Bryce Hall’s Worst Night Ever ft. Addison Rae and Jack Harlow

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let's just get it out the way what we paid for the fight yes yeah unfortunately we did but no that's not to say you know i mean i would never illegally stream anything i don't think you would either no absolutely not i mean i wouldn't download a car well wouldn't download a gun wouldn't download a gun by any by any means so yeah no i would never no i did try that uh that's the pirated stream link though just wasn't really working just to make sure no one else was exactly to make sure it wasn't working i wanted to give it more traffic yeah so that it would would crunch should crash yeah yeah same same i was like everyone come on watch the pirated link we have to crash it yeah everyone's sending it to everyone i knew yeah yeah yeah i was text i was texting people and like open it on four computers we just we have to crash the stream yeah yeah so you know which i think you know we're doing a good job because it stopped working exactly every 10 seconds exactly so then me and all my friends were to buy the fight which was the intention yeah of that plan that's the only point in time when i felt safe buying the fight knowing that the stream was dying yeah to go yeah it's time to buy time to buy yeah so and i bought it on like every single one of my devices separately same which is cool shout out to face jarvis did his thing i'm happy for the guy gone meme i'm happy for the guy he went from getting banned from fortnite and crying on stream to knocking somebody the [ __ ] out that was the best clip of the whole fight he had the coldest knockout the whole night yeah yeah that kid's a killer wow go ahead i was just gonna ask what's the deal with ryan johnston did that fight come before yeah it was before okay so first of all first of all to this little you know mud mouth [ __ ] who doesn't recognize my fight iq analysis that's not even a real sentence but just put that together who are you talking about numb nuts you know i have a great reverence for ryan johnston okay someone had the gall to discredit my absolute fanaticism for ryan johnson he goes i think cody predicted this guy winning you're wrong you're wrong i've been watching ryan johnson since he was 26 and a half what is he now almost 27. i'm watching him for about two months ever since two months ago i've been watching ryan johnson and i knew he was going to do work this weekend also that comment is way off base in more ways more ways than just that to to think that you weren't the one that predicted something in the fighting fighting related related thing and to think that i would ever predict anything correctly [Laughter] is so beyond stupid yeah i think that's what pissed me off it's like you don't even listen to this podcast you clearly don't listen to this podcast at all have you ever seen the blank stare in cody's eyes when i talk about mma you [ __ ] idiot you can hear it yeah see nothing yes this weekend great absolutely great series of fights i mean that's right what's up so here ryan johnston he he took w kale can i see the clip of that one i think he gassed out i can't remember can we play a clip of that or will we get dunked donk we get bonked on um man you know we won't go into too much but you know i've like talked in the past about like the it you know like the killer instinct and just fighters recognizing that yeah out of all of them that night face jarvis had it yeah that kid dude if you go back and watch his walkout from like the moment that smoke clears like you just see it like he's primal that's the com that's the polar opposite of the look in my eyes when you talk about fighting yeah yeah yeah polar opposite [Music] i felt so bad for that kid michael lee because he was going out and um you ever notice how when fighters go out to fight they just look slightly sweaty sorry all right slightly what sweaty yeah yeah why is listening a little bit why is that i was wondering that it's because their coaches spray them down water give them a little kiss on the cheek go out there kill them no that's all shiny typically they're warming up a little bit like they're hitting pads lightly like they're they're trying to get trying to get turned on yeah i'm trying to get the fighter chub got it so michael lee came out dries drier than like middle-aged underwear just a middle-aged woman's underwear just [ __ ] clean and he's walking and you can see like he has no idea what he's doing he's like trying to like get his brain to think like i'm gonna be in a fight now and he starts pounding his fist to like get warmed up and i just started shaking my head i'm like no one does that and he's like he's like throwing like his hands to the camera he's like whoa let's go face jarvis gets out there like borderline twitching on the jaw just like i'm gonna kill this kid i'm gonna kill him and that's what he did he killed that dude so hats off to face jarvis man that knockout was nasty yeah shout out to face jarvis by the way guys yeah just let me ask you this who is michael lee isn't some tick tocker i have no id what does he do like what is his normal stick maybe he like dances or something like 46 million followers or something crazy it's i think i don't know that was the worst part of that whole fight every time they bring a person on stage he's got six million subscribers on youtube [Music] like [ __ ] jesus christ i mean there was so there was a lot of comedy i have to give i have to give it this at least everyone who went in there tried yeah you know what i mean like all of them tried to train to some degree they they actually took it seriously in some capacity yeah you know so i think in that way all the logan money should have gone to them yeah because they think they gave a [ __ ] yeah they tried to get hit yeah and so um i mean a lot of those fights they were so lopsided yeah it was like oh all of them was like very clearly one guy was better oh yeah yeah yeah i know it's funny because you know why i actually kind of like the celebrity boxing [ __ ] or whatever like this whole thing going on right now where it's like like that wasn't the only fight that was aaron carter and lamar odom lamar odom fought for barstool or whatever yeah earlier that day right it was the night before the night before it's like and it's gonna keep happening yeah but i kind of like it because because it's like if you get knocked out like bryce hall did you're you're the laughing stock of the internet for for a long time i mean like it's going to be a while yeah and so it's like you have to take it seriously you kind of have to but yeah if you get knocked out it's humiliating yeah yeah well dude all the [ __ ] i mean i feel for the guy man yeah can we just play can we just play this one jesus christ and here's the thing man i'm not i don't want to get on like some kind of high horse but i have to present this question okay do you think he'd be as humble if he won what do you mean you know how like afterward he's like i'm not a fighter man you know it's all right he's joking around do you think he would have had that attitude if he won he'd be like i told you i'm a [ __ ] fighter that's where i struggled to really have empathy for him oh yeah i'm like you you acted like a dick leading up and then now you want to like get a pat on the back for being like a nice guy yeah [ __ ] that man what was that i think someone on the ship just sneezed this is the funniest [ __ ] ever i'm not a boxer i'm not a fighter i've never claimed to be a fighter i'm gonna knock out austin because i'm an actual fighter and i got two guns right here i am a fighter i have a wrestling background he said it twice in that same intro he said it twice dude it's so funny i've never claimed to be a fighter i'm gonna knock him out because i am a fighter yeah here's a here's the jar phase jarvis knockout i see michael lee what they have to tell these kids going in tie your hair up or cut it yeah do you know how much worse the knockout looks when you have this like this main look at this when it's bumped see ya it looked like a toupee got punched off his head the bryce hall one did you oh bro oh yeah his toupee definitely came back yeah man man oh man i'm surprised no one has memed the clip of him in his interview before his fight they're like what do you think you're going to do tonight bryce he's like i'm definitely getting a ko what kl's are going today i'm definitely getting one you got one brother you definitely got one man and here's the thing i don't i don't buy this whole you know oh at least they had the courage to get in the ring you guys are getting like millions of dollars yeah there's there's no like courage to get in the ring for five actually no the courage is this is what i'm saying yeah yeah this is the this is the risk you're right you're right yeah right i'm not saying like he didn't train he all i'm saying is like i'm glad they took it seriously because yeah and and people will keep taking it seriously because of this yeah it's like the more this becomes more popular the more it gets memed the more people watch yeah and like you you know if you sign up for this [ __ ] you it's not like you got to go hard you know the other thing i just you know the taylor holder just needs to come clean about it which you lost they i guess they overturned it and they made it a win for gibb yeah i think so i mean the the funniest thing was like i think on his uh his instagram story he was like i don't agree with the decision but you know the nerves got to me i'm like just say it bro just say it you lost you didn't do anything yeah there it is boys we officially got the w yeah thanks for the support yeah as it should have been man it's kind of shitty that he didn't get to like celebrate that on stage though yeah so whack yeah so whack man i like how you called it a stage or i would because that's what it is yeah it is a stage that's true yeah it is a stage that's true [Laughter] dude it's so it's so funny because okay i think the greatest thing here is er like oh god just a lot of the funniest [ __ ] imagine if the headline performance after the last fight was jack harlow and they put addison on stage and she's dancing with jack and now you're headlining talent jack [Applause] harlow oh god that that's like a that's a comedy film waiting to happen dude oh my god and he does like the you know the equivalent of stacy's mom yeah jesus man it's up there addison grinding off don't perform my new song i took your business twice i never claimed to be a fighter either [Laughter] but i am a lover though oh my god addison's like yes he is that's bad jesus christ man i think there was something kind of you know a little bit poetic about that whole card though to see like a silver