Lynx KF41 IFV - Puma has competition!

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[Music] [Music] hello again folks it is me Maximus hope you having a great day we're talking about some more military hardware in a recent release let us come from Ryan Mattel now if anyone knows how to build amazing military equipment Ron Mattel definitely has a high-end capability in producing any kind of military equipment and I have these are definitely something they're getting right there ticking the boxes in every way I myself have always had a very strong fascination with new modern-day IFE technology whether it be the Puma the Ajax the Lynx all these new vehicles that are coming up fascinate me to no end because I have been quite heavily related to the warrior and its experiences that I've had with it and I love to see what is gonna potentially overrun and the warrior eventually you know the warrior hopefully will last many years to come with the new tear upgrade that it's gonna get but I can almost assure you that in the you know next 10 to 20 years the British Army and other forces around the world will continually try and look for new armored fighting vehicles and some of these vehicles that are coming out today are not only very very capable but also Dame expensive one of the vehicles that is really interesting and I have done a video on this vehicle in the past is the Lynx KF 41 now the Puma which I've also done a video on is this extraordinary piece of equipment they really do know how to make some really good bits of kit the interesting thing here is that Ryan Mattel has a 50% share of the pubis IFV funding which is currently been procured by the Bundeswehr apparently in rhyme Mattel isn't quite happy it's only getting 50% of the profits so they developed their own IFV it appears that it's broadly based on the Marder system which is to be replaced obviously by the Puma the tower is somewhat similar to that of the Puma except it's manned and slightly bigger it can have a 35 millimeter cannon whereas the Puma can only have a 30 millimeter cannon at the moment basically this vehicle will soon compete against the Puma cv90 and Ascot in the Czech IFE replacement competition and since the competition was announced three of the candidates except for the Puma have unveiled updated variants but with the Puma it was arguably one of the best vehicles of the bunch by far in the first place the other variants are the a scored with the UT 30 and the hit fact 120 millimeter turrets and the cv 19 mark for the puma really is overall in my eyes one of the best vehicles out there it's very high-tech very modern the prices aren't publicly known so we can only guess at the prices of past contracts or the Pima are indeed quite expensive the Lynx hasn't been sold to anyone yet though so who knows what the price tag is going to be it depends on a lot of equipment too if you had a bunch of requirements to require additional modifications you can get the price very high on supposedly cheap vehicles for example the British Ajax based on the ascot is almost as expensive as the Puma the exact requirements really are quite known yet if Lynx does live up to its marketing it might actually even be better than the Puma for example the Puma can only carry six infantrymen but the current Czech mechanized infantry structure requires at least seven seats in each IFV this isn't gonna work then Lynx can supposedly carry up to nine Lynx is also supposed to be highly modular a part of the structure should be easy to swap for specialised variants such as ambulances recovery vehicles motor carriers and Puma doesn't have such an option and the range of variants developed from the Bundeswehr is much smaller than that of what the chairs economy or potentially other armies need overall this vehicle has a lot of potential and it's a massive contender to the Puma I would really love to see this vehicle in my own country's armed forces and you know just a look at this thing is incredible it it has to be in my eyes one of these sexiest looking ifes I've ever seen like I'm not into the Isle you know stealth cutting edge weird angled Armour that's all over modern-day vehicles now but this vehicle really does have a very sleek and very practical look I mean there's no requirement to have bits and pieces slapped all over the vehicle the reality is most armored infantry units are gonna put stuff all over the vehicle that's just what happens you give it infantry soldiers a big heavy duty vehicle they're gonna customize and do whatever they want but in terms of it just being its own standalone vehicle it just looks outstanding it does have some rather key features that you know some of the other vehicles they're the other contenders don't quite have so typical rheinmetall they made a fantastic promotional video what you're looking at right now without the music because I'm probably gonna get a copyright strike for it but it just they've done a very good job of making this vehicle very nice and pretty and showcasing it very very nicely they did release it quite recently and it's basically their version of a hi-tech IFV that they want to fit with the Lance 2.0 turret it's armed with a 135 dual feed cannon which fires standard 35 by 228 millimeter ammunition with a 7.62 millimeter coaxial machine gun a unique feature of this tower is that it has the flexible mission pods fitted either side which even allows for the installation of subsystems including to spike anti-tank missile systems just so you know that's my favorite anti-tank missile and also the potential for non line of sight strike loitering munitions UAVs or even electronic warfare packages again relating back to that modular warfare that most militaries around the world