Brits Search for THE BEST Texas BBQ | Terry Blacks, Austin

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welcome to the Josh and J's channnel we are two Brits exploring all things American yeah and we're on the hunt to find the greatest barbecue in Texas and we are here right at Terry blacks Barbecue in Austin Texas this place has literally had 18,000 festar reviews that's a lot of good reviews a lot of people have requested this place right so let's uh let's go and try some meat shall we what the barbecue obviously obviously yeah yeah oh it's hot back here it smells like a bar W going everyone nice to meet you man pleasure pleasure to meet my name is one the guys here oh wow that's hot that's hot wow look at that oh my Lord that's a little me that is right wow you know you see this gold fat right here yeah if you don't see that anywhere else you go if you see a white fat that means they don't know how to smoke their barbecue bro you're a brave man cooking in this heat this is not this is not too bad it gets a lot worse it gets about 156° in here wow 156 6° yes I mean you you might turn into a brisket maybe yeah I'm already dark up already so we've just seen behind the scenes how the meat is prepared I can't wait to get in front of the scenes and eat it now let's actually try it I'm so hot and I'm hungry I feel like I've lost the weight that I'm about to put on so let's do it uh we have we have no idea what to get so we're going to need your recommendations here por ribs okay por ribs wow everything gets weight it goes by weight everything's by the weight exciting is it want to do original what would you recommend jalapeno it is let's go let's do it have you got any scales for me after I have to weigh myself after this oh we have a scale outside for you okay Good's do it is this slow cooked as well like everything else yes so that's so nice I need to learn how to barbecue yeah that looks incredible man yeah thank you so much thank you I really really appreciate it mate this looks incredible this is a feast I'm excited where do we even start I think you got got to start with the brisket I think we have to it's the main it's the main thing isn't it well we're got to get to that yeah that that's the that's the finale I thing okay should we go a bit of brisket yeah let's go for the brisket I mean so you know it's good when it doesn't even stay in one piece yeah oh wow should we give it a go think we should Dive Right In I think we should Dive Right In mate you know what I'm going to do I'm going to put some bread on it I'm I'm going to go for a sandwich got a nice crispy Edge good oh wait okay I mean what can you say what can you say to that what do you think this is that's quite possibly the best meat I've ever tried I we tried some brisket in South Carolina once but it doesn't compare to this this is incredible have we Peak too early we're looking for the best barbecue in Texas maybe let us know have we peaked too early with a barbecue is there better place that do barbecue I don't know maybe Terry black is the place it could be the it could be number one already but it is could be yeah right what's next this is called creamy corn creamy corn creamy corn I love corn you like corn I love it should we get into it let's go good can you compare it to anything like in the UK I cannot compare that I mean sweet porridge I don't know I was not expecting that if I wow oh my how good is that I could eat a whole pot of that incredible okay let me try something I'm going for corn smart on brisket smart this can only good oh wow oh really good creamy form the leap okay right what's next I've got to get back onto the meat oh you ready mate yeah it smells incredible incredible look at it look how look how it just Falls look you know sometimes you get ribs with no meat on them oh you don't that's how you know it's good that the bone just falls off wow okay let's try it oh the people that cook this they're not chefs they're artists this this is forget Banksy so the guy was telling us that this is the third busiest restaurant in America third busiest third busiest in America in the whole of America the whole of America and I think I can see why yeah oh wow absolutely incredible hands are getting covered you're a big mac and cheese guy I love mac and cheese I'm not a huge mac and cheese fan let's try it here we go I'm a big fan of mac and cheese it's going B of rting is it good 10 out of 10 10 10 out of 10 so you've never had a mac and cheese better than that in your life never wow try it yeah I mean it's the best Mac and Cheese I've and I'm not a massive fan of mac and cheese my hands are covered I'm not going to lie right it's good the mess you get the better I think with barbecue I think so yeah okay what's next I think turkey should we go for turkey saving the big boy for last saving the big boy for last okay save the dinosaur bone for last absolutely right grab a slice mate grab a slice of turkey cheers cheers mate how do they have you ever had moist turkey before I was just about to say every time I've had turkey it's been dry yes and I've tried this and it's like moist it's like chicken yeah yeah I agree oh see I'm not very good with spicy stuff sometimes no you're not no yeah yeah as briti spice isn't a friend no yeah okay jalapeno sausage oh see I'm I'm a big sausage guy oh it's got a kick wait little bit spicy not going to lie bit of a kick but then you do think that chili Doritos are spicy as to yeah that's true that is true we've got to try this green beans with a little bit of leftover mac and cheese that can go there okay let's go oh I don't know what's on them but what is that I don't know it tastes healthy isn't it healthy but with flavor which is rare yeah yeah should we try a bit of this bar I think it's just barbecue let's try the barbecue shredded meat I think this might be brisket that's shredded up and put in barbecue sauce is it okay I think so what are we say in we're going to struggle we're going to struggle with what trying to find a better place in this you know what I mean I did not expect this to be sweet at all no it's like a sweet barbecue flavor let let's get some of this in a I'm so excited right now yeah yeah yeah food that a giring sandwich that's a giring and let's get some corn in here I'm some corn in there I'm looking at salting by the way right here we go apparently you're meant to you meant to create like a little sandwich okay yeah yeah what are we saying good get it brisk everywhere I get it yeah it sounded like it tasted good the guy that's the guy said cheaper the bread the better it is oh really yeah cheaper the bread better it is yeah okay and he's not wrong I love it are you ready for the big boy mhm yeah I'm Ready the pie the resistance this bad this is a weapon mate that is a weapon that is outrageous look at the bark on that by the way I think they call that the bark I I think this here is called the bark like you know like the the the the smokey like you touched it all yeah yeah yeah uh should we give it a go I mean where do we even start do we pull it off the bone do we eat it off the show how juicy this is okay look at this let's show the juice here we go squeeze it look at that the juices absolutely incredible okay shall we try it let's go take a bite yeah let go for it okay here we go what you saying right I'm going to let you chew that for a bit and I'm have a that's a meaty Cloud it's like biting into a pillow of meat wow I want to see if it actually comes off the bone let's have a look oh look at it the way oh oh oh wow wait oh that is a joke that is a joke I'm taking another bite I've got to wow I've got to go back in that's incredible oh my I don't know how we're going to top this I really don't I literally do not know we started the series at possibly one of the best barbecue B in Texas surely this place literally had 18,000 festar reviews so if anyone if you guys know a better barbecue place than Terry blacks let us know in the comments let us know cuz we're on a journey to find the best absolutely Terry blacks came through you guys are got to check this place out should we try this banana pudding we try the banana pudding okay I'm a big I've got a massive sweet too I'm going to go straight in the fork okay all right yeah let's do it same Fork why not here we go banana pudding let's see if we can end as well as we started let's go cheers they don't miss they do not miss see this is dangerous cuz I have a massive Sweet Tooth oh wow hello I have a massive Sweet Tooth you do and this is a problem you might have mine as well you get your eye in it off I can eat 25 of these 25 in one go no 26 right okay very good Terry black okay yeah great suggestion amazing let us know what other places we should try yeah and we're going to see you on the road so good thank you so much Terry black I need to go for a run let's go yeah burn this yeah see you bye [Music]
Channel: Josh & Jase
Views: 48,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LP3ZPVe6_Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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