This Facility Created Horrifying DINOSAUR HYBRIDS...

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okay we got some ladders oh my God all right everyone welcome to fossil fuel obviously this is the first game and a lot of you guys were saying that I should check the first one out so here we are now what I did find weird about this when I just bought it a second ago it has DLC it's called rap to isolation and I have no idea if this just adds on to the main story line or if it's something completely on its own but but I guess we're going to find out so here we are deep under the Great Sitkin Island in Alaska you find yourself in the heart of one of the greatest scientific research facilities on Earth genetic researchers have bred mutant dinosaurs but things go bad when the base is invaded by shadowy Special Forces looking to steal the dino DNA you grab your guns and ammo and prepare for a fight and that's all we get so welcome everyone to Fossil fuel the Great Sitkin Island Alaska in 2025 the Sierra Research Institute made a major genetic Breakthrough by cloning two extinct animals The Samaritan Rhino and dodo bird as the financial benefits grew a massive underground facility was constructed to house a new trillion dollar initiative to bring back extinct dinosaurs there it is even people that love dinosaurs know that that's a bad idea so we know how this is going to go I am told by a lot of you guys as well it's very much Rough Around the Edges what we would come to expect but I'm told it's still kind of fun and it gives a bit of an idea of what's going on so I am excited about this fossil fuel Sierra Research Institute 500 ft underground so this is the uh the trillion doll facility then pass through security oh there's so many things that I want to mess with though hello sir please step forward to the airlock for sanitation have a nice day so is this facility going to be like fully automated or something like that what's this welcome in the pause menu you can view player controls and you can adjust the game okay yeah we know all this that's just getting started wait can we actually oh we oh for a second I thought that was going to be like health and stamina boost and stuff like that that would have been really cool all right let's do as we're told then we got to step in here oh there it is oh I hate that effect okay it's not that bad sometimes when this effect happens I can get like really dizzy or even sometimes headaches and stuff oh hey welcome to the pit brother running a little later aren't you the director has called a big meeting and it's already started well get your stuff from that cubby over there and I'll get the security door unlocked for you oh no is that the containment unit that the Raptor was in at the beginning I really thought we were going to get something where the Raptor escaped by the way I wonder how many of you guys thought the same is this what he said you got to pick this stuff up okay so pretty much similar to what we used to then from before so we got a hard helmet for your head okay okay and a light attachment oh yeah that's right you can combine stuff okay what's this key cut no wait oh that's cash what why do we need cash okay let's do this then so combine combine this with this there we go and use aha there we go oh I feel so much better now I hate when we don't get like a flashlight can't see anything look at this with the little ambient like smoke or Mist going on it's all going to go into chaos in a second I'm pretty sure of it good morning as many of you know we have a new game warden joining us today so is that us then we are all very saddened by the loss of our previous Warden Isaac but it is time to move forward and welcome our new team member a mandatory meeting is to be held at 8:00 a.m. for all staff so we can introduce the new game warden as well as go over some new safety regulations here at the base additional notes maintenance has informed the administration that possible power drains should be expected over the next six hours these drains were expected to be mild and will not interfere with the day-to-day operations okay regards Elon Mo Sierra director okay I saw a few of you guys mentioning this I thought you were joking obviously would it be like a trillion dollar facility or something like Elon Moos all right where we going then Mr moose where we going to meet up what did that guy call this place the pit oh okay let's keep going this way then remember to use maximum precautions around specimens okay yep definitely a trillion dollar facility oh I have no idea where we've got to go oh is this it some people just chilling over there I don't know if you should be yeah I don't know if that's a good idea what's Happ what's going on oh no is it happened I called it I said something was about to happen oh yeah yep the facility's gone down one [Music] 100% okay we still have the [Music] flashlight of we have experienced a massive powerin on all systems all nonessential are to report to the nearest security Che okay so the power drain was the cause of that then door requires a blue key card okay that was really quiet but a really calm person just came across over the PA system and said that the power drain is basically what caused that and anyone that can help should report to a specific spot did I just hear gunfire then are these all like containment units I think they are probably shouldn't be getting too close to them just having a look around let's keep going this way then your flashlight will attract attention use it sparingly oh wait no way so have we got assets out of containment right now it's really really bright I'm not hearing any alarms or anything don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for oh dead body over there what's this this key opens a door that corresponds to the card's color okay so we got yellow this poor guy been folded in half what's this a vile containing antibiotics which can restore Health okay so it's Health vile nice let's have a look at that so we've only got eight slots then wait what did that say okay we've already read that what's happening oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] already no way hide oh there you are oh I immediately got goosebumps when I saw that is there nothing that we can hide in oh no way you going to eat that you are aren't you yep so he's come back for his kill do I go yep okay evade yeah right there is no way I could do this by the way even if it meant life or death I just accept it oh don't turn around okay I don't know if it can hear me run or anything but see as though it said use the flashlight like carefully or sparingly or something I'm staying crouched I do not care if this takes me 10 hours to get through this facility it takes me 10 Hours come on close up no way can we not close oh we can yes so we just got Raptors on the loose now then there's no containment teams no contingencies in place even for this trillion dollar facility or anything like that cool I can really feel it now oh B Cutters okay can't get anything out of there oh we can get stuff out of here though more cash another Health file and a syringe oh let's do that with wait can we combine the two of them no we can only combine that with that okay nice let's put them there and we are golden turn the lights off did I just hear a gunshot was that a door the hairs on the back of my neck have just stood up oh I did hear something oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no wait no wave I just trapped myself behind the door couch down [ __ ] no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God my hands cramped up immediately oh no already this is happening oh wait I've got to do all that sequence again oh [ __ ] okay oh this may take a minute what was I supposed to do there so I guess I couldn't