives us some story of where he would travel to america on uh uh via the ship for farm work back in those days amen and they will talk about amen some horror experiences on the high seas amen and a time the sea is calm and and and everything is okay but no time the storm would just out of nowhere aim and just arose so the right to ask the question will your uncle hold in the storms of life life amen will come with storms in the storms of life where the mark and the fire would sing when the storms of life are raging stand by me oh along to your bethel masquerade singing praise the lord amen when the storms of life are raging stand by me oh glory to god amen so life comes with storms but will your anchor hold in the storms of life when the clouds unfold their wings of strife when the strong tides lift and the cannabis train will your anchor drift our firm remain points to pondon today are you embedded are you even fast into the rock which can't move are you grounded firm and deep in the savior's love are you really settling jesus every man today must even answer this question if a woman today should answer this question it's not about now dancing and shouting amen we've got to be very sure very sure today i speak to you amen unzoom i speak to you on youtube or facebook twitter we have got to be very sure our ankle holds and grip who machanda grip this little rock which is jesus hallelujah oh oh praise god automatic we can't get started in this tower hallelujah so i moved from one set of questions from the songwriter to another set of questions i'm coming to you today hallelujah i'm coming to you today i'm coming to you today before i go to where i want to land this message i have got to come to you and prepare you for this so the the right to ask some questions about the hunk of amen the strong ties lift the cable string with the anchor drift are for remain they'll also want to come to you from jeremiah chapter 12 amen come on brother jason jeremiah chapter 12 and verse 5 jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5 come on go ahead amen praise the lord 12 5 2 2 questions those amen by god to jeremiah hallelujah in jeremiah 12 and verse 5 hallelujah if thou if thou has run with the footmen if thou has run with the foot man and they have wearied thee then how can thou contend with our sins man they shout out and if in the and if in the land of peace wherein thou trustest say where is thee then how will thou do in the swelling of jordan god help me here today help me jesus today how praise god god at jeremiah a series of questions and the questions are coming left right and center if thou has wronged with the foot men and the foot men weary yo amen tired you out amen cause you to lose your effectiveness the foot now let me let me try to to say this clearly as possible what god was implanted here was different levels of trials different levels of testings are intensifying of the experience so god start started with the foot man hallelujah now who's a foot man a foot manager said that he's a fighting man who travels on a foot as against those who went on horseback amen he fights on his feet against those who travel on horses or arse back praise god or a foot man are a group of runners in attendance to the king a foot man our group of runners like tennessee king the king amen wants a message out he will send the foot man just to carry the message so the foot man should be light on his feet yes praise god the foot man could be a houston boat the foot man could be a children fraser price the foot man could be a elaine thompson era i got the last thing correct unlike our american journalists and commentators praise the lord amen amen so the man is light on his feet swift fast praise god so god said jeremiah if you cannot keep up with the foot man the foot man has wearied you tired you out amen left you leave you behind amen and that is just the beginning trust the beginning oh praise the lord hallelujah then jeremiah how will you contend with horses horses by nature faster than the foot man amen i don't know the vehicle you have what horsepower it carries so much power carries two thousand eighteen hundred amen 3 000 horsepower 3 000 horsepower aiming some horsepower some vehicles have tremendous us power so if you can run with or with a foot man how will you contend with our sis another level of trial another level of testing hallelujah amend oh my shonda amen just just say prepare yourself prepare yourself prepare yourself i've got the pure myself i've got to appear myself amen the left of the foot man is one level of testing level of the horseman another level of testing praise the lord amen we've got to fear ourselves amen for the furious amen challenges hallelujah praise god of the matter so the minus 11 the horror series are another level my god hallelujah and the bible spoke now and you get into the city where you trust you are at ease in the city you are at ease in your moment you are easy you're in your environment you're at ease among your your grouping you are at ease amen at that level where amen you are should be amen as he is at but at even at 11 you are weary my god and then god said then if you are wearing by the foot man we were by the horses we're by the inner city you trust amen how what will you do when you get to jordan what will you do when you get to jordan no jordan is another experience i i spoke to the last time around about jordan of space jordan even with florence banks and you can't cross it how will you manage when you get to your jordan and beloved we are seen today in our world in jamaica fearless levels of testings of of trials amen of difficulties and we have got to prepare ourselves able to face even these these challenges of these difficulties my god my savior will you get a jordan when you turn them back and go back to egypt will you amen when you are being weary by the horsemen or the foot man will you give up as well i can't be bothered i'm i'm going to throw my turret i i can't be bothered i'm finished with church i'm finished with the choir i'm finished with ministry i'm finished aiming with sunday school class ministry i finished amen serving god i can't be bothered no more the devil is alive that how much amen you can't give up now prepare yourself for the levels of trials hallelujah oh god i feel god today in my sanctified soul i wish i was in the building where i could just move around around the sacred desk today but today let me speak to you freely amen today my god you can't surrender now you can't surrender and put out a white flag even so i surrender