British Guy Reacts to 21 Things The US Does Different to The Rest of The World

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yo so guys welcome back to another video and this is another reaction on things and facts about the us and i'm gonna assume before you actually get into this a few of these facts or things that's in this video are probably not gonna be 100 true for everyone from the us but i'm gonna take this with a pinch of salt but at the same time i am intrigued to see like what sort of things he brings up here because i do find it interesting because there is a lot of differences like between even the uk and the us and i would say they're probably two of two countries are relatively similar in the grand scheme of things of like countries around the world but even then there's gonna be crazy crazy differences but we're gonna see i'm gonna actually like find out what sort of well 21 things in the u.s that puzzled most foreigners so yeah let's just get into this hopefully you got to enjoy this one you guys are showing so much support for my reactions lately so i want to thank you thank you all because it's genuinely like it's just crazy i'm not going to lie i'm still sort of blown away by it but i want to thank you all for it genuinely so yeah let's just get in because i'm rounding a lot quick shout out to my instagram my twitter in the description and my second channel links to them all in the description you can follow or subscribe through them but let's check this out man let's see what see what this video's got for help you may have lived in the united states your whole life without realizing that something totally normal for you seems bizarre to people from other parts of the world who knew that munching on fried pickles in a highly air-conditioned room was so out normal for you seems bizarre to people from other parts of the world it's just higher than you knew that munching fried pickles in a highly air-conditioned room was so outlandish well here are some other highly entertaining americanisms i've gathered oh here we go let's count it down from number 21. sales tax is a guessing game when you go shopping in the us and see a price tag that says 14.88 don't expect to pay 14.88 at the register i've heard about this is v80 isn't it like i swear in like every other country vit sort of included in the price that you see on the shelf but in the us it's like we're gonna see but that is a very strange one for me sales tax is not included in the price of an item and since this tax can vary from state to state figuring out your total can turn into the ultimate mental math challenge in many european countries the sales tax is already included in the price it's known as a value added tax or vat number 20 we're total workaholics i just want to go back quickly for the u.s countries what did they say the percentage was are you a state sorry ass can vary from so five point four ten percent eight percent eight percent you go to europe looks like twenty percent in the country 20 percent 25 oh my days okay that's pretty crazy then it's known as a value added tax or v80 we're total workaholics a lot of americans don't feel the need to take long vacations so they often let vacation and sick hours pile up without ever using them oh wow plus most employers only give you two weeks out of the year what in a lot of other countries like brazil or finland workers are encouraged to take an average of 30 days of vacay who doesn't want um like time off like i i could not work every day for like just with two weeks off and i guess some people people have even less than that i mean you've got to respect it but that is crazy like 12 days off of 14 last two weeks 14 days off is nowhere near enough for me at least but like if people can do that i respect it just like some high levels man wow maybe i should take some time off or perhaps i'll just keep waiting 19. it's not a party without red solo cops in the states this red plastic cup is synonymous with party on dude but other countries apparently don't recognize this cup to mean the same thing someone commented this before okay don't use red solo cops at get togethers they have to go to a special website to purchase the cups for american themed parties who knew number 18 deep fried everything whether it's pickles or even fried oreos america has it all fried fish recipes first appeared in spanish and portuguese cookbooks as far back as the 1200s and the greeks were frying food and olive oil way back in the 5th century bce but as america does with many things they've adopted a tradition from far-off lands and took it up a notch or 5. 17. get everything you need right at the pharmacy if you're not from the us it may be puzzling to walk into a pharmacy and see aisles and aisles of over-the-counter meds toys makeup clothes and even groceries unlike in other countries where pharmacies sell medicine and medical supplies exclusively the ones in the u.s are like small convenience stores where you can grab magazines tylenol and a frozen pizza to be fair in the uk it's not it's not to this degree you can't buy like groceries like this but you can't buy certain foods and you can i feel like you can buy magazines and stuff so it's probably like in the uk it's just a smaller version of this but to be able to put like buy all kinds of groceries that is very interesting one fell swoop 16. filler up in america if a restaurant doesn't offer free refills on fountain drinks it's kind of strange but in other countries once you buy one beverage that's it france ban refills on sugary sodas back in 2017 in order to combat the current obesity epidemic but in the u.s the idea of free refills is still alive and well 15. if you don't like it return it whether it's an ugly sweater from grandma or a heinous pair of earrings from an axe if you don't like it you can just return it in america making returns at stores is pretty normal and super easy i mean the us even has a national returns day in january i've never i've never i don't think i've ever returned anything from the shop in my life firstly i'm too awkward to do it secondly i don't think you can unless it's got all the packaging and it's not been opened i don't know if that's the same i mean maybe it's the same like if you've worn an earring