hit it with anything right no I haven't really not really got anything I could use I got bolt cutters that was it so let's try go through one of the other doors and it came through here as well so maybe it wasn't the same one yeah we went through there look there's another door there and I think I saw one there okay let's try one of these instead oh an Armory perfect okay this this is what we need yes the door can to open with the power out [ __ ] okay I do not know what I'm supposed to be doing here there's no way I can just go in there and hope for the best maybe if I can get a weapon or something there's no way oh you oh my god what am I supposed to do against that this is this is my nightmare I know why you guys wanted me to play this it's because of this isn't it it has to be oh we still have the key card okay I'm not going through that sequence then I'm going this way does that bypass that one coming here oh it might do did I just cheese that oh I think I deserve it my heart rate's like definitely pushing into the 180s right now I don't need this this early on I wonder if this has anything to do with the DLC as well because it was called Raptor isolation it probably isn't but let's see these just seem to get longer I thought I heard something I didn't actually read that cuz I panicked all right let's just open this then a weapon oh yes give me that tactical reminder in your inventory be sure to arrange weapons at the top for easy access okay yeah I was doing that anyway can I not open this I I'm trying with all my might but nothing is happening okay right we got plenty of ammunition everything's arranged as it should okay did I miss anything in here no oh there's something there though another syringe and another hell file grab that grab that and then let's combine them so we don't have to mess with it later put you there okay we're looking all right let me just go back in here a second I'm going to close you and I just wanted to see if there was any way of me reading that document that I missed as many of you know we've seen that one okay journal entry 35 the days just seem to get longer working around these monsters just makes me so uneasy I know if the guys upstairs ever found out I brought a weapon to work it would be my ass I want some personal protection in case one of these Prehistoric Beasts ever get out thanks Joe because without your help there I would be defenseless so we'll take it and I'm slowly going to creep through because in there is the other one the lighting really doesn't help either we got to get the power on to go into the Armory as well I thought we'd be able to see it let's close you up is it going to be here oh no it definitely is oh it's there okay it's gone that way I can see it tail let's stay stay here okay I think he's gone away this way don't you dare oh hello I've got a feeling he's not going to be friendly is he let's see what's in here keep these closed I've got to say I know it is kind of it is definitely a little bit rough around the edges but oh okay what's this a lock box it says old Betty on the side it's very heavy that's going to be a weapon isn't it but I don't think I have anything to open it some more cash what's this business the cell phone is broken what happened to it there's there's way more issues that we need to worry about right now than the cell phone who are you Europe trip 2019 oh is this is this the key card we were after the blue one what the hell was that the power just went out in my office as Chief technical engineer I can tell you this was no accident not only is the power out my cell phone is broken the only thing that could do something like this is an electromagnetic pulse my God can you imagine if any of the Velociraptors got out well we've just seen them none of us would make out alive they're probably the most dangerous predator to ever walk the earth I don't know about that but they're absolutely terrifying the break room is just down the hall I'm going to head down there and see if I can reset the power hopefully I won't need old bet it yeah it's definitely a weapon then Jay dorren Chief technical engineer PS if I don't make it back the blue key card the subsystem access is tapped or taped I guess to the back of the photo on my desk all right we found that too okay so I think I've got to go back this way oh here we go some Sweet Revenge yes oh wait no Oh I thought that was going to be oh [ __ ] what oh wait no way did he this is head of security Lieutenant fin specimen containment breaches have been reported containment teams are to report to subl officers immediately who why is he so calm he is he the one that did this that door's open I didn't open it no I did open it cuz I got the stuff out there didn't I okay nice and calm the power's not back on yet yeah no we can't open that the lights of this are insanely bright just double checking that I got everything too yeah we did oh okay I don't know if I can can I get up there oh God I'm going to be trying this for hours wait try and break it no okay we're leaving it I tried I don't know if anything's up there but I don't really care we need to get back to the door that we needed the blue key card for are you going to be down here okay no he's not he's not feasting away kill the flashlight listen out I'm actually going to close the doors behind me as well I'm actually really paranoid now now I know these things can get anywhere oh what's this somebody was working away prob they got snatched it was this way yeah there we go all right let's keep going then here we got some ladders oh my God wait what oh there's no way oh my God okay I'm really far back hold on a second did we get everything we needed yeah I think so can't break this open can I shoot that you know what I'm actually going to try right back back it's just it's in the toilet oh you [ __ ] stay dead oh my God it's going to be another one no and there's nothing I can get in here either oh my God okay down got it so we want to go down nice what we only Cave System big guy ooh I'll definitely take that pump action weapon that has a large spread when fired close range this weapon has very high stopping power oh yes that's exactly what we need to a role play AR mun right let's go there put you there okay that that seems like it works slot three 12 shells something's telling me that I should probably use that so I am going to keep that out okay what does this say animals getting out of their pens there was just a massive explosion what the hell is going on up there I came down to check on the animals and half of them have escaped rocks have fallen blocking the main passage to two each Paddock has a built-in breaker so is able to flip a and b back on to keep the remaining animals in their pens even so most of them escaped lucky I got my shotgun well something got you though what with the power out I'm sure the technicians don't have any of the door codes written down on Good Old Paper Paddock a door code is 5566 private Jared Morin okay thank you Jared oh nice okay that's we needed right let's grab those we put them underneath and actually I can do that right now so slot one and Slot two oh that's so nice what's through here what the what was that what was that it had like it was like a a prehistoric peacock or something play audio you are currently in the Subterranean biodome this complex system of caves are both natural and man-made the biodome is completely self-sufficient a 100 Acre underground preserve where a Jurassic habitat has been recreated in painstaking detail to fit the needs of our highly valuable prehistoric guests so there's something behind oh is this one of the okay okay so this is one of the paddocks then okay so 5566 enter I guess welcome I'm already regretting knowing the code oh this is Long Grass isn't it hey big guy do