BTD6: How to beat Monkey Meadow On Impoppable mode [No Monkey Knowledge]

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[Music] what's going on guys it's okay Titan here was another planet video my first things first as always I hope you guys are having an amazing day so in today's video we're gonna go ahead and continue along with our basically walkthrough of living Sgt slicks and our previous walks through I went ahead and I show you guys how to be alternate balloon routes now we're gonna step things up a little bit and I'm gonna show you guys how to be impossible where's no monkey knowledge and of course no double cash okay nothing to do it let's go ahead and jump into it so right away when you're doing these type of game modes and stuff like that the main balloons and rouse that you're looking out for is you're looking out for the one the camel rounds you're also looking out for the ledge building rounds and then of course you want to make sure you have enough hopping power on the field by round 40 so in order to make sure that we're able to deal with any camels balloons right off the bat we're gonna go ahead and start off with a ninja monkey going get started now we're gonna have to end up buying a dart monkey here shortly because unfortunately and there's nothing to stop you not to be with all this balloon to start but that's alright because as soon as you start updating and will be more than fine so we can go ahead and place our dart monkey right here in the back that way he can hit the different balloons twice alright the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna start upgrading iron into monkey starting with ninja discipline and then we'll upgrade him to sharp sugar canes and then we'll start getting into your speaking strickland's as well right there's our ninja discipline that now we're gonna go ahead and upgrade to a Sharks trick and snacks and I'm seeking sure against now the hardest thing about this game-mode is that one we're going all the way to round 100 and then to all of the towers are more expensive you guys aren't getting any cheaper prices or anything like that you guys are paying a lot of money for each of the towers the only waiting is likely counteract that is of course which monkey knowledge which we're not gonna have for this run through because I want to show you guys how to be without it but if you did have monkey knowledge I mock you could get cheaper towers you could get a free start nothing to start but of course that's only if you have that stuff a lot at the next thing that we're going to be going forward we're gonna be going for a open real quick that we can get him on the field and starting to get his passive levels okay now we're gonna be able to afford him here in just one second and one more second I promise he's coming so we're placing our opening we want to make sure to place him we're late about here because we are going to go in looking through and strat so will all of our jewelry ceccolini line up in this area right here so we want to make sure that as many of them as possible are gonna be getting the oven buff now I do know that not every single one that may not make it the open buff and every single one may not even get the the five times buff but the main thing is is that we have at least one Avatar brass that has the five times buff and of course be open both with it let's go ahead and get caltrops and now we're gonna go ahead and get a Alchemist because we want to give balloon Jitsu and stronger stimulant on the Alchemist monkeys before round 40 we got review with plated balloons we can deal with camel balloons now the only thing we need to worry about is round 40 which will be able to deal with a just a second now once we get this all set up we are going to be working on getting a couple of monkey banks going now we're not gonna go really insane we just want to have a little bit of extra income simply because all these towers cost more and opposed to trying to struggle to get all the towers we need we'll just go ahead and get a few banks just to help us out all right now we're gonna go ahead and get berserker brew that we are ninja monkeys getting a little bit of a buff and then we should be able to afford genre stimulant and our billion just to buy around 40 then after that we that's us one way to start working on getting a few banks [Music] all right and I do know that we can get our monkey banks on the field a little late that's perfectly fine the main thing is that we just want a little bit of extra income to afford all of our different powers and of course by the avatar of brass before around that around 98 is going to be the rough one I saw the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fly by balloon Jitsu because I want to make sure that we at least have balloon Jitsu by round 40 if we can't afford that be a stronger stimulant then we'll just have to suck it up but the main thing we're gonna need is of course I believe Jitsu and of course if things get a little bit too hairy we do have our opens herbal pouch and if you guys need that feel free to drop it and your point in time we're not saving it for anything right now in the later rounds of course we're just going to be using it whenever you get it off cooldown to help us out all right we're gonna be able to afford stronger stimulant here in just a second then we're going to go ahead and get faster throwing with it [Music] alright now as soon as we can't afford faster sewing that's when we could start investing in other towers one of the main towers that were going to invest in of course is a magic monkey just because the magic monkey and the center to your upgrade route is really good at dealing with playground 63 and the sixties in general but this is the hardest round right there is just doing with that Moab once we make it past that we know we're setting our first banana farm now I'm gonna cheat this a little bit I'm gonna use a monkey farmer but that's just because I don't want to deal with hovering my mouse over as a banana fine it's not that much work it's just I can't really even bother to do it but if you just guys just want to hover your mouse over it you guys can do that it's just we're just basically saving up to get a monkey Bank and then once you get the monkey bank we don't need to worry about it all right and then we're gonna go ahead and buy a second monkey Bank and for the next few rounds is all what we're gonna do is just work on getting a bunch of