Broke down and stranded, everything went wrong.. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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s recovery didn't go as planned case he's going to sink it yep that you joint is not spinning okay I just blow a front end uh you may have so uh now what time to get creative yep uh yeah we all the help we can get yeah you're going to be low range locked everything you can do there you go keep her going keep her going ah dude like everything went wrong like all of it like good snowy morning we are getting the tires air down cuz we're heading out on a rescue mission to go find a couple that got stuck in the snow I see your game here and uh stranded overnight ended up having to sleep in their vehicle somewhere out there in the wilderness we actually do have some pretty good GPS coordinates on this one so drop a from the tires down to 6 PSI and then we're going to head out here and uh should be able to find him pretty easy and see what it takes to get them out of here so we all knew we were supposed to get some snow yesterday I thought it was just going to be a little bit of fresh stuff over the top to make it look all pretty and then uh they must have too which is why they thought it was okay to drive out here yesterday before the snow came in and uh I was at home looking out the window and it just kept snowing and snowing and snowing and the flakes kept getting bigger and I was like oh we're not just getting a dusting we're getting like snow snow I think I had about five to six inches last night I believe that yeah it's Valentine's Day after all so they were probably just a surprised as all the rest of us were with how much snow we actually got uh we got about 9 10 miles out here to go and uh this get some elevation as we go so we'll see how bad it got when we're actually out there they're in Toyota seoa yeah so good thing is they had a nice comfortable place to stay it's a big tree yeah and uh we're going to get this thing going and go see if we can get them out of here so these people did get stuck last night um not much phone service where they're at so they weren't able to really get a hold of anyone uh this morning though they were able to get a couple bars of service got a hold of me they were hesitant to call a toe company because uh Toe Companies are not the cheapest thing in the world especially it comes to off-road recovery but luckily for them this is a sponsored video and the sponsor of today's video is Aura uh Aura is a company that protects your online privacy uh they reached out to be while back and uh got me signed up with them to try out and they offer Identity Theft Protection VPN Services they search the internet and find your information out there from data Brokers spammers scammers which are two different things there Google your name it is just Google your own name and it is scary how much of your information is out there especially for someone like me who really likes my privacy but doesn't have a whole lot of it because of this whole YouTube thing the amount of websites that have information like your address phone numbers health records your relatives that stuff is all out there on these data sites Laura finds that stuff and they submit the request to get it removed from those sites and if they are legitimate sites they do have to remove it now the scary one is the scammers uh I got signed up with Ora it took all of like 10 minutes to enter all my information I needed for them to get to work on it and in uh right away one of the first things they do is they search the dark web for your pass passwords and they found one luckily for me it was not like a bank account or very important account so not anything that was tied to money but someone had gotten a hold of one of my passwords and had it on the dark web uh for sale so they were able to alert me of that and then I was able to change that password to that account so that now I know that one is secure and that is not out there anymore but now that I'm using Aura luckily if something like that got missed and I did have some identity theft Aura offers identity theft Insurance to help out with the cost incurred in an identity situation if they are unable to stop it so that's really comforting to know right there if that password would have been a much more important one that they had missed somehow I'd have been covered so in addition to scammers Aura also protects you from spammers now scammers are the ones trying to steal from you spammers are the ones trying to sell your information to every company out there who's trying to sell you things and that's when you're inbox your email fills up with stuff you get the telemarketer calls all that that all comes from your information being sold out all over the Internet so since I started using Aura uh I can tell you that the spam folder in my email has pretty much dried up and disappeared it used to just flood full of stuff and that has been cut back to almost nothing and it's been actually doing a really good job of filtering out what is a legitimate email and what is a spam email another handy feature is the antivirus protection you get from it uh cuz obviously it's much easier to protect your information if your information never gets out there in the first place the aura Al also offers antivirus built