I have to follow you through the grass maybe and then use you as a decoy oh I already see one of them look at that oh my God it destroyed it keep the flashlight off yeah look at that he's eating over there you see his head it's eating AR if you know you know I'm sorry guys I'm sorry I know one too many references [ __ ] we get it I'm just going to leave the uh the flashlight on I don't care I need I need to see them come on then nice got plenty of shells left what's this oh my God you came out of nowhere you [ __ ] oh we got a new weapon what is that semi-auto shotgun silenced 100% take that it went so dark then okay the director is oh my God of course of course it sneaks me like that I know I shouldn't read that there nice that's two oh it feels good to get revenge here we go three there's obviously a couple more too stand still for a second see if you can see any head movement or anything I'm guessing it's over on that far side or something or it could possibly be that first one that we didn't get right let's grab you and the shells and then okay slot three let's try this oh there we go look at that whoa whoa what what was that one what was why was it glowing I shouldn't ask questions there there's clearly something else down going on down here than just bringing dinosaurs back to life okay the direction was a mad man I found out is in a circle of fanatical bioengineers working on crossbreeding man and dinosaur when I found out he had me thrown into the pit and left for dead I don't think I'm going to make it out alive if anyone reads this I think he's planning something big Isaac the game ward and that's what happened to him they got rid of him because they found out or he found out their secrets let's switch back to this one make your way through the biodome I was trying to read what that was saying oh okay I completely missed this when I went that way around the tree okay it's a good thing that we circled back around then oh yeah look at that they've tore through the fences oh I really don't like this is this where I saw that weird peacock yeah it was okay what's that 500 okay are we doing it hello I'm telling you guys one day it's going to happen one day probably prefer it not to happen with with with Raptors though or anything else that looks like that wait what oh these are all the other paddocks okay yeah so this is B okay yeah no that was just for the for the main one okay let's take a look at Paddock C then let's see what Horrors await us down here not hearing or seeing any Raptors this plaster for ceilings and walls okay don't know why that's there maintenance report can we get some actual scaffolding down here we're using wood tied together with rope and it feels like the Stone Age I know the big brains up top get all the funding but these new containment Chambers are not going to build themselves Eco in Sierra Construction for okay stuff was breaking apart anyway and this supposed to be top of the line oh look stos right keep this [Music] off is that somebody over there working I'm not going to piss these guys off they look so cool as well look at that just grazing away with the uh oh no what's he with the Tho Miser there you go the Tho Miser big old thamiz on the back of it okay we got a bunch of stuff that we can pick up here please don't come this way guy right another syringe will definitely hold on to that so oh [ __ ] what do I get rid of I definitely want the shotgun so let me get rid of you and then grab that can I combine you real quick there we go so I've got another slot I can pick that up if I need to and what does this say stegosaurus age Jurassic size up to 10 m stegosaurus was first discovered in 1877 Colorado the animal has a set of large armored fins and a spike tail that it can use with tremendous Force the fins are not directly attached to the animal's skeleton but rather just come out of the skin this means that if stegosaurus break a scale it's a minor injury I didn't actually know that side note several of the staff have grown very close to the cow likee nature of the stegosaurus however the STS will get aggressive if provoked I also recommend planting more Bermuda grass in Paddock sea and doubling the UV lights as the steg's diet is heavier than anticipated Dr Jim sweet Sierra biopharmaceutical administrator okay antidote vial are we going to see some Dilophosaurus or something what is that number 34 is written on the pad with a marker okay do I want to take this I guess I can drop them if I need it wait is that a frog I was told you guys have like a a cowlike nature so please be calm that is that's a big old like prehistoric frog which I've actually forgotten the name of right now I believe those guys actually existed like oh oh he's pissed oh no no no okay we'll go we'll go like this way can I close no did I pick everything up yeah 34 okay and then back through to the other one oh my God what the [ __ ] oh is that what I saw before Oh my God so there's just massive spiders down here too I was just about to say that wasn't so bad and then that thing thing appears okay okay and there was me saying before looks like a prehistoric peacock you idiot it's a prehistoric spider or something like that I think that's what it was anyway hold shift to Sprint Run Okay jumping puzzle here we go oh yeah we got this okay let's let that stamina [Music] recover no doubt there's going to be a whole bunch of nonsense down there that we don't want to fall into so there we go some more cash how much have we got now 1640 that's not bad and there's another antidote what is that 29 so what was that one 34 and 29 I'm not going to take them in fact let me drop that 3429 I'll remember that that shouldn't be too too much of an issue I've got a feeling that something's going to jump on the side of this like latch on the side of it oh my I knew I genuinely thought there was going to be like a raptor or something trying to climb the side of it but wait hold on where's my health are we good should I use that just in case okay we just topped up it to be safe Sor okay okay 3429 I think that's theode that we need to get through this door on the left padic C I say think with like a little bit of Hope in there too yeah we're good okay 3 4 29 no 29 3 4 there we go so it's just the opposite way around so what we walking into here what was in Paddock SE nothing good okay so healthwise we have these two can definitely can I not I can't stack that either oh that's really wait combine there we go combine okay I didn't think of doing that before that makes way more sense okay combine there we go nice I'm just quickly go back into the uh into the stego pad I can see them down there too and get the uh I think I dropped pistol ammo I don't know if I pick back up the shotgun rounds my stamina dreams really quick too kill a flashlight is that prehistoric frog looking to take me down still I think it is it's down there somewhere just waiting oh yeah no it is I can hear it and I think if I shoot that thing the stos are going to come my way right let's grab this oh oh I'm so sorry no no look at him oh no I'm so sorry little guy yeah let's go nobody saw it he just minding his business and then I think I pissed him off by going over there just defending his territory and that's how he goes out it was quick it's what he would have wanted all right let's have a look how we're doing there some pistol ammo is back up yeah we're looking good I would really like another another weapon though something like a melee weapon that I don't necessarily need to use all the ammunition in the world on having said that that means I've got to get in close find the Escape ladder okay right let's let's grab one of these and then we can combine you with you which gives us another one of them and then do we want to get some I've not needed antivenom I'm