Britain's TRUE National Dish

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what's up y'all today I'm going to be trying out Burton's true national dish and those aren't my words those are the words of many others including the restaurant that I ordered this from this is chicken Tika Masala y'all and I'll tell you what this looks mighty fine I've actually had this twice so far on my chirp here been about 2 weeks since I've been here uh once at a pub once Brick Lane you know there's a little Curry mile over there but uh this one I'll tell you what this is looking maybe the best so far it's got the best visual it's got a lot of chicken you might be thinking that seems like a Indian dish what why is that a British dish well uh hopefully some people can explain that better in the comments but it's like pizza you know what I'm saying like pizza originated in Italy but then the immigrants came over to America they did some tweaks to it you know they fiddled with it and came out with what we know as American Pizza think about Dominoes Dominoes is all across the globe and when you think of dominoes what do you think of America or Italy I don't know so it might be up to who you ask but all I know is this looks so good I can't wait to get into it I also got a few other things to accompany this first of all let me show you what I'm working with real quick over here we got what I thought okay I'll be honest I don't know anything about these but I know that they are called Papa um something like that I had never heard of this until I went to Brick Lane and there's a lot of Indian restaurants over there and they asked me if I wanted some I placed my order and then they're like all right doing some Papa Dums I was like what what is that and they said take a look around see the thing that everyone literally in here is eating the cracker thing that's what it is I was like yeah give it to me so that's what this is these are like really thin crackers made out of uh they could be made out of various things not really sure what these specific ones are made out of but when I had it it was like an appetizer they gave me some like Chutes and salsa dip didn't give it to me today so you know it is what it is over here God dang that's looking amazing uh right off the bat look at that color look at that thickness look at all the pieces of chicken that's chunks man oh we also got Basmati by far this is the most piece of chicken I've ever seen in a chicken tikka masala that I've ever had in my life I eat a lot of it in in Korea actually so um really looking forward to that and over here we got an order of n and we got a chapati I think that's how you call I've never actually had this before it's kind of like a flatbread which you might think of naan as a flat birad but uh naan is leavened and this is unleavened so that means this has no yeast in it and this does everything you see here cost me probably a little under 40 bucks um but should be well worth it and I can't wait to dig it let me start with one of these super light I mean you could you get some hang time with this very good got a very good flavor to it if you like chips or should I say crisps you'll like these I mean I you could just eat these on their own like I said when I went to the Indian place I was dipping it but you don't even need to I'm snack on these all day I'm actually curious what it would be like to do a little dip and dab with [Music] this got such a nice flavor Papa Dums we don't have this in Korea as far as I know I've never seen it before so I I've never heard of it but it's [Music] fire Mighty fun let's try out the curry itself the sauce let me show you the thickness the richness of this Curry you can see some of that chicken peeking out already um all right this by far it's some of the best Curry I've ever seen in my life because two fold one like I said all the chicken but also the thickness of this Curry one thing that irks me sometimes when I get an Indian curry at least in Korea the curry is super thin and it almost it's almost like drinking a soup you know what I mean and so you definitely got to load up on the naan and the rice which to be fair I do like that but you almost have to soak it up um to make it you know so it's not like you're eating a soup this I mean that's just a scoop and eat right there I'll just scoop this up and eat it right now by the way I should mention um the place I ordered this from this was the number one most liked thing on the menu so yeah I was really debating where I should order it from and all that stuff but I decided on this one because it was it's got a 4.4 on Uber Eats it's got a 4.4 on Google reviews so and it's the number one most like dish on Uber Eats going in O all right all right let me get some chicken in that let me do a little spoon test that's breaking breaking right apart had to do the mark weams head tilt on that one wow this is what I'm talking about man this is what I am talking about mix it with some rice H okay after the third time I've eaten this um I am drawing some conclusions but these could be false I'm going to need some help in the comments because like I said you know so I grew up in America never really had Indian food I had it once as a kid in New York City don't remember it started eating it a lot more when I went to Korea and it's definitely different over there I mean the Korean Pizza is wild for example it's not really Pizza it's own thing and I was thinking maybe the Indian food could be like that as well but it's really good um this is definitely different from the stuff you get in Korea that's for damn sure for one the amount of chicken and the thickness of it U but also the flavor oh yeah and the and the size of the chunks of chicken in there definitely different the flavor is it definitely has more of a creamy dare I say almost coconut flavor compared to the stuff you see in Korea that stuff is more more just like tomato based I would say more heavy on the Tomato less heavy on the cream less heavy on the of any coconut you'll never find a or I've never found a chicken TKA Masa it in Korea that has any kind of coconut hint to it a very mildly sweet coconut creamy flavor to it which I can't stop