BTT SKR2 - Extruder and cooling fan automation

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Today we're going to talk about how to install an  extruder with a cooling fan on the BigTreeTech   SKR version 2. now I need to  talk about a couple of things   first of all the extruder over here functions on  obviously a heater cartridge and then a thermistor   so you can tell that the wiring  for these is the thermistor here   and the hotend is actually these ferrule  connectors that I placed on for safety   I also placed on for safety ferrule connectors on  the power supply now in this video I'm actually   going to be using a 12 volt power supply and  I have it on direct power for the jumper so   let me explain a couple of things around the  board and then I'll show you the pin out diagram   over here we have our hotends and we have our  power supply right here for the board logic   now I marked red and no marking for voltage and  ground so that I know which is which and I did the   same on these because sometimes they can be used  for other things but when you're doing an extruder   it doesn't matter for what the polarity is for  your hotend cartridge also over here we have our   fans so we have fan zero one and two so the other  thing that we need to know about is our actual   thermistors so we have our heat bed then we  have our first extruder and our second extruder   so let me show you this in the actual pin out  diagram so it makes more sense so over here   you can see that it says hotend zero which  is this one right here and then you have hotend   one that's for your second extruder if  you're using one now they normally function   off a stepper motor but I'm not going to show you  that part right now and then down here we have our   thermistor connection so you see TB for thermal  bed then you see th0 which corresponds to our hotend   and then the same thing is true for our TH1  which is over here so let's go back over and set   this up so what I'm going to do is I'm actually  going to use fan 3 which I'll show you real quick   here the third fan is actually fan two because  it counts from zero so we're going to use that   and we're gonna note the pin so in this case the  pin number is PB5 that's going to be important in   a minute and I may have to go back and recheck  it so let's start with our actual configuration   so I'm going to take the fan and I'm actually  going to plug it in over here the other thing   I'm going to do is I'm actually going to pop  this out and the reason I'm popping it out is   so that I can actually populate it easier so you  can basically loosen it which I've already done   so I'm going to slide these in here and I'm  going to then tighten it down with a screwdriver and this is so it doesn't come out while  printing because the printer can vibrate   and the actual ferrule connectors protected  against having wires that are loose so   once this is actually tightened down and in there  good we're going to then slide it back in like so   once that's in there we have to  actually connect our thermistor   which is going to be the way to tell temperature  on it so we're going to put it in there so it   looks like we got almost everything hooked  up except for the power so we're going to   do the same over here we're going to slide  this in and we're going to tighten it down and then we're going to slide in the  actual ground side and do the same and those are in there nice and good so   to load the firmware what we're going to have  to do is actually pop out the actual drive here   and place it in our reader then we'll place  this in the computer and you may hear a beep and then over on the computer we'll go  over to the desktop and we'll bring up   vs code now inside vs code we're actually  going to open up the actual Marlin software   so I'm going to click on open folder go to my  downloads folder and currently I don't have it   unzipped so I'm going to go  over to the folder over here   go to my downloads right click because this  is recently downloaded it's version and I'm going to extract all now this may take  a few moments to do so while that's going on   we'll go back over to VScode in a second but  let's see what we've got here inside vs code   inside VScode if you haven't already installed  it um I do have other things that I can do for   Marlin autobuild but you need to have platformio.ini and that'll be in our playlist at the   bottom of the description of this video you'll see  there's a playlist link that'll help you find that   so now that this is that fully extracted I'm going  to click on open folder go to the downloads folder   then the Marlin folder then the next Marlin folder  and select the folder so your environment should   look like this now now this is the chipset  that they default to being the MEGA2560   that's not the one we're using we're  going to have to change that in a moment   so I'm going to go over to the Marlin folder for a  second then the source folder then the core folder   then boards.h inside here i'm going to search  on SKR underscore 2 or v2 and that'll bring us   to the Rev B board now everyone should be using  rev b by now because they fixed the actual issue   with the first REV A board so always use rev b  it has to do with a fix for the TMC steppers and   I'll leave a link in the description that you can  read up on that to verify you have the right ones   so let's minimize this for a second and let's  note the STM32F4 because that's going to be   important in a moment so we can find our default  environment we'll minimize source we'll go over to   configuration.h and we'll search on motherboard  right here we're going to highlight the ramps   board and paste our board over it then I'm  going to scroll up and change the serial   port to negative one and then I'm gonna  scroll down a bit and find the actual extruder   now in this case we're only using one extruder so  we're gonna leave that alone if you were to use   multiple extruders then you may have in one case  where it's a single nozzle but you have two inputs   this is what you would use but I'll cover that in  a future tutorial so I'm going to scroll down and   find some other information in here that's  going to be relevant to us in just a second   so one of the important things that we have  to worry about is actually the thermistor   type so they give you a list  of different thermistors right   here in this case I'm gonna use number eight  because that's the one I always use but if you   can look up your thermistor's description you can  then pick or select the one that's correct for you   but down here we have it for our temperature  sensors these are all our extruders that we could   possibly use based on the board that we're working  with in this case I think you can only go up to   three and there's a special tutorial I have to do  to show you how to do the third but maybe in the   future I'll do that but for now I'm gonna show you  that we changed that to eight now currently we're   not using anything having to do with the heat bed  sensor or any of the other types of sensors that   they have here but those are also