going to take this my my logic behind this is if something gets close enough to me to bite me like that I'm going to want to use this anyway right so I don't know maybe I'll need it Titan of boa age paleocene size up to 14 M the Titan of boa is the largest snake ever recorded 42 fet and native to Colombia a new addition to the project fossil fuel collection we were supposed to find out that the Titanoboa does have oh surprised to find out that it does have a venomous bite which the medical team has already started to analyze for medical research tanoa is a piscor likes to eat fish but he's still a danger if it perceives a threat side note we ended up moving the Titan AO to an isolated containment Paddock until we finish building the new Wing Titan has been very aggressive with the workers since the move I have put in a request that antidote serum be placed nearby yep and my smooth brain hasn't been picking it up and you know what I'm not going to now because this is my life and I choose to live this way so back out I'm leaving you right there so that's what we're going to be coming up against then Titan OFA oh it's so dark wait are my eyes adjusting down here is that what's going on cuz it was so dark then got a feeling something's just going to appear okay can we combine anything let's combine these two together I know I've told this story a few times though but just in case you haven't heard it there was like a or there is like a a sighting in the crypto zoology field of apparently a titano bow or what people think might be mistaken as oh my God look at that thing I was just waiting there at the ladder but yeah if you've never heard the story of Colonel Remy van Le or lead I can't really say it right it was somebody who served in the Belgian Air Force and the British royal Air Force too in World War II who claimed that he saw a giant snake while in a helicopter I believe coming back from a place if I remember the story right and he got so low to try and get pictures of it with the people he was with that it raised up in the air and was trying to attack or was about to attack the helicopter and apparently there's like photographic evidence of this I've always been like completely taken back by stories like that whether it's true or not it's still interesting okay here we [Music] go could you imagine seeing something that big whoa and we oh yeah there we go get it on its underbelly I'm so thankful that I'm fast in the water too come on let it have it hundreds and hundreds of millions pumped into this creature to bring it back from Extinction and we're just going to take it out like that no no stop this thing's actually pretty tanky too don't want to let it get too close I don't have the antivenom oh run away there it is there it is can I circle around this spot nice go go go just don't let it get too close we're okay keep going if I didn't find the shotgun I would definitely be in trouble oh we've got to defeat it [Music] first okay it's not put up so too much of a threat nice okay I'm fine with that I really am fine with that cuz if it would have bit me there could you imagine a snake this size that's so insane to think about that there was a creature this big at one time and I do truly believe as well I know a lot of you guys are like what you're insane but what was that oh wait I was going to say that I do truly believe in like natural outliers just like in humans I really do think I don't think there's one this big but I do think there is a giant are multiple giant snakes around the world especially in remote parts of the world that we don't interfere with same for like things like crocodiles and stuff all right reload up are we okay do we use a lot there right let's combine that doing that there we go 177 we're looking all right can I go back and get the other ammunition if there was any left I know I'm being a bit of a a loot Goblin here but I'm probably going to need it oh no it was up there wasn't it okay yeah let's just go back oh my God what no way no you didn't oh you [ __ ] okay get up there go go go go there is no way oh look at this as well this is so wait what about if I just use I'm still okay oh [ __ ] no you know what I kind of deserve this actually no I don't deserve this whoa who are you mighty fine day today oh antidote wait Can I exit shop wait no way did I just buy that remember Sierra We Care nice right let's take that use oh my God what are the chances of that being a shop what's he doing just right there after that oh okay right let's have a look at how we're doing then yeah we still got three syringes that we can use so what else can we get I don't think maintenance and Supply goods are sold here maybe oh a revolver ammo okay I'm going to get another backpack thank you for business and that gives me no way did I just no way I just wasted 800 on that you scam pie stay down oh my God I really didn't think it was going to go down oh and there's an antidote vial here too yeah we'll hold on to you what that's a raptor yep there it is come on the big guy oh I didn't stay down look at that oh that's so bad we're okay though we're handling ourselves some extra cash reload load up I mean we're doing all right we've got no pistol ammo left put that there I'm going to move that out of the way because I've got nothing left in them yeah let's just stick with this not really tested oh red key card okay I've not really tested if they do react to the flashlight they've just sprinted at me straight away so not really had a chance to oh death that that's what they were eating and there we go there's the red key card this is Chief technical officer dur it has been over an hour since the power dieders are everywhere I don't think this was an accident judging by the destruction of the electrical equipment I believe this may have been caused by an EMP Poss yeah that's what it said before doesn't matter the only way to get topside is to restore the primary elevator a fire is blocking the a access Hall so I had to take the long way through the anal pad Corridor which is completely overrun and that big freaking snake has poisoned me and I don't think I'm going to last much longer if anyone finds me I have the key to Old Betty which is still in my office get that power restored so others have a chance I just wish I could stay here oh and he's going to slip away so is that you so old Betty office so means that you are wait as many of you know game warden no it's not that one it's not you I know we found something that said about old betti in a pen no it wasn't that one it's this one isn't it what the hell was that so that person there was Jay dorren Chief technical engineer rest in peace Jay Dorrance right let's find out where he want us to go then so so we got the red key card now and he was basically explaining what we've seen so far the door can't open with the power out what like with the fire and stuff like that oh this is where we came through before when you walked up to this window and we grab stuff out of there and that's where this nightmare began I'm definitely feeling more confident oh I'm definitely feeling more confident now that we have a weapon but I'm very aware that there's a lot more that could happen right let's put that there and healthwise how we looking that restores 100% Health this restores 50 I'm going to use one of these and that way we can just organize everything a little bit better actually I'm going to keep that on forus then if I tap that hopefully that'll give me a 100 if I'm in trouble all right we're looking good I know I'm going to go through one of these doors sooner or later and then what happened earlier on with the toilet is going to happen again let's keep our distance oh this is the fire then so the office is round that way so we're around the back of it now right yeah look