The BEST & WORST CHAMPS in EVERY FACTION ft.@YST_Verse (Part 1) | Raid: Shadow Legends

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hello everyone nub CeX here welcome back to nub raids who are the best champions in each faction and who are some of the worst well to break it down for us we're joined by none other than yst how are you doing dude how's it going Aman's the nnic nice oh dear yeah it was fun thing yeah I I improved that I don't I think I told you that in the the ray Community award it was the funniest part of the entire thing like do you know for me it's the little one liners that just walking out saying can you make me like in that funny voice I was like I was in tears man I added that in I I was just like huh you know yeah that that was cool it's nice to see something I put in there working out well I I I just want to say disclaimer if if if gensen is on this list as the worst right there's going to be some boxing matches getting set up between me and Nubs that's true well we'll have to see yeah you guys will find that Linked In the description what we're going to do is pick again from mythicals and legendaries we're going to pick the best champ and the worst champ for each faction now I said if we let all the worst Champs be in you know you just pick an on a common or something that's no point uh but we're going to do the first eight factions here and then we'll do seven more factions over on yst so if you want to find out whether gensen is the worst or not you know where to go click the link never right do you want to start us off with like this is a t Bonner Lords is pretty strong uh but do you want to start off start us off with like maybe best and worst do you think for this F action it's a rcky rcky yeah so androck is a androck he's a really good Champion but they kind of changed it in feeble right I believe he's the in feeble guy and you can't in feeble bosses anymore if I'm not mistaken yep yep yep um so I felt like the value of him was very very high mhm still very high but maybe not as impactful as what I wanted him for anyway right but removes all debuff steals pure damage to equal to 5% of the target's Max HP yeah he's he's good so I've actually got a on him coming out soon um he he is actually very good in Hydra it's mostly actually his Buffs with increased resist and just keeping your team alive and buff extending so he protects your team everyone can miss you if tank increase resist and then he gives everyone like a ton of terameter whenever anybody does a critical attack uh so he's he's actually a surprisingly good support for Hydra and then you can flip him over and you can do the buff strip in form two form two is not that good though you want to just get him flip back as soon as possible basically but yeah he's he's a solid Hydra Champion don't know if he sees much play really outside of that though like solid enough I guess in Arena but not too special compared to other mythical um well would you want me to if I was if I was to if I was going to say my number one in this entire faction yes controversial this is just personal opinions guys okay um it's actually not controversial but you can argue it I would say marish get and breaker was the best champion in the faction that's fair that's fair mhm I know there's always that discrepancy like is it is it Marishka if raid came up to me like they kicked down my door like Y is listen choose one right now I'm like Marishka I think she I think he down to the the full restoration HP is very scarce in this game yeah um you know we' got Padre and stuff coming through as well but you know strength for and shields full restoration full heels ter fills buff cleanses the revive ability of a passive the A1 Ally attack she's very very strong so I think yeah I think maish is still probably number one in this faction interesting that's I actually went the opposite way when I was thinking about this I thought I said tus would be my number one uh so the the two sides of the same coin the couple I think tus you know actually funny enough funny enough he has been power crapped out of the best non trund team for Hydra in the game he was up there it was like him and gal he's actually been powerc by toshiro who's the mythical Shadow is now in the top H Team I think they've done bilon or like obviously trena is like I don't know 80 something billion but yeah so uh but I I probably picked haris just because he does ridiculous like if you think about HP nukers you know who the next strongest HP nuker is like thealis blade Master right or something yeah ARX is pretty good uh frol is decent as well like there's a few but like tus is just on another level his damage is crazy and he also extends your Buffs as well I think he's useful in lots and lots of areas they're both very powerful strong it's like it's very very close so I couldn't argue either way but I guess just personal preference right that's true what about the weakest the weakest ones I like there's actually some decent usefulness I think to to most of these they a lot of them have a place um there's a few that I think are definitely on the weaker end but I'm curious if if you had to pick just one if I had to pick just one yeah that's the tricky part everyone's just looking at adelin right now and I'm thinking