monkey banks now if you guys want to get a banana or a banana farmer to help you guys there's nothing wrong with with it I mean for feeding impossible on this mode even though I like for the first time I think you get like 300 monkey bucks so that's already a 250 monkey buck profit so it's not like you're losing out on anything by using it we're gonna go ahead and get our second monkey back here and we want to make sure that we are saving up as much of this as possible because the more money you have in the bank the faster your interest goes all right there we go now we're going to want to start working on getting a little earlier a little bit more popping power on the field the first thing that we're going to do is get our first initial druid out there and I went to run upgrade pass no big deal alright let's go ahead and get another monkey Bank out here now this is a time when we're gonna want to pay attention because we want to make sure that we don't lose what I should have done is I should have gotten the monkey village to make these prices a little bit cheaper and play we're making enough money now we shouldn't really need to worry about too much there we go so go and grab the populace now or populace and now what we're gonna cash in our first money from our monkey Bank we can go ahead and get another monkey Bank and now we're gonna grab a monkey village and place it down here like that in Figure radius and we're gonna save up and buy radar scanner with it just so our Druids can start popping the camel balloons as well all right the next review that we're gonna go ahead and grab it's gonna be in the top upgrade pass with the bottom upgrade past two populous all right so I kind of want to get this relat relat ugly quick because we are gonna have camel leg balloons coming here shortly and we want to make sure that we don't lose to those so I just well I went ahead and cashed in my monkey banks just to make sure that we had enough money to get that upgrade now we are getting to that point that we do want to start getting a few of our topless on the field is that way we have more popping power and you don't have to worry about losing at these early rounds because we invested too much into our bank situation I'm just gonna let that chill for a little bit longer and there's the camel legs you got the Druids out there just some time we got to worry about them too much now we're gonna go ahead and let our open start getting a little bit of work done with this tree and we're just using that to basically add to our popping power because again any of you bit of popping power we can get helps now the same with opens bush is that it's kind of complicated and hard to explain but basically from round 1 to 15 you get a 1 to 1 ratio but in the later rounds you actually end up losing money by playing Oh ovince bush so just keep that in mind when you're playing with open and stuff so that you guys if you guys are trying to calculate the precise amount of money that you guys are going to have by this round that opens bush is gonna affect that a little bit alright go ahead and grab another druid and place them out here on the field getting him as close to our open as possible and also as close to our other tree's as possible as well I'm gonna go ahead and let that keep gathering up we don't want to cash it in just yet all right so it's alright we're gonna have one that's gonna be out of the range of the other ones or he's only gonna have the four time stuff but it's not that big a deal like I was saying the main thing is that we're at we at least get our avatar breath - you have the five times by which you will soon be upgrade him to a pop list all right we're getting a decent amount of money stock piled up which is exactly what we wanted to see you not basically the next thing never going to do is we're gonna start buying a few more banks and that's just so we can get a little bit more money going as well right now we're sitting at 21,000 which is a good number to sing it but of course more it's better and we don't want to pull from this just yeah actually I think we do want a full 21,000 is the most that we can get so first thing we're going to do is we're gonna go ahead and reinvest a little bit of this that way we can get one massive pull in a few rounds reinvesting that we have nine banks we're gonna get a massive surplus of money and we are gonna have our avatar grasp before hopefully around 80 if we play our cards right go ahead and place down two opens Bush again just because we have it and if we have it why not use it most thing that we're going to be doing is we are going to be getting of course a flight factory and we're also going to be getting a tax uder as well but that'll be in the later rounds and we have a bunch of money saved up all right perfect let's go ahead go ahead and keep using open simple patch and that of course whenever we get a street up cool down we might as well use that because we're not too worried about money right now because we know we're gonna have more than enough before around 90 which is when we need to make sure that we have our avatar BRAF we're saying with $12,000 inside of our monkey banks right now [Music] and while we are waiting to to save up a little bit of money I do want to take this time to thank you guys so much for your support it has been amazing the positive comments the motivation to keep going and of course every single new subscriber that we've gotten has been insane it is December 31st New Year's Eve and we have officially tripled my actually almost quadrupled my initial goal you guys are absolutely awesome and thank you guys so much for your support it means the world it really does all right so we're just going to let this keep flexing up and of course I do want to say that any feedback that you guys have on any videos I read every single comment and all your feedback I basically take that and I try to improve the content of my channel like the biggest thing that I've gotten so far is people want to or people like the longer videos like I initially suspected and they also like the short videos so what I'm doing is I'm basically gonna be doing a 50/50 split of short videos and long videos for likes to walkthroughs and stuff like I'm doing right now I'm gonna make these longer because people do like to see the longer videos and I think that's really cool because I like making long videos and even though they're a little bit harder especially since I do live commentary