down there was the uh was the office with with old bet so Su L breaker so we got the power restored oh the Armory is open now nice okay so we can get some some more Hardware let's put you there I'm probably going to get rid of this to be honest if we got a choice oh look at these water physics I'm not too mad about it this has actually been pretty fun though again it's been definitely Rough Around the Edges but it's been fun finding out what happened to uh or leading up to part two I guess so we get what we needed no that's old Betty and then yeah we still don't have what we need for it so go to the elevator what the [ __ ] is that what is that what am I supposed to do against this Homo erectus Rex what is this oh this is one of the the the things that they were doing they were they were experimenting with dinosaur and humans which way do we go this way have I got to take that thing down wait I think I can take that thing down that hit hard when I shot it then come on big guy there we go there we go get away oh yep that swing close is it trying to hit the Raptors oh yes you're big and stupid come on ooh oh yeah I don't like that come on come on oh one more oh do we do it that is so weird so weird so this is what happens when you can combine human DNA with a T-Rex you get the super Predator from the movie that we shall not name got it I mean that was pretty easy to take down I don't know if that was supposed to be like a a roaming boss but maybe I found the shotgun at the perfect time whoa wait what oh wait did that thing burst through here oh oh was that always a way I could have have gone I'm so confused okay right let's take a look at the Armory then is it all gone no kill the flashlight a blaster this weapon fires 9 mm rounds which H supercharges via plasma coils creating minimal recoil low stopping power is made up for a high fire rate body armor nice shotgun pistol rounds explosive powder combined to make fragmentation grenade C4 or proxy mines we can open this as well yeah I'm pretty sure this is where the um the hybrid would have broken through is his body gone no he's still over there whoa yeah that wasn't there before either was it oh [ __ ] what I'm guess ooh yeah we'll definitely take that um let's combine okay we can grab this now nice and then we'll put that there and there so slot four oh yeah we got an axe now that's what I was asking for four let's keep the Blaster out though it's all up oh this was a way in there too okay right so into the elevator and to the surface now have those things got out of the facility though oh of course there's a vent what the elevator broke all right there's no way I'm not having a shotgun out for this why can I hear the hissing of a Raptor oh you're going to be in there aren't you yeah oh you're rapor oh okay what is [Music] that that is so [Music] wrong I'm going this way [Music] first can't see anything you things take him out or is there something else I've been hiding in the vent since the power went out my entire team was killed perhaps using spider DNA to fill the genetic gaps of meganeuropsis was a bad freaking idea is that what those things are wait there was another there's another vent around here I've got to see what's there boy what is down there okay good something going to fall no okay I'm kind of glad nothing was there we'll take that so the ladder then will probably get us on top of the elevator and then we can use another ladder to get to the surface let's see oh what is this oh okay we got to pull that thing there kind of getting stuck though so that's all we had to do we just had to unjam the mechanism a little bit and I guess that makes sense why I'm hearing Raptors then cuz we're going to have a running with them now that noise hasn't stopped are they up there I'm just waiting for this is there going to be more hybrid oh my God what is [Music] that of course there's a giant spider with eggs behind it as well okay come on come on we've taken down everything that's come our way this fight it's the queen as well come on let's try this one oh [ __ ] I didn't see that one go go go go [Music] go come on come on can't really see because of the smoke nice look at the size of that thing as well this is why you don't do this stuff go away no don't you look at that there's going to be so many of them coming from that opening in the wall too let's reload up this thing didn't really do much either yeah it's got the high fire rate but it's absolutely not got the stopping power oh there's no way you're going to make me go through this you are aren't you nope all right oh my [ __ ] another queen come on leave me alone come on come on and then one more should do it nice you're probably going to have more babies around there aren't you you disgusting thing I got 42 rounds left with that come on give me something good more rounds I don't really need the health which is good okay so that's where we were before so we can cut back through I feel like the game is making shortcuts for me wait can we shoot these things yeah we can okay good to know we didn't need it but good to know the shotgun is so Superior and I'm so happy that we've got it no complaints what's all this all the power stuff power terminal I can still hear that weird sound so there's more than likely going to be another one of those Queens around wait there we go and then this is going to circle back around right to where we were before the vent is gone I think we're going the right way and then this one should take us yeah this should take us back inside okay we did it this is Lieutenant Finley I have reports from the surface that an unknown eny military force has entered the base who all security Personnel are to report to the Armory ASAP wait so I'm going to be fighting the Sierra guards now can't go in there look how nice that thing is what that's so cool I don't know if he just me but look at that that's really satisfying oh I could do that all day can we Break Stuff am I coming through we are cut off from the surface specimens are crawling all over this place find your way to the base power plant from there you can restart the entire system once online I can get a message to the mainland get it done son out was he genetically altered too I don't know if you guys caught that he had like something on the side of his head oh here we go soldiers are here I was in the bathroom when the power went out next thing I knew I heard gunshots soldiers breached the administration level and killed everyone they're going through the files they are not our guys that's for sure they must have got the power to sneak in and steal our research I got to get out of here Jennifer o' Human Resources PS I think they have taken over the CCTV system so they can see what I'm doing then all right there's no point in hiding okay we got a leak too I need to know if I can do this hold on oh what why does that looks so good again is that is that just me might be wor too much fun with that we open this okay I thought one of those bugs was going to be in there or something all right let's keep it moving then don't actually know what he asked me to do I'm guessing he was just telling me to to Get Out Alive oh hello big guy these things are really cute I don't really want to I don't really want to have to take him out I guess I have to though oh look at him just have a big rest you stay there I'll take care of the bad what was you guard in this okay what's it say bezel buo the devil frog Cretaceous Period up to 1 meter called the devil frog this big frog has a wide mouth that can eat small dinosaurs while not very aggressive giving up the chase easily it will attack if it spots prey the devil frog has a bite force of 2,000 Newtons and a barbed 4ft tongue side note we have bred several different types of devil frogs we have managed to