Breadboarding & Prototyping for Electronics, Arduino & Raspberry Pi

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today in the workshop we'll take a look at prototype in your projects after discussing the design process I'll show you the items that I use to prototype my electronic Arduino and Raspberry Pi designs we've got it all planned out today so welcome to the workshop [Music] hello and welcome to the workshop today we're going to be doing something slightly different we're not going to be looking at a specific component what we're going to be looking at is the design and prototyping process the process that you need to go through when you're taking a circuit and building it whether you're doing it just as an experiment or whether you're actually wanting to build something permanent out of it either one device or dozens and dozens of devices and so what we're going to be looking at are things like the solderless breadboards that we use some of the test equipment and the little jigs and that that we can use with our dwee nose and raspberry PI's to make life a lot easier some of the little things we can use for testing and troubleshooting when things don't exactly go correct and also some of the construction materials we would use for building one-off prototypes now I know this doesn't seem as exciting perhaps as building a new circuit or having some new code for the Arduino but this is an essential skill that you need to have if you want to start working in the workshop you're going to need to know how to prototype now there are a few tools and devices that'll make your life a lot easier I'll be telling you that but basically not any of this is really very expensive and so it's an essential thing for anybody's workbench so what we're going to do is start off by talking about the design process what we do to take a circuit from the point where we're first imagining it or seeing a something on the internet that intrigues us into bringing it to becoming a final product so let's go through and take a look at that right now now there are several ways of breaking down the design process I'm going to break it down into four different steps today the first step is the circuit design which may also include some code design if this is a microcontroller or microcomputer based project the next step is bread boarding the third step would be testing and troubleshooting and the fourth step would be actually prototyping or building the final project you can get your circuit and code designs from several sources tech websites are an excellent place to look for designs manufacturers data sheets often have complete circuits in them as well as code samples github is of course an excellent place to get all sorts of code design and there are also the traditional books as well as other sources bread boarding is the process of hooking up the components for testing your design the most common method of doing this is with a stylus breadboard can also use components mounted on breakout boards that make it a lot easier to connect them up you'll be needing jumper cables or wires to make the connections you'll also need a suitable source of power for your project once your project has been built in time to test it for its desired operation you can use breakpoints and monitors to look at the code results you can use test equipment to test voltage and current levels at key points in your project this is the stage of which you'll have to troubleshoot any non-functional areas you can continually repair and improve your project until it's perfect at this stage now at last it's time to prototype or build the project you may wish to make a prototype project for something that you're planning on manufacturing at a later date if you're only building one project this is the time to build the final product you can wire it up with perfboard or you can even design a printed circuit board for your project although it's advisable to use perf board first if you're going to do that so now let's get to work so now we've seen the design process it's time to start looking at the tools we use to go through that process and the most commonly used piece of equipment is of course the solderless breadboard now there are several different styles of solderless breadboard and I'll show you a few different styles but I'll also show you a few different accessories or solderless breadboards that you can use to make some of your bread boarding easier so let's take a look at solderless breadboards right now now here are a number of different solderless breadboards a few different styles and sizes of bread boards for you to look at the basic concept of any of these bread boards is the same they have holes that are 0.1 of an inch apart in both directions now 0.1 of an inch is the standard spacing for pins on an integrated circuit like this one and you can plug the circuit directly in to the breadboard now the pins on the breadboard going in this direction are all connected together so if I needed to connect the wire to this pin on the integrated circuit I could just take a wire and this is just a piece of 22 gauge solid wire and I can insert it in the breadboard and now this wire is connected to this pin on the IC and it can be wired off to anywhere now the five pins going this way are connected the five pins going this way are connected they're broken in the middle so that you can place I sees inside here you can also place other standard components into the breadboard as well like for example a resistor can be easily placed inside your breadboard as can a tiny capacitor I'm not wiring any specific circuit here right now and then of course you can connect wires to those components as well or you can use the component leads themselves to run whatever is easier now on the breadboard you'll also notice some rails on the side now these ones are connected down in this direction over here they're separated and there's a blue and a red one and this is for positive and negative and they happen on both sides of this style of breadboard and this is for your power supply voltages so you can place your five volts here you could even have two different supply voltages so like 3.3 volts on this one and five volts over here and then you can make all your connections to ground and your VCC now