she's in my sun was so crazy do you know on A3 right the sleep I got two books put it in got the the buff debuffs and that was I left it you're done so handy yeah yeah yeah but um there's an argument for her potentially just because universally the restoration is a percentage of a percentage so it's not like a full restoration yeah it doesn't well yeah I it be between her and yeah her her or lugan I think lugan I wish they would change his A2 badly to make it full increased defense instead of just himself with an ally protect i' be like o now we got a nice Champion here yeah yeah yeah I agree I I'm sort of between those two as well for the weakest I think black Knight's also kind of underwhelming um I I I probably would vote for aidland but I i' totally change that vote um if the sand devil you know changes come in and she's actually like really really good at that point yeah like for me I'm a little bit biased because I genuinely use chronicler adelin in in my main sand devil team and it's because what she does is when she places that decreased speed with the placement skill it allows you to bring down the speed of someone like your n because you're getting that 30% off the bat which is without it you basically have to bring your n way above board right to places damage so you've convinced me lugan I'm not I'm I'm not even convincing I'm just trying to talk myself into you actually use her do you actually use lugan I don't have him but I wouldn't if I did I like lugan this the thing like the yellow power range but he's just I can't lie he's underwhelming man yeah he is that2 lock it in lock it in all right jumping over to the High Elves uh weaker faction overall um I I'll start first for this one I do think Galer the mythical is the strongest this guy is one of those mythical kits that does so much it's actually hard to remember everything that he does but he can prevent his death he takes less damage he has the full revive with perfect Veil he has cleansing and healing and terer fill block de Buffs his A1 I think is ter meter fill he flips over and this form to is like crazy Crow control like increase accuracy decrease resist stun he has AOE buff strip block active skills AOE turn meter uh bonus accuracy like this guy he's an absolute Beast I think he really is dominating as well he's got crazy base stats to 115 speed I think he's really dominating um highend Arena very much so he's like the new most OP Chom I think there uh so he would be my pick for sure I don't know if you feel like is there anyone in contention for like even like um that stands out from the rest I would say like start stage I would agree probably the best like when I faced him in the arena I was like oh this is going to be easy easy clap right no way this guy came back with some crazy stuff he became on killable or something I don't know what he was doing one of his passives it was just nuts but if I was going to see in like maybe next best in line if we just speak about legendaries yeah I'd have to go warm ororon okay yeah that's cool that's a good pick personally I think he's very very strong like enemy Max HP block Buffs decrease attack 10 met FS aoe's all around the board self-amplification of attacks yeah man he is he's probably one of my Most Wanted non-void legendaries in the game I just got I'm grinding him up right now in menur almost done and then I'm going to book him in CVC and see what he can do but yeah I'm I'm hyped I think he's the one that yeah he's got to be the one that stands out for the worst one there I mean fin is really good too but more Niche I'd say anyway for the worst one though uh what we go for in terms of the worst it's obviously not galath here we can see he's the best but um I feel like it's got to be one of these two pixel or Alexander I think are probably can you still pull Alexander you can't can you I actually don't know I think he I've never I've never seen A Shard pull video where someone's pulled you're right yeah simple I don't think he is in the pool you might be right yeah I I think he's the worst he's got 30,000 reviews yeah he's the worst one he's the got admit like when he came out it was everyone was so under like people were forcing to make him look decent like on paper you know decrease defense is nice a freeze is decent remove Bu from Target hits pretty hard he hits hard yeah and he's decreas pretty hard like he's good but it's like is it worth the books is the question um is he worse than pix I think is the question yeah she's also I mean she's got she's worse she's worse for books like my God she needs so many books C shees to read she is actually if you book her up she's actually pretty good freeze and protecting good against enemy freezes but she needs so many books I don't know I I feel like it's between these two for sure yeah I'd go with do you know what we're going to do we're going to choose Alexander because no one could be like oh I pulled him and it was your fault so there we go Alexander excellent yeah excellent I've used him a bit but I mean like he's really a luxury I use him in city of sanos from time to time decent damage here and there but he's nothing crazy yeah all right we got sacred order SE friend he's strong uh very strong we've got other strong ones in here as well cial is good