British Guy Reacts to "History of Japan" | Bill Wurtz

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yo so guys welcome back to another video this is another bill worts reaction i've i've only did like did one of his videos like before and obviously it's the history of the entire world i guess which is still one of my favorite videos i've probably ever firstly reacted to but and in general just like just my favorite videos i've seen on youtube from all the videos i've seen it's just something about it was when i say something about the editing but also the learning just to sort of the quirkiness was his sort of style of video was just incredible and i really enjoyed it so i'm intrigued to see how this one sort of compares firstly but i know he doesn't i feel like he's quit i feel like i was going through his youtube videos and he's like quit and he's not posted for over a year which is which is a shame because like he is he's obviously got a very insane like skill in like sort of how he makes these videos and helps you learn but again you just enjoy seeing these kinds of things and it's a shame but he's probably onto insanely big things for whatever he's doing and the beauty of youtube is even when he's gone you still get to see his incredible content i guess you could say and this one is the history of japan this was suggested a lot and i was always going to get i was always going to get around to doing this reaction it's just taking probably a bit longer than i would it i would have initially thought but it's here now and i'm really excited to get into this because this is firstly a country i don't know too much about in terms of its history and you know how sort of uneducated i am on history in general even on my own country i'm just not very smart when it comes to it so we're here to learn we're here to see new things and yeah hopefully you guys going to enjoy let's just get into this man let's just check this one out japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes and it's in the year negative a billion japan might not have been here negative forty thousand it was here and you could walk to it and some people why has he skipped so many years then it got warmer some icebergs melted it became an island and now there's lots of trees so now there's people on the island they're basically sort of hanging out in between the mountains i do find it crazy how like when the ice age happened then obviously when it when it stopped to win to the temperatures of the earth got back to normal people obviously just got stuck on these islands and it's just kind of crazy how that all like panned out i guess cuts off trees and using the latest technology like stones and bowls ding dong the outside world and they have technology from the future like really good metal and crazy rice farms now you can make a lot of rice really really quickly that means if you own the farm you own a lot of food which is something everybody needs to survive so that makes you king rice farming and rice kingdom spread across the land all the way to here the most important kingdoms were here here here here here here and here but this one was the most most important ruled by a heavenly superperson or emperor for short knock knock get the door it's religion the new prince wants everyone to try this hot new religion from vieqt please try this religion he said no said everybody try it he said no said everybody again quieter this time and so the religion was put into place and all the rules that came with it then the government was taken over by another clique and they made some reforms like making the government govern more and making the government more like china's government which is a government that governs more hi china they said hi [ __ ] said china can you call something else other than [ __ ] said japan like what said china how about sunrise said japan and they stole china's alphabet [Music] the flag in my head like the sunrise flag what's that about them did they change the flag over years or is it like is it like an alternative flag that they have for the country because i've got it in my head and i can't like it's sort of like a red sun or it's a yellow sun and it's got sort of like the sort of the the rays of the sun and then it's got like yellow bits around or something along the lines of that then they stopped moving the capitol every time the emperor died and kept it jesus right here he conquered the north finally get that squared away a rich hipster named kukai is bored with modern buddhism visits china and learns a better version which is more comes back reinvents the alphabet and causes art and literature to be for a long time and the royal palace turned into such a dream world of art that they really didn't give a [ __ ] about running the country so if you live outside the palace how are you supposed to protect your [ __ ] from criminals hire a samurai everyone started hiring samurai samurai poor people who could not afford to hire samurai did not hire samurai the samurai became organized and powerful more powerful than the government so they made their own military government here they let the emperor still be emperor but the shogun is actually in control breaking news the mongols have invaded china we've invaded china please respect us or else we might invade you as well okay so the mongols came ready for war and died in a tornado but they tried again and had a nice time fighting with the japanese but then died in a tornado and the emperor overthrows the shogunate then the shogunator throws him back and moves to kyoto and makes a new shogunate and the emperor can still dress like an emperor if he wants that's fine now there's more art like painting with less colors collaborative poetry plays monkey fun tea parties gardening architecture flowers it's time for who's going to be the next shogun usually it's the shogun's kid but the shogun