these bread boards are available in a number of different sizes here's a larger one this is a very very common type of breadboard and very popular breadboard now one thing to note about these longer bread boards over here this isn't necessarily true for all of the different models but if you look down over here at the power rails over here a lot of the times those power rails only go halfway and they're broken over here in the middle and so you'd have to place a jumper going this way if you want to continue the power rail that a gain is made so that you can use multiple power supplies but it throws some people for a loop if they're not aware of that that's not true of all models but it is a several of them now bread boards themselves can be snapped together they have little tabs on the side so I can take two solderless breadboards and make a bigger solderless breadboard and that's true of all the different sizes now you need to use the same manufacturer bread boards so that they can snap with each other so these half sized ones here will not fit this one just because they happen to be from a different manufacturer on these bread boards you can also pull off the power supply rails as well too and you can even lock them together if you wish to make you know your own power supply breadboard or a power supply for another project now this is the most common style of breadboard over here but there are other ones there are these little mini bread boards and these are only connected across this way they're not connected in here so again you can place an IC across them and they don't have any power supply railings but these are very good just when you need to connect the few wires together you don't have that much to do you can use these tiny bread boards they're great for prototyping where you just need one or two parts now I've got over here a different style of solderless breadboard you may run into these as well this was actually sold as a piece with these bread boards mounted on here with power supply rail going across over here and with these connectors on it I added these binding posts and this connector and just wired them at the back over here and then added some legs to lift the whole assembly up this is an older style solderless breadboard you don't see them as often now but I remember these coming back to the 1970s again it's the same concept you've got the pins going across this way and you can plug your components into it again these power supply rails are actually split in the middle here so they don't go through you'll notice this style only has one rail on each side and unlike this style of breadboard you can't separate it off you can't pull it off of the breadboard of this attack to the board but otherwise these are still quite useable bread boards as I said I remember these ones from back in the 1970s so they've certainly been around for a while now when you're using your bread boards you're going to want to use some wires and as you saw I could just use a piece of 22 gauge solid wire and you can use different colors of wires which is helpful because when you're wiring stuff up it's helpful being able to keep track of the connections and you can set standards like using red for your positive power supply and black for your ground etc but another thing you can do is you can buy these pre-made breadboard wires and I've got a whole selection of them over here they come in a variety of different sizes and I have my different sizes separated out into different compartments over here I've also taken some of these cables I've got a series of these kind of cables which were very handy for bread boarding and you can get them this is female to female over here this is male to where this does male to male of that male to female over here and these wires will pull off as well and I've actually pulled a few of them off and used them over here to make male to female connectors can come in very handy when you're connecting to an external device such as a Raspberry Pi or an external sensor and want to just bring the connection on to your breadboard now the nice thing about all these pre-made connections of course is that you don't have to go stripping a bunch of wires they are available at a number of different sizes you have to watch them though because sometimes these little connectors come off actually they use most of them stranded wire and the crimp them on the pins here so the wire is a bit more flexible with some times as an advantage but at any rate there you go the essential prototyping tool the solderless breadboard so here's a solderless breadboard with a number of components mounted on it and a number of connections made to an Arduino along with some external devices like a LCD display and even back over here a few servo motors that are mounted on a little holder over here and what I wanted to illustrate with this is not only how you wire stuff up on a breadboard but also breadboard friendly components now this breadboard as you can see has been mounted on a steel plate and with a couple of binding posts it came that way I mounted it to this board with a mousepad because I find the mousepad is a very nice thing to hold Arduino and other external components it kind of grips them a bit and it holds them down so there's a trick for you one thing about this breadboard I wanted to illustrate is that it is using some breadboard friendly components for example you can see these pots over here I can pull these out and these are made to go specifically into bread boards now standard electronic components usually are on a point one of an inch grid so they'll fit into bread boards but that's not necessarily true of pots so these ones that came from Adafruit are really nice for using in bread boards another thing is this servo motor driver its breadboard friendly because it has a right angled DuPont connector at the bottom which plugs into the breadboard now one thing about things like this pot and these connections is they are breadboard friendly how ever if you continually use these in a breadboard you will start to expand the connectors so you have to expect that your breadboard may not have a huge lifespan a few years or so and then after that if you've used it a lot you may need to replace it you may find the connectors getting