as well or wixell wixell is wixell is in there he's he's good that comment was so funny because you wrote Wishy well and then I was like wish you well from the wishing will in that comment and then someone was like is that where the rat battle wins yeah yeah I was like I'm not going to fight I'm going to lose um yeah fman Fan's good too right he's can be do some fun stuff with this is really good yeah yeah I don't know who do you lean towards as the best like I I'm leaning towards de friend I think but what do you think yeah if if you're going SE friend I think if I was going to go next best in line probably cardiel even though I hate the way he looks um I just can't deny how powerful this Champion is as a overall kit right like removing of debuffs block debuffs Revive on deaths Ally attacks massive heals from that A1 um I think anybody that pulls a cardio is you know flipping their chair they're like damn just we got one of the best Champs in the game so yeah yeah he's in the 10x there or 15x I mean this week so I'd be tempted to go for him but who knows I will say secr since the buff has become a menace like he's nuts very very hard hitting yeah I I I think that yeah he's not only terrifying in Arena you know what's I always forget this part about his kit right I go in now do you just speed farming like Baron in classic Arena right I fa him and he's like he just stops it preempts to hit he that Revival with the block damage and then he come back and I'm like for God's sake king of block damage like he gives himself block damage for two turns then when he train his form he then puts out block damage on everyone for two turns kind of gross it's a nuisance man yeah yeah he's a pain in the butt I've lost a few fights in Arena where like you know I I killed everyone and then he came out of like polymorph and and he transformed and brought everyone back Revive on death I was like son of a gun I poly mored him I thought he I thought he was gone but no h anyway whatever so yeah but for the weakest then um who's the weakest for this faction um they're all like most of them are pretty all right actually what do you think about Supreme ail I've never had any play test of her yeah she got buffed um I haven't really heard anything about her since I'm not even I think they buffed her damage maybe uh I just never see her being used let us know in the comments guys if anyone actually uses a properly I would be I'd be between I think her and maybe a abess isn't great she's got two AOE with decreased defense like it's not not bad but she's not amazing and I kind of like GLA but I don't know I like GLA too it's a very this is a very tough one to cool I feel like they're all very good in their own rights yeah or like haltering quite neich see abess is very good as well but maybe a bit of a onetick pony potentially she hits very hard but yeah you know decrease defense but if building for damage you don't 96 speed that's a bit rough for a decreased defense champ I that's tricky may maybe Supreme AEL just because she's void right that's that's what I was thinking I was just asking is she is she worthy of being a void champion and does that make her one of the worst I'm not too familiar with holstering either probably one of the best looking Champions yeah and stuff but he's good for turn meter control but like he he was really top tier for Fire Knight normal since Fire Knight hard came out it's like like you can't turn me Phil like where would you actually use him outside of dark Fe yeah he's pretty poor as well so there's a few there's a few okay let's say we have to pick one and go believe in the heart of the cards follow follow your heart three two one go Supreme okay Supreme good yeah that's fair that's would you agree would you agree yeah I I think so yeah yeah yeah I yeah yeah I think it's just the void thing the void thing for me is where I've kind of maybe yeah like she's she's arguably stronger than these but it's because she's void that makes her not as strong as she should be yeah but I I could lean towards maybe Hall string otherwise yeah I was just thinking Hall string is I don't know man sorry guys if I've upset you today all right barbarians is up next now this one is this one's tough alas I mean he's great mostan form one but we've got Arman here we've got Archer this is a bloody tough one this a tough one all right am I going first this I think I took first last time so do like this is tricky this is tricky uh what do you think about about these I think alaz is a very very very powerful mythical Champion I've seen wers coming out from him in like Hydra or whatever that may beckam if I was going to say who's the best in this faction mhm for their Rarity I think I I think amans is too busted yeah over I actually I do think Arman is probably even better than alas honestly like I I think I agree I think he is actually best um it's it's it's they're very good in their own ways but if I was to have just one I think I'd never be able to get them again I think am is he's just obnoxious right like you go into Arena and in live Arena he's like the first band pick if they on offens or defense you avoid them in classic Arena it's just you don't want to be dealing with that if they go first right crazy he is just too strong for arena and he's