Brotato Randomizer - Mage & Shotgun

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hey there potato fans and welcome back to the channel let's jump straight into another randomizer we did Golem recently we did Gladiator recently Mage and a double barrel shotgun that seems like a horrible horrible combination with some possible surprising synergies because look at we hit we shoot like once and everything is on fire you should probably be looking for Elemental damage but that's that's fine actually some early harvesting is kind of cool especially because we have the scared sausage and snake doing some work for us and early shotguns are just they carry pretty good so early harvesting is definitely a safe choice for us getting that crate early on feels good feels good can we get another tree we lit it on fire like a cute monkey I mean you might get a few heels every now and again I think we just move on from there after grabbing another shotgun so we cannot grab any additional range damage because the Mage I do believe says no flat range damage no flat melee damage so the shotguns will never be good they are just going to be how we light things on fire take the elemental damage take the look I think is going to do more things for us eventually we need speed as well that's a cyber ball those are alien eyes those are like good things yeah so engineering range and melee are reduced by a hundred percent although a percent actual percent damage damage will work for us one elemental damage for minus two harvesting I do not think that is something we want so we are going to want a lot of percent damage in addition to Elemental of course and some movement speed moving to speed is very good too because not everything is going to die instantly with this wave of lighting things on fire we're actually gonna need some some Elemental damage quite desperately pretty soon because our our shotguns don't actually give us Elemental damage like a lot of other more Mage appropriate weapons do take the percent damage we kind of need it we'll take the look it's fine oh coupon first bad dry fire that's a fuel tank yes it is and that is snake number two great pickup yeah now they're burning for seven that's right we are gonna need more scared sausages doing it this way eventually we will hit for four with the shotgun but that that's really not gonna last long as a damage as a meaningful damage number so good stuff I think I like the speed more there is a snake there's our final shotgun and we will probably never upgrade these I hate you game okay oh actually that damage is quite significant isn't it seven times four three times four yeah okay that's a fairly pronounced upgrade it actually doubles the damage I hadn't really thought of that we are going to upgrade these that's a fair amount of free damage and then because that that flat number gets higher any percent damage we take is going to become more and more relevant I'm glad we have the shotgun for those guys man yeah we will need I being able to take out the small stuff with just the shotgun is pretty sick actually to be fair you don't have to rely on burning and everything dies right away that's very good I like the attack speed kind of need it eventually oh okay snake number three that's pretty good too take the attack speed it is good it's not as good as some other stats maybe that we want right now but being able to shoot more often is a very good thing especially with the the knockback that the shotguns come with just attacking more often is a bit of a defensive Stat or bonus as well looking good looking just great in fact I'm gonna want a lot more speed for the first minibus level oh we missed an egg up there is what it is oh he actually died pretty quick whoa we get that many crates this level that's awesome percent damage is fantastic engineering is definitely not what we're going for take the attack speed oh my goodness I think we roll we that's a lot of luck man okay let's take the look I was thinking about hard rolling for the elemental but okay that's a nice pickup no explosions happening that's Elemental we need some armor eventually so that should happen I think the five lifesteal is not bad like if we're we have a fair amount of attack speed going and we hit fairly often um in addition with the monkey like maybe that amount of healing is sort of okay man geez we haven't invested into our shotguns damage whatsoever they are doing just fine holy smokes they are doing just fine okay that attack speed I think is is very good lighting things on fire is very good one more scared sausage would go a long way for sure didn't actually mean to pick that crate up would have been nice to have it for healing later can we get that should be able to should die yeah there we go got the little crate Goblin I don't think that's his official name that's just what I call him I was hoping for one more shot gun blast there that's all good not losing the harvesting uh we just take the piggy bank and you don't you don't really depend on it but it's it's good we'll take a look that's pretty huge pickup the speed is massive honestly okay we couldn't afford a bit of stuff there are you kidding me that is absolutely massive that much luck and that much Elemental damage yeah that's pretty massive suddenly this is a run I do not want to mess up that's like I don't even know how many levels worth of stats there and we just get to buy it heck yeah man heck