doesn't have a kid so he tries to get his brother to quit being a monk and be the next shogun he says okay but then the shogun has a kid so now he's gonna be now on the shogun actually didn't care he was off somewhere doing poetry and the whole country broke into pieces everyone is fighting with each other for local power and it's anybody's game knock knock it's europe no they're not here to take over they just want to sell some [ __ ] like clocks and guns and jesus so that's cool but everyone's still fighting each other for control now with guns and wouldn't it be nice to control the capital which right now is puppets with no one controlling them this clan is ready to make a run for it but first they have to trample this smaller clan which is in the way surprise the smaller clan wins and the leader of that clan steals the idea of invading the capital and invades the capital and it goes very well he's about halfway through conquering japan when someone who works for him kills him and then someone else who works for him kills them and that guy finishes conquering japan and then he confiscated everything the ultimate snakes man just just killed like the power right he swords and made some rules he's interesting now he's going to invade korea and then hopefully china he said and failed and also died but before he died he told these five guys to take care of his five-year-old son until he's old enough to be the next ruler of japan and the five guys said yeah right it's not going to be this kid it's going to be one of us because we're grown-ups and it's probably going to be this guy who happens to be way more rich and powerful than the others a lot of people and he wins and starts a new government right here and he still lets the emperor dress like an emperor and have very nice things but don't get confused this is the new government and they are very strict so strict they closed the country no one can leave and no one can come in except for the dutch if they want to buy and sell [ __ ] but they have to do it right here now that the entire country was not at war with itself the population increased a lot business increased schools were built roads were built everyone learned to read books were published there was poetry plays sexy times puppet shows and dutch studies people started to study european science from books they bought from the dutch we're talking geography skeletons physics chemistry astronomy and maybe even electricity over time the economic and cultural prosperity began to gradually slow down always the united states with huge boats with guns gunboats open the country stop having it be closed said the united states there's really nothing they could do so they signed a contract that lets the united states britain and russia visit japan any time they want chushu and satsuma hated this that sucks they said this sucks and with almost very little outside help they overthrew the shogunate and somehow made the emperor the emperor again and moved him to edo which they renamed eastern capital this government which was a lot more western they made a new constitution that was pretty western and a military that was pretty western and do you know what else is western that's right it's conquering stuff so what can we conquer korea okay conquer korea taking it from its previous owner china and then go a little bit further and russia rushes in out of nowhere and says stop no you can't take that we were going to build a railroad through here to try to get some warm water and russia builds their railroad supervised by a [ __ ] ton of soldiers and then when the railroad was done they downgraded to a [ __ ] ton did i say downgraded i'm an upgrade in japan says can you maybe chill oh maybe you chill japan is kind of scared of russia you'll never guess who's also kind of scared of russia great britain so japan and great britain make an alliance together so they can be a little less scared of russia feeling confident japan goes to war against russia just for a moment and then they both get tired and stop it's time for world war one because it's the 1900s and weapons are getting crazy and all these empires are excited to try them out on each other meanwhile japan has been enjoying conquering stuff and wants more and the next thing on their list is this part of china and lots of tiny islands all that stuff belongs to germany which just had war declared on it by britain because britain was friends with belgium which was being trespassed by germany in order to get to france to kick france's ass because france is friends with russia who was getting ready to keep austria's ass because austria was getting ready to kick serbia's ass because someone from serbia shot the leader of austria's ass or actually shot him in the head and britain is currently friends with japan so you know what that means duh japan should take the islands which they wanted to do anyway i don't remember i always thought they were enemies at this point but they were friends that that's kind of i did not know that at all and then they did it and they also helped britain a little here and there with some errands and stuff now the war is over and congratulations japan you technically fought in the war which means you get to sit at the negotiating table with the big dudes where they decided who owns what and yes japan gets to keep all that [ __ ] they stole from germany you also get to join the post-war mega alliance the league of nations whose mission statement is to try not to take over the world the great depression is bad and japan's economy is now crappy but the military is doing just fine and it invades manchuria in the league of nations it's like no don't do that yeah and japan said how about i do anyway and japan invaded more and more and more and more of china and was planning to invade the entire east you've got mail it's from germany the new leader he has a cool mustache and