Brock Lesnar’s 2023 retrospective: WWE Playlist

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[NOISE] >> Through the table goes Theory! >> My God! [NOISE] [MUSIC] >> The Beast is back! [MUSIC] >> My God! >> Speaker 1: Brock Lesnar, the man who cost Bobby Lashley the United States title in the first place. [MUSIC] It's Rumble season, and The Beast needs to feast! [MUSIC] >> Making his way at pace inside the ring, Brock Lesnar. My God! >> Speaker 1: F5! [NOISE] >> What is Lesnar's issue with Bobby Lashley? >> Speaker 2: Maybe it's not only Lashley. [NOISE] >> F5 to Theory! Whose on top of Lashley! >> Speaker 3: Two, three! >> Theory wins! [SOUND] >> Here is your winner, and still the United States Champion, Austin Theory! >> Theory is the champ, Lesnar's back, what the hell is going on? [MUSIC] >> And let me explain something to you, tomorrow, I'm gonna throw you and 28 other Superstars over the top rope and win the one thing in this industry I have never won, and that is the Royal Rumble match. >> Speaker 3: [LAUGH] >> And you guys can laugh all you want, but let me explain something to you, and to you, there is nothing, and I mean nothing, more dangerous than me with something on my shoulder. >> Speaker 4: A chip, a chip, maybe. >> Speaker 3: So allow me to give you an education on what's going to happen tomorrow. >> Speaker 4: Here we go! Everybody's feisty tonight, Theory, Miz, Kofi, Woods. >> It's like a damn hockey fight in there. >> Speaker 4: And it's not over yet, [MUSIC] Because here comes The All Mighty Bobby Lashley. >> Speaker 1: Clear the ring while you still can. >> Speaker 4: And Bobby Lashley's pissed off after he lost the United States championship match this past Monday on Raw in controversial manner. [NOISE] >> [NOISE] >> Not smart, Miz. [NOISE] >> And now Lashley targeting the United States champions for the Spear. >> Speaker 3: All right, that's my pick for the men's Royal Rumble match right there, Cole. >> I'm not gonna argue with you. [NOISE] >> Now since Brock Lesnar interrupted my United States Championship match on Raw 30, I'm gonna terrorize every one of these guys in the Royal Rumble until I get what I deserve around here. >> Speaker 1: Wait a minute! Bobby better turn around! It's The Beast, The Beast, Brock Lesnar, Lesnar with an F5 to Lashley! [NOISE] >> I'll catch you at the Royal Rumble, Bobby, see you tomorrow, brother. [NOISE] >> Wait, that means Brock Lesnar's gonna be in the Rumble match. [MUSIC] >> Speaker 1: Welcome to- >> Suplex City. [NOISE] >> Now Dawkins gonna run into a German suplex of his own. [NOISE] >> Escobar- >> [LAUGH] >> From the top! >> [LAUGH] >> And Brock Lesnar, with that throw, now has 30 eliminations in his career, make it 31 in the Rumble. >> Speaker 2: Brock may very well obtain a world record for record distance throwing human beings tonight. >> Throwing humans at a rapid rate, welcome to Suplex City. [NOISE] >> Brock Lesnar, once eliminated record- >> [CROSSTALK] >> Sheamus lands on the back of his neck. [NOISE] >> And now squares up with Gunther. >> Baby, sign me up! [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] Gunther [BLEEP] right there, immediately. >> Here we go! >> The All Mighty Bobby Lashley, remember what happened on Raw Monday, Corey. >> Lashley once again, tossing, I'm sorry, cost the United States title, courtesy of Brock Lesnar. And The All Mighty is making his way to ringside with vengeance on his mind. >> Speaker 4: And last night on Friday Night SmackDown, an attack by Lesnar on Lashley as well. And another throw by Brock Lesnar. >> Speaker 1: Look out, Brock! >> And Bobby Lashley, spear to Lesnar! [NOISE] >> Bobby Lashley with scores to settle. There's gonna be hell to pay for everybody in this match- >> Tonight, spear to McIntyre! >> Speaker 1: Seeing Bobby Lashley benching 405 on the Internet earlier this week. Look at that dude! >> Speaker 4: Remember last year at the Rumble, Corey, Lashley actually beat Lesnar for the WWE championship, Brock hasn't forgotten. >> Brock not about to let history repeat. >> Eliminated! >> The All Mighty is that dude! [NOISE] >> Holy