US Marine reacts to Britain's Defense

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there have been jets on standby in the uk every single minute since the battle of britain in 1940 all right y'all welcome back to combat arms channel now i've been getting this recommendation a bunch but not really all at once i think just throughout the entire time i've been making reaction videos i've been seeing this video pop up every now and again so i figured we would check it out now this is called defending britain who keeps the country safe so i think this is more specifically tailored to highlighting some of those units that people don't know too much about or some some units that people wouldn't even consider now i'm sure there's a lot of units in the us that you know i don't really know about but you know they don't make a video about them so i'm probably not gonna know about them so it's cool to have videos like this so you can sort of uh shed some lime light or you know shed a spotlight on some of these units that don't get attention a lot of the time now i don't really know what to expect that's mainly because i'm not from the united kingdom or i'm not from britain so i don't really know exactly how y'all do the military and civilian life and sort of merge them together because in the u.s they try not to merge the military you know too much we have a few different places where you can see the the military like the tomb of the unknown soldier and things like that but not so much with units protecting civilian assets so i mean i'd be interested to see what we can find out in this video so i guess let's check it out so we might all learn something together every second of every day they protect us they are the nearly 200 000 men and women of the uk's armed forces by land assassins they keep our islands safe we go behind the scenes to shed new light on their world and reveal a few surprises along the way okay so already i didn't know that the military had that few people again the the nation was a lot smaller than the united states but yeah i think in the marine corps the marine corps alone there's like 175 000 people so the army of course is much bigger but it's interesting to know uh again now it's not necessarily a bad thing because when you have that many people you can you know spend a little bit less and you know reach out a little bit further so you can buy better equipments for for all these people at the same time you can train them a little bit better because you can sort of pay a little bit more attention to them because it's not just like a mass machine of producing soldiers as it might look in the united states in the english channel hms7 is fighting a war of economics the royal navy leases the fishing industry out here the job it's had for 400 years wow the rules are there for a reason that is to protect the economy of the uk fishing industry and so we have to enforce it if required if people were allowed to go free reign on our fish stocks and in our waters they would have no livelihood left the crew has a fishing trawler in its sights on board everything is checked nets and fishing gear are first the holes have to be large enough to let young fish escape okay all right nine seven all needs to be over basically the next stage of the inspection is a check of what's down below in the fish room and we'll be able to estimate the weight of each species so we'll do that for a couple of species just make sure it ties in with what's in the log on board if i was a fisherman i'd be stressing out if at least a new fisherman especially if you're not too savvy on all the uh requirements and everything if all of a sudden the the royal navy just you know strolls along and and comes onto your ship and also they start checking all these these measurements and everything might be stressing out but yeah that's a very good point especially when you talk about economics the military sort of has a certain obligation to make sure that the the nation's economics are in check because they sort of mutually support each other as you guys can imagine and again it's just good for the uh the fishing business in general if you have people who are short of cheating or you know you know not really listening to the rules doing their own thing then they can sort of ruin it for everybody else so it's kind of cool that they have some people to keep them in check just have a general look around fish caught at sea are packed in ice to keep them fresh whatever the weather on deck it's always freezing down here across so make sure there's no ice or anything else mixed in that will affect the weight and then we'll just put it straight on the skills punishments can be severe fines of thousands of pounds seizure of fish or equipment or criminal prosecution it's a necessity i think you've got to be police if you break laws and you start landing fish that's not supposed to be landed you're not doing yourself any favors because it drops the price on the market he knows what he's talking about in a world of remote piloted drones and laser-guided bombs you might think the tank has had its day but don't believe it there is a lot going on in the world at the moment there are a lot of threats to the united kingdom as well as other democracies throughout the world and in that case it's entirely possible that the british army and therefore the royal tank regiment may be called forward we are part of the reactive force our job is to ultimately deploy and fight