in all of this stuff just comes in one package for one price to make it convenient and easy protect your information online keep you safe keep your money safe and other things what was the other thing I was supposed to say uh VPN yep they VPN as well protect your information that way um I don't know you got the script not me that's the problem I have a script oh see they didn't give me like an actual script and they didn't tell me what I had to say what they did was here it is use it see if you like it then you tell people in your words what it offers what it can do for and the one thing I'll challenge you guys to do like I said go Google your name online and see how much of your stuff is out there then go compare uh other online Protection Services like this don't just look at oras look at the others two and see which one would work best for you I'm sure that's definitely not in a script they had in mind no I'm sure not look at look at other brands that are out there look at what those ones offer look at the prices they have look at what offers what they have find the one that's best for you because I don't want you to use this one just cuz I said so when it's really not the best one for you your situation might be different where something else works better this is definitely not what they had in mind me saying but what works best for you is the best one for you to get after looking through everything cuz before I even signed up for the the free offer they gave me uh I looked around a bunch of others too and decided that they were the best one for me to try despite the sponsorship free things so that's what I went with but I want you to go with what's best for you this happen to is best for me I recommend you look into it and again thank you to Aura for sponsoring this video making this recovery for these people out here for free so that a nice trip to the woods didn't ruin their good day I mean it kind of did cuz they got stuck in staring out here overnight but now they don't have a big go on top of it and that's thanks to Aura let's see how the rest of this goes yeah thank you Aura for sponsoring today's recovery uh I'll have to give it a shot here see what uh what kind of dirt they can dig up on me on the internet oo that'll be fun just toic pictures toe pictures toe pictures and Land Cruiser stuff your information is on so many Land Cruiser forums I did forget something there's a 14-day free trial so you just said right there like I'll have to check it out you can for 14 days for free two whole weeks at the link in my description below I'll put the link to the 14-day free trial where you can actually try it out for free and see what kind of information you can dig up yourself on the internet cool that's way better there you go I know you said that and I'm like I know there's something else you're like to try it out oh everybody can try it out so go check out the link in my description get your 14-day free trial see if it's right for you okay let's go do some recovering recovering that's a word it is Casey's Casey Liddell's English language there they are yep we found them right look at I love good GPS coordinates look at that there we go right there they nailed it yep love it when it works out like that yeah okay let's go see what we're getting into I'm kind of thinking there's a road right there it might make the most sense to pull you backwards to that road and turn around then we can pull you out forward it's pretty mellow up until about here that's where it dips sideways and yeah this is SL pretty good I've pulled actually pulled a few people out of here me and grumpy were right here pulling someone out really this slope gets a lot of people off the no you know where this spot is that tree right here this is the tree I had to used to pull myself out when I went off the side right here in my silver Dodge after I pulled the subar out they made it probably 60 70 ft farther than you did and they went off the side yeah I came in to pull them out I was backing up and I slid off the road into all that brush right there and I had to use that tree to witch myself out okay so I got out of the ruts and slid off the road into the bushes over the bank so now I got to pull myself out yeah I do know I do know this spot really well I don't feel so bad don't feel bad everyone gets done cool yeah uh you get fired up warmed up I think I'm going to turn around okay and back into here and then I'll hook up the the yankum rope and we'll pull you up here okay to where we can spin around and I'm in four low you want me to go to neutral or no you're staying four low and being revers to help out I'm going to back up and turn around and back in okay Casey's going to sink it yep hey you can't park there you're wrong hey is my other front turning I have no idea why do I have lockers front and rear and this one's not turning I maybe you don't have lockers anymore let me check remember that transfer case thing you were talking about yeah uh yeah you're not you're in two wheel [Music] drive uh yeah your front drive spinning but we have no uh the front drive line spinning front drive line spinning I wonder if a hub broke uh maybe oh see if the U joints are spinning cuz uh if not we have problems and we have problems as it is so that u- joint's not spinning that ujoint is not spinning okay I just