house Venom in the small red ones While most have turned into the larger more natural beesel buo I think I'm saying that right which are not venomous they like water I can recommend we up the water in their Paddock which they share with the stegosaurus yeah that's the one we saw before then okay so the red one we saw was venomous what did that do we open a place up oh hey big guy you're back wait did you oh no they can live forever let's take you down again then you're not venomous so I'm not too worried about you massive damage reload up nothing here I found a key on top of one of these drawers too I should probably try all of them nothing no oh there's a card there did we get it there we go a key that unlocks a draw which draw oh these ones oh yes oh give me that SMG silenced okay some cash too oh yes yes yes right hold on put you there put you underneath and I guess I'll put you down there too slot four oh yes give me this and a hard drive with classified data better leave this here absolutely not no we want to take that with us otherwise everybody's going to call us a liar can we go this way oh [ __ ] I wonder what happened there that is crazy that that broke whoa so this is the force that came in to just delete everything then looks like our invading friends have met our local sharp too residence so slot one now we have the AK slot two we have the aut to shy slot three we have the Blaster and Slot four we have the silenced SMG okay we're so ready now we got more Health probably want to get rid of you and grab that because that restores 100 so okay yeah we're looking good now I'm going to just put all these here as well security cameras will alert the enemy as will non-s silence weapons ooh okay so we got cameras to worry about so we got a light over there that we got to bypass do we just want to go loud though I kind of do I guess that does it some more shotgun shells no I don't think I want to take that just go through here oh [Music] oh yeah okay we're in a fight now reload think we're okay oh look at this got more weapons as well okay I want to get rid I think I'm going to get rid of you let's grab the pistol whoa why can't I it's got a laser on it too I don't think I'm going to try and whoa night vision yeah we're definitely grabbed another first aid okay so our first aid is looking really good ammunition we could definitely be better with but it soon as though I just switched that out I should have the night vision nice okay let's get this thing back out around this way oh I suppose we could just use this you can perform stealth takedowns on soldiers if you sneak up behind them can I no oh I can so I shoot the lights and then I turn into James Bond can open the drawers I don't think I can carry anything either way so just keep [Music] going there one there there we go reload I would I don't think they're the smartest all right we got it we got it some more rounds let's keep it lights on nice we're just dropping them no problem right now can I not get anything from them is that a turret what okay hold on let me switch you for you that need a turret we get it oh yeah we got it this the way we're supposed to be going no that is too satisfying right let me switch this back around have I only got five rounds left for that okay let's put that on like there like that oh my God oh my that made me jump oh what is that an aloe let's go this way that's really cool looking look at that with the light there's I was just going going to say there's no way it gets through here with those pipes but it just bursts through them all right I don't want to take this thing down I really like the look of it come on oh no don't charge don't charge this wasn't its containment unit either it was definitely looking for food in here wonder if we can just hide from it it's coming back this way let's try should we give it some grenades there we go and it's down it breaks my heart that the fact that we're taking these things down I mean we have to but that's so cool though that's what I was hoping for playing this like we'd see a bunch of different stuff that we hadn't come across yet right shotgun stuff I think we're good yeah I'm not I'm not worried about picking anything up in know honestly maybe this for more grenades don't think I would have missed anything been pretty thorough so far oh is it these guys again whoa what oh it's those guys there's one and it took you out what is that oh give me this Silent Night Russian assault rifle High stopping power that can be heard by enemies okay I'm fine with that oh look at this thing oh yes okay I know one of you guys are going to be a sneaky [ __ ] just waiting or maybe not okay I don't trust it oh there's one up there watch your fire friendly allies ahead hold your fire glad to see somebody else made it we're bu up pretty bad here we'll hunkering down till help arrive okay so you got the turret on go wait oh okay so we put that on the top ready to defend this area then so we're going to get what is that is that flamethrower oh no I guess I'm going to have to drop this we have to play with all the new toys right look at this what is that is that a new rifle too yeah we have to do it yep give me that so we're going to drop we're going to have to drop this I want to play with the new stuff give me that no no this ain't reading right they're all over the place we got incoming lots of incoming we've got lots of incoming oh oh get the flamethrower going oh my God what there were so many of them hey Z we got movement oh that's actually kind of cool a little Easter egg you're just reading me no no this ain't reading right they're all over the place we got incoming L incoming I almost forgot to put that on oh here they come I'm going to back up here oh [ __ ] keep firing keep fire it [Music] no oh my God oh my God there's no way there is no way you make it through that oh is that what we got to do oh my God this is what we got to do we got to get out we are leaving this is it we got to get out okay leing oh no oh boy go come on big guys is that Rex oh my God look at the size of that thing get it what got the flamethrower wait hold on let's put that on there we throw a few grenades no doubt we're going to have a running with this thing at some point I wonder if we can take it down though let's keep hit hting it with some rounds or something size of that thing okay what else we got we got this still yeah we're doing good we're all right I didn't realize we just had to escape there are they drones I think they are you okay we're going all right health and I don't think I mean I can drop that and just pick up a fresh mag right yeah all right let's do that you coming I don't really know what these guys are supposed to be doing more shotgun shells y we're going to link up with Finley we'll be okay okay who's fin Tyrannosaurus Rex Cretaceous Period up to 9 M that was definitely bigger than 9 M Tyrannosaurus Rex is a super Apex bipedal carnivore native to North America the T-Rex was thought to be a scavenger but this has been disproven by our observation Tyrannosaurus rex rex is lating for King has been observed to have a bite pressure of about 12,000 in comparison this is twice that of an average Nile crocodile each T-Rex consumes three bow Vines a week prompting us to consider artificial meat tied to a walking drone stimulating prey as more efficient food replacement side note we recommend Stocking The Armory near the t-rex with higher caliber weapons in the event they are needed low caliber weapons will not penetrate the thick skin of the T-Rex which is three times harder than a rhinoceros veteran Arians are carrying 9mm weapons when they enter the containment paddocks which is useless for a dinosaur above a class three okay they're putting them in different classes too fresh air smoke good I wish I was