Broadcast Colorist Suite TOUR 2022

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finally gonna do my studio tour i've been promising this since about march and so it is coming in this episode and i was also gonna do this a bit vlog style i was gonna do a day in the life of a color well not a color it's a day in the life of me um but i've not been having very typical days recently in fact the last week i've been pretty much here with two broken ribs so i fell down the stairs here and so i can't really do a day in the life of me because i'm not really having normal days at a minute meanwhile let's go down to the studio i'm gonna grab my right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so my studio's just behind me here we're right in central brighton the pavilion is just in front of me the beach is about five minutes away let's go into the studio and have a good old geek out so finished filming completely in the studio and then uh dhl have just arrived with a package so i'm gonna do my first ever unboxing so let's do a quick a new addition to the suites we have this is the main grading suite so obviously i'm going to give you my full studio tour as promised since march i think so we're finally here in september it's actually september the first in it today so i'm going to show you everything but at the minute obviously we're in the dark so this is one of three suites that we've got here so downstairs we've got an edit suite and a production office kind of graphic suite and this is the main color grading suite so obviously this is how we work so it's in the dark but i don't want to do this whole studio tour in the dark so i'm just going to show you a few things now get that done then we can put some lights on i've got the monitors here these are probably flickering a bit on the screen so i want to be able to i'm going to switch these off soon but just so you can see what it's like in the proper conditions this is how we work so the each of these monitors this is the client monitor this is my hero grading monitor has on the back media bias lighting strips so these are actually the companies actually called media bias and they are d65 white point lighting so i get a really perfect color critical conditions to work in okay so you can't just have any old light on here they have a very high cri value so they they're really accurate basically so this is great for grading now the problem is on camera they often flicker so i'm going to switch them off soon this is the panasonic gz2000 this is the one that's endorsed by stephen sonnenfeld at company 3. really great monitor does 4k uh does kind of hdr emulation but i don't really use it for hdr but this is for my client monitor this is the 55 inch and then down here my hero monitor is a flanders scientific dm-250 oled i love this monitor it's so i basically sit here in front of that client to the back you'll see all this in a moment and they can look at that and everyone's happy okay so i'm gonna put us back into normal lighting conditions so you can see the kit a little bit better but just for do i've also got this little uh table top lamp this is also media biased lighting from the same company so again this is 6 and with a very high cri value so it's very color accurate but this is great you can actually dim these well really bright but you can actually dim them right down to about two percent and you've got this little hood on there so you can really guide where the light goes so when you when you're grading i can have just a little bit of ambient light just here where i might have my notes or something like that so these these are really great in fact i want to get a few more of these i'd like to have a few more on the desk they're brilliant so i'm going to switch the lights off then we're going to look at the older kit that i use we're going to look at the furniture we're going to look at the youtube setup we're going to look at the software and all that stuff so i'm going to clear the black out so that's just on an electric blind thing that goes up and down and i'm going to switch these off so we don't get the flicker from the back i've also just remembered i've got a little t-shirt down here this is actually the back of the advanced panel is actually silver which is really annoying because it reflects on the screen so that's a t-shirt to cover that so my twenty five thousand pound panel has a two pound ninety nine t-shirt on the back of it to stop here reflecting so first i'm gonna show you all the equipment that we've got to do the actual color grading itself so obviously this starts with the apple mac so we've got a mac pro 2019 this is pretty decent spec it's the duo 32gb radeon vega i think that's what it's called it's the duo one so it's two times 32 gigs with 96 gigs of ram and i think it's got one terabyte hard drive in there i'm not really sure and that is my main gradient computer i've got many computers here but that's the main one i use we do have a backup one as well but that's the main one that is connected to promise raids so i've got two of them there i've got a third one in the back there as well so these are just thunderbolt 3 raids that connect straight to the back of the mac and then we have