Brotato Ranomizer - Knight & Sledgehammers!

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all right here we go with another potato randomizer the Knight and torches probably the least Synergy I can imagine out of all of those weapons but I guess that's what makes this kind of fun we'll see how this goes uh you know like it scales 50 melee that's cool and what do we got here uh melee damage for every armor no harvesting and no attack speed more or less well you know we're hitting like a truck so far great start I'm sure these first two levels will be just fine and the burning the elemental damage won't be required we'll just be doing great with our additional armor nothing good there nothing good there yeah the armor is good okay flaming wrath knuckles interesting I think we're allowed to take this because it's not a starting weapon so that's one of my custom rules is I can only take weapons that I've randomed into so I can take torches here or I can take weapons that are otherwise unselectable from the starting menu and I do believe brass knuckles are are one of those I like the unarmed weapon set bonus as well they hit for a lot in comparison actually to the torch so maybe this is our accidental Way Forward these are all dying in one hit still wondering if the elemental damage is actually ever going to be useful or if we're just gonna be one-shotting things anyways I swear I hit that guy at the end I will look I want the harvesting but we can't take it so we take the armor yeah brass knuckles level two to start and some speed all right oh yeah the night's kind of cool like it's really easy to get upgraded weapons as a night because you just aren't offered gray ones so like all we see are blue ones at the beginning which means it's very easy to get purples and if it's easy to get purples that means it's easy to get the red ones or the tier 4 weapons and this is going pretty okay so far yeah that burning damage pretty much not necessary uh pickup range you know little pickup range isn't bad so let's we'll take this one there wasn't many materials coming by recycling it and a little bit of speed is good nice more Knuckles and let's continue saving for more weapons the one downside of the early early night game is weapons are expensive you're not rolling into much else but that's kind of okay like the amazing thing about night and I love the potato characters that do this and it's almost too good in some ways ooh spicy damage um oh uh yeah we're not gonna go for the uh crate there it's too late oh well so oh yeah Elemental damage it's good oh armor is also very good excellent oh nice not having to roll and still getting these is great so sorry I was gonna have a thought there about about the Knight character I love the potato characters that have defense as offense or offense as defense so in the knights case it's defense as offense because whenever we take armor our melee damage grows and that's crazy good it's essentially saying you get two levels for every one level every time you take armor as your level up yeah there's some downsides of course such as the no harvesting and no attack speed essentially but yeah it would have been nice to get level seven there sure yeah I don't know if Dodge is going to be a thing actually it might be with our percentage damage or percent Dodge from unarmed it will take the damage percentage there I don't feel like re-rolling XP is good um weird food could be good but we'll pass for now excellent wow we're not seeing any torches that's okay we don't really want them anyways now I think that bag should pay for itself pretty quickly here it's early on we'll probably make some money off of it before too long ah there we go halfway to hit paying for itself okay there's a little bit of burn damage oh only when the torch is responsible for hitting everything else is still dying in one hit I don't know I think if we get good Elemental damage rules we'll take it but like it'll be good for bosses but otherwise I think the melee is better ooh speaking of melee that is a very good item I hate taking flat melee when we can just take armor and get the exact same that's a lot of HP and it would mean not re-rolling but I don't think we need a lot of it you know armor is gonna be our thing ooh metal yeah I don't think crit's gonna be our thing why we're already already hitting for 43. that seems like a lot at this level I think the Knight is actually very strong early game You know despite not being able to roll a lot or focus on harvesting and I think he just has a naturally strong early game with how hard he hits I'm not sure why the Knight can't use ranged weapons okay well maybe you know it's just the flavor thing yeah sure a little bit of healing that sounds good uh uh light steel and harvesting is not an issue um 10 materials is also good yeah so we'll just take that yeah well there we go nice armor oh yeah yeah we'll get our six brass knuckles and we're good to go oh we got our first purple you 69 all right 69 damage here we go hey there it is feels good man and even these big charging guys are not really we're not requiring the elemental damage to take them out doing a little work doing a little work ah I gotta make sure to get that that crate before the end and we do awesome so it's now definitely paid for itself here forward is profit it's gravy that Dodge is nice isn't it I think our effective HP is actually crazy crazy good attack speed I would love it but clearly the armor and that's actually a lot of Elemental damage for one level yeah attack speed reduced by 50 percent harvesting is definitely not worth it too melee damage for every one armor so much yeah yep see you just get purple so easy and this harvesting is taunting me I would love it I tend to be a very uh greedy player when it comes to harvesting probably ends up killing me more often than not but some