i i give up i throw the towel no with your handker hold in the storms of life oh my shoulder with a clouds are sold their wings of strifer when those strong ties lift all the cables straight with your handkerchief our firmware may know you you've got to survive come on come on i'm talking to you you're gonna serve fight the foot man i speak in your life you have got to survive the foot man oh the foot man should not backslide you the foot man should not destroy you hallelujah cast not away your confidence don't allow the foot man amen to wear you hey man oh glory cup amen don't allow the horse the horses to weary you even god anointed amen praise god elijah amen and he run past the chariot come on here hallelujah eliza run amen beyond praise god the chariot amen there's nothing impossible with god god can give you a shrimp i i come today i'm going to tell you your strength is not in yourself don't trust yourself yourself will fail you even put your faith and your trust in jesus christ up amen i don't want to go to psalm 121 yet let me set the platform some more praise god hallelujah amen don't trust nobody amen trust jesus hallelujah amen present amen these challenges present our challenge we're going to prepare ourselves amen for amen these challenges but today i come to you amen with the word of god amen amen the foot man whether you are the level the foot man i don't know where you are today i don't know where you are today whether you are at the level of the foot man or at or live on the horses or in the city where you feel comfortable or are jordan i don't know where you are in your experience but every one of us we are a level at some juncture of our experience amen and there is as i speak oh holy ghost there is a intensification of our challenges amen it can turn up to the book can i talk amen today the thing turned up into the book amen oh hallelujah so many of god's people amen today are just even being carried away with the wave with wind of doctrines i don't know where you are today but be honest with yourself are you at the level of the foot man or the level of the horses in your in your experience or in the city where you feel comfortable in the church or at jordan i don't know i don't know where you are but i know god sent me to talk to his people aiming to preach his people able to lift his people up and to show his people amen that there is a way out of it hey machanda hello my son so today i jumped to even romans chapter 8 named the magna carta of the writings of saint paul a masterpiece from paul and i love in particular damon chapter 8 i love chapter eight even of romans chapter eight i love trapped in amen and i trumped the first 28 up i'm talking to someone today amen paul said and we know and we know that all things work together for a good love god oh god of the matter all things of work together to them and love god to them we're called according to his prayer person hallelujah if you love god today i love you jesus if you love god say hallelujah oh come on hey mandom if you love god today love you lord i love you jesus i love you god in well if you love god god sent me today on this the fifth day of september the first son of the muslim god told me to tell you it's working for your goodness hallelujah it's working for your cuda oh glory sister evan is done by williams amen is working for your kudum sister donna montgomery is working for you're good el adrian hatman is working for your good sibling thompson it's working for your good hallelujah all of things not some things allah saw your spirit at the little foot man or the orchestra is working for your good and you cannot you cannot fail give up now you have come too far from where you've started nobody told you nobody told me the road would be easy oh i feel the pressure on me right now but i don't believe that he brought me this far to leave me i say to bethel cast not away your confidence i don't believe he brought bethel he brought you my family oh whether you're a bethel or not i don't believe he brought you this fund to leave you can i borrow from saint paul today and i bought from saint paul today paul paul was told by god paul don't worry about the fall in your flesh paul my grace is sufficient my grace is sufficient can i say to the house of bethel for god's kingdom today god's grace is service center to keep you up for in your weakness in your weakness and god know you're weak today god knows you're weak you know you're tired you know you're weary today but in your weakness and your strength strength is made perfect hallelujah amen so today i'm saying to you all things work together for good it's working for your good it was not sent to backslide you well the center back slide yours when you send the box that is working for your good it's making you it's bringing the best out of you even like gold tried in the fire come on you have got to go through the fire amen to be pure gold oh my god almighty i've got to go through it amen oh amen i say to someone stay in the fire stay in the fire stay in the fire hallelujah foreign i know a god who can take get this the heat of the fire i know god can take the heat of the fire oh praise god the fire is blazing but there's no heat in it there's no heat in it oh praise god hats aim and shed rack up michela bendigo they were in the fire furnace but there was no heat god gave them my air conditioned building hallelujah amen god will take care of you come on my sister my brother god will take care of you in the fire in your fire in your fiery trials god will take care of you you will take the heat from the fire oh you're in the temple look at the heat under the fire hallelujah and cause you amen to come up and sing to hear will not be seen you that's made us smoke come on come on trust the name of jesus christ all things of worked together amen for good love god into the world called according this purpose so so in verse 13 of romans 8 verse 30 3-0 of romans 8 amen paul said what shall we then say to these things up what shall we say to these things if god be for us if god be for us so don't worry about the foot man sister colleen hartman brown don't amen nor amen in the city nor jordan you know why god will give you grace his grace is sufficient amen to keep you hallelujah and i want to say right now i'm like to say this up god will not give you more than you can fear hallelujah he will with the temptation make a way of escape hallelujah the trial you are going through right now is a way of escaping it up amen the testimony goes right up the wave escaping them the way of escape