hell! [NOISE] >> Brock Lesnar lasted under three minutes in the Royal Rumble match before being eliminated by Bobby Lashley. >> Speaker 1: [CROSSTALK] >> My God! [NOISE] >> In this $5 denim jacket, [NOISE] >> Is a multimillion dollar contract. [NOISE] >> On this contract, it states, [NOISE] >> Bobby Lashley versus Brock Lesnar at Elimination Chamber. [NOISE] >> Now, Bobby Lashley, if you got a set of balls, you'll get your ass down here and sign this contract. [MUSIC] >> You got your wish, Mr. Lesnar. >> Speaker 2: The All Mighty doesn't need a second invitation. >> Speaker 2: There are too many men brave enough to call down the thunder from The All Mighty. But Bobby Lashley is here in the Amway center, making his way toward the ring. [MUSIC] >> Speaker 2: There's nothing $5 about what Bobby Lashley is wearing. >> Not the made, head to toe. Two of the most decorated, Rated combat sports athletes in the history of combat sports. >> Speaker 2: You and I had match number one, and what happened, Brock? I pinned you. Now, match number two, you won. But if my memory serves me correct, I laid your ass unconscious as I walked out of this ring. So the third meeting that we had, that we met each other face to face was at the Royal Rumble. And I threw your ass over the top row without any problem, Brock. So if my memory serves me correct, and I think things are gonna be done under my terms right now, Brock. I'm gonna make my lawyer look at it, and then I'll get back with you, Brock. I'll take it into consideration. Are you surprised, Brock? Are you surprised that Bobby who has one up on you? >> Speaker 1: Look out. He's angered the Beast. F-5 to The Almighty. [NOISE] >> Bobby, get your ass up here and sign this contract. >> Speaker 2: So we're doing this on my terms. So I told you I was gonna look at your contract. I had my agents look at your contract. I had my managers look at your contract. I had my representative look at your contract. Hell, I even had my kids look at your contract. >> And come and sign it. >> Speaker 2: You know what, Adam? I really don't know if I'm going to. >> Speaker 3: Bobby, you get your ass up here and sign this contract. Bobby's scared. [LAUGH] >> Speaker 5: Bobby's scared. Bobby's scared. Bobby's scared. Bobby's scared. >> Speaker 3: Bobby, if you don't come up here and sign this contract, I'm gonna come down there and beat your ass. Unconscious, and I'll sign it for you. >> Speaker 2: We're face to face, Brock, I don't think you have the balls to. >> Speaker 1: This is not gonna end well. Here we go. Lesnar is laying waste to the hired security of The Almighty. Look at this. >> Holy crap. >> Speaker 4: We're not waiting until Saturday night. >> Speaker 1: Lashley just bulldozed Lesnar out on the ramp. And Lashley, spear. Lesnar fell right into Lashley's trap. >> Speaker 4: The mind games from Bobby Lashley. Worked out perfectly. Now, is he gonna sign the contract? [NOISE] [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: It still aligns with that [INAUDIBLE] it appears that it is official. The contract has been signed. The Beast is down. Behold The Almighty. [NOISE] >> Lashley again, looking for the hurt lock. >> Speaker 1: Can he get the- >> It's locked in. >> And he does, in the middle of the ring. Brock Lesnar's caught in the hurt lock, the submission move by Bobby Lashley. >> Speaker 1: Lashley wants to make absolutely sure the next time Brock asks, Bobby who? That Brock Lesnar sees Lashley's name in Brock's sleep. Brock Lesnar, trying to break the definitive full nelson known as the Hurt Lock. Bobby still got it locked in. Brock could be fading. Was that his last gas effort by the Beast? No, Brock went low and the official has no choice. [NOISE] >> Here's your winner as a result of a disqualification, The Almighty, Bobby Lashley. [MUSIC] Brock Lesnar could not break the hurt lock. So what did he do? He went down low, delivered the low blow, and the disqualification was called. >> Speaker 1: Listen, Cole, this is not- >> Wait a minute. >> Don't do this, Brock. Referee Chad Patton suffers the wrath of the Beast. [NOISE] >> And when Lesnar's in this mood, nobody's safe. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: It certainly wasn't the result the WWE Universe wanted. >> Speaker 1: Another F-5 to Lashley. >> Speaker 1: It's definitely not the result Brock Lesnar wanted. I dare say it's not the result Bobby Lashley wanted. He had to resort to tactics like a low blow. Brock knew he was in trouble. >> Speaker 1: Brock was this close to fading, to passing out, to the hurt lock of Lashley, and he went low. And now, Bobby Lashley has suffered a number of F-5s at the hand of the Beast. And then, of course, the low blow. And now, Brock Lesnar's over here, cleaning up the annouce table. And that'll only mean one thing. [NOISE] >> F-5 through the table. [NOISE] >> I don't believe, uh-oh, wait a minute, Brock. That would be official, Chad Patton. Brock, Brock, please don't. >> And Brock with Chad Patton. >> Speaker 1: My God. [NOISE] >> Speaker 4: Brock Lesnar is The Beast Incarnate. And when Brock Lesnar put his hands on a man, that man is done for. However, Brock Lesnar, do you think that you, The Beast Incarnate, can have your way with the seven-foot, three-inch tall, 416-pound Nigerian giant? You see, you put your hands on a man and you can do whatever you want to that man. But you put your hands on a giant, that giant puts his hands back on you. That was good, I got goosebumps. Good job. High fives on that one. Woohoo, man. You know what, MVP? I accept your challenge, but I think we should shake on it. [NOISE] >> And we should drink on it. [NOISE] >> If we're gonna have a toast, then we gonna drink the good stuff. Here's to, once again, Brock Lesnar versus Omos at WrestleMania, [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: Whoa. >> Speaker 2: Rocky, if it's just the same to you, I'll toast with the champagne. That's all right. [NOISE] >> Speaker 2: You ain't gonna make me drink alone, are you? >> Speaker 2: Absolutely not, Mr. Lesnar. I would never dream of such a thing. What exactly is this that we're drinking? >> Speaker 4: Where I come from, they call that white lightning. [NOISE] >> Speaker 2: All right, here's to Brock Lesnar versus Omos WrestleMania. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: That is the good stuff, we can smell it all the way over here, >> Speaker 1: MVP just dodged a bullet there. >> Speaker 3: Uh-oh, f5 in the VIP lounge. [MUSIC] [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] Omos, the Nigerian giant [INAUDIBLE] >> My god, my God. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: How many people have the power to throw Lesnar over the top rope like that? [NOISE]. >> Speaker 4: 410 pounds. >> Speaker 2: Look at that. Over 400 pounds. Brock Lesnar, you're a bad man, but you ain't better than this man right here. [NOISE] [MUSIC] >> Speaker 1: The Beast Brock Lesnar ain't hanging around for no introduction. [MUSIC] MVP told us on the After The Bell Podcast that Brock Lesnar is a beast to you and me, but to Omoss, he's just a man. Giants don't fear beasts, but beasts can easily be tamed by giants. >> Speaker 4: What will Brock Lesnar have to say about that? We're gonna find out at WrestleMania. [MUSIC] >> 410 pounds, that's the weight of Omos, the Nigerian giant. Such a unique trend for the beast and [INAUDIBLE] Brock Lesnar. [MUSIC] >> Brock Lesnar going straight for Omos. [INAUDIBLE] >> Speaker 4: Barely [INAUDIBLE] [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: Vicious kick connects with Lesnar. [NOISE] >> Is this a sign of what's to come? [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: Usually Brock Lesnar is in the main event and Lesnar has been rendered completely ineffective. >> Speaker 1: Here's Brock trying to fight out of this. >> Speaker 1: Caught by Omos and a choke slam really put through the recover cover by Omos for the win and Brock able to get the shoulder up at two. >> Speaker 1: This is not the same Brock Lesnar we're used to seeing. >> Speaker 1: Brock whipped into the corner. Omos taking his time, systematically picking Brock apart. However, Brock gave him the sidestep. Omos hit his face on the ring post. >> Speaker 1: And now Lesnar with a German suplex. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: And that brings the WWE Universe to its feet. Well, Lesnar fighting through the pain despite the agony he's got to be feeling in his lower back. A second German suplex to Omos, Brock's back might be failing. Nice third German suplex. This is unbelievable. They are rumbling in Los Angeles. [NOISE] >> No way. >> Speaker 1: Lesnar trying to get- >> [CROSSTALK] >> And Lesnar does but the back gave out. Lesnar collapsed. >> Speaker 1: Lesnar is a true force of nature, but has been no match for Omos.. Brock, though from behind now. He's a got locked up. A second tide. Can he deliver it? He does. F-5 to the Moss by Lesnar. There's the cover, hook to the leg, [SOUND] >> Speaker 3: Brock with the win. >> Speaker 2: Here is your winner, Brock Lesnar. >> Speaker 3: What a massive way to kick off WrestleMania Sunday. A gusty performance by The Beast. >> Speaker 1: Your challenge is accepted. [NOISE] >> Two parameters, though. Number one, if someone in that locker room is so stupid as to be willing to team with you, it has to be someone that wrestled this past weekend at WrestleMania. And now you're gonna realize how alone you are. Because anyone who walks down that aisle and agrees to team with you tonight against Roman Reigns and Solo will never get another Title Match against Roman Reigns as long as Roman Reigns is the Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion. So who you wanna talk about now, Cody? >> Speaker 1: God. >> Speaker 3: The Beast Incarnate is here on Monday Night Raw. Is Lesnar here to be Cody's partner? >> Speaker 3: Lesnar stepping up alongside The American Nightmare. KP, do you realize what this means? That stipulation doesn't apply to Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar is already forbidden from challenging Reign for the title. Brock lost that right at SummerSlam last year. >> Speaker 2: And their opponents first, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 286 pound, Brock Lesnar. And his tag team partner from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 222 pounds, The American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes. >> Speaker 3: Wait a second. >> Speaker 2: What the hell? >> Speaker 3: Lesnar just had F-5. [NOISE] >> What the hell are we witnessing here? Another thunderous F-5. But why is Lesnar doing this to Cody Rhodes? Cody still battered from last night's Main Event at WrestleMania. We don't need to do this. >> Speaker 2: F-5 across the announce desk. The ribs again. Cody's gotta be suffering serious damage right now in the clutches of The Beast Incarnate. >> Speaker 4: Cody, listen to me, please. Listen to me. Do not listen to them, listen to me, please. Think about this clearly. We don't need this. We certainly do not need this. I need you to leave it. If you're not gonna do it on your own, then gentlemen, please come help Cody Rhodes leave the ring tonight, please. >> Speaker 3: Questionable of a decision as it is. Adam Pearson is trying to, [CROSSTALK] >> Think about this please. Think about this. Think about this, please. This does not have to happen like this. [NOISE] >> Cody, listen to me. Don't do this. >> Speaker 3: The Beast Incarnate is here. >> I know that's what you want, Cody, I know that's what you want, but it can't happen like that. Look at me. Please, look at me. Listen, do you want the match with Brock? I know you want the match with Brock. I will give you the match with Brock. May 6th in Puerto Rico at Backlash. Brock Lesnar versus Cody Rhodes at Backlash. I make it official right now. Please don't do this. Do it in Puerto Rico, do it at Backlash not tonight. >> Speaker 3: Lesnar, grinning ear to ear, [INAUDIBLE] take Cody Rodhes for a trip to the train station. [NOISE] >> Cody. He's now bushing down The American Nightmare. >> Speaker 3: Cody's not thinking straight. I understand Cody's frustration, but it's gonna cost Rhodes a lot of money. You said he's already graves. He's got fire in the eyes. And those eyes are checking out Lesnar. Cody's