Browndust 2 PvP Defense In-depth Guide + Tier List

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all right so first things first if you are a newer player you have to prioritize clearing the core PVE content to have a solid income of resources before you can even think about PVP you should clear very hard slimes Goblin magic caves and push last night as far as you can to make sure you're keeping up with resources and able to compete with other players in particular last night is especially important because last night gives you daily ancient crystals up to five if you can hit 52 million on the last night game mode and look at guides and ask people for help to make sure that you're pushing that to hit the 3 AC the 4 AC the 5 AC thresholds and do that all as soon as possible before you even think about PVP so similarly you should be getting the three tiers from each bonly event and using those for potentials again I'm not going to tell you how to use your potentials I use them exclusively for PVP but you do you so saving them for PVP will unlock a lot especially for units that have SP thresholds potentials will give you all kinds of new opportunities so it's up to you but you need to be pushing that content as much as you can to keep up with other players before you decide whether you should focus on your defense or offense teams you should first look in my opinion at your offense and defense win rates from last season cuz the the devs have stated they're generally aiming for a 70% offense win rate and 30% defense win rate and so whichever of your teams isn't meeting that goal or is doing the worst compared to those goals you should focus on that team first for efficiency so if we take a look here at my attack and defense win rates for the season hanging out I haven't done my runs yet for today but you can see here uh for this season I have a 90% % win rate on attack and I only have a 36% rate win rate for defense so they're both above the expected averages but my 36% is closer to the dev's stated intended win rate of 30% so I should definitely focus on this first my offense is kind of already set so that can help you prioritize all right let's pretend you want to focus on your defense first so when building your units the first goal should be for all the units on your defense Squad to have 90 defense or 90 ideally 110 mrr the reason you might want 110 EMES is because While most costumes with shred shred 50% defense or 15% EMES only three shred 15 to 20% and of those three bunny eclipse is by far the most commonly encountered on offense or defense it's so it's very beneficial for you to have 110 it is somewhat beneficial for you to have 110 defense but not nearly as much it's better to just get the HP and obviously for units that have 50% Shad it's probably not worth it to focus and try to get 140 defense or 140 Emir you just kind of accept your fate once you've reached that threshold the 90 or 110 your next priority should be rrolling away unded stats as much as possible usually aiming for HP or hp% but again depending on the unit they may want crit damage they may want crit rate they may want base attack or base magic attack it just depends on the unit I've put together a graph of the in my important in my opinion the most important costumes to worry about on attack things may change in the future but these are the biggest priority ones the ones you'll see most often especially PB Shera Rue kick and either of Justa skins and occasionally bunny Eclipse so these these are the ones I care about I'll go through some examples of different uh positionings that you can do and the strengths and weaknesses of each and I've laid them out in that graph for you as well so you can follow along so first there's uh the pp defense which is what I use right now the pp defense is pretty strong against R kick R kick in the left or right columns Only Hits one unit in the middle she gets good value um it's pretty strong against ppar ppar Only Hits one unit no matter what the problem with the pbd vins the biggest one is that bloodlet and justia murders it bloodlet and justia no matter where she goes hits two units and they'll probably both die it's pretty good against the staby jtia the white Reaper since that only hits one unit in two columns it's murdered by uh bunny Eclipse but that's always going to be the case and um so yeah that's what I run currently in my opinion one of the best uh orientations this has been around for a while now is the 113 you have one tank in the left column one tank in the middle column and then something like this uh you can you can fill around with exactly where you want them to go but uh in short basically you're trying to really protect the left and middle columns and then put your carries on the right this one I think is the most strongest overall it's been strong for a while now it's pretty good against a lot of different things uh PP Justa or sorry PP Shar generally doesn't get any value R kick two three two out of three times doesn't hit anybody justia stab Only Hits one unit all the time so this is pretty good overall um I think if you don't have any clue where to position units just do this put a tank in the left column put a tank in the middle column put you Carri in the right column pretty safe bet there's the 401 which used to be really popular in the past not So Much Anymore you you do something like this so basically you're saying hey all my carriers are in the left column and I'm putting a tank here it used to be that you could move the tank in different positions but uh that's not popular anymore because PB Shera if you do it here ppar is going to hit jusa if you do it here ppar is going to hit Eclipse if you do it here ppar in the left is going to hit GLA but you might find reasons to put it there but usually put it in the back so PP is