Commando: On The Front Line | Episode 3 (Military Training Documentary) | Real Stories

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[Music] the young raw recruits of 92 for troop training to be Royal Marine Commandos and just 20 weeks away from the frontline in Afghanistan but the troupe have already lost 25 recruits and are struggling as individuals and as a team to cope with the heavy demands tonight I join them as they're taught how to survive behind enemy lines getting captured is not [ __ ] an option the people we fight and not interested in taking prisoners you get caught you are [ __ ] on a diet and I watch as they get to kill for the first time [Music] you can rent it the chance of getting wet born right down right down don't be shy with living water for the recruits of nine to four troop training is getting harder they are being extended in ways they could never have imagined if it's not wading through ice-cold pom duck to their necks it's breathing noxious CS gas and chemical warfare training not something you would do just for the hell of it first you don't feel so like too bad and after a fight through saying what you got to say also it just hit you in your eyes start Wolverine and it shows you that these actually do work they were wandering around edge briefing normal with your gas mask on soon as you take it off it's like straight onto your face to button like I've heard most people say it was it was still hard to feel yourself choke there's a lot of things bad for your not getting shot but I don't shoot you today the training is getting more advanced but the recruits are still struggling with the basics like working together and timekeeping you're late twice yesterday - my instructors not once but twice okay you're letting the standard slip in terms of being there on time we do not have time in the second phase training to be chasing you up for being late okay when we tell you to be somewhere and without five minutes before you are ready to go with all your and equipment now I'm going to conduct some quick changes and all of the you get used to and are reminded that you can get ready in two or three minutes when we tell you to when I say go you're to parade outside in immaculate fists get ready for bottom field you have three minutes no doubts the recruit would much rather be abseiling down cliffs with daggers between their teeth but before they can do that sort of thing they have to show they can obey orders and do so double quick [Music] okay Calvin no lieutenant Orlando Rogers the troop commander is now a robust disciplinarian but that wasn't always the case well working before I joined the wrong Marines I was like yours are reprobate I was a bit of a problem child and far too much energy to hyperactive and then needed something to channel my energy ended up running away from home a couple of times ended up in foster care and then one time on Dartmoor definitely a good one I wasn't allowed to go horse riding so I ran away from my mum across Dartmoor hid behind a rock National Park wardens came to look for me police came to look for me and then all of a sudden I was camouflaged behind this rock police helicopter came over the horizon and started hunting for me I'll run away and out more and there that was me in foster care and off to boarding school get inside IMF go and then the social worker said right you need to do something with your life you know start doing something so where I started doing judo and then join the raw marine reserves when I was 16 years old as early as I could and then join the Marines for after that has been a focus really for my energy and I think too often people dismiss problem children is going nowhere and do nothing with lives and I think in my case it's probably just misdirected energy and yeah a few problems but no it's good now all good it's all come good simple equation if you are there on time you join the witness enclosure if you are not you know now when I say go three minutes we get into the immaculate drill rig [Music] quick changes as a punishment are on course a double whammy not only do the recruits have to do the changes the slow is getting press ups than their pains but tonight they'll all have to rely on everything they've put on [Music] do not let it slip again further on in training will you'll be doing this every lunch so do you understand okay fellows that is that cereal over well what now is everyone on the landing go not touch me Williams though they don't know it some of the recruits are already earmarked for a troop commanders warning the first step towards being kicked out of the truth so just as the training is stepping up some of the recruits could be in for the big fall as the training steps up there's less and less room for failure especially in things like fast roping Royal Marine Commandos are invariably the first troops on the ground in any conflict often they will land by sea but other times from the air they use this all the time on live operations in Iraq and Afghanistan just to get as many troops on the ground as quickly as possible do you think two helicopters or two ropes on either side with two dispatchers or something like that and get pretty much a troop out in there under a minute or so which is that pretty good going fast roping is an individual skill but it has to be done as a team technique is crucial and timing split-second the faster a troop is down the greater the likelihood of overcoming the enemy hey guys you need to make sure you've got that speed so you don't end up getting the old model in the face for fast roping as for all aspects of practical combat the success of the group depends on everyone working together one fails and in training if one person consistently