How to Build a Room For Video Editing

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as you have seen on this channel through our making a film company series we have an office space here in the heart of oslo norway with a studio a meeting room we even have a fish tank what we did not tell you was that there was another mysterious room here basically we have been renting out this whole room for uh over a year today we got an email from the woman sitting here that she can no longer sit here we're kind of happy about it but also it's a little bit scary yeah that's a nice income every month but this is the only room we have that is kind of isolated so we can have this as editing space this is our new era we needed a multi-purpose editing room where we could also show projects to the clients because our current somewhat crowded office space wasn't very professional for this matter so in this video i'll show you how we turn this doll room into a professional editing suite suitable for video editing color grading and audio work on a budget [Music] this is gonna be our new editing suite because of the virus i am the only one here at the moment uh we can only be one here at the time so i'm gonna do most of the refurbishing here yeah i'm gonna paint the walls right now i've been making the walls ready to paint okay first a little disclaimer before you all go wild in the comment section and by budget i mean the room itself like the sand panel the painting and carbs and stuff not the equipment that we put in there because a lot of those are pretty expensive i want to show you how you can affordably set up a room like this and then you can put in your own equipment that fits your needs and budget after also you might be wondering where is anders well anders is really busy right now editing a fantasy film that we just finished shooting it's our biggest project yet and it's going to be really awesome look at that yeah uh well and also i'm the one who actually built this editing room so i have a bit more first-hand experience on the topic okay let's get started well the thing is i also have some opinions about the living room but you're in charge so you take it okay yeah let me know if you need me yeah yeah good luck this was our starting point a narrow room with a window in the end painted partially green and white and i wanted to start with the painting have you ever color corrected video in a dark environment and the next day seeing it in normal surroundings and the image looks way too dark well that's why it's so important to have a properly lit and color editing room your eyes adapt to the color and lighting around you and thus this will affect how you edit your images if you're editing in a green room your image will probably look a bit too green this is why you want your editing room to be neutral no colors not too dark not too bright actually there's a professional paint you can buy that gives you the perfect result it's often referred to as something like 18 gray and it's basically the same color as an 18 gray card used to get correct exposures the 18 refers to how much of the light that's reflected back and it's calculated by the geometric mean but don't get confused it's basically the middle gray right between black and white this professional paint is pretty expensive though and we aren't exactly making hollywood movies in here okay uh one second martin um what about the fantasy film [Music] isn't that okay never mind let's go so i went to the local paint shop and asked if they had something like a metal gray they had neutral gray ranging from 10 to 90 from bright to dark and i chose the 50 one also this is probably the most boring color in the world so i also purchased some 70 which was a little bit darker that i could put behind the person editing just to make it a tiny bit more interesting without adding any color cast there was also obvious that we had to do something about the floor fortunately we had some leftover carpet tiles from our office that was very close to middle gray actually you don't have to worry too much about your floor being the perfect grey just make sure that it's not super colorful generally carpets are a good idea because it is better for sound than hard surfaces the thicker the carpet the better it absorbs the sound these carpet tiles we bought second hand for like really the colors and light in the room shouldn't be affected by the time of the day so we had to be able to block the light from the window i sued some pieces of molten you know this black thick fabric and used them as curtains and then i cut some cheap board to make hatches i painted it in the same middle gray color to make them a uniform wall in front of the editor in addition to the carpets we needed sound panels to make the sound perfect for professional audio work we got some advices from our sound designer modules and focus on putting sound panels around where the editor is sitting in addition i put some on the wall behind editor to avoid the sound bouncing back unfortunately there were already sound panels in the ceiling from the previous owner the sound panels we got really cheap second hand as well i think we paid about a hundred dollars for all of them and we still had a lot to spare after filling up this room and to make them blend in i went to the local fabric store and tried to find some fabric that matched the neutral gray color on the wall as well as a darker color for the panels used on the back walls i just used some glue and needles to stick the fabric to the panels and by leaving a small gap between the wall and the panels the panels absorbs even more sound and for even better sound we added a thick furry ikea carpet on the floor on top of the carpet tiles we're also going to add bass straps in the corners in front of the editor and i ordered some from aliexpress and i had a choice between spending 60 on china mail shipping or 1 500 shipping with dhl i chose the china mail with 60 cent but the base traps never arrived and we might get some base traps from another place later if our sound designer feels the need to then of course we need a desk and i think for such a room it's important to have a big desk as we knew we were gonna have two monitors an audio interface etc so we had one desk left over that would just fit in the room coincidentally perfect with a small gap on the side to pass through to open the windows or to adjust the speakers and so forth and i painted the desk with the same color as the walls as well and of course the editor needs a place to sit so we use uh this ikea chair which we already had in the office bought second hand earlier we also put in a comfy chair so that the clients or colleagues could sit and watch the tv [Music] then it was time to do something with the lightning which can be very easy to underestimate the importance of and as with the colors of your walls the temperatures of your light can affect your eyes and therefore it is important to have lights with the same temperature as your monitor which is usually about 