are looking for a computerised fire control system is also fitted as our Rai Mattel's stabilized electro-optical sight systems and acoustic shooter location systems the basic hull is welded steel to which a modular armor package and internal spall liners are fitted survivability is enhanced by the installation of a hard kill active defense system and the Rosi multispectral 360 degrees smoke obscuring system which again I've done a video on the KF 41 has a gross vehicle weight of about 44 tonnes with a stretch potential up to 50 tonnes so she's not lightweight but it doesn't have to be it's carrying infantry soldiers and to be honest in my own opinion I feel a protection of soldiers is more important than mobility and adding in a little extra armor on there or the superstructure of the vehicle to protect those inside and I definitely take it with a pinch of salt it is powered by a laverre diesel engine powering at 1140 horsepower so a very powerful engine coupled to a ranked fully automatic transmission which gives a top speed of 70 kilometers an hour it has a flexible suspension system developed by the australian company super shock and a key feature of the Kerr 41 is a common drive module and fly as a mission module which I pretty much said before that is the key focus that they put on here the selling contributing factor to this vehicle is it's modular and they want vehicles that are customizable that they don't have to defy one vehicle and that's it now I have to buy the other variants the repair the ambulance no no no that is what's going to happen I think for the majority of vehicles in the future everything's going to be modular we're gonna have turrets that can contact other vehicles we're gonna have you know everything's gonna be swapped out it is it's just the way it's going to go now I know I keep harping on about this modular thing but it is quite important the reconfiguration from the flexible mission modules they put on these things only takes 8 hours to potentially change which a roll gives a huge operational requirement market that is a massive massive help to those in the battle group that require different variants you could one minute have you know 30 or 40 armored personnel carriers with no turret that you just want speed you just want capacity the next minute you could have you know 30 or 40 infantry fighting vehicles with turrets on top of them you know they're customizable that is incredible the first example of the Lynx has taken part in the competition to supply the Czech Republic with up to 210 of these vehicles to replace its currently deployed BMP to which I have a love for anyway Wray Mattel will also enter the Lynx to meet the Australian Army Land 400 base 3 requirement now there's a lot of controversy going on with the you know land 400 program and I'm not going to get into it right now because it's a whole new video but folks let's just be real here it's a very sleek very sexy-looking armoured fighting vehicle and I think it has great capabilities you know I've said it many times in the past I feel that most infantry fighting vehicles today should have those modules on the side of the vehicle that can you know add to the fighting effect you know anti-tank missiles being plugged on the sides a lot of people disagree with that you know Bradley's aren't designed to fight tanks they're there to drop off troops but if you can stick a module on the side of the vehicle to allow it to engage heavy duty targets why not have that capability so do we have a game changer here is the Lynx really this massive new controversial vehicle that's gonna wipe the floor with other designs no I don't think so I really don't I think you know the Ponder's Vera's done very well in selecting the Puma they all have their own specific benefits and limitations Ajax for the British army I'm very proud to know that the Ajax is coming in service again I've done a video on that the lynx care 41 though I think has a huge potential to going into militaries around the world it's fantastic that the Czech Armed Forces are gonna start procuring these vehicles and putting them into place but you know it's just as I mentioned before it's just a stunning looking vehicle and so did the other modern-day IFES that are coming out right now look but this one just would be a dream for me to play on those spike anti-tank missiles pouring out the side of it you know it's capability in 1,000 or spare engine in there that's a lot of power for a vehicle that weighs 40 tons I can't wait to see what the future is for this vehicle and I'm sure many of you will agree folks if you have any questions or concerns about this vehicle please leave them in the comments section below if I made any mistakes I do apologize please again correct me and I hope you all can basically be as excited as I am in seeing this vehicle in its future folks if you want to support my channel I'd really appreciate you check out my patreon account it would really really would mean a lot to me for the support towards that support page and that's it folks have a wonderful day and bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matsimus
Views: 140,547
Rating: 4.920764 out of 5
Keywords: Lynx KF41, Lynx KF41 IFV, Rheinmetall, infantry fighting vehicle, Eurosatory 2018, Lynx, matsimus, military, tank, new tank, SchĂĽtzenpanzer, Marder IFV, German Army, Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle, PUMA, lynx, czech lynx, German Marder, Russian Armata, German Lynx KF-41, Mauser 30 mm, armoured fighting vehicle, Australian Defence Force, Land 400 program, Kettenfahrzeug 31 (KF31), Kettenfahrzeug 41 (KF41)
Id: 2D5H0u5CHCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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