I really don't edit the long ones too much outside of like adding a couple of like effects here there and of course adding the music afterwards the most I really do is just like add intro and the music and stuff like that but with a short with the shorter ones there's a lot more anything to do to make it look smooth of course and I really like doing those but at the same time every video I make I love doing it's just it's a lot of fun to make content and then of course seeing everyone's reaction when you upload it also means a lot too and like I was saying the support has been insane for the Chandler you guys are amazing thank you so much but anyways so let's get back to the video as you guys saw a few rounds ago I went ahead and got the Avatar brass which is exactly what we would want to do we are studying extremely good now I need power that we get is basically gonna be a bonus our first bonus Tower that we're gonna be getting is we're gonna be getting a tax uder we're gonna place them in the back here just to just has like a little safety net and we're gonna go ahead and upgrade this monkey village to primary training and if you guys don't know what primary training does what primary training does is is basically above any primary powers so of course the attack sugar is the primary Towers so of course she's gonna get buff and it's actually a really nice buff as well especially your early game animal late game even let's let me go ahead and show you what primary training goes nevermind I can show you guys after but basically what what does is he gives you guys like plus +1 peers [Music] tickets are you here all primary monkeys and the radius get to one upgrades for free no that's primary mentoring all right I'll definitely have fun to show you guys once we get done because I don't remember it exactly from higher all's I know is that it buffs any primary type of towers which is why I went ahead and grabbed it now I am by no means a professional balloons play or anything like like that a lot of things that I know I learned by just doing all these different challenges doing all these different game modes and stuff like that and especially the chimps moats and ships bones really helped me a lot and developing all these different strategies that I come up with this stuff alright we should have more than enough money yeah we have a lot of money saved up all right so now that we have that let's go ahead and buy a few stronger stimulants for our our Druids that way they get a little bit of a buff and like I was saying it's alright if your druid does not have heard if one druid doesn't have the five times buff y'all have to five times buff now because of course our Alchemist but don't worry too much if you have one that doesn't have the five times law and like I was saying we're gonna go ahead and grab a wizard of monkey and upgrade him to a tier 4 and give him monkey sense just to help out with all these Moab's and then of course what's one that was in monkey without - of living monkey we're gonna go ahead and upgrade him to summon Phoenix and he's gonna help us take care of all the add-ons that comes from the Moab's and the bbc's and so on geez Vietnamese so are the bsp so that's why I went ahead to end the fly a lot to different was there monkey City I'm probably gonna end up buying another wizard a monkey and upgrade him to arcane spiked simply because it's a really good power to have now that we're getting up here we can go ahead and sell all of our banks you really don't need them too much anymore now we can just go ahead and get bonus towers all right now we're gonna go ahead and place wizard monkey back here let's go ahead and get a Archmage going as well there we go and then monkey intelligence and we're gonna go ahead and buy jungle drums as well and basically these wizard the monkeys are our safety net in case or especially for round 98 no 99 when we get to reinforced DDT's there we go we get to reinforce DDT's to come through we want to make sure that we have a lot of moab popping power right another upgrade that I couldn't got gotten is I could have gotten a iced monkey and placed him great about here then went ahead and upgrade him to icicle and pail but we should be pretty fine yeah we have more than enough more poppy power between all of these different powers as as you can tell so the biggest thing that I did with this walkthrough is I used a few little monkey banks and the monkey banks helped out immensely with generating extra income especially when we have to pay extra for all of the different towers which was impossible that's the biggest thing that makes it so hard is that all the towers cost more if you guys can see that but again this was monkey meadows impossible with no monkey and knowledge and of course I'm not going to use double cash so I'm showing you guys how to do these different modes alright so I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please feel free to drop a like also subscribe I do upload daily now as far as uploading daily and getting to a set schedule I'm still not on a set schedule yet but hopefully in the future I'll be able to actually get a schedule in mind but right now trying to do the advanced balloon challenges and also doing these walkthroughs it's a little rough because if the advanced challenges drop at 3 a.m. in the morning for me because I was on the that's why my sleep schedule was a little bit messed up but I want to make sure that I get the advantage challenges you guys as soon as possible so I stay up a little bit late and I ended up repair I end up sleeping until 10 o'clock in the morning but don't tell anybody that all right well anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video and of course I hope you guys have the most amazing day ever and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: H2K Titan
Views: 51,177
Rating: 4.8783488 out of 5
Keywords: BTD6, Bloons TD6, Bloons APK, Bloons TD6 Best Hero, BTD6 Best Hero, BTD6 Best Towers, Bloons TD6 Best Towers, Bloons TD6 Engineer, BTD6 Bloons Types, Bloons TD6 Best Strategy, Bloons TD6 Strategy, Bloons TD6 Mac, BTD6 Impoppable, BTD6 Monkey Meadow, BTD6 How to Beat, Bloons Tower Defense 6, Ballons TD6, Strategy Games, Addicting Games, Ninja Kiwi, Fun Games, Easy Games, Bloons TD6 Free Strategy, Bloond TD6 APK, BTD6 No Monkey Knowledge, BTD6 Monkey Knowledge
Id: _0yhnZ6jPlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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