not nearly as much of a threat so um yeah this one's pretty good as well the biggest problem with this one is that most people on average I think put their heat put their attacks on attack in the left column so this is kind of just asking to get murdered in the left column especially by something like a uh sword queen syia or Justa stab so yeah there's also the 302 and the 30 um 302 and the 203 so if you do a box formation with your units maybe your carriers go in the front I don't know how you want to do it and then you put a fifth unit on either of the left column or the right column there's different advantages if you put them in the front in the second column that if you put that 15 in the front then suddenly uh you're doing okay against uh PP PP Sher because she's only going to hit one unit no matter what but you're doing really bad against the r no matter what and uh you're weak to Justa stabs right and you're weak to Sor Queen Sylvia so um that's the weakness of putting her in the second row if you put her in the third row you now are um much better you're feeling great against BL Glon jusa against uh stabby jusa you're feeling great against those but you're not feeling so great against PP Sher who will now hit two units so if you have a low Mr low em unit like my Justus is going to get murdered by PB Shar quite often here so um that's the difference between those two in general I also think if uh if you put it in the back then Zenith being able to skip back there gives them maybe a little more value because they might hit you with an AOE but it just depends let's talk about the 104 the 104 basically the opposite of the 401 the reason that people generally do 401 instead of 104 is because if you attack down the middle column then as you know if the middle column is empty it defaults to attacking the right column next so assuming the attackers attack through their three columns randomly this means two out of three times they're going to hitting the right column now as a result the 104 is much less popular than the 401 and so people attack the left column more often so it's kind of self-correcting in that sense so if you want to risk it for the biscuit you can always put your units in a 104 again I think the one one3 is a little bit better but 104 you can do as well there's also a you can do a box but now instead you can put them in the middle somewhere in either the second or third row the second row um puts you at more risk of uh PP justia or sorry PP Shara because she's going to hit two units as you can see if she goes on the right or the left she's hitting two units including my jusa who will not be dead right um it's pretty it's okay against Rue it's you know left or right kick she's pretty bad and then uh the biggest problem though is that Bulet and justy is going to kill two units no matter what and maybe three so so this is very very bad against blut and justia but it's really good against stabby justia she's only going to hit one unit no matter what you can put her in the back instead and that clears up some problems it basically puts a little more risk at Auto losing but I think it's better if you had to choose between these two because now uh PP Sher is only going to hit one unit on the left or right she hits multiple units in the middle blood glut and jusy will murder you in the middle but that's that's it if she goes left or right she only hits one unit and then stabby just the white Reaper Only Hits one unit no matter what so if you had to choose between these two I think this one's better but again your mileage may vary and then next we have anti- eclipse this used to be very popular it's not nearly as popular anymore something like maybe this so the basic idea is I want my I want Eclipse to only hit one unit most of the time um you can never make all your columns safe but this is probably the best so you run something like this uh there's a different permutation something like this that you could also do and you can obviously mirror these to make it so that Eclipse if a bunny Eclipse attacks she'll only hit one unit in two of the three columns uh every other formation is pretty much dead against Eclipse so uh this one you can do if you want I don't think it's worth it nearly as much anymore it's pretty bad against Rue uh it's pretty bad against blood glut and justia it actually gives La near some value so there's a lot of different threats that you open yourself up to but if you're really really scared of bunny Eclipse you can do one of these there's this one and there's this one right and then of course you can mirror it either way on on the if you flip it around and then lastly there's the three front two back I don't know what else to call this uh I've seen some people run this I think they're crazy but this is basically saying I am not afraid of black jusa and I am not afraid of eclipse and I am not afraid of elener but I am very afraid of pp Shera I am very afraid of Sor Queen Sylvia and I am very afraid of the jessia stab so um this is basically going all in on some and saying if you're running those costumes I'm going to win and if you're running those other costumes I 100% I'm 100% going to lose so uh you can run this one as well if you want you can also move this guy in the back it doesn't really make much of a difference so um you're just kind of scared of certain things and not scared of others so again I put that in the graph for you guys uh obviously there's more things to how you run your defense there's uh not just positioning but also the tankiness of the units right maybe you put a unit in a spot that you expect them to tank things right uh maybe you're afraid you're in something that's weak to R kick but you have put uh you know lower HP units in the front so it's not nearly as threatening when R kicks there's lots of ways you