amen as you go through your trials amen so today i say to you amen four words to them forward still amen test your of your spirit hallelujah or praise the name of jesus so you are jordan right now jordan right now and jordan is trying to swallow you up amen but i shall not be defeated come on open him up and say i shall not be defeated by the help of god i shall not be defeated life and death is in the other tongue speak life today i shall not be defeated you know why because he said in romans 8 amen paul also said amen we are more than conquerors amen that was a conquerable we are more than conquerors i mean you are a conqueror today you are a conqueror today you are not undefeated for you are a conqueror today hallelujah you are a conqueror we are more than conquerors through him but love it us love us praise the lord praise god imagine so as i carry on today let me just try to move along a man explicitly amen we are living a time of adversity we're living in a time of adversity intense pain intense hardship evil and wickedness abound abound but the wise man solomon asked a question in proverbs 24 and verse 10 proverbs 21 verse 10 type in the chat proverbs 24 verse 10. this is essential to what i'm saying today if thou faint if thou saint in the day at adversity if thou faint in the day of adversity thy strength is small if you faint if you give up if you give in if you backslide if you turn your back on god you're faint amen fainter be weary the day of adversity your strength is small it's time to build capacity come on say with me it's time to build capacity in god capacity for today capacity for tomorrow oh god almighty capacity for next week build capacity hallelujah make sure you have built capacity through relationship with god through devotion through amen fasting through prayer amen build capacity beloved is not time to flow around now or just go through motion now it's time to build capacity it's time to spend time with jesus move from your five minutes per make it longer move from you out there fast and make them longer it's time to build capacity i'm trying to get you to understand we're living the time adversity of adversity a time of adversity you've got to build capacity because the horsemen the footman the city of peace and jordan will come at us one day or another one way or another you've got to build a main capacity job build capacity so when job was attacked prince got a job did not faint i failed job said amen though enslave me yet will i trust him hallelujah trust jesus trust jesus through your pain trust jesus to your luck trust jesus when all around my soul gives way jesus is a van my only hope and stay job self in all the days of my appointed time i will wait until my change come true refuse to give up job was fed fast trump was unmovable troubles always are bound in the work of the law amen so today i say it to you wait until your change comes oh praise god your change is coming don't faint don't faint in the time of adversity no beloved kovic is a adversity hallelujah is painful delta is coming for the pain hallelujah but don't faint amen don't be strong in the lord build capacity build capacity around the word of god hallelujah amen malachi malachi amen 3 and verse 6 said amen i am the lord i am the lord i change not build a pastor on jesus i am the lord i change beloved people are changing left right and center systems are changing hallelujah to god changes all around us but god said i am the lord i change not i change not in the same yesterday today and forever i change not i cannot change i am the same i promise i'll be with you to the hand i will not leave you nor forsake you oh glory to god somewhere to praise god right now assurance he promised to never leave you nor forsake you come on say hallelujah i am the lord i change not you can trust him i change not hallelujah to god so happiness love that i come to my closing right now that close praise god with psalm 121 they want to make him in three points from the sound even close amen this word today hallelujah over there in art in them you can't give up now in a leper you can't give up now in temple hall you can't give up now wherever you are you can't give up now god said i am the lord i change not hallelujah i cannot change what you see is what you get what you see is what you get you can trust jesus hallelujah to the most high god so psalm 121 amen the psalmist said high will lift up my eyes onto the hills praise god almighty i will lift up manhairs onto the hills now this is personal amen hallelujah and the first point i want to make in closing and point number one know the source of your help know the source of your health in aim acquaint yourself with the source of your help even they are false sources amen they are full helps but know the source of your health amen amen know the source of your health the psalmist said i amen again this is a personal pronoun i am and i can't speak for you high high high amen brethren love you but this comes down to you and your god amen you and your god when god called you he called you alone couldn't call your husband your wife your children your family he called you by your name he called you you you went to the pool you were baptized you were filled with all the ghosts amen on the jericho road there's room for just two aiming of jesus and me amen praise god almighty you have got to know that this is a personal experience say god almighty club say hallelujah hallelujah this i will lift up my eyes onto the hills praise god imagine amen amen source number one amen know the point number one know the source of your health amen the psalmist i know where to look for my helper hallelujah and right now i can hear my spirit it's reverberating even reverberating a year health health health health help people say help me help me help me i hear a health help help help folks are crying for help amen families are crying for help husbands are crying for help how lucky you're in my spirit is help help please help please oh help hey god help us amen the world is crying for help amen the believers are crying for help amen but today i direct you amen not to the white house up not the jamaica house not to gordon house not to the ceo of your company harlem hallelujah not your community amen have done i direct you amen to the source of your help the source of your help is god amen the source of help is god amen said jesus said jesus christ of heaven is jesus hallelujah amen the source of your help is jesus up hallelujah jesus source of your health amen so your help amen is jesus beloved amen amen