Falls sort of standards they'll find himself on official warning okay your recruitment sir I am do six five four five four kilo who on the 19th all right you know what you hear I spoke to you last week about your troop commanders warning okay sir integrity this recruit had insisted he'd watched one morning but his bone-dry flannel told another story read out my troop commanders warning to you croutons the main problem I have with your flannel incident is your blatant unquestionable lying making a state is human having the balls thrown up to it however is decency and basic integrity you must understand in the nature of your chosen career honesty is vital also remember the treat the team have been through training as well stop trying to [ __ ] us if you [ __ ] up like I sold you time and time before you stick your hand up you take it on the chin like a [ __ ] man like the team isn't all we require come inside here you rectify those things you would take a freak come on his warning nothing more what we said okay at one time or another most recruits will find themselves and warning integrity or the lack of it is one reason but another is failure to keep your kit up to scratch or your weapons in working order seems you haven't passed one of these inspections yet well sure it is suggest you put more time in there for him otherwise you're not destined to be a role - commander okay you're saying you are on my warning for exceptionally poor admin the rusty weapon rack is very on your Flash Eliminator okay failure to do your admin again in such a manner will probably result in you being charged okay having a rusty weapon to the extent that yours wars is a chargeable offense further on in training if that was on file exercise I've known recruits get charged six 300 200 pounds having the weapon that rusty okay listen and also answering back to one of my instructors I was stood there and it was more than questioning the detail because you're unsure of it there's a slight hint of attitude and the recruits around you were sighing in a kind of oh that's gonna be painful type of way okay anything else for me Williamson no sir Williamson and you're gonna be a warning and for two months we're not going to [ __ ] pick on you for the rest of training we're not gonna be watching you for the rest of the training if you fix these points you'll be off true come on is warning I'm happy with that balls in your court that's all you have to do what here copy off salute thank you that tune there you go official warnings recruits live in fear of them an irresistible temptation for the training team to have a bit of fun sometimes Lee Smith is one of the strongest recruits in the troop and has never put a foot wrong he currently has a rash and been given permission to shave something is now everyone else outside is untrue come on is warning so why do you think you're here but your admin this week you put Smith has been not to stand it okay numerous weapon drills and finally we just finished off for me this week as a factory of unshaven today paracord Smith you know the morning routine you know the standard required and come on a training center and you've failed to do that okay as a result you're gonna be on a tree quite as a warning for one month the crew stress that's it in the end of the world just a bit pissed off for your attitude in a minute happy so anything [Applause] goes up a notch in my book Batman that's all this week and the reason we did that news because we need if I can take it don't bang me I am that's cruel I wanna be able to sleep tonight no I'm still [ __ ] shaking honest self what on earth well done you said to me he said like you're working directly [ __ ] even you haven't [ __ ] shaved yesterday or today and I'm thinking I so I'm looking out for myself I sweat and say I didn't look anywhere but I've caught a corner of my eye could see one of the corporals I thought surely he's got a I've told him why I didn't shave yeah cuz I've got a rash I've got some I don't know way isn't his spread so I'm like I don't know [ __ ] hell and I'm just [ __ ] myself no more he went on the more I started to shake and then he just went anything from the corporal's and he just looked at them and they all started laughing they fought with his [ __ ] hilarious wife's a [ __ ] I said and you marry one then you die [Music] but by the center quick watch the Royal Marines Association X Royal Marines and proud recipients of the Green Beret are meeting at the commander training base to celebrate their Diamond Jubilee the recruits of 94 troop have come along to meet men who years back would have done much the same training but they've started to do themselves [Applause] [Music] David on telly yes yes holman Thank You Billy and carry the Royal Marines Association now fourteen thousand strong was established in 1946 to help raw Marines resettle and find jobs after the Second World War and allow them to maintain contact with the Corps on the principle that once a marine always [Music] well the in Aiden I will shut in no worry dips on the left leg and also the right leg and lost the left leg and since then there are lots of problems will it put up so yeah my father was four seven come on load you in the wall my granddaughter Marie you could be lucky you could go right through your services indeed 22 years and cause the other end we're not a thing wrong we're all you decide the coin you'd come out like me or shorten both legs and in a place called the Duke son you've ever been allowed was it against his mob my up or skunks Wilson who's the radio operator he got killed immediately then they went for me shop made walk legs because when I got shot I didn't move I laid still for a moved exactly gunshot wounds in the