a single connection coming a thunderbolt 3 connection coming out of the mac into a breakout box so that is all the way over here because it's on this really nice 19 inch rat mount this is the ultra studio 4k extreme now this connects to the mac via thunderbolt 3 again it's all thunderbolt the problem i've got with this one is that is literally about 20 centimeters longer than the longest thunderbolt 3 cable you can buy so i had to buy a fiber optic thunderbolt cable just to run this and that cable was about four or five hundred pounds that absolutely crazy money but it's a fiber optic cable with thunderbolt three connectors on the end that is all running in the desk so what's what i love about this desk is it's all the trunking's built in so you literally you're not going to see you see a few cables but hardly any cables there's a like a plethora of cables running through the back there they're all nicely hidden away this desk is aka design i've had this desk this is one of the first bits of furniture i bought when i moved into this office um it's an absolute solid bit of kit 19 inch wrap mount size beautiful desk to work on really nice and big and this is actually an audio console desk so they the aka design also do an edit desk which uh that's the one i've got downstairs so i've got ak design furniture as everywhere i can put it it's not cheap but it's brilliant it's really comfortable to sit at nice rounded edges just it just works i mean look at all the kit i've gone here and i still feel like i've got plenty of desk base so i love that i think it's called the pro wave i'll put a link to it in the description when i remember what it's actually called so that's pretty much that setup then sitting on top here i've got my main apple display so 27 inch apple display i don't really like it to be absolutely honest with it it's quite shiny and reflective um i just fell into the whole let's buy an apple monitor because it's going to look nice but it works it does the job i've only got a single gui i don't work with a dual display obviously the flanders we've already seen as my main hero grading monitor i've got the panasonic gz2000 on the wall for the client and then here i've got a dell 34-inch ultra wide and that is running nobe omniscope so it's running my scope so i don't use the davinci resolve scopes i've done a whole episode on why and why i use omniscope they're just as accurate but i have loads more features on the omniscope that i really like to use so that's just running all the time i get pretty ribbed in the industry for having such a large monitor just for scopes and most people work on a tiny little yeah just a really small little monitor but i really like it it's so it's my sweet that's how big it's gonna be so it's a 34 inch ultra wide i'll probably we'll make it a little bit smaller one day when i get around to it so that's that setup now that nobe omniscope i hope you're keeping up with this is running off a hp zed workstation which is down on the floor underneath me through there so it's a dedicated separate computer so it's not taking up any resources on my main mac while i'm grading so obviously i'm working with 4k a lot and i'm working with what we've got going on here 18 nodes running on here with plugins and all sorts of stuff going on so i want my machine to be running as fast as it can and i want my scopes on a dedicated system i've basically got a blackmagic i o card in there i think the intensity and that again is fed from the 4k extreme so this is doing a big job here of delivering to my client monitor my hero monitor and it's taking a clean direct feed out via hdmi into my hp z machine which is being monitored directly on here so we've got the mac we've got the storage we've got the ultra studio 4k extreme connecting to the monitors and connecting to the pc which in turn is giving us the scopes but what else we've got here is of course the advanced panels this is my little baby so i've had this about 10 years never regretted buying this thing they're not cheap but this is an absolute workhorse so this is making my grading day much smoother much nicer to work on so if i sit down here and it's just nice and comfortable and i can grade really quickly because i've got one button pressed for most of the functions i've done a video on the advanced panel so it kind of speaks for itself they're a great bit of kit i love all the panels in black magic but obviously i have got this one they didn't have the mini and the micro when i set this up but i love i love this it just makes my day so comfortable it's so easy to grade on and it just sort of complements the setup so that is connected via usb straight into the mac pro so plenty kit on this side to show you i've got my wacom tablet this is an intuos 3 so it's a really old one i think this is actually about 15 years old i've had this donkey's years so it's the old style i prefer the old style because you get the little touch strip thing on the side and it hasn't got as many buttons as the new ones i've got some of the new ones downstairs but i just like this one for my grading and i use a pen for everything i use a pen for emailing i don't use a mouse at all but there is now an issue with the wacom set up