early game Harvest game goes a long way I feel like especially when you're getting you know like either get five harvesting or one armor like oh one armor yeah boy that doesn't appeal super great or you take five harvesting over 20 levels you know it's at minimum 100 materials for interest so I do like early game harvesting this is going well I wouldn't mind a snake you know spread the burning a little bit because we can't up our attack speed at least not efficiently um I hate losing a lot of luck but that's that's pretty good oh uh get our range back up because I like having zero close to zero range the crit is like fine the attack speed you still get five oh wow we're getting some pretty lucky rolls for having uh negative luck I don't want to roll anymore I also I dislike having negative luck as well yeah definitely the brass knuckles again a little muscly dude is so good and it's good that we took that range because we just lost some more metal is great for us you get 10 damage and only minus three attacks be done on the missile so yeah we'll take that thing we're hitting like a truck already stuff good stuff we seem to like we're not running into stat difficulties right now or item not having enough items you know which feels pretty good I think we'll we'll see how it goes when we start taking range damage like we're taking out the melee stuff fairly simply straightforward one hitting most things but when we start getting for the levels where there's lots of ranged damage coming in it's a lot harder to avoid in some cases that's when we'll see if things are going well that's a nice luck pickup Community Support I'm looking at but yeah blindfold nah I don't think the crits are thing I don't want to lose armor I think it's very bad for a night again don't want to lose armor even though Dodge we already have some I feel like we could augment it quite easily alien eyes is always good but I don't think so We're not gonna have like a ton of HP we're having more armor right wow that is a lot of damage on this roll that was a good shot ooh I love the knockback on on the unarmed weapons it's always very good especially for these guys and the burning damage is actually you know kind of relevant at this point now okay okay I don't know we don't feel safe yet you know we're taking some damage not everything is dying we have a pretty huge crowd following us we got some of those range guys their damage is super annoying taking some damage taking some damage okay nice heels good good and dip into the middle here at the end try and take out most of that crowd and the game crashes oh yeah I haven't had that happen to me for quite some time but that's all right we'll boot right back up and get right back into it and it looks like we're doing the wave all over again that's okay there was you know it wasn't too crazy we didn't squeak by or nothing so we should be able to do this again another disappointing though but we should be fine if we die I'll be a little upset we should we're looking good we're looking good nice dive in there grab some of the crowd that's following us we'll do another dive at the end but most likely okay that was a little a little gutsy yeah all right see those Dodges happening excellent oh that's a decent amount of lifesteal to start with yeah lifesteal is a thing probably not the best thing but I think it'll be good great level man yeah at night always has really good weapons foreign you know honestly like the attack speed I'm sad that we're not you know getting more attack speed but it feels pretty decent feels pretty okay it could be a lot worse yeah we're looking good get this tree get this tree nice okay no no box I'm sorry ah would be a nice level up uh I really dislike taking less range remember already in the deficit that's a lot of Elemental damage it's kind of hard to pass up yeah let's take these glasses get back close to zero I wish that's a lot of HP but I really dislike giving enemies more movement speed that doubles our lifesteal that sounds excellent to me and this level shouldn't be too much of an issue oh yeah these guys just they draw pretty quick just make sure to take out most of those ranged characters and shouldn't beat Golden and my bigger worry is the level and I really should learn the names of enemies at some point the level where you kill the fat guys and they drop like three little guys that start peeking out range damage I'm yeah I'm more worried about those levels that was a little spicy but you clearly have the damage to deal with it dive through the middle here at the end get any crowds down just take the armor instead of re-rolling our our economy is not good enough to re-roll Too Much honestly another metal wow it's four medals it's really good uh know where this sausage is for sure still wouldn't mind snakes probably not worth it for the Hedgehog and the Flaming brass knuckles yet again awesome I wonder if we're gonna get all of our Knuckles to tier four by the end and yeah this is this is the level where we start getting a little we were wondering if we're actually doing okay kind of like that about rotato like there's these different um thresholds you have to meet like one I think a very important one is to one shot most of your enemies but another one is you have to be able to deal with enemies that aren't necessarily right next to you and there's a few ways to do that like if you're a ranged character that seems a bit more you know simple I think but if you're a Melee character you actually have to be able to you know get to those other enemies and deal with them there's a big crowd yeah let's flip in there at the end and grab a bunch of those materials yeah we'll re-roll that one that's a lot of melee or Dodge I'll go for the Dodge we have a lot naturally that's a lot that's an expensive re-roll armor is great another tractor yeah I like the lemonade