intermittent so a couple of other components I can show you over here let me just move on breadboard out of the way now this is a breadboard friendly component that I made myself this is dis simply a potentiometer with a couple of solid wire leads soldered to it so you can do that with a number of your components as well and make it very easy to prototype with them another breadboard friendly item I've got a solderless breadboard over here is this power supply now this is a really nice little unit these are very commonly available on eBay and Amazon and this is really a great unit than that you can put a USB cable or a nine volt or twelve volt adapter and here there's a power switch on it and it supplies both 3.3 and 5 volts using a couple of linear regulators and you can strap over here what voltages you want the great thing about these is that they are breadboard friendly they plug right into the rails on a breadboard like that and then they will actually power the two rails on this style of breadboard so if you can see that that is really a handy thing to have it also takes care of the bench power supply considerations some of you may not have other breadboard friendly components include things like this simple little push-button switch this is a push button switch that will mount right across the middle over here on the breadboard and is really very handy because you often do need a push button in your project and you can get these in both black and red maybe even a few other colors and so there you have it a few components that will make your bread boarding life a little bit easier so with one or two solderless breadboards some jumper wires and perhaps a breadboard power supply you're pretty well equipped to do any electronic expect and especially those working with Arduino however when you're working with Arduino there are some additional accessories that can make your life a lot easier so what we're going to do right now is take a look at some of those accessories those prototyping tools that are specifically made for working with Arduino so I'll also show you a couple of gigs that I've created myself some home made ones that you might want to duplicate for your own Arduino work now here are a selection of items I have that make prototyping with the Arduino a lot easier and a lot of these work with different models of our dwee nose as well so here I've got an Arduino Uno and for the uno the first thing we have is this prototyping shield now this is a shield that will fit on top of the you know like this and it brings out a couple of things like the reset button like you wouldn't be able to reach otherwise with a shield on top of it there's also on this particular one a test button which is just wired up that you can wire yourself the shield has a place for a number of different components that you can put on it brings up things with the spi bus and it also brings out all the connectors on the top over here now here's another version of the same type of a field and this one has a small solderless breadboard on it so this is very convenient you can place this on the Arduino and have a solderless breadboard and it might be all that you need you might not need an external saw it was a breadboard another thing for the Arduino Uno is this sensor field over here now this makes prototyping a bit easier because a lot of times what we're doing is we're hooking up sensors and our sensors have pretty well the same pattern they have a pin that goes to a digital pin they've got a ground and a VCC so they've wired all of these over here to make it a lot easier for you to work with sensors they've also allowed you to provide an external power supply for these because in addition to sensors you could be powering things like servo motors over here so you'll want to have next your supplies so you can supply the VCC externally it also brings out the animal connections as well so you can have potentiometers etc and things like the i2c connection etc are brought out to four pins over here as well as connections for liquid crystal displays and Nokia displays and other sorts of common items that you would be connecting to an Arduino so again a very handy little prototype in field now these ones over here and these are all basically the same kind of things these are screw fields and I really like these because what you can do with a screw field like this is you can place the field onto your Arduino with that and then you can place another shield let's just say this was another shield I had to place on will go on the top over here and that way if you've got shields like displays and things like that you can place them on the top and still get access to all of the pins on your Arduino with a number of screw connectors over here so I think that's really great I've got a few different styles of these screw shields over here this one over here this is another one I just picked up I really like this one actually this is a screwed field that's got a few extra components on it as well - also this particular field also brings up the in circuit serial programmer connections on the Arduino where's that one doesn't so if the top board needs it you'll need that but in addition to having the reset button with this field also had it's also got a couple of extra pins over here connected that you can use for basically your own purposes and they're wired down over here onto the board so you could in addition create your own circuit and be able to get at it even if you've got a field on top so that's a really nice one on the other end of the spectrum I just got these as well - they're rather amusing these are also screwed fields but they come as two independent screw fields like this and essentially you use one on each side look I'll put one on to here and that gives me this side over here and the other one goes on the other side and then once again you can snap another component look another shield on top of this over here this one of course is a lot lower quality in a sense the other ones it's just one single breadboard but it's still a very useful item would belittle that in any way now for an Arduino mega I've also got an equivalent type of it field again I can place this field on to the mega and this has the pins going straight through so I can plug another field if