up there with you son hurry and get to the power plant we are all counting on you oh so whoa whoa hold on a second I think I'm going to drop this and then grab this oh we got some sniper action oh yeah they don't know what's about to hit them there's a tank there though oh wait oh [ __ ] am I supposed to get in there reload yeah there's I've got to go go go go go oh go can we get in this oh we actually can wait what oh my God okay yeah no we're definitely driving this let's go oh it's like rolling this thing back this is so ridiculous we got Predator Vision nice select different gun oh wow The Recoil is insane okay we're got to go down that way I don't know what's going on guys I really don't I know I can deploy smoke though look at that oh wait are we going to get into a tangle with a Rex the one that we just saw in there that could be cool whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa just run over him I don't know where that person is oh I'm getting shot let's put that up I can't see anything is that a vehicle just just shoot it to be sure oh yeah that's another Tank come on keep going that's definitely what was hammering us just then oh we got another one what are you doing why would you shoot at a tank like that let me squish you there we go and there I think that is another one this is so like insane like this is so far from what I thought it was going to be but I I kind of like it you know this just it's complete nonsense but I'm here for it wait Did that drop I think it did I don't know what that is oh look at this oh we saw him in half wait no we didn't there we go now we s him in half just a path of Destruction behind us I really thought we were going to tangle with a Rex or something or like another hybrid I might have spoken too soon but we going to fall oh yeah look at that she can handle anything out on the ice is that where we're going oh hello oh hello just just out of there just gone let's go this way switch to the secondary frames are a little bit rough right now I'm sorry guys inside there too wait can we just straight up can we destroy the bunkers oh I don't think we can they're impenetrable it's super unnecessary but like I said I'm here for it right let's cut you in half you're vaporized oh is that a sniper up there okay he's gone he's disappeared no one's ever going to find the bodies a million miles into the earth oh yeah some sometimes this is a good thing you know just to just to get a little bit of payback oh look at him he's gone to the Moon oh we wait no is this where it ends oh no that's heartbreaking wait can we can we be smart here oh sh no no no don't roll back okay let's get out oh that noise he's out of there he's out of there he's gone get rid of their eyes so they can't see anything any other cameras is that where we're going I think it might be can we take their coms down that would be really cool if they couldn't communicate with each other because oh hello what oh is that a camera right there oh that's so annoying what are you got a little drone going on wait what can I there we go it's gone I think I took down most of the guards anyway reload did I shoot something in the background over there again so over the top but I'm not complaining what is that a turret we got a t t as well perfect we put the turet here why do I need a turret I don't know why I needed that you know certain games that just bring a smile to your face yeah this is definitely one of them there's things in this that I didn't know I needed and I don't think I do but I'm happy they're there you know oh wait a second the entire time I've not been using the map I don't think I've really needed to but we got two options here we can go entrance a or Entrance B I I think I'm right in front of entrance a so yeah we'll just stick with this one do we made the right choice what is [Music] that oh that was going to detonate hello oh these are the labs another Blaster there at proximity mine soldiers are all over this place it won't be long before they in the lab I have to change the code to the weapons research room okay find the code to the weapons research room got it and in terms of yeah we definitely don't need anything else in terms of health yeah look at this it just creating genetically engineered monsters what is that note to staff lab exit gate switch is wired to wrong door C then B so ACB is that what they're telling me there am I a genius for just working that out why are they being so cryptic to their staff too they compartmentalizing everything so everybody's thinking the wrong thing and you never get the truth testing chamber what did we just release okay let's go this way first I got a feeling something is down here yeah we're good for health and stuff I think anyway in fact seems as though we're not going to need the sniper rifle let's just switch that out for a second and then if we need to heal up pretty quick we can o hello I guess they both lead down the same way why are there explosive bottles are tanks everywhere containment feel like I'm going to get trapped in one of these too what is this warning top secret let me in okay we need the code okay so I've swept this place once and I'm not seeing any code for this thing hold on a second let's have a look if there's any documents it's right there okay oh okay so I only thought there was one side of it soldiers are all over the place it won't be long before they're in the lab change the code to the weapons research room I've written down the code but I must flush it down the toilet before the soldiers get it no no did you flush it wait hold on I know where the toilets are there're here open this no oh no I got to stick my hand in that six 6 819 okay got it 6819 she didn't quite flush it but I'm glad of it I even put this down here see if I could explode it but it's just flamethrower fuel okay 6 819 welcome all right what we got top secret weapon it says here that I've got to find secret weapons the laser weapon and the gravity weapon is this them hold on what do we want to get rid of here we've not got a lot of ammunition in okay I've got the sniper I think I'm going to get rid of this yeah put that on there that on there and then whatever this thing is black hole launcher okay if you if you ever find yourself in a fight with a T-rex or a dinosaur like any dinosaur this is what you need an experimental weapon that fires gravity grenades nicknamed the black hole launcher for his devastating power yes give me all of that look at this thing okay right can we take these two gravity grenade ammo oh this is exactly what we needed and because I opened up like the uh the test area I think I know where we've got to go I tried to get through to this thing as well but I can't I can't do it not got a lot of ammunition left for these weapons definitely can't go out there and this says there's something blocking the door from the other side okay we've got this got plenty of ammunition left for my uh oh wait I think there might be some here no we have grabbed it there we go we're all out of ammunition for that so let's put that on too and we'll put the sniper on there I think we should be good I'm actually yeah I'm going to keep the health on for cuz I don't know what's coming at me here ooh do I put something on that I think I might why does this not feel right why do I feel like I'm going to get into trouble what what what just happened oh look at this did we just find the motherload give me all of that body armor okay what don't we want we don't need this oh my [ __ ] oh cheap that was so incredibly cheap okay right so off the note we got before it should be ACB in that order nope that wasn't right oh look at that oh yes is it going to wait what that didn't kill you okay reload it up maybe it's for something bigger then so it traps it in place but it