right name chakra wounds the both arms could be incoming it made me more stronger to go through life I'm 62 year old I've been a public over 25 years with my wife Christine I've been a stunt man for motion pictures so I've had a goal and the Royal Marines give me this incentive to go through life blow yourselves now look at yourself when you do not look trained or reopen on a night fire it's all come for you you'll get strong me a good fit we get breathe why don't you look at the Royal Marine Commandos with your new family it's a big family it goes on forever even when you die you still remembered they're all in the tool shed if I want to see my mates name ago I gone in the church I won't look at his everybody if it does gets killed in action you know so you're not forgotten so the big family now he is not your family at all or by all means think your family at home like I did but think is a bigger family the bigger picture now is the Royal Marine Commando just listen to the stories and I know sorry we got free now with I just by site religion it just goes out the window sort of a you know that way you come from oh really really [Music] you know 50 years [Music] yeah it's like what the guy was saying down there about it all being a big family it's just incredible like so inspirational meeting them and hearing the stories and stuff really really motivated all of us I just talking to him it's just incredible yeah just a thing like just all the hard times and stuff that you go through and just think what they've done just puts things into perspective a little bit makes us want to crack on the training support tree what does that mean what does it mean okay the board tree is excessive sensual indulgent that's what that means fellas is what all I expect you to be doing over this leave it's a long weekend and their recruits after another week of grueling training and punishments I'm looking forward to a couple of days I've realized you've changed individuals you've got home you'll get pissed off when your family can't irons the same standard you can when your brothers and sisters don't clear that plates after you when your city mates do things you think is particularly dropping and particularly sitting like okay oh I'm so close to freedom but a recruit has left his mobile on a price will have to be paid the dreaded gecko bastards 30 of them and no one will be allowed out of the gates until he's finished every last one of them 494 trip Monday we'll come round Alton fast and it'll be the start of the hardest most grueling week of their training so far and one that will push the recruits to their limits in ways none of them could even begin to imagine [Music] [Applause] [Music] ninety-four troupe back from home leave and the associated comforts are about to be dropped in the middle of Dartmoor for an entire week living rough they'll be deprived of sleep food and warmth and pushed to the limits of their endurance but at least they're getting a ride out there but to get there lovely lovely what more can you ask coach I've got a advantages coach means you can get an hour sleep and we're gonna get much sleep I'll be ok fellas listen in the dharma is quite harsh environment to operate in you start to see the signs of hypothermia numbness dizziness lethargy and your friends pale clammy skin notify one of the members of the training team but fellas that's why we [ __ ] trained you there isn't it you can have a get in da war pissing rain in the middle of the night then [ __ ] me you can pretty much do it anywhere the system we employ in the Marines is called the buddy-buddy system my buddy him I'm his buddy will look after them beer in operations or be in a pub brawl you know you've always got to be thinking about your Oppo because when it gets more serious and your own operations constantly the forefront of your mind is where's my buddy he's been there for me through thick and thin and now you look after me I think that's why people are so much closer in the forces you know like a brother almost because you entrust people with your lives and that's what you've got to do you've got to trust people so much that you'll do anything for them likewise they'll do anything for you especially when the [ __ ] yes the family again shot out in Afghanistan another Royal Marine was killed this week 20 who's died in the fighting in Helmand this year there is napier making any progress Afghanistan is to come right now though it's the wild of darkness some of the most treacherous and inhospitable terrain in the British Isles like this place is going to be quick no reason why you guys shouldn't be able to keep up with us happy for three days they practice navigational skills taking it in turns to either read the bearings or to count every step in order to measure the distance they travel change overnight then if they don't start working as a team they're gonna find the days ahead very very tough indeed lovely scene I can say about my shoulders what lovely scene the recruits are learning here on Dartmoor could very well save their lives when they go on operation yes this and these survival skills they've already been taught got one hit I'm making this fire you want to make sure it works so yeah what else do having our survival to their cotton ball all right yeah frontline commandos carry the most unexpected survival AIDS no sound Paul itself okay these can be a bit troublesome to get open however a brute force tends to do the trick see how much cotton balls coming out of this everyone after that that's why we carry on that okay what guys is ill Swedish fire still okay it's got 12,000 strikes in it obviously now it's just a question of getting the cotton wall let's catch thanks purely just an upward