BTC #03 - Sean Duggan

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i think you've avoided telling us why you went to europe though oh yes you need to know so uh i could start in in the beginning here with uh you know i'm very quiet don't have much to say and if you don't have them all we've got double of them all because todd has them all too what's happening whatever it happens to be motorcycles cars tractors that's i like my obscure old machinery you know it's this is all high quality precision stuff i made you can't get that kind of quality suzuki brought a hat put my jack on the outside i always enjoy dvr it's it's just one of those things you know life changes so when i go on dvr now it's like going back in time to that 10 years ago before we've lost a bunch of people in the last 10 years that affects you that affects all of it yeah you are free chopped off finger this morning you know there's always a collective consciousness and people don't realize that it's like people come into the world and they live a certain experience and they look at certain things and so where they naturally gravitate to is similar whether you're from from new york florida l.a if you're a skateboard kid or you're an old punk rocker these things it's just natural to get into motorcycles [Music] i don't know if people understand how far back you go with that spot yeah a friend of mine jesse had put up a picture from 10 years ago i think it was 10 years ago and it's it's got it's got me and troy and a bunch of people a good percentage of those people were on dvr so it's always good to see him [Music] it was really interesting to have this scene kind of come together and to meet all these other people who were into old motorcycles or working their way up that nick uncle nick's so thoughtful [Music] [Applause] losing my best friend at one point made me rethink about like well how am i gonna do this what am i gonna do when it comes to riding motorcycles collecting motorcycles how am i gonna think about [Music] this how did you meet bill originally we were both old punk rockers we would wake up we would party till three o'clock in the morning sleep for a couple hours and then go to work on a movie set during the day i wish i would have caught some of those parties man all right it seems beyond control you just don't understand just one second he's there and one second he's gone and it wasn't a motorcycle accident it wasn't it was something i guess it was his time dvr is one of those things that just is about the pure joy of riding motorcycles [Music] [Applause] [Music] god it's a quiet bike [Music] mother juice [Music] [Music] [Music] how late you guys tie one on last night [Music] and then right up here and right over here to rhyolite then right down here to the junction to the junction down to here and we can take this cut off road right here yep then we go down here to the zabreski point yeah which would be cool and then down here to to you know shoshone or wherever that is that's somewhere oh southern yeah yeah we've got to go here and down here to death valley junction i mean it could be good oh it's everything you know this is this big loop like that and it you know it's a lot of riding but i think it's not not too bad not at all [Music] when you can actually go out and ride these open roads with barely any cars on it and just kind of fly away when the only thing that you have to look out for is oprah now you know what was really fun this year was to take josh yeah along and see him experience for the first time coming from the east coast to see somebody who's so used to densely populated areas to be out in the open desert was really special [Music] we're lucky to have such a such a tight-knit community in southern california and it's really great when somebody comes from the east coast and is like you guys do you guys ride hundreds of miles in a weekend you guys go to all these places and you look at these mountains and it's our recreation yeah and i mean throughout the whole of the west whenever you're on a road sometimes you can see for 50 or 60 miles and then you you can see that far in a straight line and there's nothing for like 400 miles and then you hit the west and you're like where the am i this is amazing [Music] okay i could go on and on i'm fine with going on and on this this isn't all about motorcycles the goals are always the same the goals are about america but it's always a disagreement on how to get there [Music] if you actually sat down and listed out the values of a liberal american and a conservative american and they went this is important and they would i guarantee you they would agree on almost everything who ready to chill dude i'm ready i'm tired as i'm ready to blow my little nemo mat and get a good nice rest whew [Music] is there many other options and we did 150 probably i would have made it if we didn't if we knew the road was closed oh i had these on underneath last night it got cold it did get cold hey good morning [Music] [Music] just done [Music] let's see if i can do one kick [Applause] boom and my dad used to ride that bike between san francisco and l.a he would ride his honda 250 down to visit me and everybody was like what kind of smokes you know it's better to ride a slow vehicle as fast as it will go he is a hell of a rider and you can really he can ride a bike to its limit and then passed it and still be okay riding the wheels off did you hit that hole that i hit you know it's interesting at a certain point after after bill bill died i stopped writing things to their limits [Music] it put us all in check