BTC #04 - Danger Dan

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it's 39 degrees but the sun's out now so that's gonna help [Music] these bikes are not gonna want to start should we do it head on down the road is that what you want to do now well did you ask all your questions you have like a lineup of questions oh it looks warm did i i was impressed i mean i i was coming up with them on the fly okay wait what did you go to jail for i wouldn't get a lot i got five dwis it's amazing you're traveling as much as you are now it really is so i started the podcast about four years ago you know i didn't start this to be a motorcycle podcast i literally just wanted to talk to people that had figured out how to live outside the nine-to-five you know narrative but i like motorcycles a lot so i go pick up some wood from this dude's house right and he's got this leaning up against the shed this old man the [ __ ] bar yeah like what's up with that dude he's like it's a trident oh that came off my old chopper like well yeah see that there's a license plate the lie well if you ever decide to get rid of that you know i'd [ __ ] love to have it they give it to you like i'm not going to get rid of it i was on my straight leg panic chopper i wrote that to sturgis like eight times i was like all right i mean i'm not gonna sell it or nothing like i got a straight leg you run it hey you can have it so i put it on there and i take it down to my buddy the wizard's house and he goes oh [ __ ] you got that from dan i built that in 76. no i was like no [ __ ] way he's like yeah he got rear-ended on the way to my house before he left for sturgis didn't think he could go and i was like [ __ ] that dude and i built the [ __ ] bar pulled a fender out of the trash and chromed it in the driveway he went to stir just know he said when he got back he braced all the welds and then chromed it but no so the same guy who built the [ __ ] barn gave me this [ __ ] canvas roll and it went to uh sturgis with him god knows how many times [Music] it's the it's the wise choice but my i i have a problem with like i have this compulsive thing where it's tinkering i don't like it i just i make myself do it like i will create problems that are not there i mean i feel like i'm a pretty good mechanic but some things i just on the road i don't [ __ ] stuff it's running keep going fix it when it's broken i'm just gonna move the adjuster [Music] yeah well maybe i just see if the chain will tighten fixed it i like to ride motorcycles like i love my chopper and i build my chopper because dude choppers are the [ __ ] you know that's my dream bike it's like the man i've got i saw those the man paintings i built my man chopper 1621 with apache but i like riding motorcycles i started in the dirt and i also like going places i've never been before like exploring what's around that bin what's over that mountain i think that's the most beautiful part about what you're doing too because it encourages other people to leave home and go explore and have those adventures go see to go see be a seeker yeah [Music] what i'm doing is it's not like a lot of other people who travel when they work where they're like not happy about working away from home you love it but i'm at least like enjoying my time all right the goal is to find shelter before it's too dark and cold i don't think that's gonna be a problem we got we got a little wave so [Music] do you think we're gonna find shelter out there yeah man we'll find something we almost made it all we had to do is get up to that point oh that's so funny look at that that's impressive right there what am i doing over there i don't know but if we want to get up there by dark we should probably start pushing these bikes dude this is the tallest wheelie this bike's ever done oh man i was thinking that'd be a good lookout point no it's great let's see if we can see that way maybe there's something we need to find down there [ __ ] [Music] i feel like i do that every day i think every question looking at you everything you're doing it right i get that a lot you know and i uh i question that is it sustainable can i keep doing this how do i keep doing this i've had those thoughts really from the beginning and tried to make though like use the thought of the future [Music] that's how i make all my decisions you're gonna have to split these two bushes though i think that uh this pandemic that we're living through right now is opening up people's eyes to like where they're at what they're doing why am i doing this you know when it comes to health you know like the possibility of dying from something you can't even see way sooner than you thought was possible you start reevaluating [Music] just like what a lot of people do when they do get older and like [ __ ] i've worked all my life i've saved all this money now i'm fixing to die and i don't even i haven't done the things that i want to do now people were like [ __ ] we might die going to the grocery store what are we going to do today it looks like like a weather tower or something it's interesting how how well it works because if when you're just standing there looking at it it doesn't you know where do you jump in but you do you just jump in and go for it the temperature just starts going down with it it gets icy fast if you're hesitant then you're not going to go anywhere like you just really got to go where you want to go [Laughter] sure that kind of brings me to my next question how do you do it with a family you know and a wife the kids kicked ass yesterday when i first met my wife i was traveling and playing music 70 chance of rain high in the 40s i was always leaving coming back that sounds like something you want to ride into doesn't it ty perfect well i'm glad that you guys passed your test man i wish i could have been there for that one and i feel like that's helped with our relationship guys fought hard because once again it's like you grow fonder of that person now with the kids important kiddo it's a little bit more difficult on her missing some of the things that the kids may do or accomplish while i'm guys better have that house nice and warm okay it's tough but i feel like you know i want to set that example for my kids to go out and do stuff but uh you know i also stoked to see them when i get back all right guys for real i gotta go because it's [ __ ] cold i'm gonna have to do something about it we love you i love both y'all all three y'all however many y'all there are have a good day [Music] dot how is it out there oh i can't feel my toes my hands my nose all of that none of it well i got my everything but my toes right now i can't even chew my cereal bar because it's frozen dude try this stuff i don't know about this i mean the two by fours will burn everybody's got a story in that the way i feel like the the motorcycles is just the the vehicle that gets me to these people and helps me break the ice and then it's everything else you know people always wonder why i don't talk about motorcycles on my podcast i'm like you can do that with your friend man like let's hear the story man there's so much more i think if more people in the world had something like motorcycles like what we had and what we share with so many of our community this this problem would not feel so big i just want to encourage people to look for that and if i can do that with the one example that i have you know maybe we'll find more what do you say dan pleasure's been all mine [Music] i do appreciate this time we'll spin the desert well sir i wouldn't say my bike is asked hey i think we fixed more [ __ ] than we broke that's yet to be determined well you still have a ways to go i still got a ways to go yeah but it was worth it you'll see he'll get back time to roll fill in your reserves look at this now look at this get home safe get home safe dan danger dan ladies and gentlemen there he goes
Channel: Todd Blubaugh
Views: 172,987
Rating: 4.9702525 out of 5
Id: nlAaA6iXcDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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