BTT SKR2 - BTT TFT display setup on SKR V2 (Rev B)

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Today we're going to talk about how to install a  TFT display by big tree tech on the SKR version 2  Now this display is somewhat unusual and  that you can either use TFT or you can use   the legacy Marlin emulator so what I'm going to  do is show you how to hook up both at this time   and then we'll go through how they work so  what I'm going to do first is I'm actually   going to flip this over so you can see the back  side because the front side is kind of obvious so on the back we have what's known as an SWD port  this is used to load firmware on this board but   most people will load it via the SD card  there's an individual processor on here   also we have ports for EXP1 and 2 that  are down here on this board that we'll   use a ribbon cable to actually work with  we also have an SD port and then we have   external power on this particular version  for 5 volts that's what it runs on and then   we have our TFT connection right here which is  something that corresponds over here on the board   so what I'm going to do now is first show  you how to hook up the actual board for the   ribbon cable so I'm going to tilt this  board a little and you can see EXP2   so I'm just going to connect that with the notched  connector then I'm going to find EXP2 on the board   and do the notch connector as well then what  I'll do is I'll connect EXP1 while I'm at it and then we'll connect both of these back up to  the board so this one's coming from EXP1 so we've   got it right here and then we'll do EXP2 right  here that's just so that it's easier to work with   so now that we have that actually connected  we can test this so what i'm going to do   is I'm actually going to put this in the USB  position for power which is these two pins and put   the jumper on that way we can power the board and  see if it works so that appears to work and right   now it's currently in the Marlin mode on here  because there's two modes if you hold this down   you can then turn this and then click  once and it'll bring up the other mode   but this currently will not work  until we connect it correctly   so what I'm going to do right now is I'm going to  connect the notch connector to the back of this   so I'm going to disconnect the power I'm  going to match up the notch right here   and connect it now unfortunately we don't know  right away how to connect this this is actually   the reset pin that is separate and then you have  your regular pins so we're going to have to look   that up so what we're going to do is we're  going to go over to the browser in a second   and we're actually going to check to  see what that actual configuration   is so what I'm gonna do is I'll show you  the actual website in two seconds here so here's the actual website this is for  GitHub for BigTreeTech so I'm gonna click on   repositories just so you can see how to search  and type TFT and this will bring up a bunch of   different TFT(s) but that's not what we're looking  for right now we're looking for our board which is   SKR and we'll say space 2 so I'll click on that  then I'll go over to hardware and I'll find the   file that says pins so inside this file you'll  notice it says TFT right here and then over   here it says 5 volts ground PA9 PA10 those are  our pin out numbers and then we have a reset so   now we know how to install it so we're going  to go back over the display and set this up   so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to align  these like so so I know the resets here I'm going   to then connect these first four pins and then  we'll connect the last one which is reset down   here so now if we were to pull the plug on these  for just a moment and plug it in it should power   and it does so now that we understand that I'm  just going to plug these back in and I'm going   to show you how to configure this in Marlin so  in marlin we're going to have to use the SD drive   so in order to do that I have to  pull this drive out right here   and I need to put it in this device right here so  we can actually load it so I'm going to slide that   in and I'm going to place this in the computer  and if you're looking for this particular hardware   I'll put it up on my web page so that you  can find it so let's go over to VScode   inside VScode right now what we need to do  is actually load the firmware now I've already   downloaded and extracted the firmware so I'm  going to click on explorer then open folder I'm   going to go to my downloads folder then Marlin 2.0  Marlin 2.0 then select folder now that it's open   what we need to do is actually configure this  so in order to do that they've defaulted you   to the platformio.ini and I just highlighted  the default environment which is for a MEGA2560   that's the original configuration for RAMPS  we're not using that that's not our chipset so   I'll show you how to sort that out so we're going  to go over to the Marlin folder then the source   folder then the core folder then boards.h inside  here we're going to search on SKR underscore v2   pardon me and what you can see  here are two different boards   now the rev A board is a defective board so  you don't want to use that so you're going to   have to check the back of your actual board  or the link that I leave in the description   so you can see how to get that replaced Marlin is  taking care of that so we're going to use the rev  B board which is right here so I'm going to copy  this then I'm going to go back up from source   and go to configuration.h and search on  motherboard now that I found the motherboard   I'm gonna highlight the RAMPS board and paste our  board over it up here I'm gonna change the serial   port to negative one that's the one that we're  using for our motherboard for communication now   these can be reversed but I'm going to remove the  comment for the second serial port and this one   we're going to set to 1 that's for our TFT display  now I'm going to search on what is it SD support   and this is for your LCD if you're using the  Marlin legacy mode now you can pick your own   language obviously so there's many to choose  