frustrated. Cody's blind with rage right now, and Lesnar's enjoying every second of it. Lesnar knows exactly what he's doing right now. Uh-oh. Don't do it, Cody. Another wave of security keeping Rhodes away from Lesnar. >> Speaker 1: How does it feel to be looking at the only real cowboy in the state? >> Speaker 4: Seriously, Brock, we cannot do this tonight. I've asked respectfully. We have business to discuss tonight. Draft business trumps everything. I need you to leave the ring, Brock, please. And if you won't leave, my gentleman will help you leave. With all due respect please, with all due respect, it's gonna take a hell of a lot more men than that. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: Come on, guys. [NOISE] >> Speaker 4: Good on Adam Pierce for reinforcing our security tonight, but Lesnar doesn't look like he has intention of going anywhere. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: Please Brock, please. [NOISE] [MUSIC] >> Cody Rhodes from behind just dropped the beast. The American Nightmare just knocked down the beast incarnate before being swarmed by WWE security. [MUSIC] >> Brock Lesnar, the most decorated. [NOISE] >> Speaker 5: Cody Rhodes. >> Speaker 1: Rhodes before the opening bell, bringing the fight to the beast. This match isn't even underway and Cody Rhodes has launched himself into the beast. And now using the cover from our announce table to take out Brock Lesnar. >> Speaker 5: Cody's feeling it, crossroads. >> Speaker 4: Cody looking for a little insurance. >> Speaker 5: A second crossroads. >> Speaker 1: Will the third time be the charm? >> Speaker 5: Here we go. To Cody Rhodes. The American Nightmare put away The Miz- >> Wait wait wait. >> Who the hell? Brock Lesnar. [NOISE] >> F5 to Cody Rhodes. [NOISE] >> And there's no disqualification in a triple threat match. [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] Back inside we go and Finn Balor now make [INAUDIBLE] [MUSIC] >> Speaker 6: Here is your winner, Ben Mallard. [NOISE] >> Good God. [NOISE] >> Speaker 2: What do you want to talk about? [NOISE] >> Look at this face, look at this face. What do you want to talk about, Cody? What do you wanna talk about? I wanna talk about me. Me, Cody. I wanna talk about me, me, me, me. Cody Rhodes, look at my face. >> Speaker 2: You wanna take credit to this Cody? You lucked into this face. You lucked into the victory Saturday night. I wanna talk about a fight. I want to talk about a fight, a fight. I want a fight. [NOISE] >> You, me, Night of Champions, a fight. [NOISE] >> Speaker 7: What do you got to say? Who is the coward now? [NOISE] >> Speaker 5: The American nightmare Cody Rhodes arriving to- [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: You wanna fight me? Come fight. Come on, Let's fight. [SOUND] [INAUDIBLE] >> Speaker 3: Let's fight. [NOISE] >> Come on. [NOISE] >> Speaker 2: I'm gonna issue an open challenge for anybody back there to fight me at Night of Champions. All you got to do is step out here and stand to Brock Lesnar. [NOISE] >> Speaker 4: Cody don't do this, it's not worth it. >> [INAUDIBLE] The entire thing. [NOISE] >> Lesnar's gonna break Cody's arm if it's not already broken. [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] Brock's gonna end his career. >> Speaker 6: Let him fight me. Come on, Cody, fight me, fight me, fight me. [NOISE] >> Speaker 5: Just broke his arm. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: Fight. [NOISE] >> Speaker 4: Cody Rhodes. >> Speaker 1: Has Lesnar where he wants him Crossroads. The delivery crossroads. Cody needed to use his left arm, look. >> Speaker 1: Trying to fight through the broken arm. Lesnar stunned. Brock has no idea what hit him. Cody Rhodes again, putting Lesnar in position for a second crossroads. I cannot believe Cody's doing this again. [NOISE] >> What a tolerance for pain this man has. >> Speaker 1: That's one of the toughest sons of guns to ever step in a ring. [NOISE] >> Cody going for the trifecta, perhaps. And Brock- >> [INAUDIBLE] Camora. Brock with a Camora. [NOISE] >> Trying to make it to the rope but you got to