can get around these weaknesses but it's useful to know kind of what your options are and what the strengths and weaknesses of them are so again I hope that you find that graph helpful all right so next I've put together a PVP defense turn to costume tier list I've got some input from members of the community Discord to make sure I'm not like missing anything but this is mostly my opinion of the costumes that are most valuable to use uh before I go into this I want to preface this that a lot of units their value is in their tankiness so units like glacia like lias like theres even if you don't have super high dupes of their costumes if you can make them tanky enough they can give most of their value on turn one so this is talking mostly about costumes for this tier list but just remember that some tanky units their values in their tankiness dupes aren't nearly as important but as far as costumes go we have to start with s tier and as back did bunny clipse is absolutely crazy in stier her AOE is deniably one of the best in the game it's so good that most offenses will position expecting a bunny Eclipse somewhere right she can absolutely wreck havoc she's a three hit uh her exclusive gear which many people didn't like for PVE modes because it doesn't Max damage is really really nice for PVP you just get a bunch of crit damage stats along with her exclusive gear and she can go absolutely crazy with it eclipse is not too expensive at 3sp it can kill multiple units is a great ability next we have BL justia she is one of the best nukers as well with her very crazy AOE after the buff slat change in February she went to now become a 30 uh 3x3 and she can do crazy damage right she doesn't need a buffer a buffer is nice but her ability to hit two or three units especially squishies and just delete them from the game uh is incredibly strong now that being said unbuffed blood gluton justia does about 10 to 11k damage I'll show a little graph here so you can see for yourself so in general if you want a Bruiser on offense to survive a blood gluton justia on when she's on defense you should aim to get their HP a little bit above that 10 to 11k threshold just in case next we have the sheras so whereas pool party Shar is one of the best costumes for offense on defense SP isn't as important and so you can be a little more greedy and get those ones uh those costumes that have a little bit better AOE specifically her bass and her code s uh now these are very similar obviously but code s has the nice silence so if she doesn't kill a unit at least they can't cast for the next turn or two and uh her base has in my op a slightly better AOE uh with three in the line just being really really solid Rue uh is also an S tier costume if she can survive turn one she can be really strong in turn two specifically because her ability to kick just uh can upset a lot of offenses and allow units like blood GL and justia and Eclipse to follow up with Incredible AOE so so even if you don't get the kill on her kick she can still be incredibly strong one of the UN maybe unexpected uh in my opinion stier costumes is just swipe I don't even remember it's called this a swipy swipe to me the this one benefits from the fact that most people don't see it often enough to want to position around it and there are only so many positioning options you have and so because we're more scared of black l justia or more scared of funny Eclipse usually you'll find that this chick is hitting two units with her swipe which is exactly what you want you do need the upgraded potential so that you're hitting with the the five wide instead of the three wide but if you do this has a big chance to shine on your defense uh next is pirate ruia pirate ruia also didn't see it uh that often when it first came out in PvP but it has slowly grown on me as a threat that I am more and more scared of when I see it on defense uh pyro ruia if she can survive again turn one she has incredible AOE that fan is really hard to play around um again because people are expecting to dodge bunny eclipse and bloodlet justia uh ruia has the ability to win fights all by herself hitting two or three units she has um defense down up to 45% if you invest in her which is crazy for a basic ability yeah she just has a lot of potential there and then lastly the one other costume that I wanted to put on turn two that I think is really strong for from tanks is glacia bunk which I know at the beginning people said hey it doesn't do that much damage it's going to kill a squishy that's it but uh the nice thing about this one I prefer it going over the taunt and the reason for that is because uh this unit uh as you'll find often times with tanks when they play against magic teams they use really cool abilities and then they get dispelled and then they use another cool ability and then they get dispelled and then they use another ability and then they get killed because Shera just absolutely runs PVP and so this ability from glaa allows her to have the potential to kill units and also gives her a slight buff but if it gets dispelled it's not the end of the world I'm very big very much a fan of tanks that can use abilities that are not 100% vulnerable to dispel so she has that magic you know magic damage taken reduction but uh if that gets to dis spell it's not the end of the world and then of course we have to include both of the Grands uh these Grands have morphed defense uh and morphed the defense win rate so much and forced offense to play in such a way around them that they both definitely deserve a spot in s tier the biggest thing to note is that obviously if you run Grand she's very much of an SP hog so on defense you can't have a ton of expensive SP units uh for example if you run both Grands you're not going you may not have enough for pirate ruia and a bunch of other