with davinci resolve that you can't reset some of the parameters so it gets really annoying it gets a little bit sticky with the node sometimes i'm not quite sure what's going on i will find out there's a bit chat in the forums about it but i'm going to find out what's going on with that so i have to have a mouse nearby which is a bit annoying but yeah that's my wacom i've got the mx keys so i've done a episode on my preferred keyboard but i love this this actually controls the pc and i can control my phone my ipad and the mac pro as well so you can literally switch it between in fact it's got three now so i've got it set to my ipad not my iphone so it's ipad mac and pc just by switching these switches here it lights up automatically as you get your hands near it so this is great when you're working in the dark which is obviously where i am most of the time so love that it's a it's how's this connected it's bluetooth that's bluetooth um there's a little dongly thing that comes with it that goes into the pc but i think the mac just picks up our bluetooth all right so we've got the stream deck here this is the 32 button version so it's a stream deck xl this is connected via usb so i've got another usb little router thing here which is got a few of my usb peripherals the wacom the stream deck going to there and then there's one usb out into the mac pro and on here on my front page of this is like pretty random stuff actually i've got bbc six music which i listen to all the time i've got a little clock here so you can tell what time it is without it being obvious in front of your client i've got davinci resolve settings in here so i can click on here and go into my color page and i've got some settings that i've set up in there on the color page so i've got my printer lights i've got my playheads things like that i've also got things like my email address so if you have to type out a form i can just press one button my email address types up little things like that i've got my things three which is what i use for keeping notes and ideas i've got for youtube episodes that kind of thing that's on there as well i've got my zoom and i've also got my obs so when i do my live streams i can control all that from the stream day so that's a brilliant bit of kit but it is configured for the color page and the edit page as well right i've got this prehistoric sound this is a spirit folio from soundcraft i don't know why i've still got this but it's a massive sound desk and all i've got obviously in the days when we were doing analog editing and that sort of thing this was very useful but now i just basically a volume control for my speakers which are genelec 8030as these are fantastic speakers absolutely amazing sound comes out those which is great when you have got a client here because i can basically whack the music up and enjoy really nice bass response and great sounding uh audio quality coming out there but that is all powered from this prehistoric desk this desk is actually so old channels one and channel two actually say vhs on the sliders so that's how old it is um and it says avid so yeah this so that's ancient but i should really get a little nice little usb dial or something like that to make that easier but that's my sound mixer obviously that is being fed from the ultra studio 4k into here so that all the output goes from the mac via the thunderbolt to the ultra studio 4k uh i'll show you 4k extreme back into here xlr to jack and then out to the genelec speakers uh what else i've got a usb hub thing over here connected all the time this is cal digit it's a decent one it's i think it cost about 200 pounds i've used cheap ones before they're rubbish you get really rubbish speeds when you're putting this is great for just putting uh sd cards in and connecting up hard drives so i've got i've probably got several hundred of these lassie type things and clients bring in a drive plug it straight into there i get a really nice high speed connection to the mac again i'm pretty much running out of connectors on the back of that mac so that's that i've got my ipad running here so i can just have my emails and stuff on the side when i've got clients here and i don't use it for much more than that it's more of this kind of my office admin machine and i think that's about it on here and obviously got the media lights here that we spoke about earlier so this has given me uh d65 lighting you don't have to work in complete darkness to be a colorist so moving on to the other side of the desk i've got my speed editor this just sits really nicely next to the advanced panel i love my speed editor this is a brilliant little bit of kit and that just sits there all day quite happily so this is my mac pro 2013 trash can this used to be our main system this is now my backup system i also use this for beta testing so when version 18 was doing beta i was running on this system to do my checks before i committed to the main suite i have literally just committed to the main suite as you might have seen in an episode and i'm very happy with it i was desperate for the new features so i have actually upgraded my main system before i normally would but this is sitting here still because i haven't put it away