I wanted to onto the top as well and get access and I can also prototype things I like these for when I'm building projects for example my robot I'm going to be using one of these where I just solder a number of connectors over here and then it makes it a lot easier and more secure to connect to the Arduino itself they bring again all the pins out so that you can solder to them so that's a handy thing for the Arduino mega now not to be left out this one is made for the Arduino Nano and again it's a screw shield that lets you plug in your Nano into the socket over here and after plugging in the Nano you will be able to get at all of the pins which you're nicely labeled for you and again you screw terminals and you can feed wires including jumper wires for bread boards into those terminals and that's handy now I couldn't find a commercial one that worked with the Arduino Pro Mini so I just made my own I just soldered a couple of these female headers and some male headers and literally just solder them together over here a piece of perf board and that way I can plug my Arduino Pro Mini in and be able to get at all the pins for bread boarding purposes etc I did the same thing over here you can do it for custom modules this is for an 80 tiny module that plugs in and I did basically the same thing for that over there so these are a couple of the things that you can use to help prototype with the Arduino Uno they'll make your life a lot easier when working with the Arduino not just the uno but Arduinos as well so now that we've seen some of the prototyping accessories that we can use with the Arduino let's focus our attention on the Raspberry Pi now the Raspberry Pi has a 40 pin GPIO connector on it and you can use that to connect devices up to a solderless breadboard and you could use male to female wires if you wished and disconnect the wires directly to the GPIO pin and that'll work fine but there are also accessories that snap on to that GPIO now keep in mind that the Raspberry Pi GPIO has been adapted by many microcomputer board manufacturers so you can use this with boards other than the Raspberry Pi as well so once again let me tell you some Raspberry Pi specific Brite boarding tools as well as a couple of things that I've created myself in order to make working with the PI a bit easier now here are some items that are designed to make your life easier when working with the Raspberry Pi or any microcontroller board that uses the same 40 pin GPIO connector now of course there are several models of Raspberry Pi I've got a Raspberry Pi 3 over here and a Raspberry Pi 0 over here they both use the same 40 pin connector the 40 pin GPIO although apply 0 does not come with the connector unless you order the PI 0 WH which means with header however not having a connector can actually be a handy thing if you only want to use a couple of pins on the GPIO you could solder wires directly to them or solder small connectors just to those pins instead of using the full 40 pin connector now when working with the PI 0 there's a couple of other accessories unique to the PI 0 that you might want to have one of them is this this is just a micro USB 2 full size USB connector because the i/o port on the PI 0 is a micro USB as is the power connector and the other thing you might want is to take the mini HDMI connector that they have over here and convert it to a full sized connector with this so you can plug your video monitor a bit easier but otherwise everything here will work with any model Raspberry Pi or equivalent now the most common troubleshooting tool the most common prototyping tool I should say for use of the ply is something called a tea cobbler and this - one I've got is I actually keep it permanently on these bread boards here so I can experiment with the pie but this tea cobbler brings all the connections on the GPIO out to two rows that can be plugged into a solderless breadboard and it connects to the PI using this 40 pin ribbon cable now you can connect it directly to the PI or you can make a little adapter like I did over here and I don't know if you can see that but I've got an adapter with a right angle connector on it that has a connector that also allows me to attach an additional hat on here and I'm using this right now the test of the Google aiy voice kit but you could use it with any hat and a PI so this lets you get all the GPIO pins even though I have a hat plugged in now the way that I made this was I used one of these little connectors which I find really handy for the Raspberry Pi I used one of these connectors with the extra-long pins in it and solder there right through like that and then I took a right angled header connector and put it on the other side like that so I ended up with a mechanism looking a bit like this it took a little soldering but what I have over there is a way that I can attach my tea cobbler and at the same time keep a hat on the Raspberry Pi so that can be very handy and finally another thing I find very useful and always keep around are these small proto boards a game they have the 40 pin connectors brought out but they also have just an area here that you can do some prototyping on and so if you're making a small project or indeed a small hatch or what they call a P hat because this goes the same form factor as the Raspberry Pi 0 you can use one of these little boards to wire it up if you don't have too many components so that's very handy for prototyping as well so now you've got your solderless breadboard plus a number of specialized jigs for the Raspberry Pi in the art and you're all set to do your prototyping however there is another aspect of development that could be considered as well and that is testing and occasionally troubleshooting your design now in order to do that you're going to need some test equipment now of course you can spend thousands of dollars on test equipment on things like oscilloscopes and signal generators and frequency counters but you don't need to do that when you're starting off however there are a couple of essential pieces of equipment that you should have that aren't expensive and that will make your life a lot easier especially if your design doesn't work out the way that you think it's going to work when you first power it up so I'm going to show you a couple