6500 kelvin this is significantly colder than your average light bulb like these which are usually around three thousand kelvin so you need to find colder light bulbs and as with the great painting you have expensive professional solutions which are meant for color grading suites like this but we wanted to have a bit more of a versatile solution considering that i guess about like only 10 of the time in editing suite it's gonna be uh actually color grading work so i don't think it's too pleasant to sit in this cold light day in and day out when we're not doing color work so i landed on using philips hue bulb which go down to about 6500k after coldest and of course these do not have the highest cri values so basically meaning the quality of the light but i find them to be very consistent and it's more than good enough for our work and the ability to change the color is fantastic whether you want to go from warm to cold or if you want to do your own brothel [Music] one last thing that i want to mention about light is the so-called bias lighting now this means basically to light up the area behind your screen to prevent your eyes from getting tired and for you to perceive contrast correctly usually this is done by having an led strip on the back of your monitor like we have here on our ambilight tv and this works well when you have your monitor close to the wall but because of our audio setup we can't do that so if i want to have some sort of vise lighting i just turn the table light around and shine it on the wall it's not an optimal solution but it works okay so that was uh the basic room but i want to talk a little bit about what kind of equipment we have here because i know you're probably interested in that too so let's start talking about the monitors which are obviously quite important when doing this kind of work so the main monitor is a bank sw271 and i've been using this for a while and it's really nice it's 4k which i think is really important when you have a monitor the size 27 inches in addition on the side we have a smaller 19-inch atmos sumo i wouldn't really recommend buying this in order to have it as a second monitor but we have it and we use it sometimes while filming on locations for a director monitor so i figured it could just as well be standing there as a second monitor when we're not using it it's perfect to have like your media browser and stuff on that and that is the most important screen the tv we needed a big tv so that clients and colleagues could see the work without having to hang over the shoulder of the editor and also to be able to open the windows i had to be a bit creative on how i was gonna get the tv in a good position for everybody to see it so i ended up getting a ceiling mount i used a stud detector uh to be sure that i found a safe place to attach it [Music] nice huh and as for the tv itself we went with an lg 55 inch c9 and this is an oled panel that is one of the best ones for color grading compared to other tvs at least at this price point i found a deal of just over one thousand dollars which is really good for an oled this size it's of course crucial to calibrate your monitors when you're doing critical color work so we have an x-ray i1 display pro which we use for this as our sound designer was going to use this room for doing sound on our project we needed a good audio setup modern motherboards do have pretty good audio built in but if you are doing higher end audio work you'll need an external audio interface it's also really nice to have these physical knobs and buttons for changing volume and muting audio we got the audient id at 22 which we connected two yamaha hs 80m speakers on each side for stereo and one hs8 in the middle and a jbl lsr 310s subwoofer below the desk in a 3-1 sound system we were fortunate enough that our sound design and modules had these speakers laying around and that we could borrow them the speakers are also the reason why the desk is pulled so far back for the best sound possible the speaker should be pulled a bit back from the walls this setup also affected the monitor arm we used and if the monitors you are using is blocking the speakers you are not getting the best audio possible so it was important that we had a flexible arm so that we could put the monitor low and generally monitor arms are a must when you're setting up desks as it frees up a lot of space we invested in a really good arm and it cost about 150 dollars the arm is from a nordic brand called kensin and i don't think it's easy to find internationally but you know don't worry there are tons of good monitor arm options on places like amazon the last thing is of course the computer as some of you might know i'm actually a timeless photographer and i work almost exclusively in 8k resolution which i've been doing for like the last 5 years and this requires a pretty beefy computer this pc gets upgraded quite frequently but as it stands today it is running a fantastic amd threadripper 3970x 32 core cpu with 128 gigs of 3200 megahertz ram 10 terabyte of super fast nvme ssd storage and the nvidia rtx 2080 ti which will be upgraded to the nvidia 39e as soon as it is in stock here in norway which it looks like might take a while so this is a fantastic rn machine that can do it all one thing that i hate about computers standing under the desk is to crawl down to plug in a hard drive or an sd card so i got this little neat hub right here connected to the computer for faster access it's an in-desk usb hub with a couple of usb a ports a usbc as well as both microsd and sd card slots and audio jack outputs and inputs that we don't use because we have the audio interface i just drilled a hole with the right diameter in the desk and put it in and this should be pretty easy to find on amazon just make sure that it's at least usb 3.0 so that you get some decent speeds when transferring i should also mention that the computer is connected to our nas system with a 10 gigabit cable so that we can edit off the server if we need to do that so that's our editing room what do you think i'm really satisfied with how versatile it turned out without making too many compromises you could finally have editing suite where you could sit inside and just edit without having anyone to disturb us and i always been editing on my pc next to others and having a place for your own where you can also show the clients your films and just turn off the volume ah there's something about that okay thank you martin for making this video uh if you want to see more of martin's time-lapse work you can go to his channel norton rooster and if you want to see how morton and i met check out the making and film company series i'll probably add a link somewhere here okay i'm gonna finish up the fancy film it's coming soon with the behind the scenes so stay tuned [Music] you
Channel: Andyax
Views: 101,073
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Id: TZYZsFebm3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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