British Army's bold move to revolutionise initial training for recruits

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Soldier training has been given a shakeup British Army recruits scattered across every UK training center now follow the same 13-week program under the soldier Academy syllabus and it's been designed to match the way modern recruits learn so I think one of the key aspects of the new common military syllabus is to make it much more Progressive so we talk about a sort of Craw walk run philosophy to make sure that we're not we're not losing too many um recruits at the beginning of the process obviously everyone's aware of the recruiting challenge that the defense but the Army is also facing at the moment so we don't want to lose any recruits unnecessarily so this is really about um a gradual progression as they then adjust to being in the military the instructors have been trained to understand how to nurture and Mentor as opposed to just train understand what it is to be a recruit not from when they were recruits but what a recruit is expecting now today in the in the 21st century all the recruits get issued iPads now um on those iPads they give us different feedback on What's called the my training app so daily and weekly they can record a reflective diary um how they're feeling how much sleep they're having how fatigued they are and the section commanders can individually see this um and actually give feedback they may not often feel confident enough to come forward and tell people and that's a personal onetoone thing just between the Corporal and that recruit which they can help them with which is really beneficial the element do I found most difficult was their ranges acmt with their shooting they're standing unsupported position yes it was really tough for me but as time goes on they taught me how to handle the rle get the right position and then get the right Target and then shoot it right now if you give me a rifle and you ask me to shoot whatever Target I will get it for you we came out of it and then I can say I'm a good sold now yes I struggled with a bit of timekeeping organizational skills uh on Civ Street you don't really have much like timings to keep to Etc cbrn chemical biological radio nuclear training it was a struggle for me you have to put on the Max and then shout guys G guys the training teams did a really good job of like getting you prepared for those while standards haven't changed there's now more flexibility for those looking to transfer between cap badges and rolls after the training and closer attention is paid to those falling behind before the 13 weeks is starting we've even now created something called a soldate development course that will take individuals that we've identified during the assessment center process of the recruitment that may struggle with physical development may have some behavioral issues or even some functional skills that probably don't quite meet the the threshold that we know they need to be at to succeed in the 13 weeks we'll invest in that individual to bring them up to the start standard and then they'll go through the 13we syllabus we're able to take them out of training invest them in a bit more whether it be physical development or even some of the military aspects and then allow them then to come out dock back into training maybe a couple of weeks later so that they actually are then able to still meet the standard but really at the pace of which they're able to learn the structure of this training is regularly updated the Army watching threats around the world and working out how its people can measure up Tom Sables forces news thanks for watching for more from forces news like And subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Forces News
Views: 135,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forces News, Forces TV, British Armed Forces, British, Forces, military, serving, military personnel, Ministry of Defence, British defence, British military, Soldier Academy, Pirbright
Id: LFyEq3_GFC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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