the source of heaven is jesus point number one know the source of hypocrites how the source is jesus hallelujah and oh praise god in psalms 125 and first one the psalmist to get this now they that put your trust in the lord shall be like mount zion oh praise god know the source of your helper amen they that put their trust in the lord shall be like one zion which can not be removed but by death forever praise god if you trust god you shall not be moved if you trust god you will not be moved if you trust god you should abide forever oh and i move on to verse two hallelujah as a mountains are around about jerusalem so the lord is running about this people from ends forth evil forever the lord is around the world's people hallelujah you can trust god he will never leave you nor forsake you praise god the source of your help is god amen and david from whence cometh my health but my help is from the source amen my health come from the lord the makeup of it was on earth so amen point one amen move the source off your head my health cometh from the lord the lord is your source the lord is your source the lord is a man your helper point number two i'm closing this praise god point number two amen he will not suffer thy foot to be moved number two amen trust god trust god so know the source of your help don't don't know him but also trust him trust god trust god amen trust him he will not suffer your foot to be moved this is what i call the fine assurance amen it gives you assurance point number two trust god he will not suffer your foot to be moved you will remain unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord god never sleeps god never slumber so trust god trust god with your salvation trust god amen with your salvation he never sleeps never slumber oh praise god the lord the lord is what the lord is dying the lord is thy keeper trust him christians in the pandemic the lord is thy keeper trust him lord as i shade upon that right and trust him the word shape there means defense protection defense and protection that the lord is thy shade upon thy right and you are protected you are protected amen you're are shielded amen he will guard you he will surround you he will preserve you hallelujah amen the son because he shields you and protects you the sun shall not smite you by day nor the moon by night he will shield you he will protect you amen and shall be that shade upon thy right and praise god he will preserve you from all evil he will keep you from all evil amen trust god amen and i close with my third point now my third partner i'll show you know the source but you should also trust the source know the source one trust is words too and number three amen not away your confidence if you know the source and you trust the source cast not away your confidence hallelujah you know why he will protect your going out and protect your coming in cast not aware your confidence the lord is our light and our salvation whom shall we fear the lord is strength of our lives of who shall it be afraid of when the wicked even our heaven is in our falls came when he sees my flesh there shall stumble and fall praise god cause not aware confidence amen praise the lord hallelujah for the lord is our refuge and our strength cast not away therefore your confidence so now unto him now unto him no one today i've said all of what i've been saying to conclude this cars not aware your confidence the foot man will come horses will come jordan will come the answers posed by the songwriter you'll have to answer the questions post questions post we'd have to answer questions but now onto him was able to keep us from falling oh and he presents us thoughtless he will present as faultless he's able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless i'm speaking of the only wise god our savior jesus christ is able to keep us from falling and to present us fortunately so cast not away your confidence your confidence hold the fort i am coming hold on i am coming don't give up don't give up keep your eyes on jesus stay focused on jesus god sent me today to speak to somebody speak to the saints we're about to go into the broken rooms but i want those members who this work work this world was sent to you need to go in the breaking rooms you need to return the prayer today it is someone to pray for you today to pray with you today don't stay there in your state of weakness the state of being weary can't keep up with the horse by the treatment jordan don't sit there you know where you are at i want you to come in the room today let's pray with you so break the rules out find yourself a room let's pray with your new prayers we're going to serve you today god bless you today amen cast not away your confidence god bless you in jesus name over to elder angel headman without a call jesus said god bless you stay strong jesus hallelujah hallelujah somebody just lift your hands and give the lord a praise in the house come on come on give the lord a praise in the house hallelujah to god surely these were powerful words spoken by our bishop today hallelujah somebody just covered the man of god even now even as the word has gone out even as the word has been spoken hallelujah somebody's heart we pray that the lord will continue to cover our bishop and pastor and that even now as he had spoken according to the word of the lord that the hearts would be ready that the hearts would be broken hallelujah god know the source trust the source hallelujah god and cath not away your confidence with that great recompense of reward god bless you bishop brown god bless you beloved hallelujah to god we thank the name of jesus we're going to be going in a session of prayer we're going to go in a session of just preparing the art of a folks to be on the altar hallelujah to god our prior line or prior code is posted even now for those who are not on zoom hallelujah while i speak you can join us on zoom as we pray for you but before i go even to speak to those who are not saved hallelujah to god a call went out by our bishop hallelujah to god for folks who are on this line hallelujah to god you're a member hallelujah to god the altar is not just for the unsaved hallelujah to god but if you're a member and you're struggling you're having it difficult to face the foot man you're having difficult to deal with the horseman hallelujah you're having it difficult to deal with jordan the altar is open hallelujah to god all you have to do is to hit the reaction button and the raised hand icon yes lord and the hands are going up already don't watch anybody this is a personal