eating it it's just so much it's so much different than I'm used to let me try a little bit of this this yep I have a feeling this going to hit yeah you already know all right look at this naan look at that regular naan here plain but it does appear that it is a little bit more than plain in Korea we always have um and you know Korea is not it's not bogus I mean like most I would say most Indian restaurants in Korea the people working there at least the people in the kitchen in my in my experience are Indian so they know what they're doing but they might you know tweak the flavors for the Korean palette um and you'll often see cheese naan you'll see garlic naan you'll see uh butter naan and you'll see plain naan this right here is plain but it definitely looks like a butter na that you would get in Korea definitely has more flavor on its own I really mess with that but I can eat n on own I do sometimes but this right here we all know this is where it's at if you've never shoveled something like this down the gullet before you're really missing out I could shovel that down all day it's weird I I may have mentioned this before but Indian food is one of those things like I said I never I didn't grow up eating it but it's one of those things that it's not an acquired taste at least to me it just goes down it just so it's just so nice let's try this so you might think of this as like Ro or uh I don't know I've never had this so I should try playing first let me really analyze this because this to me it's almost reading like a uh like a tortilla just by the look of it super flat round chipati different V vibe from the nonan um you can definitely tell that it's flatter and it doesn't have that yeast but I will say equally as good of a a vessel it's on par with the nd i I don't know if I've ever seen this in Korea I just go straight for the non come on now that gives me an idea I got to you know oh you already know let's do a piece of chicken in there this is so damn good it's different than the one I had a few days ago the one I had a few days ago was just a big round kind of tostada type of dealio I wonder if I would look like an idiot if I was doing this in an actual restaurant high probability it's like a Indian style Crunch Wrap oh man I think that's the play I think that might be the play right there and then just get a little more scoop of the of the sauce right there can't go wrong um this Curry has zero spice spiciness to it and that probably is because it was invented here in the UK you know I like spicy curries I I did have a vendelo here and that was really good too it wasn't spicy to me like you can get I'll say the Indian curry in curry is just spicier um and I I I do like that I can't be L I can't lie I'm sure there's places here that sell a really spicy vindaloo or other Curry speaking of vindaloo my mate a p from the streets of kingsberry is going to kill me for not getting vindaloo and Cora he like you got to get them you know you got to get those but at the end of the day well for one I found this dish in the Airbnb and I'm like you know I just want to use one this this one dish and I don't know if I could be juggling all these different curries and also I mean this is this is the one chicken Tik Masala I think the legend has it the legend goes that some chap I don't actually there's probably multiple urban legends out there but one of them that I heard was like some chap was like I want chicken Tika right chicken Tika is just this marinated kind of skewer chicken and he thought it wasn't he thought it was too dry and then they threw it into uh some Masala Curry which Masala I don't I think Masala just means like a blend of spices technically could be really anything but uh they threw it in there and then instantly the national dish was born mighty fine though mighty fine Indian food restaurant and whatnot very prolific over here that's one thing I've noticed so far a lot of them and I'm far from an expert I don't really know what's going on but you don't need to know what's going on really if you never messed with Indian curry just go to find a spot and just say hey give me the recommendation that's what I like doing yo I went to this Pub the other day I was real hungry I was like yo they had like a they had like six or seven sides on their menu and I was like hey man uh what do you recommend and dude said it's all Pub grub it's all the same I was like all right well give me the loaded loaded chips I guess potentially the best loaded chips in my life which is wild cuz he was like yeah it's all the same it's all Pub gr I'm like what well if the loaded chips were that good I might have to go back and get everything on the menu people be sleeping what be [Music] sleeping all right let's finish this off before it's too late sorry about the clanging the best thing about naan oh here's a little trick that I I like to employ you always want to save a little bit extra just in case just so you can get every last bit of sauce man fully satisfied I should mention one more thing I've been hearing a restaurant been thrown around a lot Dum d i s h o o m not sure about the pronunciation but like even my buddy back from the states he recommended it to me uh his he his buddy's buddy recommended it to me uh I don't even know the guy it's popping up everywhere I tried to get it U for this video but they didn't have chicken Tika Masala on the video uh on the menu s so I decided to just go with more of a local spot but I'm not let down thee I'll try to hit it up not on video but just I'll try to go there there's a like there's a waiting long wait for it but what do youall think about Dume the locals yall recommend it so yeah there we go the true national dish of the UK I think some stories actually pin this to Scotland perhaps who knows man who really knows but this is uh I who cares it's good just come over here and eat it all right I'm getting out here thanks for watching I'll catch you in the next video peace
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 388,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S_olEeoxnf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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