costumes which is why units like blackl and jusa and Rue and maybe uh maybe bunny Eclipse are nice because they're all 3sp or lower so that's it for the S tier for the a tier these are picks as well if you have these plus three plus one Etc or higher to beat the SP thresholds I think they can have a spot in your defense as well we have uh Android Klean which has been strong for a while it used to be one of the best costumes in the game uh but as Sher has gotten more and more popular and got buffed like heck with potentials both for herself and for be Helena uh Android Queen lless let just say has seen better days it's not too it's not too uncommon for me my list to use her Shield get to spelled use her taunt get to spelled and then she dies and you just spent a bunch of SP on this unit and she didn't do anything right so there's two things in my opinion that keep Al out of s tier the first is the fact that lless has a helmet for her exclusive gear and it's forced to have a defense primary stat there could be potential that she could be really good as a unit that goes full m and HP but she cannot do that without giving up her exclusive gear because she's forced to take at least one defense primary stat um some other units like uh Zenith and and glaa are not restricted like that their exclusive gear is on their on their weapon and so they can be a little more flexible but lless kind of has to for it kind of has to take one primary defensive stat which is it feels bad so otherwise I think she could be one of the best units to counter a Shera right even though she gets dispelled she doesn't really care right she'll just sit there and not die um yeah the other thing that holds the back is just how common Sher is um as I mentioned she just absolutely wrecks tanks with her the dispel and there's not much the can do about it she's not aggressive she's a little too passive for my taste next in line we have Alec Alec has seen uh not a ton of popularity but I think in this case popularity I'm separating from potential the main reason that I think we don't see a ton of Alec in defenses is because people are loathed to spend their tears on him because tear are very very few and far between uh but if you spend some tear on him he can do a ton of damage unbuffed in a diagonal that most people do not want to play around because or don't even care to play around because you don't see him that often and that's part of his Advantage because he's not used super often so I think he has a lot of value and he can give you at least one if not two kills on defense one thing to know about Alec is that because of his diagonal attack he has to be placed in the rightmost column if you want to have a chance of hitting more than one unit manager gray is a decent defense choice he's basically a very high likelihood you kill one unit type of unit um I think he has a spot on a physical team he probably does not need to be buffed at all and because of his nice 50% defense reduction where most tanks don't build more than 90 defense reduction he'll always do pretty crazy damage so if you build him very high attack crit crit rate Etc he's probably going to kill even tanks the reason I put glacia here in a or the reason I put Alice glacia in a instead of s is because of as I mentioned the dispellers everywhere that absolutely make this a waste of SP now this is really really nice against physical teams so if you're trying to counter physical teams go for this because physical teams will run elener for their dispel and on turn three they won't have any dispel left so then she can tank the heck out of units especially if she has 9y defense she'll probably tank two three maybe four units and then die and respawn like that's really really cracked against physical teams against magic this is kind of just a waste of SP I would rather have disciplinary committee Yuri I put here because of the spell the AOE is pretty nice I think she can really be her potential can really be unlocked with a unit like zenith uh that gives access to the backline similar to BL and justia similar to Idol elenir these are units that really really want access to the backline but they're hitting the very front she's a little bit expensive at 3sp um which is why she's not that great on offense but on defense I think she definitely has a spot in the Meta Even though she's not used that often jusa for her stabby stab the white Reaper I think is okay it's a pretty consistent kill unbuffed it's not going to kill a tank is part one of the problems it doesn't have the best AOE a lot of teams can pretty easily position around this they're also trying to position around bunny eclipse and those kind of go hand in hand so it's very unlikely you hit more than one unit and even when you do you may not kill so I think it's not as great so next we have be Idol elener this costume has grown on me over the past months once I get more dupes on it I am definitely going to be trying it out on defense I think it is also one of those costumes that is very much unlocked by Zenith because it gives you access to the backline which gives you more value from your plus sign it kind of has the best of both worlds from shar's different costumes because Shara has uh she has to spell right but she also has the Silence on codess and the EM reduction on Professor Shera but Professor Sher doesn't deal enough damage Idol elener has crazy damage similar to Shera and she has defense reduction and she has a silence like that's crazy on one costume it's a little bit expensive but again on defense if you're not running Grand you probably have enough SP I want to try it out once again where D hun her next we have theres my opinion ter is the best buffer on defense hands down and that's because she also can uh double as a tank and you really need tanks on defense because people