from obviously there's Russian or Ruska Poliska   deutschland or German and various other ones but  for now we're going to skip that and just assume   it's english next I'll show you that there's  different types of character sets you can work   with but I'm going to leave that alone for the  moment and then of course there's different styles   down here there's a CRC support where if we have  the SD card enabled and there's an issue you can   set up a retry situation to reread the actual  drive but keep in mind there may be a Marlin bug   that causes issues where it won't read off  the actual display and it will read off the   card that's inserted in the motherboard it may  be fixed by a time of recording this tutorial   but I'm not sure so there are other settings  down here that you can change I'm not going to   go over all these but there's different things  that you can do like reversing your encoder   and how it actually moves but these are not really  relevant at this moment down here there's a reprap   discount smart controller that's not the one  we're going to be working with so I'm going to   copy that and paste and find the second one  which is the reprap discount full graphics   smart controller so I'm going to remove the  comment so we can enable that so I'll click over   here and that will remove the comment now we need  to set it up to compile and like we saw before   we went to source core boards.h this is the  actual category we're in for the chipset so   we need to find our board and then we need to  find out what its abbreviation is so it says STM32F4 so we're going to minimize this for  a moment we're going to go over to the ini   and we're going to find that so it's STM32F4 so in here we're going to search  on SKR underscore v2 and it might not come   up so let's just do skr underscore so we're  going to scroll down a little bit and you   should see it right here it's the BigTreeTech  SKR underscore 2 so I'm going to copy that   then I'm going to close out of this file  and I'm going to go over to platformio.ini   and as you can see this is the set of folders  it's actually pointing to over here so we're   just going to highlight the MEGA2560 and  paste the big tree underscore SKR underscore   2 here so that we can use it next what we're going  to do is we're actually going to clean up our   build because in this case I have the MEGA2560  here so I'm gonna clean that out by clicking here   so as you can see now it's now gone so we're gonna  click on the compile or build check box and build   our actual firmware dot bin now keep in mind if  this fails the very first time that you compile   try a second time so as you can see in this case  it did fail so we're going to try it again and the   reason this may happen is something might build  out of order so this happens a third time you're   going to have to go find the very first place  where your build fails and correct that issue   because the other issues that follow that may be  a cascade of issues that are caused by the first   so as soon as this finishes we're going to go  over the dot pio folder for the build then    BigTreeTech SKR and inside here you'll see  firmware.bin in a moment so as soon as   this pops as an actual completed build we can  right click on it and say view in file explorer   so it's about to happen any second now so here  it comes so you're going to see firmware.bin   you're going to right click on that you're  going to say reveal in file explorer let   me make this a little bit bigger and then  we're going to copy it over to here but my   new habit is I like to delete this this is the old  firmware.bin that's been renamed to firmware.cur   they like to call it current but technically it's  a cursor file so I'm just going to delete that   for now because it may prevent us from loading  the build and then I'm going to go back over   and I'm going to right click on  firmware.bin and I'm going to send it   to the E drive now we can double check that  it's there so that's all good we'll go back   over to the actual workbench and I'm gonna copy  or remove the USB drive and place it inside here so when we actually load this we're gonna  use usb powered because we want to be safe   so it's set to the USB pins so I'm going  to take this and I'm going to plug it in   and it will begin to flash down there now a couple  of issues that you might encounter when working   with this is the default speed is a quarter  million bits so if your LCD comes up as not   connected or no printer attached click on let's  see settings then go to in this case connection   then go to baud rate and change your baud  rate to a quarter million then go back   then back then back then back and as you can  see that issue is now gone now there are other   issues that can occur um one of which is that  uh you're not selecting the correct secondary   serial port but we're gonna avoid talking about  that for the moment if you're interested in   learning more about how to update the firmware or  change this I have a tutorial that I'll put in the   upper right hand corner that you can work with but  for the moment what we're going to do is just make   sure we can swap to the other one so I'm going to  hold this down I'm going to go over to Marlin mode   and click and as you can see we can see our  media menu of things that we can choose from   so if you like my tutorial please  press the like button and subscribe   and for all my patrons thank you very much I  appreciate your help creating these tutorials
Channel: Ed's 3d Tech
Views: 5,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skr V2, BTT SKR v2.0, SKR version 2, BTT, SKR v2.0 Marlin configuration, SKR v2 setup, setup SKR v2, SKR v2 howto, SKR v2 Manual, SKR v2.0 guide, 3d printing, 3d print, 3d printer, 3d printed, 3D Drucker, marlin firmware 2.0, Marlin, VSCode, motherboard basics for 3d Printing, Marlin configuration, BTT SKR v1.4, BigTreeTech SKR 1.4, SKR v2.0 Bascs, SKR v2.0 Comprehensive playlist, Marlin 2.0.8, Auto Build Marlin, BTT SKR2 - Basics, BTT SKR2, SKR-2, TFT display, BTT TFT
Id: eLH2YGh9AC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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