also busted for any wave based content he just destroys them like there's nothing that waves can do like he's just broken do you think any other legendary from this faction comes close to what um alas can bring to the table uh I think it may be Archer on defense but I I think alas maybe yeah I'd say I think alas will and the test of time probably better than Archer one of the things I don't like about alas his form to looks really cool but if you actually see it in game he's way too short like he should be about 50% bigger in game and uh he's also not about the thought about the chicken man cuz I played when we played the chicken was Tiny Tiny Chicken yeah yeah they need to up the side they did it once before the iron brago used to be a and then they they made him bigger and he looks way cooler but um I think the smallest champion in the game now is U for a legendary maybe a pen outside of the dwarfs yeah small too yeah he need yeah he needs to be giant but has a second form like going back to the mar to get unbreakable thing that full restoration of HP is very nice and you know what I'm always planning for the future Nubs do you know like maybe there might be a new difficulty of Hydra in the foreseeable future especially with the way things are going with these yanica teams and stuff yeah yeah like I feel like increased resistance um decreased accuracy and restoration of HP is going to be key for survival in the next difficulty and we're starting to see these Champions come to fruition right in many of these new options like Padre and whoever that may be so maybe you know this second form if we don't have any restoration Champs might be coming in and putting in that work of that fre res for sure all right we'll see we'll see our mans Takes the Cake for now what about weakest what we think for weakest in the faction they're all the one the one that screams to me yeah off the bat without anything I think it's rfh matab yeah I just just because I've never seen them used in like the past two years outside of bom maybe but yeah I've seen them used again but that was way back when for increased resistance like multiple buff extenders but yeah it's pretty underwhelming it's like attack s enemies plac to provoke for one turn one turn provoke block damage on himself and increased resistance is nice with reflect damage um his passive sus as well yeah he's feel like is very disappointing I think outside of Niche case uses agreed agreed agreed yeah that makes sense I think yeah operon is also not super useful but he's more useful I think than I thinkon you know he's a nice healer removes some block Buffs and heal reductions and stuff could have some use I guess o ogan small fact uh what are we think about this one best and worst we've actually got gizm in here and we all liked him right when we did that showcase I do yeah I I like him he is good um he's really interesting he'll be his problem is polymorph right cuz he burns everyone and then he can explode the burns which is great for arena problem is if he gets polymorphed that sucks uh and he's great Hydra Champion as well like buffing you burning he's one of those he's one of those rare Champions that we keep talking about right like is dreams that can actually bring an increase speed decrease speed combination to open opportunity for more chions with a burn as well so he's fulfilling three different roles for your team as well as the kind of support part in his second form as well with the Pain Link and stuff yeah that for the damage dealer with the pay he's very very strong but would I rather have him over grazor is what I'm thinking there yeah they're probably the two like nothing it's actually this faction doesn't have very many notably strong Champions they're all kind i' say like I think grazor gizm sits at the top and then maybe second best in line maybe Cora or blizz or something like that yeah agree Shamrock maybe that next caliber yeah mhm yeah what about weakest I'd say yeah that's It's Tricky isn't it It's Tricky I'd say I I think that gizm will have more future proofness than gror yes uh so I I'll probably give gizm the slight edge here but it's damn close it's very close yeah ger you like Gera right probably Gera the thing is with Gera now is um obviously hard mod dungeons we cannot poison the ice Golem anymore and that's the main reason why I really liked her so it really depends on where you are in the game where you and if you summon her early cuz I feel like by the time that you get ger a bog Brew you may already be dabbling into these harder variation dungeons right right yeah and GGO is pretty rubbish as well especially for I love bigan as well but his cooldowns are nuts um yeah I think he is actually useful cuz he's got all the AOE like he actually good yeah than i' I'd say probably Gera is the actual weakest I think GGO at least will get belar Mage Slayer right you got a Revival he's okay I mean he is he okay he's okay he's okay I've tried my best not to like slander the the G here yeah hron apart from his bug isn't isn't great either but maybe he's got only champion in the game that can increase your right yeah yeah I I think it's got to be Gera I think it's ger yes okay sorry Gera you know I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night right G is going