blow a front end uh you may have so front drive line is spitting so uh now what lots of winching that's what all right it's time to get creative yep maybe that aura sponsorhip can buy me I think I think you already know what the answer is Casey what put something in there that doesn't break yeah well tons there's that yeah Nate if you're watching get the tons ready yep so what do you think if I side pull to that tree over there yeah and get my front end enough that I can side pull to this tree over here and get yourself back get myself back into here yeah and then back down to him and two wheel drive and then use these trees to winch both of us up yeah I think that's uh good do you uh you have an air you got an air compressor in this thing right yeah okay so I'm wondering if worst case scenario too uh we can get him to air down cuz he actually has functioning four-wheel drive he's going have to pull me out that's what I'm saying is uh it might be what it is it might be it what it ends up being so hey see if you can see if you can use it to uh pull yourself on top of the uh snow pack back and then get a kind of running backwards yeah yeah just kind of see if you can just gently like no wheel speed a little bit more cuz you're still in that hole there you go another they like foot or so I don't want to get yeah I know I know close to the edge here okay can you pull out of that rope get some slack yeah go ahead all [Music] right I will say the uh don't say anything good because they so bad never mind I won't see anything I put my snowshoes on this morning so I'm good that's want see the back in spinning over y okay cuz I just need to get pointed that way so I can get to that tree without my bum right it was like the exact length to get to that tree yeah so that's pulling the whole thing over and digging in yeah if we had to we could uh snatch block back to the rim that we're pulling the rim out from under it yeah let stop that I think we're going to be okay yeah I think so we'd be doing great if we had fourwh drive right you know what this means what's that I'm really glad we didn't dive off that Hillside after that Tacoma remember the one we bailed out on oh yeah if we'd have blown a diff down there oh man we'd beol so bad bad bad I tried to forget about Tacomas because that would have been it would what just happened here would have happened on that cuz this is the next time we've used it yeah that was way more precarious than this way [Music] more [Music] I'm going to let a lot more out of these tires all right and I'm going to put the morf flight spider on them so I can do it evenly and like precisely down low yeah cuz I'm going to need every bit of help I can get get this vehicle up out of that R where I'm sideways and high Center yeah uh I can turn my fourwh drive on and maybe pull you guys out it might be what it comes to I think once you're up here you're going to be fine yeah yeah and then it might be put you in the front yeah so the big thing is going to be getting you- turned around MH so it might be if we can pull you out backwards up into here at least up into here yeah it is better up in there too maybe you might you might be going backwards farther than we thought well it's because this is slope to to try to turn around on yeah so it might be we'll see I think we get up here and we'll kind of reevaluate if we can spin you around right here it is gipping uphill so this is in our favor like back up if you if we can get here back like if you can come up and try to get your back tires up into this yeah then I'm already faced this way but I could go back to that tree and snatch block to your front end Y and pull it around behind me so we might we might do that we'll see I'm going to I'm going to let a lot more air out of these tires L of contingencies so here's my question to you when you when you Dove head first in there uh to try to get turned around did you hear anything funny like the diff exploding this thing makes funny noises the entire time I know but that's why I asked but when it when it did it yeah I heard like it it felt like if the transfer case popped out of gear I wonder if uh so to me it felt like transfer case popped out of gear you think maybe oh the drive line spinning yeah the drive line spinning broke the locker probably probably split the case or the not the the case with the uh I can't think of it the carrier yeah carrier thank you so this is now deflating all four of them dead even and I have a digital readout I can get right to the tenth of a pound evenly in all four so we're going to go down there cuz I'm going to need [Music] it people ask if I get nervous before going to like a recovery every single freaking time cuz it's this scenario like what if my rig breaks what if I can't do it what if I get stranded what if what if what if yeah and in situations like this is worse cuz they've already been stranded overnight we're going to help someone who is stranded not just like going wheeling and then they think helps here and helps in worse shape than they are it's not I feel very very bad like there be super cool but I feel bad about it you know right no and I get where you're at cuz I mean like to them it looks like we're building the airplane as it flies good thing this is a sponsored video we're not charging is this going to I was I was like