of pieces of test equipment along with a number of different types of test cables you can use to test fine tune and treble future designs so here are just a few test leads and some equipment that can make your prototyping and bread boarding a lot easier I say a few because I've got lots and lots of test leaves but I brought a few up that I thought you should take a look at because you'll want to stalk if you like them yourself now the first one is one that has these little miniature alligator clips on each end and this is a very very handy thing to have I always have dozens of these things around they're great for jump ring connections etc you really don't want to be without these so you know you can pick these up in five and ten packs and various colors I advise you to go ahead and do that you can also get some more specialized ones here's one actually I made these ones myself that have alligator clips on one end and banana plugs on the other end so when I'm going from a power supply to something this can be very handy or when I'm going from my test meter to something it can also be handy now this connector with a banana plug on wind has one of these little gripping hooks on the other end and these are very good for getting at tiny little test leads even getting at leads when components are plugged into a solderless breadboard so you'll want to get a few connectors that have these as jumpers definitely here's another one that kiss goes from a to another banana plug and as you saw in some of my solderless breadboards I've got binding posts it except banana plugs so that's an easy way to plug it into the power supply it's also a way to hook up a couple of meters etc in series or with fear load or with whatever you're testing or just a couple of meters together because they use banana plugs as well here's one that I've kind of made specialized you might remember I put a 2.1 millimeter power connector in the solderless breadboard assembly that i modified and this just takes it to a couple of banana plugs so I can bring it out to my power supply in short you could make all kinds of connectors yourself as well so as the need arises by all means go ahead and do it another thing that's handy to have is a 9-volt battery clip that goes to a 2.1 millimeter Jack you'll find that to be very useful for powering Arduino for example when you're not powering them from the computer now let's take a look a little bit of test equipment while the first and most obvious one is a multimeter now this is an auto ranging multimeter but you can also get multimeters that let you select ranges and of course if you're going to have any one piece of equipment have a multimeter this wasn't an expensive one at all and you know it's paid for itself many many times already this will let you measure of course resistance will let you measure voltage both AC and DC it'll let you measure current and most of them left you make another couple of measurements as well this will do capacitance and frequency I have another one that has a transistor test where there's usually a diode testing on it so this is just an essential piece of equipment you really can't get into electronics without at least getting a multimeter the second piece of equipment that I would advise you get once you get started and interested in digital electronics is this and this is a logic probe and it just connects to the same power supply that you were using be at 5 volts or 3.3 volts and you connect this to the power supply and then you can probe around and find out whether a connection is high or low or whether it is pulsing and this is very very handy when you're trying to troubleshoot logic circuits I mean an oscilloscope of course is the ultimate tool but an oscilloscope is very expensive and can be difficult to use if you don't know how to use one a logic probe like this goes for about $25 and I've got this one on Amazon by the way couple of the little pieces of test equipment you might want to have on hand this is a little USB power supply tester you just plug this into the USB port and plug your USB device in here and it'll measure both the voltage and the amount of current your device is drawing and so that can be very handy especially when you're building something and you want to know for example if I make a permanent version how much current does my power supply need to have you can use this to test your device this is a very inexpensive I think a three dollar thing that basically will let you test servo motors you just attack power to it and you can move the servo around it even goes through a couple of different modes for testing it so it's a handy thing to have if you're working with servos and finally here's another jig that I made myself now as you can see I just took a USB cable and hacked it and on the end of it I put a USB connector but in between the two of them over here I put this little eight pin dip socket and so this end is not connected to that and in order to make this cable work I've got a jumper all four and this is what's called a breakup box there are situations for example when you want to connect USB up but you don't want the power connected through you can remove that jumper it also lets gonna get test leads on to each of the USB pins and so as it's wired up on a piece of perf board and so that's an example of some of the cables and connectors and things that you can use when you are prototype in your project so now you've got your project design complete you've got it working on your solderless breadboard perhaps you've got a couple of custom jigs rigged up for either in our glenn o or a Raspberry Pi you've done some troubleshooting and everything is working properly so the next step is you either say I'm finished this was just an experiment or I want make a permanent version of this project now in order to do that you're going to need to transfer the product onto something other than a solderless breadboard you keep building your projects on solderless breadboards and keeping them permanently but that will get a bit expensive plus it's a bit cumbersome especially if you only need a few parts because after all a breadboard can be rather large so the normal thing to do here is to either go to perf board or create a printed circuit board now if you're going to be making