to be there just looking over me with a boiled skin like what did you do that's terrifying uh Lizard Man small faction I I think lazarius the Mythic definitely the best like this guy again he's like Galer it's like this guy's got so much in his kit it's kind of disgusting like form 2 is just the massive damaged either that self Buffs increase attack crit damage and locks enemies out Jo was so funny right I was on stream once doing a live Arena stuff and someone had lazarius and I thought oh you know just a bit of the support stuff you might do some cool down I swear I was like oh he he doesn't deal damage does he he switched form right and boom I was like okay well I'm not making that mistake again oh that's rough yeah he has a revive in his form one as well revived some perfect Veil Just on a three turn passively just just cuz just cuz he can just because he can again he's got the nice thing he takes less damage the more attack he has like 30% damage reduction for building him for damage so he translates form to is I think he's he's kind of busted honestly he's really good um yeah like maybe Chris could be the next there's some ve very powerful void legendaries like I can't up any of them they all bring a very good role yeah yeah we worst baral is falling off but he is still useful for Scarab right it's very good for Scarab I I feel like he's very good for progression Scarab I'd say because once you Got Ur Ro yeah you know it's just a two-minute Farm pretty much yeah yeah what do you think about cocar I think cocar is I think he's okay I think he's okay increase crit rate increase crit damage extra turn AOE places Shields yeah like he Buffs your team he's debuffing the enemies all aoe's I think he's I think he's all right I I think rocksam is probably the worst roxom the problem with roxom is he looks badass by the way love the way he looks his issue is that setup right where he has to be under perfect Veil for decrease defense and weaken and yeah it's awkward I just wish that he would do you know like a passive that says at the start of each turn um put places a perfect Veil on himself and then it just enables the full kit and then he's like you know no enabling here but yeah I think he's probably the worst I I was kind of against basata before I think it was you who DED me into it he's all right like for he I like basata for C City especially like AOE stun protecting your team is actually okay I think rocksam is just kind of kind of sucks honestly he was let me ask you this question now them yeah let me ask you this question who do you think he's worse than Ren scarid yeah I think so think so because they both do similar things right you can get we yeah yeah razen is obviously underpowered like come on 91 speed a six turn cool down like you compare I love people keep bringing it up look at arman's right and then look at razin Free Turn cooldown full AOE ter meter steel with AOE stun versus Six turn cool twice the cooldown for just a perer decrease no steel no AOE stun twice the cool down it's it's absolutely absurd remember that video where you checked out the old server and there was like a green rosin like that yeah yeah yeah like imagine if he comes in as like a mythical rosin it' be sick right that'd be kind of I i' be up for Supreme razin mythical that would be cool um yeah but I think you're right in in the idea of this video is I think Rock Sam just because of yeah like I I think razin has some use even in curs city just AE terer is okay for Cur City actually I'll say this rosin's still in my Clos team after five years bro we need to get still in there I was like he's staying in my team I'm never getting rid of him oh man oh you were mentioning the the chicken uh here we are Skin Walkers mythical and a lot of legendaries now this is a actually become a really really strong faction um yeah this is probably the hardest I think mhm cuz we actually it's one of those rare occasions where we have to face up with two mythical yeah this faction two mythical I also think Marius land out is potentially being very good as well and I mean you've got lots like sunuk Kong is great RAR is solid yeah yeah Marius is very powerful um but we just don't well we obviously we do we got an idea right of what's going to happen when she comes into the game but then fee obviously they nerfed that in terms of bosses which is what we was going to be crazy MH the max HP yeah she's definitely up there for sure but it's just all different areas right it's like yeah do what so I would say Marius is actually I I think Marius has the potential and as well like Stone Skin's going to be a problem but like the fact that he can AOE and feeble when a mythical form swaps that's pretty sick he's immune to ter reduction he can decrease enemy Buffs and avoid polymorph and enemy Max HP I think Marius has potential but I'm not sure about gas you you played with the I heard you were playing with the the giant on the Des Ser yeah it was um well outside of the crazy bug that we kind of came found um he was he really surprised me like okay like it was a bit you know the Mischief tank stuff and then Counterattack you get your max HP hits and if Mischief isn't under hex then can you know just go around the max HP other heads as well one of the only Champions with a