I just want to make sure that it's not going to hit the glass I'm just back up easy okay well it won't cuz it's going to hit the trim first and then smash the glass God speed brother this is the point where like I'm on the tril I can go out back up [Music] okay so I they're down there digging on that one to try to get it freed up somehow I uh winched myself forward out of that hole I was in off a tree up there and now I think I can roll back through that little SP thought I was just stuck in the little ice hole there and get back down to him we hook up and we winch everything out together I feel so bad right now uh they've already been through a lot here and then I show up thinking they've got help and they don't it I I was serious like I get so nervous on every one of these recoveries going out to like all these different scenarios of what could go wrong what if this happens what if that in my head like anxiety eats me up on all these calls until everybody's back out of the woods it's not but I it's like you know the people I'm going to help are in a really bad situation and I'm supposed to be the one coming to help them and in my head I'm like can I even do this I don't know so uh hopefully we get them out of here uh if we have to we will put them in here get everybody out go get the track truck and come back with that so hope it doesn't come to that but we're going to see what we can do and hopefully come on se's on through there we go hopefully we can do something for him here just going to try to go nice and easy and not dig any holes no don't get up there there we go get back down in [Music] it [Music] no no no we're still two okay two not one yep definitely going to be a winch out of here definitely not I was hoping like maybe I'd have in traction to get a a run with a kinetic rope in two wheel drive to pop it out of where it's at and then maybe they can go but I'm not going to be able it's going I'm going to have to hook on him and winch to the the tree up there and we'll pull out so let's go do [Music] thatl that GI uh yeah we all the help we can get yeah you're going to be low range locked everything you can do I'm going to winch myself you go back by him back there and once that gets tension you direct him on how much throttle to get I want him to walk out of there without digging got it the uh is all went up yeah we're we're set up to we're just doing a straight line pull so okay you got tension now put it in reverse okay there you go and then he's going to keep pulling on you so just give it a little bit of throttle a little bit a little bit more little bit more and hold that just a little bit of throttle don't spin yep see the second you spin you sink so just wait for his his uh stored up kinetic energy and then there you go try to get in those tracks and I think you should be okay nice so keep coming keep coming there you go straighten up a bit there you go all right uh Go Passenger there you go so your back end straightens up little bit more passenger a little bit more little bit more keep coming now straight and now you should be out yeah so you might have some difficulty coming through this stuff but we'll uh [Music] yeah [Music] nope nope okay back to a tree sucks I ate up all that ground yeah all righty then you know that what's that since we've been here yeah I've gotten four calls for heavy duty recoveries of course a lot of people why aren't you doing more off-road recoveries well one this is only the seventh call I've gotten all season for off-road recovery it's been absolutely dead and so far we've only done one well I guess we tried to do the other but yeah we've only so we've gone out on two every other time what's been happening is if the weather is to a point where there's off-road recoveries there's a big truck stuck and needing help as well and uh it makes no sense to park that big $300,000 truck sitting in the yard and do off-road stuff or off-road rates even even paying jobs so I choose the off-road recoveries every time that's just what makes sense Financial or sorry the heavy duty that's what makes sense financially so yeah we've only got like seven calls five of them I was already in the heavy record and had heavy record work at the same time the two times third now third time now that uh I'm doing off Road call my phone is ringing like crazy for heavy duty stuff that I'm missing so that's why you're seeing so much more heavy duty stuff and new the company is Cascade heavy rescue it was never meant to be off-road recovery in the first place this just kind of what it snowballed into so yes you'll see a lot more heavy duty stuff um a lot less off-road stuff but uh there's been since since I haven't been doing off-road recovery I've been like looking at some on on YouTube of people who are there's quite a few different ones out there there's one this dude the laziest off-road recovery guy I've ever met in my life um haven't met him ever seen in my life he's up in Canada has an off-road recovery Channel they actually have snow up there so if you don't snow recovery he's got snow this dude just sits in his Jeep dude he he drives out he brings like one or two people with him every time he drives out there where a person's stuck he never even gets out to introduce himself and he makes people ride with get out and do everything well he sits in the