Bubble Trouble at the Carwash - Playing in Muddy Puddles | | Go Buster & Cozy Coupe | Kids Cartoons

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[Music] look it's buster and he's having fun playing in the muddy puddles and who's this it's cozy coop buster loves making new friends he wants cozy to play with him cozy's a bit shy but buster encourages cozy playing in the muddy puddles is so much fun cozy jumps in hooray now they're playing together hop hop hop through the muddy puddles splash flush that was great fun but now they're all muddy time to head off to the car wash to get cleaned up there it is buster's going to show cozy how the car wash works [Music] buster turns it on the rollers spin and in they go wait that's not great they're still muddy the car wash didn't clean them something must be wrong buster goes to take a closer look cozy tries pushing some buttons oops the roller box buster on the head and what's this the water button uh oh what's that noise splash buster and cozy got all wet but they're still all muddy too something still isn't right with the car wash cozy goes in and buster looks at the controls there uh oh the lever is stuck buster can't turn it off whoa look at all those bubbles phew otis the police car turned to the car wash now buster and cozy are clean at last but look otis is all covered in bubbles oops it's evening time and buster's cousin bandit is coming for a sleepover this is going to be so much fun first it's time for a snack i wonder what it will be oh wow cookies they look so tasty buster and bandit love cookies there one each yummy now mommy's put them away but bandit knows where they are bandit and buster have such a fun evening playing together but then it's time for bed [Music] they want to stay up longer but mommy says no [Music] hmm i think bandit has an idea i wonder what he's whispering now everyone's fast asleep but what's this bandit's waking up buster too they're sneaking back downstairs oh bandit is going to steal some more cookies that's very naughty oops that made a loud noise mommy's caught them [Music] she's very disappointed in buster and bandit [Music] the two little buses are very sorry they'll go back to bed now as they're told [Music] but the next morning buster and bandit have surprised mommy by making breakfast they wanted to show how sorry they were look buster and cozy coop are playing in the park [Music] there's iggy the ice cream truck [Music] buster's going to grab some ice cream but what's that it's robot buster he's turned yellow like buster [Music] cozy thinks it's the real buster and wants to play but oh no the ball hit robot switch and it turned him mean [Music] robot buster is leading cozy away now buster is back but he doesn't know where cozy went poor buster there's iggy what's robot buster up to oh no he's throwing tomatoes at iggy that's very mean cozy looks very upset robot buster is running away now poor cozy doesn't understand meanwhile terry is playing the accordion nice [Music] oh no robot buster smashed the accordion poor terry cozy is standing up to robot that was really mean but what's this it's buster hooray there's the good bad switch cozy knows what to do [Music] now robot buster is nice again good job cozy and buster now robot buster is making up for being mean iggy's all clean and terry's accordion is fixed hooray buster is telling cozy coop a story once upon a time the adventurers buster and cozy were driving through the deep wood they came to a castle where king terry lived they were very excited but then the evil villain bandit locked terry in the jail cell and stole his [Music] crown buster and cozy wanted to help but bandit shut the drawbridge so they couldn't get in oh dear but then buster had a plan first he got a big log [Music] cozy hopped on one end and buster bounced them high into the air and cozy flew right over the castle walls bandit chased after them but clever cozy got away [Music] cozy was up on the wall they pulled the lever and opened the drawbridge again bandit was angry and chased after buster but buster tricked him he climbed onto the log and buster flew over the castle walls too bandit tried to chase him but cozy shut the drawbridge again splash bandit ended up in the castle mode buster and cozy rescued king terry and gave him his crown back then terry put bandit back in jail where he belongs hooray for buster and cozy the end what a great story that was look it's buster the bus but whoa he sure looks sleepy he's driving off the road oh no buster's ended up in the muddy puddle [Music] and now he's stuck poor buster how will he get out the next morning scout visits buster's garage but oh dear buster is nowhere to be found where is he but look muddy tracks scout is following them to see where buster is there's digly the digger scout tells him buster's missing they need to find him scout and digly search together look a trail of sweets where could it lead whoa what was that a few it's just robin scout explains that buster is missing and robin agrees to help search too they'll have a better chance of finding him if they work together poor buster is lonely and cold [Music] scout looks behind the trees digly looks beside the rocks what's robin scene some more tire tracks look there's buster he's stuck in the mud he's been here so long robin goes to tell digly and scout that he's found buster he's just over the hill there's poor buster bigly and scout can help working together digly and scout pull buster out of the muddy puddle now buster is free at last he's very grateful to his friends for rescuing him now he's back safe and sound in his garage hey look it's buster the bus he's having a day on the beach doesn't it look lovely oh no buster your wheels are stuck in the sand that wasn't part of the plan oh look at digger he's not getting stuck thanks to his caterpillar tracks and who's this sandy the seagull i wonder if sandy will be able to help i think she wants you to follow her buster [Music] that's it buster if you move one wheel at a time you won't get stuck again digger's digging a hole oh look out buster what's that a bucket and a spade i think sandy wants you to help her build a sand castle [Music] just a bit more sand turn it over and bear a sand castle well done buster isn't it pretty good job oh wow digger sand castle is amazing it's much bigger than yours he's weight buster look out mind the hole at least digger's here to get you out again i think digger's really proud of his brilliant sand castle oh no sandy don't land there you'll destroy the sand castle i don't think sandy realizes what she's doing [Music] oh no it's just a big pile of sand now and what's that noise a wave watch out guys poor digger but wait not all the sand castles have been destroyed buster's little castle was still standing and now it's the biggest and the best thanks to sandy goodbye everyone hope you had a great fun day at the beach hey there buster and digger too that's a big sand castle you've built there it's sandy siegel watch out sandy don't stand on the sand castle or you'll oh dear poor digger and buster off you go sandy cheeky bird [Music] what have you seen buster it's a red shape sticking out of the ground i wonder what it is nice work digger it's a triangle isn't that cool [Music] and look sandy has found a yellow shape too it's a circle can you find any more sandy [Applause] here's another one this one's blue dig it out quick that's a square it has four sides whoa there are so many shapes triangles circles rectangles hexagons sandy wait don't oh dear oh dear oh wait a minute i think buster has an idea buster and digger are collecting the shapes up i wonder what they're going to do with them they're stacking them up i think they're building a tower just one more piece to go on the top that's it buster gently gently there perfect wow buster and digger have made a tower out of the shapes what a great idea now they can get back to building their sand castle and look sandy has somewhere to stand that won't collapse nice work buster bye buster bye digger hey buster looks like another day to have fun oh no it's bandit the bus buster watch out you will crash what's happening oh wow you're floating in the air oh this is incredible buster i wonder if you can fly oh wow you've turned into a superhero [Music] you are so fast super buster is here what is buster scene it's otis the police car i wonder what otis is looking for inside the tunnel wait it's bandit the bus what is he up to this doesn't look good no he's pushed the boulder over the edge and trapped otis in the tunnel you've got to save him buster you can't let band at the bus get away with this that boulder looks very heavy it's okay buster you're a superhero now you can save him oh buster your eyes wow you have laser vision well done buster you've set otis free now let's catch that naughty bandit bus there's bandit looks like he's up to no good again scout watch out [Applause] poor scout [Music] look who it is you're in trouble now super buster is here buster you can stop him [Music] super buster is too strong for bandit that should stop him now buster just needs to help scout out of the pond look at bandit he's stuck now oh it was all just a daydream i don't think the teacher is very happy you're looking very cheerful today buster what's that you've seen oh wow a kitten it's adorable careful buster you're really big and the cat is really small oh dear i think you scared her buster i wonder where she's going you're too big to go under the fence buster you'll have to go around where's that kitten gotten to uh oh she's stuck up in that tall tree you've got to rescue her buster a trampoline what a good idea that'll be a nice soft landing for the kitten bounce oh no the kitten bounced right the way back up into the tree let's try something else annette good idea buster careful now gently gently oh look a bee stay still buster i don't think he means any harm but oh dear the net is broken too back to the drawing board hold on i think buster has another idea of course buster's brought ashley the fire truck she'll be able to reach the kitten with her tall ladder there we go the kitten will be safe now oh no i think the kitten is too scared to come down the ladder i wonder what buster has planned oh yes the kitten's ball of wool she'll come down to play with that look how happy the kitten is here she comes down the ladder there safe and sound nice work buster [Music] hey everyone what a lovely sunset i bet buster has had so much fun in the sun i wonder what that green slime is oh no it's dropped on buster and i don't think he's noticed what's happening something isn't right look at all the gravestones and pumpkins appearing this is spooky and what's happened to buster i think that green slime has changed buster into a zombie that's one big pumpkin digger is carving and it looks great who's that oh no it's zombie buster digger's really frightened but i don't think buster knows what he looks like [Music] oh look it's scout so happy to see her oh no she seems scared too [Music] oh no scout is hiding from buster just like digger did [Music] poor buster is so upset and lonely come on scout buster is your friend i think scout has an idea she wants buster to follow her do you see now buster you look like a zombie that's why everyone is scared of you don't worry buster look the slime has come off on scout's wheel i think scout has a plan a car wash good idea scout buster always loved the car wash [Music] yay the green has gone buster's no longer a zombie that was super spooky buster oh my scout you sound like a werewolf happy halloween everyone wakey wakey buster it's a brand new day wait a minute there's no color that's strange even robin doesn't have any color look robin buster made you colorful again well done buster [Music] [Applause] oh no that baby duckling looks sad she's lost her color maybe buster can help great job the color is back again oh look how happy