call it's a personal halaboshanda a personal relationship with god the breakout rooms are ready hallelujah to god hallelujah to and if you're online officer this is your time hallelujah don't go away we have folks in the house who need prayer hallelujah to god and so as the breakout rooms are being opened hallelujah and even as their hands are going up prepare yourself beloved we're gonna pray with some folks today if you're on the zoom platform whether you are a member or even if you are just a visitor you are invited on this platform you are not baptized you are not filled with the holy ghost you may be a a backslider who needs to be reclaimed you can also hit the reaction button and raise an icon hallelujah and you will be transferred to a breakout room there are officers who are in the house hallelujah to god thank you jesus they are prior leaders who are in the house hallelujah to god there are workers who are in the house ah i can see the altar hallelujah i've been filled up already thank you jesus hallelujah even as they are being moved over hallelujah to god come on beloved let's pray let's pray hallelujah even as saints are moving over into the into the on the altar on the break on our breakout rooms i see that the rooms are already filling up hallelujah to god thank you jesus don't worry if you're a member is on this line and you haven't asked for prior it simply means that eventually we'll get around to you because hallelujah we need workers in the breakout room because they are souls to rescue and souls to be saved hallelujah to god and even as i'm here speaking to you just uh me the team just put it back the prayer line for those of you who are online on our various platforms hallelujah to god whether you are on youtube or you are on facebook hallelujah together you're even on twitter hallelujah god we want to also invite you for prayer if you're a member it is time to pray hallelujah to god if you are a visitor it is time to pray i don't know what your circumstances are you know as bishop spoke the words today i just felt in my spirit that there was somebody who was confused who has been struggling with fear and feel like you want to throw in the towel you have been under pressure and when you look around you don't know where to turn but the word of the lord has come to you today for you to trust god hallelujah to god you have got to know the source the source of jesus you have got to trust the source the source if jesus come on somebody hallelujah to god and when your faith with your trials and your testings hallelujah to god you have got to just not cast away your confidence but you have to put your trust in jesus lift up your head though he gave hallelujah to god i see the room been filled up even now hallelujah thank you jesus if there yet one is there yet one on this line hallelujah is there yet one out there who says i need to be prayed for hallelujah even as we're monitoring ah the chat that is there yes yes yes yes i see the prayer requests are already coming in i don't know who you are or where you are whether you are a member or a not non-member whether you were invited here by someone or you just stumbled upon this holy ghost service hallelujah to god whether you are in jamaica in the caribbean in the us in the uk africa or wherever you are in the world there is a call and jesus is here and he's here to minister to your needs hallelujah to god these are serious times hallelujah to god the signs are pointing everywhere but we want to give somebody jesus our bishop declared that this is divine assurance in the midst of your trials in the midst of your troubles in these perilous times we need a savior allah we need an anchor hallelujah we need a savior we bless the name of jesus and so i've put out the call and some have already answered to the call yes i can see that we have one two three four five six breakout rooms already filled hallelujah to god and uh there are some rooms have been assigned for all you have to do is to hit the button hallelujah and accept the call workers accept the call go in those rooms and start praying by faith hallelujah to god and if you're on the zoom platform there is still room for you to type in the chat i need prior or to hit the razor icon under the reaction button and say i need prior it may be prior for a for yourself it may be prior for a family member hallelujah to god it may be prior for a neighbor hey if you need somebody to pray with you we are here in the name of jesus and so we're still inviting someone to come in times like these you need a savior somebody need this yes a hand has just gone up a hand has just gone up god bless you dion welcome welcome hallelujah yes welcome welcome she was invited by uh my wife sister kathy hallelujah to god thank you jesus bring her over to the room hallelujah to god as she is in the house of the lord hallelujah yes lord in times like these oh you need a savior somebody need this in times like the evil hallelujah you need an anchor be very short be very sure your ankles and grips the solid rock i feel like doing that for somebody else who's on this line in times like these you need a savior in times like these you need an anchor be very sure be very sure your anchors and grips the solid rock this rock is jesus yes he's the one this rock is jesus the only one be very sure somebody needs this oh be very sure your anchor holds and grips the solid rock the invitation is still going out yes somebody's joining us online and another hand has gone up somebody is being touched even now oh in times like this oh you need the bible yes sir in times like these oh be not either or this is serious be very sure come on accept it accept it be very sure oh your ankle and grips the solid rock if you have raised your hand hallelujah to god and the invitation has gone out all you have to do is to accept the call there is a call that has gone out and even now we are we are praying for souls to accept the call hallelujah jesus is calling out to you you have been on a slippery slope for a long time your foundation has been shaky for a long time you need the rock you need an anchor oh this rock is jesus yes he's the one i don't know about anybody else this rock is jesus the only one be very sure somebody needs to be very short today be very sure your anchor holds and grips the solid rock oh in times like this oh it's personal now i have a savior in times like these oh yes i have an anchor oh i'm very sure i'm very sure my ankle holds grips the solid rock i see the prayer requests that are coming in oh this rock is jesus oh