thermistor-based  things that you can pick from the list above   so now that we have that figured out we do have  to look around there's a couple other things   I'm going to avoid talking about a  lot of the basic information here   I will tell you there is a minimum and a maximum  that you can set for your thermistor if you have   something that's sensitive according to its data  sheet but in this case we're just going to stick   with what we've got for what we're working with  down here they have pin settings this is how you   tune your hotend to the temperature that  your thermistor is sensing so that you can   control flow better this is more an advanced  tutorial that I won't talk about right now   and then down here we have the same thing for  bed control I'm going to skip over a lot of this   because there's one important thing that I want  to point out and that's thermal runaway protection   over here you're going to leave these alone  at all costs because these are safety features   that if something goes wrong it will disable  the power on your printer so if you have   an issue where your hot end goes off it probably  has to do with your thermistor being broken   so it's not telling temperature  correctly if that is the case   don't disable these fix your thermistor so now  that we have that all sorted out I'm actually   going to go over to the advanced configuration  for a second and I'm going to search on extruder space cooling space sorry about that guys let's do that again ctrl+f   extruder space cooling space fans and that'll  bring us to the category that we're working in   so over here we need to know what  the pin out number is in this case   we can just go over to our pin out diagram and  we can pick it out because we know that it's   going to be PB5 but if we didn't know that what  we could do also is actually search in source   then go to our pins folder then find  our particular processor which is STM32F   and then find it in the list over here now  I've gone over this before so I'm not going   to go over it too long but we're going to look  for the red b now the REV B says go find this   file that's common which is up here and then you  can search for your fan pins in here but now that   we actually know what the fan pin nomenclature is  off the pin out diagram we don't have to do that   so we're going to go back over to configuration.h  we're going to replace the negative 1 with PB5   from what we found in the pin out diagram over  here for our pin this will go on when our fan   temperature reaches a certain temperature on  the thermistor so in this case down here you   can adjust your temperatures like your fan speed  in this case I can change this to 200 for the auto   fan speed full speed is two five five so the range  is from one to two five five but your fan probably   won't turn at about 150 I'm guesstimating but  depending upon your fan and voltage in this case   I believe I'm running a 12 volt fan it won't turn  on if the voltage is too low so now that we have   that set let's uh go back and actually straighten  out what we need to do for default environment   so I'm going to minimize these folders and I'm  going to go back over to platformio.ini and we   have to fix this value so we're going to go to the  ini folder we're then going to find the STM32F.ini file and we're going to search on SKR  underscore 2 and this will bring us to   our default environment so we'll copy that  we'll then go back over to platformio.ini   and we'll paste what we just copied right here  so another thing that I need to point out that's   kind of basic is in the dot pio folder they  normally build the MEGA2560 before they actually   upload it so we're going to clean  that out with the little garbage can   down here and then we're going to click the  check box in order to actually set this up   so once this actually completes compiling  there'll be a file in the dot pio folder over here   for us that says firmware dot bin if your  compile does fail try a second time because   sometimes things build out of order and if it  fails on the second time you can always correct   the very first thing that you see that failed  because the other things that failed after that   might be a cascade of errors so now that this  is almost complete we're going to right click on   firmware.bin and reveal in file explorer so i'm  going to open this up and show you first our drive   here is firmware.bin it's all in  capital letters and it says firmware.cur   this was the previous loaded build so they renamed  the extension to CUR it is not a cursor file   so let's go back over to here and we're going  to right click on firmware.bin and send it   to our drive then we'll go over to our workbench  again pop out the drive place it inside here then we'll connect the USB then we'll connect  the power to the board so we'll energize   it so you do not want to touch the board once it's  energized so I'm going to plug this in and this is   going to flash the firmware the beep tells us that  it worked correctly so we're going to go over to   Pronterface and we're actually going to connect  to it now currently you can see in Pronterface   that it says COM port 1 so we need to find out  what our actual COM port is so I'm going to type   device manager and you might not be able to see  this right away so I'm going to bring it over here   and I'm going to expand this out COM part 1 is  default to the computer in this case it's com   port 4 so this might be in the actual drop  down so it is in this case so we'll connect   and as you can see it says connecting printer is  now online so what we're going to do now is we're   actually going to enable the actual power that  goes to the actual hot end so you'll see this   on a grid over here when I click set and as you  can see it's going to take a second to heat up   so the power is going to start to rise over here  once this reaches 50 degrees celsius the fan   should be enabled so if you watch this  closely you can see over here that   it's 34 degrees at the moment now it's 41  degrees and so watch the fan any second now and that's how you set up  the actual controller fan   for the uh extruder so it's  the extruder cooling fan   so if you like my tutorial please press the like  button and subscribe and thank you for your time   and for those that have been donating on PayPal  or subscribing to Patreon if you're looking for   a tutorial that you haven't seen yet it may  be up on Patreon before you actually see it   on YouTube so everyone take care be safe wear  masks get vaccinated and I'll talk to you later
Channel: Ed's 3d Tech
Views: 2,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SKR 2, BTT SKR 2, SKR v2, BTT SKR v2, BigTreeTech SKR 2, BigTreeTech SKR v2, Big Tree Tech SKR 2, Big Tree Tech SKR v2, Big Tree Tech SKR 2.0, Big Tree Tech SKR v2.0, BTT SKR2, BigTreeTech SKR2, Big Tree Tech SKR2, Understand basics of SKR 2, SKR 2 loading firmware, understand your SKR 2, Extruder automatic cooling, Extruder Cooling Fans
Id: lRL7kTcPifk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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