Buster’s Painting Playdate! | Go Buster | Kids Cartoons | Go Buster and Friends

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[Music] look at those paint brushes [Music] buster and his friends are painting the walls in buster's room today how exciting mommy bus is bringing them lots of different colored paints they can paint the wall underneath the window hmm what color should buster choose scout has chosen purple and ash has picked red and buster yellow of course let's paint oops ash adds a red splat to match scouts and buster adds a yellow splat awesome i wonder what scout is painting first [Music] it's a rocket awesome cool buster's go next what's he going to paint a bumblebee not on the cabinet ash now they're having a paint fight be careful that paint is very messy oh dear they're getting paint everywhere what a mess [Music] uh oh the yellow paint is all over the floor and now the purple yikes mommy bus is wondering what all that noise is that was so much fun uh-oh they didn't realize they were making such a mess but buster has a plan they can use ash's hose to clear it up the water is washing away the paint [Music] great job ash [Music] oh no mommy bus is coming and they haven't finished clearing up the mess yet [Music] time to get all cleaned up ash is hosing buster down splash now it's scout's turn [Music] and that looks like so much fun and finally ash well done everyone wow the room looks completely clean time for ash and scout to head off home oops well not completely clean buster is at daddy's house today oh look it's daddy bus tomorrow buster is going back to school it's going to be great but first they need to get ready daddy bus has a checklist of everything buster needs before he goes back to school tomorrow [Music] he needs his rucksack a lunch box his school book a pencil case and a ruler rucksack checked lunchbox check [Music] everything else check [Music] and last but not least the shark tooth from his holiday for show-and-tell wow [Music] buster needs to get a good night's sleep before school tomorrow good night buster [Music] there goes the alarm it must be time to get up oh no buster has gone back to sleep oh dear and now he's going to be late for school quick they've got to get everything ready huh [Music] what does buster need rucksack check [Music] lunchbox check pencil case in school book check but what is he missing the ruler [Music] aha there it is [Music] it's time to head off for school wait a second buster forgot his shark tooth quick buster quick [Music] shark tooth check they're going to have to race to get there on time go buster [Music] looks like the teacher is getting worried his friends are already at school and he's going to be late oh no [Music] phew he did it just in time [Music] what a crazy morning [Music] buster and scout are on their way home from school bye scout what's buster spotted oh look it's diggly and daisy buster wants to help but safety first look at that awesome builder's hat [Music] buster's helping them move a crate off rocky the riverboat great teamwork guys now they're placing the crate on the construction site mr rubble is off to get some lunch see you later mr rubble oh no the crate is sinking into the mud go buster go oh no now buster is stuck in the mud as well [Music] daisy to the rescue [Music] nope that didn't work what's that [Music] digly is hooked up to that crane and he's pulling buster out it's working just a little bit more [Music] now they're all stuck [Music] and mr rubble hasn't noticed but buster's got a plan he's wrapping the wire around the crane and attaching it to the crate so they can pull themselves out brilliant idea buster jiggly and daisy are both pulling the rope at different times but they need to work together [Music] that's it hooray it worked mr rubble still hasn't noticed them so they quickly pull the crate out everything is back to normal [Music] well not quite back to normal they're all covered in mud it's time to get cleaned up [Music] mr rubble is spraying them with the hose there that's much better now it's time for a spot of lunch yum yum but what's that mr rubble has driven straight into the mud don't worry mr rubble they know just what to do buster and his friends are at school and today they have a very special visitor it's mommy fire truck hooray she's here to show them what a fire truck does when a building is on fire you have to call a firefighter as quick as you can what happens next a hose is attached to a water hydrant and the water puts out the fire it's time to practice they have to knock the cones over with a jet of water ash is first [Music] yay well done ash and scout that's better well done now it's buster's turn [Music] wow watch out buster [Music] that was a great day but now mommy firetruck needs to get to work goodbye mommy fire truck thank you now it's the end of the day and buster is heading home bye scout bye ashe [Music] what is that it's smoke where could it be coming from oh oh no it's a fire what should buster do needs a firefighter buster is getting mommy fire truck to help [Music] teacher will take care of ash go mommy go [Music] there's the fire aha and there's a water hydrant next step attach the hose [Music] oh no quick phew the fire is out here what great teamwork it's the next day at school teacher is calling buster up to the front what could it be for [Music] look mommy fire truck she's here to thank buster for all his help and award him with a special fire truck hat go buster hey there buster what have you got there an ice cream it sure looks delicious [Music] [Applause] what's wrong buster oh you've got a wobbly tune that's not good at all i think buster has been eating too much sugar oh dear that does look painful poor