heater the whole time and does nothing but push the winch button like laziest off-road dude ever if you want like I want to talk crap tell him actually to get out and do something but obviously I I don't want to like do that under my name so if you guys want to go talk crap to him tell him qu being lazy it's his name is Bruce Cook and uh I'll put a link to his channel down there and go like roast him some on that because dude needs like check his attitude and be a little humble and actually get out and do something a little bit of [Music] gas almost there come on yeah straighten up a touch think I need to double up that Wich yeah oh say it's making some noises yeah kind of dig a channel here to get you into the other channel nice yeah just build it make it a sharp wall too yeah so it funnels them over and I'm going to head for that tree then I'm going to be up over in this it not matter cuz I have no Drive traction anyway like I put it back in neutral so I just read the throttle for the yeah for the uh alternator because my drive is doing nothing right other than flicking this up so I'll just leave it neutral winch myself over there yeah you get on to this like if you're sitting right here I think you're out yeah and then in all reality if I'm out of the way you go first yeah and stay in this and then I can wi myself back over we can figure out how to get you turned around and then uh whether it's cuz I can even grab your back in and winch it back around if needed yeah right and then you're ahead of me to help pull me out yeah say that stay that course yeah yeah you're good he's almost out of winch line here you go yeah here super [Music] close there you go perfect hold that yes woo we out Casey I I was getting to the edge of the there like I don't want to put my friend in over the edge but he's so close yeah cuz just ever so slightly got him yeah yeah so I'm going to now figure out how I can winch myself kind of I'm going to try to get completely out of this for you cuz I don't want you to scoot over around me and get back in soft I want you to stay as like basically look out your window and keep this tire on that edge of that snowbank there the whole way and then we'll figure out what we're going to do to turn you around um it might be where I did that uh where I did that right there if you can back up that because there's some trees there cuz I can winch my way up in there and grab your back in and winch it around back down because if you're sitting in this facing forward yeah you're home exactly as long as I don't get high centered again yeah it's not that bad no it's not that bad till we here as long as you stay in those main tracks and that'll be on the way out of here you have to be real careful to stay in in those main tracks so let me see what I can do here to get out of your way cuz you're going to pull me out of here yeah that's how it's going to go yep you think I could get that tree way over there and it be enough that I can pull myself up here without back over into his way there yeah I think so let's see yeah only one way to find out yep cuz all reality if I end up in the way I can just witch I can just go up farther and we figure this out farther up did you hear that I do that popping noise was not like the front end or the bumper or anything like that it was a Wich yeah I'm stoping the Harbor Freight on the way home start from my house okay maybe it was maybe it was the way the Rope was on there either way I'm scared niely done sir I'm going to unhook this and then see if you can go by one thing I did good all day yeah least we're working in a nice area yeah too bad it's so far away from help cuz right what they saw in this video by the way I edited this in my head before I edited it yeah they saw the introduction they saw that sponsor bit while we were driving that little bit for a little over a minute and then we were here yeah they didn't see but after that we drove and drove and drove and drove and we're not just right here we're way out there yeah we're way in the middle here [Music] okay very good yeah just keep that tire right on the high side of this R you don't want to get over you want to be rubbing this Edge but don't turn too sharp get your front end over either Freedom not yet how to turn it around yeah okay uh yeah give it some throttle right there see if it'll get into that okay stop don't dig in so now I'm going to get myself off of that down here yeah I'm going to come up here cuz then I can go to that tree snatch block to that back end and I can pull your back end up and around and then from sitting right here once you're sideways there I can go to that tree and grab your front end and pull you down and back out of there into this then we're in place for me to hook up to the back of you and you told me out of [Applause] here [Applause] [Music] okay so now I'm winching myself to him so that I get up close enough to him to use some trees up there to turn him around so that he can then pull me out that's my plan for now anyway hold the B there you go so he needs to um give why don't you stand behind them on the other side over there so you're not in the Triangle here yep and then you can direct him on how much throttle to give walk out of there light throttle here you go just a little bit of throttle keeping it here you go straighten up hey