yeah shotguns are doing the heavy lifting right now for sure we're letting things on fire a little bit but the shotgun is just doing what the shotgun does such an amazing early gain weapon actually it's an amazing every stage of the game weapon I like their percent damage because we're just about to get a ton of flat damage let's do that again yeah that is so cheap this early I like the speed don't mind losing a bit of range geez yeah that's more damage great like we will be going crit eventually so I dislike taking the medal it's just that that's a lot of good stats early on I don't think alien eyes is really where we invest right now great we probably should consider the fairy but I think we're okay for the moment I saw a 40 there is that is that how much we burn for now that's crazy that's a lot oh yeah we take damage but look at that lifesteal that was probably a fairly good choice overall to take that lifesteal um maybe you wouldn't mind another level in HP or for armor probably HP is the better upgrade this early in the game armor is better late for sure for sure for sure HP does a lot more work early game in my opinion might have to do some math on that to actually prove it though take one alien tongue that's fine that's a lot of Dodge you know just if it happens every now and again that's great that's more crit and Dodge suddenly our Dodge is like actually a relevant stat for us that's scared sausage number two that is so huge for us I wish range crit and attack speed sure kind of pricey and not really the stats that we're looking for cute monkey number two we don't lose any actual range damage and we can just take the head injury as well um the tractor is probably quite good I don't like losing the percent damage though whoops forgot that this was that level but it's okay because we have the shotguns and they pretty much say get off me don't come near me and we light things on fire and they burn for 43 damage already that's so good oh okay yeah well we do not want to actually get hit so let's pick up some materials and keep attacking or life stealing or a monkey keeping us healthy monkeys actually we have two now if we see a third I think we'll buy it but I might stop there I don't think we want to invest you know too heavily into it but every monkey we buy is probably a little less lifesteal that we would take on level UPS right so it's not the worst thing yeah we take boiling water for sure that's a lot but I think I like the max HP here a medical turret could be like good too um no let's not take the medical turret let's just take a bit of lifesteal there luck in harvesting it's a lot of luck it pays for itself eventually we take the fuel tank for sure and that's it for now Vernon for 55 and our shotguns are still just doing work on the little stuff that's great fairly pleased that we have a horde wave I think I think we do horde waves better than we do bosses not 100 sure about that but you know shotguns barely you're going to be doing decently well against multiple enemies and we have a couple of snakes to help us out spread that burning so this feels okay we're getting pressured a little bit more than I'd want to feel pressured but it's not bad oh yeah taking some damage when we get hit oh he spawned like on top of us that's not fair do not want to lose Dodge we'll recycle that piercing damage is I think the shotguns actually don't mind it I don't know how good crit really is for us now that I think about it at the moment it's good when we get our hunting trophies okay 12 damage is a lot Stone skin is so good but we don't have any armor yet like we can take it and then roll very heartily for armor okay so we have very little armor right now I think we have to roll for armor maybe even a bit of speed but I think more so for armor if we get hit we're gonna get hit like a truck we probably will get hit we're not we're not Unstoppable by any means or we're not perfect in our movement is more what I mean to say let's spread the burning spread the love the fire love it ticks for a lot which is great news it's bait the charge nice movement there moving on through great okay our movement feels okay you know and sometimes that just happens so yeah like I said not perfect that's a lot of lifesteal it's hmm free re-rolls crit and Elemental damage that seems good scared sausage let's take the HP I like that a lot I almost want to take the weird ghost let's do it we have lifesteal it's a horde wave right let's just make sure we take down a lot of that range business before it becomes an issue and our health is getting up there okay I think we have survived the initial worry some one HP business oh lee did you see all that burning those snakes did amazing that whole whole mob or the whole uh group of them just disintegrated all right this is working I feel like we could use a bit more attack speed at this point but well let's get all that oh no we left so much out there uh I think we take the recycling machine for the moment I said we could use more attack speed so I like the Wet Stone we still have enough knock back I wish the wheat but clearly it's not giving us what we need scared sausage number three is sick I like the acid but yeah that's armor that is so good luck and Dodge minus lifesteal I don't know that's a lot of Elemental damage man our range has taken a hit or the stuff that we picked up I think it's kind of fine I think that's not ideal we need more armor if