overseas i just think it's funny how it goes from like policing fishermen to all of a sudden you have like a line of tanks just going across the field i mean of course their their capabilities are not going to be matched up but then again their responsibilities aren't necessarily matched up as well and tanks are pretty important i know the marine corps recently got rid of their tanks and a lot of people weren't too happy with that but you need to make sure that you can actually maintain them and everything so if you have like a royal tank regiment i imagine they're going to have everything possible to make sure that they have you know fully functioning tanks as as much as they can at least and make sure that they get the training they deserve so it's nice to have these specific units that are tailored around one specific thing they train so they are quite literally ready for action these tanks are permanently on standby if a war breaks out in europe they could be on the front line in a matter of days the centerpiece is the challenger 2 main battle tank in 62 tons top speed of nearly 40 miles an hour it can go where it likes especially armed as it is with a 120 millimeter gun on the front okay tanks are essential if we are to provide a potent uh defense and a capability to combat threats overseas we're moving roughly from a counter-insurgency focus into being focused again on fighting conventional warfare in that case in all the major sort of combat zones in in the world so syria or iraq or ukraine tanks are being used tanks are fighting tanks sometimes only a tank will do it's a good point i guess the peer-to-peer fight [Music] okay one of the oldest jobs there he goes takes place every day right in the heart of london [Music] coldstream guards have been protecting the royal palaces since charles ii was king back in 1660. anyone who turns around and says that they don't have you know a sort of a feeling of pride as they march through the gates of buckingham palace i think is probably lying to you you know your tunic your bare skin representing the culturing guards and years and years of tradition you know it makes you feel good this highly polished parade is a long time in the making everything has to be just right there are no shortcuts when you're getting ready to guard the queen yeah so if you've ever seen the uh the soldiers and the tomb of the unknown soldier preparing for their post and everything they do very similar things like they're checking everything on their uniform they're polishing everything and it looks it needs to look spot-on and that's one of those things you know when you have the public eye on you so much you want to make sure it looks nice and clean especially when you have such a rich tradition to to stand by and follow yeah your belt you know you've got the white in the belt you've got the brass on the belt you've got more brass brass and then white in the belt as well that's probably about half an hour or so and what about the bare skin what is that what's required there um just this hair really just give it a wash every now and again leave it dry just to get it nice and fluffed up and then again you wouldn't you know wash it once a month to be honest when it comes onto the boots you have to put time into your boots so is there some rivalry in the boots oh yeah lads always try and have better boots oh yeah my boots are more gleam and yeah it's just what it is with the guards here yeah sometimes you're going to scratch in your boots there that's when you've got to go back to the start again get them redone you know you're taking a good few hours work to get them sorted again um it's obviously for for every guy it's it's pride and joy as boots so you just don't don't go near them don't touch another guy i appreciate that i know the the us navy used to be pretty like you know spot on with uh polishing their boots and everything but the the us marine corps us army got rid of those boots a long time ago so i think the navy persisted with that and you can really tell when someone actually pays the uh the small attention detail to to really make sure that their their boots are polished up nicely then it definitely goes to show at least it goes to show that you care about your your job or at least your uniform so it definitely does it definitely does mean a lot and you can definitely see how it could get competitive in a position like this nothing is left to chance so before the iconic red tunics are put on it's once around the parade square to make sure everyone knows their job how does he see so we refer to that parade as the czech parade so it's our sort of final rehearsal we like to think that the blokes know what they're doing by the time we get here but it's just tidying up a few of the sort of you know funnies that might might might go wrong on the day so uh we go through the full mount uh sort of periods of the dismount and then that's us complete ready to step off in tunic and bearskin then it's time for the finishing touches most people when you think london you think of guys with big black hats and red tunics outside of buckingham palace obviously being a part of that it's been you know a big privilege and getting sort of go places where most civilians don't get to go [Music] i wonder if they ever get issues now and still you know do these guys ever get issued like live ammunition because i don't know i know like uh some of the guards and like the embassies and everything and even the white house