two- turn provoke you know full control of Decay I think is very nice yeah that's nice you got the full restoration of HP again Revive on death increased defense we got reflecting damage of a passive and I'd say this the second form wasn't second form isn't that good it's all AOE attacks but I think it's more of an arena skill because it damages increases by 15% for each buff on the target which is only Arena right pretty yeah pretty much yeah I like him um did he blow me away I I don't know that's tricky isn't it It's Tricky Gallas I feel like it's Gallas versus Marius and it's tough because we don't have either one yeah we haven't really had much play test but if I was going to go next after mythical I'd say it's between um Sun Wukong and RIS for me yeah they're both very nice as well they're both very nice yeah it's very hard to cool there's just so many champions and roles man yeah that's I I'll I'll vote for Marius as having the most potential I think the triple hit enemy Max HP I believe his multipliers suck but I still think that's going to be very strong the anti- mythical thing I think it's really helpful moving forward to counter mythical so I'll go with him but that's tough though oh do we need to pick a worst who's the worst yeah a worst one um oh you got gwindel how do you find hernd is actually really good yeah she's definitely not the worst she's super solid just two aoe's yeah I've always wanted this champ like she I found her very cool but I just forgot she existed for a minute yeah she can be really good for Fire Knight hard as well cuz she's got triple hit A1 and she's got decreased speed and Great Wave clear with the two AOE so she's actually again she's not top tier by any means but she's like just really genuinely very solid I think if we was going to talk about the worst I think it's Warchief yeah I think so too this guy yikes um yeah like war chief he looks badass Lov the Aesthetics he's a great provoker talk about you know there's no champions in the game that provoke for three turns outside of this dude right but it's just the thing about him is what else that's it yeah that's it upside is you don't need any books no buff values you can just place it three turn three turn cool down it's fine but yeah no outside of that it's a bit of Reflections it's just he's a provoked specialist right um I'd love to see him get like a I don't know what would you like to see from him like cuz they'd have to do a full rework cuzz that's all he does right now yeah I definitely think he needs need a full a full rework I I don't know man like this is really annoying to fight against but it sucks when I would give him if I has to do anything to him I think I'd give him a single Target Max HP maybe yeah or or a a hexa nit AOE in some format or whenever he's hit places a hex just something like he has to have something in there man yeah interesting yeah let us know in the comments what you think and then final faction for this video gerl that's a strong one Orcs WR actually I was going to strong faction it's not that strong the thing is the strong ones are very strong yeah I think it's like there's a huge discrepancy right warlord AR attack they're both great Supreme GX nuts um destroy I think rack is actually a bit underrated to be fair yeah I mean I think gal is no question the best one here no question like their form one kind of sucks but form two is just so good like I I mentioned earlier she along with toshiro are the top non trenda Hydra team just so much damage and beast mode for arena um I don't have you seen any stuff with like form one like the tanky form do anything not seen really much at all the tanky form I think some people maybe in Arena they might sit in this for a little bit like before they switch but yeah because when attack decreases the duration of all Buffs on attacker by one turn occurs once per hit that could be an absolute nuisance man but to your question I don't think I've seen it too much personally no they tend to switch Dam it but form two is just so good I I think that has to be the best um what do you think though like do you think that any of like them actually I don't think so right I don't think if I I'd agree I'd say G's number one if I was going to go number two I'd have to go warlord interesting yeah he's very very he's remained powerful right long time he's just he's just stood the test of time like they they haven't had to buff him or anything just how he is block debuffs 10 reduction cool down reduction he's just very very good man yeah the the reason I wouldn't go for him is as more people get mythicals like you can lock them out and push their ter meter back but if they're mythical and stone skin they just swap forms right they swap forms so we're definitely seeing this right like with the mythical that there's lockouts sometimes is a huge counter toe I'm for sure yeah yeah yeah yeah what about weakest weakest weakest I know you like Gro Haack I I don't think he's the weakest yeah you proba probably not you know what do do you what really annoys me right I'm going to say this right now Angar right they had the perfect perfect chance to make him a top tier void legendary champion and me and Hades said it in a video before they made the buff right yeah all I said to them to do was make