bring absolute hell the nice thing about Ellen or theres is not only does she have the buff but she also has the heal which is really clutch I can't tell you how many times my glaa has gotten beaten down to 100 HP barely survived and theres heal feel heals and theres heals her to whole wow and theres heals her to full on turn two and then they just absolutely wreck face theres has uh not only tankiness she has the heal um and buffing gives you a chance against Turtle costumes it's not the best you'd probably want dispellers but uh theres gives you a chance especially if you crit for your bunny eclipse for your jusa to kill units especially um if they have elemental Advantage Olin I think belongs in The Meta right now he's not very he's not very commonly used but I think he definitely has a place the most the biggest use case for Olstein is to counter Shar and counter Shar he does for several reasons one Olstein uh has Elemental advantage and he's naturally tanky and he's an em unit right so him staying across from Shera he's one of the few units that can fully tank a Helena buffed Sher that fully crit three times like he can do that um and he can also silence uh I think his silence costume is better right silences for a couple turns gives him a ton of SP has great AOE it's not going to deal any damage but his job is just to neutralize the heck out of Shara and when he silences her she can't use the spell on turn three which makes her really really strong uh as usual I think Olstein is a little bit limited by tears and the fact that he's a dude uh I think people just haven't tried him out enough I think he definitely has a spot in this meta as long as Shar is incredibly popular on offense as already is Zenith is another unit I want to try out once I have a little better gear for her uh once you you kind of need her to be 9090 defense and uh EMAs to survive the onslaught of turn one but once I get her there I want to try her out uh with the be Idol elenir combo to silence the heck out of units in that plus sign AOE I think Zenith the the biggest advantage of zenith is she gives you access she gives your carries access to colums that the carries normally can't stand in because they're going to get murdered on turn one so the simplest example is is in a 401 offense right the goal of the 401 offense is to put so much heat and pressure on that leftmost column that any carry in that column died right and then on turn two the enemy since you know attacking in the middle and the on on defense defaults to hitting the offense's rightmost column they're stuck hitting some tank and maybe they take a couple abilities to hit it and they can't put a lot of heat on your offense column and the left so next is the thce push or basees I think her buff is slightly better because it helps more against Turtles which has become more and more popular but I think theres Bas theres has a continues to have a place in The Meta because she can especially with her potential upgraded AOE so that you can are very likely to hit two units and disorient the enemy's position re you know reposition their units so that a unit like Justa or uh Eclipse can come in and absolutely clean house so I think Teresa is fun it's a little bit rolling the dice right you might not hit more than one unit but similar to Justa swipe and similar to uh idle what is that chick's name what is it idle Yuri similar to Idol Yuri uh you're very likely to hit more than one unit because of how offens is position then for B and C tier I'll briefly cover why these costumes aren't great they're okay I just think they're are better options currently uh rafina has a nice nuke with her upgraded AOE she's the same as eclipse the problem is she's single hit so while Eclipse can be a little greedy she doesn't need full 100% crit rafina you kind of got to go 100% crit because you don't want to hit a unit and not crit so she has to lower her average damage so that she gets more consistency because it's a single hit jusa her Kendo is probably the worst of the her costumes because she's not likely to hit more than one unit it's okay might be better than stabby stab in some cases I don't think it's great be Helen and Rue are nice as buffers if they can survive turn one I think they could be strong they just have a harder time surviving turn one than a unit like theres does especially because they will never have elemental advantage on defense so it's never like a unit's going to hit be Helena and be Helena takes less damage whereas th gets that value against any fire unit right so these units I think are slightly worse they're okay if they can survive turn one they can be great both of sher's other costumes are okay I think uh they just have better options with the her base and her code s Alec similar to it's the same as just CIA stab Just a Little Bit Stronger cost more SP it's okay um if you have an Alec I think this would be good for turn four but probably not the best for turn two okay next we have Bas Eclipse Bas eclipse is pretty nice it also has the SP reduction that bunny Eclipse does which is again one of the things that makes bunny Clips absolutely crazy as it gimps the enemy's turn three uh Bas Eclipse has nice AOE it can often times hit more than one unit uh it just doesn't do as much damage as bunny Eclipse because it doesn't have the Emer reduction uh otherwise it's pretty nice you can get to cost 2 SP with potentials but I think bunny eclipse is better and then lless her you probably shouldn't be using her taunt on turn two if you are uh I probably wouldn't be running Li CL at all or putting her at the bottom of your costume order so she's lower priority elenir I think right now elenir is a little bit held back on her dispel because turtle is not that popular as Turtle becomes more and more popular I think her dispel costume will