will get ammunition sometimes but i'm not sure if these guys will traditionally go on post with any of that but i mean they do have a bayonet so i think a lot of it just might be like scare tactics just to make sure that people behave themselves but if you got guys could provide some insight then i'd appreciate it but i don't really know exactly what their specific role is as far as of marching across there and having everyone watch it still it doesn't change it's the same the first time i've done it to even now it's a very proud feeling you don't experience it really anywhere else we stand there looking smart you think oh yeah the public is seeing me looking smart so it's a good feeling really but this is just one side of the cold stream guards the other looks like this actions these trainee guardsmen and recent recruits from other regiments are preparing for an ambush at the cataract garrison in yorkshire excited to get on with some section attacks do some fun stuff running about performing the weapon so yeah looking forward to today the section attacks fighting but uh discharging my weapon to be honest i haven't done it yet but before you can fire a rifle it has to be clean trigger trigger guard pistol grip magazine housing magazine release catch we're just stripping and assembling weapons after contacted last night and this morning so they're pretty dirty so you want to clean them just so and that's where a lot of the attention detail can actually start with just cleaning your weapon a lot of times people don't really get in the habit of cleaning their weapon too well and it definitely goes to show when they start having a bunch of malfunction so me personally i'm a huge fan of cleaning guns it's sort of like i don't know it's like therapeutic for me it's like allows me to relax and unwind but yeah i mean i i take it personally and i take it into consideration but a lot of people just wouldn't take it the same way because it's just one of those things you expect it to work for you well you know so if anything does happen again you know less likely to get stoppages it makes it less hassle for you time then to dig in and wait to attack this is it as close as we're gonna get to the real thing at the moment i don't know why you'd ever stand in front of a vehicle like that but okay easy day okay elsewhere in yorkshire the bomb squad is training to defuse improvised explosive devices or ieds teams from the army raf and royal navy are all been tested all our scenarios are based upon devices that we've either seen in the past or currently or potentially ones that we think could come in the future so we try to test them in line with the threat in the uk and also the potential threat from maybe terrorist attacks that thing is way bigger than a lot of the eod robots that i've seen and that arm especially seems like it serves a very specific purpose so i'm interested to see what this thing is actually capable of where possible they use the robot called a cutlass it can do it all okay you can open boots open doors um it's got weapons on it so you've got certain presets that allow it to climb upstairs sometimes even the seemingly easy tasks prove tricky the course is run by the army's explosive ordnance disposal regiment or eod it's to test the ability to make sure that they seem to be working on the uk mainland streets one of the toughest tests for an eod team is when someone's life is in danger there's a device under this car the driver is still inside no time for the robot or the protective bomb suit do they really need like an actual cost personally down the road quickly as possible but safely just that same situation and try and remove him from the danger not the danger from him once clear the cutlass is deployed makes sense but the job isn't finished and that means wearing the suit with all our remote means everything we do remotely we have to confirm manually so whatever the robot does i didn't have to go and trace um because sometimes things do get missed on the cameras or when obviously the full device not might not be separated properly so they like to confirm all that before i can allow anybody else to come down as you can see manual dexterity can be quite tricky especially in these sort of conditions uh obviously rain doesn't help suit yourself uh especially rain never helps very restrictive for breathing obviously it's for my safety mentally it's very fatiguing uh yeah you're constantly thinking what am i doing now but you enjoy it you definitely need like special people to be able to to put on that suit and go and do something i mean if you get claustrophobic you probably wouldn't be a fan and generally if you are overly cautious you're probably not going to be on the eod team very much so as you can see very happy yeah it's good it's uh it's quite rewarding um you know it's a very important job and hopefully we're not needed but it's uh we train very hard in case we are needed [Music] before a bomb can be diffused it has to be discovered that's a key job thanks to the noses of the military working dogs they can come in all shapes and sizes they got some cute dogs there search dog geo he's a three year old golden retriever um he's he's the only golden retriever in service in the uh raf and the british army i trust him with my life to to do the job that i do are you friends massively friends massively friendsy he loves me i love him and we frustrate each other when we're working geo's sense of smell has the power to