yes he's the one oh this rock is jesus the only one oh be very sure be very sure your anchor and grips the solid rock hallelujah hallelujah somebody worship the lord hallelujah hallelujah somebody worship the lord alleluia we bless the name of jesus bless the lord hallelujah thank you jesus and even as the prayer requests are going out even as there are souls or on the altar come on you have got to make your home uh an altar if you can't make it or join us in the breakout room right now you have got to make your personal space whether you are in your living room whether you are in your bedroom hallelujah to god whether you are in the hospital hallelujah whether you are at work right now just for a few minutes thank you jesus make it a place hallelujah to god an altar wherever you are this jesus is there i feel somebody travailing in the spirit hallelujah to god even now in the name of jesus and i see that a hand has gone on galaxy a2 as raise a hand oh come on beloved you have got to see the altar is full even now and somebody is praying their way out ah i feel somebody being touched even now there is a move of the holy ghost on this platform hallelujah to god elder mark has indicated that there's prayer requests that is going on for missionaries susan barrett hallelujah god and missionary admin ah god almighty the people of god need to be prayed for in times like this there is still a bomb in gilead hallelujah to god there is still a bomb in bethel hallelujah to god there is a bomb on zoom on youtube on facebook wherever you are there is a bomb hallelujah i see gloria asking for fire and i think she was already moved to the room she needs prior yes yes yes yes yes lord hallelujah to god yes sister georgia brown bakers as requested prior and we want to pray for her and their family even now i see also that there is prayer request for hallelujah to god anderson and the anderson and the gayle family in bellefield manchester oh yes they have lost the main track of their family due to cover 19 complications this morning and even now as we even extend our condolences to the anderson and to the gail family we know that this is a difficult time and we know that even as they have lost uh persons to complications especially with the pandemic that there are many this morning who are weeping there are many this morning who are crying oh overcome with fear and even there are many even as the world has gone out you have been watching the numbers but i listen bishop brown very carefully in the midst of the numbers that are arriving in the midst of the footman in the midst of the horseman in the midst of jordan it is time to put your confidence and trust in jesus because god will not give you more than you can bear i know it's tough to accept sometimes it may be painful but even in this circumstance is still ministering to you this morning and even my dear aunt there's prior form missionary taylor marvel taylor yes and pastor taylor i know my mother told me she is uh not doing well and she is concerned but even as prayer leaders even as men and women of god even as children of god we have to pray it is a time for prayer in this end time yes yes yes yes yes the prayers have to go out beloved oh yes yes yes yes i feel like travailing with somebody yes yes yes yes yes this is a difficult time hallelujah and even as i have called out the prayer request and the name i'm going to be inviting minister marin scott our associate pastor over there hallelujah to god in the u.s hallelujah got to pray for these persons even as the out is being filled and there is yet still time for somebody else to come into the zoom room hallelujah god for prayer but if you can pray all you have got and if you can't join us hallelujah to god on the line hallelujah to god all you have to do is to type i need prior yes yes yes yes yes oh yes lord hallelujah ah hallelujah i feel a travail in the zoom i feel a travail online for somebody this morning come on mr marine scott and just help us pray this morning for those of you in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah gracious garden of father lord one more time god we your children come before you god alone and our powerful god the one who never failed and the one who never changed lord the one who remained the same yesterday today and forever lord god we give your praise today for your word from your man's servant such a timely word such a fitting word for this time lord jesus today lord god we are faced with many trials many testing many difficulties lord god almighty in this time lord god we are told to wait upon you yes we are of confidence in you we are hoping you we are told to trust in you lord oh god even though the billots roar and dashed lord god and this time clouds are hanging low lord god we know a man god that never failed and that never we know in whom we believe god almighty we know that you are the savior of the world we know that you're a friend of the friendless we know that you are hope to the hopeless we know lord god almighty that you are rich over troubled water yes that you never go back in your world you know what kind of promise oh god you never fail you never change lord god your god you'll never look back who never turned back on your word longer whatever you say that you will do no god you said we must call upon you and you will answer you said you must call upon your will shows marvelous and great things that you can do lord god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth have today unblock your feet we come and we say our father come and touch lord god that are sick and afflicted oh god almighty by this wicked evil disease lord god realize that the devil come to kill they never come to steal and to destroy but we know that you're our blood covering today lord we know lord god that you never change lord god almighty i lit up lord god my sister lord god almighty sitter journey before you right now oh we thank you lord that our life has been speared we thank you lord god that you still remain the healing jesus oh god we thank you lord god for victory in your name lord oh god we thank you lord that your blood still covered oh god almighty there is nothing impossible with you you control the lungs lord that you control every organs in the body oh god almighty you said in your word that sickness is of the devil lord god almighty and this morning we lift up brother taylor we licked up sister marvel we lit up sitters tanya we lit up all those today lord god that are sick all those that are aching lord we lift them up lord oh god we said let your