British footballers react to World Cup memes!

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We're back! And we're pleased that you're back. I don't know whether you guys heard, but there's a World Cup on. Really? I don’t think I’ve missed a game. Wow, you watched every game? Even at work. I've got a telly set up, the other side of the table. You know this is recorded, right? Yeah, no, it's alright. Today we're going to be taking a quick look at some World Cup memes. Oh, okay. First up. Watching the World Cup. Oh God. That's bad. Oh my God, I just got it. There's a World on the cup, yeah? Because it’s a cup and there’s a world, you get it, yeah? Do you know what? It took me a while. I know. Is this what you're doing at work? I'm so confused right now. What are we supposed to be doing? World. Cup. Oh! Are you serious? American sports fans trying to work out why there's more than one country represented at the World Cup. Probably because they think it's called soccer. There you go. See, in American sports, they call themselves world champions if they win at a national competition. I know. I'm a big NFL fan, so I take offence to that. They're actually embarrassing. Some of the headlines. Nah, some of the headlines, man. What was that? We drew 0-0 and they're celebrating. Yeah, I mean that there. What is that? USA beat England, 0-0. That's what it felt like, though, because we know we should have won. Didn't they actually have headlines in one of their papers? For drawing 1-1. I think so. They want to beat us so bad. They want to beat us so bad. I'm just happy we didn't lose to them, to be honest. We might have ended up calling it bloody soccer. - It's called soccer. - Not having it. Sorry. Not having it. I think he should get out of the Premier League for that. Wow. Really? It's called football, yeah? We don't go over to them with NFL and start saying it's "throw, catch, run." And occasionally punt. England football supporter told to put shirt back on, to avoid encouraging any lust in Qatar. I thought that was me for a minute. That's something you see on the big screen, isn't it? Everyone's like, uhhhh. Imagine seeing yourself on that screen and everyone's going, uhhhh. He kinda looks like a newborn baby, covered in tattoos. Yeah. Look at that, bruv. Look at that, can't you see it bro? No. What's going on there? Who's photoshopped that? That's a pretty decent job, to be fair. Carrying Portugal... Carrying France... Carrying Poland... Carrying Germany. Justice! Okay. Justice. I love that one. I love it. I love that one. It's funny because they're on the plane home. Oh is that it, I didn't get it. For everyone who isn't English and watching this video, Germany have knocked England out of the World Cup. On penalties. And Euros enough times. If you're going to talk about it, Can we talk about the ghost goal that Frank Lampard scored. That didn't count and would have changed the whole game. We would have won the World Cup that year. So there's been a build up. Nothing against German people. No. It's just the football. It gets serious. Now that's incredible. I think that's my favourite one so far. 1.8 millimetres wasn't it? Was it? It was still in. That's how close Germany was to staying in. That's mad. Now they know how we feel though, remember? Exactly. It's true. Justice! I think it has to be in play still, because they can be sued or anything if they can't prove... Thing is, FIFA is obviously such a reputable organisation. Exactly! That's a very very good point. They can't have their reputation dragged into the mud. Can't lose the World Cup... Oh, that's it, innit. Can't lose the World Cup if you're not in the World Cup. That's smart. Quick thinking. I said the same about Uganda. Scotsman, Irishman with a Welshman walk into a bar. There would usually be an Englishman in this story, but he's still at the World Cup. We're going all the way as well. Oh. Yeah. Everyone in Wales and Scotland watching England vs Senegal on Sunday. Today I feel African. They want them to lose that bad. How was that flight home, boys. He actually did write that. Went up there and thought, yeah I'm going to say this in front of everyone. He read it back to himself first and went, this sounds brilliant. I'm going to be changing lives with this speech. It's almost like FIFA is an insane organisation that he is the head of. No comment. With this haircut, it would have been his goal. That's my goat, man. I can't. No, I'm going to say I've always been Team Ronaldo. Even though I love Ronaldo. Yeah? Are you Team Ronaldo? 100%. Over Messi? I'm a United fan, love Ronaldo. But Messi is different, man. Messi is different. I love Ronaldo to the death, you get me? Ronaldo, I like him more than Messi, but Messi is a better footballer. Do you think he was lying? Yeah. I'm Team Ronaldo. I'd say he was lying as well. Listen, to be the best, you've got to claim everything. Do you think he was lying? 100%. He's trying to break records. Ronaldo fans here so we stand by our goat. Okay. So you think he should have been awarded the goal? There’s a chip in the ball yeah? So they would have had the... Oh, sorry. Yeah, FIFA. Super reputable. Ronaldo's hair for the next game. Yeah, he's gone Fresh Prince ain't he. Ghana making time-wasting substitutions when they need 2 goals. Just to ensure Suarez is eliminated. You see that there? Deserved! Why? Listen, that day I was Ghanaian. Fair play. I like that. I was a big big fan of that. What Suarez did to Ghana. He deserved it. So you wouldn't do that yourself? Oh yeah, I would do it, but I haven't done it. So, there’s a difference. Do you know what? I’d do the exact same thing for my country. What, Suarez? Absolutely. Everyone's calling him a cheater, but it's not cheating because... He didn't miss the penalty, did he? He got the right repercussions for it. Punishment for it. And he didn't miss the penalty. That was Jan. But it's not very sportsman-like though, is it? It's terrible. It's not, but... It's not sportsman-like. For country though. For the badge. Would you also bite someone for country? - I wouldn't. - That's a bit far. I'm not going that far. He basically bites and cries. He's literally a baby. He is a baby, yeah. He actually is. Trying to stay awake for the 40th minute of added time. That's true. You know when the clock goes over 100? Yeah. That's when it's a long day. I mean, I was quite enjoying it because it's more football, That I could watch while I was at work. 4th official calculating added time this World Cup. I don't understand why there's so much. I think as a player you've been in situations where you're in injury time. And it feels like a long time. I always ask the ref, is your watch broken? After 30 years of hurt, football is finally coming home. It's been 56 years. It's been 56 years. It's been 26 years since that song came out. Is it coming home though? Yes. It is. Yeah, I don't think England's got a chance personally. Okay. Wow. If they beat France they’ll win it. - It’s coming home. - Brazil are winning it. - No, it's coming home, man. - Sorry. You have to speak it into existence. It's coming home. Yeah? If you don't believe, then it won't happen. It's like fairies. All fairies, man. Tooth fairies, Peter Pan's fairies, everyone. Yeah Tinkerbell. I kind of meant football fairies. That's what we need. It's coming home. See? My boy, yes. Oh look at that. Okay. And that is a wrap.
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 1,423,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, guest, memes, Gentleman, Brits, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, fire, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, review, taste, test, steven lim, watcher, travel, sorted food, highschoolers, meme, tiktok, weird, rappers, actually good, paris, london, L.A., mcdonalds, michelin, crazy
Id: Uq91xmjFT1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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