save lives he and rob train hard to make sure that nose is at its best so this is a um scent carousel what i'm doing with geo is i've put a um sample that he's trained to find into one of the pots and he his job is to go around and search in each individual pot in a systematic way um and then indicate and tell me where which point on that's cool never and that means it's playtime and this fills up the bond between the dog and the handler so i can have as you've seen there i can have a good good play with him chuck him around a bit and um it's the interaction between us as well so he wants to he wants to keep playing with me he wants to find it find the explosives as quick and as as easily as he can so he can get his ball and have a play with dad that's that's what really drives that's a cool job really drives him to uh to go and go and find that kong and keeps him going going going for so long raf bryce norton has around 40 dogs trained for a variety dude every time i see like a military canine it's like almost always a german shepherd but i mean here i haven't seen like one german shepherd but it's pretty cool to have all these different dogs again it's nice to have all these dogs just because they are going to be a little bit better at doing certain things but i don't know i always seen like a german shepherd as a military dog so i'm not sure i don't know anything about dogs or dog species or what one dog is better than the other ads but i mean it's cool to see just like a variety of dogs just running around rolls so this is chum he's a three-year-old collie and he's trained as a drug detection dog working at uh mainly out at the terminal here so as the as the bags come through i'll send chum on to him and he'll methodically search each each individual bag this is all a big game to him so we associate the scent that he's finding so the drugs with the ball and he wants to work for his ball so he can have that play stage so he's gone back to that bag now and this is where my interest will help come out and we'll work as a team to find anything and that's chum's indication there he's showing me that there's something in that bag they gotta get it off quick or else he's gonna go through the carousel it's a massive game for him massive game same as all even the explosives dogs they don't realize how much danger they could potentially be and how close they are to the to these um to the you can see he's mad for it no we'll go around in a minute mate so yeah it just it just replicates into a game and they want to chase that ball for as long as they can that's cool it's cool to see the other side and see how they actually train and see how they get the dogs in the right mindset but i didn't think it would i mean i guess positive reinforcement is a good thing but i never actually consider that to actually deal with their with their dogs as well now i've seen like civilian cops go and sweep the like the luggage over at airports sometimes but it's usually not when it's like on the carousel it's like before it gets loaded up and everything but i've never seen like the military do it so i don't know if they have cops that do it as well that assist or if these guys are attached to the cops but yeah i'm sure they stay pretty busy i'm not sure how much stuff they actually find though hopefully not too much each dog has a different personality but not always a name to match we've got an allen at the moment we've got an ethel uh we've had bubbles okay we had one come in called killer gives you a smile on your face every time you say alan this is alan sit hey man get out don't stand still air force horse already my dog jace come the crew will on weapons stand still allen leaves come in allen is a fierce patrol dog but he's not allowed to bite everyone when releasing a dog same with the weapon when it's endangering life really is the main thing or key assets it's what we provide so if somebody has intentions of harming persons or equipment that's when we really can release the dog there is plenty to protect at arif bryce norton it's britain's busiest military air base supplies are flown from here to support operations around the world the most active of those is op shader the fight against the so-called islamic state british jets have been flying sorties since september 2014. so i don't know too much about the air force or jets in general especially the raf i know a lot of you guys tell me to do reactions to them but i just i can't really provide too much insight because i don't really know exactly what they're doing why they do certain things or even what sort of equipment they have so i mean it's nice for them to include them of course when you're talking about keeping the country safe you're going to want to talk about the people who go out and you know sort of bring the fight to the enemy to make sure that they can sort of keep those things under wraps they've conducted nearly 1400 airstrikes across iraq and syria is second only to the united states the british effort is based at raf akratiri in cyprus from there eight tornado gr4s and six typhoons fly their missions there is also a fleet of reaper drones based in the gulf nice it's not just about dropping bombs crews are also tasked with gathering intelligence the team on the ground scouring everything that comes in there's some cool glasses i wonder what they do every time the jets go up they are joined by voyager the military version of the airbus a330 this refueler makes the fight against