blood cover oh god we draw from the fountain right now we declare healing lord god to your children lord god i might not know them all by name and by nature oh god even on this platform you know them god you know them god wherever they are in lord god almighty right now some are breathing their last breath some are on the ventilator oh god somehow confused lord god almighty but in the name of jesus we declare your healing we declare your power lord god almighty we call for the angel to be dispatched lord god in all different hospital rooms right now in our homes god almighty we call for the angel from your presence to break lord god every chains of sickness we bind the spirit of infirmity in the name of jesus and we release your healing right now come holy spirit and take control come holy spirit and be the leader of the soul come holy spirit and let the faith be strong in you right now in the name of jesus we break this right now lord god every stronghold ever weapon that come against your children we break it in the name of jesus and we declare that your lord we declare that you are sovereign we declare that you are great hallelujah jehovah's sabbath come and fight our battles for us now in the name of jesus oh god we lit up everyone before you father we tell you thanks for your great we thank you for your man's servant oh god bishop brown we thank you for the vision that you have placed on him we thank you for your inspiration to your word towards him right now continue to anoint him touch his wife touch lord god your associate pastor touch everyone today god bless today father let your will be done let your kingdom come lord let your saving grace move over the hillways today god let somebody quiet i heal i cannot hold it out no longer let somebody learn god give up oh god before it's too late oh god almighty we thank you lord we give your praise today we honor your name today and we bless you hallelujah thank you in jesus name hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah thank you jesus we bless your lord thank you lord jesus thank you jesus we bless the name of jesus and even now there are still others online who need prayer hallelujah and so today we lift up the name of jesus hallelujah to god we magnify the name of jesus the holy spirit go in somebody's bedroom right now yes lord lord we say right now lord go in somebody's living room and touch them allah in the name of jesus oh god search a heart out today yes lord over over the territories lord and break chains jesus and destroy fetters hallelujah heal and lose in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah we give god thanks we give him praise for the way in which he moved in our hearts today for the word spoken hallelujah to god for the souls which were touched for the souls which were being were delivered and for those who are even delivered oh god even now in the name of jesus we thank the lord for those who would even stumble upon this powerful session in the future that god would grant them deliverance and that jesus would be their source as well in the name of jesus i'm going to invite our bishop and pastor to come one more time again even to close out this powerful session hallelujah to god even as we give god thanks come on put your hands together and give the lord a praise for the man of god and even for yourself we're all online worshiping the lord with us even now bless god we have gone into overdrive and into a little extra but we give god thanks one more time for his mercies what a god today we give god thanks in jesus name go ahead bishop hallelujah god bless you my son god bless you heather adrian god bless everyone of you thank you for being with us today ah yes defending amy and his people as we minister to them in the breaking rooms god bless you we thank god for the holy spirit and for those who joined us [Music] god bless you bishop i'll just greet everyone in the name of jesus um i'm from um england and obviously yes the rose invited me what's that sister rose invited me oh mr ramadan yeah yes we got the same yeah yes yes yes thank you rosie god bless you amen good to have you god bless you god bless you praise god god bless every one of you we thank god for the spirit yes sir we are still there we are streaming less praise god yes god bless you thank god for those who are still with us on youtube and and facebook praise god and those over the zone room amen we are still working with those in the back of the rooms to be ministered to even there have been amen guided counsel prayed for even god bless you we thank you for coming on i acknowledge the mission of fantasy happened and god bless you praise god we thank you be noted here reference and her husband we have been praying for them and we continue to pray for them in jesus name because their god is amen be able to be touched and feelings of fine infirmities even god bless you good to have you today praise god good to see you mr mary scott again with us amen god bless with us from the us upstate new york our members new york you know yourselves god hey regular bless you if he doesn't care god bless you bless you all amen just to remind you that the announcements for for this week praise god we have some birthday greetings praising us praise the lord uh deangelo clark second september olympian is motherly mother living what's motherland watson where is september the eighth and my wife lady minister janet brown september 10th and this is shauna k bryan amen over there in canada september the 10th praise the lord the amen so we're going to support these persons this week uh call themselves so today we begin through six days of fasting park and run from today through through friday the 10th our focus is go forward with confidence in jesus christ and uh we will be praying for this week at least three times organization 6 a.m 12 noon and 6 p.m and this year this evening this evening at 7 30 we'll be having another organization for a meeting amen in the zoom uh highly numbers here the passcode is there uh we invite you to come back at 7 30 as we're joining amen family across jamaica and the western days now they're saying in the uk amen if you can't sleep at one o'clock or one third or two o'clock to him as the driver joined us along with my sister rosie brown amen church in the caribbean atlantic with us tonight see we want to come in and meet some members from bethlehem tonight amen praise the lord jesus and for more details go back brother jason uh for more details uh you may go to our website it's there therefore apostolic jm.org for the full uh