we could get a three armor level up I would be over the moon happy foreign not going to be guaranteed by any means though is it for sure it's not we'll have a lot of materials this level though let's get that egg before it does business we don't want it to good lifesteal oh yeah we're gonna be close to a thousand materials here it looks like okay closer to 900 but uh 9.75 okay actually that was that was pretty much a thousand yeah let's take the bowler hat I think I mean the harvesting for five levels it's I'm not sure let's reduce the number of enemies by five I'm okay with that okay two armor without rolling is great I love the speed here but if we're guaranteed a purple level up I think we hard roll for armor 12 damage is sick but we have to go for the armor yep ricochet oh no I don't think we go for Ricochet do we we take the gnome let's take the Ricochet it's going to spread fire everywhere I don't like the fact that it gets rid of some of our hard-earned damage but I think I'm glad we we took it everything is just dying across the map our HP is suddenly looking pretty okay I think a lot of that has to do with our Stone skin we have a fair amount of HP coming from there now we're not getting a lot of experience at this point level 20 yeah we're gonna start slowing down here unfortunately okay we got charged there and that actually didn't seem to hurt too bad not that I want to be charged you know but like that's okay ah no level up that's pretty rough that's recycled wheel bro I do like Elemental damage our speed is is kind of okay as well okay we take armor yes we do at least we have nine that is huge that is huge just in time for a wave of 17. I think we've got a bit of luck on our side let's take this feedback I like that idea let's take a double barrel shotgun this is more damage so bouncing and piercing if you could just get this last pumpkin and that's you know it's fine um sure don't like losing HP but we do more damage okay what boss do we get this is my least favorite boss for sure or one of them he is avoidable which is nice you kind of just do your thing still not sure if we actually try to kill is taking damage The burning's Happening kind of at halfway through and he's not quite at half HP so oh that Dodge coming in nice there I think if we concentrate some fire should have him here getting hit a little bit not ideal not ideal big heel getting that kill is huge it gives me some confidence maybe for the final boss as well engineering for every one elemental damage let's just take it because it's actually worth 117. okay let's oh wolf helmet number two that's very very lucky I want armor and speed but I don't think either of those are good enough at that level percent damage is fine as well yeah I will take that we'll take a bit more speed um monkey number three should be fine it would have made laser turret very very good okay if we're gonna take peacock now is the time I don't like losing armor wandering bot can be it can be nice let's just go off of that okay so don't get hit at this level this level can be challenging uh depending on your build but because of our bouncing and piercing shenanigans and everything's on fire I think we should be all right as long as we don't get hit poof I think we can take one hit and it's like we're alive but uh I don't think we take a second hit very well I would love to be at 15 armor for the final boss or the for the level 20 wave 20. we're not there yet so we are squish especially when taking a hundred percent more damage because of the peacock I'd love to get two level UPS here but the amounts of materials that we're grabbing oh nice are harvesting really helped us out there yeah let's take the elemental damage our harvesting is about to all disappear anyways I'd really love to roll for armor sick can we try can we do it again 20 attack speed is actually a lot one bullet dealing two damage yeah probably not doing a heck of a lot eight Max HP yeah that's actually a lot of HP I like the armor we get HP back off of it and our Dodge is at a respectable 18. you know that can come in pretty handy things are burning for 115. I think I just realized that crit doesn't really work with this build which sort of is not cool for the infinite mode because I'm not sure if Bernie can crit can it I don't think I see it creating but I'm not really able to notice just because of the sheer amount of numbers that are happening and if we can't crit then hunting trophies just don't work and from there you just don't get enough materials to go far in infinite mode okay attack speed was like not probably my my first choice but Elemental damage is I think we can find better things than blue shotguns that is Elemental damage I like the metal plate for sure being teacher would have been nice a long time ago trees with luck is is better than you think piercing is done and the glass Cannon is it's not bait but like kind of this bait we need much higher percent damage our Elemental damage is actually crazy yeah wow it's doing great okay let's see how this goes just don't get charged oh that Dodge happening so our movement speed is kinda not the best but it's okay we'll just keep slowly working oh don't get hit the shotgun starts to happen now not ideal that Dodge coming in I think we need to focus like the ring Guy the one running around otherwise we're not killing either of these that's huge just getting one even is good enough hey that was a