is possible pilots can come for a refill up to three times on a sortie keeping them in the air for seven hours other nations jets also get fuel from voyager which allows the combined coalition force to fly missions around the clock okay that's badass it's a good capability to have oh is this the un but this isn't the only operation on cyprus for decades british soldiers have been helping to keep the peace on the island they patrol the buffer zone between the turkish and greek sides as part of the united nations operation the 180 kilometer belt of land was finally fenced off in 1974 following a ceasefire it marks the front lines of the turkish and greek armies troops from seven regiment raw logistic corps are currently deployed they patrol unarmed checking no one is breaching the terms of the ceasefire i mean i mean okay i mean if they are breaking the terms and they can't really do too much about it if they don't have weapons but i have no idea what this is about i mean i'm not really too savvy on the history of like the mediterranean area and you know turkey and they're talking about a ceasefire but it seems like there's still some sort of hostilities because you know the u.n keeps people there but i'm not exactly sure i need to look more into this specific situation but i don't really know i don't know how much the u.s does as far as like the u.n because i don't know any army units or any marine units that support like the the u1 specifically in some places the buffer zone is a few kilometers wide others just a few meters many of the buildings show signs of the fighting yeah i'd say so nothing has really changed here since it stopped the only new editions emblems of the different regiments who've patrolled these streets the un says there are around a thousand incidents a year in the buffer zone from guns being fired to name calling the fighting ended 40 years ago and as yet no official peace deal has been signed oh that's a lot talks continue did not know that at all there is a role the british military has been doing for even longer it happens here way out on the yorkshire moors this is raf failing dale's radar station where every minute of every day there is a team looking up on our behalf in case there's a nuclear attack it looks intense this is the space operations route this is where we carry out both our primary and secondary mission primary being ballistic missile early warning so essentially when missiles are launched we will track them the second mission of space surveillance making sure we know satellites are where they're supposed to be and they're not doing anything they're not supposed to throughout the day we get them this uh what we call a raft job which is basically a bus timetable for satellites um so these are the objects that we're interested in what i've put up here is a uh that's really cool the orbit for the international space station uh it comes up as object two five five four four the iss is obviously a huge object so so if if we missed that object we've done something very wrong but yeah so that's really cool like i'm a huge fan of like space stuff and everything like that so being able to track all these different satellites sounds like a really interesting job now i'm not exactly sure it seems like this is like the raf doing this that sounds like a really dope job i mean it sounds like it could get very monotonous but i don't know just seeing just being more connected to the stuff that's out in space just sounds kind of cool the smaller objects are the ones that we're we have a bit more interesting they're tracking around 40 000 objects in space only about 2 000 are working satellites so they are looking out for potential collisions but also where new satellites could go the ballistic missile threat kind of captures the public imagination because most people live for it for the cold war and understand what it means i think trying to explain to people that denial of space would take away some of the basic things they've come used to these days no facebook no social media probably has a bigger impact but they probably just don't really connected with what's happening in the space but the primary mission remains providing early warning of a nuclear strike they train hard and often so they're ready to see what their training looks like that's what's happening here at the moment the satellites picked up a large heat source from a missile launch or space launch they're preparing now just in case it generates a site report which is a launch predicted impact for a missile and the guys at the front they're talking to uk and american high authority to make sure they're receiving fine and dale's data falling down report result valid for two missiles acknowledge ctf 345 acknowledge uk spock so that'll be the the launch point and the predicted impact point and the times the missile is expected to impact on the ground wow so you can imagine they have some pretty solid equipment to be able to track all of that i'm not really sure i wonder if they can track like the the point of origin to see where it came from if they can track the the trajectory and where it's going to be landing i can imagine that they can track the point of origin but yeah i mean that's a that sounds like a really cool job and it seems like they definitely work with a lot of different people and even different countries and i'm sure they work with like other like three-letter agencies in the us if they're sort of doing this this sort of