though yeah put everything in jacket you know it's about time i i i've kind of decided to kind of just bring it back a little bit because it's not gaining me anything and i've got more to live for you know it's always scary when you have you know you're going to have a wrecks on these old bikes did you hit your head [Music] [Music] and then and then it clipped and i got on the other side that's okay daddy dugan's here he's gonna help us out what happened i don't know dude fast enough and then i just heard [Music] my back wheel locked up my jacket got stuck in there i thought i got it no you got a jacket austin you kept it up for about 60 feet and then the last 40 the last 40 you laid it down i was over there no look at this look at the sidewalk no my bike went then oh yeah and you went over there yeah well hey for effort bud good job brian thanks dog you took the training wheels off on that one ah you know what i'm not gonna say anything crazy but when we were riding up to death valley yeah i had this weird weird weird feeling that i was gonna go down after what after when we were riding up to death valley friday and then we came into this area and i had this ringing in my ear and i'm like oh hello spirit like just guiding me you know like take care of me lord take the wheel i'll go slow go slow go slow and then right when this happened and i popped up and i was like i don't know why i think your wrist is broke or not is it functional can you ride i think your headlight might be broken nothing josh's tape can't fix see look look at that it's like it's brand new [Music] brian take very careful note of the way you pack your let one person learn the lesson for all of us that's helpful nothing oh jesus right all right let's just pull the clutch up yeah dude i this is why i always bring the man this clutch is great when it's working it's great in the summer time when you don't have to wear a jacket on a harley anything's a hammer jason thank you a knucklehead on a knucklehead come on jesus christ when a fight was i was like this is gonna be so fun you're gonna kick your ass let's get a little bit more out yeah let's get the phone call you weren't above the frank though and you know i got the medical bill i was like 12 and on it like as a description it said foreskin entrapment we're getting the first construction this is a circumcision that's what we're going to do we're going to but are we going to be able to get the master link off no yeah we've got to try let's try and roll it now all right come on let's roll this thing come on all right let's go forward though that's a lot of how big was his jacket austin give her kick what's up [Applause] damn free let's put it back together all right let's ride let's go try it okay it's on go on yay look at that and the chain got monster stretched is there a 9 16 eric you have a magnet we lost the wooder key yeah pick it up with your triple a card oh my god wait no i mean it's in this circle that blunt end i found it ah is that tesla i mean y'all want me to just leg at home i'm good now are you really let's put it together and get my patch you guys so let's get that in chinese okay awesome this thing's gonna be ridable yeah but if if they're on if they're five minutes away we should just tow this in how's your shoulder ah tight like toyguy i mean we can go slow all the way down no let's let's push it let's go 90 back we got to see if he's a man or not he doesn't get into the club besides this yeah it was fun oh oh if i if i tighten this i mean i know what you're saying was this that had loosened up how much yeah did it cost dude i'll ride home get my truck and charge you 400. we choose to cancel because you up i might still need it for bars to vegas yeah don't get out of control man like that give me a little little tap tap what's up there we go look at that kick there you go you guys are gangsters this is the same i've done the same thing twice this year let me see let me see crazy though i didn't have gloves on what i can just cut this out i mean it's almost like news austin i mean i can figure it out i think oh my leg is asleep let's make a little collection of our green jacket again and get away with the deal with carly yeah it's not as bad oh hey it just went and jammed up fell over it wasn't a 50-foot skid with a 75-foot scrape okay never riding with gloves again without knocking i mean without you're a champ bud i know the trips you remember you know it's gonna cost five hundred dollars to have this thing picked up from triple h that's insane it's okay you know we just decided to ride don't put your jacket on your bike through some stupid bungee shots from walmart [Music] you feel good yeah yeah that was a close call but austin rode home yeah he rode home and you know actually that i think that by the time we had spent like the two three hours that it took to get all that done austin had kind of come to his senses he got on his bike [Music] not going to recover from the little crashes as easily as 34 year old austin well i don't like pain pills and then i got to take them and then i don't like it i'm like maybe the pain pills are worse than the pain i love riding behind you at night because you're always throwing sparks i don't need to be at the limit and that was just a decision that i kind of i made for myself [Music] i think it was you know i think it was time to come back i think so too bye sean [Music] you
Channel: Todd Blubaugh
Views: 86,063
Rating: 4.9667592 out of 5
Id: xuE9As9CqXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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