guidelines for this week the daily breakdown the praying points the focus is there those of you who received it yet what's up or by email you can go to website and you can get information so you can follow us and participate accordingly praise the lord amen okay brother jason and this evening at five o'clock five o'clock sunday school amen everybody becomes a single school all classes all ages from kindergarten to new converts praise the lord so we meet at five o'clock for combined devotion and we move into breakup rooms all and we've the classes feeling at six o'clock for this missile so please join us on school this evening when there's a word in the house for you it's interactive amen it is participatory uh the better accessibility for school vision six and because this is the week of foreign fasting we'll be coming back amen on tuesday even for our tuesday even our prayer meeting and they've been formed and on wednesday with me to the sanctuary uh for our first service at uh we go live at 11 45 but we're here from 10 30 and you can join us online on facebook and youtube at 11 45 for a live feed from our central bethel in stonehill and be with us in our fasting and delivering service if your request for prayer you would like to message the request you can see the prayer lines there for 876-855-2891 in jesus name and winston evelyn we continue wow we continue our new series even in our wednesday evening studying international bible study from africa from uk from the university of canada a man from the caribbean wow a man of the person that joined us it was a night for five studies we continued in our series the book of revelation uh teacher gabriel b amen minister andrew martin will start at 7 30 we'll be streaming on facebook twitter and youtube and we can also accommodate you 500 of you we have a capacity of 500 missions we can have all from england from from the us 500 we can hold in our zoo room the lord so meet with us for our bible study at 7 30 in jamaica time praise god and we come back on wednesday and thursday for another yes we're going all up this week even the enough we also refrain this week amen so we'll come back again first even for another our prayer meeting same information same zoom id uh and pass code uh please uh so meet us again on the outer on thursday for another hour of power for a meeting and then on friday i will have our youth ministry in charge and that is serving up a delicious menu in friday evelyn that they miss it will be informative focus and talk about mental issues and the challenges faced by our young people they have a profit presenter dr pauline mullins a national figure from pgt shall be with us we met up with all the resource persons and uh we want to invite you all to come back to us at 7 30 7 30 on a friday evening stay tuned look for the flyer email look for the information we posted amen amen praise god during the week but please amen we expect you to be with us consume id number the past could remain the same so join us and we will not be disappointed in other young people contact your your classmate contact your your peers go back to school back to school i'll go online i'm gonna fight your fellow students from the various high schools universities prime minister all in school in fact they're part of this very special evening session on friday winners service even god bless you jesus name um just to remind you that uh we are blessed to be alone with that racial junior minister of hospitals a person dying all around me amen beside me behind me for the person's time within your last breath but thank god we prayed and we fasted and god delivered her she's out amen today god bless his holy name praise god and on a sad note i want to inform you that our uh the grandmother of sister rosalie ranville died she lost her grandmother uh yesterday morning please pray for her and the thumbs down strengthened her the man and asu i want to associate first for uh bishop secretary mitchell her father that is a community uh his family informed us that his founding families that are improving friend bishop of his wife even to cover the last week he mentioned so many persons and you've lost loved ones last week after this awful fairness and so please continue to protect yourself i'm not ashamed to tell you as your pastor if that's where the please go and get that meeting and that person may share faith in god and when we take the vaccine urge our members our members to really go and get facilitated we have at least three options to choose from everyone one job again you can go for an adjusting advisor two [Music] and we are believers but he's serious about his wisdom so please encourage your family members then you choose your knowledge and they're going back to school and then because this direct appearance the the the engine was attacking the older people it goes with the blind services but we have now that they dealt with attacking the youngsters the children have been attacked that is an adult so please get your child going to school with school back in october online now but they have to do our first fix in october uh based on the amount of students that you've been vaccinating so please don't just kill the spray and take your sugar be responsible appearance responsible and go and take your advice but it's up to you i can force you i can advise you it's a moral decision medical decision and something to do what you want to do as a spiritual leader i'm going to give you proper advice amen so god bless you strengthen you your rooms are now empty amen and we thank god for you and god bless you amen the lord bless you what we thank you for today we honor you we submit to you we honor you for we wish you moved the moment and bless us and we thank those who joined us those who came in through our youtube facebook or twitter we thank you thank you as we gather for worship as we go to business and serve you also going to bless us many thanks for watching with us this afternoon respect this evening we thank you now in jesus name god bless you and your blessing blessings please amen praise god lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine up in you and be gracious on to you with light of his countenance upon your listeners shallow peace be unto you i bless you all
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Stony Hill
Views: 957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KiPHaDiF3Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 15sec (11295 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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