looked like it it definitely killed him in one shot see aha okay so that's the entrance let's see what's behind B okay that's it's not doing anything to you guys the sniper rifle doesn't affect Raptors good to know kind of sick son of a [ __ ] is recording this can we not get in there all right let's keep it moving 11 shots with that reload the sniper up there we go oh that's too much fun hold on right let let me swap that out is there anybody waiting for us oh yeah there is anyone else we do it I think we're good oh [ __ ] no we're not no we're not no we're not we're really not good okay use that oh my God I was so right to not get rid of this am I supposed to jump through all that whoa oh that's going to be the laser weapon okay right let me yeah we should be okay I've got I've got plenty of stuff that I can use let's switch to this one for a bit it's got high stopping power should be all right get away from those tanks oh my god oh there's a checkpoint here okay it wasn't actually that far anyway but I'm just glad that I don't have to go through all that again okay right avoid the floor got it oh there's a turret there you are can you hear me this is the director listen to me very carefully we've already lost control of the facility there's only one thing we can do we need to blow the facility overload the reactor and bring it all to the ground do it overload the reactor is he talking to us I think he might be can we oh yes we can okay right I don't want to get stuck on anything oh there's none in here okay this is the uh this is the weapon oh [ __ ] who's that can we can we get him out of there with that oh look at him go wait did we did we squish his atoms okay that was worth let's make sure we reloaded yeah we're good I don't know what I'm going to switch this out for though though I mean I'm probably going to because it's oh wait hold on I can just get a hold of this grab it grab the cells or whatever it is I can go back this way hold on let me switch I guess the sniper rifle for now that makes the most sense right we got like a laser weapon okay I'm going to test the laser weapon on the turret going to wait for it to sweep this way back a little bit oh that is so nice Okay and then this is it we got to get to the reactor wait I've got to get through all of this I mean I kept the sniper rifle so maybe we can do this stress free but got a feeling this is going to take a minute okay wait oh they're going to give me everything I've ever wanted them more okay what is that we can get hold of this too a vault rifle yes please we'll take that let's just switch up I'm going to keep the shotgun there I'm going to leave yeah switch that with that and sniper rifle onto there and I'll put the I guess that one on there yeah and then I can switch them over if I need them and some extra mags sure why not is that a flamethrower I'm not really a big fan of the flamethrowers so I guess I'll miss those not seeing any anyone oh they know I'm here though let's just take this slow oh hello friend I didn't think there was a way they could get up there let's keep those head shot coming couple [Music] more no way were they waiting then was he ducking then as well that's actually kind of cool try and get head shots nice I heard a few shots then I don't know where they were coming from behind us another big guy over there what about if we yeah there's none of that stuff hold hold on a second let me switch to this for a minute can have some fun is you running away yep there we go okay and the sniper oh this is actually kind of satisfying I hope it is to watch because just tapping heads like that it feels really really nice oh somebody else got a sniper rifle where is he I'm guessing down below but I my eyes can't make out where let's keep pushing forward oh there we go that's where the sniper is Tango down guess we could play with this a little bit just start firing it in places we got to go up we want some height right we got a sniper rifle that's where we want to be wait no way is this going to take us all the way across no oh maybe it can if we if we follow this wait there's no way we're actually going to do this we got him had to do some weird Crouch and stuff but we got him like on here shotgun stabilize or overload okay the core is about to explode I tried this one but nothing happened maybe I was supposed to go to a specific spot if anybody knows what that does then let me know in the comments comments and I'll definitely come back and and try it again if it's worth doing that okay we're at 1,000 now that's over the the normal output it's getting up to Danger let's just keep the shotgun out just in case I did scan all of this place but I again I couldn't find anything yeah 900 oh there we go my god what have you done you've overloaded the core in 5 minutes the entire area is going to be a fireball the size of Rhode Island didn't you tell me to do that very good now make your way to the train station I've got something special waiting for you I can barely hear that person he says make your way to the train station I've got I've got something prepared for you where is that that's just like a staff area up there oh here we go okay this is the train station the train can't leave until the rail switch is set oh let me guess there's going to be Raptors everywhere down here let's just actually I know I suppose we can use this this is what we're after oh of course we didn't do it a Rex is just waiting down here in the oh get on that train and mow that thing down oh it's not doing anything into it okay hold on what about one of these no that's still too far away hold on this I mean that's doing something but not a lot oh look at that what about that oh no oh that really hurt it get behind the boxes come on big guy leave that there oh look at that it's like sucking oh whoa whoa whoa get up I know I'm bringing the Rex over there but I think that's done it yes oh I'm so glad that I kept hold of this just for good measure I don't have the uh the flashlight I've got the night vision equip but that's kind of cool I mean taking these things down has been so easy with these weapons but I'm not complaining I definitely have it that way over anything else couple of shotguns yeah we'll take these make sure look at that 111 reload this thing up are we good are we going to see it drive through the Rex's carcass that would be hilarious if it did just rag dolls through the tunnel nope okay and there it goes destroying all and any evidence I may have been there ending B difficulty normal rank a 1 hour 48 that felt way longer than that okay so there we go guys that was the introduction to fossil fuel I don't actually know what would happen if I pulled the blue one because I did try try and I couldn't get out that same way before maybe it was bugged or something but if it is worth it let me know down in the comments and I'll redo that I guess if you guys do want to see the Raptor DLC then let me know down in the comments or drop a like on the video and I'll definitely take a look at that but for now I think we're going to end it here thank you so much for watching thank you so much for your support and I'll see you all in the next [Music] one [Music] oh
Channel: Fooster
Views: 516,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fossilfuel, fossil fuel, fossil fuel gameplay, fossil fuel 2, fossilfuel full game, fossilefuel ending, fooster fossil fuel, fooster horror games, fooster dinosaur, dinosaur games, dinosaur horror games, new horror games 2024, new horror games, first person horror games, single player horror games, fooster, thefoosterchannel, new dinosaur games
Id: iq8dgM0ifVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 42sec (5862 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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