motion again you got five obviously now we got fire we're gonna start doing the old cooking from it they're gonna start boiling water aren't we're gonna start getting a close in and around it it's one of the integral parts of surviving check play so far have we done we've done eight and a half hundred meters between eight hundred and fifty meters yeah it's a fair [ __ ] guess all right as you can see it's hard isn't it keeping pace it's okay having adjusted to it I'm maintaining direction through heavy vegetation it's not gonna be 100% but you're gonna be there or thereabouts commanders must be completely self-sufficient carrying everything they need to survive and of course to fight the enemy also essential in a battle zone is the ability to move over rough ground carrying heavy loads of a hundred pounds or more Marines are famously expert at this they call it jumping get a move on fellows it's just a marine skill in for it time and time again the Falklands 90 miles in three days okaying all the kit equipment and the the Argentinians and their battle-plan ruled out that angle of attack said no one could get from there to there there's no no physical we're doing it q unit Marines over the over the hill hang up to 90 miles in three days people say hours it's no point now you got helicopters you got transport cook sure was eggs are eggs the helicopters to go down transport breaks gets reallocated in the only way it's a mark 1 leather personnel carrier from A to B that's why I do it what fellas go move on why is this section lagging behind far more than the other sections a little bit of balls it would grit determination yeah part of a tradition in the core that we jump places we've got kitchen equipment the rest of the troop about half a kilometre in front of us now pick up the pace fellows the way I always say to people when I'm showing them about survival shelters than that you don't see natives in any sort country living in [ __ ] 14 - you do see people living in these yeah Native Americans have lived in wigwams for thousands of years cuz they [ __ ] good bits of it the survival techniques they're taught have been perfected in the field by the always anonymous Special Forces yes it Mike what you gotta remember here lads is this is you out in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere you're in a hostile country but it's [ __ ] a remote part of that country that case the decisions yours if you can have a fire right if I was in Iraq and I got [ __ ] left in the [ __ ] I wouldn't [ __ ] like anything not even a cigarette brainless Raylan but he's your [ __ ] tactical survival shelter when it's people [ __ ] want to kill you that is a shell scrape that you could dig with your hands any sort of recess in the ground if it's just a little [ __ ] dent in the ground that you could put some sort of roof over flat so that people walk past that looks flat on it and all you do is get in there in the daytime you lie there and you're just [ __ ] [ __ ] by the side of you you're pissed by the side of you whatever you re in is scratch that other people [ __ ] there or it's the old dead [ __ ] rat that's on the floor you're on the bones of your ass once you start [ __ ] crawl out of it [ __ ] off and you do your night yawn and the big thing you need to take away from [ __ ] training it fellas is if you get picked up forget all the more films you've seen with you get put in Appeals order you camp they [ __ ] don't happen anymore you get locked up in someone's [ __ ] house in their [ __ ] basement you spend a few weeks getting [ __ ] videos but then you get your [ __ ] it off people we fight and not interested in taking prisoners if you get caught you are [ __ ] gone to die everyone happy with that commandos are trained to deal with any conditions any weathers and most of them can be found on Dartmoor cost you anything there's nothing around there's nothing's go off and our distance there's told us we should be here now right then want everyone to do now I have a look at the way the land is gone and the land that we've covered do what you think you are okay who's that after three days on the moor virtually no sleep the recruits now have to do their first night navigation by themselves aiming for checkpoints man by the training team five patrol jump into the freezing darkness on the road around Dawa I'm just cutting them out now but to do make mistakes rather on the road this time and they're gonna work out what to do and how to get around it and get to the next checkpoint it's pitch black and the recruits can see virtually nothing [ __ ] you just jumped off a gate in London around the corner state to look at their maps they use a torch shown through the top of a thumb any further illumination money every time I just put it on and just go drink that much more funny and may slow down and when you slow down and more funny me cause more injuries and it's just a downward spiral events that way yeah me too we won't stick on the berry double check out that we get [ __ ] lost now fooling games after five hours some of it being lost in the thickening night fog the sex will make it back just before 1 o'clock the cutoff time man no you staying cold nearly two hours after the cutoff time 10 men are still out on the moor the training team back from the moor themselves starting to worry right now these nuts about no sleeper now are pretty much walking zombies but I'm gonna tell them to dig deep within themselves and find their uh pose on Dartmoor I was lost an adult more I've broken my leg I'd like to think that my buddies were coming regardless if they were tired cold hungry and had no sleep at all I'd like to think in the back of my mind yet someone will come for me I have every faith in