move that massive, man. Cody is almost there. >> Speaker 1: Cody's almost to the bottom rope. [NOISE] >> But not quite there. [NOISE] >> You've got to be kidding me. [NOISE] >> Cody made it to the rope to force the break, but there was a look of disbelief on Lesnar's face. >> Speaker 1: There's nothing left. I mean, there can't be anything left in Cody Rhodes. [NOISE] >> Wow, and Cody another crossroads. Rhodes for the win. My goodness, Lesnar kicked at two. [NOISE] >> So, [MUSIC] >> The Beast is here and Rhodes isn't hanging around. Cody Rhodes has been asking for this. >> Speaker 1: My God. Begging for this. Rhodes wants Lesnar. Well, Cody, you got him. >> Speaker 1: Cody issued an open challenge to Brock Lesnar that's over a month ago. We have not seen Brock Lesnar since. >> Speaker 1: Lesnar calls his own shots and operates on his own schedule. But Lesnar and Rhodes have come face to face and the fists are flying. [NOISE] >> Seth Rollins gets out of the ring, but Cody Rhodes not backing down. Maybe he should have. [NOISE] >> Rhodes now off the rope, Cody cutter. >> Speaker 1: Can you believe this? [NOISE] >> Cody Rhodes just stood down Brock Lesnar. [NOISE] >> Lesnar brought the fight to Rhodes and Brock's the one in retreat. [MUSIC] Wow. [MUSIC] >> Speaker 1: No one saw this coming tonight. [MUSIC] >> Speaker 1: Yeah adrenaline is in the soul, that's for sure. No more cast on the arm as Cody Rhodes stands tall against Brock Lesnar. [INAUDIBLE] Is far, far from over. [NOISE] >> No here we go. [MUSIC] >> Speaker 1: Come on. >> Cody's ready to go. >> Speaker 1: Rhodes is looking for Lesnar. [NOISE] [INAUDIBLE] >> Brock is here. And Cody Rhodes just walked into the beast trap. >> Speaker 1: This predator. [INAUDIBLE] Will need to hunt for his prey. [NOISE] >> Many people over the years have attempted the same thing as Cody Rhodes. They have called out the beast. They have incited Brock Lesnar and this is how it always turns out with Lesnar standing tall over a broken challenger. >> [NOISE] >> Cody [INAUDIBLE] F5. [NOISE] >> Lesnar has a camora [INAUDIBLE] This is what broke Cody's arm. Brock's gonna do it again. [NOISE] >> In front of Cody's family. [NOISE] >> Cody Rhodes called out Brock Lesnar. But we know Brock Lesnar does not fight fair. [NOISE] >> Cody's arms will be broken all over again. [NOISE] >> Again. [NOISE] >> Lesnar is gonna break Cody's arm again. [NOISE] >> Wait a minute, wait a minute. Cody taking a fight to Lesnar. [NOISE] >> Cody understands the assignment, what he is facing Saturday at SummerSlam. Rhodes trying to gain any semblance of an advantage before we get to Detroit. And it may have backfired spectacularly. [NOISE] >> Now playing on the beast turn. Rhodes hobbling away as this savage predator goes back to war again. [NOISE] [MUSIC] >> Again tonight in Houston, the beast incarnate with the last laugh. >> Speaker 1: No, Brock's not done yet. [NOISE] >> Lesnar may not want Rhodes to make it to Detroit. [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] Cody came out and shook his hand. Lesnar would respect cody. [MUSIC] >> Can't help himself. >> Speaker 1: Cody just stay down. [NOISE] >> F5. >> F5 from the beast. [NOISE] [MUSIC] >> And with this victory tonight, Cody Rhodes- [NOISE] >> Earned a measure of respect from the greatest combat force athlete on the planet. [MUSIC] >> Speaker 1: And with that nod and with that handshake, Cody Rhodes, the American nightmare has arrived. [MUSIC]
Channel: WWE
Views: 1,262,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angelo Dawkins, Austin Theory, Bobby Lashley, Brock Lesnar, Drew McIntyre, Kofi Kingston, New Day, Santos Escobar, Sheamus, The Bloodline, The Miz, Xavier Woods, superstars, world wrestling entertainment, wrestle, wrestler, wrestling, wwe, wwe 2023, مصارعه, कुश्ती, डब्लू डब्लू ई, पहलवान, मैच, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, सुपरस्टार, wwe playlist, wwe playlist brock lesnar, wwe brock lesnar returns, brock lesnar, brock lesnar entrance
Id: 8tfsAw6MHR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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