yet basically so it's sitting here it's connected to my azus this is the ucg model so this one is sdr but also does hdr up to 1600 nits so this where i do a lot of my hdr testing and playing around with hdr settings and such this can probably go back downstairs soon so i like to keep my desk as clean as possible so that covers every single bit of kit that i use for my actual color grading so most days i try and get out the studio around about midday get some air but i go down to the gym so we're gonna pop in and say hello to jane who owns the place and to get that we need to go down this street here it's kensington gardens this is my favorite street in brighton so it's going to take a wonder [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to jollifs best coffee shop of right by a mile this is where most of my money goes it's the best record shop in the uk [Music] hello hi i don't know how you doing i'm good this is jane this is f45 where i come to work out every day every day pretty important uh you're consistent so this is a good opportunity for me to get out the office i work in a dark room obviously so it's actually nice to come out see some daylight and get out of my chair because i've seen him sat down a lot so i've got standard desk now but obviously doing a full workout is a really good way of breaking up my day so i pretty much come here every day it's a good social f45 uh so dust is part of our original crew we opened in 2018 and we joined in march 2018 just a quick little look there so he's been with us for a long time every single day we do something different monday wednesday friday what's your favorite cardio uh i like makes it a bit tuesday tuesday this is easier to just wait so people come in on monday wednesday friday they know that they're going to get a really really solid workout tuesdays thursdays and sundays a little bit more strength-based treatment so different energy systems but all really important to continue to build um lean muscle and state of bit and strong um exhibit a so obviously i'm not working out the minute because i've got two broken ribs so um and also the community but if you're on your own all day it's lovely to come in and have a chat with people to have a bit of crap like how many friends have you made a live 45 yeah so um bear in mind that obviously with lockdown all the gyms were closed for that a long period of time so you were very dedicated because you were an online um f450 as well um so that was that was quite funny we had a obviously the for everybody it was it was a difficult time and i think a lot of the time people associate working out for their obviously how they look physically but actually some of the biggest benefits are really how you feel and also what you do from the inside out so your whole cardiovascular system keeping yourself fit and healthy for the inside out but the mental benefits the endorphins they're kind of the bedside i think yeah yeah i've never come and then what's happening no exactly well you completed 516 in studio classes yeah that's pretty impressive actually we need to get you 500 clips for 16 hours of my life 500 well 516 45 minute sets but if you stay for the the cool time the chat and the shower afterwards is probably tough yeah [Music] okay so let's have a look at what else makes this studio what it is so i've got basically this little weird thing on my desk uh i've had a few people saying what's that thing on your desk when they've seen my desk set up but basically it's a charger so i've got my air pods that i use when i'm walking to work so i've got about a nice 10 15 minute walk to work stick those on stick them on charge when i come into the office means my phone is off the desk it means i can casually keep an eye on it when i've got clients here i'm in the grade but it just keeps it all charged as well so that's really great and what's going on here probably the chairs um herman miller air on chairs i've always used these we've got them downstairs these are not cheap but this one i reckon this is 20 years old and it's just really comfortable to work on i've got it set this one is set with it it's got a tilt lock so it's got three tilts on this one uh so it's a kind of upgrade and i have my tilt lock very forward so that i don't slouch in fact i think i've just taken it off but it means i work quite forwards and i just find it's better for me i tend to slouch otherwise i'll lean on my arms and that sort of thing so it's really good for keeping my back good and he says i've actually got two broken ribs at the minute it's it's not very comfortable when you've got two broken ribs but it's really nice i've got it's adjustable arms all that sort of stuff i've got two of them up here my clients sometimes want to sit up here so i let them if they want to i don't like it if they do but some of my clients are really nice so i let them in here the ones i don't like have to sit back uh that's not true i don't have any class i don't like so we've also got here a fridge so this is a 19 inch rat mount fridge keeping all my drinks nice and cold there's beer in there there's cokes there's water there's whatever people want in fact there's also my lunch in there i don't keep my lunch in there when