lining you're looking at me like what could this possibly be what is it poetic thing of no man i think it was a it's like a great example of some [ __ ] takes time and you success is like determined almost like by attrition like gibb has fought before he took a horrible loss and he had to live with that for a long time and he got in shape yeah and he got and he got and he came to this and you know taylor's like i'm training with canelo man i'm this and that and gives looking nice like i don't give a [ __ ] yeah you've never been in there you don't know what it's like and you don't know what i'm gonna [ __ ] do to you it's like and what happened taylor got there he had all that flashy training all those youtube videos he he sparred with canelo and he froze up and it's like i feel like i didn't get i did i didn't really feel that depressed afterwards you know like the production was really [ __ ] good really actually take a note man and there's a lot of like funny [ __ ] that happened yeah so i didn't really feel like i got robbed no if you're if you're talking about like the money you spent that was a streaming ticket honestly it was well worth it i don't think they're gonna make their money back though no i don't think there's any way they did no i was watching a interview with uh austin mcbroom beforehand which i mean that's a [ __ ] dark place you know watching an interview with like just like what am i doing like were you sitting with the lights off yeah that's all he was like he was like it was the bff's podcast and and uh dave porton i was like so how many things how many pay-per-view buys do you think you're gonna get and he was like i'm thinking about 1.7 million it's like just just no way no [ __ ] way wouldn't that wouldn't that be like the top 15 of pay-per-view buys ever yeah it's something like that yes i mean they think they're the like they think that they're like the most influential people ever no it's like no one real i don't know like no no like look at the look at your youtube analytics yeah i guarantee you it's like 14 year old girls that watch your videos yeah they're not buying a fight pay-per-view i mean you saw that stadium that's it was empty yeah i kind of chuckled it uh i i like i look i was like looking at different like post fight stuff and you know everyone who lost throughout some number of how many people were there it was different for everyone i was crazy to perform in 20 in front of 20 000 people or 15 000 people which i'm sure that was in there i'm like yeah but that was like a 100k cap venue yeah yeah dj khaled felt that [ __ ] oh my god did we have that clip he felt that [Music] [Music] what did he start saying after that it's just like also he still had the song in his monitor maybe probably yeah yeah so he's just singing along and he thinks it is so hype in there it's that's so sad i feel bad for the guy holy [ __ ] [Laughter] wow that's what i mean that's what i mean you see stuff like this and you don't get you're not getting robbed you know that's worth 50 bucks that's definitely worth 50 bucks right there i was thinking man uh that was a probably pretty good show like for 50 bucks like you got migos khalid yeah yeah a little baby yeah for 50 bucks yeah actually yeah well baby's performance was actually good yeah and there's no difficulty getting to the front he's all teenagers he's just pushing this excuse me me i know your parents i'm going to tell them that you're here if you don't move to the side i'm sorry front row man yeah that's true so i mean amigos have really been on a tear every boxing event bro they got it it's crazy i bet dude i bet they get a sick paycheck for that probably fat and we have to do one yeah just one song what do you think it is 200k probably for each no for the whole group for once it's one song it's probably like six million each probably costs more than the whole fight honestly i don't know yeah i mean whatever it is it's good it's easy money for them wow so i'm happy for them you know i'm happy for the performers yeah i'm happy everyone got paid you know social gloves you deserve getting kicked in the nuts financially for that robbery you pulled up also brutal name social gloves yep change it change the name yeah cause that's a bad name i think they would have needed almost like 340 000 pay-per-view buys just to cover like probably what they spent on talent in production like just to break even that would be my assumption they probably got that you think i think so all right i mean who knows we should just say they didn't yeah we just make it up yeah yeah i can't believe social gloves made zero dollars i just went bankrupt everyone there was was paid to be there yeah there were free tickets given away so and then the pay-per-view was entirely cracked yeah that's why we were working with our friends to buy more tickets because we were trying to support you know smaller creators yeah yeah yeah i mean it's on us i feel like smaller to help smaller creators we needed to help awesome mcbroom yeah get some more yeah get some more private jet flights
Channel: TMG Podcast Highlights
Views: 520,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tmg, cody, ko, noel, miller, comedy, comedians, funny, jokes, lol, long, form, conversation, radio, podcast
Id: HM4abvJgktU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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