that's pretty okay actually I like the range and the crit's fine too Elemental damage sure sure eye surgery is is something I don't mind that and now we see how far into Infinite we go that felt like a very strong wave 20 clearly our damage is just not insane but we deal with the waves quite well in the end I think what is going to kill us will be having you know three or four bosses up and our movement is just not going to be good enough for that to last a whole like 60 Seconds did we take the glass Cannon I don't think we did we probably should have actually keep our damage up it's all good it'll happen either way metal plate yeah hey sure one of those is always kind of nice we'll take the I think we should look for percent damage here or the armor but I actually don't mind percent damage if we can find it yeah there we go I don't even know if that is like worth like these numbers are not are not going to be relevant at some point attack speed and crit it's like it's fine boss level Boss Wave which as it were can we stay inside man I would love a tooth that tooth never happened bro okay oh nice Dodge yeah Dodge stat is one of the favorite poor short oh yeah watch out for that let's get one down that is one and I hate this boss because every time you go near him at this stage he like runs away from you and it's hard to get to but all of our projectiles are bouncing and he's on fire we might actually just get him through the attrition of what we're doing and we do get him very nice very nice that wasn't so good decent amount of materials as well a free poisonous tonic is crazy Brian's magical Leaf is also kind of crazy definitely something you need if you're gonna go infinite it could just take the Dodge here without re-rolling that is a wolf helmet yeah I wish oh we take a bag yeah coupon I think this is our last re-roll do not need the torture foreign that is a heck of a lot of range damage coming out of those guys good stuff lifesteal is not what we really need neither is anything there neither is anything there chance is like not really good either percent damage is fine we will not take the wings we'll take the lucky charm and then off we go that was not a very good level up nor was it a good shot being experience foreign how much do we burn for now oh I guess I can actually just look at our our sausages and it will tell us nice crate good stuff take some more speed yes Silver Bullet okay 16 times six so with Ricochet that's actually maybe not bad thank you because we go from four bullets to Six Bullets and then they are bouncing like and good things are happening Dodge we should probably take the glass Cannon this combination of bosses shouldn't actually be too bad I say that as we're getting kind of noodled so let's back out a wee bit okay let's concentrate on this boss oh my goodness that's a lot of business happen in there okay let's hope some of that burning happens 22 seconds I think we should be able to take down both Bang I don't know get one look at that guy okay now let's try and concentrate him we're taking him down a sliver of Health at a time heck yeah I'm actually surprised that our relatively low number of crates off that level considering our luck we cycle uh crit doesn't seem crazy good and definitely don't take a mastery Mike speed we need a bit more and I'm really hoping that we end up getting a yeah harvesting is not going to be a thing for us very shortly ooh extra stomach that's huge especially with all the luck we have we are going to be getting some very valuable HP that should help us go a lot further actually HP very nice with the amount of lifesteal we have and like that monkey slash uh The Relic combo where we just pick up all of the materials instantly we should be either at full health or debt you know so it would just leave all of the consumables on the ground we pick them up at the end of the wave and we get like 10 HP for free which is crazy man we have one leaf we've got the stomach actually can pick it up now and just have more HP just in case we get hit but yeah 87 to 95 they're awesome we do not do any exploding more HP is fine and we can take a peacock actually might as well take more XP if that's the case Giants belt that's very good considering we have like some crit it's not crazy by any means but but it'll add up you know if you quit the boss 10 times there's like 10 of his life like for free that's crazy did I see a fair number of yellow things happening so oh my gosh those red ones taking forever to die let's take a few of those extra life things didn't need the heels but we picked up like an additional five life for free oh see look at that we got hit once we got hit twice we cannot afford it to be hit again okay we can take one more hit not that I want to be hit attack speed is is fine speed's not I mean it's kind of okay Elemental damage is is good yeah giant spell great in time for wave 28. there's a power generator that is what we were looking for with the speed upgrades that is huge suddenly an extra like 50 damage and all that extra speed hopefully gonna make this boss much more trivial because of how he works oh that those dodges coming in really handy that power generator was right on time that was fantastic I don't think we're I still don't think we're doing a ton of damage but like it's enough apparently it's enough apparently grab some free HPS sick man that scalene HP is Beyond good we need a uh an anvil now and