the the A2 enemy Max HP that was it like that's it just a single hit yeah Prov just a nice AOE Max HP with a two- turn provoke it would be probably very used right um yeah not great I mean he it is he's not I don't know if he's the worst he's not terrible I don't think he's the worst because it is useful for Hydra if you need a provoker yeah and for any wave content like one possibly two turn provoke what do you think okay there's two I got two questions for you yeah I see you've got one of them what do you think about danag I've never used him danag is pretty terrible except for cursed City because he has an AOE true fear and that's actually pretty good so I like him for that he also peels a lot but like he's got okay well I actually do with him just put him in a bolster set with high accuracy unbooked and he just goes in in true fears for chis City he's actually okay there but he is pretty crappy apart from that there's no question um okay he's definitely one of the weaker ones uh I don't you've got a lot of sort of mediocre damage dealers here like karok robar Jag even maybe nogar is a bit better even brago is a little power craft like they're all like very similar it's like I can't see a pure I can't see a pure you're the worst I I I'll say maybe Jag or King garok because they're just they are just he's just damag he does a lot of damage I do like king garro um what it is with King garro he's he's a he's a what's the word he's very similar to Xena Warrior Princess in the way that you ignore defense upon the Buffs on the Target and he just gets a straight out 20% as well so in the in this buff heavy meta where there's so many like think about how much defense that you can ignore with that E3 so he is a nice little one trick pony I wouldn't say completely useless you say Jag is the worst then like he's got never used him I don't know so he's self Buffs accuracy and then he can strip Buffs and get some turn meter but like it's a four turn AOE his debuff spreading ter he doesn't seem very useful generally like that seems like early game arena Champion that gets power crept and replaced right I don't know yeah I don't know about I think Jag cuz I don't have him but I'm going to do you know I'm going to say this I you can you I think anger Ang I still I'm just I'm just rereading the kit since the buff right that's not enough man and for avoid legendary champion if I was still to pull this even though I'm a huge fan of provokers guys um but yeah there was like you know you only place a decreased attack upon like a provoke hit and then mhm a provoke and then a provoke yeah it's it's that Warchief thing right it's like you can't provoke every hydrae head anyway so what does the AOE make a difference for like obviously in Doom Tower or something in terms of in terms of Hydra like if it was if you talk about waves for me I'd rather just have a a monster magnificent who was a fusion well I mean let's say you don't have the option like Cur City or something you don't have the option or you just don't have our man he's pretty good just put a provoke cell on someone an RNG I don't know n okay well we'll disagree I'll vote J disagree I I think for a void legendary status if I was still to Port Ango in 2024 I'm underwhelmed so I think I'm going to Ang that's fair I mean to be fair like if I pulled him unless he's coming in a cur City stage like he's sitting in my Vault chilling you know that's that's no question but I think I'd rather pull Angar than well he'd reset my void Mercy that's tricky I'd rather pull a ja bone sword just to like try him out for fun and then put him in the VA after all right nice oo spicy spicy all right well guys there we go there are the first eight factions we'll Blitz through then the uh second seven the seven remaining ones over on y's channel uh anything you want to say before we jump over Mr yst no I do not excellent I'm gonna I'm going to tag the wrong yst I've done that before there's another there's someone called so many subscribers he's on like 15 now he had like zero at the start oh wow wow we're pumping his Subs up nice yeah this guy's like how am I getting these Subs someone's probably gone over to that channel and it's like where's the collab yeah probably yeah probably they just were like I'll support you know this what I guys is great I'll support him was funny as well last time when you you put the link to your own video and it was like I know that was genius yeah I link myst's videos here at link back to mine like infinite views man infinite we got the polymorph for a mons we're still waiting for you to get yours oh oh it actually arrived but I haven't oh did it come yeah maybe it will maybe it will be live by the time people see this video I'm not sure I'll probably do it in my Shard opening I meant to do it for a video I was recording today and then I forgot yeah know it's really cool really cool from R to Sendai yeah nice yeah we see that anyway guys click the link below that will lead to y's video not mine and we'll see you over there there goodbye see you
Channel: Nub Raids
Views: 8,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nubkeks, nub raids, nub streams, raid shadow legends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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