the clients are here i don't think it's nice to have a look at my pasta in a tupperware but uh that is there i pretty much built the desk around that fridge is one of the first bits of kit i've got but my clients can just help themselves cold drinks all day long so how this room is set up is i'm sat at the front and the client sits at the back so we've got two seaters seti here very nice and comfortable and i don't know why i'm sitting on it and another city here that's lovely and comfortable as well lots of little cushions they've got table here so they can have their laptop going but mainly when you're sat here you're looking directly at the client monitor so i've got my panasonic straight ahead of them and they can easily watch the grade going on from here to be honest they'll look at that for about 20 minutes and then they're here on their laptop and they're drinking coffees and stuff so that's that setup so over here on the shelf is plenty of refreshments so we've got biscuits and sweets pastries that sort of thing energy bars and a bowl of fruit and i don't believe i think one banana has been eaten i've been here about 15 years i think one banana has been eaten they go straight for the sweets every time and the biscuits so that's to keep them refreshed obviously we've got the drinks in the fridge over there uh up here we've got some scented stuff so there's a smelly candle so the room smells nice jase would you agree so this is joe malone myrrh and tonka smells great and so that keeping the room smelling nice i've got oh this is quite fun i've got a couple of adobe premiere floppy dishes these are the original floppy disk installation discs from version one of adobe premiere to be honest it's more reliable than it is now and then here i've got a stand-up sit-down electronic desk this is by flexispot this is the e7 pro and they're actually having a sale on at the minute so if you're watching this sort of quite recently after i've made it you can go onto their website and have a look they've got a sailor at the moment but this is really nice pick it this is the dark maple version with white legs and what i like with this to start with is this lowest point is only 58 centimeters so actually it's really nice for my clients just to have stuff on the side i can use it as a side table and then i've got four memories on here so i can really easily put it into a sitting position so i'm just going to press the sitting button nice and quiet really smooth and that's my sitting position so obviously i'd have one of my chairs sat here and then when i want to work standing up so what i like with this is when i'm working on ideas for youtube or i'm just doing emailing it's really nice to get off the chair even though it's a nice comfy chair come over here and just stand up so i've got a preset position here i'll just press this little standing icon that raises up and it really nicely smoothly stops when it gets to the top so i love that so and then i'm here i'm working so i've only got a little light laptop on here this pro one actually holds 125 kilos of weight so i can have my zeus monitor which weighs a ton and the macbook pro on here quite happily which i have done and it's just really nice it's a really nice way to just just stand up get used to you know give your back a little rest do your work when i'm done i just press memory 1 and it goes right the way back down so it's 58 centimeters super quiet and there you go so that's the flexi spot e7 pro so when i'm working at the stand-up desk i'm actually working on a windows machine this is a windows laptop it's the zeus pro art studio book this is a great machine really powerful really high spec graphics in there and if i load that up the screen on here is an oled display hdr 16 by 10 it's a really high quality screen so this plays davinci resolve beautifully i do a lot my editing my youtube work on here and it's just a great machine to work with so i would love it really high spec the azus pro art studio book moving on to this side of the room this is kind of the dull bit really it's an ikea calyx shelf with some old magazines on it which i should clear up really uh there's a little mug here that actually someone from my youtube channel sent me i mentioned about a tesla sponsorship once wishing and they sent me a mug which was very nice um i've got some ahri reference charts there there's a couple of books and this book is amazing the art of color johannes hitton i recommend this to all my students who want to learn about color and color theory nothing to do with digital color literally about color and i now have heard this book is about five or six hundred pounds so what i do recommend actually is this one excuse my back uh vision art the biology of seeing this was a recommended by walter valpato and this is this is a really good book but much more affordable i think that's more like probably 50 pounds so that's that i keep on here a bit of my photography equipment for filming my youtube channels uh i've got leatherman on there some bits and pieces my sunglasses which i always want to go i might as well mention you see if they'll send me some free ones it's finlay london i love your sunglasses send me something if you want i'll