become better and better for now I think Idol elenir is a little better just cuz it's a larger AOE especially when comboed with a unit like Zenith and ruia is really nice especially for newer players that come into the community Discord they have like no dupes on anything m ruia is nice cuz at just plus one she goes down to 2 SP so she's pretty nice she doesn't have a ton of tools to kill a unit but at a minimum she has the ability to fully Dodge or evade or whatever it's called so she can be very strong for uh defending against the enemy's turn three if you have no other uh no other Alternatives Alise uh I've seen Elise used really well I just don't see her used often she has that nice you know defense and Magic resistance reduction and she can deal decent damage I just find she gets stuck a lot on a unit like glaa and doesn't give you a of value but maybe that'll change in the future um again if more people use it right now I don't just have a ton of evidence for it rafina similar situation I don't see a ton of people using it it's a little expensive at four at 4sp um it has a nice AOE it has a crazy number of multi-hits uh you just hope it doesn't get stuck on one unit right I don't even remember what this skin is for what this costume is for Oldstein the other Olstein uh in short the other Olstein is better idle Yuri it's pretty nice it's like Justa swipe uh but it's a single Le hit so you have to build in a lot of crit right and it's not as consistent and it's not true damage so it's pretty nice but not as nice as swipy Justa seer in my opinion Seer on defense is mostly just a meat Shield her SP cost for her costumes is not that high but I'd put her very low priority and then Sylvia some people really like Sylvia on defense I think Sylvia has a bit of difficulty because for a couple reasons one um she her costumes are reliant on her getting her attack buff from her sword Queen and so if you can't get sword Queen off and survive till turn four to get Super Value from the other costumes without getting dispelled you're going to have a rough time so even if she survives like turn three where she had her buff for herself if she gets dispelled then turn four is going to suck right her other costumes are not that great without that attack buff and so I think she kind of belongs here I if you have no better alternative and you have a really well built syia go for it but otherwise I wouldn't prioritize putting Sylvia in PvP next is AD Diana I think Diana's okay she's definitely s tier on attack she's not as guaranteed on defense she very much needs she would very much like to have a magic attack buffer in be Helena or in theres to make her Shield super great but again you kind of she might work well as a tank but you really want more damage units I haven't seen her Ed to great effect but maybe I'll change my mind in the future when I see her more and then the last ones down here I just think there are better Alternatives across the board um you know Angelica HL there's just other options that are cheaper more consistent whatever more likely to survive Etc uh above and beyond that I don't think any other unit is like great to take you can obviously use whatever the heck you want you need at least two tanks you need at least two carries whatever you do be on that is up to you uh look at what other people are running and uh yeah go have fun so this is what I think the state of the meta is for defense on turn two lastly I just have a couple final summary thoughts on defense we've already reviewed standard defense positioning and kind of the tier list of for The Meta as it stands right now uh but in general remember you should have two tanks Two Carries and one Flex unit that Flex unit can be a third tank it can be a Bruiser it can be a buffer a debuffer or another carry whatever the heck you want um if you run but also your your unit should work in concert together so if you run Red Riding Hood r as a buffer don't run Justa right if you run HL and justia together HL as your buffer don't run a Sher right if you run a defense reducing unit like manager gray don't follow it up with a MAG unit who might get stuck on a tank and not benefit from that reduced defense right there's ways that your units can work in concert together um also don't have too many high SP costumes especially if you run gr pyate ruia is a really cracked costume but it is quite expensive right um and also watch your defense um if you win if you don't win very often on defense watch your defense to understand if you die too much on turn one or if you failed to kill on turn two and adjust accordingly right you can be more greedy with your positioning maybe stack your units together if you're surviving turn one and and not killing turn two so just watch your games to figure out what your problem is and as always you can ask questions in uh in the community Discord and lastly uh you know again PVP is a mode that I enjoy the most I find the most depth in it I enjoy discussing strategies with other players um if you want to invest in PvP go for it there's lots of units that can benefit a ton from potentials that will increase your win rate 100% um but if not hopefully this helps you improve your win rate on defense just uh by learning some of the basics and with that that's my guide for defense I know it's pretty longwinded at half an hour I hope it's an appropriate level of depth I am in the middle of making the attack one that I want to release soon as well cuz they kind of go hand in hand and build off each other and uh until that comes out I will see you in PvP [Music]
Channel: Liamera
Views: 2,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: browndust2, pvp, bd2, pvp defense, browndust 2
Id: tuVykV3GF9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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