Texas entering first season in SEC, Colorado hype, How will DeBoer handle Alabama? | CFB | THE HERD

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so uh Joel clatt you know former Colorado football stud Colorado kid we were both lamenting when Denver got eliminated by Minnesota uh Boston sort of probably breathed the sigh of relief yeah I mean like Boston won the title that night yeah the matchups little did anyone know yeah D Dallas doesn't have enough defense because Luca's a liability and so's Kyrie and Minnesota didn't have the offense that's right so basically Boston has benefited greatly from Denver getting knocked out and Denver's still the favorite for next year but it is interesting I watch this it's a non-oled football topic but something you know a lot about because you know the industry people in you know because the NBA every calls like pass interference it's all subjective it's all subjective everybody thinks the league is rigged I can assure you Boston got every late call last night which is exactly the opposite what the league or ESPN wanted it was their nightmare scenario every go either way call went to the team leading two nothing in the series networks Hemorrhage money on sweep that's right they Hemorrhage money the league by the way they want the the games to go longer they want more discussion about their league course of course every single like in in baseball or the NFL Peak behind the curtain the networks sell as if the series is going to go six games yeah so any any series that goes fewer than six games the network loses money and they have to do what's called a make good on different programming wherever it is on all of those those sales items so every call that went Boston's way last night everyone in the league and at ESPN was like no when I worked at the other place it was palpable the tension if a series was going to be a sweep you could you could sense it in the building it was like not good no Boston is bad for business I mean listen they're 15 and two in the playoffs I I'll say it I sense it around here every fall during the World Series that's all I'm rooting for every Everybody by the way I'm a baseball I'm rooting for seven yeah fans think you're rooting for a team foxy ESPN NBC rooting for seven that's it that's all we're rooting for everybody gets their bonuses that's right when it gets to seven so you recently interviewed uh Steve sarkeesian let's play a moment of this interview as you've interviewed the notable coaches around the league of all the stuff that's happening how good can our culture be in this building right whether it's the players whether it's the support staff whether it's the coaching staff whether it's the administration is everybody on the same Accord is everybody talking the same language is everybody working together do we have a healthy environment that people want to come in here every day yeah uh I have always thought this is the most appealing National program in the country uniforms City gravatas I think Texas football feels gigantic the problem is that everybody in Texas knows it's gigantic and it can be a little high maintenance behind the scenes I I think that that's absolutely fair I think think for the the ever since Mac Mack Brown started to remember they went to the national championship game and lost with Cole McCoy getting injured in that game to Alabama Nick sabin's first title at Alabama from that point until last year way too many cooks in the kitchen at Texas every booster wanted their way and they've got rich boosters and they've got a lot of influential people and I I give the the Texas Administration a lot of credit u Chris Delan is their athletic director they allowed Steve sarkeesian to come in and and build his program and that hasn't really been the case over that last period of time you know 14 15 years at at Texas and Steve's done a remarkable job and and I think what you heard in that answer is is why they're starting to have success and that's because they have an internal standard and and they they don't allow themselves to be defined by outside entities and I think that that's by the way a real epidemic across our culture I think that we we as as a culture or individuals or an organization can allow people to Define us and then we allow those expectations to be heaped onto our shoulders and we try to measure up to what others think we should be and I think the most successful people whether it's individuals or organizations in life internally Define what they are who they are and how they're going to have success and that's what Texas feels like to me when I go down there like I did this offseason covered them last year we'll cover them again week two as they travel to Michigan to face the defending national champions when I'm around Steve sarkeesian he's very comfortable in his own skin because he defines himself and sets his own standards for him as an individual and for their program and I think that's what's so valuable about what he's doing right now now now a program that doesn't have that big feel uh got got a little into itself Colorado and Dion got a little into themselves last year shadur and Dion and let let me you a question a lot of noise let me POS you a question about Colorado oh god did did Dion change at all from the day he was hired until today or did the outside expectations change based on the way that the season started like did so basically I'm saying did you change or did Dion change you telling me he got all of the sudden he got full of himself really was that the case or is what you expected of him and his program different based on the way that they started the season well when you talk the game I want to I want to see you walk the game and it it felt like they were a little better at the pr than the football by the end of the season okay was a 400% increase in wins better well they were a one- win team and totally irrelevant like I and I think people forget about that it's not like he took over some is the nil era you should be able to improve pretty quickly should yeah and they did 400% I don't know did you not hear what I just said I wasn't good at math 400% you know a A plus three in the