another grinds magical Leaf of course we take that uh explosions are still not a thing for us so recycle let's recycle that we need a tooth eye surgery no handcuffs for sure we're getting free lifesteal so that's probably not so bad armor and Dodge is very good one last roll take a bait it's fine I think yeah that was that was very fine I'm not sure why eye surgery is limited to three I feel like it should you should be able to take it infinitely but it is what it is you know part of the game so we get hit for 24. we can get hit a few times now and it's kind of okay I love the Ricochet love it love it love it took a few hits there at the end okay you always take Community Support for armor is huge that's Elemental damage we'll take the toxic sludge but I don't really like the candle it is Elemental damage but man that's the second strange oh it's a unique so we just have no reason to have 97 engineering Elemental damage more piercing that's probably good but I think we're okay without it wave 30. nice work we just need a tooth like why do we not have a tooth I don't know why sad that we don't okay movement oh it was looking good up until that point this is a bit of a rough one let's try yeah I think one's down let's hang out near this guy and just get him down oh that Dodge was really heckin nice good movement good movement keep it up keep it up okay awesome let's get to full life and make sure we get our our 10 free HP for the for the level just pick those up while we can perhaps foreign I don't know if we got our full amount of Life there but it is what it is recycle that we like luck we do we do not need minus 15 range though focus is great for us it's not that good but it's we can take the lifesteal like it might turn into percent damage later let me just take damage though oh wolf helmet number four is it no the 10 Dodge is actually pretty huge and 15 damage on top of it deals 357 times 5 damage what are our sausages hitting for 340 times three we're going we're sticking with the shotguns we're not we're not dipping on the shotguns that is armor okay oh another Boss Wave already I didn't realize that let's see if we can't focus one down although with the bouncing and the burning it looks like focusing is probably not actually a thing those heels coming in huge please keep attacking because that is how we heal watch out for that charge off the corner of our screen boom boom very nice and I hate it when the bosses Do not drop their crates I feel like that should be a for sure thing there's no reason for it to not happen or I feel like there's no good reason it is what it is I recycle that it's worth a lot uh it's just like 10 range is fine Elemental damage I don't like losing the Dodge particularly but it's it's okay it's not the end of the world minigun is actually sort of Awesome it does not do as much damage though by any means it's just four percent more damage that's fine let's take a weird ghost because we can and we've got nerves of absolute Steel it not being a Boss Wave should be fine especially because we are arranged and we are back at full life picking up the fruit while we're at full life to get that HP bonus my fruit I mean consumables same thing let's get back to full life that way if anything else drops here cool blood leech like the harvesting is gone just worth materials at that point we'll take the damage we'll get our Dodge eventually more trees are good we should take the HP yeah like Dodge it can get back to 60 whereas HP it keeps going so HP is more valuable than Dodge in my opinion 171 HP on a mage wave 33 that doesn't feel so bad at all probably still get like two shot by the boss but you know that's all right we've gotten a very nice distance on this run okay let's pick up that extra HP oh took some heavy damage there yeah we are not Invincible by any means let's try our darndest to get back to Max HP now if we pick up any fruit at the end it is just bonus Clover I like it so you get some Dodge there again trees I'm pretty sure die in one hit anyways anvil I see Elemental damage as well we still do not have a tooth to me that's insane insanely bad as well I kind of want to get inside these oh that came to an end in a hurry that's okay if we had more armor in Dodge I'm sure it could have been fine but that was completely our fault we just took damage and we didn't need to not having a tooth I think was a large reason of why our reactions there were just not adequate not at all that was a very fun run I uh most of our stats were pretty good having uh where was The Wolf helmets having four of those is like literally bonkers especially getting them when we did so that was very fun I'm glad that came up and allowed us to have a great run all right and also just a testament to how good the shotguns are for sure all right ggs everyone thanks for watching if you haven't subscribe to the channel I'd appreciate it if you would uh consider subscribing this is something I want to do full time and seeing your subscriptions and likes just makes it very worthwhile for me and keeps me motivated so I appreciate it in advance all right ggs let's do it again
Channel: DryF1re
Views: 184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brotato, mage, shotgun, elemental, burn, fire
Id: xypwO4r6Yug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 25sec (3085 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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