happily wear them so that's those uh i always go outside with sunglasses because when you're in here in the dark it's really important to do that to keep yourself healthy and there's always water on here in a bottle so we're trying to be as green as possible and reduce plastic waste and this is a great book as well gregory cruzden beneath the roses amazing photographer uh just go check it out so that's that there's a cupboard here if i open this everything's just going to fall out i'm not going to open that but that's full of hard drives manuals dongles gaffer tape ah i've just put nail scissors there's all sorts of stuff in there no i'm definitely keeping that shirt there's flipping muesli in there right um so that's the dark cupboard and that is about it i think [Music] okay so the youtube setup this is permanently set up in the corner of my room obviously i put the camera and tripod away but the lighting system stays set up even when i've got clients in here for grade it tucks very nicely out the way but this is too big to take up and down each time a client comes in i've got the aputure 120d mark ii lighting setup here and light dome se aputure very kindly gave me that so i'm really grateful to them for that because it's made my youtube videos look immensely better the a7s3 is what i'm recording on i record everything in 4k i've got the 35 mil f 1.8 sony lens on there so it's the prime lens it's not the g master it's just the prime 1.8 and that connects via bluetooth i think or wi-fi from the camera to my phone so i've got a bit of software on my phone which allows me to control the camera i can record from here and i can see the setup and i prefer that than having the viewfinder sticking out because i find that when i'm talking to the camera i talk to the viewfinder so i prefer to have it just down here and then i can control it all from my phone audio wise i've got a sennheiser 416. i absolutely love this mic they're not cheap but i absolutely love it and i don't have to do any treatment on my audio at all if anything that's going to a focusrite scarlett solo so this allows me to take the xlr connection from the mic give it some phantom power that's fed by usb to my mac and put the mic out the way if i need to when clients are here so that's kind of the setup i've got an 8m mini pro at the back that i use for my live stream so my camera plugs straight into that and that's it's the only other thing i do let's switch the light on so i can control the light from here so i'm running at about half power and then i've got a little blue light that i kick up at the back so all right and that's a little blue light and that is made by viltrox rb10 just sits there at the back of the setting just gives a little bit of light up there and then obviously i drop the blackout blinds down i put this little practical light on as well that that is pretty much the youtube setup it's pretty straightforward i've got a tripod here this is a new uh n284 it's pretty cheap and cheerful but it does the job it means i can bring the camera closer to me and it's really easy to adjust so i like that and that's about it so all i have to do then is close the blinds so we're going to blackout make sure the mic is on start recording lovely youtube episodes for you all so that'll come down in a minute and on the walls i've got four sound panels so these just help deaden the sound a little bit in here so my voice just sounds a little bit better for youtube so there's two in front of me and there's two behind me on the back wall so there you have it that's my nice simple youtube setup so let's take a look at some of the software that i'm using obviously i'm on davinci resolve both these systems are on version 18 now so i've come off the beta we're on full version 18 and both of these are running the full studio version all those extra effects and features that you get for a few hundred pound is an absolute no-brainer so both systems are on studio and i've also got some third-party plugins now some of these i've got discount codes for you as well so if you're looking to buy some third party plugins check the links in the description because i can get you 10 and 15 off some of them but let's have a look at the ones that i'm using so if i scroll down here these are all my resolve effects and the first ones we come to is film emulation so the first one here dehanzer pro i love dehancer i'm using it on pretty much every program that i'm grading at the minute it's a film emulation plug-in and really high quality i tend to use it for halation and a little bit of bloom sometimes and i just love it it works really well it makes all my stuff look really great and below that i've got film convert now i'm using this for when i get awkward shots to grade like gopro and drone footage i find some of the settings in here work really well on that stuff below that we've got sapphire so i've got sapphire and boris the full suite there are literally hundreds of effects in here i'm definitely not going to go through all these that i use but their their glows their lens flares that sort of stuff are great also they're fixing tools so things like deflicker that kind of thing um if you've got field problems this is great we do a