win column uh four wins from one it was a success now did they fall short of even their own expectations yes and and he would have said that and I thought that they let some games go that they should have won and Stanford being one of them and and probably Oregon State being another now all of a sudden you're talking about a team that they feel like probably should have been a bow Team um and and fell short of that I would pose you this question I have been accused of being a homer and an an apologist for Colorado not this journalist however shador the quarterback the young son was sacked over 50 times last year it was the clear weakness on a team that was very competitive if they protected yeah they were bad up front they have totally rebuilt their offensive line through the transfer portal mainly and getting Jordan seon the number one rated offensive tackle in the recruiting cycle last year I'm just going to throw out a hypothetical if they can now go from giving up over 50 sacks to giving up somewhere in the high 20s which is still a lot I'm not saying that they're the most dominant offensive line in college football I'm saying that they middle of the pack average high 20s in terms of sacks tell me where their win total goes in a schedule that's going to be far more easy I would argue than it was a year ago you you see this is why I say yeah there's a path to eight or nine wins and everyone's like what are you talking about well look at their schedule just look at it for a moment and and think to yourself of the growth of growth of the offensive line what they are if he is upright in the pocket with the skill position players they have on the outside and the schedule that they face far difficult far more difficult early than it is throughout the the entirety of the schedule it is it is not impossible and I think that probably likely that Colorado wins at at least eight games maybe more what what what I I I want to Pivot to all these Pack 12 schools go into the Big 10 so the Big 10 uh is feeling themselves now because Michigan won The Natty now the previous 15 years they got pushed around mostly by the SEC but they're feeling themselves and I and and and but now Jim Harbaugh left and so did 20 players and a lot of like senior leaders and old I mean at Michigan you're saying I mean they lost like every I mean they lost everybody I mean these were red shirt senior I mean I shouldn't say everybody they they lost a lot of influence here's where the Big 10 uh fly over country is going to have to listen to Uncle Colin who grew up on the west coast let's see what do we got Oregon's gonna Oregon is going to beat Ohio State and Eugene are they it's going to be Ohio State's only loss on the year they're going to go on to win the national championship wow so I'm calling it but I think the Big T these are Big these are Big pronouncements in the summer yeah um a lot of these big 10 fans think oh they can't play this physical football I would argue at least this year because of the Michigan regression new staff new players Michigan's going to pull back that the best team will be Ohio State though they'll lose at Oregon and then the next two to three best teams will be from the west coast and it will be an invasion of aerial excellence and they'll be a little on their heels you're trying so hard to not say USC like you're all in you're all in on USC right now I think Jed fish very clevert Lincoln Riley very see Washington lost more as far as impactful players than even Michigan did I'm just going to say keep your eye on Oregon beating Ohio State USC very clever now Lincoln gets his offense back a little let me pose this this idea for you and and I think that everyone have has to wrap their their arms around this in in the new era that we'll be going into this year with the 12 team playoffs yes these non-conference games are going to be massive in particular against teams that you would suspect or or expect to be in a in a similar position within their league in the SEC and and the Big 10 and that's what we have with LSU and USC yeah and they play each other and so the winner of that game is going to feel like they have an opportunity to go and finish in third or second in their conference cuz I don't think either of them will win their conference with some of the strength that we have on on the top end but if USC wins that game against LSU they've got to think to themselves okay we can be go be a playoff team UFC got a total break no Oregon no Ohio State Michigan in a total rebuild and LSU as bad defensively theyve ever been losing Jaden Daniels in in Las Vegas which which got to feel like a good break you cannot get a bigger break than USC got in their first year schedule okay so so I'm with you right 10 games clever really good skill people everybody's talking about West Coast people can't handle a few snowflakes I staying Midwest people welcome to the brain power and offensive symmetry of the West Coast well I mean we will see and and then to to to Echo your point about Oregon um that is big Bo that that that is really good really good two good quarterbacks they they are really good I think that there are four teams in the country that are clearly right now better than everybody else at least now sitting here in the summer in the in in in the Texas Ohio State Georgia Texas Ohio State Georgia and Oregon yep the Oregon Ducks those four teams are going to be in the top four by the way I saw you were a little shy when I said Oregon's beating Ohio State you're on that game I'm not well that's stupid I believe I believe that that is is one of our Network partners that have that game well we'll have to get rid of them uh well let me tell you something Oregon I know Ohio state has a hard time believing this Oregon's nil they buy five star guys too well of course of course they do and and I love Dan Lanning and what he's built there I and I've said this publicly and I've said it on on our big noon conversation I went up to Eugene um Dan actually you know I was around the team for a couple of days spoke with them spoke to them and then interviewed Dan and and I said it right to his face and he got sheepish and and his face turned red