dozens and dozens of copies of your project the printed circuit board is really the only choice but even if you are going to make a PCB it is sometimes advantageous to use a piece of perf board first to wire everything up and make a prototype version with perf board if you find there's a wiring error or you want to make a design change later on it's a lot easier to do plus laying components out on perf board will give you an idea of how you might want to lay them out on the printed circuit board for example the robot I'm building now the DB one I've laid out some components on perf board and I've got a thought that if I do create a printed circuit board of some of these devices I would do it a bit differently this based upon my experience with the perf board layout so what I want to show you right now is perf board I want to show you a number of different styles of it and also some of the things we can use to make wiring up perfboard a lot easier I'll also tell you a piece of perf board that I've wired up myself so let's go take a look at that now and so here we have a veritable sea of different perf boards now you'll notice these ones seem to dominate and there's a reason for that I really like these styles of perf boards as you can see they're available in all sorts of sizes these can be purchased on Amazon or Ebay what I like about these boards is first of all they're glass epoxy sir good high-quality circuit board secondly they are plated through so they actually have plated through holes and that will make the soldering a lot easier when you're working with the perf board and as you can see we can get them in vertically any kind of size so if I were you I'd stock up on a few of these sizes and then you'll never be without and you can also cut these as well by the way now this is a lower quality perfboard the type I wouldn't recommend that single sided it's not plated so you can see it's already starting to oxidize and these pads will come off very easily when you saw it or now these are very commonly available but I would stay away they're also not glass epoxy they're phenolic so after a while especially if you're mounting components like transistors that generate heat the board will start to warp a little bit now this is a higher quality glass epoxy single sided board but it does have the holes at least plated they're not plated through but they're plated so this is an acceptable quality board as well this is another one that I wouldn't recommend to gain a non plated through board that's just basically the copper these ones come with the small project cases so when you buy a project case you quite often get a board like this inside and you I mean you can use these for a couple of projects if you wish if it's something not critical but for anything that you're prototyping in you're serious about I would strongly recommend one of these types of boards now when you're prototyping you're going to want to use things like sockets for your ICS so I've got a number of sockets down over here for 14 and a 16 and an 8 and the 28 pin one and I've also got this row over here that you can snap off to make any sized pin that you want and these sockets I really like these are the higher quality IC sockets and they are gold-plated on the inside and they make very very good contact with the integrated circuit I wouldn't recommend soldering integrated circuits directly when you're using perfboard just makes it a lot easier down the road if you need to replace one of its in a socket now here's an example of the perf board I've been working with those of you who are following my build a real robot series will recognize this board of course as being my motor controller board it's got a couple of arduino nanos on it and they're mounted in female header so it's so they're not soldered directly and also soldered a couple of connectors on to it and as you can see there's a capacitor there as well now the way that you wire this up if you want to use small wires I really like wire wrap wire I don't know if you can see it very well because one of the colors I chose happened to be green and the board is green but there's a yellow one and some white one here as well the wire wrap wire is very thin wire it's 40 gates so you need a special wire stripper but it's really great for connecting logic signals up now this heavier wire here is 22 gauge and I use it basically for the power and ground signals which I want to give a little bit more copper to than I do for the logic signals but a little bit of practice you'll find working with perfboard is very easy and you know even if you are eventually planning to make a print circuit board it's a great way to figure out how to lay out the components and all that on your design okay well that about wraps up today's video I hope that you enjoyed it and I hope that it's opened your eyes up to a few little pieces of test equipment or jigs or tools that you can use during the prototyping process now if electronic sand working with arduino x' and raspberry PI's is something that is new to you I also hope that it have shown you then that it is not an expensive hobby to get into with a very small investment you can have a number of these different tools and pieces that I've shown you in order to make your prototyping a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable now of course as with all of my videos you will find an article that is related to this video on the drone bot workshop comm website you'll find the length of that right below the video and while you are on the drone bot workshop comm website please consider joining my newsletter it's my way of keeping in touch with you and also of finding out what content you would like me to create for you and as well if you have not subscribed to the YouTube channel yet please do so I would be very very appreciative of that so once again please take care of yourselves I hope you have fun in your workshop and we'll see you again in this workshop very very goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: DroneBot Workshop
Views: 84,695
Rating: 4.9579263 out of 5
Keywords: solderless breadboard, prototype, electronics, raspberry pi, arduino
Id: Y3Kx2RlLXsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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