the duckling is now oh look terry's farm has lost its color too can buster help he sure can you've got the magic touch buster oh no knock scout too go on buster help her be colorful again there you go scout back to normal look buster can change the color of things too now the ball is green [Music] and now the ball is purple buster knows how to color things in wow rainbow colored now he's rainbow colored two it's buster the rainbow bus it's terry again now it's rainbow terry and look at all the fields and the barn rainbow colors everywhere amazing buster even turned the clouds different colors there's just one thing missing a rainbow of course the rainbow bus is driving off over the rainbow bye bye [Music] oh buster it was only a dream and it's raining outside oh i'm sorry buster wait maybe you're magic after all buster you made the sun come out hey there buster what's that poster there a fire truck sure looks exciting doesn't it look it's ashley the fire truck [Music] i think buster wants to join the fire brigade go on buster time to get ready for your first day on the job [Music] just a few little changes and wow look at that buster really is a fire truck he's got a ladder a siren and a water hose uh oh the fire alarm there's a fire somewhere ashley has to go and take care of it you stay here buster hey it's tony the truck watch out for that puddle oh no that falling box started a fire at the fire station what are we going to do [Music] quick buster the fire truck put that fire out [Music] uh-oh the fire has spread to the roof keep blasting water buster hooray robin is here to help and ashley's back too [Music] you can do it if you work together two fire trucks are better than one whew the fire is out at last nice work buster and ashley [Music] look it's that poster again now it's buster on the poster whoa you really are a hero buster look it's jessie the jeep she's got a cake wow that looks tasty but here comes bandit bus he looks mischievous oh no he's eating jesse's cake that's not fair at all poor jesse there's buster the bus and there's bandit driving too fast look buster's gone to play with scout he's given her a soccer ball as a present look at scout go [Music] look at that digly is building a colorful tower but here comes bandit i wonder what that awful bully is up to [Music] oh no he's knocked over digly's tower bandit is a menace uh-oh he's seen scouts fall bandit is stealing the ball for himself what a bully buster wants to do something poor scout is really upset buster wants to help his friend he's going to stand up to bandit and get him to give the ball back i don't think bandit will listen to buster he's going to bully him instead it's not fair but wait jesse is standing beside buster scout is here to help too they're all fed up with bandit being a bully there's otis the police car enjoying an ice cream [Music] has backed into otis otis looks mad surfs banded right being mean to everyone now buster scout and jesse can play soccer in peace it's buster and robin buster looks like he's enjoying that bubble gum a lot what's that a message in a bottle i wonder what it is whoa it's a treasure map x marks the spot buster and robin are going to find the buried treasure [Music] now which way should they go there's the jetty and look there's the desert island they found it uh oh the water is full of sharks they'll need to find a safe way across look it's katrina the steamboat she's stuck on the beach she could use a push back into the water [Music] that's it buster well done great katrina is back on the water but oh dear there's a hole katrina could sink if someone doesn't fix it i think buster has a plan i wonder what he's doing with the bubble gum oh he's using the bubble gum to block up the hole very clever buster the sharks won't catch them now [Music] next up the desert island [Music] great buster's arrived on the island now he just needs to find the treasure it's around here somewhere there x marks the spot buster's digging down wow a treasure chest look a coin i wonder what buster will use it for [Music] look digly is working on katrina fixing up her leak oh buster is using the coin to pay digly he's helping katrina get fixed to say thank you to his new friend what a fun adventure hey there buster my you're looking messy today it's so much fun to play in the muddy puddles come on now buster time to go to the car wash you'll be squeaky clean again in no time hey there tony truck whoops he knocked out the power cable oh no the car wash is turned off and buster is stuck inside quick scout buster needs your help he's really stuck tight maybe if you give him a push ah it's no good he won't budge [Music] it'll be okay buster scout's going to get help be brave wow here comes scout and she's brought ashley the fire truck amber the ambulance and otis the police car with her [Music] he'll be okay now buster the emergency vehicles are here to help i think ashley has a plan grab hold of that rope buster they're going to drag you free all together now everybody eve hard as you can come on everyone [Music] what's this scout spotted the plug that got knocked out [Music] maybe if she plugs it back in yes the car wash is back on and buster is free oh thank goodness for that good teamwork everybody [Music]
Channel: Moonbug Kids - Cartoons & Nursery Rhymes
Views: 21,932,207
Rating: 3.2964261 out of 5
Keywords: Baby Songs, Cartoons for Kids, Little Baby Bum, Moonbug, nursery rhymes, Songs for Kids, Cartoons for babies, baby shark, boo boo song, baby cartoons, songs for babies, best cartoons, best nursery rhymes, wheels on the bus, ABC, 123, cocomelon, Bus, education, children learning, sing-along, videos for kids, morphle, superhero, kids, english, cute, children, for kids, baby, learning, educational, educational videos, kids songs, home school, Learn online, kids tv, wash your hands, school
Id: Wq40EGhrB9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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