but I was like listen if there is a young coach okay so remember this is only going to be his third year yeah as a head coach if there's a young coach in America that I could buy stock in it would be Dan Lanning yeah he's good surprised me I didn't think a Georgia kid I didn't think a southern kid would come up here and fit so seamlessly I didn't not only that but he really loves it you don't think he had an opportunity to at least peek at that Alabama job and he said you know what no I'm good here and he really loves Eugene and more importantly his family love Eugene and he's got young kids and and he said to himself I'm good and and this is the most important part we're actually sitting there playing golf together and he says and I know I can do it here yeah and I'm like okay there we go so he's seen it he was at Georgia and won a national championship as an assistant coach he knows what it takes he knows the players and what they should look like he knows what the culture should look like he understands the backing that's exactly right he understands the financial backing that he that it takes and even he knows like we can do it here and and this team is going to have a real chance I think Oregon's going to have a real chance not only to win the Big 10 but to compete for and and potentially win the national championship yeah no I'm excited for it so you got Sark Deion Sanders Matt rule Ryan Day kayin dor James Franklin Dan Lanning I am usually a Believer like when Howard Stern leaves FM radio don't take the job take the job from the guy who that replaced him B the B situ like when I retire the poor schmuck that takes over from me is done well I've already worked it into my cont and we're going to just go to the moon no I'm kidding I anything like that I think the person that replaces the Legends toast I think kayin dor could be a little bumpy this year I think he is in a short list of the best coach in the country no I agree and and okay so there there is something to this idea I keep I keep thinking about I was actually sitting up you know I'm a Golf Nut right and so I'll I'll watch you know things and particular anything Tiger Woods that comes on the TV I'm I'm just in it's Michael Jordan Tiger Woods Muhammad Ali any of these I'm like yes I I I want to watch documentary shows whatever it is and the show comes on about about tiger and and he was talking about and his child sports psychologist was talking about the importance not of his technical ability ability as as a kid but that he learned how to win and he won everything as a kid and how that's what translated and how you see a lot of these in particular Gulf phenoms as kids well the the Phenom aspect is their technical ability but they don't know how to win this is why Adam Scott or Michelle we or or some of these people that were can't miss prospects never actually materialized into what we wanted to see out of them because why Colin they didn't know exactly how to win they knew how to technically play the sport and dbor wins everywhere dor has won everywhere and that's Notre D wins every and and so I'm watching this documentary and that's all I can think about as I was like oh this is kayin dor he's 104 and 12 as a head coach going back to su falls and then Fresno State and out Washington and so yes if you're going to have a guy that takes over for arguably and I would admit this the the absolute greatest college football coach of all time who would you have do it a guy that just wins and so that's kayin dbor and I think that that mindset and and that skill hopefully translates for him and and for the Alabama faithful I will say this though it's just so unique we don't see it the last time that a coach left a program whether it was to take another job or retire at the top and then they hired someone from outside to take his spot I'm going back in my mind I'm like it's got to be Dennis Ericson taking over for Jimmy Johnson he won a title with Jimmy's guys and he won a title with Jimmy's guys which then made me start to think more about okay can kayin do that absolutely what do you think he just did with Washington yeah the majority of those players Roma dun all these they were Chris Peterson's players now did he add to that with a guy he had coached when he was a coordinator at Indiana with Michael pinnick yes and he will add and he's doing that recruiting very well at Alabama I'm I'm starting to become bullish for for kayin dbor in Alabama the the risk becomes here's the risk for a place that has been the alpha in the sport they have been the standard by the way Kirby Smart he's like 50 and4 and his last 54 games one and three against Alabama three of the four losses have been Alabama so as much as Georgia has run the sport and won two national championships he never really solves Nick Sabin in Alabama you could say that Alabama is still the standard well they're the standard now and in this transition they will be at risk because two of the four best teams in the country are in their conference Texas and Georgia they have the resources they have the coaches and they have the athletes to put aside Alabama and that's the challenge for kin dbor is to maintain his presence and more specifically the program's presence as the preeminent program not only in the South but in the country hi everybody it's me Uncle Colin subscribe here to get the latest from the herd including exclusive behind the scenes videos and more wherever you may be however you may be watching thanks again for making us part of your day
Channel: The Herd with Colin Cowherd
Views: 157,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oregon, Alabama, Texas, Football, Deion Sanders, Colorado, Steve Sarkisian, CFB, college football, Fox, Fox Sports, FS1, NCAA, Big 10, SEC, Big 12, B1G, Pac 12, football, sports, fox college football, cfb on fox, fs1, fox sports, 2023-24 college football season, NIL, college football playoff, college football highlights, big 12 conference, pac 12 conference, acc conference, big 10 conference, sec conference, klatt, sanders, texas, colorado
Id: FI4dL1u3v_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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