helmets decent we have a lot of speed you don't want to lose the lifesteal at this moment oh these are good that's a lot of melee damage especially just for being able to buy it like it's very good all right another level with these little range guys I'm gonna try and take out as many of them as we can especially you gotta get them right when they spawn a little damage there all right life steals is working get through okay yeah we're strong we're strong damage every time we get hit by range damage that's a lot it adds up very quickly oh okay okay pay attention it's how we lose the run this is what I was afraid of we can do it we can do it all right got out of there nice really good a couple of dodges okay yeah those are nice to get percent damage is good but we're I don't know we're not feeling like all that tanky right now uh you know armor is we double up on Armor the benefits of armor right so this wet stone is so good we'll definitely lock the brass knuckle I want the acid a health is a lot but we do have a fair amount of Dodge naturally through our unarmed weapon set bonus so I don't think it's a good idea to to get rid of it like Dodge is actually a lot of effective HP like every time you end up dodging you essentially have that much more HP for whatever you got hit for that can add up real quickly this level shouldn't be too bad taking some needless damage but there's no ranged damage happening so I'm not too worried I think we have like we have one monkey don't we as well to pick it up some health that's good oh this is a nice nice to see yeah three armor for sure combine now if we see another blue one we get oh yeah that's a lot of melee damage when's the last time I don't know if I've ever finished a run with plasma sledgehammer for the laws yeah let's do it that's one thing I enjoy about these randomizer runs is you get the option to try things you normally don't like you know like choosing the farmer rotato and pruners it's like yeah that's what it was designed for that's how you should play it and then you just end up not Wayne in other ways that you could and like they're fun like I'm having fun with this with this unarmed knife and you know was that something that I would think of play otherwise no definitely not so going for a night with sledgehammers you know that's that seems a bit wonky but it's an opportunity to try something new have some fun with it right next level I do not need landmines that's a lot of Dodge holy smokes pretty good all right well goodbye to the blue Knuckles and hello Sledgehammer that is some very slow movement or attack speed but it hits like a truck what rhymes with the truck luck yeah HP regen is not a thing for us so it's a good one all right okay this is our first boss it took us to a wave 18 to get to get a boss crazy man and he's he's melting pretty good let's get that burning back on him and see if we can't hit him once or twice with the sledgehammer oh goodness oh that is getting spicy give him some space all right get back in there and we'll heal great hey we're just we're getting hit for seven on the Range damage now instead of nine awesome 305 yeah that's that's one shot in most things even the big stuff seeing lots of Dodges in there oh we got lots of crates wow that's a good one crit was already a not thing for us I like my life steal armor and Dodge and we'll recycle that uh yeah we'll move on well warrior helmet that's so good our speed is good enough okay game all right that's how it works you get one and you start seeing more I kind of want to do it is this how we Throw or is this for the memes is for the memes we're gonna do it we have one level to buy it before we get to level 20 or wave 20 sorry I think we should be able to get enough materials to buy it hard to say economy is so bad on this character okay yeah you know that life skill like a monkey got a bit of luck as well you know I'm staying alive that Dodge armor kind of oddly enough I feel like damage comes yeah very naturally tonight so if you just take like all of the the defensive stats that you can maybe that's just the trick to clean him and maybe switching to the unarmed build instead of torches that might have been a good call as well I think a scale's better with the armor yeah I didn't want to re-roll there oh we can sell and afford it just barely sick Fury roll take it oh another vest yeah that's a good one for if we survive this get in there and we can hit both at the same time like we hit for a lot okay these aren't dying fast we're dying fast um but they're going down going down wait oh oh no oh no oh no not like this can we get one down can we get one now I need to get one down and full heal oh my goodness no don't come together oh no yeah you stay away which one are we actually gonna end up killing first we are so low do not get hit dude okay yeah as a sick Dodge oh yes okay we can do this we can do this so you can do this oh all right good job good job oh wow even at half I feel like that's a lot of attack speed the range going away sucks but um I mean sure that's a lot of damage all right let's see how endless goes now all right getting in there getting in there seems still very doable not when you walk into that kind of damage okay okay wow okay there's so much damage out there now and we don't get full heels off of these crates oh no okay yeah I was just getting sloppy there at the end that's all right I had fun with the plasma sledgehammers that was lots of fun we have like no items holy smokes I'm not used to playing characters that have this few items that's cool all right ggs let's do it again [Music] oh
Channel: DryF1re
Views: 180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brotato, random, knight, sledgehammer, elemental, roguelite
Id: PocZdFNCmYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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