he's trying to take over the world and needs friends this also got forwarded to italy they all decided to be friends because i guess that's why i got confused with them because like in the first world war they were like big enemies of germany and now they're like alliances it's crazy and that's within like what 15 years so much in common it's time for world war 22 germany is invading the neighbors then they invade the neighbor's neighbors then the neighbors neighbors neighbors who happened to be britain said holy [ __ ] and the united states started helping britain because they are friends and started not helping japan because their friends and our friends are not friends because they're planning on invading the entire ocean the united states is also working on a large very huge bomb bigger than any other bomb ever just in case but they still haven't joined the war war looks bad on tv and the united states is really starting to care about their image but then japan spits on them in hawaii and challenges them to war and they say yes and then germany as a symbol of friendship declares war on the united states also so the united states goes to war in europe and they help the gang chase germany back into germany and they also start chasing japan back into japan and they haven't used the bomb yet and are curious to see if it works so they drop it on japan they actually dropped too the way he started his videos kills me it kills me united states installed a new government inspired by the united states government with just the right ingredients for a post more economic miracle and japan starts making tvs vcrs automobiles as fast as they can and also better than everybody obviously it's not good that they bombed them like but i remember mentioning this it's like it was two sides of it like and you see what japan has done since it's like they're one of the global superpowers the things they that they create are nuts and the things that that country does now it's just crazy like they're like it's like the u.s japan what other countries do i consider like up there i guess you could say china although a lot of people don't like china but like in terms of global superpowers i'd say that they're the three countries i'm probably missing like two or three here and there but like they just was like inventions and things i don't know i feel like them free countries are just sort of the ones and it's just crazy how things turn around like that so although the the the wars and like the bombings are awful maybe it all worked out for the better in terms of like how the us installed a new government there but maybe i don't know the full story there installed a new government that's probably not the right way to put it but how they sort of like gave them the same structure of the us government i think that makes more sense i'm waffling here but i mean i don't know maybe i'm just sort of not educated enough to really like um question that or anybody else they get rich and the economy goes wild and then the miracle wears off but everything's still pretty cool i guess [Music] it's ends like that man i love this channel so much i really do love this channel so incredible this is like having a teacher who hates teaching but accidentally makes the lesson enjoyable legend has it that that japan still lets the emperor dress like an emperor i'm scared to blink and miss a whole country five religions of 3d species how to deal with bullies at school google tell a teacher bing 150 how about sunrise land no why the sun is a deadly laser that's from the last one isn't it god's sake update it's 20 20 and there's still that empty just like an emperor history testimony bill works do you trust me every five of my being country we just found oil we're rich 447. knock knock oh my god i love the current so much yeah but i love this reaction i really do love this guy's channel he just makes the craziest the funkiest type videos but they're so enjoyable to watch and yeah for those who have been consistently suggesting it thank you honestly because i was always going to get around to doing it but you push me to get it and do the reaction quicker and there's no complaints man i i just i just love learning about these things and i know there's one but i got wrong about the flag for some reason i thought it was yellow and red and that's going to make me sound really stupid japan flags i want to actually see this because maybe it just changed why does go to japan two flags both the rising sound flag and the hinamaru were adopted in 1870 by the new meiji government which overthrew the feudal feudal government in 1868 ushered japan into modernity the former became the official flag of the japanese army and later navy as well oh okay that's interesting then so i guess that's quite that's quite interesting i didn't know that at all that's me again not being educated in the on that at all so i apologize if i offended anyone of that i don't know if it would or not but i just wasn't sure about like the two different flags because i had seen the other one i just didn't really know what it stood for etcetera but yo that's what we're here to do man we're here to learn about these kinds of things but hopefully you guys enjoyed this direction i don't think bill works has any more oh let's go to view most popular yeah these are all like short ones i don't know if any of these are like to react to or not but it's a shame but you can't take anything away from him he makes some incredible incredible content but maybe he's moved to another channel as well i don't know about that but hopefully you guys did enjoy this reaction suggesting more things like this to do because i do love doing these reactions and yeah until next time like subscribe peace
Channel: Lav Luka
Views: 40,949
Rating: 4.9643707 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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