you're not going to be able to return are you but it's probably a lot more a lot more lenient in the us for sure and actually returned for you to return holiday gifts you weren't too thrilled about 14. tips for everyone cab drivers servers hairdressers you gotta tip them tips are acceptable for any service in the us and sometimes consist of 25 percent of the bill we haven't started tipping surgeons yet but there are places in other parts of the world such as japan that consider tipping incredibly rude like in restaurants when you travel to different countries it's important to learn their tipping etiquette so that you don't offend anyone 13. i'll take my coffee to go with a starbucks on every corner it's very normal to see people toting around a coffee as they shop commute to work and whatever else at all times of the day but in many parts of the world sorry to be like well seated and enjoying the paper or chat maybe in the maybe in other countries but in the uk people do walk around with coffee as well but i guess it again depends because the uk isn't there any other country right but from my perspective it's probably quite similar to the uk friends tugging your coffee along with you throughout the day might be due to the fact that the cups are huge and take longer to drink who's got that kind of time to be sitting in a cafe for hours sounds like fun to me number 12. the land of ice cold drinks now speaking of drinks it's not a hot coffee or cocoa then it's probably got ice in it tea coffee lemonade soda water americans like it on the rocks iced tea if you go elsewhere in the world odds are you'll be sipping your soda at room temperature or may be slightly refrigerated if you don't specifically ask for ice number 11 keeping the ac on at all times americans must have an aversion to being so jealous of this one in many parts of europe people simply don't use air conditioning as much as they do in the states and it makes me so excited it's expected to always have the ac blaring and a lot of visitors find it pretty strange and quite chilly but come on it makes sense if you're cold you can layer up if you're hot all you can do is suffer and complain about it man i wish i had a i was genuinely considering getting an a buying ac for my house because during the summer even though the uk isn't considered that cold in the summer it does get hot and like recording videos in a room that's like steaming hot the humidity is crazy like it's hard so i was really considering it and this year i probably will because i just like i just don't know why we don't have them built in i guess it makes sense because we're only using it for like two times two um two months in a year three months in a year but for those three months it just makes it so much easier number ten looking at dollars is a snooze fest i remember i've never seen the us dollar in my life like i know and they really do intrigue because there's so much on going to europe for the first time and thinking their banknotes look like monopoly money and i guess a lot of countries have bills of different colors and sizes depending on the value like swedish krona and russian rupals but not in the us it's all greenbacks baby sure tens look a little yellowy 50s are kind of pinkish and benjamin seemed bluer than the others but still us dollars definitely aren't as fun and rainbowy as other currents number nine giving a thumbs up in america even little kids know a thumbs up means good job way to go or anything positive like that if you travel to greece or the middle east and give this common american gesture you probably won't make too many friends how about giving this video a thumbs up for the useful tip shout out to you like this what it's from writing conundrum so many visitors to the us get really confused by the month day year thing because are you telling me people from greece who watch youtube they'll see the thumbs up button they'll see the thumbs down button they'll just like not press it because they don't understand it or is that just like a thing for a few like greek people if you're from greece let me know because i don't know why but that just interests me like how is the thumbs up sort of seen as a bad thing most parts of the world the different coaches then the month and finally the year there's no clear historical reason why the us insists on writing the day differently but we just do number seven pre-baby baby showers many cultures celebrate a new baby coming into the world but america is one of the few places that does this before the baby actually gets here in east asian countries for instance celebrations for a new baby are held once the baby is born as doing otherwise is seen as bad luck number six where how are you means hello sure people ask each other how they're doing in other countries but americans often use this phrase as a replacement for hey or hello it doesn't even require a real response people just answer with fine thanks even if they're in a horrible mood or you had a terrible day number five bathroom stalls that aren't so private hmm don't like doing your business in front of complete strangers americans don't either of course but the fact that bathroom stall doors often reveal as much as your entire lower leg seems to say otherwise there's no clear reason as to why there's this big gap in public bathroom stalls here but many guess it's for safety reasons or ventilation number four no one uses their inside voice a lot of my friends who are visiting or moved to the us tell me that locals speak so loud compared to other countries whether it's talking on your cell phone or chatting with a friend over lunch americans seem to really like projecting their voice i don't know maybe we just want to make sure we're heard number three it's all about choices walk into any grocery store aisle and you'll notice at least 10 different options for cookies crackers or cereal people in the uk don't have these many options for food and you'll almost never find anything in grape flavor there yeah that's true that is true like we have a lot we have obviously have grapes i can't remember the last time i've ever found a grape flavored drink i don't think i ever have which is crazy because i know like grape i don't know what grape drinks are even called grape