buster oh great idea robin buster should go to the dentist to get that bad tooth looked at oh come on buster it's not that scary that's a tasty looking lollipop but i don't think it's any good for your bat too oh that looked like it really hurt what about an apple buster something with a little less sugar in it i think buster's afraid to eat anything now [Music] oh dear that tooth is still hurting poor buster he can't stay like this that's it robin go and get some help look who it is it's amber the ambulance she'll know what to do don't be afraid but amber is here to help you just have to be brave open wide come on buster open up nice and wide so amber can see your tooth [Music] let's have a look that looks very painful buster it looks like you're going to lose your first milk tooth and then you will get your big teeth amber knows what will help a toothbrush squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube and brush from side to side that's it buster all nice and clean and a quick rinse it's very important to look after your teeth well done buster an ice pack will soothe the pain that's better you see that wasn't so scary was it thanks amber oh wow look buster your wobbly tooth has fallen out that's much better isn't it and a new tooth will grow in its place soon well done buster you are very brave it's sports day at buster school how exciting first is the 100 meter sprint on your marks get set [Music] go go buster he's the winner hooray that was easy buster is the fastest in school next up it's the high jump scout's up first scoot scoot wow that was awesome buster thinks he can beat that jump off he goes don't worry buster he doesn't look very happy it's the egg and spoon race next [Music] get ready and go buster really wants to win buster was going too fast and smashed the egg oh dear and ash is the winner well done ash buster is annoyed about losing he really wanted to win [Music] he's so upset that he isn't playing ball with the others that does look fun buster [Music] it's not just about winning buster it's about having fun hooray now they're all having fun together it's time to present the medals buster is third ash is second and scout is first well done everyone what a brilliant day there buster hey little robin that's right buster look both ways before crossing the tracks whoa that was a close one wasn't sookie the train looking where she was going there's otis the police car something must be wrong quick buster maybe you can help oh no sookie has fallen asleep on the job if someone doesn't stop her who knows where she'll end up what are we going to do wait i think buster has an idea a rope good thinking buster you can use that to slow suki down nice catch robin that's it [Music] you can do it oh no the rope snapped sookie is still out of control i think she's going faster now [Music] you've got to catch up with her quick [Music] what's buster's team now oh dear it's digger sookie is heading right towards him and he hasn't even noticed another track it goes up a hill too look out buster that was close well ducked buster you need to change the tracks buster so sookie goes up the hill hurry buster you can do it almost there [Music] yes just in time well done buster you changed the track suki is heading up a steep hill that'll slow her down there at last she stopped safely i think suki is waking up thank goodness nobody was hurt well done buster you helped otis and saved the day it's a cold winter's night what's buster up to oh wow a drawing of some fireworks buster's so excited because tonight he's going to a real fireworks display but wait he's forgotten something a nice warm hat [Music] there now it's time to go and watch the fireworks [Music] oh what's that fireworks make loud noises oh dear they frightened buster he doesn't like loud noises [Music] aw poor buster he's shaking [Music] what's mommy doing oh buster's toy car makes loud noises but that's not scary what's that loud noise it's grandpa with a soccer whistle buster loves soccer he doesn't mind that loud noise either what's that loud noise huh oh it's popcorn popping buster loves popcorn he doesn't mind that noise wow the fireworks are so pretty [Music] maybe loud noises aren't so bad after all [Music] buster's going to give it another try [Music] look at those colorful fireworks hey there buster and digger too that's a big sand castle you've built there it's sandy siegel watch out sandy don't stand on the sand castle or you'll oh dear poor digger and buster off you go sandy cheeky bird [Music] what have you seen buster it's a red shape sticking out of the ground i wonder what it is nice work digger it's a triangle isn't that cool [Music] and look sandy has found a yellow shape too it's a circle can you find any more sandy [Applause] here's another one this one's blue dig it out quick that's a square it has four sides whoa there are so many shapes triangles circles rectangles hexagons sandy wait don't oh dear oh dear wait a minute i think buster has an idea buster and digger are collecting the shapes up i wonder what they're going to do with them they're stacking them up i think they're building a tower just one more piece to go on the top that's it buster gently gently there perfect wow buster and digger have made a tower out of the shapes what a great idea now they can get back to building their sand castle and look sandy has somewhere to stand that won't collapse nice work buster bye buster bye digger [Music] hello buster whoa look at all that spooky slime you're splashing it everywhere look it's terry the tractor i don't think he wants to get covered in slime look how careful he's been wait look out buster you're heading straight for terry that was a close one watch out buster [Music] oh dear you splashed terry with slime i don't think he's very impressed off buster goes again having fun in the green slime watch out oh no buster is stuck in the sticky slime dear oh dear he really is stuck tight the sun's going down and it's getting dark spooky i hope buster's going to be okay look everyone it's terry tractor he's come to save the day terry doesn't look too happy about it though please help buster terry he just needs one big push can he do it one two here we go hooray thanks terry oh buster thank goodness terry tractor was there to save buster from the sticky green slime bye terry bye buster oh wow buster's become a rocket and he's going to space five four three two one blast off look at buster go [Music] all right you did it buster you're in outer space what a cool place to be i think buster wants to go space exploring look at that it's a red planet let's go in for a closer look hey there little space buddy i bet that alien has never seen a bus before where are you off to now buster oh a yellow planet it's so beautiful with that huge ring around it look at that buster's gonna go for a drive around the ring let's see how fast you can go whoa that was fun what's buster scene now it's a purple planet isn't it huge whoa round and round the planets buster goes round purple planet the yellow planet and the red planet but wait oh no a blue planet buster's going too fast i think he's going to hit it oh thank goodness it was only a dream you're okay buster look scout is using her telescope to look at the night sky take a look buster there's the purple planet the yellow planet and the red planet hello little space buddy hey everyone what a lovely sunset i bet buster has had so much fun in the sun i wonder what that green slime is oh no it's dropped on buster and i don't think he's noticed what's happening something isn't right look at all the gravestones and pumpkins appearing this is spooky and what's happened to buster i think that green slime has changed buster into a zombie that's one big pumpkin digger is carving and it looks great who's that oh no it's zombie buster digger's really frightened but i don't think buster knows what he looks like [Music] oh look it's scout buster's so happy to see her oh no she seems scared too [Music] oh no scout is hiding from buster just like digger did [Music] poor buster is so upset and lonely come on scout buster is your friend i think scout has an idea [Music] she wants buster to follow her do you see now buster you look like a zombie that's why everyone is scared of you don't worry buster look the slime has come off on scout's wheel i think scout has a plan a car wash good idea scout buster always loved the car wash [Music] yay the green has gone buster is no longer a zombie that was super spooky buster oh my scout you sound like a werewolf happy halloween everyone wakey wakey buster it's a brand new day wait a minute there's no color that's strange even robin doesn't have any color look robin buster made you colorful again well done buster [Music] [Applause] oh no that baby duckling looks sad she's lost her color maybe buster can help great job the color is back again oh look how happy the duckling is now oh look terry's farm has lost its color too can buster help he sure can you've got the magic touch buster oh no knock scout too go on buster help her be colorful again there you go scout back to normal look buster can change the color of things too now the ball is green [Music] and now the ball is purple buster knows how to color things in wow monster may make out rainbow colored now he's rainbow colored two it's buster the rainbow bus it's terry again now it's rainbow terry and look at all the fields and the barn rainbow colors everywhere amazing buster even turned the clouds different colors there's just one thing missing a rainbow of course the rainbow bus is driving off over the rainbow bye bye [Music] oh buster it was only a dream and it's raining outside oh i'm sorry buster wait maybe you're magic after all buster you made the sun come out hey there buster my you're looking messy today it's so much fun to play in the muddy puddles come on now buster time to go to the car wash you'll be squeaky clean again in no time hey there tony truck whoops he knocked out the power cable oh no the car wash is turned off and buster is stuck inside quick scout buster needs your help he's really stuck tight maybe if you give him a push ah it's no good he won't budge [Music] it'll be okay buster scout's going to get help be brave [Music] wow here comes scout and she's brought ashley the fire truck amber the ambulance and otis the police car with her [Music] you'll be okay now buster the emergency vehicles are here to help i think ashley has a plan grab hold of that rope buster they're going to drag you free all together now everybody even hard as you can come on everyone [Music] what's this scout spotted the plug that got knocked out [Music] maybe if she plugs it back in yes the car wash is back on and buster is free oh thank goodness for that good teamwork everybody [Music]
Channel: Go Gecko's Garage!
Views: 5,376,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gobuster, buster the bus, little baby bus, little baby bum, cartoon with bus, wheels on the bus, cartoon, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, baby songs, nursery rhymes, kids songs, kindergarten songs, education, children entertainment, abc songs for children, lbb, learning videos, learning for kids, learning for babies, baby learn, vehicle nursery rhymes, vehicle songs, bus songs, new! buster’s painting playdate!, playdate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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