their ability in they will come and they will find me which means somewhere out on Dartmoor we've got plan to the worst case scenario they're looking for and down a hole and they're injured and they can't get back there so as a result what we're gonna do we better head out and we're gonna sweep and through the area that just works on with a headlight with our head torches on whistles blowing an extended line fingers crossed we'll find them with ten recruits missing what was an exercise is now a genuine search-and-rescue operation with darkness with : sea freezes therefore all we need to find on quickly [Applause] in the last 10 years 30 people died on [Music] 1914 have gone almost 72 hours without sleep and next to no food now on a mission to find their friends they are indeed at the limits of their endurance but must keep searching for as long as it takes the following morning and still no sign of the lost Patrol now at first light they're heading out again but only those were not too exhausted I can't afford to take people that I don't some liabilities no no it's not my own ice things he's talking with the guys here comrade he started now won't we leaving him behind will we caught which is a good thing cuz obviously we do pride ourselves I'm not leaving anybody behind after an hour of searching Terry thinks you've seen a movement but can't be sure alright there's a dot right on the edge of there I wish you practice I want you to walk with us in the line but keep an eye on that alright yes corporal the patrol heads towards the movement Terry thought he saw sure enough there soon see figures on the horizon but it could just be other searches just in case is another unit [Music] close-in be nice with this tent it's them the lost Patrol hope you had a good night's sleep we've been up all night everybody alright but everyone still you've got to syndicate yeah The Lost Patrol had decided once they realized that they were lost to bed down for the night they put up their bivouacs got in their warm sleeping bags and had a restful night's sleep quite oblivious that their friends were up all night looking for them the phone um started to kick in now so we return to base where everybody wants to welcome back the lost Patrol row marine style one section never just exhaustion Thea shrekt these boots of [ __ ] crafty young Jesus it's about seven point eight five kilometers so our objective let's get the race up after all they've been through the exhausted recruits must still complete their exercise first another agonizing yawn carrying a hundred pound loads and at no time either left with any illusion that this is just a game imagine you're in a survival situation your true powers have just been blown to [ __ ] smithereens by the Taliban on the run somewhere and you're absolutely exhausted you haven't slept for a day two days three days you are gonna be absolutely who plaid that's when you need to summon your inner strength to work out even which way is north and what the hell is going on it's a bit the taster there for you of how exhausted you may well be one day when you're in operations okay one night's sleep we didn't get there mate it's good now as well to transfer who literally no sleep throughout the night stranger survival exercise the situation they're in now so they're literally fully exhaust have you seen a thing out there so most of them went about this lack of sleep ever in their lives so they're also teach that you can sleep anywhere back of a car seat tucks crank for Turner coach plane or ever the skill that who next to you quite well they've come together as a team and they've hunted for their off those who are lost on Dartmoor I think that in itself has brought them together they've never done anything that hard but now at the end of it they can look back and go actually I could do that again you know it's made them stronger they wouldn't realize it yet when they're out in Afghanistan in the middle of nowhere and it'll yump 20k after having no sleep they'll be like yep I can do that I've done it before and I will do it it's that inner confidence in themselves they know they've done it and they can do it again the recruits dead to the world have but a few minutes respite before they'll be woken with an unexpected and somewhat brutal challenge the exhausted recruits must now prepare to spend one more night living rough with nothing more than the clothes they stand up in and only very limited rations just gonna basically check them make sure they've got no contraband miles bars cigarettes I can then check all the clothing they're quite sneaky at times where they try and hide things but at least they've been promised a meal to remember new tonight a we cooked up yum yum yum rub it in my tum tum tum ate rabbits and they've chickens will be on the menu tonight but the recruits will be doing the cooking anything I'll run it down this side taken their lives only the strong I'm that rabbit to share tonight welcomes probably the most dual part of your training or see the the killing side of it we're going to show you how to kill a rabbit the chicken skin it got it well first thing we need to do is relax the animal all right the way we'd simply do it it's just grab the lakes and swing it backwards and forwards the way we're gonna kill it then is the stick goes around the back of the head you place either feet each side of the head simply pull up layer down either side and off we go all right obviously this is if you let go now this is where the term headless chicken comes from all right sellout Susie all right all that happening is air is the nervous system with commanders there's always a gallows humor to take the edge off a moment a bit of fun you get off finger puppet you got