what's the grape drink that they drink in the u.s i was gonna say grapefruit grapefruit is a different type of fruit i think but yeah we don't ever have like grape drinks or like anything like flavored that which is actually very strange because it is like a big thing in the u.s number two hopping into the back seat of a cab when getting into a cab it's customary in the states to scoot on into the back seat but in countries like new zealand and australia riding anywhere but shotgun can be a little rude number one that classic american smile in the u.s people aren't afraid to be nice and show their pearly whites all the time and according to a 2015 study at brown university because america has always been a very diverse country it forced people to smile at each other more since they couldn't always communicate with language okay that's just one more historical theory as to why americans tend to smile more than people in other places don't speak just maybe we're just you know friendlier yeah i mean whether you're from the u.s or not can you add any more to be fair i mean i can't argue that i've heard i've seen a lot of things that like in like of british people going to the us i think just youtubers i watch like the silent or something like that if you've heard of them um they sort of always mention when they go to the u.s like people sort of start conversations a lot more and my friend actually went to new york a few years back and he just had people a lot more sort of talkative in the uk you walk past someone in the street and you just you don't want if someone if someone talks to you in the uk you're sort of like what what why are you talking to me but maybe in the u.s it's completely different and from what i've heard it is which is always a good thing but yeah the uk is just quite a grumpy country to be honest but a lot of these were actually very good i mean i say all of them are actually good things other than a few of like the the vat one i don't understand why that's a thing but hey strange americanisms to the list let me know down in the comments i enjoyed it if you learned something new today then give this video a like share with a friend and here are some more cool videos to check check out um if as long as this doesn't get blocked i don't know if it will because this is the first time i've reached this channel which has actually got 37 million subscribers but as long as this doesn't get blocked there's definitely going to be more reactions from him because i really enjoyed this and yeah this video was actually really fun i want to do more stuff like this without a doubt because this stuff is just different right you sort of learn more things about cultures etc and yeah just it's just fun to see the sort of different perspectives but let's see a few of the comments americans are workaholics you uh have you seen japan yeah i've seen something about the japan like but there's a lot of negative sides to that isn't it like if you work people too much they're gonna do bad things and i swear japan has a really bad sort of suicide issue maybe it's in like younger people i'm not too sure but i mean it's not it's this it is what it is maybe some countries are more workaholics but from what i saw here 12 days or 14 days off and some people don't even do that that's crazy to me in my country it's rude to walk into a person's home with your shoes on americans wear their shoes everywhere to be fair it's normal in the uk to take your shoes off but i sometimes forget as well and it's bad because i know how many germs one shoes but it's just a habit isn't it i try not to wear them in my room but sometimes i just can't be asked to take them off but if i've like went out somewhere and they're dirty as hell obviously taking them off is the obvious thing to do right i'm a hotel made from sweden everyone wants to clean the american rooms because they tips oh okay i see i see like they tipped people from doing it i didn't realize that was such a big thing in u.s culture but that's a very good thing like tipping people can help them very well financially or it does help them very well financially trust everybody we americans think long vocations are important we just can't afford them yeah i mean that may be why they work more because they struggle to pay for vacations right yeah that sales tax not being included in the price seems 100 crazy it is it's it's a weird thing to have i guess it sort of makes people spend a little bit more than they should because they sort of don't realize or maybe not realize that they just don't sort of know how much they're going to spend before they actually buy it americans are more friendly i'm sorry i might joke to you well maybe americans are just friendly i can't examine my show to you canadians being friendly always kills me because i always see it i don't know why i think but it's just funny that i see that i'm from the uk you can buy red cuts from your local tesco's i mean you can but they are nowhere like usually in the uk you have see-through cups but you have you can't buy red cups of course rest of the world it calls it football medical soccer that wasn't even mentioned for foxy and that's not actually true i swear there's like well kind of does canada i can't speak canada doesn't i swear like australia doesn't there's a few other countries in like africa as well that don't call it football to be fair so i mean it's just the thing i don't even care about that i used to sort of get annoyed when i heard the different terms why is that an issue i don't understand i'm sort of annoyed at myself for like being like sort of not getting angry just being like why do they call it that but maybe that's just being young and stuff but fun video and hope you guys enjoyed this please suggest more things like this because i just enjoy this kind of reactions they're just fun to sort of see different cultures and you guys seem to love these as well so yeah suggesting more of this stuff i'd appreciate it and until next time like subscribe peace
Channel: Lav Luka
Views: 1,307,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h0ki8zXS20o
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Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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