straighten your wheel throttle thr yeah there you go keep her going keep her going keep her going a little bit more all right little bit throttle there you go hold that stop up there you go oh okay now that was like you yeah we're going to see if you can pull down into here if not we got a perfect tree right there to hook onto your front end and take you over there you had about two inches to spare before you got I could see this okay one of the few things I could see yeah okay turn uh make sure that's not turn all the way passeng here all right now ease forward if you can yep keep coming that's okay keep coming all right stop there let me pull you so it doesn't pull off the farther in but you know what I'm saying I get what you're saying yeah so it doesn't do that thing we don't want it to do right doesn't do the stuff and the things pull on it before ites all right I'm going to go change the battery okay we're uh weed front center console understood okay hold up you're in your red I know I mean you still got I don't know 3/4 of wrap on there you don't want to spin on this one because we don't want it to slide over we want it to pull that way so uh Ethan will direct you on how much throttle and it might even be if you get to a point you need to do some break to slide it over yeah okay so you want probably safe spot on that side I'm yeah I'm going to go on the passenger side all right so just put it and drive with a slight bit of throttle there you go let him pull you out of the hole there you go just a little bit hold up all right little bit more all right yeah um Casey I think he might be able to back up I don't want this to slide and come this way at all CU that justs us okay it might but if we just drop this back end in we're good yeah I don't want to risk losing ground right now because all I've been doing all day is trying to do that little bit of Thing by driving and making it work and losing ground right so all right you want to pull that off of there while I take this down yeah just go hook that hook to that and I'll wind this in all right we're going to leave you in drive cuz your front end's pointing that way I'm pulling your back end this way so it could be your I might have you give some throttle to help spin that tire and break it free but that's also putting your front tire the direction we want to go um I have to sit on the brake because I don't have front portal Drive anymore yeah okay keep it turn it yeah yeah hey give some throttle yeah there you go a you're okay he just lost a bead easy fix good thing we air it down yep okay give a bit of throttle ah don't worry about it some throttle that was the one thing I was concerned about doing this SL the tire over yeah so what happened uh is basically the sidewall folded and the bead burped so we'll just have to reset it so people ask why I never air down the customer's vehicle that's why in this case I did because we're kind of at a out of the ordinary case completely so I was okay with it but but then I treated it like it wasn't and now it's definitely air down these bfgs are notorious for this too are they yeah if you lower them down yeah that's why you got to be careful with the just you'll get it you'll get it you're going to get a whole whole lot of Education today so yeah you're going to learn all the things not to do today because I'm going to show them to you by example yes I want to take this top piece off so we don't it's just that's that much more clearance between a back window or something yeah just in case what's that even for uh winching oh you can hook shackle to Shackle there chain to chain and run this and it's a winch gotcha device they're the most pain in the ass things to use but they do have a lot of features if you're very patient and have a lot of physical energy and are very stubborn I've got stubborn out of those three you're I was going to say you're running out of steam I'm running out of steam well no I've been sick for more than two months it's been a while yeah it's been quite a while okay I mean we lifted a F 350 dly with this Jack so yeah and that's why my fingernail is purple oh remember I do remember that why are you frozen in the ground now it okay hold that you're starting to shift down the hill I see that um and I think you can get I think you can put that tire back on okay open that slide valve on the deal there we go yeah there it goes it was just barely leaking right there just a little bit of pull on it oh yeah but I didn't want to make it start leaking on the back side let's go it's going come on a little more flate the inside just went nice uh now fair warning you may have to get it rebalanced afterwards yeah it didn't spin wor it didn't spin in the rim he stop okay now turn a little passenger and now you're not on the edge of that now so ease forward and as soon as you feel it start to get into that hold give a throttle to bump your way through right there perfect okay don't leave without me you know what I've realized what's that trip I'm not actually good at off-road recovery I just live in an area that has a lot of trees around to bail me out well ain't over yet so it do stick to big trucks yeah actually no I got that stuck too I should what am I good at trolling trolling the internet I was going to say making sarcastic sarcastic comments on the internet yeah