to you can have Punch and Judy shows keep you occupied for the night you killed it what we need to do now start taking the power off it's got a pelt and then the skin simply make an incision to get your fingers in once you get your hand in commandos perhaps on the run behind enemy lines must know how to kill animals as a matter of basic survival not only for food try to keep the pelt intact you can use it for installation or your hats socks whatever and then how it just simply comes off points to be do then is dry that out in the Sun half an hour or so and that'd be good to go to use what you want and there we have Tesco's forest what we need to do now is get the insides out scoop it all out with your fingers all right don't be beef you get right amongst it well you don't waste hardly anything of an animal all right what is that yellow things yep yolk of egg salty good source of protein there so what we've dreck and we could use all this for yep use it as bait for obviously larger animals you dry out that make brilliant cordage so you can sort of make shelters traps and what-have-you all right the daughter is absolutely threaded with me tonight all right when she goes over finds no rabbits Fleming you simply place the rabbit over your leg nice firm strokes all the way from the ass to the is it's the way we kill it is simply a kung fu chop hold it up in the air and you hit it right there back at this behind one chop should kill it as you can see they're dead but just making sure what's good water source from an animal yet the eyeballs 80% water that could keep you going for half a day or whatever pull the eyelid back as far as it possibly go put your teeth beyond the eyeball suck real hard you feel it pop don't chew it alright just swallow it more we're gonna get is an animal between two people right nurse it like it's your girlfriend alright make it feel at home give them a case if they want a case Lovelace but you'd like start finding a branch straightaway for your chickens start stroking your own rabbits alright white start getting the rabbits on your knees over the back of the head feet either side keep an older the legs and did you yank it up do you strike people like that you know to feeling like Juliana [ __ ] out I want to get back tomorrow come on sweet you're right you know [ __ ] really for this chicken the recruits having killed skinned and gutted their supper now report to their instructors with their handiwork the key thing of course is minimum wastage what some of you might think this is an important all right believe you me when you're in a survival situation for real and you're out there for 10 [ __ ] days every single bit of me is gonna be essential to your survival all right full lungs and heart just slung her than flipping gas bag what did I say eat it that yours right and a kidney all right it's tiny it keeps you going for maybe an hour or so just a little bit of protein on earth small points but this is that acceptable right how much meat is on that right loads everyone's telling me that so why have you decided the gas just couldn't be bothered and it was lazy right down beside you taking the piss out of me throwing stuff away Oh laughs you're that you could play a little game called times two minutes behind the lines in Afghanistan you can bet there would be no wastage but here in Devon a little extra encouragement is needed to swallow the lung and heart of a freshly killed chicken and kill animals for the sake of it we come here to teach you become rule Marine Commandos punishment taken the recruits have to make their shelters build their fires and prepare to spend their last night living rough wasn't [ __ ] I enjoy I learn an awful lot as well not the best it's alright we did you gotta make fires let's use those weapons range after a week of extreme challenges it is ironically the one thing that went wrong losing a patrol one bleak night on the moors the seems to have taught the recruits their most important lesson very different I know he can do what I can do and I can be awakened it does you just learn to respect so long really you have to be one in order to go forward I guess we won't go forward we have to like you know try and get to know each other that's way we can I don't know if I'm enjoying this why am i walking down a road and smacks me all on the same [ __ ] so you have a bit more respect for you are spacious and it's obviously I'm saying I can't wait to go out there now oh it's serious when it says sorry la yeah I mean just knowing if let's go you're finally out behind by the last time you say yeah it must be [ __ ] all their lives a finger you can have all the training in the world but there's only one thing that will prepare you for that and that's going on that first time you killed anything hey ya know that first time I've done so not next time on commander it's make or break for Terry Jang on a speed March that he must pass and we meet Bertie car the young officer in training will eventually lead the recruits who make him to Afghanistan [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 96,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: armed services life, battlefield footage, battlefield training, behind the scenes war, combat academy, combat skills development, combat troops, frontline exposure, infantry training, life of a commando, military discipline, military lifestyle, military tactics, military teamwork, real combat training, real-life warriors, soldiers in action, special forces insight, wartime challenges, wartime intensity
Id: sY62mnJHChM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 53sec (2813 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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