cross training but again this is one of those jobs that you would and you would not expect you would not think about whatsoever until you actually you know can you can you can actually see the importance of it and of course your job seems very important east one two two decimal zero two earliest time zero nine three six five one those computers historically those computers look super old though i don't know this video is a couple years old but those computers look like they're from like the late 90s or something but i guess that's just military hardware doesn't really have to look that great i guess the threat came from soviet russia and elsewhere once again it is the russians keeping our armed forces busy [Music] russian planes repeatedly buzz nato airspace a modern threat the raf is ready for there have been jets on standby in the uk every single minute since the battle of britain in 1940 that's badass this training exercise shows how quickly they react when it really hits home you can imagine they're going to take it seriously in minutes they are alongside a private jet which is off its flight plan if this were real and the jet refused to divert the typhoon pilot could be ordered to shoot it down dang makes sense but sucks for the pilot english channel it is the russians once again demanding attention hms7 drops its role as fishery protection to help we were tasked by the navy to intercept a russian landing craft or landing ship that was returning from the mediterranean and heading back uh we believe towards its homeport in russia we decided about 12 miles and we closed in and put the ship just to stern so behind the russian ship had about a mile to follow her up the english channel the royal navy regularly conducts escort duties as part of our responsibility to protect uk warfaces at the i like how they call it escort they're just trying to make sure that they keep the pressure on them and make sure that they're not doing anything crazy but that seems like a cool job it seems like he takes it pretty serious but at the same time he's not too worried about it because i'm sure he sees this a bunch of the of the encounter with her we have a tradition that warships salute each other that's cool so when we departed the escort uh we conducted a sail past of the of the russian ship and we also hoisted an international signal code code uniform whiskey which wishes them a safe onward voyage but the russians sailed on without responding that's rude i mean there's definitely a certain thing with the uh the us navy or not not really the u.s navy with all navies in general how they have like this mutual respect for each other i know when i think i don't know when it was but there was like a disaster with a russian submarine i think it caught on fire and a lot of the sailors actually ended up dying but there's like a mutual respect and understanding for you know how crappy that can actually be so it's i don't know it's a weird thing you'd have to be in the navy or be around the navy to sort of understand that mutual respect so it's kind of messed up for them to not to to not return that favor and everything so this was a cool video again it really gives you like insights to things you wouldn't even consider and again i'm sure there's a bunch of crazy stuff in the u.s that i'm not really savvy on but i'm sure there's a lot of other crazy stuff in the uk and throughout the world that you know they try and keep it a little more underwrapped so they gave us a little bit of a spotlight for some of those units that you don't really hear about but i mean it's cool it gives you a good insight to everything that's going on behind the scenes things that you wouldn't really appreciate unless you saw it in a video like this and of course forces tv does an awesome production so it's cool to see all these different all these different units and see how they actually do things and how they actually train and what their actual purpose is because if we didn't really see their purpose or their training then the public might not understand it still so this is a cool recommendation and i'm glad they made this video because it really gives you that uh that appreciation for some of those smaller jobs but yeah let me know what you guys think about this if you learned something then uh throw that in the comments section if there's anything else that this video didn't really highlight and you guys just want to throw that in the comment section as well you know from any country i know finland has like a bunch of underground stuff and i'm about to check out a video about that but there's a bunch of other crazy stuff going on throughout these other countries that people don't really know about but they definitely serve their purpose and it's cool to get a little bit of a highlight or insight into all of this and of course it's always cool to check out these things that i wouldn't be thinking about checking out anyway so let me know what you guys think in the comments section i do appreciate you guys watching the video but that is it for this one so i will see you on the next one
Channel: Combat Arms Channel
Views: 666,576
Rating: 4.887567 out of 5
Keywords: who, defends, britain, keeping, keeps, country, safe, marine, american, us, reacts, reaction, royal, queen, queen's, guards, raf, air, force, combat, arms, channel, army, military, defense
Id: UljHM-TzE1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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