creating Monsters Just professional Internet troll but you'll see the main ones yeah back when we had four-wheel drive yeah stay as center of the main ones as you can and just take it nice and easy don't spin don't dig I'm spinning a So Soft right never get to ride on this side silky smooth what a they how do we end up here that's what I want to know um bad decisions uh faulty equipment improper maintenance um bad decisions um yeah all of it was my fault basically every bit of it so what are we going to do moving forward just pretend I didn't hear the phone ring sounds good that solves so many of these problems now this is going to Nate's shop and some new sort of front end I like that idea or one tons or whatever I know Nate's not going to fix this one no when he's got one tons laying there yeah and it's already it's already on Lea spring so it's not like it's a hard swap yeah then I got to get new wheels so I get new Wheels new tires new tires I might as well get 40 so I have one tons and then uh well we need a new transfer case too so do need a new transfer case that's not the issue this time but I do no yeah well time for a YouTube short yep well planed so slightly different experience for me out here but luckily Chris like can drive uh good and so he's pulling me out nice and smooth he's able to get himself dud if we had had some of the customers I've had that are like the the all are nothings um trying to get that out with this immobile would have been gas pedal absolutely terrible some people think it's an onoff switch for the gas pedal yeah so uh glad he was our customer also the fact that he super cool about the fact that I failed on every freaking level it's all right dude like everything went wrong like all of it like this and every which way I just kept getting myself stuck and worse and worse pulled his tire off the bead like it's total Mission failure well whole bunch of failures lead to one big success I think is that is that if you turn left far enough you eventually make it right exactly yeah you just keep going up until you figure it out man and sometimes that's uh you just need to have the patience and uh be what's the word stubbornness to keep going tenacity there you go tenacity is like the more positive way of saying St yeah I mean you just kept getting kicked down I'm like I want to help you I'm like I'll let case figure it out yeah so a lot of people say like why Ethan actually do something like he's the cameraman that's his job yes uh his job is to film uh I'm there to do the job he I literally hired him to film and I've actually had to tell him to stop helping so much because he he does want to help and he is actually good at it so he wants to just put camera down jump in and help or be helpful kind of holding the camera but his job is to film so that you guys see a video that's what I hired him for so I actually in the beginning I had to really tell him like yeah stop like just film like put down the tools it's really hard yeah because this is what I do in my spare time that's why he does not help as much as some people thinks he should be because his job is not to help but I think we kind of we kind of talked about a way of doing a little bit more on some of these bigger recoveries that might include him actually doing the job me doing more filming while working too we'll see how it goes but yeah don't get mad at him for not helping because I get mad at him for helping so he can't win he just gets it from both sides I'm borked yeah I'm getting off I'm getting off no get back over oh oh oh yeah he he got he he eased up some so he didn't Yik me off the side and then once I got back in track he kept going again that was he's paying attention usually when I'm telling someone to get off the side I don't notice it for like 50 yards my time I look back there over the B whoops so update uh we got towed 4 five miles yeah somewhere there and then it the snow got better so now we're we're unhooked and we're driving on our own uh it's going somewhat decent I shouldn't say that cuz then it won't but we're cruising along we've got another four five miles to go uh get back to the main road then I got to air both of our rigs back up and and see if we can make it home we made it back out to the main road as you can see so Ethan's getting his tires aired up there with the mor flate and then we're going to air up mine and then uh we had a we had a debate still to see I got to ask Ethan his thoughts on it so we'll get this done first and we'll check on that the big question yeah a lot went wrong A lot happened yeah does and my I my answer to this is no because it was a fail on so many ways but does this job deserve the celebratory chocolate milk okay we didn't permanently damage the vehicle no customer's out safe yes you're out in one piece yeah go get that chocolate milk you know what really brings it down for me though makes me think no what's that is it you know what saved the day what's that a Toyota a Warn winch and a freaking Toyota he nem and that's my luck of course
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 212,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding
Id: Zfs1kp-QfTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 5sec (3065 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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