lot of documentaries where we're working with archive footage and you can get some really great results out of this so that's the sapphire plugins and also the boris plugins very similar but they kept they come as a suite so scrolling down further from that god there are literally hundreds of these right you don't need much more than those i'll tell you right open effects zed cam so zed cam was um a camera that i used on a grade so a grade came here from zed cam and that is their plugin that is free to download and it's basically the color space transform to get you in a good working space with zed cam footage monitor i've got no omniscope installed in here this is because you don't have to have a dedicated machine to run no bombing scope you can just run it with inside resolve so if you're working on a laptop for example you can use node omniscope within your system i tend to find it works a lot better on a dedicated system which is as you've seen i'm doing that already but this is just installed because i did a dedicated youtube episode about how to use it color lab so i've got the look designer this is again their film emulation fantastic tool color lab now do lots of other options as well so they do a lot with ai so they're doing um scene matching and color matching and they are pretty cool tools so check out their website as well says colorlab.a i and that's kind of what i've got in the color page let's move on to the edit page now obviously a lot of those you'll find them in the edit page as well so they're all down here says the boris effects and nobe and cinematic film convert all those things but one i'm using is by a company called motion vfx i love these these are dedicated davinci resolve plugins that create titles and effects and they have luts and they have backgrounds and they have little symbols for youtube tutorials and they're fantastic i have got a discount code for those as well in the description but i'm really using these all the time i'm using them not only for youtube but i'm actually using on my productions so down here we've got motion effects in the titles plugins and this one is these are intros this one is cinematic style titles so you can see that they're really great honestly these youtubers tutorial ones so these are really good for my youtubes and i'm using them on productions as well so not just on youtube stuff so they're worth checking out they're coming up with new ones all the time as well so other bits of software i'm using outside of the resolve scope i'm using this thing here that i'm using to point and make things large it's called mouse pro i can't remember how much it is it's not much as a few pounds and i think that only works on mac but that's a really good one for again for tutorials and youtubes i've got a thing on here called things three so this is my organizer if you like so this syncs with my calendar but it's a basically a really efficient to-do list so we see i'm there today i've got my filming my studio tour which is obviously what i'm doing now i've also got in here one for youtube so this is for my youtube ideas for future episodes and i've also got a pad and pen i do that with but i transcribe it all into things three and this syncs really nicely with my ipad and my iphone so i've got access to this wherever i go i'm using camtasia for my screen records i'm using obs for my lives and that's about it i always want to do an unboxing okay have a look there we go so we've got the eight terabyte cloud score mini so i'm very excited about that so i look forward to plugging that in and giving you a full review of that so new addition to this week i hope this studio tour has been useful for you um i've pretty much shown you everything i've even shown you the muesli in the cupboard so look after yourselves and i'll see you in the next episode backstage come on come on come on okay he's super keen to get out so over here i keep a load of refreshments for the people for the people for the people [Music] why can't it be simple right let's nail this [Music] hi lucy your face time hi you alright yeah i'm good i'm just filming again i've been filming me doing my studio talk and here we've got the spot e7 pro sit up stand up sit up stand up no it's not this is the azus ucg i can't remember all the little letters before it pc x three or something okay let's start again uh there right [Music] ner and tuscany so everything else is kind of stuff so um that's about the worst sign-off i could possibly ever do [Laughter] and i'll just fade off into infinity [Applause] you
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 67,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colorist studio tour, Studio tour, Resolve 18, Colourist, Colorist, Blackmagic Design, 18, v18, DaVinci Resolve v18, Resolve v18, Cool titles, MotionVFX, Titles in MotionVFX, Darren Mostyn, Pro colorist, cloud store mini, cloudstore, omniscope, flexispot, electric desk, stand up desk, Borisfx, sapphire, third party plugins, broadcast colour suite, Broadcast color suite, Brighton, F45, keep fit, ultrastudio 4K Extreme, flexispot desk, color suite tour, unboxing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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