I was speechless!.. How to CALIBRATE a MONITOR without a colorimeter

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i know many of you have troubles with the  colors in your videos which look totally   wrong on different devices most probably  the reason is that your editing monitor is   not properly calibrated and in today's  video i'm gonna tell you how to do this   without any expensive tools pretty fast  and the most important it really works so last year when i changed my crappy additive  monitor for another slightly better but still   low budget one i noticed that the calories in my  videos after publishing them on the internet are   so bad and not accurate when i watch them on  other devices that i started to think that   i have some issues with my eyes because before  that even with the cheaper monitor my colors were   pretty accurate for some reason i did not  correlate that with the monitor replacement   as in both of them i used a standard rgb  profile which in theory should have the   most accurate colors and it worked great in  my previous monitor but this assumption was   my huge mistake and for several months i  couldn't figure out what i was doing wrong   i already installed all my graphic card codecs i  try to play around with the colors in the control   panel or windows and premiere pro settings still  the result was the same horrible colors on other   devices and i was stuck then gradually i started  to realize that the reason actually may be in my   monitor settings i already think many of you would  probably check that first but we all make our own   mistakes to never make them again right so this  was my mistake anyway that was just the beginning   of my investigation after scrolling through all  the options in my monitor and checking the color   modes plus trying to edit in each of them again  i was stuck because nothing worked as i expected   still colors and other devices looked  way different from my original video   i ended up searching the internet for information  on how to calibrate a monitor and of course search   result returned thousands a way to do that  some colorists offer to buy a colorimeter   others propose to use some apps that allow you  to calibrate your monitor using your phone camera   but by reading the comments under all these  proposals i understood that this is also not   the best way to do that as the accuracy is very  relative and depends on several factors so i   started reading related articles about different  devices and what kind of displays they have when   suddenly i stumbled upon a web page of a company  called display made technologies that specializes   in proprietary sophisticated scientific display  calibration and mathematical display optimization   so one fascinating thing that catches my attention  was that they actually do a lot of tests of mobile   phone displays and on their webpage they state  and let me read this quote we take display quality   very seriously and provide in-depth objective  analysis based on detailed laboratory tests and   measurements and extensive viewing tests with  both test patterns test images and test photos   so they are girls if we're talking about displays  and if they say that some displays are good   they are really good but what i wanted to say  by describing all this when i started to read   the articles about different phones  and looking at their test results i   realized that a lot of high-end mobile phones  such as iphone 12 or samsung s20 and even quite   old models of the phone such as iphone 6 or 6  plus they have 99 or 100 of an absolute color   accuracy of the white and standard rgb rec  709 color gammon scheme that means the colors   produced by these and many other modern phones  are visually indistinguishable from perfect and   very likely considerably better than any mobile  display monitor tv or ultra hd tv that you have   you may check on their web page if there is your  phone among others they tested if your model   of the phone was tested and they claim that its  display has a great color accuracy i would blindly   trust them what it means for me that i can just  take my all the not fancy iphone 6s and use it as   a reference for my editing monitor collaboration  so let me now show exactly what i did and what   you should do in order to calibrate your monitor  first of all don't forget to go out of night mode   or any other modes on your phone that change your  display's color temperature turn on the same video   on your phone and on your computer simultaneously  preferably the one that is rich in colors put your   phone near the screen or actually there is even  better way to do that put it closer to your face   to have an illusion that both displays are of the  same size after accessing the menu of your monitor   find the closest color scheme that kind of matches  your phone's colors more or less of course as we   still will be customizing it for some reason in my  case it's not as rgb as i previously thought but   as standard color scheme of course the menus and  the names of color profiles may differ depending   on the monitor brand mine is aces by the way but  all of them should have pretty similar settings   so after set it up now you can start tweaking your  rgb channel on your monitor trying to adjust red   green and blue colors the way that makes the image  look exactly or very close to what you see on your   phone it's not easy as we're live on our eyes and  not machine it will probably require you to stand   up for a moment to look out the window to have  your eyes relax but when you finally calibrate   your screen having your phone as reference you'll  be surprised how good this calibration technique   is it took me no more than 15 minutes to calibrate  my monitor and now i'm super happy when i see the   colors on my phone and other devices look so  much better and accurate than they used to   oh and by the way one more important tip try to  pay more attention to the white color on both   displays the better the match of the white color  the more accurate the rest of the colors will be   well that's it no calorimeters no applications  no need to buy a fancy editing monitor except   the situation when you can afford it just  your phone but good phone and your eyes   easy tip but it saved me a lot of nerves time  and money guys if you were able to calibrate   your monitor using my technique let me  know in the comments i'm really curious   if that worked for you as well also don't  forget to subscribe to my channel if you   haven't done that yet like this video if it was  helpful tons of love and see in the next one cheers you
Channel: Pavel Supanenka
Views: 466,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to calibrate a monitor, how to calibrate a monitor wirhout a colorimeter, how to calibrate a display without a colorimeter, how to calibrate display using phone, calibrate monitor using phone, calibrate monitor using smartphone, calibrate display without colorimeter, fast calibration of monitor, easy calibration of monitor, the easies way to calibrate monitor, monitor calibration, how to calibrate a monitor without a colorimeter, how to calibrate a monitor for photo editing
Id: jpL2nDAKuuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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